The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, September 15, 1860, Image 1

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    (Tke. jli.ttfilp..llll.oittfar
VOL. '7.
tirsatthig glarititian
Siitedesielz 141-akert,
I-OBLIGATION OFFICE in the second sto
ryK of Catmes Row, on Front Street, five
feloioa East of Mrs. Flares Hotel, /liLizanTrs,
stesseriptions be not paid within six months,
44.25 will be eharged, and if delayed.until the
4expitation of the year, $1,50 will be charged.
Any tperson sending us FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and nu paper will be discontin
ued until all arrearuges are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES : One :snare (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $l3 per annum. Notices in the -reading
columns, five cents a-Use. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line
Haying recently added a large lot of 'new. 3.
AND CARD TYPE, we are prep . :Ad to do II
ING, at short notice and reasonable prices.
A liberal discount made to quarterly; half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
Nabs of pt
President, James Buehanan'l
Vice President, John C. Br.
Speaker of the House, Wm.
Secretary of State, Lewis
Secretary of the Treasury,. i
Secretary of the Nary, Ilan4
Secretary of War, John B. b
Secretary of Interior, Jacob
Postmaster General, Joseph
Attorney General, Jeremiah -
Chief Justice, Roger 11. Trine
Associate Justices, John ht 2
John Wren, Peter V. Beni
Robett C. Grier, John A.
than CiiironL
Governor, Wm. F. Packer, a
Secretary of State, Wm, M.
Attorney General, John C. IC0(
Surveyor General, Wm. 11.1C4
Auditor General, 'Thos. E.•Cocl
State Treasurer, Eli Slifer, of;
Superintendent of Ptiblic Scho
Burrowes, of Lancaster.
Judges of the Supreme Comt,W
Chief Justice, Geo. W. We
Thompson, Wm. Strong, Job
President Judge, Henry Lo
As.slistnut Judges, Atexarider
District Attorney, &Wen Fran.
Prothonotary, %Vlllinen Carpent
Recorder, Anthony GOod:
Register. John Johns: '
County Treasurer, Michael H.
Sheriff, Benjamin F. Rowe. -
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Mir
Clerk of Orphans' Court, C. L.
Coroner, Levi Stimmy.
County Commissioners, Daniel
Boyer, Levi S. Reist, Solicit('
Clerk, Peter G. Eberman.
Directors of the Poor, Robert i
Sprecher, Daniel Overholtzer,
Simon Groh. David Slyer Sa
K. Alexander. Clerk, Wm. .l
Prison Inspectors, R. T. Houston'
John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hi
S. Gam. Solicitor, Dan'l G..
Sr, lay Cadwell.
Audit*, Thomas S. Collins, J
John Nlecartney. 71 4 '
County Surveyor, John C. Lewis
•;;4:•- , 130120 UGH. ,
At Mut Burgess, Samuel D. Mi r,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Bak —•- - .
Town Council, Baia Spangle (President,
John Crull, Thomas Stencei , P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libhurt., .
Town Clerk, Theo: Hiestlind.
Treasurer, John Auxer. ~,
Assessor of Taxes, William (~ d,
Collector of Taxes, Frederick B, :1
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel .I
High'Constable, Atsalem Ems le :".
Assistant Constable, Franklin i,N'i .1
Regulators, John H. Goodman, , i
Supervisor, Samuel li-tipple, Sal .
School Directors, John Jay Lam ,
dent, E. D. Routh, TreaSurer,C. 4
~ i
Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aura. :
Jonathan NE. Larzelere. . Y 4 ~ •
Post 00.ce Hours:. The Poste f t
be open from 6 o'clock in the mm .1
half-past 7in the evening, ..The A , 1
via Silver Spring and 1 - 1 0 MPtleldiei 4
2p. M., and arrive at 11 a. in. eify. 1
Thursday and Saturday.
The Eastern mails will close if a
4.10 p. m., and return at 11.21 oinc
and at 6 28 p. in. . . ,
The Western mails close a . lo' ri I
and 'arrive at 4.56 p. in.
Railroad Time; Table: The iiit innfor
Philadelphia will leave this stud). at\.551 11
the morning, The mail train wa will leare
at 11.21 in the - morning. The Htisburg,ec
commodation east, 'passes at 4.5 p. m. and
returns,.going west, .at 6 2S p. m o t' .\
Religious Le ercties:: Service WI be had on
every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the Inoineind
at .-1 before 8 o'clock , •in the eveningfi the Pres
byterian church. Rev. - P. J. Thaw,,prisuir.
Every Sabbath at 10 o'clock hap morning
and at. 1-4:before 8 o'clock -in evening
there will be -service in the Meth st church.
Rev. T. W. Martin, pastor. ,
Bens/kin/ Societies: THE liii
Cassel, President; - John Jay Litill
er ; Barr Spangler, Secretary. T
John Jay Libhart, , -President;
Treasurer; Wro.iChild, jr., Secre
OFFICEr' Front street, .fourth d
from Locust, over Saylor SzilleD ,
aid's Book Store, Columbia.
tween the Drug and Book Stores
opposite the Court ; House, Netter
tend to the practice of his profe.
various branches. [Nu
..Near Spangler* Patterson's Store
where PhutOgraphs,Ambrotypes
cotyres are taken at very reason
Can and
, gtbota to (vomits, Sittraturt, Agriculturt i Nortitulturt, !t4 lint arts, 6tntral ^ Otis of itt glag, Put .iifortitatialt.,
When you get married, don't marry a pet,
A jilt or a vixen, or yet a coquette ;
But marry a maid—that is, if you - can—
More fit for the wife of a sensible man.
Look out for a girl that is healthy and young,
With more in her eye than you hear from her
tongue ;
And the' she be freckled or bUrnt to a tan, _
Yet she is the girl for a sensible man.
With riches will wretchedness often in life
Go link'd, when your riches are got with a wife ;
But marry, and make all the riches you can;
Like a bold, independent and sensible man.
Look out for a girl who is gentle and'kind,
And modest and silent, and tell her your mind;
If she's wice as bewitching she'll welcome the
And soon be the wife of .a sensible man.
Then cherish her excellence wisely and kind,
And be to small foibles indulgently blind,
For so you make happy, if►yMing,ean,
The 'eof a sober and senkible man.
My Mary comes !—it is the hour
She promised to be-here-t, , :'
Taught by love's strange,inysterious power,
rknow that she ismear,
I hear the melody she siags.
Beneath our happy,dome,'
And now the woodland cheerly rings
With Mary's welcome home.
My Mary's voice !-I hear it Shrill
In rapture on the gale,
As she comes gliding.dowi.the hill
To meet me in,the vale ;
In all the world, on land, at sea,
Where'er I chance'to Item,
No music to me
As 14Iary's welcome home.
or Pennsylvania.
lciefridge cif 'Ken-
Pesittington,. New
I, of 'Michigan.
.well,Cdbb, of Ga.
Toucey,.of Conn.
oyd of Va.
lhont'foion, Miss.
Olt, of Ky.
Black, of Ta.
‘"Yet cool and crafty if occasion need."
It is often astonishing with what nn
shrinking firmness, anti undaunted self
possession, spine individuals can encoun
ter the greatest dangers, or the most era
barrasing and, perilous conditions, that
can be conceived in life.. With a fixed
and fear:less determination they are ready
to meet all emergencies, and with an ap
parent dogged indifference, to submit
to the most horrible contingencies. But
this character is not so much born with
them, or assumed in riper years, as it is
the result ''of a sort of educational train
ing, ainid scene of hair-breadth escapes
and every day dangers, 'in youth, and
through manhood, to old age. Perhaps,
the most remarkable trait, iu the charac
ter of the persons alluded to, is their
presence of mind, and the coolness and,
even craftiness with which they meet
danger rind avert it. It does not dePend
upon intellectual attainments, nor yet
always upon physieal force, but upon a
certain cast of mind that is capable of
resorting to extreme-expediencies—how
ever weak they may seem—and by the
force. of circumstances and almost .super
human energy—an energy that is exhib
ited more in its results than in its exter
nal manifestations during its progress—
accomplishing—and accomplishing tiler
onghly—what, a greater amount of intel
lectual and physical power would shrink
from with the most appaling fear. It
belongs' to no particular age or condition
of life, arbitrarily speaking'', for it is found
in the cot or cabin of civilization's fron
• tier, and in the mansion of the most pop
ulous of cities; but is'only brought, out
as occasion and circumstances concen
trate ,events into an active focus, and
then we find exhibitions of intrepidity,
and manifestations of "mind and muscle"
akin to it, where there had been no sus
picicin of their existence. Nor is it ex
eldsively a charnoteristin of the sterner
sex, for some women pnssess it. in us re
markable,a degree as men do, and very
often in those times which "try men's
souls," woman his 'proved herself the
better general of the two,' for, her quick
perceptions - have h'iad her tO;tgee andika-:
vide against danger before man by the
exercise of•his reasoning faculties, could
be sensible ofits approach or presence.
There are also instances on record where
great intrepidity has 'been exhibited by
the Indian and the African, bat as a na
tional trait it belongs more exclusively
to the Caucasian race, for white men, in
the countries of other. dark and tawney
nations, have shown more intrepidity and
skill. in encountering the dangers and
perils in cidental to those countries than
the natives themselves have ; and have
also been more prolific in means to over
come them or to evade them, and without
manifesting soy of the terror that natives
usually do.
Dly •memory at present only . serves me
with the leading , facts of several instan..
ces of this characteristic in the various
walks of life; without being able to recall
all the attending circumstances. These
have all been elsewhere recorded but they
are briefly introduced here in order .to
more fully illustrate our.subject.
- W hen the allied army entered the city
an, ;rsa. Wa
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&Will Evans
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IVI.A.1=1.1.3011" A
P. L. Baker, Editor and Proprietor.
of Paris, after the` first Napoleon's dis
asterous Russian campaign, and prior to
his banishMent to the Island of the Blb,
a Prussian officer entered a shaving sa
loon where all the inmates had fled save
a boy of about fifteen years of age, who
felt the obligation of careing for the
property of his master paramount to his
own ease or safety. The officer drew
his sword with a stern and scowling,
frown, and laying, it upon a table, com
manded the boy peremptorily to shave
him, declaring in the most positive, man
ker that if he lacerated his face in the
smallest degree, or drew the minutest
drop of blood during,the operation, he
would that moment run him through
with the sword lying before him. Not
the least undaunted and with the moat
consumate self possession, the boy as
sented and proceeded to • comply with
the officers wishes. With strong nerves,.
a steady hand and a fixed eye, and also
an inward resolve not visible to the offi
cer,— he performed the tonsorial opera
tion "to a hair," which met the unquali
fied approbation of his formidable and
unceremonious patron. The officer was
so completely astonished at the boy's
coolness and manifest absence of fear or
embarrassment, from first to last, that
before leaving the' saloon, he asked the
boy what he would have done, had 'he
lacerated his face, or drawn blood in
shaving him, for, added he, 'had you done
so, I should have instantly run you
through with the sword agreably: to my
promise. The boy, without loosing any
of his self control, replied as earnestly,.
that he knew the officer would have, kept
his word, and therefore had he been so
unfortunate as to have drawn a drop of
blood, that moment he would most cer
tainly have cut Ms '(the officers) throat
fi ,
'oni ear to ear with. the Faze!. The offi
cef for a moment stood aghait, arid then
with blanched fear turned from the in-
trepid juvenile's presence and precipi
tately left the saloon, no doubt inwardly
thanking God for his narrow escape. It
does not effect this case to doubt whether
the, officer would have kept his word or
not, if the boy had made a mis cut upon
his face,; the boy at least believed he
would, and therefore he went to work
with a quiet determinatlon what course
he would pursue in such a contingency,
and manifested more of the intrepid
moral courage than the Officer did.
Another remarkabbi instance of this
character is exhibited in a duel between
a white man and an Indian, both of whom
were remarkable for their courage and
physical power. The Indian obtained
the advantage of a .choice of weapons
and distance, which were scalping knives,
and at arms length. It was stipulated.
that the parties should be 'divested. of
clothing as far down as their loins, and
stand face to face with their left hands
lashed together, and each a deadly scalp
ing knife in the right hand. The odds
were against the white man, for the knife
was not his chosen weapon, and the dis.
tanee too close. But in coolness and in
craft he was equal to the Indian, and in
quickness and physical strength or slight'
of hand, he was his superior. ' Prom the
Indian's known dexterity in handling the
knife, and from his great muscular power
there seemed to be little hope for the
white man, nevertheless his courage
never, failed him, for a moment,,and he
conducted himself daring all of the, pre
liminary stages of the fight, with the at
most self control and the most unflinch
ing interpidity.' As the parties stood
there faCe to face with seeming intent'
upon the lives of each other, and the In
dian contemplating, doubtleSs the spot
where he would make the .fatal'-'plunge,
the white man was indulging in &differ
ent thought—a thought that required
for its ultimation the most inflexible
nerve and a surer aim than the- deadly
weapon can, command. Whilst the In
dian was regarding the white man's body,
the,white man, kept his eye fixed upon
the Indian's hand which so firmly grasped
the instrument of death. At length the
fatal signal was given, andinstantly the
white Man dropped his weapon and
siezed the Indian by the wrist;just as he
was making a pass a:t him with tbe deadly
knife, and by a sudden wrench, and with
almost super-human power, he broke off
the bones of the Indian's lower arm,like:
pipe stems, and left the powerless hand
dangling, like
,a supple to the couple of a
flail. The Indian of Course was "spoiled"
and conquered, and that too by the cool
ness the craftiness and the indomitable
self posses'sion of the white, min, who .
manifested .:more intrepidity. than. any
soldier in leading a "forlorn hope."
One more case in close approximation-
to.the foregoing, arid wu done.—rtot
that our stock is exhausted, hut that
these an; sufficient to define the position
we occupy, in the absence of those pow
ers of logical reasoning, which the more
gifted votaries of the pen are at all times
able to bring, to their aid, in substantia
ting a proposition or in fortifying a dis
putable ground.
A gentleman being on a visit to a
friend in the State of,Arkansas one day
took his gun and, proceeded alone in
quest of "small,game" in order to while
away the dull monotory of a summer day,
and to seek that excitement, which is so
abundently yielded by the sports of the
brook and field, in some of the new and
less frequented localities of these United
States. Re was not long. in chasing ,up
a covy of birds, but so much was he taken
aback by their sudden fintterings, that
they had passed beyond the reach of his
fire, before he could bring his fowling
piece to bear upon them. 13efore they
"lit" again, they had crossed a deep ra
vine, down and up whose steep sides the
now amateur sportsman would be obliged
to scramble before he could Approach
near enough to gain a,shot. Full of the
excitement of the chase, his resolution
was soon formed to continue the pursuit
at any odds. _Although this man com
paratively speaking was traversing new
ground in pursuit of new game, yet scenes
of peril and danger were by no means
new to him, and withal he was gifted
with great presenc.e of mind, and intrepid
courage, as the sequel will. show, In
descending . the steep declivity of the ra
vine, he was compelled to hold his gun
in his right hand, whilst with his lefehe
held to the prOje.Cting rocks' arid roots'
and shrubbery that -he encountered in
his progress, in order that he might not
loose his footing and 'be precipitated
with a'greater Speed than he desired to
go. About midway between the top
and the labttdni of the ravine he set' his
foot in -the coil.of a large and malignant
rattle snake, that had-'been basking in
the sun. He Was so situated at the mo
ment, that he could •not retreat upward
nor downward, before the snake would
have time to inflict upon him its deadly
wound, foi his foot was upon its tail and
he saw it raise its head in an attitude of
defence. But the man was equal, to the
occasion, and like the white man in the
deadly encounter with. the Indian, he
immediately dropped his gun and siezed
the snake, an inch behind its head, be
fore its sweep was spent in its fatal
strike, and lield it with ttie grasp of a
vice, Unable to disengage the reptile
from his foot—for it had contracted its
coil around his allele and held him fast
order that he might 'cast it into the
bottom _of the ravine, and give it its
quietes in a well directed shot from his
gun, his only resort was toe bring into ,
effect- one of those daring expediences,
which seemed to be a part of the pro
gramme which had been so unexpectedly
begun. 'Therefore, 'he went cooly and
undauntedly to work and"chawed off"
the serpent's head with his teeth, and
thus freed himself from his disagreeable
In relating these instances of coolness
and intrepidity ander these imergencies,
we by no Means desire that these char
acteristicS are to be mistaken for ihat
true moral ''courage, which, under other
drid - highbr e,ombinations . of" circumstan
ces, has been so often by other individii
als, exhibited in this world.
forget an advantage, or at least a power-.
ful compensation, which contributes to
the happiness of old age. That is, the
moral gains more than the physical loses.
In, fact, the moral gains everything : and
if something is lost by the, physical, the
compensation is complete. Some one
asked'the philospher Fontenelle; when
ninety-five years of age, which twenty
years of his life he regretted' the most.?
" I regret little," lie replied.; " and - yet
thelappiest years of my life were those
between the fifty-fifth snd severity-fifth."
ARKANSAS WATEK.—A visitor to on
f the midland , town,s . Arkansas,,after
inquiring very particularlyr of a promjnent,
citizen about the health of thellac' e, con
eluded his interrogatories
Ddeloi,.'what kind.of witei is' most
used here ?"`
' " WelPwriter," answeredjthts Doctor.
" ls it good ?',
".Those who use, replied the Doc
tor, " is i first rate.. Lusewhlsliy...".
ToennixellietDmit.----While the Prince
of - Wales was at Viederielaon; N. 13., an
old lady,3lrs. Seggigne, waited upon him,
and presented-him' with.a relie,o4rice
lesa value, 'being apiece. of his grand::
fathees.(the Altilke, of Kent's). dressing.
gown. How the .venerable dante.zot.
possession of it is not stated. ';:
closing up its nineteenth
, year, has de
sorted its ancient habitation among the
agricultural warehouses on Water-st i
and taken up its abode for the next ten
years, at least, in the very centre of the
great newspaper establishments of the
City that have'for some time past been
concentrating around "Printing-llouse
square." The eminent success of the
American Agriculturist, which n o w
courts its 50,000 subscribers, while due
in part to the correct policy of the pub
lisher, viz.—to get up the best Possible
paper without regard to expense, and
then to make it widely known by liberal
advertising—is an indication of the
greatly-increased desire on the part of
cultivators for information upon the best
methods of tilling the soil. The present
circulation of the Agriculturist, it may
be remarked, is greater than that of the
entire agricultural press only a few years
ago. When this journal started there
were but two or three agricultural papers
in, existence ; the agricultural journals
now numbering full forty.—N. Y. times.
Seward made a great speech at •Detroit,
Michigan, last week, which has been
telegraphed over the country. This ad
dress of the Governor, together with the
circumstances surrounding its delivery,
give' it a national importance. The Sen
ator paints a deplorable picture of the
*sent state of our nation, and the po
litical evils surrounding it. Internally
our Government is mismanaged, while
among the nations of the earth it is suf
fering from a want of foreign respect and
confidence. Pe does not think that
these evirs will induce disunion, nor does
the speaker anticipate such a contin
gency. The Democratic party, the Whig
party, and the short-lived American had
all failed to furnish a. practical solution
of the difficulties of the slavery question.
His counsel may be comprised in this
sentence, from his address ; "My humble
advice then, fellow -citizens, is, that we
return and re-establish the original poli
cy of the nation, and henceforth hold, as
We did in the beginning, that slavery is
and must be onlrely local, tempo
_ y a pu
rary, and exceptional institution, con
fined within the slave States where it al
ready exists; while freedom is the gep
eral, normal, enduring, and permanent
condition of society within the jurisdic
tion, and under the authority, of the
Constitution._ of the, United States.”--
The speech is marked with the Senator's
usual ability, and may.. be regarded, as
very . conservative. ,
The Louisville Journal has the follow,
ing, in reference to the charge that Mr.
Breckinridge is
. a slave owner :
"We have received a great. many let
ters from the South, requesting- us to
state whether John. C. Breckinridge, who
we believe is a man of wealth, does or
does not own any.
.slayes. We, do not
know whether an answer to.this oft-Fe,
peated question is important, but we will
give one. Mr. Breckinridge and his
family live in Lexington,iand board at
the nnaix hotel, and -he. votes in that
city. For the past three years he has,
not listed any, property ler .taxatiou,
either real or,personal,as appears from
the tax. , hoolps. Re has a free colored
woman as a nurse. We undorstand that
he has a good deal-of , real estate in the
Efilt•The Cattle - ,commissioners met at
liartford, Con:, a few days ago, says the
Honieiteakaed dedided still to adhere
to the - decision of June last, not to aIIOW
cattle to cross the line from Massa:Chu
setts into Connecticut. They have been
overwhelmed with applications ram
butchers and drovers to withdraw thigZe-,
cision; since the cattle disease excitement
has died out. There is still a fear amoisir
the border towns that the epedemic will
rettpear on the approach of winter
There was a Republican, demon
: tration at Indianapblis, Indiana, on the
29th ult., Which was a
sitecess. AnimmeilsecroWil threnged
the' itree.ts'io view the proliceilicii,'Which
was very large in:numbOrs,`add
=hour in passing a everipoint:
procession there was' a wagon drawn by
forty-three yolsa of
. ox.,an l ackd contaip4LF
several large', iviih'gt9n splitting
rails and distAtaiiiiti'd aitob the
itai•qt is a beantifut . enst9,Rin ; Apple
oriental -lands to leave , mute-gel:mil the
fVnitslliat , are'shaked-frodfillrePtAaby
the wind, they being-regarded
to'theopOor'aid th% straniem ,'° .{iri
eirrrOf. Lowe is determined OAI
•agais. Ile says the w ILL eiostitiieAapp,»
Carriage in which the rani of Caithness
has been trareling in ,Eleotland, has in
front all the appearance of. an ordinary
open carriage Which can be covered in
*hen requited. It is mounted on three
wheels much after the feel:doh of a per
emtrulator, the front or guiding wheel
being fitted on a pivot below the body
of the carriage, so as to be turned by the
Thehandle in the direction required.
The wheels are of small diameter, and in
width of rim fully double-those of ordi•
nary carriages. The boiler and engine
are behind, with,a seat for the stoker
whose occupation is not much more
cleanly than that of stokers in general.
The boiler may contain from 60 to 70
gallons of water, and retpriresto be re
plenished every honr,t or at about every
ten miles distant, as the consumption of
water is about a gallon per minute on an
average. The engine m niee-hdreti pow
er, and is so constructed that the boiler
and engine together eccupy,aviry small
space, only about five feet or so of the
length of the carriage being thus taken
up. The eost of the whole is about
£2OO. The consumption of coal is quite
small, about eight pounds per mile. No
hindrance is experieiced, as Was antici
pated, from the frightening -of horses
when passing sootiusual a vehicle. The
fire is entirely concealed from the - view
of an animal apprOaohing in front, and
the top of the smoke funnel ',tilt , rises a
little above the headi of those. seated4n
the carriage, entl4e,-not by anymoittis a
source of terror our cotintmws.,
WitAT AN UMBRELLA INDlciieis:'-Ltere
Is a good deal of tnith'ia tlWfo L iloerrng,
as our readers will detect andlitkithwl-
Ah umbrella, it is Said, ea be taken
as a test or cherictei. - Tlfe!men Who al
ways takes an umbrella out with him is
a cautious fellow, whSo abitains from all
speculation, and is pretty ittiu 'to die
rich. The man. who is alwaySientfing
his umbrella behind him is die 'Who gen
erally makes no provision TOO' the nior
row. He is reckless, thoughtless; alWays
late for the train, leaves>the eitiecit deer
open when he comes hotel:: lite at night,
and is absent to stidi 'a iltigtee' is * to
speak ill of a babyin °tits
mothers '
The man who is alWitys losing his tim•
beetle is an unlucky dog ) , whose bills are
always protested, whose boots split,
whose gloves crack, whose buttons. are
always coming off, Whose change .is sure
to have some bad twine) , infit. 'Be care_
ful how you lend a htlndreil dollars to
such a man. The man' Whci-is perpetu
ally expressing a nervous aniiety about
his umbrella, and mondtiritirifitis - sere,
is full of - newish:less >and low , sinipicion.
Let him 1343 , ever so rich, give -Inn your
daughter to him •'l he will Undoubtedly
take more care of-hii umbrella thait his
correspondent of one .of the morning
dailies, now at Saratoia,'says
for my own partoins never afraid
of having-my pooketpickint.' In.fact, I
rather wish that some one' would pick it
on halves, it is so hard for mtv , to find
"any moni3y there; that I fally.aliprentate
the difficulties =Another man *odd: mt.'
counter, and 'should have'"-no 'Ablebtfort
to:paying him well forhis•trotffilel And
then, as regards ,a Watek,l leer con &
den t that any man who took it, would be
taking that which.enriched ; L im ilok but
made him poor indeed:: Keeping , the
wretched little thing in repair would'
break- the proprietoiof 'afire totinkAir; a
horse -railroad:, It: is ra lively> piecelof
mechanism for itssise, however, andgeir
ebntrives beat: thel3ito•CloCk
'down in the office an hour or two
t wen ty, four. "Nett to korepitufhlistife; I
can't conceive of anything more expeu-)
sive and trodblesomectierdreetr:lthaiYa,
TERRIBLE r I‘RAGEI)L-r-L4t 6'8t¢0161)11.
the body of a . :young and pretty,girl.mis
fetrii'd by some boys in tilts ,Chtirlgo
canal near trace, N.Y.It w4enti-.
fled as' that of Miss McGianni, whq Ts,
engaged to be married t? f r itolmy ,
of Utica.. The corener i '?3 , 3ll',4 ►
verdict 'that's ha was et/tweed . i.
thrown into the canal ,,_ White, who'
gone to , ,Oswego, was:arrested: I,ln ati
, • --- .--„,i . . ~.," ,
lefao.r , T y, 4 0,.. owyp.-2ikagoifte ,
4 i
At3Pa81iti97):7144,F9,0411 at iii6a9 . #
list, .14efr. , Tbe t.lije t fea . lreil lier,ifegt ;
viitile she *.se:+ at I.:;eaftkert, ,iull et4te
eight hundred: iloilliti r 4lktit otl i eVeliy..:
Among the rifofeitiiiii'M were l iiiiiiee:
1et'.....0 ~4171‘, . . il, _ _s carved' ,
°4l ! St C F I PV', 79r , kn2n ll. l 4 l ?' !
from a piece of ite:totall'el Romeo ded
jilli4t, and a'br - iiocii iftim AustralM
wbieh• cost forty guittea.s.