Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, January 24, 1862, Image 1

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Py W. Maii.3
VOL. XV. - -
ufnor BONA.
Ho! freemen—brethrep—sturdy sons
Of patriots true and brave,
Who sank in glory's crimson field;
To fill an honored grave;
Arouse, and 10 the vatelto;vord ripg
Wide o'er land and sea;
Our glorious Union, now and e'er--
For God and piberty!
'What! would ye blot one peerless st or
Frog► out our banner's blue?
Our blood-cemented coo:pact rend?
Ye know not what yo do!
Stand by the Flag, true hearts and bold!
Let this your watchword be:
pur glorious Union now anti ever—
For God arid Liberty!
Hark! hear ye not that direful sound?
'Tis wild Disunion's' cry!
Arouse!—before fair Freedom's hosts
The phantom dread shall fly!
Stand by the Flag! long may its folds
\Veva over land and sea!
Our glorious Union now and o'er—
For God and Liberty!
The eyes that look with love on thee,
• That brighten with thy smile,
Or mutely bid thee hope again,
If thou tut sad awhile;
The eyes that, when no words are breathed,
Paze fondly into thine—
ph! cherish them, ere they grow dim;
They may not always shine! •
The faithful hearts around thee, _
Th'ia glow with love and youth,
That thne — and cure ne'er yet have seared,
Nor ravighed'of their truth;
The hearts whose beatings we have heard;
When throbbing near out own—
Oh! cherish thein; those beatings hushed,
Earth's dearest tones are gone
The days when there are hearts and eyes,
That throb and beam for•4hee;
Thu Jew fleet hours nth r'
rig t. as a summer seat
The thrilling moments, when to speak
The full heart's joy is vain— , •
®Oh! cherish them! once gone, alas!
They ne'er return again!
It was a cold day in November in the
pity of --. The wind sighed mourn•
Tully, and the sleet rattled against the win•
flows, making a dismal sound. All nature
seemed to be mourning the death of the
flowers, and even livre Marcia Anderson
sighed as . .she looVd not ut a window of
tier grand home and thought how long it
would be before summer would come again.
And. as she gazed out upon the watring
elements, she notice.i that a little boy,bare
loot and ragged, sat ,upon the stone step
in front of the house. kloe was crying btt
ierly. in an instant she had sprung from
her chair. The next was beside the lad,
with her little arms around his neck.
•.W hat ails you, poor littivziyoyl" she
• asked'
• I am so hungry, and we have noth
ing to eat. Mother and sister are starving,
too. Mother can't get any work, nor I
can't neither. 0, 1 wish I co:dr/Ale!"
sobbed the boy. •
..Marcia! Marcia!" . called a voice from
_ ..411ere's mamma calling mei" said the
child; i•she don't like to 'have me talk to
ragged children; but papa sayslhey are as
good es we are."
*.Marcia! Marcia!" was called again.
•••I'nere, I must go. But I'm sorry you
are hungry, amid I ain't
,got anything for
You to eat. 0o! you shall have that bright
silver dollar Uncle Joe gave me this morn-.
ing. Here it is."
"Marcia, come in trfErlinstantl" •
o,oh, you are so good!" exclaimed the
boy. ..1 will.never forget you—never!"
• Ile raised his great melancholy eyes toi
_ her pitying ones as he spoke, and Marcia
never forgot what volumes of gratitude
..was-spoken there. 4 fashionably-dreaSed
lady now made her appearance. at the
door. .
• ..How.dare you disobey met" she asked
of the trembling giving her a sting•
ing slay upon her white shoulder. Then.
Catching her by the snit; she dragged her
into4lie house and closed tte dour. leaving
the boy with throbbing heart and gashing
eyes standing outside.
Anderson was alone in the - ivorld. Her
fashionable mother had found an early
grave, and her lather had become a - bank
rap:, and had died with grief. Friends,
. that pace had smiled on her knew her aot.
gbe was truly alone. .
- -One of her friends. a little mare gener
ous thart,the 'rest. had 'ciffered , ,her.a home
uttt ' *he could find. anotheri but after a fe w
;weeks ' eCeived ,hints that she was no
loiter., win - d., , one day. when
She' went'olut.., to seam - . lity,tpeot,•
she tietOiniined'notio., , teturn so ili4t. hula ...
::But an iiiro.Seetried ;to hiiititity.thing for
har to-do: Nighfivit coming on CAC , '1
dreary.' Old-friends passek,fier_ without
tho - slightest• noo - of • recognition; and even
be who was to haye ; been- her' friend-and
protector b wedjioldly .to-her, , ~ , „,-
144-And this,
) 34
the world,'-' she murmured, I
“When I Coe charm them Isitirmy'gold I
they - were 'ill smiles; but now; that my
gold inAtne, they know - me not. , And' At- I
w ien you ave
own sake."
A few moments later Marcia found her.
self claiped in the arms of Walter Way.
land's mother, who welcomed the, orphan
with true affection, and called her daugh
ter. But when the bright eyed maiden.
April came, dropping flowers at every
step. and whispering sweet songs in the
Fears-of-the-birds, Ma-rcia-had mul
e mother, as well as noble husha, upon
whose manly bosom he mi fit lay her.
heart, and say that she 137 blessed.
. ,
The geroci that Hav4o2lo.
The. papers have done the full share
'-' IL
toward handing Gen. Baker do n to fame.
It is , ti, ell th'at they should do so; he was
worthy, and his name and .his time will
be cherished and remembered in future
'time. So hash been With Ellsworth, s 3
with Winthrop, and so with the noble
Gent. Lyon. They have been thtobject
of frequent and well deserved pa egyric
and eulogy. Thenation has felt tti it toss
and Mourned over their deatlweven though
in dying, they 'becaine doubly farithue. We
would•not have had it otherwise and would
not detract one iota (ruin the merit, gal
lantry, or nobleness of : either of them.—
Wohld to (od they were living to-day. to
Lake part in the great struggle which must
still go on though they have died: .
But while remembering and cherishing,
the noted ones who have yielded all upon
the altar of their country, and yet bequeath
ed A legacy of honor to their posterity. we
would not forget the unnnted brave, who
have, died and made no sign. Just as no.
bli,just as brave, in all the . elements of
true manly nobility and heroic bravery, as
iilener*BAKer, fell do of the ranks of
common soldiers at Ball's Bluff, and died
for their country. The blood that they
shed, the lives that they gave, the sacrifice
that they made, were just as noble, precious
and priceless as his. Yet they are aqtong
the unnoted and unrecorded bravo.
So of Sig Bethel, so of Wilson's Creek,
so of Bull Kea, artil wherever lives have
been lost and blood \ has been shed. The
'tame noble purpose, the same patriotic
saclike was made tly.the common soldier
as by thc fatuous to whom we have referr
ed. What tongues bhall tell and what pen
record, the heroism--heroism in its high
est sense—which has been , displayed in
Western Virginia, in weary march, in
dismal camp. un lonely guard, in battle or
in hospital, by a multitude of brave men
who left the treasures of honie and af.
fection, and rounded 'their days by a sacri.
"lice, of their lives! -To the world they are
all unknown save tte_r_,lx_ltkiliod."
many 'dead in hospital," so many ',Tick
ets shot," but not to the smaller circle of
which_ they formed a mt. :Father, Moth
et., sisters, brothers, neighbors, will guard
just an•jealously the relics
.they have left.
end their memory. as a .nation
Bakerand 1.4,y0n. •
But lei them' all b,e treasured by the
great popular hearkalike entitled to honor
ago lame. ff Bakeror Lyon were impor
tant to, the natiort„if their loss witea_ea!!_
!amity, to the country, far .ati.they
asseu, and Marcia
• • e each concerned they have, no more
than an •of the rank -and. file who
,has died. y only . g ive their lives and
coatd,do no mcire...4ti their r rbrave men
alscilindlbad ihef'poasessed a Baker's
genius'Or •Lyon's military. ability, they
weuld just-as readily have madinhe sacri
fice.; • Alike noble, alike brave, alike writ-.
thyr-rseihe nation's. tears, the lititablesisol
dierin the ranks, ae. the • noblest 'general
in the land.—Sandusky Register:
rinilly Newspapers Ileutral In Politics atutßeligion. ° SLSO Per Annum, in:Advanco
thur, too, is the rest.. Oh,' Heaven,
sustain me in this 'trying moment!" •
At that 'moment a tan, handsome gen.
tleinan stepped up to her, and asked,
"Have 1 the honor- of atidiessing Atm
Anderson?" '
"That is my name," she replied.
you in search of a home a!ld em•
pleymentt ' he asked.
She looked up lute his face. was a
flank, manly — onel "she Waft - pot afraid-to
trust hina lt end she answered,
4.0 h, yes. Can you tell me where I
can 'find them?"
4•Yea. Yonder white cottage, with the
green blinds, is not a stylish house, but it
is a quiet pomlortable one. And there a
loving mother, a gentle sister. and a sweet
little cousin ever waiting to greet me with
a smile and a kiss as they are now waiting
to greet you."
She look, d pp in astonishment and
not tht k I u estantlyon right
“Miss Anderson, he went on, 'with en
thusiasm. "once a very little girl gave a
silver dollar to a starving bol'„ and was
punished for so doing. The food and luel
what that money purchased revived a stary•
ing family and the next day they went.out
in search of employment, and found it.—
Gradually, as the boy neared manhood,
their circumstances changed, hn,til,'at last,
they found themselves in 'a happy home,
surrounded by all the comforts and many ,
of the luxuries of life. tint deep in the
heart of each is enshrined the momory of
that angel bhild: and her name is there a
household word, 'too• sacred to be men•
tioned before the rude World. •
Miss An•
derson; the boy is here. mother and
Sister are waiting for you in the co ttage
yonder W itl you be my sister?"
"1 remember you." she said looking up
into his face with a happy smile. 4.1 - reav•
en has indeed raised me up a friend; 1 will
be your sister, but I will -work with you
and not be a burden to you." '
‘.I I V ell, if you must have emPloyment, I
have a little cousin whom you may teach
WITUSII0,49';PIONIIIIIS : f 0140" , - PEErkFlilDlT,JlNiat,,.3ii 18.02.::: .. ".i: '' ::
HON, • GEORGE A. ottotoaa.
Delivered at .keaven?vorth, Ireihtae
ber 19, 1861.
[Phonographically reported for thaCcinservative]
nit.° w CitqENBl—Tliti position which
I o ccupy before you to-night in not One o
_ _
my iiwn chooping. Hy representatives of
the Republican and Democratic Parties J
have been asked o like a anvass Ori the
basis of a 0 Nof parties' fo r he
he sake of
I DECLINED 11. I told them that tin
tit the war was ' ended, I could take no
perky' position. RepOlicana said that
one who had been a Deniocrat would, bet
ter harmonize_th'e conflisting elements in
the - Skate; that to nominate one of their
own party would only be to perpetuate
the old warbetween Gi.n. Lane and Gov.
Robison. 1 appear before you to-flight o
harmonize, not to disturb. Not that- the
°next Administration of your State shall be
Democratic or Republican; that was - not
asked o 1 me and would not 'have been
granted by me. They took me uponthar
acter, took me as I am. 3 Democrat here
tofore. 1 deem it my duty to discourage par
t_,9 or gani,Fations. If I had encouraged a
Democratic organization in your State
there would have been men found who
were on the alert to find fault 11 , ith Presi
dent Lincoln's Administration; men who
would have arrayed public sentiment a
gianst the President when he was spending
sleepless 'nights and days in prosecuting
this war. 1 know but one party— the par
ty of the friends of this Government, irre
spective of past antecedents. [Cheers.
" Republicans, in a fair fight on the Pres
idential question, _won the day. They are
in tower in the General Government and
in eye-y Northern Stai:, and at such a
time it is magnanimous in them to recog
nize such Democrats who are true to the
Constitution and ,the Union. And it is
not less magnanimous in Democrat? to
turn out by thousands Lyon thousand? to
1• - an • minis ra ion o vI tc ey
were politically' opposed. Democrats who
go to the 1911-and fight side by side with
Republicans are anxious that their friends
at home Should work together as brothers.
The, citizens of New York, Ohio and
other Northern States, have pledged them'forget past differences•in support
of,the Stars and Stripes. [Applause.]—
old homes, who have known our former
enmities, te.them•it will - seem strange that
we of Kansas have at last harmonized in
one combination. But liihen they remem
ber that on the field of battle our soldiers
stood shoulder to shoulder; that at Spring
field--made immortal by 'Kansas valor—
Re ‘ publicans and Democrats fought and fell
together, [cheers] they will hot be- sur-'
prised that we at - tiome have come togeth
er as have our brothers o — nlthe glorious
field- of battle. When Col. Deitzler lay
bleeding upon the field who asked whether
he was a Republican or Democrat I When
Col., Mitchel, exhausted from loss of
blood, was • tearfully resigning the 'com
mand of the gallant Second to Col. Blair,
with theiojunction ,that he should “see
that.i_they sustain the honor of • nsasi"
•whO thinks of tarnishing the glory f the
soldier by any halting inquir 'ow is po
slitical antecedents? Or when Go . Blair,
all through, the storm of bullets, perilled
his life the better to shield his heroic boys
from death--or when
.the gallent Major
Cloud made himself present wherever dan
gers came thickest—who,hesitates to hon
or them—never once knowing or caring
whether they are Democrats or "Republi•
cans. When Major Ralderman was told ,
by Gene urgis to dismount or he would
k' ed, micelle replied "a man might as
well die rot' his country on horseback as
on foot"- - we all admire the soldier's spir
it of self•sacrifice—and nobody I hiipe is
base enough to turn the heroic deeds of
.ol Springfieldio party account.
No, gentlemen, these 'questions are not
asked in the presence ofthe
recollecthaving read an account o two
soldiers, Union and Secession, who, hav•
tug fought a desperate hand - to hand en•'
counter. lay ,3 / 4 expiring upon the field ; in
that dying moment the Secessionist turned
and said; “We have been enemies; let us
die friends," and they Clasped hands and
died together. My friends, it is•the nature
of danger to,harmonise enemies. 41 such
a time as this,-when the rebels dug a deep ,
grave into which they are trying to drag
you and me and our common country, at
such a' perilous' memento , it ie natural that
men who love their country should act as
one man. Governor_ .
of Kaneae. I eland not be a partizan Gov
ernor. I shall recognize men of ability and
integrity whatever has' been their pastan•
tecedents. 1 Ad! upon Me Union platform
on which 1 have been nominated. f , do not
think it' necessar that ‘fve should quarrel
upon old lashes. The 'R . ,epublicans'
41aviry must be' veled out "of the Territif-'
ries by' congress. The Demoilrats said,' let
the penpleltiece irt,decidelt for theirfselvest
Now, my frienda. who - of us- knoses that
when this war is. • ended there' sid! 'be 4‘
single ala,ve lefeto . -legislate over : ' [Great
cheering]. It is the' arrogance *of Slaver,'
that has :built u p.the •conspiracy which
s s eeks to overthraw• the Government
Over Triimed• CRonewed applause ] • Arid
the people, are determined that 'vas Gov
ernmenrshatt-be preserved even' if the last
shackle is struck front the Aasi - slive.—'
[CluArs .3 •
I deem it :our - duty to perpetuate this
Goveiinnuttt' thfieghevery' . , fitter Stull be
. .
broken and the head of 'every rebel "tall
„upon .the bloCk of Vie, ezecutiOner.' , Aii
planate.] . I thin* ilth' Judge Douglfis,ihat
this is the' Post eaugeleSit rebellion;,'' the
post wicked conepiracy in the tide of tinie.
pontoon thievery it hi not, conitnon rob.
bery it is not, but it is all these combined.
It is nfore.k. It is wholesale robbery 'and
murder. It attiltes at the tile of a natiiin,
knowing that in ail history a nation
dead• has not lived , again.
. My friends, whitLharm had this Gove . o.
Rent done to any, 'pent It protected, it
sheltered. Our courts were open to the
humblest as well as the highest. We gave
postal facilities to every man who now
, strives to strike l us down. Their very
1 strength , in war proves the beneficence of
the Government under\which they were
nurtured. .
Within titrilfetime of a single man we
have grown Trem three millions to thirty
millions. Beginning without' a navy We
,now•float more vessels thaii any other na
tion on earth. you ha've all over the.
ountry the evidence of the greatest pros 7
p ity and the largest individual happiness
.that :. een presented since the world
began. Bo prosperous had our country
become that our 'nation began to attract the
attention of the whole world.- Either did
they come , from the Ithineland, from old
Ireland, from all gurope, that they might
rear. their families in comfort and in opu
lence, and enjoy that protection which the
strong arm of one of the first powers of the
earth is able to throw around the cottages
of the poor and,the palaces of the rich.
Why, a few years ago. in the Turkish
waters, the Austrian Government seized
an adopted citizen of this country. The
American officer numbered the minutes
by his watch within which Austria should
give up the . prisoner, an ' prepared his
guns to give them a br ow side if the de
moods were r.ot , ecim led with. The
world soon resounded - with the shout,
"Martin Koziol is' free." The Austrians
knew our power, and Korta ,realized that
to,be an American citizen is a surer pass
port in every distant , ort and island of
- : sea an ever - owe new.
And yet here a- conspiracy .springs -pp
simply because a political party succeeded
in obtaining power in a fair and open con
test by an appeal to the ballot-box. They
broke up the Democratic party in order to
have the Republican elected, and thus the
easier break up the GSernment.' ,
' Now they confiscate the - Government
. , . -Ay he have taken your Forts,
your Arsenals, your oc yards, y our
Mints. Nay, they have gone further iiiii
warned every man who is true to the Gov
ernmient to leave their States. They have
Wien the property of every man who is
domiciled in the North. AND SHALL
TY OP THE REBELS I /would enact,
were 1 in the Legislature, the confiscation
of all the Bebe/ property, and if I could not
touch their sympathies or their hearts. 1
Would touch their pockets. The deaths,
the distresses of battle are as much of war
as we should share with them. I propose
that the rebels foot the bill. [Applause.]
Fellow 'citizens, !deem it important that
the Statd'of Kansas-should be a unit. upon
the war question; Tot v vigorous petsecu
lion of the war; ,will save the- effusion of
blood, save taxes-, fields, firesides, coon-
Al 1 .
When the enemy is at our doors it ill
becomes us t. e ngling among our
selves. lie a 7izen o /Nom 1 shall not
0 --- b r
consent to a peat , prmise Una? 41)13-
8011R1 Is zinc UNTO us. [Great cheering.]
There is abroad sirip_pf country that
lies between us and oar old baffles and the
graves of our lathers, and I do ' not. pro
, pose that it shall he• an enemys coantrk:
[.'Good," fiGood.'l . As General Lane
aptly said, "a single enemy , in a single
night can destroy your telegraph and your
railroad communication and cut you off
from your Government."
• Ido not propose that this war shall end
until Missouri is secure. and if you elect
me Governor I shall act. with Governor
Gamble--the Union-Govetnor of Missouri'
—in driving every reble from her borders.
[Applause.] I would visit, if necessary.
the Governor of IllinoiF, • f Wiwo 'sin, of
Iowa; I would combine the influence of the
Nortnweet so that no proposition of peace
shotild•reach the ear of the President until
Al issourimas secure.' [Prolonged cheers
I don't propose to have youe'wives and
children shot down on the. Hannibal and
St. Joe' Railroad.' nor little newsboys way
laid as they stand' on the platform-of the
cars. I don't propose to have men like
Lieutenant Shaw, who made himself,. anti
helped to matte Kansas,immortal at Spring
field, mashed up in care and'killed at Platte
.River llridges. .' ..,, .• ' • . , ,
Let its - have• a -new Western' Department;
fat- Miiasouri his - proved to - bens- intich be' can attend ko. - ' Lei ire appeal la
the loyal' Slates' till' We': beet!, tWeilty• thew'
sand Merl here; and'it-Wont• - be ;liing: tilt
every rebel is banished -ittio . flitie. [AV
plause.] , • • ...,
• pave indicated to you hriefly,;becactie
thil:thing 'hqii been adetpected' to rue. ray:
Views olio:I - some of- the question"* ht.
gig hate- the country: :" A( 1 -ni etected•Gliv
ernor VOW!' expect to-co-o erate With thel
President in ellerrechmne •'' r- the perpe
ittity.orthis Government:' I shall feel it ko
be: my 'dirty representing. the most-niutitary
state in the Dnioni• to• impress upon the'
National' AdMiiiiitration the policy . which
Icansailin:ner long- experience- and more'
extioiled condition, doe, and -may' judge it
beTtiqur •Giitternitient to; parscie in this war.; 1
At thia dine ( the Pretildent 'II'. often obliged
to mill ihte thellover6 bumf Stated.
and iftani called upon I @hall actelo 'it
that Kansas has'- voice at Washinglciri.;--
I shall put forth every exertion to give aid
and comfort our brothers who haioe gone
to the field Of battle: and ad to it that they .
receive proper attention .6, the way , of
clothing,, and ptonotion. „
'A BEAUTIFUL Foirtital—Ploll.—rWh y,
Man of idleness, labor racked you in tue
cradled and has nourished your pampered
life; without it.•the woven silks and wool
upon Y6r back would be in the.fOld.,
For the 'meanest thing that ministers to
human want save the air of heaven, man
is indebted to toil; and even the air, :sy
God's •ordination,.is breathed with labor.
it is only the drones who toil not, who
infest the hive/of' activity like •masses
corrupion. and decay. The lords of the
earth are working. men. who can build up
or cast down at their will, and who retort
the sneer of the "soft hand," by pointing
to their trophies wherever arb, 'science,
civilization, arid humanity are known.—
Work on, man of toil ! thy royalty is yet
to in: acknowledge as labor rise's onward
to the highest throne of power. Work on
and in the language of a true poet, be:
"A glorious man! and t hy renown shall be
,Borne by winds an waters through all time
Whilp there's a keel to carry it on the sea
• From clime to clime,
Or God ordains that idleness is`cirme."
BOORS FOR CifiLDßEN.—llun't overlook
their importance because they are writing
for Children-- Children's books, little
though they be, are the GREAT Educators
of the people. It in darker ages the bal" - -
lads 'ot the people . were the germs of their
laws, much more now are children's booki
the basis of the body politic, for they are
really at the foundation of national intelli
gence. And of all books for children, the
Reading Boob used in the schools, VX •
,#l 4
ceeding all other juvenile books•in numbe
exert the greatest influebce in -1 educar
the people, and in moulding nat onal 4 '
Reading Books should ce'mbine all possi
ble excellencies.
'I The remark was, well founded w ich
Crates', the Theban, was accustomed o
make that if it were possible, he would
• stand on the highest place in the citycand
cry out; with all his power: “Whai.are
you thinking of, you people. that you are
devoting all your industry to the acquire
. men o :lc • , - ; - bi :
your children, to whom are you going to
leave them ?" •
I might add, that such a father behaves
like one who bestows all his
. care on the
sandal, but neglects the foot above it.—
" , My friend lives three miles from the
post•officee; and one, stormy 'night last win
ter he•told his new help to harness the
horse go down to the, office, and see w hat
was there in his:box,giving him the number
In 'due time Jerry • returned; and putting
up his horse .made his appearance at the
library door of Mr. C—, who sitting in
gown and slippers, was impatiently wait...
ing the arrival of the mail.
"Well; Jerry, what was there for me?'
uTwo letters and a•paper, Sir.'
l tWell hind them to. `me! What are
you standing• there;for?'
•"Indade, Sir. and you didn't tell me to
bring them, at all moth!'
- ••Mr. finding that Jerry had the
best of it, asked him what he Went to the
office for.,
—You told me to go to the office and see
what was in the box, and• haven't I done
it sure?" • •
••Jerry hail to harness up again, and
tape another ride in the Gold; muttering as
he went that he wished his lionor would
'be after 'marring what he said next time."
There is an effected 'humility mnre un
sufferable,than downright pride,,as hypoc
risy is more abominable than libertinism.
Take care that your virtues he genuine and
. Learning, it . is said, may be an instru
ment of fraud; so may bread, if discharged
front the mouth of a cannon, he an instru
. ment of death. Each may be equally ef
fective, for . evi I.
Words are niCe . thing4, but they strike
hard. We wield them so easily that we
are apt to forget' their hidden power.—
Fitly spoken, they (all like the sunshine,
the:dew, and the suntster rain—but -when
unfitly, like the fro t. the hail, and the
desolate ternpoit.•
The cup oi patience is - carved •by angel
ic hoodo o _set arouod. with diamond; from
the minas of , Eden, and filled at thceternal
fount of goodness—
Nothing is nobler than 'the aristocracy
institute, feir,things
,are poorer
thanih - At 'set by '
. Fuel ptfaney,-diem theft ohilabio4;.then
youth, Olety, manbooittth,erti old Arv,
then' we make in end of 'di "
-Our euetoanyendi.habits are liiuilthe rota
in the roads: Thewneele of life , ilide into
then:min& we ing.Olang ittronstkihe Aire,
beeause-it is tiio.anuoh.troobiel try . . get. out
of them, f:
;Riches gait prosperity ; either Ai;
witL eare,..or putfeis.yrrittst
• Thought is the totted, istioutleOgenthessit
and watttinti the Treserp..-
- " NOiL-45'
Nko Rovs
If a man. is doomed to a - stake, he 'would
generally prefer,that II should be beef or
If you wish to have a . writer's praise
take especial care to. write a little worse
than helloes. •
The law should ele'neh its fists•when it
finds rogues slipp ling through its fingers.
Difficulties and strong men,, like strap
and razor„ are' made tor each other.-
Respectability is a thing that many pbo
ple are willing to run in debt for.
Treat your family kindly, but put your
horses and cattle nightly to the rack.
"A clue bill puts an additional pair of '
wings :o the back of Time: -....—0 f
He who knows his ignorance is the pis-,
sessor of the rarest kind oT valuable kno wl
edge : - .
In the end all men find the devtl'.B work
the hardest they ever undertook. •
The hatredeof those who are the,most
nearly connected is the most inveterate.
We are commanded to let our light s
before men; -the man St ith.a red nose keeps
his light shining beft,xtreAimself,
etery young lady is public spir•
tgh to be willing to have her lath
re used as a courthouse. .„.- •
PPP r i is fortunate for fortune that she is
rblind, else she might blush to b olk the
fools she patronizes.
Cineirratti Pork Merchants?lWhole
sale cu t t hroats fur the fore q arters o
pig doom!
Cause and ElieCt.--Take a pinch of
snuff. and moat likely it will bring out at
What will be the anal signal for a gun
bier to give up his tricks? The sound of
the - fast trump!
.roduees the "grub," and the grub makes
itll,er fly.
What two birfl,l will a person set, if in
jumping alter a boat, he should miss and
fall in the water? A duck ihtl a swallow!
• 4•Ttiev pass best over the worl4l,"saiti
Queen Elizabeth. -,who trip, over it quick,
ly; for it is but a, bog—if we stop we
WithotaVenty of cavalry. we-need ney
er expect to have a stable Government.
Why is money like the letter P Ileeanse
it makes an ass pass. • •
"Marriage," says an unfortunate hus
band, "is chureh.vard of love." "Aod
you men," replied the not less unhappy
"are the grave diggers." -
Many pride themselves upon being
'young men, who are only wild beasts.
Man and W ifs, like verb and nominatlvS/
should al ways agree. ° •
The first love song in Paradise was a
new ditty, and the first fashion. in regard
to dress, was the Phil style!
The smallest are nearest Grid, as the.
smallest stars are nearest , the sun•
- The vanity of human life• iclike a river,
constantly passing away, and yet constant
ly coming on.
PrOsperity ia•nnlnst scale;. adversity is
the only balance to weigh friends in'.
It makes a very material -tligerenee to a
'iamb whetter he is gathered into ;hetrild
by a sheperd or a snake. • '
• 3
Bo not proud of eches tun afrai4 or them
lest they be as silver bars to cross the way ,
to heaven. ✓
, , •
'pits that bell ringing' for fire,Davy?"`in
ieged,a Youth trom the green Mountains.
heye ton. mrkeb,. , fire ap• roe..
where down r town, and they rtrit'that hell
for water." . - • r•
t - o under. .to reason zgirl.ont„ni love
is as absurd as wouid the' nitnititse to
eit,tinguish Vesuv ius
only thing, chat will break a loye fit le Mara
work and mutton chops.
and indolence only 'makes, diteigi"worii. - •
• A attiftless\tt gailantie yiannufellciar,
tit:4ll4*d- Ale flan - : . frorn: 'lady,: :and of
eourt# foßuk: La pay, Afso, !initiation
'evkl ,tors ,ttio lad y .4u aped hint for the
in on cy.- - m y ri sa id
.1.11-W tAifiov ti toe re , er-thir cicUite' of
your notbllnQ paid..." 4. Hoar sq!":, Atka
thoJady. :"Becauseorhen-Loreelcut I fop ,
Oral' worldly 'manerii-4,4krulkint - .
faryagig. ins fleavtault: