Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, March 31, 1860, Image 1

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    D. IiVICINNBY .... . ........ ALLISON S. MITI&
DAVlDitors M'anClN Prop tors,rieNEY & CO.,
Ix Winne 135
DeltreSSlD IN llTllbn OP PUP MIPS 2.00
For Two Tiouarts, we will send by moil seventy numbing,
and for Omt DeWitt, thlrty-three numbers,
Nabors rendbni IM Morin onbacribero and upwards, min
be thereby entitled to a paper without charge.
A BAD rANCIL, MARK. on the paper, elintliset.thst-the
term le nearly out and that ere desire a renewal. ~
Renewals elicould be prompt, a little before the year exp" inn.
• • •
Bond payatouttiby rife bandit. or by mall: , -
Dlrrict all letters to DAVID WILINNEY 4.004
• Plittaburgh,,Pa.
The human mind—that lofty, thing t
The palace and the throne—
Where reason sits, a *!ipop' trectking,
And breathes his Judgment tone.
01 who with silent,steps shall trace
The borders of that hianted place,
Nor in his weakness own
That mystery ,and rowel bind,
That lofty ilkifig=the human mind
The human heart—that restless thing !
The tempter and the tried;
The joyous, yet the suffering—
The t 3 ouroo of pain and pride ;
The gorgeous throng—the desolate;
The seat of love, the lair of hate,
- Self-stung and self-denied
Yet do we bless thee, as thou art,
Thou restless thing—Ake human heart !
The human soul—that startling thing !
Mysterious and sublime .I
The angel sleeping on the wing,
Worn by the scoffs of Time—
The beautiful, the veiled, the bound,
,The earth-enslaved, the glory crowned,
The stricken in its prime !
From heaven in tears to earth it stole,
That startling thing—the human soul !
And this is man-01 ask of him,
The gifted and forgiven—
While o'er hie vision, theat%and dim,
The wrecks of Time are ariyen ;
If pride or passion in their power ;
Can chain the tide or charm the hour,
Or stand in glace of heaven
He bends the brow, he, bows the knee—
" Creator: Father I none but thee !"
for the PreabyteVan Banner.
Why I am Not an Arthinian.
My DEAut SIR :--In a former letter, I
mentioned several objections against your
doctrine of the Apostaey of Samts. I now
take the liberty of offering two or three
1. Agreeably to that, doctrine, there may
be persons in the World of perdition who
were given to Christ by the Father, as the
reward of his sufferings I
You will not deny that the Messiah, in
prospect of his sufferings, received ,a
promise that a seed should serve .hina ;
that he should see of the travail of his soul
and be satisfied; that : he should justify
many, Ipeanse ho should bear, their iniqui
ties. As little will you dispute that the
Saviours spake with peculiar affection of
those that were given him as the recom
pense of pain. Concerning them, he
'declared that he had received power over
all flesh that he should give eternal life to
as many as were given him, (John xvii : 2,)
and' that all the Father had given him
should come to him, (John vi : 37.) These
were " the joy set before him, -for which
he endured the cross, despising the shame."
Now, if there be persons, in the world of
perdition who were once given. to Christ,
Thy did he fail to "give them eternal
life ?" Why did he suffer them to fall
away and perish, and thus deprive him of
part of his reward ? Are we to believe
that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who always loved.the Sort with un
utterable affection, would recotapense his
inconceivable anguish with a gift that
would afford hini no ground of joy ? Or
itOuld the Son, in view ,of all the travail
of his soul, accept of a gift which he'fore
saw would soon bo wrested from him ?
Was this a part of the' `"joy set before
him," that he should number among his
redeemed flock those who would finally and
forever perish ?
I am sure, dear sir, that you would scorn
to offer any one, as reward for his services,.
a consideration which you knew would
prove to be of no value. And you
would feel insulted if a neighbor should
offer you as a gift what you both knew to
be worthless., And yet you would have me
believe that' tiqnsactions of precisely that
slititueter "took place between the Father
arid the Soll
You , do not agree' with me in the opin
ion that Christ's people were given him
before the foundation of the world. You
hold, I presume, that they are not , given to
him till their conversion. According to
your theory, then, when sinners 'repent and
believe on Christ, they are given to him by
the Father, as part of his merited reward.
Then they may at any time be plucked out of
his . hands ; and so as often as they are con
verted and subsequently fall away, they are
alternately given to Christ and' wrested
from him. Now, sir, if I could believe
this of our glorious Redeemer, I should,
to say the least, distrust his ability "to
save to the uttermost any that " come unto
God by him." If he may lose one of his
dear flock, 'the purchase of his dying ago
nies, he May lose them all.
2. Another objectionable feature of your
systdm is ti that there may be persons in the
pit of endless, woe for whose salvation
Christ fervently. prayed !
Th4t the Saviour did pray for the salva
tion of all who should ever believe on
him, must be admitted by all who re
ceive the Scriptures as' the Word of
God. On one occasion, after praying
for his disciples, he says; -" Neither pray
Pfiit these alone, but for them also who
shall' believe on me through - their word."--
31flin xvii : 20. And now, that he has
ascended on high, he continues to intercede
in - behalf of. all "who come - unto God by
.vii 25. Moreover, in his
address to the Father on the occasion when
he raised , Lazarus from the dead, he said,
"I know that thou hearest me always."—
John : 41.
Now, some of those for whom Christ
made the Father, are finally
lost, it •is natural to . ask, Why was the
prayer of Christ not beard ? It 3,011 not
do to resort to the blasphemous assertion,
either that the Father refused the Son a
1'14801141e request, or that the on pre
sented an unreasonable one which be knew .
Could pt be granted. And yet, sir, .I see
not how you can escape one or the other of
these fearful alternatives.
And' then, if it be true that the Saviour
prayed` ine vain, what encouragement have
we to race; our requests unto God ? We
cannot expect our poor petitions to have
More influence *ith the ather than those
of his beloved`Son.
3. The only remaining objection I will
urge against your doctrine of apostasy is,
that it 'is adapted to boget a slavish fear of
O l od;rather than a filial' love., You seem
tO" imagine that a gratuitous salvation to
whiPh no conditions of 'future obedience
are, annexed, is destriietiVe of practical
godliness, and that the Christian will not
&dams faithful in duty any logger than
he is _ciaded on by the fear, any
'hell. We
beliciv this to be a miatake, :We reel as
sured hat 'there is no more iieirtirful incen
tive ti holiness of limit imPlife l lhan the
le•Ve''t , weitiftoth qut 'fear?' •
• Sap .ciiite that by same teiriap
you ar into the haidir of 'a cruel
Arab' astpr i s by r you: kW-kept in a
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state of the most painful and abject servi
tude. There is one friend, and only one,
who interests himself in your behalf.' Ho
sells all that he has, and with the proceeds
in his hands, encounters the dangers of the
ocean and the burning sands of the desert,
finds you out, and parts with his all for
your -redemption.ou are overwhelmed
'with joy and admiration; and your 'first
impulse is to inquire,' what is the condi
tion, what the compensation he demands
for such unparalleled kindness? But he
tells you that as to'any pecuniary-considera
tion you can offer, it never once entered his
mind; and that he will feel amply compen
sated for his toil and sacrifices, by seeing
you restored to liberty and happiness.
What, I ask, are the feelings of admira
tion with which you will ever regard that
devothd friend ? Will you not be bound
to him by ties of everlasting gratitude and
affection ? Would you esteem any sacri
fices too great, any Services too hard by
which you could gratify his slightest wish
es ? On the other hand, suppose he had
exacted of you, as the condition of your re
lease, the refunding of the whole, or a part
of your ransom price, to be paid in instal
ments, extending down to the day of your
death, with the„ understanding that you
were to be returned to your old master in
1 case of your failure . to meet any one of the
payments. In that case would your, feel
ings toward the man be .the same ? Cer
tainly net. YoUr admiration of his char
acter, and your sense of obligation would
- be comparatively small. And hence we
may bee how it is that the doctrine of a
gratuitous salvation has so blessed an influ
ence upon the sanctified heart of
_the be
liever. " The love of Christ constraineth "
him. He feels that he is redeemed not
with corruptible things as silver and gold,
but with the •precious blood of Christ; and
with a heart overflowing with gratitude, he
falls at his feet, saying, "Truly, 0 Lord, I
Rill thy servant, I am thy'servant;" " thou
hest loosed my bonds."
" Now I am thine, forever thine ;
Nor sliallmy purpose move;
Thy hands have loosed m! bonds of pain,
And bound me with my love."
For the Presbyterian Banner.
Interesting Services.
A farewell missionary meeting was held
in the Presbyterian church of Georgetown,
Exchangeville;Pa., March 12th, on the occa
sion of Rev. Ira M. Condit and lady going
out to Canton, China, under the direction of
the Board of Foreign Missions. The ex
ercises Were opened with Psalmody, and
prayer by • the Rev. Mr. Galagher, of the ;
Methodist Episcopal church.
The pastor of the church preached, a
sermon, on the sure success of the Gospel,
together with the instrumentalities to be
employed for securing that end. Rev. Mr.
Steelman, of the Baptist church, delivered
an excellent address on the reflex influence
of, Missions on the piety of the Church.
Rev. Ira M. Condit then presented an ear
nest plea for prayer on behalf of mission
ary effort, with a special request to Chris
liens to pray for them that their labors in
'China might be richly blessed in the salve
ction of many of the benighted heathen.
His address closed with a touching fare
well to the pastor, under whose labors he
united with the Church, to the Christian
friendspresent, and to the sinner yet out
of Christ. During these remarks, almoit
the - whole assembly was bathed in tears.
On the preceding Sabbath, the Lord's
Supper was administered, when the parents
of Mr. - Condit, now aged, sat with their
only son, commemorating the dying love of
'Christ, perhaps for the last time, until
they meet, as they hope, around the
marriage table of the Lamb in heaven.
This occasion will be long remembered by
the large audience present.
Mr: C. is a native Of this place, and
stands high in the affection of the people,
both AS a minister of Christ and as a man.
Mrs. C. is a native of Vermont. Her
stay among us was short indeed; yet by her
winning manner, mature, piety, missionary
zeal, and high qualification for the work to
which, vith her husband; she has devoted
her life, • she failed not to take a place,
side by side with him in the hearts of all
who formed her acquaintance.
It is earnestly hoped that these services
will produce an enlarged degree of interest
in the`'subject of missions, in the heart of
the members present from the different
churches of the community. These mis
sionaries are hoth members of the Presby
terian church of Georgetown; and although
we'fbund it hard to part with them, to see
their face no more, at least for years, yet
for Jesus' sake we gladly give them up to
the great work to which they alike feel
themselves called. JAIIIES L. SYrrimns.
Echantieville, Pa., Afarch 16, 1860.
Proftesions Once Mere.
"We- can live as well without them."
Now, since all. Scripture is given by inspi
ration of God, and is profitable for doc
trine, for reproof, for correction, for,instruc
tion in righteousness, furnishing the man
of God thoroughly to all good works; I
would scarce have expected such a 'solemn,
tender command as, "Do this in remem
brance of me," which was so frequently and
faithfully kept by the Apostles, would be
useless. Perhaps, your idea of living well
is different from that of Paul. What is
your notion of living well? Is it the hea
then-idea of,serying your country, by being
a good soldier or quiet citizen %. Is it the
infidel notion, of being careful not to in
jure, our own health or reputation by dis
honorable vice; or is it the empty conceit
of the moralist, to meet the civil and social
duties of life? If this is all that is im
plied in living well, it may be true, you can
live as well without, professing Christ. I
do not think it 'probable that you zoi.//, but
it -is possible that you may. But many
atheists, infidels, and persons rejecting all
the evangelical teaching of the Scriptures,
are living as well as you But can that be
called living well, which excludes God
from our thoughts; .so that we liVe "with
out God in the world ?" But if living well,,
is to be approved in God's sight, to have
the heart and affections as he requires,
then, certainly, he that keeps God's com
mands,.-lives better than he who does not.
Now Christ tells us, that "man shall live
by every word which proceedeth out of the
mouth of God." We live, only when in
motives, in manner and objects ' our life
embodies the truths which. God has reveal
ed. The culture of 'the heart in submis
sion, obedience, love, hope, and trust toward
God, is the first aim of revealed truth; and
no one, with this Standard, can think for a
moment, that he lives as well when he sets
up his own opinion against the. command
of God, as when he cheerfully obeys.
Dear friend, God says, "to the law and
to the, testimony." To this he Will bring
us at last. Before the "Great White
Throne," our notions will be nothing, but
the soul that has bowed to Jesus, and him
self, "like a little child," has trusted and
obeyed, however imperfectly, will be saved.
" Trust in`the Lord, and- lean not- to thine
own understanding!' A: '
HR . is 'unworthy to licriyrho lives only
far himself. 0 1 , =
For the Ereebytertan.Banner
PITTSBURGH, sATVRI/VlA*QiTy.,,';):s'oQ;...•:i
For the Preebyterien Banner;
Old and Young 'Pregbylerian
MR. EDITOR :--An article in a recent
issue of your excellent paper, reminds me
of some friendly " chat "I once heard, on
my way from church. I transmit the con
versation substantially as I heard it.
'O. P.—l am happy to find that you at
tend our- church seine of late. What did
you think of-the-sermon,, to=day?
Y. P.—l thought, well 'of it. I always
like the Rreaching well, but I do not like
your singing.
0. P.—Why, what is wrong ?
Y. P.---Well, to tell the truth, I cannot
in conscience sing anything but Scrxpeure
0. P.—Oh, I understand. You admit
that we are Scriptural in our prayers and
sermons, but you think we are not, in our
praises. Now, think we, are Scriptural in
this part of Worship, too.
'Y. P.—Why, you don't pretend to con
fine yourselves to the Scripture Psalms;
you sing hymns
O. think the whole Bible is,
Scriptural, as well when it is sung, as when
It is preached or prayed. And• we have
good authority for this opinion.
Y. P.-- r Some act of your General As
sembly, I suppose.
0. P.—Yes ; an act that our Assembly
passed -several' years since,. in Scotland.
We call it the Shorter Catechism. I know,
if I were to ask you what rule God has
..iven to teach us, hoW to glorify and 'enjoy
him you Would answer, " The Word of.
God which is contained in the Scriptures
of the Old and .New :Testament, is the
only rule."
'"'Y. P.—Of course ; but what that has to
do , with this question, I cannot see.
0. P.—The person who sings God's
praise in the right way, glorifies him;
does he not? And there is much enjoy
ment of God in this delightful exercise,
'too, 1 . 3011't 'you think'?'
1 Y. P.—Why, of course, we glorify God
in this duty, and I find much enjoyment,
often, in singing the song.s'of Zion.
0. P.—And the only rule for: these two
glorifying God and enjoying, hint—is the
Scriptures of the Old. and New Testament.
Y. P.—So the Catechism says.
O. P.—Good authority you allow ?
Y. P.—Yes.
0. P.—The point, then,. by 'your own
admission;is e'stablish'ed, on the authority
of the' Shorter Catechism. The, Book of
Psahns is not all'of the Old and New Tes
tament, but the ligtole Word of God is ;
and that is what we take to direct as how
to glorify God and enjoy him, in singing
, his praise.
X.. P.—l am sorry to break off our talk;
...but, as our roads separate, I bid you good
MEDAN POWER..4 . IIOORESS Or . OElllaimuirry-LTes Seising
LONDON, .February p 24, 1880
DEBATES on the Treaty and the Budget,
in the House of. Commons, are
. now the
order of the day. The. Opposition last
week held a meeting at the house of Lord
Derby, and seemed, resolved to have a fight,
so RS to be able to take advantage of- any
point possible to get back to power ; es
pecially with the help of some apostate
place-hunters whom the Whigs will not
serve, and. also the , damaging yet sometimes
seasonable aid of those unprincipled men,
the Irish Popish members. Accordingly,
on ISlonday everting D'lsraeli opened a
preliminary debate on a crafty resolution to
the effect, that the House should first con
sider and assent to the engagements of the
Commercial Treaty with France, and before
it went, into Committee on the Custom Acts.
The object is emphatically a party one ; and
to enable all those who were in any degree
affected:by the proposed. abolition of monop
olies to rally round , an Opposition .chief,
and help into office, D'lsraeli promised that
he would not give any opinion upon the
policy or provisions. of :the Treaty, and
then made a great ado about constitutional
precedents being violated by the Govern
ment. Mr. Herman, who, was Secretary
to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; some
years ago, and who, it is said, is vengeful
because Palmerston refusei to make him a
Cabinet minister, did his , best—and he is
fluent and able—to help the cause of the
Tories. But Gladstone, the Chancellor
of, the Exchequer, in one of, the:most bril
liant of his speeches, with finest , temper,
and yet with trenchant, logic and splendid
declamation, made even D'lsraeli look very
foolish, and the rout of the Conservatives
was completed by the closing speech of
Lord Palmerston, who, as Wellington would
have said, cut up, the flying foe. The di
vision gave the Ministry a telling majority
of sixty-thr i ce, and virtually excludes the
Conservatives from power for this Session,
unless some unexpected crisis arrives. It
also °crushes the nascent, hopes of the
Pope's Irish friends in the House. Dr.
Cullen is doubtless 'in dismay. " More of
that same " to him and all like him 1 .
As I have oftendesCribed to your read
, ,
ers the personnel of D'lsraeli and Glad
stone, I may now add the venni:tent of the
Times on their respective appearances in
the recent debate : ""
" There was only one thing Mr. D'lsraeli
appeared to have forgotten, in his clever
exhibition, and that was that Mr. Gladstone
is Chancellor of the Exchequer, and a man
sinavlarly adapted to this kind of discus
sion. There are conflicts- like <those of a
dog with a fish, in which each triumphs in
his own element', but in this instance,
D'lsraeli had, plunged headlong into . that
element where Mr. Gladstone reigns. with
out a compeer. To more than Mr. D'ls
raeli's subtlety, historical research, and
readiness of rejoinder ; : Mr. Gladstone , adds
that: brilliant power of declamation, with
out,which these other qualities are apt to
be tedious and unpleasing. 'Last night he
only wanted a text, and that was supplied
him. -Taking up Mr. D'lsraeli just where
he ended, and going through his argument,
he showed how little would have been
gained by the. attempt at a slavish adhe
rence to the model, and how far Mr.
D'lsraeli .himself liad been from under
standing. it."
TEE FRENCH ExPzaan. makes wider
every day the breach between himself and
,Ultramontain clergy. He has not only
replied is the Gallican sense to the Pope's
last letter, butt he <has issued orders to the
Prefects not to suffer the distribution of
inflammatory letters in the departments,
and very distinctly declares that the license
of pulpit 'harangues on the • Pope's alleged
wrongs will, if need be, be restrained by the
strong arm of laW., The infatuated Pope and
his party are evidently bent, if possible, on a
crisis; but hitherto Napoleon, has, proved
too :strong . for , them. He not' only sup
pressed the infamous 'Univera; but has - mit
,the existence of the 'Bretorw, for
deploring tre'"doom 'of the organ,
and.'Aiks.q..ting77 dacuPPIAB
prejudice the peasantry o' itikkirtift against
his throne. lie finds no"
no doubt, that he indulged > ..vie s t s t oo
much and too long, and t . T.. Mees with
Rome, are always exactin L. tr?„*ittessided.
She must have far more' , ,..' .: ilifto lion's
share, and no Prince has , Iteniiliknht her
aid in extremities, but 1ia.' ,, , , ,thystui
to repay her twenty-fold, i ~ ' hum a ; stain
on his fame as an indepe -.• ;,ruler. I
we could' only see a. Janse ;‘, *Orion in
the bosom of the Church ~ :ft : tre----vir
tually Protestant and , ' 3, . i 1R ---with
men like Pascal to rout Al ; ,
~.,ies of
truth and expose their s " lippl irefi en: there
would be good hope that jii - et
s ,plys for
France were at hand. It jog, 'l d, too,
of great Protestant memorilirsid'the mar
tyrdoms and massacres of tite, , ,,t may yet
be well nigh forgotten by ii 4 ,7 . Wien
of 'a living Evangelism ovirlhe 'Mpire,
The opening up of the e ec,.. tween
"France and England, will be, ). 44 worm
to the priests. It lip
i ll iii"Aiffuse
an atmosphere of free the '
~i', 4 l l'welJ. as
creates a necessity of pea iciii_Tkii - rule,
even though a sudden sto '43r\ .hitions
or jealous strife should for ti ir , e diVide
the two nations. .. ~ i,. ,
• %.,:,'ettaa 3 ..
THE GRAND DUKE OF -1 , -, r pep i
nally Protestant ruler, has • , la : !ft ! •1
rendered the independence . "••'-.. ,ozi r *- -
by a base Concordafwith,Ro,t,e ~; .
It places
the Archbishop above the laws, and has
lead to reaction and registatiee even from
Romish professors of the strict Genev b e of
l'reibourg. Two Universitilt, indeed, have
risen against the Concordat. The Prot
estant population numbers 'four hundred
and thirty-two thousand, the Romanist,
eight, hundred and ninetyznine thousand.
Mixed marriages are not unfrequent, and
a Protestant pastor may not officiate with
out a license from the parish priest ! - More
than this, all the offspring .of.such ,mar
riages are to be educated, in the Romish
faith. Austria has well nigh.:Terished in
the fatal embrace of the, Concordat - to
which she bowed her neck two or three
years ago.
THE . JEWS of the Austrian Empire, by
an Imperial , decree, are perrtiitted in many
districts'to possess anded andreal property.
No doubt an: object base andpielfisli thus
to be subserved, even as it 41 with the ap-
parent yielding, at last, to Principal
demands of the Protestantk.of HnigarY.
If Austria can keep them aOkthelefapasi
generally quiet—if she cap'reNiii them' in
her armies --,-she hopes"tc be 'ready for
another struggle. But it remains to be
seen whether the independende of Hiingary;
as a kingdom, is to; be grated. -That is
essential to national contentment. The
Selaves are sympathetic with .the Hunga-
rians ; and Jellachich;ltne-Ban of "Croatia,
who played a part so bloody and cruel =in
_Hungary, in 1848 . , finds:his people starving
from lack of food, which Austria is little
likely to be able to supply. -It is, said that
the ladies of Hungary are preparing mag 7
nifteent robes as a pre,sent, to the Empress
Eugenie. I:have, been aISO Or that Kos-
suth has disappeared suddenlyfrOna London,
some suppose, with revolutionary intent.
His habits of life when in London` *here
his family resides ' are very' simple. Be
aioids society, ',and does not appear at
those • soirees in the . houses ,Of the great,
where notabilities in literatnre• or politics
do.congrevate... Some -membeiStof ,my own
household' lately met at tho house 'Of one
of our literary men,"(Capiiiolaysid,),
two -of Kessuth's
amiable and accomplished.
TITB:KEY declines 'daily, as a "Mahomine-,
dan power, and becomes increasingly ChrisL .,
tian. Looked at in its 'present and pros
pective religious character and destiny, it,
is full of interest to the Christian'observer.
How remarkable the opening up of Turkey
during the list few years, as a missionary
field ! There are at this moment not less than
a hundred Protestant.missiOnaries of differ
ent Societies and countries, most of them with
families, living and laboring in the Turkish
Empire. These are not confined to the sea
Coast towns, but are scattered through till
the interior provinces, even to the very
borders of Persia. ' Within the last twelve
or fourteen, years, more than thirty or forty
native Evangelioal Protestant churches
have been organized, in different parts' of
the Tirrkish 'Empire, and there exists no
hinderance from the Government to the
organization of others. It has' been well
and truly said, that "Not one of all 'the
hundred missionaries would be tolerated in
;Russia a single day,' if "ertgaged .in the
same kind of Evangelistic labors."
Not. even a' form of apidication to the
Government is necessary for the opening:of
places for Protestant worship. If, indeed,
a new church is to be -built; a firman is , re
quired; but unless the• place selected is, ob
jectionable, there is no difficulty. A still
more important fact is, that there is a re
ality in those pledges given by the Sultan,
that not one of his Subjects shall 'be mo
lested in any way, on account of hiz re
ligion. It is a fact that baptized Miissul
mans, everywhere known and'recognized as
such, are in Smyrna and , Constantinople,
permitted to go at large, without any pop
ular 'molestation. There was , an. apparent.
intention to withhold protection in the case
of one old man, en Imam of the mosques,
'who being reported as having Some lean
ings toward Christianity, was summoned to
appear before the Minister o f: Foreign Af
fairs. But he was, not proseentecl, and, by
this time he is a ; baptized- and professed
follower of Christ. .
Fanaticism among the Mohammedans of
Turkey, is not dead. Thus` promises-Lmade
as to Hetet-Ms inihe State - , td England and
other European powers—are rendered dif
ficult of execution. " The great masts of
the Mohammedans in 'Turkey, are, proba
bly, at this moment, as proud, 13 upersiliotts,
'and fanatical, as "they - were a hundred yeitrs
ago. Should anynircumstance occur to set
fire, to their religious. zeal, and stirs up the
war-spirit. in them, the blood of Christians
must flow as rivers; though , nothing could
sooner hasten their own .doorn. It. would'
be just one last and desperate struggle, and
then the Mohammedan power in Turkey
would he forever at an end."
Such is the opinion of a most intern
gent writer from Constantinople, who sees
"only one probable solution of the, prot
lem with regard to Turkey, namely, that
the Mohammedan religion be displaced by
the Christian. The prey would thui be
snatched, from the very, Jaws of the ibis
sian Bear. Turkey would stand, forth 're
,her immense internal .resources
would speedily be developed," A religiOus'
change is really begun. Turkish Men and
women are found in PrOtestant chapels
eighty Soldiers and seven 'ill'MO
hammedans, have been attending a weekly
reading and`'el.posithin , of the Seriptuies,
"it really does 'seem as though - Ged's , set
time to favor thiti nation' had come, and !the
American missionaries are 'doing all in
their power to enter the doors Which Provi
dence is thus opening around them:"
ASSOCIATION held its annual meeting in
Exeter Hall, on Ttield"Y . 'evening' lhst.
There - we& an- iiinionse.gathering; Mord
Shaftsbury presided: This' Society
reachedAhe fifteenth year of existenee;
alld!fclnided:ilk.feitik:tand . ..preyexi-by. not
af:,the tbiELeinglis fnken;' the :t it
, t , ,
had 'conferred'Priceleisblessings on jralfog,
; men who edme to the metropo lis from all
parts of the kingdom It is a Literary In
stitution, has an eicellent liWry
and reference, and also classes for foreign
languagee, and' for Latin. It has a noble
newS-roOm - aid* coffee-room in Aldersgate
Street; antralfra - Lectilte - ma there. It
is a ..kind. Of Centre!. , ' attraction '
. ;to young
men, who are naturally gregarious,
who in`evening hours are here 'shieldedAnd
sheltered from a thousand evils to which
the young men 'of the departing genera,
tion, and for one hundred years past, were
almbst helplessly exposed.
The Bible 'classes connected' with this.
Association;'have been of the greatest pos
sible valve.: They have been conducted with
marvellous -spiritual. results, by the two
successive Secretaries. The .first was Mr`
Tarlton, (now a laborious and popular Epis=
copal clergyman at Stroud, and who was
received with enthusiasm on Tuesday
night, as a speaker'on "The Work and the-
Workman.") The second:and present Sec
retary, is Mr. Edwin Shipton. American
gentlemen visiting .London, should call on
him, and see the Institution at,Aldersgate;
' The 'Association has :ten branches in
different parts of the metropolis, each with
,its eif i l,e% ) ,Aenretnryi and suitable rooms
* istf#o. *4 1 :1 3 .0)NP*4114319*.0 1 41,
been, t rongh this , instrumentality, in op.
eration for some time, and is powerful at
present in the Western branch. A number
of the young men have devoted themselves
to the Christian, ministry with . success, and
the year before last ,I was one of the ex
aminers of candidates furnished'by the Asso
ciation for a prize for the best answering
on the Romish controversy.
; a pecu
liar characternd altogether novel in, its
'aim and 'end, yet truly in its
conception"and conduct, was held this week
at SC James' Restaurant, Regent, Street.
No where is'the great social evil more fear
ful' than in. this Metropolis, 'and hitherto--
with the exception of Penitentiaries being
upend for female penitents, and also a some-,
what aggressive movement made by, per
'sonal interviews, by Christian persons,
with the "unfortunates "—there had been
no direct' ffort made to bring the Gospel of
1 Christ in its loving, melting power, to - bear
i, on their: hearts. A gulf impaesable seemed
!Ao,Separatethis class from ; hope and -heav
i_ en.: Now, Christian philanthropy, ,guided
by ", the (wisdom 'and discretion of experi=
abed Christians, seeks to throw ;a bridge
over the' gulf across' which this class may
make their escape and ,be.restored to so
ciety and to God.
- About , three, weeks, ago a -fast- experi
r ment was made. Gentlemen connected
with the Monthly-Tract Society, the, Coun
ty Towns' Mission, and various Refuges and
Homes, discussed -the feasibility of gath
,el'ing together a number of the fallen in
the West ' End, by invitations ,put into,
their handq on printed cards on the
streets, at the Cafes , and other places of
resort. The ' attempt was made, and with
such marvellous success, that a second was
'held on the night of Tuesday last. I was
'one of the' feW present, along with the
- Hon. and - Rev. Baptist Noel, the Rev. Wil
• Bala Brock and others, including the Officers
of the' Soeieties and Homes already referred
-to. About midnight began to gather around
the tables of a spacious hall,• groups of poor
-creatures, each. of whom presented one of
- those 'eards.which had. been distributed that,
ixery.ev,enirig.E 'For= nearly one -hour there
, wad tt; eonstantlateeeilsion . of theseguests,:
and theywere . supplied by Christian that
rens and gentlemen, with tea and coffee,
and food. Opportunities :were thus furn
ished of speaking kindly words, and, of ask
ing about " the old, house at home," and
causing the • tear to start by reference to
livina , and heartbroken, or dead mothers
and fathers. The vast majority present
behaved with the. greatest decorum; a
stranger coming in, would have seen noth
ing in their quiet, lady-like aspect, to in
dicate throUgh what scenes they had Passed.
A. few Showed - signs of vicious mockery at .
things sacred ; but when Mr. Noel, a most
ChristLlike men,loving, noble in , the beau-*
ty and dignity of his features, and in his
sweet voice spoke to all as " his young
friends," and went on to invite them to
come to the: compassionate Saviour, and
pointedout the possibility of their being
restored to friends and home, and becoming
pare and' - happy wives: and mothers, the
effect was unmistakable. As on the first
occaSion, so then at the close of the ad
dresses and prayer, an invitation was given
- to - remain and go Fdirect! to Homes provided
for them.; and' a number obeyed the loving
aunimons, While others teerfnlly went away,
half resolved, and some pleading, that they
could not leave their property, clothes, and
-in some cases, rented houses just then.
A similar meeting is to be held, ere long,
in 'the East End of London, and 'if God
give his Holy Spirit in pewer, to aeconapa
ny this truly missionary work, Satan's
kingdom• will tremble, and i' a reactionary
influence will be exercised on many of
those who are now betrayers of innocence.
As in the days of Christ, .as in Ulster, so
in. London and -other great cities, it shall
be' seen 'that the very worst can be saved,
and that once more his blessed feet shall be
washed with the tears of those, who " love
nuich" because " much haw been forgiven."
A renmrkable diaplay of the power of
bivine' grace among a heathen'• People, has
recently taken place in, the island • of
Celebes. Some missionaries of the Neth
erlands Missionary Society' had labored
there for some years with but little apparent
success. One of .these missionaries how
ever, now describes the, wonderful shower
of mercy, with which they are visted. A
native, preacher wits passing through a vil
lige on Saturday,to his preaching appoint
m.ent on. Sunday, when he saw-the heathen
priest, who had been bitterly opposed to
the Gospel and the missionaries, , with a
large crowd about hint. Trembling with
fear, lie inquired what they wanted, when
he was told, greatly to his surprise, that he
and the people had resolved to renounce
idOlatry and become Christians.
The, movement spread from village to
village, the people casting away their idols,
and seekinc , instruction from the mission
aries, Thepeople say that they had come
to the knowledge of the truth chiefly by
the instruction their children had received
in the mission-schools. The missionary
mentions three districts, containing at the
beginning of the year, not less than ten
tlionaand - heathen, and adds, " hut to all
appaiitaieeand•with the help Of God; by
the end of the year there-will not be one
left there!'
Some one has finally said : " It is retail:4
'of Thidias, that in constructing the statue
of Minerva, at 'Athens, he, so wrought ki,a
ounvinfage into her" shield, 'that' it could
'nut, he' removed' 'Without .disiltying the
statue itself. Thus—ineffectually .does. the
mother- engrave her 'mental liketiess,iher
=oral cluwactercuport the soul of the child.
400 1 41 tho Jattor.shalthaye4hemkannilti
-Jatedzwill ramo_ved.7.
A Nation Born at. Once.
Maternal Influence.
Frian the prosbyterian Herald:
PNiture in Prayer. .
he;Peneray, -pad.acxeral of
the lower judicatories of the Church have
repeatedly taken action on the subject. In
1849; and 'again in 1859, the Asseinbly
passed the following paper, viz:
" While the posture bf-.'atanding in pub-.
lie prayer, andlhat of kneeling , inprivate
prayer, are indicated by examples in Scrip
tare, and the general ,praetiee of the
cient Christian Church, the Posture of sit
ting in public prayer is nowhere mentioned
and by no.usageallowed; but on the, con
trary, was universally _regarded by,. the
early. Church as heathenish and irreverent;
and is still; even in the customs of modern
and Western nations, an attitude evidently
Wanting in the due eipression - of rever
ence ; therefore, this General Assembly re
selve that,the, practice in question be con
sidered grievously improper, whenever the
infirmities of the worshipper'do not render
it necessary; and - that ministers be required
sto reprove it with earnest and persevering
,admonition." -
Schaff, in his History of the Apostolic
Church, page -533, says
"'Respecting the , posture of prayer we
-find nothing preseribed. in the cases of
our Lord'm agony in, the gardeni_ Luke ki4;lo4,Agettfil.mitgs44B4
and of the sorrowful, parting of Pauli
the Ephesian Elders, Acts as: 36, knee -
ing is'mentioned. And' this is best suited
to 'express that, which here of course, has
chief prominence, - viz.: the humble sub
;mission and reverence. of the heart before
;the holy God, and the sense of entire de
,pendence on him ; whilst the erect posture
and the lifting up of the hands, (compaie
'l. Tim. ii : 8,) are peculiarly proper for
4hanksgiving and the expression of solciun
joy, and were,accordingly used in the ancient
6f/tura on Sunday, the joyous day of the
Lord's resurrection."
The same author, in his History of, the
Mistier' Church, page 324, says
".On Sunday, the standing posture was
adopted in 'token of festive joy over the
resurrection from, sin and death. But
there we'd' no uniferrn law in regard to
these forms. Origen lays the chief stress
on lifting the soul to God and 'bowing the
heart before him • ;and says that where
circumstances require, one, can worthily
pray sitting or lying, or 'engaged in
Dr. Coleman, in his" Ancient Christian
ity Etemplifted," has an entire section on
the subject, fivin which we extract the fol
loWing : ,
"1. Standing. In the Eastern Church.
dt, was customary, as it still ,is with Me
larninedins, Arabians, and the Parsecs of
Persia, to stand in prayer. Many 'eiani
' Pea of this custom occur, also in the Serip
lures : Gen. xxviii: = 22, .xix 27; r 2.
,Chrort.xx : 13; 1. Sam. : 26;; Job xxx :
-,20; Luke xviii : 11-13;.Matt. vi: 5 ;
Mark xi: 25. And from the .writings of
Basil, ChrySostom, and the Apoitolical
Constitutions; it wonld seen). that this was
-the tesitaZ attitude, and not am exception to
the general rule, as has often, been assert
ed, but an established custom from the
earliest ages of Christianity. The
il of Nice, A. D. 325, formally ordered
that the churches everywhere should ob
serve- the, custom of standing in prayer.
According„ - to Origen, the eyes and the
hands should:be lifted up, to -heaven, that
the body may indicate , the elevation ; of
=the 'Seul. Butallows''eXeeptions
elise-of-linfirreity,- and according to' cireuni
startees. also insists that it is neces
sary for one to knee/ whembe prays for the
forgiveness of his .sins., But he is .here
speaking not of public, but of, private
yrayer. The'author of It uestions and An
s*ers to the Orthodox, which some erron
.eously have ascribed 'to Justin Martyr; as
,seits that, the custom which ,is observed
through the days of Pentecost was of
apostolic origin,- and refers to a passage
frem Irenaeus, which is lost, in proof'of 'the
assertion. -Epiphanius,.Jerome ; Augustin,
and Basil, also. concur .in, sanctioning the
custom of standing, in prayer: And it is
particularly worthy of remark, that peni
tents were denied this privilege, it being
the, prerogative and right, only - of' believers
and:consistent professors of religion.
Li singing, this , was regarded as the
only; proper and becoming'attitade.
"2. Kneeling.--Abundant authority'for
this is also found-in the Scriptures : Gen.
xvii. 3, 17; Num. xvi. 22.; Josh. v. 14; 2
Chron. xx. 18.; Luke xxii. 41; Acts vii.
50; 60 ; ix. 40; xxi. 5; Eph iii j 4. The
a6t: Of kneeling was thought peculiarly to
indi6ate humility before God; to exhibit a
sinner who had fallen away from him, and
In:need of -Divine grace and mercy.. Ac
cordingly, it, was uniformly required.of all
who had fallen under censure of the 'Church
fort their offences,-as an - indispensable con
dition of their restoration to their.fonner
covenant relations. • Basil denominates it
the. tosser penance, in distinction from
prostmtion, which was called the greater
It . must, indeed, be admitted, that it
was; very common both to kneel and to stand
in prayer.' ' But the assertion that , kneel
ing was, the unifoim- posture in prayer in
all•acts of worship, except on the Sabbath
and. festive occasions, is an unwarranted
assumption. The most iMportant authori
tie's from the ,fathers are. given in the in
dex. .
3. ~ Bowing. the hea4.—This was a -kind
of intermediate 'attitude between standing
and kneeling : Occasionally the inclination
of :the body, is also mentioned. The bow
ing of the head was • especially required in
connexion waft intercessory,prayers and the
receiving of the benediction.
"4.,Frostrationupon the, ground.---11;iik
is 'occasionally'meritioned, but was • not re,
quired 'as a rule-of:Worship. It was chief.
ly appropriate to deep humiliations and ex
pressions of shame <or : sorrow upon., some
very =remarkable occasion,-but was not the
general, practice of the Church.
"Sitting in prayer, according to Bing
,was never, allowed: the ancient
Church., It was universally regarded wan
irreverent and • heathenish posture in their
deiCtions. Even the very heathen, as well
as the whole ancient Church, might justly.
rebuke the shameful irreverence of ninny
Christian, assemblies in sitting in prayer, ~•a
custom 'alike repugnant to every sentiment
of • devotion, and every dictate of decency
and propriety.
",5. The lifting up of the hands.—This
was a, common rite in pagan worship, but
with the Christian. fathers, it was peculiar
ly significant as-an , emblenrof the cross, de
signed- to assist them in holding , a' lively
remembrance,of i Christ crucified. Occasion...
ally ',the. hands - were-elasped.'together in
prayer. _ ' •
reo'ard to the sOvering,of. the heidi
the , Church.strietly observed the rule giVen
by the apostle, 1 Cor. xi., requiring the men
to ,be uncovered, and the women to wear
their Appropriate. covering in prayer. ,In
this their:custom was directly opposed to
that of both Jews 'and Gentiles. With
them, to appear with the head covered, de
note44,6edoinnatindepilidende.Butt the
Christian - f t sal.the;SerWant of , the Lord, tqii
Peaoa uncgOreck-ipt9kci
and dependenes.',
Fran these quotationsifroma ancient au:
&aide& `urgannespondent.twkil flee.• Ida
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• •
PROPRI6TO49,,ab Pilfitinpßip
neither the Scriptures nor the 'ancient
.ChurcheS required any prescribed posture
in prayer, thatfor public prayer; -stand
ing;' the mode adopted by the Presbyteriall
Chureh,twas the. most common. In private?
and family 'devotions. the ; kneeling posture'
was the more, eommon, just- as it is with
Us. the Preshiteriati churches of the
United - Slit - ell, we
,presume",. receTved, their
custom'frinii-the y •bhureli Sealand, and
that , adopted it , ,Pptobablyifith'n the Clarreh
of Geneva,' Under 'John though-
that . ,point we are not prepared to'speak
definitely and. positively. We, had, always
supposed, until our correspondent's note
directed our attention to it, that bier di
rectory foi , prescribed, the
standing posture; believele4l6&not.
Ciistom ho' ever has sanctionedAhatlai
tare until it ha:s ever;
liw.amongst our
churches all over the country ::; Sittinp
which is practiced in some ,churches,
every where condemned.
He who allows ..hiS apilication to falter,
or shirks his work on frivolous preieits, is
on the Sure road to iiltimate failure. Let
any task be undertaken, tie, a thing not pos
sible to be ; evaded, mill soon comet°
i be w t erarmeizitlhelactity p 4914,Alieeyfid
ecome comparative y easy 111
"time ''like e.very' Other habit. Thus even
men with the commonest brains and -the
most slender powers will accomplish much,
if they will but apply themselves wholly
and indefatigably to one thing at a time.
Sir Charles Napier ' when in India, en
countered an. army of thirty-five thousand
Belooches with two thousand men, of whom
only four hundred were Europeans. He
charged them in the centre up a high bank,
and for three. oum the battle was undecid
ed. At, last they turned and fled. .
It is this Ott of pluck, tenacity and de
termined perieverance which wins soldiers'
battles,,and indeed, every battle. It is the
one, neck nearer that wins the race and
shows the brood; the one pull more of the
oar that proves the "beefiness of the fel
low," as Oxford' Men. 'say; it is the one
march more that , wins the campaign; the
five minutes' more persistent courage that
wins the fight Though your force e be less
than anther's, you equal and outmaster
your opponent if you con tinueit longer 'and
-concentrate it= more. The reply of the
Spartan father, who said. to his son, when
complaining that his sword was too short:
"Add a s tep to it," is applicable . to every
' thing 'in life. ,
• It is riot hevi much a man may know that
ii of so much iinportance as the end and pur
pose for which: he knows it. The object of
knowledge should be to, mature •wisdom and
improve character, to render us better, hap
pier, and more useful—more benevolent,
more energetic, and More efficient in the
pursuit of every -high purpose in life. We
must ourselves be and do, and not rest sat
isfied 'Mere*. with. - reading and meditating
over what ether men have written and done.
Our best , light, roust be made 'life, and our
best thought,. action. The humblest and
least literate must train his sense of duty,
and accustom himself to an orderly and dil
igent' life. neigh talents are the gift of
nature, the highest -virtue may be acqui.ted
by, men of the humblest .abilitie,s, through
careful self-discipline 'At least we ought
to he able to say, as ,Richter did,
." I have
Made as much out ,of myself as could, tie
'made of the stnif,:and 'no man - should re
Neva; Do too Ruch at a Time.
• Sir Edward Buhver Lytton; in a lecture
.recently delivered in _England, 'gives the
following historyof his literary habits :
"Many persons seeing me •'so much en
gaged in activelife, and, as much about the
world as if.' Ita4epte no student, have said
to me, -, *hen do you get tithe to write all
your books? : flow on earth do you con
trive to duso much work ?' I will surprise
You. by the answer ,I make. The answer is
this - : I contrive to do 'so much by never
doing too much at a time. -A than, to get
thiough work s well, must not over-work
himself;• or, if he does too :much to-day s
the,reaction of fatigue will come, and he
will be obliged to do too little to-morrow.
" Now, since I begin really and earnestly
to sfudy,-Which was not till I had left col
legei.and was' actually in, I may
perhaps say that I have gone through as
large, a course of general reading as , most
men of my time. I have travelled much,
and I have seen much; I have'iniied much
in politics, and the various - business of
life ; and in addition to all - this, I have
.published somewhere about sixty volumes,
some, upon subjects requiring much re.
search. And what time do you think, as a
general rule, I ' have devoted - to study—to
reading and writing ? Not more than
three hours a day; and when Parliament
is sitting, not always that. But then,
during those hours; I have given my whole
attention to what I was about!'
?low is the Time,.
"Not yet," said• a little boy, as he was
busylwith his top and ball;*" when I grow
older.l will thinkubout my soul."
The little boy, grew, to be a young man.
"Not' yet," Said the young man; "I am
noii'about tai `enter into trade, ; when I see
my' business 'Prosper, then I shall have
more time than now.", ,
Buginess did,prosper
"Not .yet," said the man of business ;
" niy" eliildr4 must bave my care; when
they' aiC gettled'in life, 'I shall be better
ablejO.attond toreligion °'
iletlivecl be-_a:-gray-headed old man.
. " _Not ydt," still he cried; "I shall soon
retire from trade, and then I shall have
nothing else to 'do Mit to read and pray."
- And sikkllhe died; he put o# to another
tune what' shoulT:have been done when a
He lived' 'Without God, and died
We do not know which to admire more,
a hrilliant victory, or a magnificent retreat.
Great souls only can achieve both. In
tegrity is as brightly displayed in the re
cantation of error, as in the vindication of
truth, for the recantation evinces love of
the, truth. Indeed, our admiration is
heightened by the former, since it displays
a fortitude on which truth may with more
confidence, rely, when her, majesty and
beauty are assailed by prejudice and error.
Riirity"of character has no affinity for error,
and is an essential ,element of nObleness og
,No better evidence of, purity,-.414
candid cenees'siens, 'and the lime coitiaie-,
nous and adpirable because the utiore..rare.
In 'the' niga raiance of concession we OX
the and Imre- the. more.----07ir 01) 7
laies blood is apt to 'rise hii out
ward .gooill lirtheArinter men•gird their
elothes :'closely about then; but, in= the. Stn
mer, theflet =them .hing the , Win
tercof 1 atiVersitylnafiy i t 3Obrieliari girds (his
heartielesely to. God ,:to Cluidt; to thiaos
peli tto:i godliness, to.:l•ordinatieei to dutieai
*Voillirthe ,Stunnteiatme f iatiga:loose
froinialk 044:: :4 :41 * t