D. WKINNEY J. ALLISON S. Livia DAVlDEditors M' NKl and Pr rieNEY & CO., optors. TERMS IN ADVANCE.. limns 'Sussanirxruss $1:50 6 IN CLUBS 1.25' " DOLIVIIRID IN XITIIXR OP rns Gnus 2.00 For Two DOLLARS, tee will send by mail seventy numbers and for ONI DOLLAR, tidrty.thrwi numbers. Pastors tending Us %warty subscribers and upwards{ 'Will be thereby entitled to a paper 'without charge. ' -:• • A RED PENCIL MARK on the paper, eigninee g et ta l i ) term Is nearly out and that we desire a renewal., ~.... iteneWals ebould be prompt, a little before I re„ .paymieei Send payments by safe hands, or by mall. -.. . Direct all letters to DAVID 11 1 IIINNIIT & N., Pittsburgh, Ye. [Original.] Abide Y. • whereer I am—at home, abroad, Upon the land or on the esea r Oh Saviourl blessed. Son a:God, Abide with me, abide' tiith me. When faith is weak;•and doubts come nigh, When sin would tempt my soul astray, 'T is then I need thee, then I cry, Abide with me, my Saviour stay. Abide.with me when joys o'erflow, Nor let them make me turn from thee; And aftiiiitl. me in want, in wo, Keeit Olon the nearer then to me. SipUld I be called thro' Sorrow's Vale, . To pass with weary trembling feet, Where grief and pain my heart assail— E'en there, I trust thy Rice to meet. When age comes on, and frail and weak, I travel on life's toilsome way, Sure then I must thy presence seek, And ask thee still with me to stay. And when the race of life is run, My home in heaven prepared by thee, Then let me hear thy words, "`Yell done Thou faithful one—come, dwell with me." S.L.O Old and Young Presbyterian Again. 0. P.--Glad to see yOu- at. our church again. I suppose,- as ;far as the Catechism. had to do with your •coniCieace, you could join with no in singing the praise of God, to-day. Y. P.—Not that fast, quite; our minis ter, Rev. D. D., says we•must have Scrip ture warrant for singing hymns, or we will be following the commandthents of men and not the ordinances of God. 0. P.—Very well; so I say, too. Please give me a Scripture Warrant for confining the worship . of God in his praise to one' book of the Bible. Y. P.—l.did- not think of that; but I suppose there is such a command. will give "you a month to find it, and will now try, to-show you from the Scriptures that we ought to use the whole Bible in the praise of God. Do you think that praising God is a good work I Y. P.—Of course I di), if itislione Scrip turally. 0. P.—l understand you now to say, if we "sing with the ,spirit and the under standing, making melody in our heart to the Lord," that we are doing a good work: Am I right? Y. P.—You are. I think just so. 0. P.—l am glad> to hear` you say so ; we are perfectly agreed on that point.. But have you never read that "all Scripluie is profitable, that the man -of God may be thoroughly furnishedlo every good work 5" Y. P.—Certainly I have; but what of that ? 0. P.—What of thati Why surely this : Praising God, you say, is a good work; and the Apostle says; all Scripture is needful to furnish us for every good work. Thus, 'according to this passage of Scripture, we are not thoroughly furnished for the good work of praise, or indeed for any other good work, without we use the whole Bible for that purpose. This I call a Divine warrant for a Bible Psalmody. By the phrase, "Bible Psalmody," I mean a Psalmody taken froth 'ffuriiiioTe'llible: And I can't see that your Psalmody is rightly call6d Scriptural, when it rejects so much of the Scriptures. lam afraid you take away from that: perfectßook, which is all , needful. But I will wait for your proof. N. Seeking and Finding. "Seek and ye shall find." This is a truth capable of a very extensive applioa tion. It is true always and in almost `all things. ' If a man diligently seeks a thing, he will find it if it be a thing to be found. Let him seek to be a. man of strong faith, and he finds what he seeks, in the very act of seeking. The exercise of faith in the search, for strength makes faith strong. Let a man seek to be heavenly-minded, and the fellowship held with heavenly things in this search, makes him what he sought to be. Or let him seek purity, and the cast ing out and shunning , of all impure things, in this search, actually puts him in possession of the thing he sought. So the truth will apply to the whole range of spiritual gifts and graces; seek them earnestly and you find them; the very seek ing develops them within you.. The truth has another application that we do not generally think of. In, the af fairs of this life a man ordinarily finds what he seeks. Let a man go out among men, seeking and expecting to find knavery, meanness, selfishness, and he will be sure to find them; they ie ground everywhere, and he who is on the look-out for them can not well fail to see them. Let him, on the other hand, go out among his fellows, seek ing and expecting to find honesty, gener osity, and disinterestedness, and ho will find them. A man can hardly be disap pointed in his search in ,either case. There is villainy and honesty, good and bad, among men, and we will find either according as we seek. There is a sort of affinity, too, in villainy to draw villainy to itself, and honesty to draw honesty to itself, as there is among particles of gold in the earth.. Where there is one particle of gold there will likely be two, and where there are two there, will likely be more. Goodness de velops goodness in others, and so a good man will see goodness where a bad man could not, because it was not there for him to see. Evil elicits evil, and let a bad man seek badness in others, and ,he will find it spring up all along his path, elicited—brought to the surface—by himself The good - find good when they seek it, partly -because their very presence develops it. The bad find badness for the same reason. A man goes to an evening party, expect ing to find people:selfish and unsocial; and the whole thing a - bore and it turns out just as he expected; people, are to him. selfish and unsocial—the whole thing is, to him, a bore. A man goes to church on Sabbath, expecting to hear a dull , sermon and witness a formal worship, and,tbe sermon and the worship prove to be just what he predicted it, would be—the one dill], and the other formal. These evil prophesyino-s are almost-always true—to the prophet. ! '" On the other hand, a man goes into church expecting to, be pleased, and he is; intending to be edified, and he is edified; moaning to worship—not witness a worship—and -he finds the wor ship warm and real. There is a way, then, of finding anything you want." If you Want to find things green, put on green spectacles, and every thing is green to you. If you want to find blue things, put on blue ;spectacles, and everything will look blue: If you want to find happiness, look through happy eyes—seek it with a happy heart , and you will find happiness everywhere. If you want to be miserable, leek thrpugli:j aundie ed eyes, and the world and, things will all look miserable enough. - " Seek - and ye shall find." Seek goodness and you'll find For the Presbyterian Banner. For the Presbyterian Banner ... ._. -- - . .. 4 . .4 t. \ , i I ' , kt 4 ; i , ~ , Af- ; 0 - '4 :., . ~.., . . - d' . •:, .., .. . Z. t'' i ° • ,;', 1 > ~,•; V...: " - ' . 1 . -: ' .. . . . . q . . .. ...., ... .... ~....; „..i. ~, . .... ~ . .111 r,„. .. . .- .._ .. . ~. . , , • ...... VOL. VTTT.,y NO., 29: it. If it was not there befOre, your very presence will develop it—goodness elicits goodness, kindness elicits kindness, as the light eliciti life. Seek evil and you'll find it. If it was not there before you, as soon as yOn come on the path, it will spring up, under your' feet, worked to life by your very tiesence and the spirit of your' mis sion. " Unto `the pure - all things are pure ; but unto them - that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled."—Tit:i : 15. H. For the 'P reebyterien Banner. Music and Iltisio Books. NUMBER. 111. A second difficulty of a different char acter, arising out of our imperfect supply of our own music books as 'a Church, meets us as we -would promote the music of the Church. We are left to . go a begging at the doors of other.denommations, or out to the world for material, both of which have been much more provident for their fam ilies than we for ours. In this they have been wise—to be commended not con- , demned. We find the Baptist Harmony,• the, Methodist Harmony, the Episcopal Choir, and a host of minor names for minor persons, in their different families; and who would think of a Roman Catholic , singing. from any but his family book ? We are left to hang upon one of the two horns of this dilemma—to use the mate rial.provided to our hand by some of these various denominations, (and in the Roman Catholic books is found much of the very choicest music,) or to take that provided by the world. If' we prefer the fornier, we cultivate a character of music and musical taste associated withwords impart ing aentiments--all foreign to our views= Church tastes, and interest. And in using them we prepare our youth with' musical taste, sympathy, and sentiments for annoy ing and injuring ourselves,or sending them to these denominations - to enjoy what we have trained them to prefer. This pay, be thought a small matter, but it is far other wise. The writer, in many years teaching and "leading church choirs, has been long since thoroughly' convinced' to the contrary —has witnessed much annoyance from this source in our, own churches, and seen many a Youth, by these instrumentalities, led ert tirely from the Church of their fathers, greatly to the grief of parents and others. If we go to the world for our music, we make a still worse choice, and secure a' far worse • end. The music of our Church every way, has - very much to do . with the church attendance of our: young people after beyond the direct control of parents. If there is danger of our youth becoming contaminated by' sending them to Roman Catholic schools, there is a more insidious danger here, because less suspected 'or •per ceived, and we ourselves using the means, in our own fainilies to effect the end. It was once, at the writer's request, made a matter of grave decision by the venerable Drs. Alexander and Miller, of Princeton, as to whether it would be proper or idola trous for him to use, in teaching their fam ilies music , the words, " Ave Sanctiisiina Ora Pro robis," as placed to that beautiful piece of music, "Evening Hymn to the Virgin," in Kingsley's Social Choir; a 'boat rdlifid thotarrcis - a - eita. Centre tables—who decided it to be en tirelyiniproper, and to enjoy the Use of the music other words were arranged to siiit•it. Music, to have its legitimate effeet, especially upon youthful minds, should be married to its own words, and never di vorced or prostituted. So we find much used by other denominations to their spe cial benefit. This is a principle of asso ciation of immense importance, from which alone we can account for much of the effect produced by such combinations. Who will doubt 'that upon this principle arises all that peculiar effect arid .charm upon both young and old 'of some old camp-meeting piecew; bringing •to mind familiar 'words' and a thousand sympathiei and associations of places and times gone by, borne in upon the soul by the' power of sweet sounds. The moment one word is articulated, all present know the music to" be sung; or one sound struck, all rememb'er the words; men, women, and children, often uncon- - sciously in' motion and tone, join the en chanting..strain ; hence the magic effect, not so , much from the excellence of the music as the power of sympathy and union of act. Who would think of singing for effect, " Say, brothers, will you meet us ?" or "From Greenland's .icy mountains," to any other than their own music ? In all this are seen living lines of instruc tion to us m a Church in regard to our bay ing our own family music, suited to our own taste, and associated with our own peculiar doctrinal and devotional hynins, and the danger of adopting foreign material. If we would give to music its proper place and power in our Church, and properly guard it and our youth in this day of error and in roe&• in every thing, we' should go on principle and known law: of experienee: Said one--" Let me make the ballads of a nation, and others may make the laws." We wish no Unitarianism; Universalism, Spiritualism, or any of the multitude of fa naticalisms of the day introduced to our families. But adopt music" from abroad, and' we open a ready and most, .insidious channel to them all ; noiseless as the gentle stream, but sure. Much of our Calvinistic orthodoxy as a Church 'has been secured to her through her psalms and hymns, treasured in memory in her families by songs of early days, and retained to a ripe old age and dy inghed in their delightful`associations and influences for Christian consolation. The writer has witnessed much of this under various circumstances. He once knew an aged great-grandmother, for nearly twenty years blind to all this world, who would spend hours upon hours during the day, when no one was at liberty to read or converse with -her, and sleepless nights in repeating and singing the ten thousandth time over, in German, the devotional hymns of her youth with great comfort; and at times, in her lonely, sleepless nights her songs of ecstasy upon these precious words would wake the house. In another case an aged servant of God, when so weakened by protracted disease as to be himself unable to either repeat Cr sing his favoiite pieces, or bear the noise of song, he, would, to his very last moments, call for them to be played over. very softly upon a violincella, to revive their hallowed,' associations of truth to soothe and comfort his dying mo ments. • During a pastorate of near twenty Years, in a multitude of cases, has he been re quested to sit by the dying bed of the mem bers of his charge; and soothe their last moments by singing such 'hymns .as "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds!" and the last passing breath of the companion of his life died away to wake in hallelujah to the. Lamb, singing, with his two infantochildren at her bedside ' • "Jerusalem; my happy A home; 0 how I long for thee i" stibject , fraught with so many tender and hallowed interests , to the pious, in life .and. at death cannot-readily attach. to it too muchimporz• tanee in our minds, or' demand qcio 'much attention at the hands •of ,the Church. of Christ. How exceedingly . linportant that p.ITT:SI3VRGTI* I ''sATTJTOIAy;" 4P , ',M4.'. 7,,509. these associations, having so much power' over the min& for life and for , dettthcbet only those of truth, and not error•and fana ticism! How dangerous•that such a pow-: er be left in the hands of the_world ; or er-, rorists, and we adopt Aeir provisions, or. neglect a better! The cup will be full, so. our children's minds; if not with good, it will be evil. The world well understand and appreci- .. ate this whole subject. The stage teems, with it to allure our youth astray; low in sipid the "scene" without music! Many of oar wide-spread secular papers know that, they must head off with a ballad or a Song. Shall we not arise and grasp the power, Which is our right, and - not 'indifferentlY. suffer it to be - rent from our hands, and: hurled against all our dearest interests; often with the vilest purposes and most fearful effects thrust in upon our firesides' in ballads and'Songs; coupled with words of licentious lust and passion; pallutin the very earliest breath of our children; blast ine. the dearest interests of our homes, and• ultimately, through a thousand ungodly sources' carriedin spirit arid forin into our: very church services. .Such ^can only be the case so longias we make no proper pro vision for ourselves, thereby supplying and. guarding our own .homes. Nothing can reasonably be expected from our present' provision and-attention to the subject but , comparative ignorance ;• from the time, places, manner, circumstances, and, person by whom our music is too generally taught, ; but the use of improper music and a per musical taste; and from much of the materials used, but a pernicious and disas trous influence upon our families and church services. All this Ulay be said to be bringing in a new era and effort in regard 'to church mu sic; that the `Church` has, in , ancient time, gone on in her stayed course without` 130 much ado about an attention to her Mere music. This, on examination hereafter, may be seen to be otherwise; or if true, hence much of our difficulty now.' But this is not that age, but one very different; of forsak.: ingithe '" old paths;" in roads, and motion in every thing ~ a nd that which is not kept abreast must' be cast out, or trodden.under foot. O..7:.WonuELL. :EUROPEAN . ' CORRESPONDENCE. ' Pdmien . DiSITILETNAPOIZON AEI" ITALY...-A DEES GAME-:- - CAVONII,END THE EXPERGR7--PROBABILITY . OF. WAR IN ITALY —ITS RESULTS ON THE PAPACY A4D ITS SUPPORTERS--THE TREATY OF CO3GIERCE—PAST LTHITATION'OP . EXPORTS Paint irktAROB TO ENGLAND--CONTRASTS—A NEW:OPENING,. TO . CHM—SPECIAL SERVICES I/I 'THEATRES-LCITY LECTGREES-- Binvnaz AND THE "GOLDEN LEUTWCE"—BINNET AND THE "MERCHANT'S LECTURE "--SKETCHES OF THE MEN AR•D THEIR SAYLNGEP-.-SAIELT GEORGE'S IN THE MAST; AND LEGAL ." BLOOD- LETTING"—.VESTMENTS AND THE ACT OF UNIFORMITY—GREAT GA'T'HERING OF VOLUNTEER OFFlcmirs—THE Daum OF CAM.. LONDON; March 9, 1890 ,POLITICAL, DISTRUST is, at this: moment the prevalent feeling over ,Europe. As might, be expected, the cause of this is the French Emperor. He has " pattered in a double sense," in the whole of his conduct with'regard to Italy and even when he makes ,fresh_ prefessions of peace, the stronger they 'are, - they but remind us of this time last' "year, when similar good words' really meant war. , The Savoy annexation seems to be re solved on by the Emperor; and Sardinia, even while backed by the moral - weight of `England and 'that pregnant correspondence of Lord John Russel with our Ambassa dor at. Parisywhich (protesting ,against the nnetationj has extorted the approbation of a Tory opposition, Sardinia, I say, seems but feebly to stand up for, her retention of the land which gave birth to her 'earliest Sovereigns, and whence her Royal dynasty has sprung. A deep game is suspected by not a few; in - other words, that Count Ca vour and Napoleon are secretly agreed, that on the pretense of Sardinia's proceeding to annex Tuscany; against Napoleon's ex= pressed wishes, the Emperor will Withdraw his sixty thousand troops from Lombardy. Thus 'a strong - temptation would be given 'to •Austria to` come out from behind her fortresses and try to reclaim her lost pos sessions, including Lombardy, as well as to restore the exiled• Princes, and tore-estab lish the Pope's authority in the Legations'. Then all Italy would rise against. Austria; blood would flow, and at least the Emperor would find an excuse to quarrel with Aus tria, and so come to the rescue, and finally effect his,avowed purpose:,of 1859, that Italy shoud be free from the Alps to the Adriatic. War in Italy this year, seems to be very probable., If so,:the Papacy will receive a fresh concussion that shall cause the old decaying fabric to show fresh fissures, and to topple toward its final fill. Naples, too, whose bigotted king is drunk with supp; stitions zeal for the Pope, and the young Emperor of Austria, whom the Jesuits rule; and whom his wife advises' to liberal measures in vain, would: come out of the conflict worsted, even while young Italy would be left bleeding at every pore. It may be - that there *ill be a little season of forther peace, yet after all it` is but an armed truce as long as Napoleon 'lives, or rather as long as he is to be used as the Nemesis of guilty'nations. The funds and share markets are much depressed at this moment, both in Paris and London, even while the Commercial. Treaty is likely to -be ratified: without fur ther opposition on the part of the Con servatives.. Trade with France has been-shigularly small in its extent :hitherto, as compared with other countries. Our imports froni , France, in 1858, were ;M . :271,000 f ;but our exports were only £4,563,000, ` tittle more than a third of what we took from that country. Our exports moreover; vere ._ mostly of raw material,while of our man ufactured articles we exported -less than £1,000,000 to the French, our- nearest neighbors. During the same year-we-sent. to the 'United States, goods to the, value of more than £22,000,000; to Northern Ger many, £11,770,000 ; to Holland, £5,329,- 000 ; to the Australian Colonies upwards of £11,000,000; and to Turkey /mark as much, as to .France, £3,493,000. So that the . amount"of mutually beneficial commer cial intercourse has 'hitherto been immen surably below what it should be. Free trade will increase this very speedilY, and. will:- inevitably . cerise both countries to gravitate toward peace and concord. ANEW OPENING TO CHINA, across the territory of Burmak from Rangoon to cer tain provinces now almost inaccessible and containing a population of eighty million's,' is being earnestly urged on the eonsidera: tion of the Government:' It would bring China nearer by fifteen hundied miles, be sides tending-to; commercial , develOpment It is said that the Burmese •Government is friendly, and- that. the expense-would be comparatively moderate. THE SPECIAL - SERVICES are; still contin= ued_ in eathedrals,Jialls, and Theatres. Reginald Radcliffe and Brownlow North re spectively • officiated at the. afternoon and evening services at St. , James' Hall. 141 i. Spurgeon continues his regular ministra tions, in Exeter Hall, on ,Sabbath, both morning and eveninz, always to a ierowded audience, and with his wonted fullness ancl power: Two- PREA.CgraS -at,:-week-day: aervices peculiar .to theoldeuttimes of London' City and ite godly iiieichihte,ivcre heard nie on;Tuesday raet. first 'Wee 'WO* Mir: Daniel Moore, M.A., a,; , Church of England; t. Rev. Thomas Bitiney, tfi Weigh House Congregati , are men: of mark; but t , l diversity in their meat;; The first.is the more po the second is more orig of genius. Mr. Moore sons Henry Melville :in tureeliip at. Ldthbury cb behind the Bank fOundation of awn, daily designed fo. business whd can, city day; . repair to ht‘fe theif spirits by united prayer, word. • lrithe lives a-fine old elm school, the llev. W to an advanced per drop from his lips ; Words for the hew flock. From the dies: and gentlem thitker; and - when' san, and during On uanee, large 9augl attend: Melville retired to a Canoe dral. Daniel MOoJ asilitant, - brit early Universities, and preacher, not'only in a suburban inc but also, on Itiely4 LeethreShip -aptie pit in his idol bi the Trustees of amounting, I beli annum Entering Lothb morning, I found and delivering', in mon bie''theJ 4 Savi ed on the words, "1 wi not sacrifice." .And 'v set - forth the -tender for , earance and' long suffering;,.and symphtliptf itheTivine• Man in the believer's trials, t mptations, doubts and fears, as well as in - e valley:and shad oW of death. Mr, Mo c," is_about forty fiVe years •of . age, with' rown hair, natu rally and thickly , cutli ' 'over a compact brain, and an intellectu brew: His gray . eyes looked out - from , der overhanging brows, Which at first g e' a, 'sferiniehs to his aspect, but which, oupled with' the' glance of the • eye, leav an impression - of keen, searching power, ` e uses a manu script, but with, great freedom . from re straint or slavish readLitg,., His voice is ringing, and his style nrarkeclby , elearness and force. Altogethertgray l liaired men, and ripe Christians of IT i t,h , sexes, here, find i n weekly, refreshing dra, h_ is from -the wa ter-spring of Truth lit; e ; cir,• to change the figure, " streams frojnl4ehanon." .. , Here is a specimen 'oliMr. Moore's ordi:, nary style, from. his , i , week's Printed ', sermon, on "My ; tho 1 ta are not your-. thoughts," &c. After s ;: awip.g that Gad's , : thoughts and ways , are i'et, 'as ours-1: As to the original way of , great.plan-of the world's salvation: - ,, 2„ f-1 to, the,-Way of bringing a person to t ~ now,ledge of this salvation. , 3. As to tAt• bounding: extent and, freeness of his pa „.'ne. 4, As to the method of training an. ' effari'ng,redeemed Souls for - glory—theukwucludes his ,'dis course in the : ,folleillinonsgeofhich,.. because t believe, it tO ,be , eminently balm , dated to, edify and comfort; I ask you.to print in "full : ' Neither are our ways God's ways' With regard to'spiritual experience. We find ourselves con stantly baulked,and thwarted. in things :whichwa feel persuaded would have been most ter our . soul's good. The best aids to our growth in 'grace - are taken away; hindrances to epiritush usefulness are thrown right acroisiF our path.; evil tendencies continue to assault us,. which - it must have been to Abe honor of the Divine grace to subdue; and sine, aesociations,.siares, are wear-,. ins a mesh of moral peril' around us, front which we strive in vain to tear ourself' away. And yet all these initiate us.to, other very-myste rious permiisions, knowing as we 'dd that God . must: be ordering. all things for our final salva tion. The tyranny of evil thoughts, and the ris ing of unsanctified tempers; and over-much care fulness about this present- world, and' -felt decay • and lassitude in . our 'spiritual , thoughts and feel ings, and prayer less loved than it was, and Christ not so near as he was, and heaven 1614 thought -of than it was, and frequent fears,. and doubtings,'and Misgivings of 'our interest in the promises;'and if- a little sicknesa "come, thinge worse still—a little cloud no bigger than, a man's hand perhaps, but very thick, dark, and threat-, ening, hiding the face - of 11 the throne from /3: which no prayer. can pass through—all this is. very wrong. If 'we be indeed Christ's, why , should it be thtts with us? Why are we . not' 'fir: leased from the bonds of this hard captivity ? ' . Why not the law in 'our members got under, and the power of the world cruelied, and the' soul, permitted to rise heavenward on the wings of its regenerated nature,' sunning itself in God'a own light, without temptation and without a cloud? • These would be our thoughts, as being most con ducive to our spiritual happinees. Yea, but they are not God's• thonghts.' lie has for us other and better, though none' but himself know what . they are. "I know the • thoughts which I have toward you; thoughts-of peace, and - not thoughts of evil, to give you an expected end.?' Ai pected end, for herein lies chietly the diger ence. between' God's ways and our 'wait.. - Wi" think too much of present means • he-is ful only of the fi nal - result .... We leek only at s.. few links of the chain, much twisted as we think, and involved, and out of plebe; this eye of Got''' . is upon the end of the chain, seen,. as he only can see it in the hands'of fastenedlis thi eternal throne. • And therefore, how much of spiritual comfort by the way, or how 'little; how intricate, arid' rough, and dark our path May be, or how smooth. and easy, , this we know..not. In regard to our,. journe.ylioni this World to the other; God speakiof us as blind. It is better for us to feel that w are e blind, holding. on by. Christ's hand.and-walking trustfully when we cannot_ see., - Our.-thoughts will be God's thoughts in-the end ;' 'and when we see whither his way has brought us, we shall . wonder 'at the -blindness which could have Made: us ever, desire our own. "I will bring the blind by a way that . they.know not, and lead .them in paths they have not known; and I will make dark ness light' before them; and . crooked things straight." Our subject, brethren, should.be comforting to many, but especially to those who are prone to despond, to be cast down, to beCome 'a prey to unfilial fears; to those who' write bitter - things' against themselves—to those who forget -that they have been purged from their old sins, and.. allow them . to rise; and accuse; and affright again. They - think they 'have" 'sinned "Itivayihe' 'days of their accepted time; they have made a circle for Christ's mercy, to work in, and "have' put themselves just without the line; they•be- . ' lieve that the blood of Christ will cleanse from muoh, but not from their sin. Oh ! put," I be- - set-eh you, these hard thought's aWay, for this, if ' for no other reason, , that. they are not God's' thoughts. Rather are' they the reverse . of his; for where, train one end of his blessed . Book to the other, do you read anything of this limited Christ? of this blood with a limited clemisint, of this grace with a limited power of this covenant with limited' undertakings, all Owing that you might have been Chriat's yetiterday; but that'you' have ceased to be his to-day"? Oh ! measure not the mercies of God by these low human stand ards. Suppose-not that the everlasting heart of , Jesus cannons:take - room for larger thoughts than yours. What depths of love are hidden. 'there^ none can tell., Angeke know them not, time ex- . hausts them not, linteerfiessures them not,' " For as the heavens are higher than the earth, to are my ways higher then your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." linmediately. afterleaving•St. Matgaret's, Lothbury, I. hastened to theToultry Chapel, 'nearly opposite . the.. Mansio n. Honge,.,:the Lord Official ries' iaence. Here . limner was about to dehver Tfie-Mer- . chant's Lecture?' An.ancierit ".foundation;" • also but which only regnites oecusiorial Wieldy ! . leCtiiiie lief.ther Lee.' tureslup confine to one minister. Enter .. Inglthe Chapel, winch stands at a sufficient =distance front the, :rush and rear 'Of traffic, as to be- perfectly free fiord interruption froth Withoilt, I found 'about one hundred periens gathered in the pews` below, in front of the *center's desk, in which Mr. Bintie,,y, tall and towering, stood.. Ile was .reading in a IOW voiced `the story of the healing of thelltuler's - daughter. There Was a marked contrast. between the two pen, in their aspect as well is - .in their dress.: The, Churchman was in his, robes.; the Pissenter stood .up in unadorned and with an "outside coat sheltering hini-=for- the place 'and the morning "were old.• He is; as once informed you when Writing= from. that great Northern town, a 4eweapt4p man by birth.- His style. of speaking, as a.s writing, :is singular, three, and thoroughly Saxon. , It is any thing bat rdiffese, although sometiffies he preaches 'an Its character is, that it awakens thoughtfulness r and is eminently. suggestive. • , , • • .. • On this occasion, :Mr. 'Kinney brought out with great' clearness and' force, points and truths from the narrative, which, thOugh.iii it trciostlicidedly; would yet, I fear, be occult to. most: preachers. Thus he' called., attention ..first x the! narrative as I ;•• ;;,*-- ther, • ,ii:-....,-4.-N1,..!•-•!arorko..M? bipian cif the , second was- the minister of. the ial Chapel. Both -i!eis 'a very wide alike and oifts. I;ed . and elegant: 'al, and is a man teededed the' fa, the Golden' Le& 01, iinniediately blind. to the true: meaning and intent of Messianic prophecies,' and who,' as a class,: therefore, were totaly unprepared to. re eeive Jesus as the Ohrist; here was a man who shared.thelifejlidices - iif firs class, who yet had his intellectual` consent won and overcome,, as it .were, through And .by; his affections. His daughter" (how tender, that Word.litqe;) lay dying. Day by day she was pining away, and the case" became hopeless.. And so in'his own quaint way = proyoking . a, smile, but - ere long. causing tears to start—Mr. Binney.repre sented.the Ruler's Wife speaking thusto her haiband : Do you 'think,. my' dear, that there is any trilthaliont that Mat's -Mira , ales,: about. which there is - such -a noise ? 'And.:de . ; you.think,—if he can - do such things-that he.w.ouldn't.come and pee and heal our little daughter" :And then the' fattier answers both qUestions th-tiapiejn dice and. sorrow struggling- the heart's logic . winning the victory,. it last.: "‘ Well,. it mayhe true.; I thought riot.;..but-- , but---' 7 - .We,canhit try.„ I, will go 7 -yesl' I will go and ask ' And then preaeher: yen'eralized as foIIOWS : "Amaze that - his - -Wife and children; not :only.giies, - a's Lord 'Bacon hotages .to., fortune,' but- is in_ a „nitwit of afflictive- discipline which may Open the way to ..the . reception of vine trnt." their he added:' "See, 2:(1,' How. MO indn'S . infanefixith; rs `sorely . tried jest as Jesus, encourages him by saying, will' Comeand heal hes ' then comes an impedi- Ment. The crowd presses .on. Jesus. And . :he "stops :and turns round. The poor father *Aid like 'Jana to dY on wings, blit . r he . stops': Ali I bid' then. Cornea: encourage ment. ','‘ Virtue' has actually 'gone out of hiiiii,".by..the very fact ef.a womantouching his garmenil . Jesus has wrought a miraele.. And faith SaYS,' He can surely": save my •• conies' 'a dread . bIOW to faith. s alliy danghter is' d'ad Well; " Jesus never yet . hid raised the:dead. No one yet had Idea thathe co:old - do - it. The - poor father :la' iii deep dgiair , .. •••But,;the T c*** the-'word, 'Have . 'courage; only helieve Yext"there are 'the bbitacles at the door of the house, •the hiredinetirners; all so dischniaping to:the father." The preaCher appliedall this' to the e;,.- perienee. of believers, as to the vieissitudes . of their faith and its various "'You • , are like the reed' or the willow, now,befid . . ilign way and 'then another,. yet , still the ;vine work' goes not only in spite of, these blasts of 'trial, but because of theni. The"shower is as needful as . the sunshine. have' mercy and' sweetly .did he , " Then mark, 3d, The beautiful repre, sentation o conscious power. J esus 'is nu mared- 'by their lamentations: He vis laughed 30, scorn; but calmly he' poises into the chamber of the dead; turns out' 'tat, rebel mass , of unbe.lief and ridicule ;' and Alien hp stands, like a rock which the :fierce` waves Shake 'not ; subliine in the consciousness of - hire own omnipotence."` Here the preacher• reminded- us- that we must not forget what had been going on in the heart of the poor 'mike; ITer sorrow. had a history, as well as that of 'the father. " She had been aione with her sick daughter ; alone when: she expired; alone.. with the dead child. All is over ; and she, sends the' messenger_ after the father; she sent 'for the mourners; she had to begin preparations for the funPral. Some hope had she once.; but oh, now faith in Iter heart is as dead as is that dead child. " Yet' she look's out of the window the'm esiagelas been delivered, , yet Jesus comes ! Her heart flutters, hope springs up ; perhaps she 'overheard - Jesus say, '_Why make ye this ado and weep; she is . not dead, but Sleepeth ;' and She sees him" pushing away the crowd at the door. ' Oh,' she, says,, there is some merciful meaning in ail this.' " And then the preacher again indulged in one of his admirable generali zations. " Oh, yes 1 the quick instinct of women gets' to the right conclusion far more rapidly than the logic of men. There is, too; compensation in everything.' Men in the time of family sorrow have resources and reliefs which women have net. They go forth, and _'niust do - so, to business; to scenes so absorbing that they cannot but have their sorrows blunted: But the I woman is alone with her sorrow and with her dead one. 4th. Mark the life-giving Word. Speaking in the language of the: common people, jestiw says, Tabitha Omni.' He touches the dead The High Priest dare not do so. He would be defiled. But not so the Holy One: And the dead rises; for there touches, here stands the Resur rection and the Life. - He it 'is wlui has changed_ death into sleep.' And is it not sleep, when there is to be a ibaking up 1 Is it not "thus with our . ' holy . dead And just as that group wag then a picture of hunianity weeping, a Saviour standing by; .ready to heal, and the Apostles (the representatives of the elnirch,) looking on ; so, now, in the Spiritual - domain,. Jesus heals; and bids to live - by his life-giving .word. , '" Lastly.% Mark the command to give the raided ' something to; eat ; ' What does that; teach? Why, that with God there is nu made of iower. He could have made that . ' girl feel as if fully fed ; but the natural' hungerTs there; and.(itie•to be supplied`by those around her. I , So we, while . helped r. in • the domain of ,grace, may also 401 P oiXr 'selves. The angel broke off Peter's chains, 'and caused to . . swing back the pontlerons iron gate, but, after that he was lett alone ; unhelped, unhelped, 'because.he had-the power to go to his friends a freeman: If God gives you the food, it is yours to take it. If he leads into green pastures and beside the still waters, the sheep must' eat . and. drink for theint3elves." The'discouise .Conclitded • by a. reference •• • to.; the cubninating. character. of ahrise s teaching, in; and by :'act et . nclirdracle;"ga"to 0 . 90 1116 to" 'of :t ll6 :iPss:oo o4 ' off' his WIC:or - Ida nesies of his glorified body on the lilotuit— WHOLE ..NO - ',. :391 the type and model of whit we shall be." Next, they saw - this Ruler's ' daughter raised,. ,almost immediately after death, " the, spirit, coming again," as if it had hovered near. .Next came the-raising of the widow's son, from off his bier, dead and about to b'e buried. Next came the resur rection' of Lazarus, when four days in the tomb, and corruption had begun. Next came the resurrection. of " many that , slept, in their graves," when Jesus himself arose. But another and ,more glorious display of his omnipotence remains, when the dead in Christ shall arise—aa arise, when he' shall ".change, these vile-bodies, &c. God grant that you and T. may, be among them t." Such is a faithful outline of a discourse delivered by a remarkable man, in his own singular way—in short sentences, with frequent pauses, and sighs, and apparent hesitations, with didactic plainness, yet, emotion shaking his great bosom, and with his dark eye, and raised finger, and anon his crossed arms, all speaking too. I hope and believe your readers will for give this•sk:etch of the persons, style, and sermons of two of our remarkable men ; especially as. I trust it, will be found sug gestive to ministers, and not unedifying to the peop e.of od—s,ome of them, it May ' .; . . . `At'S , l , :"Gion.G:uss; in the East, there *as a fresh scene. last Lord's day. The .Rev. Bryan King, the notorious rector, and'his curate,•Mr. t iove,•were -greatly enraged by finding that persons who had been present ,at the afternOon lecturer's service, set them- delves composedly in pews, to wait for the evening service. They, therefore, with a following of' Tractarians, seized them, and tried to drag them out: .For this, he and his curate, with three others, have been iummoned before the magista:ate of the district, who is so constantly tormented by the 'agitators on both •sides, that he wishes that they were both thrown into the Court of. Chancery,-and-the,Ecclesiastical Court, with plenty of law and plenty of costs, so that the operation might he like that of ." bleeding; by lancing; and bleeding by euP ping,at the same time."' . ECCLESP.A.STICAL VESTMEWiS, and uni .formity therein, are • the subject of a Bill brought into the House of Commons by 'a _private member, with little probability of being passed.. The Times turns it into ridicule' ' and not without reason.' It styles • the' Bill as the- proposal for' a "Second Act of Uniformity." The• Church• of England ~would-be much wiser if_ she were to,repeal the Act of Uniformity which• almost de prived her of her life-blood. two centuries . ago, and which now keeps out of her pale some of the , chOicest spirits, and makes her largely impotent for good. Liturgical 'Re vision . deprecated by, a majority of the Evangelicals, the Broad. Church, and the High Church parties - will easily Upset any attempt by Lord Ebuiy to 'effect his Cher ished design. TriE VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT has re-' ceived a mighty inftuene,e, and has assuMed . a national' and-permanent' character, by the introduction this week to the Queen, at a Drawing Room, of thousands of the ,officers of Artillery and Rifle Corps, from every part of - Great Britain. The Duke of Cambridge, the Commander-in-Chief of'the regular army; presided at; a +dinn,r. of the volunteer, officers, and thus -emphaticallT staniped his approbation on the moyeMent, and put away the possibility of jealous feel bi's. is eminently genial in his dis position, and practical withal in his Mili tary J.W. A Short' Serton to' Sextons, R WHICH' 'MAY ()VB. BY ALL CHURCH OFFICERS . . DEAR DRETITEEN—I r on oeaurir an 'im portant , •office in the Church of Christ, which is the kingdom of God ,on ,earth. An ancient „saint, _with a, crown on his head, said he would; rather. be among you Than'dw r ell: in the tents of wickedness. Ve4l:O•nortible, then', is 'your' office. 'llia is, the firstly of our sermon. Let us now Secondly., Very us eful may your post be also. No man in the congregation can more effeatnally'stapify the preacher; no one can more effectually put to sleep the hearers. Know you, brethren, the impor-' tance of good air", It is next important in the, worshipping assembly to the good spirit, from on high, of Which the Holy Scripture maketh it the emblem: As the Lord bath the gift of the latter, so the sexton-hath'of the former. If hei giveth it not,. the thoughts of the preacher flag, ,and the heads of the hearers bow in worship to the false God Morpheus. Keep idolatry out of the church, brother sexton. There was a band 'of old saints once, who were called IconoclaSts, because they tore down idols and east them out of the temples. The temples .of our land are, degraded by the worship pers of Morpheus; sextons are the cham pions to make a crusade against this aboud nation. They couldpurge , the land of it if they would. " Up then, brethren,und expel this heathenism. .Do you ask hpw. it .shall be done ? . .1. Up, with the wirtdows at seasonable times. .2. Especially keep open, ,'a little, ,thOse nearest the pulpit, during the:whole service: The preacher will repayyou•,by better iser, mons. 3. Manage this matter with skill, blun der not, as some in your honorable offico'do, by having the windows either too much open, so As to chill the hearers, or not apen at all, so as to stupify them. Distribute, the ventilation in small drafts all along the , _ casements.`` ( 41gairt. Never freeze the congregation by neglecting the fires ; begin them early to make sure the comfort of the temple;: it. is better to begin too soon than too late, for when there is too, much heat it can ,be relieved by ventilation;`when there is not enough ventilation has to be lost without remedying, the= deficiency. How many ins your , honorable functions, brethren r 'have thus robbed the Lord of the worship of an entire assembly?, RemeMber, that with your peculiar' honor is connected Peculiar responsibility, and we must all give-ac count. Again., Men in honorable posts should. always have courtesy up to their honor. .A, sexton shonhl be a model - of politeness; should .move With alacrity, aecoraniodating everybod3r, and whew- he. cannot accOmnio date them, showing that, he feels-the priva tion more than they Alo.- Next in impor tance to a good- • preacher i,inthe pulpit;* is a good sexton at tke portal; 4i smile lighteth, up the multitude ;:his'Whispor of courtesy . opeitetli • the "ear's 'of the'' peolile for the' trumpet of truth. - A rude•sexton liskout`ef his place.; he is beneath its!' gracious honor,' as much as a bearwould .be, guarding the. palace-gate of a king. .ApPlication. And' flow bretliien - let him that hath. ears to 'heir, hear this message; Harden 'not yew lreaite`..a ga li s t • it ; ...He° that= bath. sinned - in, these respects, let..hinii sin no, more, but make..,haste, to .repent._ Let all our temples§abbath, - slow the'Veorel'his 7 been l fitly Spoke#, and the seed - hais fallen into gooa—ind hon eet thearts. The Lord_ , a&tahis)blessingl Amen. THE PRESBYTERIAN EARNER, Publication Office : %MTV?, BUn,DINGR, 84. FIFTH ST, .Pirrensuzuff, PA. PRILLIALPELIA, SOUTH-WEST COas OF. 7TH MD CHHITKL'F. ADVERTISEMENTS. Tzitais IN ADVANCE, , . . ~A. Square,.(B lines or leim)rong ,intigrtion, 60 cents; each subsequent insertion, 40 cents; each line beyond eight, bets. A Spatelie.r quarter, $4.00; each line.anditionatli 33 cents.: A . Renuartois nutife to adyertisers by Mg year. BrdlNßB'd NOTI9EB of Tan lines or, less, $ 1.00;. each ad. ditionckline,l.o:eints, , ,; DAVID 141'.KINYEV PROPFUETOBS;III6 Bo'oki11: Elie Book of . Books'.. The Sacred Scriptures have called forth the efforts of the human mind for the pur pose of elucidatiihi and instruction, to a' greater extent than could have been sup-. posed previous to inquiry. An English. gentleman, who for. thirty, years was, con nected with. the Antiquarian Book store in. - London,lias interested hire Self in 'ascer taining facts upon' this subject. immense, labor •he has collected - the names of 'works upon the, whole or single portions of the Bible, and .made an able and.valnar ble claisification of them. He has amt.= tamed that their number is not tees thin sixty thousand. —This number, in a -single collection, would equal some ; of thellargest libraries which embrace ' boOki upon all subjects. - On the first five' books, twenty-five hun dred different works have-been published and this, exclu,te of commentaries pn the whole Bible; and not less thin 6e:then. : sand works on the Psalms. The evangeli cal prophet Isaiah has had two thousand' commentators and about six thousand dif- 1 ferent volumes have..be,en published on the four Gospels, as a whole, and. Matthew, in particular„ exclusive of • Coninientaries on the whole .New 'Testament and the other ly ,; There' haVe , been about - :thenisandJworkseorrlitontans, and tall" thousand on;Revelation; But all this mighty labor bestowed upon the Sacred - Yoliiine, clogs not exhaust the mine. Pens are busy now, and thought is flowing, from, them;, deep and earnest thought, ,drawn from the same blessed Book. If there be now three thousand men 'upon the Gospels, yet the depths of these living waters have not been sounded, nor, all their treasures brought, to light. Mind after mind sharpened by holy curi osity, and burning with love and zeal, will be' brenight into contact with these Lively Oracles, as years and generations roll on— those minds' to be, illumined and refreshed by, these sacred studies, and communicat inc, the results of them to the hungering minds of others. • We cenfess . worild gratify us to walk into a library devoted to this one subject, and tO find ourselves in the presence of those sixty thousand volumes. What vast congregation, echoing and re-echoing the' sublime doctrines and sentiments of the Book ! What a cloud of witneiser to the value of it !—Boston. Traveller. • Preaching. It is not always the Gospel that is deliv ered from the pulpit. A man: may preach 'very sensibly concerning the , Divine perfec tion and authority of God's governreent and laws'. He may set for the general obliga tiotis to clutynnd obedience.. He may in 'culcate the amiableness of virtue in gener -fat or of particular virtues, and ,may.repre sent , many worthy examples for men's encouiagement and excitement. _He may earnestly call on nien to repent of their sins: and reform- the general dispdsition of 'their hearts and conduct. He may incul cate this with all the earnestness and action, 'that would entitle him to the chardcter of the complete 'orator. The compositiOn may be very . ; the language; eloquent and pathetic, and the preacher ntarbe so•great ly applauded- that it may be sometimes said Nth' his lewlird. Not only may ,the. ears-` of Welteirerstbe tickledi thar .minds' may be 'agreeably entertained with sentiments that are in themselves just, and With many a good thought. Yet, in all this, there may be nothing by which a soul may be relieved and refreshed, that labors and is heavy laden; nothing by' which a serious soul may be directed.to the proper sources oCsanctification. A discourse may 'have in. it much truth that is consistent with,the Gospel; and presupposed by it, and yet have nothing in, it of the Gospel prop erly so-called. Of such a discourse, with all its advantage . of sentiments and expres sion, it may: be said as the apostle says of the law—it is` weak through the flesh. The corruption. of nature,-in which sin hath do minion, is too strong for logic, rhetoric, and philosophy; too strong for refined specula tion; too 'strong for the'greatest oratory. The Debtor. Morley.—A youthful widow, left with three helpless orphans, and one of them sightless ;, I should not deserve the name of, a Christian man did I not hasten to re lieve a case so urgent, so distressing ! I have indeed, little to give; I ain a poor man i •but what Ihave is hers ! She , shall have my last banknote; I will divide it, and send the first half by the earliest post! Philias".—Pause a moment ! Your desk is full of unpaid bills, your tradesinen - call day after day for their money, the wages of the servant who has just quitted the room were due to her long ago. illorlo.—ls the eager hand of charity to be stayed by such paltry considerations? Misery is before me, and I must relieve it; it is-my pleasure—a very necessity of my nature-to do: goodwithout pausing to par ley about expediency Philia,s.-L-If you must send that bank note, send it thus endorsed : "Borrowed of my servant without her consent." There will, at least, be some candor in this, honesty in_ words though not in deed. The money is hers, not your own. ' .11forley.—Are my imhaPpy circumstan ces, to deprive me4dtogether of the privil ege ofexereising charity ? Philias.—Such generosity - is at the „, ex pense of justice, is as valueless as the one half of ihat note would be while dissevered from, the other. It' is their union which enables them to pass current, which gives to them the sterling value of Christian virtue.—A. 0. E. Making Every Day Happy When. you rise in the morning, form a resolution .to make the day a happy one to a felkw-creature. It is easily done-;:a left off garment to the man who needs it; a ,kind' word toile sorrowful ; an encourag ing expression' to the striving : trifles in themselves; light as air, will do it, at least for the twenty-four hours ; and if you are young, depend upon it, it will tell when you are'old ; and ' if , you are old, rest as , surecLit' you gently' and' haPpily down the stream of human time' to eter nity; By the most simple arithmetic, look at the result; you send one person, only one, happily through the day—that is, three hundred and sixtY . .-five`in the" course _of the, year ; t and supposing you live forty yearw, only, after you commence that course of medicine, you have made fourteen thousand six hundred 'human beings happy, at all events, for a time. 'Now, Worthy reader, is not this simple ? rlt is too 'short for a sermon, too , hinneiffoi thics, and, to,easily accomplighed for.you . to' . say,. would, -.4 .could. . ' .'—Sydney' gould.—Sychtey' • " lAIVI reoy . to die,- through thdlzrice of my Lord Jesus, and I look forraTd, y, the }full enjoyment of - thePf-Yobr angel's, aced ' the liil l vision of hod fprevermore."— Carey. BUIE ads