gMMM! • Poieinist 4 iiif with chetnut anti Wiwi, trees and contiiiitig`^ _ l 7.9',..4lLOnliillik: - • ?IMPART OTH, being the letriiivitietitie the - it ' NIGH sittieted in:Antrim Townithip. fe mites ttmit (Imre Imi bounded. by lauds ,of Match' Snively, Wm.iitoter, Bites, Gillen and others, con wing JILISPitir ,A1110111:21RILIITIONI AND PERolikl§ of limestone l!ttol.•;ini!b Stone House; think Barn - .and othet*bitilditigs; a large tirchar and nentudderable body of superior timber. •PiJRPA 11-I, Iteinifthoi ikiiining . . : part , of the "NIGH F AMr and adjacent to lend itgtover, 'llenlicbergeisand others, without containing ' • 88 .110 - Ilt E S#. - , part under cultivation and the, other covered with excelient tititber. -- The opporthnity here caswit for purchasing is well worattie attention -Of any arsons wishing either to buy good' hoines or to sedum Safe, and sub stantial investmenti , for their lanai in real estate.= PurPart first, Whether in soil or improvement is one of the most deirable carats of the size in this region, and is in almost perfect order. A Commodious „Brick House, brick barn and'other buildings, (A I en tirely new) Spring. Pump, good fencing fertile soil and convenient to town, to mills and turnpikes form .some of its advantageti. The town property is also valuable, the one being newly built and well suited for therchandixihg or other btisiness, while the other is valuable for building purposes, and may be divi ded into lots to suit purchasers. The purports 'in Antrim Township are good with abundantelobf lime stone and portions covered with large and tall tim ber. Any persons wishing to seethe properties will be shown over them by the parties theron ndding, or by the undersigned on Saturday of each week which he spends in Waynesboro'. Terms made known on the day of sale by DAVID OILS gwr, Administrator. (Oct 31— ti.) BIiECAI? gBDDS COME AND SEE LARGE STOOK W. H. BROTHERTON'S. His customers and the public generally are invited to call and examine for themselves. HIS COODS HIS GOODS ARE OF THE BEST QUALI TY, LOOK TO. YOUR INTEREST BY EXAMINING MY ,STOCKI A LARGE LOT OF HARRIRE, CUTLERY, Cedarware, [luau. ma availlp t~T~'~7"E~.., SHOE FINDINGS, !MITS M sot t r oyir ~,W, Alt El. :44:id-,:, 131!'ibly Isigainttoomple*itiAt .PriiiirAd* • • , - - -MiAstr xrstrz.F.,sq. iced .4 9 p 4 . • iris* 006# " • - UsiON#l:* - - t'''';-"wio i nv,l 7 4.l4llltl:lllC - , . -,,, -, . i 7, ' it / TES's t A• - IV-A., iA ~iluulll a `IUDS g- - u IlderdWare, GROCERIES, QUEENDWARE AND CEDARWARE! -0— HAVING ust returned from, the 'Eastern Cities he wou ld - call the attention of his customers and the public generally to his LARGE' & SPLENDID ASSORTI NT • mlll t 0 1 !‘' Which will be sold at extremely Low Prices. Below you will find enumerated 'a few articles which will be found among his stock; to which he mites your attention: FOR THE LADIES, Silks, all Wc.ol Del zines, Fancy " 'Alpacas, bombazines, Plain Gingham., Plain Flannels, Grey I, -ALSO:- Ladies' Shawls, • • Fancy Prints, Extension Skins, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies Collars, Magic Ruffling, • • Linen Handklii. Heleery, &c. MEWS WEAR. Fancy Cassimeres, Plain• Cloths, Italian Cloth, Vesting's, Sattneta, Tweeds, Jeans, bhirt Fronts, Gents Collars, Neck Ties, Under 'Shirts, Drawers, . Buck Gloves, 4 4 Gauntlets, DOMESTIC SHIRTING, Furniture Check. Bed Ticking, Cotton Flannel, Wool " . 'l'alble Diaper, 'lbw ling. Baging, &c., &c. • Queensware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Cedar Ware. (313.1213.C31XM1L18M. LIM Of the very best quality, such is Syrups, and New Orleans Molasses, Best Rio Coffee, Superior Prepared Coffee, Hummell's Beet Essence; Baker's No. 1 Chocolate, Raisins, Tobacco, Rice. &c., &c. The above goods have been carfully selected and purchased at the very lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. B strict attention to busines- desire to please in every respec a continuance of patronage. NO TROL BLE TO SHOW GOODS, Country Produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices J. W. MILLER. Oc.. 13 '0 PUBLIC SALE. rrtHE undersigned will sell a t Public Sale at his reside:.ce on Marsh Run, on FRIDAY 1% , /i.VEM. DER THS 14TH, 1862; the following personal property to wit : 3 111LCH COWS, 2 FAT HOGS, 2 Clover Huller, (Jones' patent) Grain Separator and Horse PoW)CS (Dayhotr's pa tient;) n new cart, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 patient Fod der Cutter, 1 Turning Lathe, 1 Boring Machine with augers complete, I wheelbarrow, L Lng Chains, I FRUIT DRIER, Beamer's Patient; nlso Household and Kilehen Furniture, consisting of Beds and Bedding, 1 Bu reau, 1 Corner Cupboard, 2 Side do., 1 Safe, 2 sets Chairs, 1 large Eighty-day Clock. 1 Doughtray. 1 Patent Washing Machine, 1 TEN PLATE, 1 COOK AND TWO PARLOR STOVES, 1 Sink, IComier and '1 Iron Kettl4l3Srrels, Tubs, l'in:Aien,,Earthen unit Queensware; also • Corn by the Barrel. Potatoes by the bushel, a lot of Garden Truck consisting of Cabbage, Brow, &e., and , var• ions other articles too numerous to mention. ' .TERms OF SALE:—Six months credit will he given on all sums of $5 and upwards, ,the purcha sers giving their notes with approved security; ;all sums under $5 cash. Sale to commence at 10 ,o'- clock, A. M. „ . WILLI AM , KOONS. , Oct. 31,—ts. NE W OPENING J. , F.:l . S. .H E R NNOI7 pICES to his Waynesboro' friends 'andth'e 'public generally' that he has - quite re cently repbm !Shed his' stock of goods for Gentlemen's wear, which embiaces all thn latest sty los of Cloths (French and American manufacture). Oalidnaeres, Vestings, moat faabionabie.stylch unkrahirts, drawers ' neck ties; hatidkerchier*suipritalara r -ghwes, &e. dm.-- Persona from Waynesboro' and vicinity visiting .Hagaiiownsisci lashed to give him a call , al ha is prepared mien's& goods in hie line at, 3Prioes l'ortitetash: ' .., , ' • , . : , - ~ - ' Hitilto,re-is in 'the NEWLY FITTED ROOM, nexi'd6Or to Updegraffe, Hagerstown, Md. '', ', .f• '., A . ) !4• 2 .4 i !PA- ,; • , '.._.. :: .'7 •.. : . -......- -- .1 .-. ':. - Oysters 1--.o3rst . ergaV. th git•iti` hair 66tielfifitestauaht fit Atm ilitalnte"nt" •or r "• ow n • Hotelotlitch has been hattainmely fitted up;yin►fi'ir now preplired.* filinlifi'Cifitine,- Ale. ..anierna B .l l MgrOtiCk olo ,4 Efitti.:*f sk;e 111-, *tit ink& tiitnill4 4 +OlAT iiia.s - ag'e . .lltetiotatkillta':_giietear. • laits#l*. Atfitagelhi thinspi . teal be _iiiiikr3e*./_,iniited to- pit pie him mac' (Pis! 3F-114)' 4 W. WAnIiAISAUGit; Puttart .I"ol3X.Alt' WArIiES 16 12 Ectbi Liam , TALLOW AP BACON (WOO "10 thaw; (*es), ; • •A . BACON (iihvAleni) • RICIBIOND TAKEN BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER WITN THE WHOLE R i tIEL: ARMY ! 111101 MOMS BILEASID." 17tis Victory was gained with •very little Loss on Our. Part; •Mid yet another, JOSIAH DESORE has justreturned from the Eastern Cities, and is now opening the most extensive stock of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', Which he will sell cheaper than any other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually found in a well conducted establishment. The community is invited to call and examine my stock which I will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me with a call. To con vince you I have a splendid stock I will erinumerate a few of the leading articles nowin stole, all of which I Will sell at greatly reduced FOR THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the latest novelties in Summer Dress Goods, to which'[ respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. The choicest Conan*, I The finest qualities, The largest stock, I The becuansortrrient, ever exhibited in Waynesboro', and at unpreceden ted I:IcICfVQRP la:)lirithlPQ963 Superior extra heavy 111 k. Silk, 111 k., Brown, Blue and Ulack Foulards, Pikes (light grounds.) Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and prin• Marguilise,Valncia Plaid, Silk and :shepherds Plaid, Lustres, striped Himalayas, 111 k. Persia, Blk. Grenadine,. Blk. and fancy Barage,Anglaise Braze, Argla's High colored Challies, Jackonets and Or gandies, Grissaile gr nmel, French Brilliants, French Chintz of the latest btyles, Cambrick Lawns, Pop lins, Moh airs, striped do., Lt7nz in all collars TOURISTS DRESS APODSc. Manchester, Pacific and Hamilton Helaine of all styles and shades Bummar Cacatkus for ladies wrapings. Sacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked, Collars, Under Sleeves and in sets, Embroidered and Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Silk. and Lyle Gauntlets, Cord and 'resales, Head-nets, Be Its Bel ting of all descriptions.. NOODLING it MUSHY 000118. Such as 111 k. Bombazines, Mk. Parcailes, Polar and Poplins, Barages ' Ducalfs, Challies , Ginghams, Prints, 111 k. Eng. Crapes. from 2.4 to 7-4 wide, Blk , Kids, Gauntlets,.Crape Collars, &c. My litre of Millenary Goods is complete. 'TRIMMINGS Such as Bugle Gimps and Laces, all widths, Belt Ribbons, narrow Silk thm ps, Dress Cords, Fringes &c. Spool Silks, and all Colors of Shetland Yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. P-R—INIr s AND DOMESTIC OOHS!! embracing all the most favorite Brands such as Mcrima es, Sprague, Pacific, eochieco, Manchester, "funnels, American and English Prints. BLEACHED GOODS. Harrison Mills, Chester Hill, New Market, Lonsdale, Conewago, Great Lake,' Mayflower, Lawrenee, Belmont, Waltham, Hill Manf. Co. and other bran'ds. - BROWN COTTONS. Pacific Sheefings A moakcag Stwetings, Portsmouth " Shawmut " Appleton " Plymouth e! GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. In which I am prep red to offer great' bargains, ALSO 2 1 4 arid 44 checks, Tickings Dennims,. Blue Drills, Motrens, Damasks, Shirting Stripes, Nankeens, Corset Sears, Crach & Huch 'Powlingo, GENTS WEAR. ''• ITALIAN CLOTHS,' BM. and fancy Clutha, Tweeds,. .6 .4 " Cassimeres -• • Juana Silk mixed i do. • , t / Linens, Merino , do. . • Cashmeretts '. MarEiailea ' . - VaienCies , _ - Grenediens Hosiery . • Cravats - • Collars,. &c... . GROaRIES. 'Marge and well selected stock, in viniclt .1 an prepared, to olfer great. ind UcemeAter . to purchasers. Consult pito own interest and . examine my, stock before purctutiiing. " - QUEENS ARE _ . ,„ of the [lnuit - Styles slaws on , hand, at prices that defy Th • Coorpatoion: " - • - e subsCriber jantlers his - thanks to his frieMis and customers for past fevers' and patron:Mi. and respecfrilirselicite a continriatica •somei— meet f o rget the phice; CoMarCif Xlvdtvand,Phurch titieetsverliere the StA,lo3 . *Sili) 61111rEi3 Matt. 4 Country; prodtiatOaktimiln-exe7 fiorigols.fe''!'et ihe'hightalf,marker prf6e. , ".• (gasi:44) • ' IIUESORC, - rijOggE#PED'Y"a`" , • •.' • • HT , ' :50 A:4,..MtIitt.SCIrtI3I4NADAITI&'qII) traits* 1 4 ' - „ ,13.11„0 11. oatek, Nov 1,18611 •WAvinsn Mho, • Ugly - MOD I' CLovint Ttmovoir 81m0 :00 TLAxintro • - 71 TOO PARED PEACHES 'UNPARRD " 00 nO Merchants Medionl• Canton Shawmut t 4 'A 1;10 800 B'6 ,N Mr. Baran • llnenri, (RAids) - It (Salmi) ',lowa:mils) TALLOW, , •• LARD, ~ 1562. FIRST ARRIVAL. DIBERSON, BEN EDICT Waynesboro' Pa. OCT. 24 rPt FILL AND WINTER 0011 S ! crri E ale now receiving and o frering to sell a now 44, and FULL ASSORTMENT of ' Deny gimps Which we think we are prepared to sell at as low terms as any other house in town or country. U.2_4:1.r.012 -1-Ms DRESS Go o oS of aII kinds Chilies, : eregefi, Lavellas, SLEEVES, _ EMBitOIDEJRAIS. MEN'S FALL AND WINTER CO. CID VE) EM 0 Coltonades. • Clothe, Ken. Jeans, Cass imere, Fine Tweeds, . Vesting', Neck Tics, Hosiery, Cravats Summer Hats Handkerchiefs, Shoes,Slippers A full assortment of Plain tuul ancy CASSIME RES. QUEENSWARE, A good supply of Queensware and glassware of the latest style. , GROCERIES, Always on hand a heavy lot of prime Gi , ceries, COFFUE, • SVGA% SYRUP, MOLASSES, • .SPICES, &c. T which we respectfully cell the attention of - our customers ind the public generally; and at the same time we return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberal patronage, and will en deavor by ftir dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the same.. Please call and see. AMBERSON, BENEDICT•&4CO DRY FRUIT: MEZellE•2'.7rc.lki(C.4. 4 lilEalr+7Wil*:l: .111 :..J1 at AMBEKSON, BENEIDIOT & CO'S PICKLES, A L 0•T-0 F Good , Pii.citles, at , AZ4WERBQN:BENIDICT 14V..013 CURTIN FIXTURES, 014 :CURTAINS, AMBEILSO?i; BENEDICT & CO's AIFIILL A.SSORTME NT MINTS, MESEADIS, GINGIIIIIS and aaparavaci - .avDa.., l) ~,; HOR - Al:4 - D,BSU/OPTIONs . , Amp 1180 N, HE.NEDIO s dt co.,eff, DANDEZpii)*.Corr 3 3 f ESCOIC E ' er - tOf 004.11. 16 cents ORT 10 is 8. se 0 NI 8 it :7 it o , l*oceries, illE IRDWARE, LADIES' AND tHILOREN I 3 SHOES; &C, GEO.. STOVERi HANKFUL for kind favors arid, patronage here tofore bestowed upon him, again appears before ; the public. to solicit a continuance of the sme.— tie having just returned from the eastern cities with fine a and well sele4o stock of new SPRING AND SIMMER Which ho Merman selling at very low rates, whicq he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all wlhr will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will he (mind among his stock to which he calls your attention. FZ7":IG - 4 -1 1 1 W1F - ‘ 6 3771. He has a largif i ass ortment of Dress Goods consisting in part of - . Mailing, ' „ . Printed and Plain Deliinen, DIV, Pig'd and Cord Silks, " Plaid Mohair, .' silk Warp Mohair, .Bereges, - - . - Medona Cloth, Lavellas, • French and domestic Ginghams ' Poplins Pongee Mixture, c - Cloth for Latlicsi , Wrappings, - . - Gloves, ' • , Hosiery, in great variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, • Bl'k Silks Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, • Union Cassimerea, Buck Linens, Cottonades, , Summer Coatings, Tweeds, Velvet Cord, , • Si Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds; in fact a full assortment of goods for Gentle men wear. Also a large and well selected - stock of Fig'd do. Lustros, Poplins, DOMESTIC GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and -a complete a assortment of .Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. 11 you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Sto ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. Aprll 1862 -- "VARIETY STORE." • the public, that he has just returned from the Eastern markets with another fine assortment of new roods, consisting of Fall and Winter Ho tsmnd Caps, (all sorts and sixes), Boots and Shoes for men 011(1 boys, with it complete assartmont'of shoes for ladies ware ;.Clocks' ' 'flunks &gars, Toltpeco, and all .articles usually kept in a first-class vtritity store. The public are cordially invited to call and examine hie new stock. N. B. Bouts and • shoes . manufactured to order, when desired, at reasonable rates and upon short notice. (Oct. 24, !62.) VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY, iryY virtue otan order of the Honorable Orphans', I . ) Court for iMaahiagton county, and by the di.: rections contained in the last Wid and , Teetnment of John Byer, the undersigned, his 'Executor, will offer at public side, - On l'elesrloy the 11th of 11 7 "ovember, in front of the premises, that valuable real estate known as the "Southern and Western situated on the corner of West Washington - and Jonathan Streets, in Hagerstown, and now 'in the occupancy of William E. Doyle, as Hotel, and panty by It. H. 'Wise as a Grocery Store. • , known and long established house has an e..ictitnsive run of business, is in good order, and alevaps - commands a large rental. From its location' in Iron! the Court lb use, and 'near all the palic institutions of the . town. sail:ram - its susceptibility of improvement it is regarded as perhaps the beit and Most valuable piice Of property ill the town: As a Tavern i: has always had the hest coy ntry cenitom in 'this place, with perhaps the largesttransient busi ness: One of the rooms -is rented for a ' Grocery Store doing.a large business. . . • Win the rear of this property is a large-and well arranged / . BRICK STABLE, lately erected, and has all the requirenictits oUa first. rate Hotel. l'ar 711 E TERMS OF ALLE ARE z—Oire-third of the purchase ;honey to be' paid on the rotigcation of the sale by.the Court, the:residue in .two equal annuai s payments with interest from-the lat..daytaf April next, and for the deferred,payments the pub. chaser to give notes witivseennty approved by the Executor, each, note. ttrbear interest. from the first of 401,1863, and on payment of the whole purchs4. l nioney.a deed-will-be executed.-- Possession to -be, given ou the first day of April next.. rirFor further particulate enquire -_of., Foyle, the present tenant, or of.the :undersigrie& c . .. (0 t .;• - -ABRAHAM etI * RITE:.,,. ' " Ziietteer.: • ' Notice;t6: HE nuileteigned herehy notify„the .puhtle to ire:Niftier upon their 'premises .by Nutt* sreialorr.. or otherwise, as-they ire . determined-444 force the lean urfwture'akalnitstl persdriiiad 4 . 4 ? 3 JOHN aew. r,• - o -JORK.-ZADY4," - • ; ;_t_ ‘ r• ' - ' 4" • • SP,PING OMER ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT THE PUBLIC SALE 110 M," , - It. th- ort. r; '1 li] --•-r...'.• ~; , :. r 7.II2:A2ENNIM , . ~... , • .• hoadwiiwit.ii,r.rtoti. i ells mg it ,-,' -4, . • ...-le•F ~....• ~,... , Sr C . - . ',,, i. .7-ic,„•••., ~ , ,i2,- 4 ,. ,f.i, , - :,,,.:,••••,..„ t•.: ;•-.„.„. --. :. . ‘„ • . .. , i.,:: . , -,, - • •• .; 2 ., arrived•froni Philadelphia this week. , . st-tyrwil up to our tuitire,:and , '.threvr—oh I ' , ye 'fair 'portion of creation l—the moat delightful, stock ofilee4 pods straight into our, ,denr,'.' that , ever- brightened. ',our counters., Finst,iloulitleioi' to pietist, the ,: .' .. - „.. aF. - .;Aik , ximAF:I4NOT 9 etunet ilunver of Silky'Debeges, Balmrines, Skit Lawna, Xhintzear Mutlenna, • Mnifint I finllayaa, nplins,iUhnitiee, &e.; bf every hue 'of the Rainbow, glistening like stars, that'"will'iliakei the, old, look young , and the ,young like!nenii t, the n followed a brovii - streamaif Nang-Oita; rra ble-diapera,,Calicona, osnahurges benefra which cacao ;flying like birda, of - beit'ut}r; ;ile4itiesses Sleinws and Canna in setts, Shakera o linsiery, Sun ! . Umbrellas—beiunies--gstuttlets„'anitali those Ab:,ir little tick-tacka which make theladiesleak ao charm ing ;:above it a ; dark shabe of. • , MOpAING GOODS. *. n elegant variety, Mk. ChinndineU; tikielortrilsore gesi. Wool DeLaines; Chanters; ,I,awnik, Balaxteines, Crape Deapanges, Eng. - Crape, Eng. and American Prints, plain •And figured, Eng. and French Crapo Ireilte,,Mournifig Collars. (*veer; vac eveeything to, ?endue''. the , niourner healitifftt sorrow. After these streams ceased toi flow there was another explosion and in eaine pouring for the GENTLEMEN Bales of Silky -Broad-cloths; Parisians, Cassivriers Black and fancy, double and singled milled; in' su perb'sfylesi fancy as a stittbeani,—with the -accont pediments, splendid Veatingtri Silk, Marseiilerrplain brilliant, anti , beautiful Neck:ties unirripeach'alilL Shirt-breasts and Collsrs. everything to set the - Gent Bt for a picture, and make him priesentibld evhii the Capitil of the Nstio9; -So Gents. look in an I see, seeing is believing. All over the paveniertf lay boxes; which When opened displayed those 'good. stibstaittial wares, our noble, industrious, like se much to s.e ; her:a:lßS "thr - iy . rink hive them to make the boys trowsers, and the girls dresses : he • the' , strong as buck-likin: cotton, woolen. goodi of new styles, cheep. and calicoes of fate et , , les, ings, in fact ull that our young friemis rc starting on. their matrimonial jour life. . • goods were hardly stowed away, when dgiug along Our Poor, Old :itlainocorOss eases! loaded heavy,--oh very 7 -with 'Groceries Queens ware, and H.,gshettals of,that delicious Loaf-sugar,. Syrui:s, and ; 1 . ugar-lioute molasses, hogsheads .art:l bnrrells of sugars of every grade. Shad, Macire'r9l Herring, fresh from the briny wave, lucinus cheese rom New England, browns, spices,—and a splendid lot of SUGAR ()Wail) HANIB,-r-and sweet at con--and 'Yankee Notions, together 'with a full' as sortment of HITS BD SUES! . . , Leghorn, chip , fine fur and wool Hate, genta dies bootees and rheas, cheap, distractingly cheap.-- Now all these affairs startlligly, and toughingly.a , t forth are for sale and Exhibition at the storo, of the undersigned, Wan, with many thinks for pa t encouragement and patraiina, - r, , raiitis , "Respectfully your oblf. gorvant • . (rnay23) " JOSEPH PRICE VALUABLE V,_Lt FOR SILE. THE subscriber intending tot i emove to other parts offers at Private 'Sale, I s.. valus l ,le Wert Farm, situated in Washington_ township, Frankhn. county, Pa.; adjoining lantbra S. Bear, D. 'Fox an others,' three miles northeiest of Waynesboro', con taming • 641131 Ark:111C91111. of first quality Limestone Land, in good order.' Tha iniprovementa are, A TWO • STORY BRIC K ROUSE and lure Bark Building new, Bank Ram, Wash House and other out-buildings. ,Thereis al so a well and large cistern with pump convenient to the buildings, and elarge Orchard' of excellent fruit on the premises with cherry, plum; peaches, pear and other fruit, all• - of the best • quality. • Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for themscves; , . HENRY C. - LESHER. (Bep.s—tf.) FLOUR, FEED- raoviskozi= STORE MBE aubscriherap announce-tcs the citizens of Wsypeslione'that.they have, opened a Flour Feed and.Piovision.Store in:the room next door to Dr. Bratherton'e officer, where they will ut all tiinea fopiralu. ' ••• • • lON MEAL ROMMY 70144.411 Jr OZA INDS, SCREEN -INOW.CtIitN,NET.T.ED AND IN •• THE BAIL ' OATS, POTATOES, :• ' APPLES, VINEGAR; 4 • Also, Rye, Wheat, and Bialey by, tho bushel or in smaller quantities, and other artiel , s usually itept in men establishment - S. All Flour and Mill- Stuff willbe sold at Mitt. Patens Fort..Tlla CASH. - The highest market prices wil l be paid for Wheat, Ryiiind Cord to be deliverialatilie Millof the sub.. scribers. • • JOHN WALTER, ' (Sept. 3.—tl) JOS, ELDEN. • - • • our Tax. tiLI. persons indebted for SchoolTaxi n ~ Wash, ington town.shii), • for Lire year 1862, arereques tad to ntakeimtnediateL (Oct. 24-39 • JOSEPH FiiNl‹. Colkdor: 11114 - 111:11, -. 711C911111C11132 - 11, - . "" _ LERSONS knoWing tbemselvis indebted to the subscriber - will call on' E. Fr,sszats at Waynesboro', or the subscriber in camp at Chant -bereburg, and settle their accounts at once without Anther - , ' E. S. TROXEL. Oct. 24-3sr. • „ . :44 II t foi wings to sone tight down at Prieo'as &j, -Store.,;What . for Why, to- gee some .*Tirof that Ne.; y,Os Syrup—ctnty cents bt;wl,44 „ , , PanDes e : I% , l er;94cds, l l l l l cikffit 1.1..,;; 4 - spit • ' Pa!tee'r, • If 7ou S . llo44thetiottT4tivc9, :\ • • Putes AMES, iflyou..orant- ,te see • a nico also:taloa .L 4 of DRESS: GOODS:i.catt- -.• Pftiaa's - You 4,9 1 4 titc•oicapSetAtAPtitOtlayle" of 'at :..0 11 4- at • • : An4' ssU„eCl-xyt l • • :•• z'•?”-