Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, March 24, 1860, Image 1

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    IVlC.Mktii 3. ALLIAON s. La%Wt.
Editors and Proprietors.
TERMS ADVA'N'alt.• ' k.ll
ST I.E binnionrimons ' 08111)
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?or Two'lkitidkil, Vte will land by ineifitoioriti•uusittia;
and for Ors Dos.tiu, thirty-tlu - oo numbers.
Pogo i nonding tte TREPITT itithiCribyrti Itll4,l3Dirftrd. will
AlMelio' Hy :AMUR! eci.svnper • ;
,A Piikierk itrAliK on $ll6 • papft• alguigt e ‘iw t h e
torta fa early out 41111 that &grim u.reuttvat
n o h lo ow ' hood be pknopt, a lirtlelnifofelho:yetex
" po!yinents'by naln bandit; or by mal l
DINO hil bittern to DAVartilripaher 4110 v
11•Rittgbprith, PS.
A tittleithilm
BY• BEV. Botuot,
Beyond the ettilittriiikttlie We`eping,
Beyond the waking and - the sleeping,
Beyond.the sowing odd the reaping,
41 1 .
Lorboreet, rand home !
not, but come.
••• ,
lieitontrtiii'blanining and inn fading,
I Shell be soon ;
113eyekkgthi`shining and fie' shilailfig,
'4lo t tind tbe hoping and' the 'drettiing,
I shall be, scion. :
Love, rest, and halm!
Sweet home I
Lord, tarry not;. but come:
o i
Beyond the rising and ihe setting,
I" shall be,, Boom;
Beyond'es calming and the fretting,
Beyond remeMberinwand for'gettin'g;"
IShall 'be, soon.
Love, rest, and home
Sweet home,l
lord, tarry not, bit' oine.
,Biztynnd,thellarting and thaftneqtog, ,
• I shall be v soon;
Iloyond the fareieell and the'greeting,
gesiond the pulae's .ftier beating.
I shall tie, soon.
Love, rest, and home!
Sweet home I
Lord, tarry not, hut come.
Beyond the frost-ohain and 'the. fever,,
I shall be soon;
Beyond the-rook-waste , and the river,
Beyorld'th6 CVO and 'the never,
I shall be, , soon.
Love, rest, andlome
SWOOt houtel ' -
Lord, tarry not, become.
E'er the Presbyterian Banner.
Of the Rev. .TohYr &hit/4 a Piiebiderian Minister
Brother,. the Rev. Peter Smith; a. Methodist
Preacher. . - -
Arr. Pmft Sstritt :••--De.o Brother
The ground on' which the doctrine of in 7
fent salvation rests, ought to be,thoroughly
explored. There are few doctrines- so imt
perfectly understood. Church members*
could be counted' by - the thousand'who have
never given, themselves the trouble to .find
out what the. Scriptures_teach. concerning
this, matter. It is this want of investiga
tion on the part of the, people, that gives
your preachers, in some respects, the ad-
vantage both of those who, like the Uni
verSalists and Socinians, reject grace alto
gether, and of those whose system, like.
nurs, is.founded wholly in grace. lsror'aro
some of your brethren ` avail theft
selVes - of this advantage. astice; says
the Universalist, simple jnatice, requires
the salvation .of infants. By grace, says
the Calvinist, and by, grace alone, are in
fants saved. The Methodist Arminian
adopts the-sentiments of.the- -Universalist,
but borrows the UN/nip 'of the Calvinist,
and stoutly, maintains i in defiance of all
consistency,, that infants are saved both
by justice and by grace. On the Arminian .
plan, infants are saved justly by ,grace or.
graciously by jtistice. In the Universalist,
scheme, grace is, dropped, and they are
saved purely' by justice. These two systems
sitara,ted'bY very
,wide interval', in other
resreefei here approach' each ' other and
almost touch. To invert the ordinary ride
of comparison, 67Viffei7froelietiteen,Uni
versalisfitattitArtainiimarn is-the-difference
between, the Rev.:Dr. E.
,C. Chapinand the
Rev. Dr. R.. S. Foster. Dr. Chapin,
Universalist, would boldly inculcate oil his '
Maker the duty of 'saving infants on the
simple ground of justice.. Dr.. Faster,
Methodiat, not *flit bold, would
inform his. Makers that he , WAS"bound to
save the race of infants by grace; while
both' 'the UniVersalist Doctor and the
Arminian Doctor would Claim the liberty
to call God aninfinite tyrant to his face, if
he did not save infants either by justice or
by grace.
You will not for a moment suppose, my
brother, that I put you and.your brethren-
on a level with a Class of' religioritits, 'who
might as well take refuge in Deism at once,
for Unliersalism is little better than Deism.
But it cannot be denied that Uttiversaliats
have here the advantage of Arrainians, for
if God Goad not justly leave infants to the
consequences of Adam's transgressian,
as clear as day that the Universalist and:not
the Methodist, is right. To talk about in
fants being-saved by grace, if justice de=
mends their salvation, is really to alit.
nonsense. Who ever thinks of calling the
payment of an honest debt the conferring
of a speeial favor. Who ever dreams of
designating the cancelling of an Obligation
the "bestowal 'cif a free gift. And yet the
salvation of infants is represented by Al
niiniatign as a heavy debt most, justly clue,
which a juit'God discharges by grace !
An incident,' which occurred here a few
days ago r l must; not omit relate, as
illustrates, in a simple-way, the striking
inconsistencies of the A.rminien theory, Of
grate. About two months ago, my good
Methodist friend, Mr. Hill' veryy kindly
favored me with the loan of five hundred
dollars. Last Monday morning, ,I returned
the borrowed money, and took. occasion by
an innocent stratagem, to show my friend
that Arminianism, reduced to' practice,
would not, where dollars and cents are con
cerned,* accepted by the most strenuous
advocate of that system. This will be ex-
planed li,the following note, in which' the
check for thonioney was. enclosed :
To Josminr Ent, EsQ.:—Deark
The accompanying, check for five hundred ,
dollars you will have the goodness to ac
cept a& a free gift.. from me. This act of
rare generosity wi11,.1 trust, awaken the
liveliest sense of gratitude in yOlif,rheart.
Pardon me for suggesting that it be made
known to the public, what a valuable
ptesent you have receivedfrom yam-goner
ounbenefactor, JOHN Smug.
This note, instead of being received sea
pleiOtt joke, called forth this 'quite serious
Po rinltzv. JOHN SMITH :—.Dear 822":
'this morning I can hardly,
regard is other light than :an insult.
How couldlyailaVe the face, permit me to
ask, to prated, that you were giving me as
a present five -"hundred dollars ' when you
knew.that you owed. every cent of that min ?
And how could yonots,tm honest Inn, ask
me to cherish a sense.deiratitude for your
ritcdiet of generigeZ,VSat act of
. Is a map, ,pnerous , when his ,
pays hishonest debts .? ' You wish me to
tedtte the public that IVayeleceived this
monerasga free' gift from you. Would you
have me, utter, a falsehood ) ? I desire you
to retnenther,,sir, that I tali loot , given to`
and . that rnitdve only paid an
lilitiest att. "louts, iko4
- Yosipir
I had4aolit•Autrgood 'frieraie l justewhere :1
*acted to hlive him, mid' 'fiNgiataly
painted lituf seat" hikleftei that fidlows :
To Son '
you express in the note which has just been
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delivered to me. 'acknowledge- that it
Wits nothing, but `an hone:4 debt, which I
was liquidating with' the money I sent you.
It was not . an act, of, favor, but of simple
justice: I owed you- that = amount; and
should 'a rogue and a villain had I re
figed to repay 'it. Bet'do you not see, my
dear; sir, that I had a particular objeet
view . in pretending to-pay, off a debt by a
fiee gift ? I was only applying the princi
ples of • Arminianism to an affair of busi
ness, and the experiment shows that' the
Arminian theory of grace, applied •to the
common transactions of life, is enough to
try the patience , of-even so thorough a
Methodist as' Mr. Joseph Hill. Do you
not see, my friend, that;,our theory breaks
down ,the moment you bring it, to bear, on,
practical matters-of-fact? Taken , out , of
the , domain , of dogmatic theology, Armin
ian grace is a simple absurdity. • Suppose
I had inserted in the newspapers this
The Rev. John. Smith, in the spirit of true
benevolence ' has been pleased to bestow on his
friendi Mr. Joseph. the handsome SUM of
hundred dollars. An, act so noble and dis
interested; deserves ; to be recorded. to the praise
of the= generous liberality and. kindness of the:
Reverend. donor. ,
• .Such a statement would:involve- iv gross
falsehood. True, John Smith did' pay to
Joseph Hill five hundred dollarS,,bit it
was not .- a gift, it was only payment of a
debt. When you Arminians• publish to
the `World that God, of his infinite grace,
saves that portion of our race that die in
infancy, you :state whit is in itself 'a glo
rious truth, :but what on your principles
cannot be true. It is true, indeed, that.
God does' confeton dying 'infants everlast
ing Life ; but. according to Arminianism; it
is not in reality a pure gift, it is only,pay- ,
mentBf a debt; If God should . refuse to
bestow grace in a single instance, ten
thensand' Arminian preachers, with John
Wesley at , their head, would' unanimously
pass sentence on him for' being an Infinite
Tyrant ' Yet these same gentlethen will
have it that infante are saved only by grace !
Grace with a vvitriessi What I, said the
other day 'to Mr. Jories, your minister;
would now say to you—drop the word
grace. That noble term belongs to us:
None butt - Calvinists understand the mein:.
ing of the tem, and we can justly-claim it
as our own. When we say :that infants are
sa'redt by 'grace, we do not - eitilq-the word
grace for clap-trap; we do not attach to it a
sham- signification; we do not make it a
synonym with debt In our vodabulary;
debt always means 'debt, and grace, alWays
means graee. Yours;; &c.;
ror the 'Presbyterian Banner
MESSRS: ED/TORS .1----Our Church should
provide for' herself - as a fluidly, all neceti-
Sary. Church- Music and 'Music Books, as
sho'is mew doing in'her. Hynin Books,Sab
bath School -Books ; Tracts, and• Theology:
Of these we need at least •five different
books; adapted-to our own . uses and - vieWs,
and-to the various Stages of 'musical 'study
and 'practice, viz.: one. book , expressly 'for
Sabbath School- purposes;' one juvenile mil,
sic book;; containing an' extended feoUrse of
elementary lessons, adapted to the': use of
primary schools; one 'family devotion , and
prayer-meeting ribook, containing. a proper
selection of •hymns and .music; one large
music' book for- general- and; adVaiieed:in
straction .and , ipractiberadiqua tri' con=
gregationel >purposes ; and one, a , seleetion
of antheins,- set pieces; and chants, adapted
to special public occasions, as-installations,
church• dedications, and- siinilar 'services:
If Presbyterian Church, with all: her
parochial schools, academies, colleges, And
seniinaries, is to be in educated , Church'in
other-departments,' whynot in the
art offier religious services ?' Each of
Oleic'books: should' be suited 'only to that
particular place, and - object, and' class-of
f)ersonsfor whom it vrasintended: If.this
pritteiple'is , esteemed vital inall 'the other
deisartments of elementary' books for - an ,
edueation, why. not here ? They should'
not , belumbered-' with' music and. hyirans;
witha view to adapting them.. to general
purposes': as most niusic books now. are 'con
structed -by book-makers for, money-making;
and not musical - progress. Each of these
books should'be' prepared with ''a view to a
'progressive;: ;scientific , 'course of - Musical
shady and-practice, as books are• now:. used
for imparting elementary instructioWin
other branches , of a liberal education:
Surely - we'are not designed; as - Presbyteri:
ins; to reinain pigmies in' this important
science,' while . in all other , branches of
kiioNtledge we are -making such noble.
strides'. Who would.' think of finding the
college •arid primary schbolcoUrseeombined
in: the:same book; Enclid"i elements inter
spersed with. Webster'S speller? •Yet very'
much thus' is now the case with music
bOoki ;, the same' few- stele•pages:Of "
nt "* if - found Anil, are found in all niu
eic`hooks alike, at: best•niaking re;al pro-'
vision for acquiring an elementary
edge Of the science, but, forming - first the
erroneous impression in the kind` of the
pupil 'that there is no .science Music
that'll is either. a " natural" gift to a' se
lect few, Or to be 'obtained'as an accidental
artificial matter; an idea most fatal to the
pupil's, future acqUisitionis and culture,,
While the true science of Music is" one'of
the' most profound, abitniSe, diffiCiilt;
at the same time interesting, beautiful, and
important of all sciences, as might' be ex
pected, being designed of God ELS.ihe enlY
'earthly' acquirement to Nisi with' us to
the World of glory. An erroneous belief
here has brought about ell that inattention
to diie study of the science of gusic,
conseqUent false taste and'jargon in . our
Church services. We 'may flood the land
with music books; sele'eted • hymns, and
hymnology,' and 'contend against church
choirS and organs, hilt never remove the
abuses 'complained uf until iwe provide the
proper material, and have all our-children
' and youth" taught scientifically the art of
sacred song. This done, all these abuses
would silently disappear ; the whole
would be a choir. David's fingers upon an
organ,nf, sweet sounds, or , one of our ewri
wonted= soils, with his heart in proper tune,
woidddisturb nobody, as.lie would- know,
and feel-where = when, and how - to . praise
Rod "With strlnvred 'instruments and' or
Fiord the 'present position' of thingsitwo
diffielittiesMeet us at the _very threshold of
`torts to impart a - musical oda
our e. . proper-
cation or taste adatitedrte bless our children
and Our chureli t es.. -First ; .no music books
are found properly suited to draw out :the
interestr. attention, and cqnsequent neces
sary efforts of the, putil„while obtaining a
knowledge. of the; science -and art. The
Music teacher is situated •inneh: as the
teacher of sot ninon schools - would, be; if
now found- amid his pupils with only the
" . School Masters' Assistant," and. " Mur
ray! s English Reader ; '' and the -ideiyof the
&Within of language tennted'at itfrateees
sa7' item in h primary education. Most of
our professedly elonientary liiusio becilciate
about-i hundred, years -behind' inne. when
children and youthwere:nevernnowtionght
*OH ailfenntilretesintig , the, seven: 11 ten
of ithitAliiiiebet!to`G,f'ekolied tie-the:lnnsici,settlel
The Greek Gamma, formedinto Gamut
of at being taught music. One}. or two
quarters after they had • come to man, and
WOrhanhood under the " singing master" in
a night classof tiro. hours 'of- frolic and
Mirth, : one-third; and:sometimes one-half
spent in an intermission of social: chat and
'hilarity, was deemed all4Sufficient• to pre
pare all who - weie "natural Singers" for
the general' service of God's house. The
writer was fairored`with one 'whole . quarter,
at' a cost 'of twenty-fr;Te-eents clear money,
finding 'his` owneandles. Upon much the
same principle has out Church. acted, in
'publishing. a "'Psalmody" for , the oldest
people, and of the 'very oldest music.that
.eould-be]found, as a progressive step of:the
age. Not an item in. it for a child, unless
born with ahead} and heart fdty !years old:
-This is acting,mit eduCation in the , reverse
order of nature ; to begin with the, old and
'dying to edubate, andthat i too; for a 'new
and' great era. of the, world?s, progress in
every thing, but. especially !devotion . ; and
to juvonze that music,' w small selection
was 'made :niostly, Of. the • same music, and
Pativiodist. Not that our
Psalmody is not of "its kind, andiso far mit
goeS, ght, when,put its 'proper place,
, but 'it ought - to have been at least our
fourth hook in order instead 'of our ;first,
and to have.. containedl annich greatier va ,
riety of music. The Very oldedt of the
music' therein, and'some would Alike to
have.seen ihere still older; is juit-whitt•We
should have, to be preserved by the Church
as 'a legadyto' our children: t .I
love to sing.. those: selemn.old times, -even
with. all their &gee, : - and even.: imperfect
harmonies, - reminding . me theydo of our
ancient Church• service .of the soundsand
songs of our pions dead; of places and de
votions , fifty , years 'gone by j. - knit we never
can. have our childrenand youth appreciate
this, or:bc musically , educated. ittd properly
trained' in . that book, or from matter selected
from= it.* Even those nwake to a proper
estimite of childhood's tastes and •interests
in this 'subject, and Who are making. Com
mendable efforts, in preparing. b r ooks for
their use seem to take it . for granted that
while children roam he taught. to sing; :they
cannot be taught, 'or - need not be taught
the science of song. That • must be! left
for men and women' to learn , . Is this not
anomalous ' education.? 'Hence most
juvenile music book's' are-mere- song books;
and'to ouriyouth wknowledge: of
the sdieriet-or . rules 'of practice ive' must
lurnber- the child. down with, some large;
expensive' congregational singing book, as
we would with Webster's Dictionary •to
hunt outiwordsi ..AndAhenhe . would find '
only a few-fingirtentarr pages .of technical
terms"and generalities ; iMposkible to •incite
an k interest in the pupil neceisaryto.Pro
gress—a principle now--'conceded it° lie at
the foundation , oil: all proper'- instruction:
vocabulary of technicalities and abstract
principles and rules . of =seience will' not
answer this-age of itistruction narnes itind
terrnS ,, committed =night . - tio "something in
our oohed-I*y days, when-the ferule, ratean,
and cat-onine-talwimlieddedthent into the
body. `as- to 'afFect the mind; but not
now, urider the 'reign of moral - suasion.
With the pretient provision for instruction,
' proper . , eietiteritafy- knowledge of this
science, or its practice, "'can . possibly be 'ob
tained - imparted, `unless each teacher.
originates for , hirpself,. `he'..prodeetio, 'the
necessary ' material for accomplishing- the
Work.' ?Noise Aiad - rant Maybe - secured, brit
not 'the science sweersound. and -chaste
hirniony. , For such a work in other.
departhrent's ?if tedniation, and everumbre
soliere,•feWcteadhera hate either the "abil-•
ity, adaptedness; time; or means. It is - one
thing to Make a Niriseafta=succetsful Ilse' of
tools_ providedr;
• a Very different thing,"to
deviseand create these materiels for youi.=
self. They ought to . .be• 'all amply fur ,
nished, - not: in impulsive haste, which ll:met
illy acconiplislt 'the . Work, but with delib ,
crate purpose - and!' gre,it care; US worthy a
great object; 'heaven'borre , and heaven
deitined-; all of . . Which should be • diwie
through our 'Boaya •of ".Publicati'on.
*I. adopted t,be.botik when: first published, -and
have used it ever :elude. wish. to be .Presby'.:
ifoy tti4 r'byterbli Munier
' • ,
"Godliness with contentanpot ,11..grept
.- How' uch. tite ':needs to leato . this
essdn—Coikteritine:nt ! 1- •
I. contentment rna3r...,b.e`. wawa. It
may 'exist without godliness: , illanynien are
naturally, contented— Put them• anywhere;
and they seem to enjoy themselves. Some
men s:eeria. .liappy, unywhere, at home. any
where;.: contented. anywhere; These; of all
men, are they who-:extract honey frinu. the
carcass- , -taste the sweet, when , other men
only-taste the bitter. It 'eau he ,caltivatedi
A mangy is foolish-who says he can cultivate
hi§ reason, his;.- memory, but' cannot-eulti ,
vate contentment. • .who .set
apart, one,-half hour each; day-to meditate
on his Italian , happiness; began . the
right place i end -.proceeded the right way.
The :more you meditate :on! your happiness;
the happier! . you =will be. The -morel yell
think on your, misery; the , Vivre ,miserable
you Will he, .Were there =one great.bank_ of
cloud, and , one broad belt- of suttlight in
the sky,. he: would;. be a very foolish man
who kept all the while gazing,on the cloud;
fretting about the storm brewing there.
2. Contentment 'lieu be , a' Wetter of
Philosophy.- A fatalist . niny,be 'Contented
in his:way. ~,W hatia to be, will be he
says.. • Therefore; no use for iretfulnessiand
anxiety. Everything. happena in , obedil
epee to = an iron fate,. andi it were folly:. to
rut lout: my arm., of fesfr. to battle with the
Arm: of Iron: Things-dri. , Ao, and. so-they
must be he arg-new;.ansiwisdonalfould teach
a meek submission to -what-is-inevitable;
and a wise use. of opportunities which are,
no .naatter . , how or whit they are. A man
may tliuslihilosophike,. and get himself into
a eijuable temper. Thus did old
heathen. Sages and • Senators; calm .as the
gods eveniirhen revolution And- 'anarchy
Were thunderirkget their -gates. Witnesis
the Rouien:Senate.
3. But all thiais far below the •Christian
standard—" Godliness with contentment is
great gain." - The- Cluristiaa!,s contentment
is not a thing ; of temperament - er.hiclr. grows
with ainan fruit grows,ort u tree, at thing
of the - nerves more than the Mind, or ; the
heart.- Neither is it a thing opreason—a
stubborn submission-0 fate. It is a print.
eiple in the ; hearti,rooted, in, something as
firm as ,God himself, It comes from, a pr.&
faand. conyietion that everythin&which be
falls him is for the ; best: He, submits, not
because it is natural; not because he must,
but because ,he „prefers to. submit. „Paul
saidand there never , was a man belt *ere
ups -and downs in life, more strange, abso
lutely astounding changes, read' his' life,
pne of perili r now • on: land; now on sea, now
=Long robbers,, now , among traitors r to-day,
stoned, to-morrow .whipt, next day lull
prisone4l-,-yetthis: is the Finan, would you
believe it, whe..'dated to put on arecOrd,
Where all the world would read it: ' ha . *
learned, in Whaisoeyer state I am, therewith
to , be- content?? - Readihat passage. in Phil
iv: , 11--1-13':
for 'anybotra fat'
Cy F 1 WolinELL
But it' is totiirliilie if iihailArill'iitoi'
hem Christian without a profea . si l on, heNiPit
not 'hi, w i th lie' Nevi,: is' if n ot possible,
one reason why . sane fieopple do' nit''
like profession,Ts ‘ , that they 40 not .4613 . -
bb. itgardod *Mir having
.giirew.a :prothisittir;
ebiterve, Clifietinn 'duties. li% - ireild- be ii`
nenstiliiiii: Now, it eViild iedat.66' *le doigi
strain t, if 'it "Wei not felt . - 1141c , i . iroirei '
to make men 'live ',differeiitly'frpin *het'.
they Would do^iitlibutit. lif itlikely that !
Rod would "have''44 . lif Liriel'easrofteicte '
iriskicioleinn pOpliki: , iiilifeesion;' if fitfiliad:
not expected it to Inthienee 'their Iliveill .
And, does not God , who foinieaiiiii,43l l 4(
hOiii - .lie is inilkieneedl" Bile %oil* , this
poijit, hi 116 ' th - 1344 itte . i6' nil& litrivliat•
ingks him - Mei:e l- stitia iitniiiiidifjo. r • Iliatiat
Or no use,: . *hiob taiiiiiliitettio eyiiiipthy
said - •feliewiddli` of Aiello iiinsf like iiiineelf,
in iiiiiiiiiiiii z,ityliiiiiiiiitl ThiOni3 . nawlio,
inno WS* Makes know n ' ilistlim'ideotaiiis,
run on, religious thine,: einfibilqiietlell
107,1314 in thieliiith othfivs: ' We. leati-en ,
,46 ,iiiiims . ii.iiion' With' a . ifflitiiK•ouittly%;
niati • dii.i. thousand iihrtigti-' deist in .. ..tke .
Kari, if,'in ilbrifikn iiiii,'We' conceal th%
'limit' of o'' birth. if* will - GOd's' eliiii"
'driiii maintop. ivilidi . Of iiyiniathy and
eniimgement; if *446 l ** show whir ibei
are? tilt 'if tbey:4 . 6,lV:itho, 4'o' are; it
became] a Pioteilion:
~,, - a - *.! . 'aboirrd'ii .
snot: be aide in. Ili -y!
. e % . 'tetiniieti:
*gain';'iriie 'beve'toiiii i ii`lrdiiiiiiiilkkvhohe
Ittiferkhaytt anted i iii , l etiv . dendirnaneni,.
should 'We :noi, in' eetiOasideCtii• eilAre;
:publish the feat" It would' . Bel. olily•Yess'
;gOtYl4O :a p pose iiiii44:, i to*Ait*A . 01 * 4 11 r Efilf t :
: r ill , 1 02 . tere7Oiiii!'b ;libi 326
'wst . ort, ' . ' i nestriiiii! - )sArelY; - ii:iii - n p" ici:fr'
foi Ali Sylif, , ilnietlf% , 64u.'iltiVittrwea 1
qi Niii * 1 pliiratig;Nattralem 4ttifir ,
perament. , He who ive)
out, slaughter and ,rt
Christian Church, was
easy-going,. naturally con;, kinfi
are.sure, of, that.. It wst
Ile,had IA the look of:a;
j ho
ted to his fate hecause
He court help it. There :no
that Paul, be buffeted, ani c
driVen like a hunted cony'
Roman Empire. p)
Jesus, let him, gO.:lack to, isal,
offer the sacrifices of the' t t
be'the most lionoltd 'tedg•
tion. What ; tlien, ivab the' c
content ? ",Godliness:" dit
'and trusted hire; He Iptl t
gent faith, in Providence. fthii
'providence .'of which Men, ti thei
and which means absolutel;
"partioitlar providence," ich
, everything: He saw God's sandii
God's will over e Chip
;`world under a , Master; arid' iDd
There was. nothing *ague ti
disjointed . or' tumbling to act.
'wcirld.. He had- faith to 16
were as . God would- , have tl
that would :turn out for t
he could ;not see how. He
hut heel:mid trust. God's
and. Ged .chose his -auger
;tent ? always, ever)rhei _aunts*.
with .contentment. ." It .
lionw but a godly .man crofq A. 0410 con
`tented, and—l was on the poi ,; of saying=444
none but a contented man be really:
godly. I will. say it. You..then whn fret
and murmur, fight against. Gild; and Ile`
who fights against God cannot be very
gddly. s •
- There is a restkssness and a , fret/id.'
nem these days, which stodAike iitof
granite' walls against godliass: • Contentj
mentis allitost necessary to ladli4ess; mkt
godliness is': absolutely' rietgoeiiky , to =ion-I,
tentthent: A very restless thin wilt never
Ife`a very godly lititt; and , . a:vtfty!gedlY inafis
will never be a , very restleSs , 4ti • alite stilt
'and . know that I ain God.P. , , Itist, Usliestleis;'
; speculative, progressiVeAng*Sa l leif)Chifs.;•
'tianS, study the Incaning of lhiebeantiftil)
sentence, "Ice 'siiit and ` liii. ' ;that am=
G o d.AAI ., ' -: ,: iaiit Ji,,}ll,,fr,
~ •
• , ~ ' . ' i;rtii.i .. .',ltx•iiiii l ßitiiief.
• r - , .). it ,‘ c , .., ..,..,
. Plaice .and a Seriaoa 1 ,lial
, ~ We recently heard. a ,ser
this interjection ewas - used. sii egnently -as 3
to• remind us of the , saying: tributecl4o.a.;
celebrated actor2—thatle wo at giver five:
thousand , pounds. to be ableith..entuseiate,
the Oh I ,with. as much, foree+inid. elegittee:
as Whitfiel&was acciitorned• ii:l7.,We . ,
do. not remember' ever befereiO haven earl:
`this wiard better enunciatedll-perhapr not
so . well. " , ' P.v - "1::>7 ,',
. . Soon , after 4 the aPeninruf the intraduc ,
tory prayer,-the,Oh ! was: thrikant outowithl
all the , effect of a good , 'voice,'e • videntleel:
ing, and much , taste:- The Teff Ct on uti , was
Very 'fine. • But its - , reCurre
~ e' - iw,r about
every thirdifientencersoon 'bean teudimin
ish its force-then. to rendei lit ,potirtively
burdensome ;.aud, finally; after' Wishingthe;
prayer at an
,end - thatme mi - glObeltelieied
of. the Ohs; We , , aliaiidonedr ail devotional
accompanying of , the:piVer)lAndP.forllowed:
fora the purpoge of Countingarerinterjee.: -
firms: Thence' to thenonclusibn ne . ':eounf-'
ed twelve ; , and -by uoitiparik, tiehrOltidott
thef- - whole';ex6reisVlibi , not nntSbiti kiss
thanaixty- , -probablyi moiev,-''
i . Early in the progress of theliernion; our
bid' tormenters came • 'back: on= imp and Wel
gave ourselves ,Up to -the labor of filing as they came , fOrward; and - aftera;
Careful registering: to the vend, we •Iconnted
forty-two: Now- only-'thinly of , an other-'
Wise, godd prayer - and Kennon beinglititer ,
larded- with , no leaS than One. hundred-and=
two Ohs'! and : in - .addition , . there*, inter:.
jealous • of ()thee - fOnns idiiolt in - :th6nil
Selves would have been trite suffreienVfor , ,
good taste. .But possibly;=some= new Stan
dar:4l. has been. adopte4` - -tis; the-lmolfdle of .
Serinonizing, and' the more extlamitiOnk
the better; it ibi let tis !have them. thick
an d fast. ' Atalti al - IA. - Ohl: Whit" a 'halt----
Oh.! what a standOhl:Whata, itedsitinL:s!
Oh ! what a resolution—Oh I whata, lbsS*--
Oh I. Nihat , aanger-:-=-Oh! how -i3lthit `your
life-481-1' how Veit your soul's uorideions- 2 -a
and, Oh, ! *hat an • unreasonable man 40 , he
who ever kets;mere'haii entitigh of. , ,' .
[We,' are , not aware of the total ' aPplica - -,
tine of, the aboVe. Presbyterian Ministers :
do not often use 4 vain repetitions.'', , We;
giye -the, arttele , for , : the. benefit , of 'young!
ministers.; , Al . 'pie*. itse'.6# the interjee.'
tion 'gives great - force to a sermon, bitt
such a repetition as above noted is to be
avoided.- 7 -iEn,s,.] . .',
1 4 r,,th ?! . E":"YiNE.P3
•lore• About :-a Yr ofeision:,;
Professions are `netin. g -b t pretence.'.
s'o, doubt; there iirernarix.profeisiotis'wliiohj
have no Many' persona will Sell:
itheir eiVorri : friends, brit 'there are reef_
friend's 'Or all that. .11;-* the cant"' of '"
Wnildiy Men, to'.:isakfilifeSsion. is
VA pretence: • !ilkiti_are ` . ,spending'
and 'money, ai& , hardahijaa*te: do . '•
good, aceordinAlio 'then:
few, even in trade and P - OlitiCs, gbeP their'?
profession. And - all the,i t vorld knowil;t i hai:
many" 6iir ate. eridnririg' hardness, rind 'srifj.
faring, reproach .according to'
Sion, and get nothing frdra 'the world - - . Jii;
reiniti; if it is-nethirigibut tieteitei; thy
oo s.
9345 t the,
of your
.tn. W ei
i k scPhY•
help it.
ged, and..
over the
lem and
itd he'll
of Paul's
:eired God
g . ; but a
in • every
ing ; the
by will.
nothing ,
tei, in the
'e things,
be, and
though ,
• A Missionary! Cimvention *as lief& in
the Leeture-Rdonilof the,FirstPresbyterf-
Cliuieh, corner of Tifthi Avenue=, and
Twelfth street, on Wednesday .the: 7th of
March, at the 'call of:G-ardiner.Spring, Di
D.,_ Daniel Lord; ''Esq;,. and, 'others, to , de
vise MeSlll4--to—enablem„the—Prelbyterian
Board r ignyMissietk4olearry r on. the
etiotitt4 , 16114aeliWiltotAikttf- under
their, eare.,
• Dr: Spring Was tailed. te-tiie'eli . iii;'%ind
Rev , -was, - ,aP-
Wigted sPercarYi.
'Aft,,q f the ~reading.of the Seriptnres and
prayer,bithe chaiyinan,andSa statement of
theobject,of the call of the COnvent,ion,, a
Ceminit,toe of five was appointed to, prepare
a leti of, resolutions for the notion of the
dgprentiqri. "Upon their report, the folloNii
ing-446futions were, unanimously adopted:
.resolved, That thie'Convention recog
itiee nir Standard Of prodedurelle the great,
Viittliprise of 'Chrigtitin `Missioni,•liat 'the
lii eiludioris: and conduct of< Sesiis• 'Christ
The course of the , chtirch in. this great
yea.= isi onward; but in het .progrese 'she
requires :the conservative ;power and idi rec=
tionibfheavenly truth and: heavenly love:
,this.rock; and on no factitious prineiple
eflhuman , policy,'.thneause stands; and-will
prosper. ,(
Resetved o , That the:Missions ofthe Pres
hyteridu Church, ave been. ; and ought ever
to Ae,, sondoeted, on principle; and
that the existence of slavery in ..the cam,
runty, and of slavehotders in the .Church,
atiorde . .rie grou n d the Withdrawal from
diem of the 'abipel*,WhiWisthe *isdOm*Of
GOll4f pioicei
', - kela;eit;:illitriii! their 'conduct of the
Clidetaii - tifissibti; - the'belbtred arid'honered
missionaries so long and' faithfully 'eniploy
ed , iriltheiairirien oft - the American Board of
Caturnissionem4br- Foreign MissiOns, hive
neverdeparted from these 'great. principlesl
and in. so ..‘niodestly and finely racther=
ing:to them at every saerifine they deserve
our! implicit- confidente r . and ,shall -receive
our hearty support and patronage.-
-I,;',,igilsitoas ) , the,Executive-:Commitee of
Foreign Missions has. rec'eivedthe Choctaw
/4.tissiort_ under its care, and.hasAhus, incur
red , a. large annual* . expenditure beyond
their ; ordinary,puttay, ; therefere,. . ,
/i'esOtaef;l' That it be 'recommended to • all
our churches to make ea 'effort' to increase
their annual to Foreign Missions
- 4_r ." r
in the way they deem best, in order I,nmeet
thikincreased expenditure: ' "
gentlemen belitipointed thi&Converition
to present ithii subjecti-breircular or otli=
erwise; to , such :persons; 'not in: 'connexion
with. our own.: churchespwho- may be- sup
posed to be interested. in, this. ;particular
mission ; andthatsaid Cormaitteebe ;author : .
ized to receive whatever contribution& may ,
be forthis .purpose. , . '
:/?cs that a copy of these resolu,
tions be printed and forivarded to all the
Churches in the' bounds of the Synod, and
be'Pubtishedaisn in the Nevi York Obie'irv i ,
and other religious
papers ;
The Committee : aPP'ointetl' under the
fifth resolution ' consisted of','Mbees
E Robert Carter, 'ESq.; Thomai H.
Smith, Esq. '!
liittO`St See i y '
It is-2gratif'yirig,to learn:: that •Presbyte
rianism•is making-rapid proarciscinthonld
and;.rapidly,growing city. of-; San Antonio.
Rev: F. Buntingis the,stated:reupply,of
the. church. - Under his influenee, A. church
edifice erected, which(' , cost
$15,600.., :The, foundation,luts, been laid,
and,the work,is progressing. • Title .present
number ,of church . ., communicants s' ; one
hundred and fourteen. Eighteen have
been added within, the past barely, months:
The, present population of the city is
eensjderaby over,ten thiMsa.4 . , It is rap : -
idly inereasmg., .
San Antonio is an exceedingry interest:-
ing field'fOr evangelical effort, ivrieilfer'Con=
aidered-tie'a dOnieitib•or foreign:field. '
A Sunday Sol oor ConVentAn.ii'-to be
held iii fhi into i (Ttiag,)*the 'l.e.erdity• of
mad, ~1 6a .-TRXTrAtv:
• Itis•very gratifying.andiencoaraging••to
a.paetor to know ',that he -is: loved-,by the
people,..of :his. charge, ; And ) that .t1:07 ap,
preelate,his labors amongst them.. . Thts : has
an. unt4)4
_influence, in,. o,heoring him ,and
keeping up his courage to do ,,, weli his
work:; ; . Mop „nee& he be Aot.d
. 4. that, regard .
IThi9.ll:_people have A-4 9 3, 'if .'heY.
1 3 0 P 1 444:t4fut PO4 .l riP qfgek" ), Ckiidness ,
tOWeicl hi . r,n, iitrgt . with reference to
4his n inalteT,A.Rrell . .as„to, any ot h er, that
ii,Actiops.sw# lendeT Walk *4 1 1114.", And
ixo4v I to ' f i siiegi#A re
; • xample :' .. • • •
• .., • • •.! , 701 of
.y; not long Mire,. the meilibfts
;Of " Ifithfuida;
" ite
day to eiluifinge at `their putiir d 'irlisniii.
grelithi P piitof the
titln *re Present; andliiilE6Ok"ore!
tuous dinner prepared by th6-hdies. • The
matine - ritowhich the dinfierlwas prepared,
proved 'tht.the•lailies:of this 'congregation,
a - re z nor .4a Li kr good cooks, • but ladies ,of good
taste:. The:dinner. was; of course, :relished;
but there was something relishedk•momp:l
DVAP4hat. good feeling and a ffection , which
4; 4 ;44.T 13 ,er8 ..0# 4.14 44 , •an „ilii.o.olo. ,47
p . rased,t 9 ;:atioifir".44 ,othe=lis.llr.tvr9a-
Plon. , :**o l Y, " these .iiieth:TO • lave each
othei . :!!, „After'
.:piot:o:nu t 4,
ren "A 8 1. 4414 : Itti).Q.4:.,ll*a;,
4., : #4r9.44,k1kp
people ; Weoti ' to...thejfr. fieliiee:Teb.44:*4
d wirgdvA ecrfi'e 'e" •-•_ •
But I must not forgetto - !ii!.Y 4 tliiit i they
did not go Vnivis4.4l.substantial
token of affection f5414 . 1* pleaT, Every .
ti*, necessary •Afr-• f4i4it ri
comfort, in 'the Ing• of prOuliagio
ing, wa s amply:
. hcieen. theiie " was 's efhitig `'' above
El:n(1 . 600d thiti; lefE; it~njely ; ' alt" ltd red
eion "oh - heartfelt
of ?pi
They -106"eheif 4 1sithViiiidl tag uvigivel
to the' credit' of an -unprincipled ignerot,
quack. And. -if • Pihrist has healed' '+yotti
i3unl,•helPed- you to overcome' temptation;
and' 'constrained youNJ?.his leve to keep -hie
le* it, is dielionotlahle' to God and , injurious
to nien; to' leave the World .to think; that all
this goodness is the fruit of 'a' heart Jihich
wig 'enmity against God, not' sajett to his
le*, neither'tild'eed 'eakbe." Is it ' jnst to
offer the incense of praise, which. should
go up•to God, 'before such a horrid idol '
self ? the torch of holy' truth' kind
led from heaven, have 'ill its pure lustre re
ferred to the darkness of hutden. depraiityl
I 'solemnly' feel; that - some- men have l ati,a*-
ftd responsibilitytU, meet, 'b'ecause: 'they' de
not, let their: light Shine to the gibry• of God
and the good of men. ' A. A.
' Yor ttfitTreebjferlen "Dinner.
A Missionary, Convention to Raise Funds for
the Support of the , Choctaw ;fission.
FOr ifig *'reabiterati Banner
Presbyterianism in Sun Antonia,:Texts.
. .
A Donation Visit,
thiMfo3''S' 'l;4'th - it - they '"ren/orrilier 'Thar
pastor. And. iii -T- conelltsitriv- "Mt ,iti 6,
say to other.boligiegatidriti; ig Gi; Krill , do
likewise) l ; • .
Looking. lleyint PreOpiq'fiestiltsi!
The age in which we liye is one of peen : .
liar, 'soleilin interest; E'itrything seenis to
be tending . 6:ores-nits, such as were never
seen 'on earth befere. The', huntan mind
was ueverMore, active, nor"the lunitan heart
more deePly absorbed in, the affairs Of this
world. ' And' yet, men seem to have scarce
ly time 'to think. They are hurried on,
looking for restate, unmindful of the means
hy•,which they are"; Prodneedn, and' ,forgetful
of that Being who is working all thingS af
ter the counsel of his will, for
triuniPlcef ' truth and ; righteousiiees.', The
excitement produced by the anticipated re
sults for which men are lboking, 'god
from their thoughts "..tind thus the spirit of
practical atheisrii is spreading.' Is it ,not
strange, that'the more clearly Gold is yeveal:-
ed hiVniitilding 'providence, ilium:ire lie
is' foirgoiteo Viven while some intagirie
that they can hear the cloek of prophecy
and krbvidende,in harmony with, the lit
`Vine will striking the eleventh hotir, and
6.11. Ain,* seethe breaking of 66glorio*
Miiin,`iike - great ,inses' seem to he - kit En g -on
lenT 4 Vendeljii of44,tif ei'etia . of
ife,aitria' 'never` 'east the eye tff4ith
yond these grand residts,
&ries: of 'that' kingain whiclilhet are
hastening. on-i, and .which: wilk unite inane
heart. mo.* ea 4 11 nations rin. the, sweet an
them of salvation, the chorus offivltichshall
be, "3Efilleltijah;, the Lod Grid `omnipe
tent'reigtieth."“ Fin.; WhateVer may he the
tentiperify . iimie*s - the' striliggleti, through
Which , Om:World iSlpas'sixrg;ethere are. grand
er scenes:which heyOttd,7that. shoultitlin, 7
ger in the, eye, and ,reeve the heart of the
true child of o tis not merely_
the feverish'Vxeit'emenr Of pohbcian;
the trembling —hover ofrthe-statesman, that
he shon4loopurepthe 7 events of , anlunfold
ing PrOildeitce, hue With the unshaken
COnfatenee'et'a'scptit: Ai:464l'6:dt is
He slichild):. dwell import. thotie iestilti
that have ;; been a 15494 1,11, tarthP:' UPI Of;
faith by the pencil of qnspiration, , a,ncl feel
in hie heart the Warminc , and: life-giving in-
of "their approaching rine
clfritticist- -
'Vrot—Stoi to 4Egot.
arTHI&Ei f D.D. '
i 4 H 6 eg eo ite l - I;kit Ant
r,,,,,,gio,tetn not 3u , „gnotatt - epee, ty
againstthe:*iirker6'6f , Het-does
palish; he , shall 'punish ;"witt rp,Verehee
be it- spoken ' he' Must' p'ttnieh. 'Yet'no
hand` of ii,eloelr gees t so don' as God'S hand
to Iwitgeite'6.. - Of that,, the . - World; this
city, and= this =clitrelii are..witneasee.; each
and' all speaker and hearer ; are livifig fit
images. It i.e.too cor4inerttii , overlook this
fact; and, overlooking -the kiiidnessi• long=
Suffering,- and *thongs: which precede -the
judgMent, we :are -apt to giye the punish=
Mentinir . eieliniVeratteiltion.'` 'We. Sed•
kiiidnesaiinip'retisedtontill hisliorkS.
the' - groVidslheihre lie leaps and,' be
fore i the'"snake ktrikeli,. she spriligs her
rattle: ' `- •
took; for example, on the•cateafrothe'ef
-the deluge. We may have our attention' so
en errossed_by_thlread.od.awful-character
of this lodgment, as , to, ov i erlook all that
preceded-it, andiakliAtlii'xig but these de
pnring-watera4 1:74A
The waters rise
_tall - . swell into
arid likes i,ntc;,. gees, and" along fertile
plairiH the sea ' StritelieS'ent her afinsi .tO
seize. their flying'. fOinilation'y 'Still th'e
Waters _rise.; ; and-now, with beasts
that terEor,has.tamed, men elimb *menu,
Lain tope, the food roaring t .at their heels.
Still the Wiiers rise ; aka noVeach
stands above thani SeParate 2 afed: Sea
girt isle.. Still', the waters rise;- anti
crowding closer on -the,:narrow spaees of
their, lessening tOps,,raen awl .beasts ,fight
fop staudinuoopa. , ,Still the thundereircia.r,
and the waterS ; till 'the ,lastsurvivor_of
the Shrieking crowds,is,washed Of, a A ltthe
Iliad of the higliest'icklp goes down7beneath
the,#ave. , And: now .= the waters ; rise. ne
more; , God' . it has .
1.11? 7. • 8 . WM" ' A P Ivorki
he : fro m •MP raise ;,. fik,litial
all life .deOrdr)( l ,ll. l 4 IFIK* silence
~and a shoreless . weep,. ,roilmg,
dett ) th for p n ce.has•nothing,,te,do,. lwil L nde
in triumph on the t 9 ..of some .giant
which, meeting no coast, no continent, no
Aipkt-ner mileonf ()Weir'
rega4 and rolumi.the ,world:. •, :1 •ft ? I' ,
Weqe9 4 ,4et.e.• 'AERitinl:m
. cOlioses, gentle•
4tildren and sweet
hi; we. L earelninsT "et Hai
God 'failetteri 'Who gra - cions liiineft
Olean'_ gone' lore.crerlti;lNivituserealpinlit?
Where,. then, ia•hit•'-oler.o3r .-1/o.okihere ;
tea. et Aks . 1 4:vikiChr O* I ?3r.
Oa,* by
• han d crcs. through _ the
'that lonely isitip 'on n401'434484
iderc) . , enhblkiiir; 'and wall*
*id ch: are. Pti tched - writhoni ;Ind': :within; she
holds the -wadies!, ••freight ithateerer nailed
the pa. alke. warp Ae.„Olborph ; are
there--the'intriariaha. of the old world, and
the "iiwftil ehe'lltiffe ihit:
dead and siletit nay 4:: t tetiieneilleis
heard.; she has gr f a w kdo. on i . : the toy, of
the of the fotilie• branch; they tome
firth fronytheirs•Uptiisrald like' life
from theatatid.=-41ke.sonla‘pasaing.frdm - ult:
tare intow astate ofiewee=-Ilike the. - saints
when thereon/rise atthe albumen% uf the
trumpetlte!beheld4:nerilhearentiand Ciiew
earth, and. to 'see thit'sign, *ii & these
" gay fathcni ".thiled; encircling !the ilead
Quit; wanterowned-with !thorns: ' '
Voris Ithit all. Our lifiaininlir,..Futherea
el racier arialltinSt remind
yetirthitri3reiziercy flew, like - the Jacnte, , to
thettakylitm, she he'd swept the !World with
her -linnet: Were:: there lint. eiglrt, only
eight...! tarred'? There' 'were; .thousinds.
'iniilittins•saved.. , .:NOi. ill it ;justice" to .iskxi
ta4aiatihawrian g ,a 1 .6i041 of( patienoc;
?ant eprelichingpliind...wariiing;' and? coin.:
passien',• 'Pretiddeds.that.- dreadful delege:
.befire'the': lighttling , 'flashed from,
angry heaventfieug'befdre.tlinuderstulled
along disaolying :skies; ;Wig, be - A4e; the
floor. ' and: SOU? pilvenlent this. 4earthj
m id& t ith e :Itencleirte ;Work
bruliemp; likrilewdeeko
sdarthhmiaters Yusheditiomitilifolv jta •ineet
the; aters ltUmiitbure; abdti title guilty
world - 3 befureitlie tfaii" . .whell'i the .ark
tamed , briewenitid , town; ind those
crowded whire-'-frantie' groups
hatireltielercd; audlatuld.prayeilieridictuulfs,
aaidi'ahr-ieks&;ttnd shoots; !lung butt thdir
sigbalc of ditstreisivery 1511 g. before
been , balling •an :iin . psiiitent world
to 46p4mitandb: 41i:riling in.
Ireahte'preichitti in:nothing to
slariii=thirri=in - 4 2 ery. erg& of the
stbiy-rosenpien)*Ory; the
alitnidr of tiofirt ceUbel eseirmitsfers Ito avuhdli
ill} hut; ivilS`.hot 'Mereei
arms grew weary'ringiug - Ithelwarning'halli
st to 2Prdr;PAmf ;,telf!Ti*d
f`,l?ell' ,ed Mg I#.7TY 13 o n . theme I,jtmg*
True, for forty
and for'erie IstuktlYd Eiffyllifajlitinbae
ki the iinintaiirelttkoren .thwart h Aida*
*Mel pkielft-cf;rGekthlt jliatit% tit
ackohalti r &Aye; 154HOUTIbi 4 44141blitt
eufl dialtimdta girdir
GAZETTB BULLRINGS, 84 Emu ST., Prrraßuses, BA„
Tritlis- lit AlYitesoz.
.„hAnahc (BMus; loo4), otin3funipittoni ;60 .cents; molt
ti petit tia fl n, 410 colitt; &Thai cto,
Aligns!. nor quarter, 44.00 en& lino 8411tional, 88 conk.
— A t ltaisitfOnoteiniderttindvtillieniirrilho - var:
,ETIVINEINB NOTICES of liar liner ?r leis, 11: 1 4k; sad) a&
, intionititno; cents:
I • JOANID C 0.,.
. •
PiopittrAii Arm' Posithsnmes,
at;:. «
} °'- The , Clair* ,of the Clouds, '
There is nothing
,in what ha§.'befalleii,or
befalls' liu, My frienda; which justifies in
patience or peevishness. God is insernta,
hie, ,„ but; ; not wrong. Remember, if the
cloud. is over. you, that there is a, bright
liAt `always" on the other side; also, that
the3tiine is coniilig,'Cither in this .world or
the= next,t - Whetelhat cloud , will , be swept
away;; and the fullness .of God's light and
wisdom poured around you. Everything
, which has befallen you—whatever sorrow
your heartlileedMitli,'lv - ratever
, pain you
allffer:=Litotlail4 itt *Luting hilt :to = 'at . the
ii tat! actuallyr , eoitsofeiti4g; to , be i.e.-
v, ' 'land ~,you, mill'. be; satisfied, If, Your
1 'life is dark,,then walk' by faith and God is
pledged to keep you as 'Safe As if you
. eoilld
understand everylhing:' Be that dwelleth
initho sect 'Place' of the' Most -High shall
abidennder the: , shadow of the, Almighty.
These things., however, I can, say with no
' 'ty to . ST 'comfort
. Forme . many. o , such...or
*ea heloug,',to you. that are liVing without
God. You have- nothing' to expect from
the revelations-ofuthe,4uture. The aloud
that you complain of, mill indeed be cleared
away, and yon will see that, in all your af
, ffietiona, severities and loSses, God' was' deal
: ing with Tighteottsly and kindly. ; You
* 11 :1 3 e• satisfied, ;with, God and ; all that he
. . . .
has `done for you; but, alas ! you will not be
satisfied with
. yourself. - .That is more diffi
; cultforeveriMPOssiblel " 'Ail I I can con
i ceive no pang more dreadful than to see, as
you4i - illi the;eloud liftedi frOm-:every -deal
lug of:God that =you thOught to; e harsh or
unrighteous; :that as he is justi
fied,, =you. yourself. are: forever condemned.
You, .cau= no. More accuse . your-birth, your
capacity4our education, your health, your
friends; your.; enemies, your temptations.
You. still.-had 1 opportunities convictions,
' calls of grace, and' calls of blessing.. You
are judged according that , you had, not
according to that you had not. Your mouth
! I is eternally,shut, v and Goais_eternally clear.
—Dr. .Bushnell. , , ,
~c t'
Many years , ago, an old mini commenced
I• still' •
, a prayer-meeting which is continued,
haying resulted in, many and glorious fruits.
"Ai a 'pastor it my privilege to be with
iparticulary: during his:lutilitiess,.
severakvisitsAole to this heuse, I found him
on thg Monut looking over
,to the land of
promise. Finding nothing seeming to mar
1 his 'comfort - or interrupt his jOy,. I deter
! miiiiedtto'iatisffnlyselt *half& there was
nothing;that , gave him any trouble of heart.
Ottonteninglis , chamber I - asked- him, in
, • ,
" How ate you thia•moriling?"
I ==l. "'d; said; "T ate. well; why
.lie4ell , li I am near: home.
Yes I aur.,n4ar.horae---nO7 heaven."
I took the opportunity to ask him:
" My dear sir, has there been nothing of
late resting upon yo - urheart' as an occasion
`5 of trAiliie.??? '
4e pp c4ALot a word, but turned his face
toward the wall, and lay, so between five and
ten zmnutes; . then he rolled his head back
ill:ion-his pillow, With his face toward me,
and I , saw the tears streiniing down his
f‘ ! yes, sir , " said he, ."
there is one
great trouble."
cc mat is. it ti'":I"
your whole; mind 9 to me %freely:"
cc Well" said :% he, AI, have ten children
HO , T . :ll47.V:PraYeli God * more than
thi#X, Years,. that! :I.Aight see some of them
ininveitealiefOr9 I died; lnit lie has denied
as•you know,
but are not (3.liiistianal"' •
"Hon: do you..get , over that trouble?"
!eked. •
" Aid" .he replied, " I get over it as I
t' Over all other trotibles--hy rolling it
that God
tirtininier;butPlie. meantto iraii till . am'
gone. :ißntare r -knew he
my children be converted."
This man has been in his gra ve for fit
teen yeapl;,iiiiiThlitelrit*Oftiis Children
ever since ids deatati mid' now tii-dity I am
able to say, that- seveLont•of tet, hive been
lirk l into,thckingdoß, of qcodi : and thatthe
eighth has also just experienced conversion.
This is the answer to his pritysi. ''eroiraid
not:forget ;:.he. , only waited. like
manner,:he will - answerthe Torayees; of:all
perent4 who: 'pray , (in fbr I the owes.,
eiori of theirohildreil Let us take eouragli t
and flaj . tholdu/SCla;:the. , precicras: promises
of !God;=:-10r1%;Waylvr.
A; /certain man I went to a dervish, and
proposed , thti following questions:
do. they. say that God is
omnipresent ?., Tido mot. see ihim in. any
place ; show me where he is." ,
.eleond--" Why is a Man . punishnd- for
c sitide . . whatever he does proceeds
from God .?.ii!Maii - las no freiwill, for he
cannot AO - saything 'contrary to: the'.will of
Goaqi;andlifAho , had the power, .he would
do everything:for ?his' own good."
i; Thirdi. 4. Elow can God punish Satan in
hellaftrii,; sines:: he is - formed •of that ele
ment and. What iinpression can ire make
The dervish- .took up a large clod of
earth; :and-struck lima on the head with it.
The man went to the cadi, and said :
" I proposed—dine .questions to. such a
dervish, who. fitipF. a OA of. :earth at my
hgad, which ;mad e my head-ache."
'' Th 6 Ea4fi; liiVing sent 'for the dervish,
atked ;him : "
~.,VA.y.libi.yon*row the clod of earth at
his 1,1?• ingtencl. of answering lkis. ques
timr ,
'a sb n eyed j : •
•"illikieod •Of earth - WS:B' .an anger tG
his; lipeeck.l He sayh dre: has • a• Lis
hoodi.,....Lekhii,n , show it, to me,, and. I will
make. God him. And wity does
164 k Tay a Conlidaint against me? Whatever
I did was the act of God: What power do
VFOWE=ess ?' 'as he. i s compounded , from
how.caw.he suffer friana .that.. ale
191kent.. . •.:
mait — wa,s,...confonnded;and tfre;:eaili
.W.)i ..V, :i. =l:c.:., i ..:• ' moo t ' :' . •,"
,liteg.74l: 1; •,' ':11i-ier.. nl_
..,.-0,, ! . 1 ,
c k . ' e t rk ; e Ne 4 7.. T!?rk. 4 T "mitlei . ; ``. 1.0
i) t kmiin bau .6fakciadica - webirlY riiopa,-,
kiriii 3 thiail tiiiiiii -I:l6niiiit di; licii4V 'the lie*
whiell the bitareoft , ellitors3neognop-b4-
L r
OttiltekWigitaktitkOlPf9fits,; griteilko3 3 4, 1 )
igg e 4l7lolf` irtchOg rEo °k4l3 e "
Erna' o'an tatury.auticri rs, 1:94, a
liialnlld d ial - Sit 41651:r pill:Allay 'aria
regularly for theTlßOP*l4fililieystgkel
THE PaSi3RlAti . j3h,IIUEi
PUblication Office :
there was a truce of one hundred': and
twenty.years between the. .first stroke of the
bell and the first crash of the thunder.
pre:idling repentance.
The-arii.' stood wieless for years, a hige
laughing! stock 'fon the oseoffer's wit, it
till was covered with age, and its
with the contempt - of the; world
and many a sneer had these men 'to bear,
as, pointing-to-the' serene-heavens above
and, an, empty. ark , belonthn
,question was
put, " - -,Where is the promise of his com
ing PI Moat patient. God Then, as now,
thou Witi' to Punish -0 *tilting to be
gracibiner ' • - '
?j'; ': f~
God Diei Not Forget.
3.44415 * . ii kganKat.
' Speak