The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, August 04, 1860, Image 1

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7osepli Gales. -• i " THE OIRL I LEVY BEHIND ME. " —The STREET 4 O.7 , ..
( • • LINCOLN AND LIBERTY. - . **' ;-•
BLISIIED EVERY SA'FURDAY, AT Ara—"hazel 'Dell." :, - . It lg ivitt real sorroit that we.heiiiif
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NE DOLLAR. A-YEAR, liafk ! O'er eviry hill•and• • dale are swelling the death of Joseph Gales, Esq., Editor ' T •
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Anthems of -the -free, • - of.the National Intellieencer, of Wash- ~....4 4, e v.,„ „.
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A liberal discount made to quatterly, half-yeat-
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ALL Ktxvs or• Jos Parrrrrrro - done at short
notice and at reasonable, prices.
(Ou glirutorr.
clrul Burgess, Samuel D Miller,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker,
Town Council, Barr Spangler, (President)
John Crull, Thomas Stem, M. P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libhart..
Town Clerk, Theo: Riestand.
Treasurer, John Auxer.
Assessor of Tares, William Child, Jun.,
Collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker.
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel D. Roath.
High Constable, ANAlem , Emswiler.-.
9ssislant Constable, Filial(lin K. Money.
ReguiatorS, John H. Goodman, t. D. II:oath.
.'irpertisor, Samuel Hippie, Sen.
Nchooi Directors, John Jay LibMut, Presi
.., id, E. D. Roaih, Treasurer,,C. A. Schaffner )
letury, John K a , Fidler, Aaron 41. prosh,
s ‘ mithan M. Latielere.
Pot Office Hours:, The, post ot6ce fivlp
h , open from 6 o'clock ihi the inoinliig Until
1 ~If-past 7in the evening. The teigeto mail
ri,r silver Spring and Hempfteld will close at
p. in., and arrive at 11 a. in. every Tuesday
hursdny and Saturday.
The Eastern mails will close at 7a. m—and
J.) p. in., and return at 1141 o'clock, a. m.,
at G 28 p. m.
The Western mails will close, at 10.60 a. m.,
1)4 arrive at 4.66 p. in.
Rai/road Time Table: The mail train for
'liladelphia will leave this station,at 7.66 in
t' ~e morning s The mail train wad will leave
a! 11.21 in the morning. The l 'Harrisburg
r, inmodation east, passes-at 4.66 p. m. and
returns, going west, at 6 28 . p. m; •
Religious Exercises: gervice had on
rry Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning and
h before 8 o'clock in the evening,in'the' Pies
' terian church. Rev. P. J. Timlow,pastor.
Every Sabbath at 10 o'clock lathe morning
d at 1-9 befoie 8 o'clock in the evening
ere will be service In the Methodist churuh.
s‘ev. T. W. Martin, pastor.
Beneficial Backlit/It- Tit E Rattatawy:, dyi N.
klsei, President ;YolTri.tai Libbart, Tresßur
, ; Barr Spaagler,tearetary. i rttE.Ptc!,
uhn Jay Libhart, President.; term Caael,
reamer Wm. Child, jr., Seiretary.
Wide open swings the, Catnip,. door,
And soft the summ er aunekme falls
Upon the white and shining floor,
And o'er the elesn ntipiipers4 walls ;
The roses in tlinlitile4SlNlq'
The picture e'er the'anantle tree,
The books within their, varnished case,
Light up, then darken Joberly.
Upon the floor the baby lies,
By clover scented breezes fanned—'
Some meadow floweirr, a cherished prise.
Clasped tightly in one dimpled hand;.
The curl-crowned head' droops wearily
Upon the arm erabrowriedand bare ;•
The nanny eyes, ev.fntt of glee,
Are hidden by their lashes fair.
A sweet-faced maiden in the porch
Hume in low torioisome simple air ;
The honeysuckle's scarlet torch
Gleams in the darknees of h e ! hair.
t.e gaze* umi and wistfully •
Adown the me-ernbowered line; .
Tears fill at length ber gentleeyea—
Alt me! how many watch in vaiu!
Far aff within the.d:telelled tams
Glimmers the buckwheat's silver sea,
And wavy corn-rOW:l4olir
stretch wide des breezi raesmissai
Each leafy vapor sail shady weed
Sleeps in the stigma del" - cant •
The hills ere drawl in, cle*Pf
\ • The air is steeped itt sumtnerflialme
.IVIIAT "THE DERV" IS t Some persons
do not know what -"the Derby" is, and
bore is an explanation. Epson', amnia'
market town in the contitrot Surly, situ
ated close to Barantesed downs, and some
fifteen miles from London. , On these
downs, in the Week before l'ir hiteuntide
cows of the anntail English r*,niiiroa/ia
called Epsom races. The two eventsof
these races are the emstesterfer the great
Derby stakes, and thir Oaks. A.former
Earl of Derby, with the sporting pridi:
lections which'seem to run-in the blood
of the Stanley', occupied a country seat .
called "The Oaks," close to, Epsom.
Here formerly lived the% Gen. Burgoyne,
who surrendered to Gen. Gates, at gar
&toga in 1777. Three years earlier he
had written a play, which, after his real
~., deuce lie called The Maid of the Oaks.
(go eneourage horserracing,. the _Earl of
Ainkrby gave twoprizesi to' be Tut for •at
___ ...„ /if het Derby," wiich`
Freedom's clarion=notes are sounding
Over land and sea:; • • fing4-
From each patriot heart the shout comes bound
" Lincoln and Liberty!"
Too long have tyrant rulers blighted
A land that should be free—
The hopes of patriot sires been slighted '
By tools of tyranny ;
Shall the blood o'er Kansns plains once flowing,
Plead to us in vain r
Shall the soil in virgin beauty glowing
Groan 'neath Slavery's chain 7
No I from mountain and from valley,
Strewnlet lake and sea,"
Hods of freemen to the rescue rally,
For "Lincoln—Liberty."
Soon their deeds with vict'ry 'll be rewar4e4,
The battle soon be won;
On FaMe's bright scroll each name rioorded,
:•" Clear as the noon-day sun ;
On; freemen upon the Right relying,
Raise higb each cheerful voice ;
Let your wittchWordbe, the foe defying,
Lincoln, the people's chpicc 1
Freedom's fire- is brightly burning,
In hearts once full of grief ;
To the Patriot's Hope her sons are turning—
Lincoln, our gallant chief I
Our - Harrie's Box.
Reflecting upon the capacity of the
boy's pocket, and its cotitents,—describ
ed some weekc ago in the "Daily-Ex
press," reminds me of an omniverous re
ceptacle analogslbs to it. A dapper lit
tle urchin of ours, of some six summers,
answering to the deminutive and familiar
cognomen of "our Harry," claims the
ownership of a boi—a paper button box
- 7 -about foul inches square and two in
ches deep; :which he persists in carry
ing about with him wherever be goes—
taking it to bed with him at night—and
only relinquishincit, when he unconci
ously falls into a happy slumber. It may.
perhaps be necessary to say that the
box was originally a pure glossy white,
but that ri ow —by dint bf constant hand
ling, with inky and candy-bedaubed dig
its, it has assumed a.macalated exterior;
not ;much unlike the variegations of a
tabby cat, or a miniature giraffe.
Carrying ,a more than ordinary amount
of ballast the, other day, our Harrie's box
fell to the floor with a crash, bursting off
the lid, and upon examination, exhibi
ting, the following inventory of goods
and chattles, all of which were - gathered
up and stowed away again. Boys have
the singular faculty of stowing away an
immense quantity of anything, into a
small space, whether a box, or a pocket,
or a stomachs if you please. This box
contained on this occasion, a lot of cher
ry stones; -two dozen single tickets of
admission to the fair of the Fulton Iri
stitute ; a comic
valentine ; .a
pidgeoli's foot ; au acorn.; a piece of a
lead pencil; half a shoe-string; a-cork
stopper ; a knife handle ; a pair of "roost
ers" spurs; a toy baby minus one arm
and its nose ; , two-ificbes of brae eimio ;
three slate pencils ; half a knife blade;
a string of "peach goodies;"-two white
allies" and one "china," , marbles ; a sheet
of,note paper, firetty well "scribbled ;"
lot of pictures ea out of a '•Harpers
Weekly; a small piece of dried cheese ;
half a dozen variegated beans ; six lath
ing nails and a girublet handle ; besides
sundry ..maid articles, too deminutive,
and "too numerons to mention." , -- - -*
t s b-There are those in Washington in
dustriously circulating the statement
that Gea• gushing does-not care for the
Supreme Court judgeship, but that his
wishes, have n different direption. W hat
he does want has not yet transpired, still
Less what he is likeitto get.
orSenator Fitzpatrick, who was nom
fasted for Vice President by the Doug-
Cbalention and declined, has written
a letter in which, he says: "According
in sentiment with. the platform upon
which Frreckinridge aro'. I.aneltave been
nominated, I shall, ago, matter of course,,
yield them my egpport,"•
atv'The number of persons who visited.
the Valais li.oyal to see Prince J eroirie
lying is, as near as can be calcu ,
Wed, not less:than 300,00 i)., It is Sop ,
OSeit.that 80;00 & Wont on Sunday.
ington City. He expired on Saturday
etening, at, his residence, tekington,
near Washington. For some years he
has suffered from bodily infirmities, and
his right band had long since "lost its
cunning,".making him unable, to write.
A few days ago, we learned that he was.
paralyzed on the left side, so that the
news of his decease was not unexpected,
Mr. Gales was of English - birth, though
his father, as well as hithself, became
Americans, and were identified with the
American press, throughout their long
lives. His father, whose name was also
Joseph Gales, was editor of the Sheffield
Register, but being inibtied with the re
publican doctrines in vogue after the
French Revolution, he became obnoxi
ous to the government, and selling his
journal to Montgomery, the poet, he em
igrated to the United States in 1.798,
settled in Philadelphia, and beCame pub
lisher of the Independent Gazetteer.—
This he sold in 1796, and removing to
N. .C., published there . the Ral
eigh Register, for nearly forty years. He
died at Raleigh, in 1841.
Joseph Gales, whose decease we have
now to lament, was born at Eckington,
near Sheffield, April 10th, MG, so that
his age was more than seventy-four
years. When seven years old, he was
brought to this country by his father, and
was educated at the University of North
Carolina, at Raleigh. He then came to
Philadelphia, where he learned the art
or printing. Mr, Saml Harrison Smith,
who had purchased Iris father's paper,
the Independent Gazetteer, removed it
to Washington, and there changed its
name to the National Intelligeneer.—
Mr. Gales became his partner, and in
1810, after Mr. Smith's retirement, its
sole proprietor. Two years later, his, Mr. W. W. Bdaton, be
came his partner, and they have been its
owners and publishers ever since. Mr.
Seaton, although a little older than Mr.
'Gales, survives him, and is Mifficiently
strong and healthy 40 still give it his
personal attention. tic. Gales leaves a
widow, .a daughter, of:the lale,Theodoric
Lee, of Virginia. They had no children.
Mr. Gales was one of the puiest and
best ofmen. He was the very type of
the true, conservative patriotism of the
last gencration. His journal never, in
times of the most violent political-ex
citement, contained a word that was un
true to the constitution and the laws, or
unjust to any portion of the Union. It
never uttered a discourteous or undigni
fied sentence towards public men. 'Cir
culating chiefly among a.' class of Smith
ern gentlemen who are highly influential,
though rarely heard of iu politics, the
Intelligencer has quietly maintained
among them those honorable traditional
feelings of patriotism which are proof
against all sectional appeals, and all the
vulgar assaults of demagogues. Thus
effectively, though insensibly, has it
worked amid various political storms,
and it is impossilsle to over-estimate the
value of such a journal at the national
seat. of governmeit.
In private-life Mr. Gales wan des'erved
ly beloved and honored. He was gen
erous and charitable alinost to a fault.
His booze was the seat of a liberal and
elegant hospitality. His society was val
ued by the most distinguished people
that have appeared in Washington, for
eigners as well as Americans. A library,
chosen by himself with thorough taste
and good judgment, was among the many
delights of Eckington, and during the
last few years of his life, was his own fa
vorite retreat. Although he was for
some years unable to, go much into the
world, Mr. Gales' death will be deeply
felt in Washington society. To the
country at large, to whbse p,eace and
welfare he has been so long de,voted, the
loss is a far more grievous' one than peo
ple generally will be prepared to ac
knowledge. For so unobtrusiie - have
been his labors, that few except those
most familiar with them have been able
to comprehend how faithfully and how
efficiently he has served his country.
Mr. Gales' surviving partner, Mr. Sea
ton, who has for some years born the
chief toil and responsibility of the In
telligencer, is a gentleman not less es
thorned than his lamented associate, and
under his care and that of his son, the
paper, •we dbubt not, will continue to
deserve the respect and confide f ,
the 'public.
trigoverntkr Pettus, of lifiSsissippl, is
e private in a volunteer military compa
ny in Jackson, and drills regularly an.
punctually in the ranks.
og the
departure of the French troops from
Milan was cause of great grief to the
feminine population of that place, The
railway station was a real scene of dese
lation, there was nothing bat tears and
embraces withoit end. The bell for de
parture had rung, but the departure
could not take place without as many
broken arms and legs as there were
brcketi hearts—at iast a sergeant who
had an taconsolable damsel hanging
about him thought of a stratagem to
bring matters to a close. He shouted
aloud that there must be extra cars put
on to-go to Mtigenta. All the desolate
beauties crowded into the cars, but the
perfidious sergeant had given the hint to
the conductor of the train, and the sup
plementary cars were not attached; The
signal was given, the train moved etr at
the rate of twenty miles an hour, and the
inconsolable ladies were left in the Mid
dle of the station, and' made their way
back from it, as it says in the song of
hialbrouk, "with swelling hearts and red
EXPENSIVE PIOTURE.--110 Cincinnati
Inquirer has a story of a coachman - Who
made $3OOO very easily. He had sus
pected that his mistress was not like
Calsar's wife in all things. A gentle
man, he observed, whose, name was on
the list of the large tax payers, came quite
often to see her, and, queerly enough,
always in the husband's absence. Think
ing this scarcely fair, the coachman went
to n. daguerrean, and by the offer' of $l5O
if he should succeed in making a good
picture, induced him to accompany him
one'day to his stable. The library win
dow opened in that direction, and the
gentleman and mistress of the house be
ing at that time in the library, the artist
succeeded in securing for the coachman
a picture, for which the gentleman
thought it worth while td pay the coach
man $3OOO.
Bi7RIED A LIT Wm. Van hiSe,
aged 64 or 65 years, residing at 1 . 1 ind
sor, went to South River, N. J. to gath
er rushes for chair bottoms. At about
noon he went near a clay pit wherasome
men bad been at work and undermined
the bank to procure clay. He entered
the pit to look at the mineral deposits
by which his attention was attracted,
when thabank suddenly gave way, bury
ing him completely. There was no one
near at the time and it is supposed he
was killed almost instantly. When the
men returned from dinner they noticed
that the bank had fallen in and resumed
their work, but had not proceeded very
far before they discovered the tail of the
unfortunate old man's coat. Then they
set to work energetically and soon suc
ceeded in getting his body out.
by the name of John Butterworth ) in
Bedford county, - Va., a year or two ago,
found an-Englishman, then in an intoxi
cated and freezing condition. Young B.
procured a buggy, carried the old matt
home, warmed him and nursed him until
restored to health. When the young
man was leaving the house, the old gep
tleman remarked that he would remem
ber him. The old gentleman afterward
removed to Texas, invested his fu6ds and
became wealthy. lie died a short time
ago, leaving his whole estate to his
young friend, who thus becomes worth
about one hundred thousand dollars.
kee girl gives us tbe following receipt
To five gallons of cold water, add one
quart of sound corn, and two quarts of
molasses. Put all into a keg. Shake
well, and in two or three days ,it willbe
fit for use. Bung tight. It may be fla
vbred with essence of spruce or lemon.
The corn will last 'to make' five or sim
brewings. If it becomes soar, add more
molasses and water. It is a cheap and
simple beer, and is called very good."
Chemical Gazette says : "When knives
and forks have come off the has from
being Carelessly pat is bat water, or
otherwise, a cement made as follows, will
be useful to refasten them :—Take of
gum shellac two parts, And prepared
chalk one part; reduce them to powder
and Mix thoroughly. Fill the opening
in the handle with the miwture, heat the
shrank Of the knife elle press it ia. Then
keep the handle out of hot water."
Loop'Some pugilistic citizen of A.lbarry,
Vsergia, proposes to match a.negro slave
named Shadrach against .the .redoubtable
John C. Heenan, for $lO,OOO. We don't
suppose the fight will come off, as Heen
an is in the sparring. *bu4iuess, as oce
!Wien which pays be • •
71,144034: - .;;;
A MISER.-Mr. Gershom Twichell, of
Milford, who died a short time since,
though a man of considerable wealth,
owning one of the finest and most 'valu
able farms in Milford, persisted in living
in a state of the most abject poverty.—
On the announcement of his death, says
a writer in the Boston Journal, the over
seers of the poor took immediate steps
to secure his estate for his legitimate
heirs. They fon.nd in his hovel .a large
amount of silver, deposited in a pine box,
nicely adjusted in layers of dollars,
halves, quarters, and smaller coins.—
They also found a bag in which there
was a heavy amount of gold. The specie
was taken to the Milford Bank for safe
keeping. Nearly the last words uttered
by the expiring miser were to request a
neighbor who stood by him to leave the
room, for fear he would steal the money.
His wife abandoned him many years ago,
and recently, for a stipulated sum, gave
bonds that she would make no claim
upon any property he possessed.
PMERS LINCOLN.--The editor of the
Cumberland (Md.) Telegraph, the Amer
ican organ, referring to a statement that
the opposition party of Alabama bad, in
Convention, repudiated Bell and Ever
ett, and declared their purpose to sup
port Breckinridge and Lane, says :
We prefer Mr. Lincoln before either
of the democratic nominees, end if driven
from our support of Mr. Bell by the
trickery of our leading men—if our, party
is to be sold out to „either wing of the
Democracy—then we Are for Lincoln,
with tens of thousands of others in good
old Maryland.
CUSIIING SAYS of LiNcotx.--An a con
versation between Caleb Cashing aed
Col. Parker, author of Reminiiiiiences of
Rufus Choate, Cushing said 14"Abra=
ham Lincoln is a much abler malk ‘ thatt
is generally supposed, even in his lkwtt
party. In his canvass with Douglas. bit
beat him in argument, beat him at law,
beat him in wit, and-the published de
bates of that canvass will sustain this
the New England Farmer a correspon ,
dent gives the following remedy ; when
horses or cattle injure their eyes so as to
bring on a white substance or film, lie
says :
"Take fresh butter, newly churned ;
melt about a,tablespoonful, and turn it
into the ear opposite the en injured, be
ing carefiatto hold the ears tight togeth
er, so that they shall not, by a violent
shake of the head throw it out of the
ear. This remedy may be safely applied,
if you do not use them when the film is
coming off."
ifirGerritt Smith is out against Lin
coln. He has written a very bitter let
ter, denouncing dim as a supporter of
the Fugitive Slave Law, and declaring
that no trae abolitionist can support him.
In this he repeats the movement of 1858,
when he made a small experiment at
running for Governor against the Reptib=
lican candidate. Yet in spite of the
well-established fact 'that Gerritt Smith
is not a Republican and has lent all his
powers to the defeat of Republican can
didates, we see constantly in the Demo
cratic press the gross slander that he is
one of the Republican leaders.
Celle Nanagitriset Times reports'
that the Rev. Elihu Cbuiliough,of Sion
ington, Conn., though 95 years old, is ye
both physically and intellectually, hale as
most men at 70 1 . He is frequently called
to preach, espeCially at the fuuerals of
aged people, and often speaks en hour
iwith far less of exl wallop than is com
plained of by most of his jnior bTethern
n the sacred - pro - lisilon over a thirty
mineets essay.
`Small acts of kindness i hoiv ples
ant and desirable do they make lea!
Every dark object is made light by themy
and every tear ofsertdiv IS brushed away.
Whet the heart is sad and desposidency
sits at the entrance of the Suril,"tt trifling
kindness drives despair away, and makes
the path cheerfrd and plesant.
The Montgamery (Ala.) Mail says
that the thermonietor marked 103 deg.
in several open houses in that , :iity a few
days since, Otte of the eitii4raWhe has
kept a datry_of the weather foi
midyears, :says that the present is the
hottest summer sine's 1828.
GrA bedstead has beet itylnted by
which a person can sand i up, liedown
*Abecbize'lr, anr7*wit' will run=s ire
number or-lhiors, -Witt Iv
ie niation=
••.` •
over Lo p•wiist-at.
I,san hut.;
' i i4ttl ,
~ .
M:> ~ - _ .~~- -
leans corresponden.
Mercury writes 4- , 4
ments,on Cana
ing, and when ''
n agnificent sl,Te
if not in the wqm7a
length, extendiiin 1
river to Lake 1a 1
200 feet wide, wird;
the centre of 40 fs
the grand crossing
tains are to be ere(
monument stands
Charles and Canal,
ed to erect a eplended monument to
ton, to be placed at the head of the str
fronting the Mississippi. The desigi
learn, has already been made and ace(
ed by the city. Tbis street is our gi
promenade, and the fashionable side
crowded every evening.
EDWARD EVERRIT.—It is stated in
taro quarters that Mr. Everett will I ,
raw his name from the Pre 'del
can s. This course -
mor, but it has a fair show of p
Mr. Everett accepted the
with a view to consolidati
tional Union sentiment. He
ing to endure defeat as the rep\ . ,
alive of a principle; but that is a,'9
different thing from being made a cats.
paw for Joe Lane's chesnuts. To lie
nominated merely as a convenience in
the unworthy process of selling out can
not be exactly in accordance with
high personal sense of the Mass
statesman, and should he, as i i,
withdraw, it would occasion V ,
• rprise among right thinkin,
It has been decided that the Cr
ern will visit the Chesapeake.
sail hence on the 2d of Angnst, a
at Old Point Comfort on the
open for the reception of visito
h. Shejvin from
Ann 5, whotot except
hibited from the 4t
ive, leaving for New York on
She will then return to N. Y
sail on her return to England o
of Angest.
liktrtAL U RDER.-A re w art
is offered at Columbia, Tenn.
arrest of two railroad overssek
Wright and Thomas S. Ms:Or
gave Mr. Holm's negro 12001 as
ered his raw back with turpeul
put him to work in the sun, kil:
in twenty-four hottRLL
trOov, Seymour, who is wi
dren or his own, is not the le.
appreeiete brightness in the c -,,
other people. While atten c+
meneement at Hamilton Col/
days since, ha was so well pl
the speaking ofJ. H. Lewis, t
exercises of the day he ma
handsome present of $5O as a i
and encouragement of his ta'
igar Tory few people hove
the immense quantity of b
and camphene consumed in
States annually. The am
met' is estimated by tioinpe
of 24,00Q,_ o , Or t 6 a
000,000 1 galloons, The total valuj
amounts is some $13,000,0011.
ilar Mrs. Bartlell Crustaing.
married in San Francisco on th
June last. The Golden Era, w
lishes the announcement, dee'
the name of the happy and e,
Crane farrey dry goods store.
Gilmore & Co. ; No.. 4& North
was•harrtt Sunday asternoon of 1
Deane over sloo',ooo.
eft is stated that Col. Ellswe
the Chicago Zoueves, is about
the office of,a)P .
field i to; steithri:if. - : •
ed in the efieiiie.:-4ifilibie s t i gib
Lane, Datiiiii - FM l— tlW - '-NailtiMilzib
ligir A Brh
of men sere`
county, 'Pent.
- - .
- _
fur A steakep**4 qz_
exhibiting tka: Ikepts. of, San Era
Igarolina, aisi
from the. Walllll4l'or/ Sr'
• arded
in The .
O. lie
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