• *IR": -..1. , ti 1 /MI .., ' • , . , • ~ I . 1 1 •. - *‘ , i :'! . • ' 'Xiti 71110 SDAt mous LNG, o T ', ! - , ._ E • 4 OW & ; OYD. . i . , ,', • . 4 1.. . • rest gide . thtlinblic Aveititis.) ,'' • , Ii I ! • . 1 . z , i j I,' I . . • ,f, I DOLIA : a year inailvniipe: . I.i . ; . . I , 77 's.j'...'''.. H , T . r T, - Cents If ,nut r wit.l* , three 1 ' ' ..,' ..EFF,a4ros. I .' 1 , ___,.........k • -----........,..... ---- l, • 1 -.4........................._.: El ezlic E I i runt.tsttsm EV i 40 , ' I • , (Ogled OU l W TERM:Li-4'a 1 One Dollnr. !fifty montims,.tunl if gelay th....retu• twp 4'libtrs Nseontintintriees o h. 1 Ica.; arrearkigveylre paid. Letters to ti* l'ill,p,•hers bu business wittil i the of. I flee must bit iii , ,,i4t -paid to in4tro'nttentiotl. • i poc*D. Frani the Anglo-American A A SKETCH, • fiunlif,htupongie. 1,-1 - 13 t1 shades of eve Lay deep autiO. the yalleys,i but. the day That like a rot t 'lierub sought repose Amid the vat rimming of e W est, Still to 'mid hOeren turned its prayerful eye:it And on the t_ulqt.l of every lipating cloud, And on the i ete °revery mountain's brow, And on the r cMit of every Waving tree, Traced on the dipper ether, lay its smile,. Doskity gold 4. • There.oootrhis couch, Alone. a stranger in au 1.1111 410W11 hula. And With the q.2:1t11-ict: Fatiloritig at hi: , heart, And with the fleintli clattips il ieav y on hi, ',row, The iirtisttiona his open lainice Watelie.l The light tattled le.oi swiftly than his life. • Deep, warm, tile red laze grew, and with it game The hectic 'to lie worn cheek. and the lip Was filled witb feverish crimson, and the flame . ts Grew stranget . fervid, in the dark eye. lit With all the 1 - sionam beapty of the south.; ' ; And the wildthild of It: half rose, And leaned 4 weak head en his burning hand, . And pushed Aide the ‘re,alvine's crimson spray From the rud# window, nazi looked forth once more- As genius 'wilt' strong hand !had pinioned death. Sven as the lilosh ~1 the spent day grew bright, .: So did the 'fir , of ..• liame up to burn . The incense at ,as heaped for heaven alone. On his soul's fir. ' ' . , ?-, i• , Thro' th 9 distant vides, In her ripe litliness, the Summer came, . Rose-erown,sreul garlandtid. AS 'mid the Gods &nu stood innibmtal fiche, bo she brings, .' .. Z The a anu-rpe queen, bet nectar to the earth. Aud iu the rutty chalice of 112 e. rose, ATI in :hc gr. t . il l , jessamiMi's amber cup, . 3 indlm here th& lily bares her virgin heart To the guy 'wit wind. and 'amid the grass'' . - Vial thro' the ere leaves a the dead year springs, i:ilie a green /lope grown strong and beautifirl Above a withtting sorrow—,-*lnid the trees The zephyr stit:reth. ;Ind the, springing grain, The green V4at, real the siwelTing corn that waves it.,,,i11 i , m tam+ to the breiTrs, - there. Pours 'lie, bright Summer, ber nectareau store. But 'mid the 4tist'srnanntain borne, young Spring ,•tylled all ruined her delicate aread.Y.% nor yet rkueatll. tier 4ter'n r,,sy mnatle, hid 11cr Th-re the snow-drop hang hi fragile liwtilines s „ and April tears 1 . in a l the lay, : A n d And ell thane rli;ldren of the irriod.s That Spring, fikl- beattiug. from the ehmils. Pat i,. w;tii heiraiubow, geiii'd the gladderaug earth.: And lie who lay his &,111 conch, gazed Lone npon hf•Tretl, till 11 . 25 soul, Like a fall chillier that may not contain '1" The wealth th! . .ot swelling grows within its tk-pths, lf-erfloweti with beauty nr.tp painfulness. And..mcc the iromulous fingers moved as tho' To eras'. agmilt the pencil, rind the eye Turnoci flashit* to the onttrimerid canvass: where Still glowed le Onfinished 'work : then with:l.mile, As if in nnotcktp-J,I be turned again To watch his ckst,day's tiaaling froM the earth. 4 And in ret , wiftler ramp it .leaned. and still The artist raiso his weak lien' and gazed on. lint as the ceitisen of the rtffiled cloud Grow m a gol4en purple, and the glow rpon the 'tiamittnia's crest Waxed dusk The semlef fratod!frorrt his Cheek and Yip, And the wild Ireldinamed Within his eve, 'Till faint and iad of heart he sunk again, And marmereil thus as tick/it — stole on apace. " It Tit: leis, the rerlllight pales! 1 Sweet Mary 'lather, call one to thy breast Irhile its soft 'i.ory lingers on the west! • u g. Es-eninow my sr • t fails— Help, er- ra, , ,, ever loosen t ea-soil's chain , Aid death's dall =raw lmworse than pain: " 110 - the night dataps arise ! How the mistlipitraril euricirotri fen inad flood, And the rense&tiree re corneithoaritelythro' tlle 'wood; Not ins. beneath thy- - skies, Sen-cradlod 10.1 y" those shadows come O'er day's' slag loYeliness4t das! my home! • -. . ~ r . 4 1 " 1 Oh •,?; to return otMe more I Tb gaze, oft! 4oMe, upon thineivied +villa, To wale the &him!: in thyititarble halls, ' • lio w4nder ns of yore, • Where the dial Waters of the Tiber glide ',••• Amid the desofatci ruins of thy pride.• 9 - "ph even now, kern Came ! To wrest the oriaeletss gift pmag at thy Plirine, 1, The wand; pate, human lore—lone mine! My 'blood tonged with flame, And the r,sl Berl wastes nie in its glrnr— Would thy wh4e hand were on my temples maw! •• Lost! lost! foreyer lost!, And the boar's ii 'wave, the white and angry Gram, Chide me fro thee and time, my far off home. Woe for kuribition cost ! Woe for mytuPaes.4l—huSh! oh murtuurhig heart! }last thou not 6eeti all, all o me, mine art! • ' "is ttte Aay gone tt last 1 b it the uiVht Oat gathers round me now ? 1., it the delw +at !clusters kn my brow? r. . ta)c, !le l light •eds fast— But night hatim gle notwi th mine, her breath- I '. lid ? ! wh , .fe . thine cy wave, oh dear.10.. 3 ' . - f • - Tb• light sit.reaine'l broad] ) down and left a stain' or crimson! on hbe brow,aiTd cheek, and lip, And crept amiltit* tuthbort... curb that swept, .1 Glot,sy, au lnic,l4- and mo °alma; as carved Troi a 1 , 0 - ' ..1.14; p' W and the inual. ::: : Teed by the kea tem les ;- and the breeze ,_ - Gunn., rust jug. 'the 1. " -43 as if for 'him Wh o had 1 A itimug ‘. .1 0 1 at the day Unsee n for of itslary,, an the breeze Roo,. like e-4 of the rest wind,- Unheeded y tbesio ear of death. Pennsyl 'auk Oct.. ck jg4r ..0 itha letter Bevittae it tuck - IV] Mexico ? " TLits i • r; wary threw itui exi;iA.tiim of Publishrs, ma- VOL. il. • i '"ran tile New York Observer. •'ilroni the IVllderucst. •: • 1 • WOODS, August. Lost in the Tf r oods—.4n old Indian and hi's chzughtellit4hdi—Adirondoc Iron lkorks.=. -4, It' *as with weary" forms and subdued hcaita that We tiirnedl the bow of our boats down thelake; acid ldft the place of e ticiimp iner4, probably for evbr.,_ _No one who has not fraVeled in the WOods can appreciate the feelings Of regret with *hick one leaves the SPott';vhere he has pi Shed his tent even- fOr It'd* •or night. The half-extingeished fire brands scattered arninni—the broken sticks tbatiftirthe time seenied valuable as silver forkk, and the desertbd shanty, all have a desolate appearance, had it seems like for saking trusty friends,' to leave them there in the forest, alone. ' The morning was hombre and the wind fresh as we pulled doiwn the lake and again entered the narrow river that pierced 'icoNad venturously the dark bosom of theforcsf: The fatiguing task of carrying our boa;s was per formed over again, with the additional'. bur den of the (jeer we , load , but partially con sined. Ai one cparying place, li;: took two rifles-and an (Wert-oat as his pnrt'of the freight, and started !off in advance: . We were each of us too Much enkaged with our own affairs to notice 'the direction he took, but supposing of couise, be was ahead, putti ed on. But as we c.me tot the next 'hunch ing place, he was no :here to be found.— „ 1 "He has gone on, 1 -uess," said One "to the next carrying phMe." We shouted,but the echo of our own Voices was the only re ply the boundless forlist sent -back, and one was despatched ahead to ascertain if our conjecture was true.! The report was soon brought batik that P was nowhere to he found. 1, by this tithe, began to fee.L.some what alarmed, for the lost one was my broth er, and taking Mitchel with me, hastened back towards the spot where he Mid parted from ms. shouted aloud, but the deep water-fall drowned ray voice, and its sullen roar seemed mocking my anxious halloo. I thOtn tired my rille,ibit: the sharp report was followed only byl its own cello. Mitch el then discharged his, and after waiting anxiously aNvhile, %reheard a shot far_up the river. . Soon after,! " bang—bang" went two more guns in dal same direction. The poor fellow ,itad heard onr shot, and fearing we ruirla not hear Ids in return, and so take a wrong direction, jaist stood anciluaded and fired as fast as he cohltl. When we found him he was pale as Marble, and looked like one who had been in! a state of perfect be wilderment. On lea Ling us, instead of going down stream, as sho Id have done, he had gone directly up.fter awhile he had come out on the hank of strange river. As it was-on the wrong site of him to be the one we had floated . dowt4 he thought he must have crossud over to, !another stream, but fi nally compluded it! would be the safest plan to rettlace his st4ps. This be was do ing to the best of hill abilify when he heard our rifle shot Wil scolded him for his stupidity in tit s causing. us alarm and de lay, whiche very coolly remarked was nei ther very j;) st nor very sensible, and then trudged on, Towarkti night, B n and myself ar rived witlrMiteltel at his hut, were we found his aged father and - • oung sister waiting his return. ' "'Old Pete " as he is called, had come, with his &tug . ter, a hundred and fif ty miles in -la bark . nr, to visit him. He is ' now over eliglity yea s of age, Shook with palsy, and was coast. airy muttering to him self in alang,unge half French half,lndian, while his daug,liter, s arcely twenty gars of age, ivris•:Silent as a statute. She was quite pretrt;and her long hair, which fell over her shoulders, as not straight, like that other race;•but lungt wavy masses around her bronze. • visa . She would speak to no one, not • Yen to answer a pies tion, exceOt to her '1 .titer and brother. I tried in vatl to malther srtyno . or yes. She Would invariably tar4.to her father and he Would answer' . for - heti. This old man still roams the forest, and stayswhere night over-' , takes trim. It wills • 'ad 'to look upon his once powe ful frame 'now_ bowed and totter ing, while tis thick gray hair hung like a huge mat . round ;his wrinkled and seamed Visage. I lis trertful s hand and. faded eye could no I. tiger send the Unerring hall to its mark; and' he was co pelled to -rely on ' a r ß styfoivli g-pieee. Eve 6- thing about hint was in kee ! .ing--aie his dog was a mixture 6f the - Wolf d dog, ad 'Was the quiekest , creature I • ver saw iove. ; i • Poor old man, he'ivOuld s •trcely it • id another winter, I feaf,--` arid somelon i ly' night in the lonely forest; that dark-Flit ned maiden will - see hitn 'die, fa from l . Ito .an :habitations ;..and her feeble - , nit will c. rry his corpse many a weary rit le, to rest -smorig his friends. As I have see her deck 4.1 oa s t with t er-lilies, paddling;ti at Rid ma - emir the ke, I have sighed ove', her-f4te' .Sh se ned wrapped Oilin hei.f thek, and oha - e ut cute thought 1 ---pne pur 'Sc . .of Ji e—t to guarding, and nursing of 1. el• . f41:11. .. patient. ' The..night that Seri It • i'llititig , lone the camp -fire beside he - dead par. nt, .' ill witness a grief ait intense and ,de 'ilatef evervisited a mine cult ' ated boo ii. , od . help lice in ni s !that dark our.. " T I ' ndo ceive' of- do .iati., itleli,sighti an that fo sake maiden , in some 4einii . estira : ..hight; - . fangll alone in the forest, )iiart'd t . -1 / 1 06641csit 'holding -the !delta' oi'd :1 ng lead _ f - liiiffiithei; Odle' . the tiritidii, i iiri: his dirge; arid Ilia flielie'ring' , 6re wail q-.0; - ,..tfyiloit on the's'ceni.'' Stirrow liiii?the'inid- 'of the itiiligriiees seems doubly qiiiokii: '. ' I - '.• i : k.... ~,• .• • i .: ; How str.ng Is. habit. *he oTd man cam, f*it be -pe uade4, Ao. kit down in peace- : be; ~..!,44iik". . .p, q ' . #.o9l,_mi nistered to oft . oer.: !i4 1 .04: 1 0 1 h" . : 5v,44: 4 : )2irf but 0114ingi'to i lib waf'' ' .rii l o;ii .4, 04 . ureihmige4-41d IT - .. -:go ... ;, ' • : 1 4 1 4q'.,W!.. - P.... a 44_ . .rn PI -house anti ibiiineklis,, l A1e204 cote though ; his itiot `iseldont'l • lieti - dciiiilit, d r' ; - Ind' lie - still •A. D. like the late battle-vie Ghosts of bests. - the t 19 1 11? said when he £TS; .tliaril: 1 :4 NTROSE, P 3 • qeads the forest, t. lough his tr a e t t l u d bl l i i n i fl a itb d s ti rii t e l n e h ti s f o o r r co do p in v 4st an ic ce use to . , her rhheoinre home, b n y o 7tt hale fulfill thr =off:Cc ; s ouldelOgrOan under the burden of the empty ears, and placing herself and, 11 1 light 'alive. - I saw him looking eta handful; children in one of these she Wes prepared or speciMens of birch bark, 'he had collect- fur the ascent of the plane. The jerking c• , and - bidancinglwhich to chooSe•as mate- motion of the banda commenced, and sloWly r als far!a-new beat He still looks forward - the'train was drawn Up the monntain. Al t deyS of huntingland years of toil, when though she had often ascended in safety, the il dlt e twit of life is! already toudhing those miner's wife could not subdue a thrill of. rk waters that.rbll away front - this world terror, as she gazed over the awful' d -all that it etintains. precipices on each side of the-track ; and 1! After Spending i night' with Mitchel we as she drank in, occasionally, the wild gran * him- 'good bye, land started for the Atli- deur of the mountain - ranges, rising like rilindae mountains where it was verfssary terraces far off in the blue distance, her tthave another glide. He rowed us across: woman's heart- would shudder, as she also h lake end accompanied'•us several? miles 1: marked; atthe bottom of the plane and , in' i b oil our way, us if halm to leave tom. di gave l the far4fr abysseSs of the rocks, shattered trim a canister of Powder, a pocket4oinpass, • fragments of cars which were dashed off ; g n i a sma ll spy-glass, to keep as-mementoes the road, in consequence oldie breaking of of me, and shook his honest - hand with as the band attached to them. Often had such *eh regret as ever I did that of a white I accidents occerred, at times too, when the nian. I shall long remember him—he is al ascending trains carried men as passengers Riau of deeds, and plot of words—kind, gen- . but they had always, by means of- superior tess, and delicate in his feelings, honest and , agility, managed at risk of limb, to save life title as steel. I %You'd start on a journey of iby leaping l'rom the cars ere they had ac a,”hoUsand miles }frith him aloac, without japtired much, impetus ; but she was Ile tkic slig,lttest anxiety, although I was burden- !companied by two ielplcss children, boxed cdown' with money., 1 never' lay down up in a car to the Deight of five feet, and I side a trustier heart than hi?, and never she was a womatfr s ept sounder than I have with one arm Upward and onward the - slow train was f cross his brawny chest. - :I dragged by the stalwart power ofsteath, and t We started in the , morning for a clearing, lighter grew the heart of the anxious mother ittween• twenty mid thirty miles distant, inn —still onward_!—until a space of about zifo:r we had performed fonrtecn miles of it, twenty-five feet remained to the top. Here mstd found ourselves beneath the roof of a her hrig,litening-hope sunk, for she kneW cbmfortable log house, we concluded to stay i that this was the part of the ascent at which t over night. The Next mornine•Aright and was the greatest strain upon the bands_ 0-)trlv, we resumed' our march, and at noon jerk by jerk, the cars were drawn violently l . adled this solitary clearing which over- forward, ten, fifteen feet were passed, and lots its the whole wild, -gigantic and broken again hope rose buoyant, when a sudden Mass of the Adirondac mountains. Far sharp crack proclaimed disaster, and the user all towered aWay the lordly peak of the disconnected train paused fur a moment, as Tahaw as , nick-natned Mount "Marcy, Its if :satherits strength fin- the rapid descent. crone-shaped sumnint arose out of a perfect , With a wild and fearful -shriek, the agonized' sia of mountains, had as' I gazed on it I moodier seized her oldest child and threw it !tell regretted my ilelermination to ascendit. l out upon the side of the track, where it II never looked ont art Alpine height with: landed .safely, but vain was - her effort to save itch 'misaiving. "It was, however, more i time other—the rapid momentum acquired M titan twenty mdesidistant, and a nearer view 1 tills short distance , was so great that Mune toi!sludiminish thedifficulties which from this • dime death would have been the conse rioint seemed insurmountable. Four miles, (pence. Unable to save herself or child, timore through time Woods brought us to Lake l she was comOelfed-to remain in the dashing lanford, where we loamd the hunter Che- ' train, whose rapidity became every moment rtes, who took us in his. hoer five mile fur -• more fearful. Downward, with the speed of timer on, to the Adirondac iroti works.—' lightning it 'Hew, and the horror struck spec- These iron works are twenty five miles from tutors could only distinguish the form of the iftly public road, - lin the very heart of the , Mother -hugging e!bse '' fier intent ' Dawn librest. Mr. Henderson, ofNew J e rs e y, fi r s ward ! still downward ! till nathin-,, could be - e sashed them. lid was told IT an Indian of seen but a flying mass of blackness, now it tbeir existence, mid gave him two hundred bouaded off the rails, and, plunging„ rushing, dollars to he conducted to them. The took n sudden turn off tiprecipice, and,shat limumains aroun d are s o lid ore of a v er y : terint into a thousand piece's, covered the good quality, snt the .eartine of provisions rocks and the sloping sides of the mountain. iii, and the iron out, eats tip all the profits; Search was immediately made for the moth + that though two or threetlitusand dollars-M.O-mA child, and,in a chasm, where they have been expended vn the works, not one had been hurled, were l fonnd the mangled dollar has been made. It is a lonely place, bodies, the child hugged close to its mother's ind the smoke ofa furnace, and the clink breast, and nround it were immovably lock di the hammer, ar'estrangesights and sounds ed the arms the unhappy parent. Here. - , 1 This terrible accident was the last that l But of these more anon. • • I happened upon any planes of the compan y i Yours, J. T. H. I from a similar cause. A cog-tail runnin g between the two tracks was invented, over which, attached to a safety car, glides' a saletv-latch, and if a break occurs in the bandS, the latch iminediatelv catches in the ens-tail, the cars recede one inch, and-are there held securely by this admirable contri vance. The ascent of the Pisgah plane is now made with certain safety, but oflimes the stranger is seen to shudder, as during the ascent, some brake-man relates the fear ful story of the Miner's Wife. . From the St Louis Rccrrtll TEN MINUTES ON AN INCLINED PLANE. DT J4E Jl.l. To the lovers of nature in her most say- 1 dge aspect, and td the admirer of the won erful, whether Miniature or art, perhaps , do place presents more at.. - ractions than the ' 4al regions in the vicinity of Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania. - The wild and .rapid Lehigh, ' partly subdued to the uses of man for the urpose of canal navigation, winds its way i ttir miles through ranges of lofty mountains liresenting to the eye of the traveler, with e,yery turn of the stream, a rudely inagniti ellit and tiring pattoratna, replete with say- ti . age grandeur and wild sublimity. Sated With the beauty of God's works, the curious +server may gratify himself on the works man, and couteinplate with pride and in t mishment. the contrivance designed by in t leet to overcome the difficulties which for ' tiine embarrassed the LehigltCompany in I l - -4 pouring forth in profusion to the : flu-off deni- Anis of tt . city and hamlet the anthracite tieastires-Aose genial glow glldern in win tkr's blast, the . proud abode of the rich, or tie humble dwelling of the poor. The ‘S'unniiit Mines,' the most extensive l' worked coal basin of the Lehigh Compa i,ty, arc situated nine Miles from Mauch Chunk, and in order to transpOrt the black diamonds to the Lehigh, a gentle &sent or de, was made frotuthe mines to the.chute i the canal, down which the loaded cars t ere suffered to descend by their own gray= ity governed only by the braLti ; and with (Inch train went ttspassen , =crs: * in . the cars 3 /, worided for thent, a goodly! number of *del., which, having arrived at the end of (heir pleasure trip, Were employed to haul ]tack the empty cars. 1 This arrangement produce much delay rod hindrance, until it was diScovered that 4 mduntnin called Aiount PisgUlt, in the vi- Onity, was higher than the 'summit Mines, dtd accordingly d g rade by which to return the empty cars was made front Pisgah's top . tp the suniit. In Order, howe*er, to place them on the grade, it was tieacessary that tbey should be convey to the 4umit of Pis -4 l ab, and .to this One of the most wanderful and steep' inclined planes haS been made that can be found in this country, or per lia-ps in the World. In length of twenty three hundred feet ; it rises over six hundred toet, and !to the eye often obiervee at its t - appears to ascend with , a steepness perpendicular., A stationary dngine at the ttyp hauls up the empty care by Omens ofiron bands 'welded' together, and the plane be ., built out tfir ,-m. many' places tu eMbankments benders the aseehi'exeiting and interesting. Itiwas On , it'll,ikht - suintner 'Afternoon, u ut eighteen! • • onths 'since :that Bridget 'Conner; - the • iteota!miner'iat the Sum it, arrived - at '6 foot , stf Pisgah plane with Ord rof her Childeien, 'one an infant of ten- - `iler,years of age:- 1 - %., Family 'lteeessitias ' had -caused • her to irit 'llia* ch tin it,!-• 'and' - it .bundle , - . Which , -- ,carried' iv` r'• fier::tontaihed , ;-g,rooery ' ar ;he -DEC. 10, 1846. Chemical Miracles ' At the court of the Duke of Brunswick, Professor Beyruss promised that during dinner his coat should becotn , 2 red ; and, to the ania2ement,of the prince and the other guests, it actually became that color. M. Vogel, who relates the fact ; does not reveal the secret made use of by Bcyrnss: but he ! observes that by pouring limewater on the juice of the beet root, a colored liquid is ob tained ; and that a piece of•eloth steeped in this liquor and quickly dried becomes 'red in a few hours, simply by contact with air; and further, that the effect is accelerat ed in' an apartment where champagne and other wines are being plentifully poured out. It has liden proved by recent experiments, that wool died by orchil of a violet color, or stained blue by the accidental sulykate of indigo, in a bath of hydro sulphuric acid, becomes colorless, yet assumes the blue ; or the violet color, on exposure to the free air. Either explanation applies to the modern Let, and indicates the possibility of reviving ancient prodigies: it also discovers the man ner in which, nmid flaming torches and smokinr, incense, in the saucttiaries of poly : theism, the veil concealing the sacred things may have been-seen to change from whiterto a blood red hue, and which spectacle was 'considered the presage of frightful disasters. 'Blood boiling upon the altars, or upon the marbles or in the vases of the temples, was. lso indicative of peril and calamity. , rovenee,,in the sixteenth century, when a consecrated .phial was tilled with the blood Of St. Magdalene, in a solid state,Was placed near her pretended head, the blood became liquid and suddenly boiled. The same phe nomenon was exhibited at the cathedral of Avellino, with the blood of St. Lawrence; and also at BiSseglai, with that of St. Ponta icon, and of two other martyrS. In the pre.. sent day., at an annual public ceremony at Naples, some_ of the blood St. Jan uarius, .eol leeted and dried centuries ago, becomes spontaneously liquified,..and rises in a State• to the, top of the phial that encloses it .• These phenomena may be produced by reddening sulphuric ether with orcanette 4ongsma, Limb). and mixing the tincture with spermaceti. 'This preptiration t at ten, de grees, above'the freezing point (centigrade ) ) remaii3s . condensed , .but melts and boils at twenty. To raise it to this temperature, it Its only necessary 10 hold the phial which contains it in : the hand for some time. re- Why is a drunkard hesitating .to sign !the pledge like's sceptical Hitidoo t - Be cause be is iirdpubt whether to give tip the I worship' 'Of the ijtig-or:not. - =ll4 Natant! n: . . irylpaotcra!sop. MAPES. , • ' - Pr hotly yi know 'what'iS cYcki , Lfyri make a spot on ery 6 a Wheel, travelling an figur ' which that spot describes' Nov,'t• here is nd figure in which be in ved with o 4nuch. veloci . !nifty. f speed, iaof even' the sera' Meth inaticiand discovered •thi ' years; 'go; but : fiNain re'S God tau! Eng! before mathematics Were and iOten.the eagle puttees up he de tribes the figure of a cycl•; • A 'lobe pia ed in Water, .or it vingeets wit 1 resistance, and . will I retard d. -If yin' alter, I t the fo m of a egg, there will lil ance.And tli , in there is a fern] 1 solidtgsast esistance, which , clans tYdied or "many years't arid"lien they had discovered it I they ad thefo ni of a fish's heal had ' riggedo t" the fish with figur 1 Ti 4 featherslof birds, and eac part" them, are arranged at su: to he nost etficrnt in ',assisting Th . human e has a mirror objet are refl , y Cetecl, and a nen! those: ethetional 'are ' conveyed t 1 and thus we are enabled to tak in thobjects )41ieh pass befor: Now - hen the kye is too convex kind ', 1 f glassessi to correct the f it be not convexienough, or if we; at obitcts at a different distal); glassr‘ of entirely another descri es . bi s cannot I get spectacles, has g -en theni a method of s' defici ncy. They haVe the po trecti g the eye,, of making it m. so as . o see the (specks which fib mosAere, and hatch them for fe. so offlattening he eye to see a gr.! and serve v7:llofier an enemy ink - destroy :them. In ; addi i they ave a tilla or coating "wail, detilviihe thrown down over the e it; gi‘ause at the velocity at.wli and ith the d4licate texture .: the le„a'st srek lot* dust would a: a penknife thrut into the human I film ill to proteet the eye, and th , I existto some extent in the eye The Gorse has* largecye, very I crust. This coating, in the 11 1 called the haw; or thigl .eyelid Iwill Ivatch ,closely, You may s., and rtturn with electric velocit. awayithe dust and protects the .;$ from in jury.l If the eye should catch .o ,l, the hat hard is and projects, and iguot person• . cut itiloff, and thus; destroy its's: f iihrd. Yall ittioW,lfyOu take a pognd of iro and ake ofit trod afootlong, tft at weight it wi support. i But if it be a I flow rod, it i li will piton a Weight many ti Its . greate than: efore. - Nature seems to klive take advaiitage of this also, long befit * athema deist had disciovertl it, and all 1 bones o A r Intim Is are hollow. The'bone. birds ar larger because !they must be st IT to may • their , arge wings with - such velo i ~ hut - they isil 1 mustpso be light in order to at easily• thron li the air, 1 ' 6 B i' Bids also ill' strate another flictkin natura philo ophy„ I you . take a bag, ipake it ai / tight,; and put i under water, it % y 1 support a Jar weight,lsay an' hundred poi)nds. Bu twist t or diminish the air in it, iid it ail suppeirt no such weight. Now 4 bird la such On air bao,' He also has ilis power o forcit7 air intohollow - parts of d e sody„ an 1 thus t ssists his 11 - light, Tucson e Iping may 1 ,, be o served in tishes.• They 11 i have an air 1+ to enable them to rise o nit in the, wateuntil thely find their, pro ,Itlempera ture. , i , ; 1 • 'lf hey wishi to , rise they i , cOnse it; i they i• 11 . isli to sink they compress Cti r h u nd down they ! o, Sontetim es the fish tk i sinkitte• matt:- too str4lg, an effort to V) press hi air b ,g,, and bUrsts it; then do% Ole goes to ' the b nom, and then* 'remain. liCr the rest of h life. - Flounders •and so .jother fisl have o air bag 'and so they are liver fount swity4ing on tile surface, but i st always be ca . fi ght on the bottom. . Inhis appli ,d to almost every thing s Vat u wish to knon&how to pack the greate t iitnoutit of bulk cylia ers leavl large spaces b t n the i4n*illest space. , 110 forms. o 1 iten theta: 11Iate •maticians labored - for a lig time to find ifhat figinle could be usedlux es to lose i no space ; nudist last-found th ft was the six-sled figur.,, and also that t i ee planes midi] in a pomt formed the - t•gest root or, ' r. Ilui r • honey bee di- e yered -the samei thinga good 'while ago. 1 Oney-comb is in fl eup of ix -sided figures , d the roof is, bu t with three plane surfuc 1 otning to a poiht. • l•' • If is flexible vessel be empt ,of air, its sideswill be alinost crushed ,to, ter by the presaire of t e surrounding a spliere.— And if a tube nrtly filled be • 1) tied ()fits air," ill rise .to the. t,l - The bee uncle' t e fluid % understands fins; and when he o'll3o to the cup' the tall honeysuckle, an. . tuts that he e mot renelt the swee; mat at its hot. tom,' he thrusts in his body, Qs 'pp the flow , and . then exhausts the . i., and so poss ses himself of the dust .+ honey of the fl: wer. - „ , 4 - ~ il TleTeet of mv- are con sthad ed on 4 Si' II I iil4llitvi walkwith case Oa. Their flies and of liz ;niilarrinciple, on gl ass ors ce as . ift create d spt say . .,haire feen . • pOiiiids to feet are made neat them, a nub phere, inchlto enabl thezpqa hold owei to - it less 0 , !Ire thivl-iurilig themselves aro mete '1.444 fib'l fifets;Atitii citikein; .• has tite-same 1 . Phints req' planfs turn, the on as it t 'rho' unflowe of el ver. T .! yet t tithe 1 li i resting: 1 u all k n '. wit as,iiith fly . ay. Ti', w that if a bone r then air; and fact it beautif U Advertisements conspicuously inserted et the m ai rates of .Frrrt. Caters' scam' for 'the first, and Tweavt-Fide CENT'S additional for l eaCh subsequent .11 • insertion. '.Yearly Advertirentents, With the privAege of al teration, pot to exceed- Quaker Column, with the paper, perirear $5 00 Half Column do • , o' 8 00 Ode Colturrn, do do! 15 tiO liusiness, Cards, ; do," ,3 00 All,. other tulvertisementa inserted at reasonable rates: • ' ' - Adveitisernents khOnlil be Marked with the num. ber of insert:mu required.: IMO 26. , : ory. ' 1 ' ti} - ant by'n t, e pOripb ' f plaiti, , the 1- cycloid. apiody can 1 ..-pmd rega gilt line.— tot many frlt'it to the vented,— It phis prey, '4r, iti mo tt velocity It globe to , • 5.4 resist alled,:the I ! theruati- in nature. , The farina, or imiireonabledust of plants; are little . balls extretaely thin; and filled"witli light' gas. They ire !Nairn off fronitiwastile plaiits, and, by falling lapin the fettialc impregnatesit.- Nettifw has at. rangedit that the .unctuous Matter,' which causes'..tlie impregnating partsl. , tW attack, to. others, never occurs at precisely , 'the' • tame time iti male : and ' female - plaits:l. Vhnii, if the flirina from , the - Male plant' hit the Male; iediesaatadhere; but if it hit the feilialeit dees-atiaeli ; the balls -burst, but are fastened and take 'effect; - This impregnafion - often takes:placi tit , man . r yards distani.: In rail: inglndian corn you Mast' have-naticed that a single hill of redeorn 'will be scattered to a longdistunde , through the whole. The Virgitiit creepertlr me oat tendrils in •the form of a foot with five' toes ; each tee has a large.. number of - hairs' or spine which entering the small ciiieniugrof !brick or lime, swell and hohlon ; but when- decay ing; they shriek and the plant 'telltale.— Thwinnilla pleat bithe West infliei exhib it a similar construction ; except that it winds itself around other objects. } i The-gastric juice is worthy of . remark...lt is it tasteless; colorless„ , inodoroiis, limpid I fluid, like water, and is , adapted in ,diffter etit animals, o different purposes. ;In the hyr enti,.and other .catu . iverous animals, it. will • not dissolve live flesh, but will'dissolve dead flesh. -These creatures live upon -ether am. mals, and even bones are . soluble in their gastric juice, While it will nadlsolve vegeta bles at 'all., On the other hand, some ,ani melt live entirely on ve,getables,jaral.:their gastrics ivill.not dissolve animal fd.l • We cannot alter the nature of the animal by , changing its food. It•will still belongto the family. In this particular bebs are bet , tec instructed. When they lose their4queen be,—which is an entirely differ .nt animal 'Joint the working bee—it you pre ent ;moth. , ' r Ito . them within twen y-four hours; they will not. accept of 'her. : Whey poifer taking - aii.oidinary grub before it becoMes a flier, anfl feeding it with a I • culiar food, and rtreating it in a peculiar way:- and when it leaves the grub stateit be, omet.a queen bee ; anfl - Ahey always suffer themselves 'to be i goVerued by her. : gtlisCov.er; ticy faun - 4 ti Nature ti s such a , • Productions, tic. of e United tatel, ;T h e, patent O ffi ce • eport furnishes the following important info ation. • 1 1 ,, ;Wheat, oats, rye, Ind an Corr , potatoes hay and tobacco are .ra • d iwevery : State and Territory of the Union. ,I Darley is raised.in all except Louisiana. Duck - wheat is raised in all except Louis iana and Florida. I , New England, New pork, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Wiscon sin, dnkriot raise cotton - . 'The states that do not raise i cotton, to-, ather.with Delware, ,- 11Iaryland 'an . ? d Indi- anti, do not raise-rice. 1 Every . State State and Territory except lowa does raise silk., I Every State except Delaware makes sugar. New York raises the most barley, viz : 1,- 8N 282 bushels. , a, zoz bushqls. 1 / New York the mosipotatoes, Viz: 20,553,- , • 612 b9shels., • -_, . i ,- New York- raiies the most pats, viz : 907,553-Irtshels. , • NeW YP' - ek raises the most hay, viz-: 4r 295,506' tons. ,• 1 ,-Ohio .; the most wheat, viz : 18,786,705 bush. ' 1 . Peupsylvaraa•the most rye,. viz: 8,429,- 2:26, bitsliels., Peanuivenia the most buckwheat, viz : 6,40,8, 1 538 bushels. , • Tennessee the most, Iralian corn, viz:67,- 838 417, bushels.' . Virginia the most fl, " 726 viands. Kentucky:the most tobacco, viz: 72,322,- 541 pounds. GeOrgia:_the most cotton, viz : 148,175,- 128 pounds. South Carolina the mewl rice, PoUnds. - I.mlisiana . the most 5ugar,,37,1'73,590 pounds.'.. , • - • North Carolina the most wine,viz 15047 gallonS. Tkese are curious facts, as sho l ing the Va riety tof agricultural = productions and the vast *mink of these productionS. f icuurn be toresiiure of e tsquare litc cat !at. 11 . ;anti some, thwurds ; ustio west. oe`i - a iold hive aot it oitrexne, all* filled lil: and carlieil out *if *dvertist. Mil! Si*VALTER Sco.6.'s 'TostnsToNs.—.At the of llessrs..3l'Donald and Leslie, of Aberdeen, there 'has just been executed massage tombstone, which is to be placed on the cti'utiguons - grave of the late Sir Walter ScOlq and 'Of - Lady Scott, - at Diybargh, Alibej•.• I(6o:insists of a large block of beau tiful red 'granite,. cut from ItiactOontild' . !_aiad quarries at 11111; bear ',lie terheasl, on the property of the Xar.l'of ,Ali erdeeh. The blOck is 7 feet 164,' 4y . 0;.1 -g feet broad and weighs nearly, five tlie uppe4'siirfaec. is cut in the form of thitaii;Of a double 'sarcophagus. - On the one: "eatii 'partmeitt is the following itiscrititiOn 7 : ant WALTiR SCOTTY mil, Imo SErTIIIIIOIIS32.- On the 'other - I- , , . IT,ME or - SIR wrik.i.i.RitSCOT4•Dr'Aillifi.TSVOlLD,i4R(..Vii, Drab; ADROII3IFoRD, - tillkt-1.1 1 .k.. D. 18 . . O borlleaVyls. my Vrorkii en faitlidan abt- tcilce hold of;ao ' altiiighty , nu for the perroi'aroitiee''of; it .' - Many times have "I 'lieetiffeaJy te'sialeiethis cliSe.l Pleiiied be GOd l' that 1 may to-a full ,faCiatj k le:l =-;Bitait aii::: I.- 'i . . - ;x.: : , " .: 114 wiiiitei bade *aching h S'iiiiiik,;tind Was -Si) *46 tiikeit itptin it,' hat' he iilliti ofterf . ,in ivitehiag , the ; greaterl,'tiaBc - it e 'ilighe;'lo,iiitles his'jiainf in' hiti! l i liy:' Statile* ',-;-- Witkia sou's 'Preface' to iti•Oree'Ageriiiiisi. paiie ll- believe-iilt,liblpia . iiiid 'a wifea-but of that!atill 4 kiiiie• l ailditatiiite4 soiivaab e iei, , very much atYir,iobii; \ pireired okiriiiiitittey to : Mel : if *deb tie*yed-the eth , . iii o ii i.; ;_ i b l i a ii, b ie e ,. th o il o e ti el r it l i g_ eil le '' ,i th id ita tli Sa anil ltles iry ta Ita po tt i. -. ty-,' . l(iiil.thetilii*ld.l 44- Iff judgment -let thiliniaieetfaioie - the guThi;"=4liie: it/x.6' Meitioirreffiiielsi I' =MEM ienip, viz :31,-