The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 07, 1861, Image 3

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    Elie 'Focal altirictiin.
MARIETT.k Cat 'HOURS The 11,11okvii is
the starting time from this place, from andaf
ter Monday, June 10:
GOING 147.AsT.
Marietta Accommodation, at
Harrisburg Accommodation,
Mail Train,
Mail Train,
Harristnug Accommodation,
. _
11W The busquehanna is again v
lEW A. letter from S. 11. F. will app
in onr next.
or Our readers should bear in m
that the Delegate election will t(Ce
'place to-day, between the hours of 3 and
7 P. M.
ear B. F. Eshleman, formerly or this
county, but now a Captain of Artilke'ry
in the Rebel service, was wounded at
Gen. Tyler's skirmish at Bull Rau.
Druckemiller, the Mount J o,y
Bard, has left several of his poems with
us. " The Comet," " Poor Lewis Suter,'
and "The War," ate his themes. The;
poet says the pinching times will coni
pel hint to lay aside for awhile the lyre!'
_ _ _
fir The semi=annual celebration of
the State Normal School at Millersville;
on Friday of last week, is said to havwl,`
far exceeded those of former years. The't
number of persons in attendance was up::
usually large, many of them being from
the adjoining counties of York,
non and Chester. The essays and era- .
-tions of the pupils were of a high order:
of merit, and were received with un
bounded applaus by the audience. We
glad to learn that the next session,
of the school opens ander the
favorable auspices. Professor Wicker
sham and his corps of excellent assist
ants have abundant reason to feel proud
of the success which has attended their
efforts to make the Millersville School
first-class institution of learning.
. MR. EDITOR wish you could in-
Iluence those of our citizens who are
ixont to disturb our peaceful slumbers
by thePr nightly orgies to conduct them
selves in a less boisterous manner. It
is really too bad that peaceably disposed
persons should have to submit to theee
nightly annoyances, and' it is doubly so
to those who are suffering from sicknees,
and to whom the want•of a nights rest
is a serious deprivation. Can nothing
be done to abate this evil ? N.
EALTII ov EMENTS.—In our last issue
we would gladly have extended our .re
marks on the lectures delivered by Prof.
Trail in the Alethodist E. Church, and
which were certainly very different from
anything we have aver had in Marietta.
The views propounded by Dr. Trail with
regard to the nature of disease, and the
action of medicines, were altogether new
to us, and have not been sufficiently di
gested, to admit of our unqualified ap
proval. It is the general failing of the
first advocates of any new system that
they run to extremes. We might in
stance the case of our friend Dr. Came
ron, whose very strenuous advocacy of,
what he calls simple living, as a means
of preserving health,' would, if heeded,
carry us back to the most primitive con
dition possible. We believe in good
plain substantial food, and we have
strong faith in the sanatory influeaces
of good clean water, when judieiosly
and vigorously applied, but we do think
that there are some cases, where ft ! he
Water Care process in connection with
mild medicines, would be more bertefi
cial than either, applied separately.—
We do not claim however to be *gh
authority on this subject.
It is gratifying to be able to say, that
Dr. Trail's visit to Marietta, has aroused
a spirit of inquiry on the subject of
health and disease,that cannot be other
wise than benthcial to the community.
Our country friends were so deeply in
terested in the discussion, that some of
them, came every night six and seven
miles to hear the Doctor. The Friday
evening's lecture, on 'The 'Health and
Diseases of Woman" was truly a master
ly effort, and such as every man and wom
an throughout the country ought to hear.
The lectures taken as a whole was a
treat of rare excellence.
The woods meeting on Monday was
a very appropriate finale to the previous
weeks enjoyment, and brought together
a large concourse of pleasant people,
who'seemed to enjoy themselves right
heartily. Col. Clark presided on the
occasion and was very happy in his
,opening remarks. The speakers, 'viz.
Prof. Trail, Rev. A. B. Grosh and Dr.
Cameron, seemed at home on the plat
form, and gave every satisfaction tirthe
Audience. After the addresses Dr. Trail
submitted to an examination by several
gentlemen present, and satisfactorily
Answered most of the questions put to
him. To some questions his answers
were'not so clear as we could have wish
ful. The choir in attendance played
their part most charmingly, we wish we
could hear them oftener than we do.—
We bad almost forgotten to say .that
the. dinner table displayed a rick mad
varied assortment of luscious fruits, au
larded pies, and any quaatity of Waham.
Arackero, &c.
Our worthy townsman Barr Spangler,
f;sq., who entertained Dr. Trail during
his stay, and to whom we are chiefly in
debted for the Doctors visit, labored
sedulously from first to last to make the
necaxion pass ofr as pleasantly and as
profitably as possible.
At the close of the meeting on Mon
day, the following Resolutions were sub
mitted and unanimously adopted.
7.20 a m
2.1 f; p m
6.21 p
11.36 3
7.00 p
WTIERICAS Prof. R. T. Trail has during
the short stay he h is made with us, done
much by his lectures and conversation
to arouse thought, and direct the minds
of his hearers to correct conclusions on
the subject of health and disease, be it
there fore
Resolved, that we the Citizens of Mar
ietta and vicinity who have bad the
pleasure of hearing Prof. Trail, are un
der the deepest obligations to bim for
his very able, interesting and important
lectures on health and disease, and em
brace this opportunity of tendering him
out most cordial thanks for the enlight
ening influences be has spread amongst
us, .and, be it further •
Resolved, that in as much as the Coun
try and the World would be immeasura
bly bene6tted by a knowledge of the
great and valuable truths which Prof.
Trail has so carefully, laboriously, and
philosophically investigated, we there
fore hope he may be pleased to publish
the Lectures at no distant day.
Resolved, that copies of the foregoing
resolutions be sent for publication, to
the Water Cure Journal, the Daily
Evening Express and Mariettian.
Theo. rliestand, Sec
COL. BAKER :--I know not whether 1
was most indignant, or grieved, at the
communication of " A Returned Vol
unteer" in the Mariettian. Must such
gossip affecting private character—and
feniale character, tocp=--be poured into
the public ear? Could not your corres
pondent ascertairinot only the facts, but
the circumstances, also, without inquiry
through a newspaper? True, you say
your columns are open for reply ; but
before that reply can appear, an entire
week of poignant and unmerited suffer
ing must be endured ; and then, how
many who have read and beard the cal
ninny will never hear or read the refu
tation 2—how many who have circulated
the gossip, never send the correction
after it?
As the charge says—" one of the Re
lief Committee," all are put under pub-.
lie sir:Tit:ion—l, therefore, as " one" ask
the privilege of defence. I know not
the writer—prefer not to know who he
is. He has stabbed, and concealed the
hand ; and his mark was the reputation
el an almost lone woman—one who has
no male relative, save au aged father, to
stand up in her defence! But my busi
ness is not with the writer, but with his
The visitor designated performed her
duties nearly alone—her associate in
her ward (a very large ward) being pre
vented from giving much aid by ill
health and many domestic cares.—
Hence almost unaided and alone, this
visitor visited nearly every week, 15
families out of the 32 under our charge,
attended 17 meetings of the Committee
to report their condition and wants, and
distributed among them over 8400.00
nearly one-half of all the relief given—
beside attending to their wants in other
matters, and aiding largely in making up
the clothing, &c., sent to the volunteers
theinselVes. And all this was done
without fee or reward except the thanks
of some of the families and—(shall I
write it ?)—no little grievous and false
gossip, like that of this returned vol
What are the facts of this "rumor"?
So far as ascertained they are briefly
'these :
Her father, over SO years old, derives
Lis main support from the rent of a few
;buildings—one of which was rented by
m volunteer's wife, (she insisting that the
:lease should be to her and not to her
Y‘ttsband !) and occupied by her family of
ifiur children. Knowing that his tenant
vas able to earn considerable every
tweek by her labor, and received $3.50
eside from the Relief Fund, he told her
She ought to pay at least a portion of
fler rent, as he really needed it. She
}consented, and paid him, at different
Itimes, $7.00 out of the $51.00 she re
!c.tived out of the Fund from the daugh
'ter. Every dollar of the $51.00 which
she receipted for, was first paid to the
!volunteers wife,and then 17.00 was after
yards paid by the tenant to the land
lord, 'in just' such sums as she; herself,
lesignated. So much for the truth of
the "'rumor" that " one of the Relief
:Committee was in the habit of deducting
Ole dollar a week," &c. As stated by
this " returned volunteer," it is utterly
false! No • " deduction" was made—
tone even asked or suggested by the vis
liar. It was .a matter wholly between
the tenant and her landlord. In the 15
Leeks, only $7.00 were paid—an average
of less that, 50 cts. per week, instead of
one dollar." Why did not " A Re
turned Volunteer" ascertain these facts
ud. circumstances, (as he could easily
have done by inquiry of the landlord or
is daughter,) before publishing his
rumor" in your paper?
And now (with due respect and kind,
//%3 for those who have suffered their
iL•edulity to be,abused, and their indig
xtion to be exercised. against female
?embers of the Committee without just
• cause.) permit me to remark that this is
not the only instance in which severe
censures (as unjust as they were cruel)
have been visited on women who de
serve far other treatment—though it is
the first (as I hope and beg it may be
the last) which has found its way into
the Mariettian. I will notice a few
samples while my hand is in.
One visitor suggested that a lamp
would be better and cheaper than can
dles, and generously offered to lend a
lamp. '1 he remark and offer were per
verted into a declaration that the family
should do without lights. Another offer
of clips and shavings until,. wood could
be procured, was tortured by rumor into
a direction to do without wood—to burn
kindling wood. If the visitors did not
go on the usual day, whatever the weath
or walking, they were " neglecting their
duty." if they went frequently, it was
alleged that " each one got 50 cents for
every visit," and they were " making
money by it." Much /of the pity of
Gossipdom was wasted on some,hogs.
said to have been doomed to a sale to•the
butcher by the Committee; when the Com
mittee merely decided that as hogs were
not members of the family, we could. not
allow anything extra for their support ;
but that the family must provide feed
out of its usual allowance. Had we
granted extra pay to feed these bogs,
we must have allowed extra pay to feed
cows, horses, or any other animals other
families might have procured to keep at
the expense of the Fund. Other cases
of gossipey I pass by—these may suffice.
I venture to . say that none have more
of truth or foundation than these.
To conclude—We did the best we
could, and did it gratiously- 7 gave time,
labor and and care freely and conscien
tiously, as a duty to the subscribers and
taxpayers on the one hand, and to the
volunteers and their families on the
other, and to the great cause of our gov
ernment on all hands. In our labors,
the lady visitors were hard and willing
workers—distributing' the funds every
week to families scattered from Chic
Rock to the upper end of " Irish
town"—and of this distance the assailed
visitor wentgenerally alone from Market
Square to the upper end, calling, on 15
families or about one half of the whole
number. They were ready and active in
procuring and making up materials to
furnish our volunteers with 59 cotton
and •flannel undershirts, 38 towels, 16
pairs of woolen socks, e 0 needlebooks
(all furnished), SOliavelocks, combs, &c.,
'beside undershirts which they made for
a Philadelphia regiment. In these la
bors other ladies and our High School
girls furnished willing aid ; but the care
and principal labor fell on our S visitors..
The Secretary has received much credit
for his labors, which were not more ar
duous for him, than were'theirs for them,
to perform.' And yet, excepting two
brief notices from individuals in the
Mariettian, no kind notices, no expres
sions of praise and gratitude have been
bestowed on them by our public.: if
such cold neglect and anonymous attacks
are to be the rewards bestowed by the
public and "returned volunteers," what
woman of. common sensibility will serve
in a similar capacity on any future occa
sion ? Fellow-townsmen, " these things
ought not so to be "!
Excuse me--deem me not your enemy
because I utter unpleasant things.—
They are as painful to Write as they can
be to you to read. But regard - for you,
and duty to all, constrain me, that I may,
if possible, prevent their repetition in
future. " Open rebuke" is put by the
wise Solomon above even " secret love."
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."
Proverbs 27 : 5, 6. A. B. Gaosu,
Secretary of the Marietta Relief Com
Marietta, August 27th, IS6I.
HOLLOWAY'S P 1 Lt.s.—Much truth m a small
compass.—Derangement of the stomach and
bowels.—Few people are con versant with the
manner in which the blood is created , or that
the stomach with the gastric juices, the secre
tions of the liver and the action of the lungs
are the cheif agents for converting the food we
eat into blood, hence the great necessity for
preserving the stomache in a sound and healthy
condition. Nothing has yet been discovered
more effectual for this than Holloway's famous
Pills, which act directly on the stomach, liver,
bowels and circulation. In bilious disorders,
indigestion, costiveness and all the consequent
complaints, headache, piles, and dibility there
is no medicine in use which insures such cer
tain and. beneficleut results.
EMPLOYMENT: The Erie Sewing Machine
Company desire to secure a few. Traveling
Agents, upon a salary of 25 to $6O per month
and expenses, or a commission. This is an
opportunity seldcm offered, and those who
choose a constant business, can rely on con
stant employment for a term of years. Con
fidential Circulars sent free. Address Erie
Sewing Machine Company. R. JAMES, Gen
rale Agent, MILAN, OHIO. [34-6m
`'`re have heard of some astonishing
cures being made by Prof. De Grath's Electric
Oil. It seems to act on the diseased parts with
aemarkable . elfects and in a short space of time
health regains its sway. It can be -had of the
Agents here, see advertisement in another
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in the
United States and Canada. Price 25 cents, 50
cents, and .$1 per bottle.
See advertisement.
lt:r We take pleasure in calling attention to
the advertisement of It. Newell's Gallery of
Art. The testimonials are of the first charac
113 — See advertisment of Prof. L. Miller's
Hair Invigorator, and Liquid Hair Dye, in an
other column:
Myer's World's ['air Prize Medal
Attention is called to the recent improve
ments, in which the greatest possible
has been obtained, without sacrificing any of
the well known sweetness and bffiliancy of
these Instruments. This, with an improved
touch and action, renders the Pianos unegn ell
ed. The dull and mottled or mateilic wiery
tone is entirely avoided. All Instruments
warranted to stand ali climates.
Warerooms, 722 ARCH Street, PHILADEL
PIANOS and MELODEONS for sale and
to rent.
Reparing, in all its branches, carefully at
tended to.
[Sept. 7,3 mo
The undersigned, Attorney for Dr. Hinkle,
will offer for sale at the CROSS KEYS HOTEL,
Marietta, ou SATURDAY, September, 7,1361,
Two Family Horses, One Buggy,
One Rockaway, One Spring Wagon,
3 Setts of Harness, 1 Saddle and Bridle.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock in the after
MARIETTA, Auc. 31, 1861.
The undersigned, Attorney for Dr. Hinkle,
hereby notifies all persons indebteb to him, to
come forward and make immediate settlement,
and those having claims against him to present
the same. - JOHN M. WHITEHILL.
MARIETTA, Aug 31, 1861.
of Manheim township, Lancaster county,
deceased.—Letters of Administration on the
estate of the said deceased having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons having claims
against the same will present them, and those
indebted thereto will make )mmediate pay
ment to the undersigned, residing in the
Borough of Marietta. EDWARD RUSING.
Marietta, July 13. 1361, [6t,
N ftrOMAltSr"
Dining the Past year we have introduced to
the notice of the . inedical profession of this
country the Pure,Crotalized Chloride of Pro-
pylamine, as a .
and having received from many sources, both
from physicians of the highest standing and
Flattering testimonials tif as real value
from patients, the most
in the treatment of this painful and obstinate
disease, we are induced to present it to the
public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE,
which we hope will commend itself to those
who are suffe'ring with this afflicting complaint,
acd to the medical practitioner who may feel
disposed to test the powers of this valuable
Euxrn PROPYLAIURE, in the form above
spoken of, bas recently been extensively cx-
perimented with in the
Penn . sylvania Hospital,
and with marked success (as will appear from
the ptiblished accounts in the medical journals.)
It is carefully put - up ready for immedi-
ate use, with full directions, and can be ob-
tained from all the druggists at 75 cents per
bottle, and at wholesale of
Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists,
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VV. Supbrior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and
Pert Wines.
Pittsburg. Whiskey always on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very 'Fine Bratidy at
a very low figure, by the barrel.
J. R. DIFFENIIACH. Mitrket-st
_ _
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. [Nov. 4, ,59.-ly
Hygienic Physician & Accouchenr,
Corner of Front and Gay Streets,
FFERS his rMessionai services to the
‘_,citizens of Marietta and vicinity
Can be found at his Drug Store, formerly
Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere
professionally engaged.
Too MY FRIENDS: Having been called to
a position in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign
my profession to.the rare and attention of Dr.
Henry Landis, in whom I have every con
fidence, having had ample opportunity of as
certaining his ability to fill my place.
Ka. 92 Market Street Marietta, Pa. K(
Hammered and Rolled Iron, H.
S. Bars, Norway, Nail Rods, American
and German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Spr[ngs , &.c., for smiths.
Ice Cream of various flavors will be served
every day and evening—Sundays excepted
—at Anderson's, Market street.
TORE ROOM TO LET.—The Room lately
occupied by Miss Margaret , Trainer as a
Millinery. Apply to' BARR SPANGLER.
1)U Y one of those beautiful S O F Tit
HATS at ClarLes, 92 Market-st.
VXCELLENT Cooking and Eati!lig Apples
Ea always on hand at Anderson's.'
I the public for a perini.
during that time have maintk.
oder in almost every part of
their extraordinary and immedia,
.. -E A C - 11
restoring perfect health to persons
under nearly every kind of disease t
the human frame is liable.
The following are among the distressingV
riety of human diseases in which the
' Are web - known to be infallible. of h.. _
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the i s „ fiver for sale.
first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of whichz,
of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and tasteful in AWAY ! I
amid kind • FLATULENCY, Loss of Appe- fore is a slits,.
tite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 111- I viour, and encirt'S , Pray
Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, i gracing are ten taigni ., l:
which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, THE TEN “
will vanish, as a natural consequence of its Th c , engrav i ng h as re".6 k ,
ified praise from the rel%,
• COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the Whole there is nothing of a sectaring„
lenth of the intestines with a solvent process, it, having been recommended
and without violence ; all violent purges leave all denominations. As an ornatiks„ .
~._,:• '
the bowels costive within two days. of the most splendid ever publish
FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood country, and is destined to take the place of a
to a regular circulation, through the process of poorer class of engravings. The size of tin ,
prespiration in such eases, and the thorough plate is 20 x2S inches, and is unquestionably
solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. the cheapest engraving ever offered in this
The Life Medicines have been known to cure country.
RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, Who that loves art—who delights to stud ,-
and GOUT in half that time, by removing lo- a fine engraving—who that would receive tie.
cal inflammation from the muscles and liga- impressions which such a work is calculatel
ments of the joints. to impart, would fail to secure a copy wiles,
DROPSIES of ail kinds, by freeing and the price is ONLY ONE DOLLAR, with the
strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they chance of securing. for the sum in addition, a
operate most delightfully on these, important permanent home or another valuable gift 'I
organi, and hence have ever been found a cer- As a work of art this valuable and beautiful'
thin remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. engraving is worth more then the dollar asked
Also WOR3IS, by dislodging from the turn- fur it, it will readily be acknowledged on a:4.
tags of the bowels the slimy matter to which inspection of it ; but the subscribers intend to.
these creatures adhere. make a Gift Distribution to purchasers of ' ..
SCURVY, ULCERS, and , INVETERATE englibAring of valuable presents•of follows :
SORES, by the perfect purity which these Life 1 House and Lot in York Borough.
Medicines giv'e to the blood, and all the humors. 2 Buggies, (Quinn &Palmer's
Pal . make. war--
SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and Bad Coin- ranted.)
plesions, by .their alterative effect upon the 1 Rockaway:
fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state 2 Building Lots in York Borough,
of which occasions ' all eruptive complaints, 100 Valuable Books.
.allow, cloudy, and other disagreeable eem- 50 Bbls. Flour, (Warranted.)
Aexions. 1000 Gold Gilt Frames to suit Engravusg of
The use of these Pills for a very short time the ,Lord's Prayer. /
will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM,- 500 Steel Plate Engravings, Birth of Christ.
and a striking improvement in the clearness of Magnificent Looking Glasses.
the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFIX- Gold and Silver Watches.
ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by All kinds of Jewelry, embracing Cameos
two in the worst cases. Florentine, Mosaic, Gold Stone, &e., &c.
PILES.—The original proprietor of these A Gift worth- from 50 cents to $500.00 with
Medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 Years each engraving sold.
standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. When the engravings are sold a meeting of
.tEVER AND Me dicines ourge of the purchasers will be called- at Washington
the Western country, these will be Hail, York, Pa., when the Gifts named abov.,
found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.— will be distributed in such a manner as the
Other medicines have the system subject to a purchasers may determine. The Purchasers
return of the disease—a cure by these Medi- selecting a committee of disinterested persons
tines is permanent—try them, be satisfied, and to make the awards in such manner as they
be cured. may designate.
BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM- T he proprietors from the favorable manner
PLAINTS.—General Debility, Loss of Appe- in which this Gift Enterprise has been received..
tire, and Diseases of Females—the Medicines and the number of, engravings already sold,
have bets used with the most beneficial results hope to. be able to have the amount disposed'
in cases of this description:—Kings Evil,. and of by the Ist of July, 'Ol, and when all air'
Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild sold they will notify the purchasers, and have-
yet powerful action of these remarkable Med- the distribution of the . Gifta proceeded with.
icines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner- The engraving has received the commehrla
vous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of 'lion of the Reverend Clergy, our first citizens,.
the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured, and indeed. of all classes, whoienter into it.
MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose with interest and- spirit.
constitutions have become ithpaired by the in-- Send One Dollar, and 4 red stamps, to PUY
judicious use of Mercury, will find these Med- postage on Engravins s and you are sure ire
icines a perfect cure, as they never fail to erad-
get it by return• mail with a Ticket in Om
icate from the system, all the effects of Med- Drawin g'
cury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful Address.;
preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and AUSTIN & W EHRLY.
335 Broadway, New York, RECOMMENDATIONS. -
FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. We invite attention to some of the recom
mendations : From Rev. C. W. Thompson,
Rector of St. John's Protestant Episcopal
Church, York., Pa.
Messrs. Austin & Wehrly :—The engraving
of the " Lord's Prayer," which is now offered
for safe by, Messrs. Austin & Wehrly, of this
Borougn; is "got up" with much taste and
beauty, and ought to recomend itself to publi.•
attention—anything that will keep that nob] •
composition before the mind and memory is
likely to do good. The work seems to mo
only to require examination imorder to be ad
mired, and I cannot but hope that the gentle
men who have in hand its distribation at so
moderate a'rate, will be abundantly success
ful in their undertaking.
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans
Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned
administrator of the estate of MARY DONER,
deceased, will sell at public sale or' out-cry,
at the public house of GEORGE IV. HECK
ROTHE, in the Borough of Marietta. All.
that certain TWO STORY BRICK
and piece of ground whereon the• same is
appurtenant thereto, situated in said Borough
of Marietta in that part thereof laid out by
DAVID COOKE, fronting on Front street, and
adjoining property of DAVID HAnny and
other ground of said deceased on the cast,
property of Tnomas STENCE on the North,
and an alley en the West, being purport N 0.2.
Also purport No. 1. consisting of a piece or
strip of ground along the eastern side of pur
port No. 2. and adjoining property of DAVID
HARRY on the East, containing three feet and
extending eighty-five in depth northward.
Persons desirous of viewing the property
before the day of sale, will please call on
LTAIKES PARK residing thereon, or the under
signed residing second door east.
Sale to commence at 6 o'clock, p. m., of
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by JOHN AUXER.
Alexander D. Reese,
Main Street, [EAST WARD ] Mount Joy,
Lancaster County, Pa.
THE undersigned would most respectfiffly
biz leave to inform the public that he has
opened a NVID.E AND Liquors STORE in all its
branches. lie will constantly keep en hand
all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whisky, Cordial's, Bitters, tlfc.
Also . , a very superior Old Rye Whisky just
u ieceived, which is warranted pure.
A choice article of German Wine. Various
brands of Champagne Wipes.
&•All A. D. A. now asks of the public is a
careful examination of his stock and prices,
which will, he is quite confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their advan
tage to make their purchases of him.
- ALSO . --Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Pine Oil and
Fluid at reduced prices, at the "Enterprise
Wine 4 - Liquor Store." A. D. linnsn.
Mount Joy, June 22, 186
Web) 1 1 .1111 TO Al . O eoill:!jai.O.
MHE subscriber haviii. purchased the pro
perty lately occupied by
would most respectfully call the
attention of his old friends and customers to
to the fact that he is now prepared to sell
at the very lowest figures by Boat-load, Car
load, of otherwise.
His Stock.of Lumber will be selected from
one of the best manufactories and cannot fail
to give satisfaction.
He is also prepared to supply "BILL STUFF"
at short notice and at low prices:
will consist of Shamokin, Red and White Ash,
Baltimore Company, Lykens Valley, &c.,
all of which he will sell by the Boat
load, Car-load, or- by the
He will als continue the receiving of Coal at
very low figuxes.
OFFICE.: Front street, fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor &McDon- 1 4....
aid's Book Store ; Columbia. Entrance be
weep the Drug and Book Stores. [3-ly
Great Discovery
T have made a discovery of the 'utmost im-
Iportanee to every married person of either
sex, and will send the full particulars concern
ing it to any one en receipt of a stamp to pay
return postage, Address.
7-39-iswly.] Alfred, Maine.
ICIc.ORY & Oak Wood, .50 Cords Rath,
Hickory and Oak Wood. Orders , ronst
Uc accompanied -with the cash when they will
be promptly fillee. Spangler & Patterson.
From flee. F. F. Hagan, Pastor of the Mora
vian Church ,York, Pa.
York, Pa., Feb. 20,
- Messrs. Austin Sr. Wehrly :—llaving, had
the pleasure of inspecting Messrs. Austin Z.z.
Wehrly's splendid engraving of the Lord's
Prayer, I would cordially recommend. it to the
favorable attention of their friends at York
and elsewhere. It is not only a beautiful or
nament for the dwelling of every christilth
family, but also a useful and edifying acquisi
tion fur Sunday Schools and similar benevolent
institutions. . F. F. II agan.
Mr. John Folks, Market-it'., agent fur Mari
etta and vicinity, where specimen engravings can
be seen and purchased.
.1 \
''-- i --
Picot Building, Marietta. Pa.
DoEGS leave to inform the public that be
will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches. }l will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of.
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
'Whiskey, Cordials, Litters, 6•e„
Justly Celebrated Rose Wkisky,
A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY
list received, which is warranted pure.
All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad.
vantage to make their purchases from 1 im.
in A P. R I
GEGTiID E . Be - r 4,
Mg ,a private for mar- 't,t . ,
lied persons, or those about to be mar.- -:
rind, ; both male and female, in every-
thing concerning the phystolog,y and. .
i )
relations of our s e x,u al system, and
the production or prevention of offspring in
cluding all the new discoveries neVcr before
given in the English language, by WILLIAhI
YOUNG, M. D. This is realy a. valuable and
interesting work. It is written in plain lan
guage for the general reader, and is illustrated
with numerous engravings. All young !par
ried people, or those contemplating marriage.
and having the least impediment to married
life, should read this book. It discloses secrets
thstevery one should be acquainted with; still
it is a book that must be locked' up, and not
lie about the house. ' It will be sent to any one
on the reckilif of twenty-five cents, in specie n r
postage.stainpa. Address Dr. Wit. YOUNG,
N0.. -- m6Athice st. above 4th, Philadelphia.
ter what may - be your disease before you place
yourself under the care of any one of the no
torious quacks—native or foreign—who a dyer
tile in this or any other paper, get a copy of
either of Dr. Young's Books, and
fully; it may be the means of saving you many
a dollar, your health, and possibly your life:
• Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of Die
diseases described in his publications, sit Ws'
office, No: 416 Spruce-st.. above Fourth.
. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer,
Would most respectfully inforin the' citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he had
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and' he
ing a practical. BOOT AND SEIO.EI4KER ,
himself,is ena)4ea to select witi'digoreiukimer,k,t
than those Who are not. hie conti*ea to Aati
ufacture in thd 'very bekt manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
DZP'Call and' examine bis stock before put
chasing elsewhere.