The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, October 29, 1846, Image 1

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.tet lotion •
71;13LISHO) Emir Tfitittbkr .10 1 1 161 4 4 ,
4'. DOW' & 'BOYD." I {' 'i '-) ilq
(Office on the weiniddo:ortito Public Aveitiel)Jt ,
;$. .. , •,. n , (l' : t',77;
TERMS.-4NE DOLL/iit a year in advance: l i
•OneDollatlFilly Oents if not paid withiorthlie
months, ana" delayed until;aiter ..the
.. 1:+ tion of
the year two Collars will be exacted. i •
Discontinn ces o p tional ' with the Ptitiiiiiteis;Mn
-0.-. il
less arrearagn are paid.
Letters to ihe niblishers on busind44,4 tit ' l` ' dit 4T
lice must be • .st-paid to insure attainkm. 1 ,-r-r)i-lt
1)0 etri).
7 11 r r • ri
From theAmpliS•Ainan.
She b e at onn e the gorgeous sosnue'r,- 1 ..,-( •
y et 0 4 -p a th, and wood, 433 d bill •1) ,/:
The tr her"ms.T.f.ePt ..
A r c lingering brightly still . ;
And, asgie sunlight paling
qn citing leives its flesh,
In the sl4ilnwy arms of Autumn,
Still tie revel in her blush.
Act thoulmne, oh ! Retainer t
am 4anclering where the 'trees-,
The grata high priests ofmalnre,
Swin4heir censers tp the breeze 4,
Swing *fames on-hazy air,
WhilAhrough the arches dam
domes and sweet, and.sotemnly
Their riurattireti, mystic hymn.
I am wandering through the forests,
Throsth the rummer words--britdoll , ',
There *bops and sways a yellow flag
Amitthe green beech hough;
And fro the tufts of castingl fern,
Sprinit shafts of paly gold,
And thejong grass 'plaineth Whisperingly
Whet rising winds are boa , ;
And the - .lhalin flower by the streinlCt,
The thistle down that Man i '. •
A fairy tiltni - I o'er mount and mend
Urge on by mimic
The gosen rod briglitghinablg
Whee the calm andsuiluy light
Falls trakling thmugh,t:4 woven leaves
Th e sti:in - hispee '
Alas! alp r q ! for summer gene,
Alas ! 'when death his snow
Shall he upon her rosy lips
And oti her iadient brow
Alas ! for darker days
When.tNature, pale with dread
shall stapl, a strickcu Niobe,
Alone mid her dead !
Nlcro - Ttos4Sept, 1846.
gdosElNGLouri• •,-
_ LBT L. *ARIA camp: . , •.
A stranger a,iaong , strang. faces, she 4rjsßce;h the
ss-ornex4xl of elependencei
She is niark44l as a chfld'of ( -want ; the - woila
hateth 4verty.
Then cometti in fair show, the promise szuttho4eint'
of uffection;\
And her hoak‘, 'Ong unused to}tiredness, xemetrdr.
eth the liMther anJloreth i ' • °II'
I I"
And the tinittr bath wronged hertz:net, :cad-mocked
end thms lier from him t ,' 1, ,t..;l', LI
And men tpidnt at her and laugh, and wrerielithattn f '
her aS ali outcast : !
Bat elsew4e, fa:- other judgment niay Seat he4l
among (tie Inartys.—PrvierEdul PhifoioicaY• ." il
Mriists, who treater happiness find 'sell:
fiery sphere of life, go into 1114, tignallid
copest.ignoratene, the, uttermos t abyss a
e.g.,. and say can any hopefulplant spring that it extinguishes the soul's bright
revs it is kindled! 012,'"ye Pharisees of
n lfiunds4th 3-enrol - Christian knowledge,
Lilytappeal to hornanatature, see that it be
S. i Take heed that during your slminherii
ttepi:of generations. it has net lien Total:
tlite nature ofbeaits."—bickens. . .
- - rity'and his sister'Buitiniiiere l the
'of . * !hunker' fathiit, and of to poor
kvlio saved them from starvation by
up p.z ~
igs in the street, tiferinshingi
Nip . paper makers. .Its y c
lath she,
t al rustic belle, observabl for. herl
tattetal attire. But she wds ii'Weak,ll
r ciiaracter, and •sicknessi - pit'veityil
tg4tulually broke down the.lltde en-u
!nett nature had endowed ijiar r7 .l
die use of patching up, pay Rid i
ill!) use to say to herself: , lthere 4 ,sl
ioit to mind how I look." Bur ahei
wily affectionate heart, and rove•fivi
illr4n preserved her from itifenipir-
I liostained her iii ioiling for their
" Oh
mpect In
doptkot of
MI/Ift, 11C g
torch as,
the uinete
who sow'
1m am/ fir:
aid the
formed tut
Jt rry
, them- fo 6 r
'had bee
neat and
and toil,
ergy wh
What' -
had a ki'
her chil
ance, an
daily 13 1
ieltg' lit she took In curling herlittie,
r'4' glossy brown ringlets Wes • the .
atiamg indication of early coquettish;
is ugh often dirty and ragged her
was always clean and tidy.. Sly l4, an extremely lovely child ; and
ddled through the 'streets, ,',holding
tither's skirts, Napoleon 'i'lliinself
; liare been more proud of Popular
to; his little King of Itodn i dud,
obr rag-woman .of the stndasland;
sewed on 4er pretty on Her.
tut colored eyes had been kilett.;
e 4 expression tby the sorrOlisliiii 1
4s 4f her mother, when 66 K on g
d iustained , them both.; but they, 1 ,
intbeautifult and their long dark I
rstied on cheeks as richly colored ali
Idly ripened ; hi:the iluniliine,. - Like
ell; she had a very moderate sharel
ecf, and N etr:roe lore for; prettyl
'gyms a gle ,in their. soul!' of that
ra of the beautiful, which makes
ttrtists of high natures, wider male
ciremnStances. i
he,rwoman; . w116 .- lived in 'the ne l iti
latited a , Marning-Gkory , seed ;kcal
aiot ; and it bore ha, firat449BSClLli
4an was three years obi : . PO,
it r . ;? filled her with passionals joy. —l,
' 0, and, clapped het ttandsishe
nit again and again; and iiinainA
tilde . .etooping dosin;liuuliloalthig
vbor*l.lrt oftlie tioworctlfbeAtriti
e L calle.d pot impatientih. , r 1 V 4 . 1 401
e tip, , pretty posy !" When it . sb.ifv,;.l l
fretvind nitire, - she eiieffiliitut tibilli
tetbe eothflirted. As Aide:kali 1
p4ed day by tiv, her trieridOsip for
110ratiq t . .apcit4e cosesmWons*
i , i t were sotriqTr!ilbite t Oqic,„.iii
1 Oty. , .q . .,
:iy;Wiiin iferlifitit6r irai'‘iii6lini
. - the 'dirty. Battlers bf -thiiPitiiiet;
lite daughter. beltiod her,W,•gewthg,
( 4.
irieli with : 1/- laletebw. 4 pltt, t o AO
man's eyciArok#Aerpist-s4,o*
- 4An, etantnidijr:lit at oii i i3 OrPSI
' ' r e iintledan - stalliflUniicui li'4 7 .',
• • , t •,.. • •,==, 1-!7l , in: ,f
only re
self, Su
was, in
as she
by her
could n
was the
kisses .
large cb,
ed in 1,
were ye
a peach
her mot
of inlef
intense 1,
poet= an
A Ira
broken !
the day
sight of
She dan
return .1
ed a 1
into the
closed a/
up! wa.l
died mi
fluu ers
the vine,
held wi
her stn.
up rage
with the
man pa,
•-p.l-iii - L': ~. ii . ! .(,*
I , ),;• util R 4 0.2 oh; ti, .1.!! t til v_ evi.,.a. 1,-;1
;Ito 1., t. 1 'lt t:_'.l. , ..
=9 - ILMOM
0 .-...,
.., 4'4,6
:nd said, " Would you like one, - iiii-Ilitle' ,
"r 1 2" Shg„ießerY . Jield.fnu l herhand, arid :
pose [tor ' Ygi_u'it 11.41 P, tiPI4.JIP- gems vas
an," saidine mother. out a "e Was - trio .
, uch occupied to apend ; to politeness. 'Het
ead was full of Ker, pet Aternin e w-Glory, the ''
.ils lseg t blo ni sso; t : 44 h6 - li e ti o d trt ieVerl ... ito rr it li e:lu ge po n n ti ;. em an a d n
Iteiti to her hiiithi.ri.iliouting joyfully,
ateduliatted tbr i . d icy, cork - mid isaiii,
' u ale a littldlitokngloridycitirself, , akd
'wish you were' nrihe. ' JoiTy,---whOwiiii
tiltlei by4two yeah, wits cjuite eharmediwith
the iwora. "Roienglbryl" -'repeated be';
What A funny liamci! 'Mamma, thergen-
Rennin called our Susters - Hoictiigkiil."'
II Ftiom that dayil it became etarcitite word
in that wretched little bousehold. ) Itstiutid
ed there 'With morirnhil•beauty,'like the relay
golden riys, which at sunset fall aslant the
ding,, , wills, and the broken-crockery.--
When the weary mother had washed her
basket o f" Teas, she Would - bring water for
Susan's, t'.
s bands, and a wooden comb to smooth
her hair, and. gazing fondly in that infant
ace, her only vision of beauty in a life oth
rwise all dark and dreary, she would say
" Now...kissLywar poar I mamma,- thy little
Hoseoglory.' E i y,,e9 the miserable father,
..lien his• c fenses ; were ; loot sitipified with
drink, would take the,preity lithe one on his
knee, twine hershining ringlets arciund his
coarse. fiegers, and sigh deeply 'as he said,
1" .4, hcriv, rnany i e rich man would be proud
to, have ipj , little ,Rosinglory for his Own."
HM, it was brother Jerry who ' idolized her
Most of,:all. He could not go to sleep oil
his,buneit of straw, - . unless her curly head
who, nest ed on llis bosom. They trudged
i theeareets together, Land in baba, and . if
I charity offered them t an apple or slice of
'bread, the best lialf was always reserved for
her., A 1 proud boy was f he when he receiv
fed an old tatterdemalion:rocking-horse from
the,son of a gentleman, for whom his father
was sawjng wood. ",NS.w R:oseriglory shall
ride," said he ; and when he placed her on
the - horse, and l*fitched i her swinging [jack
atid ) fol, his merry Shouts of laughter indi
cated in nite saoffactien. „But there'pleas
anCieerkes occurred but 'tteliloin. More fre
-1 %wady, they cpne .hoese late and tired,
eVerbody was hongil l 'afid%crOss, and they
were glad to steal away in silence to their
little 'bed. Whep the,. *her was, noisy in
bis;intoxication,othe *her"
Tin's' guarded
Alitrting :with the,,thoightfulness pc 'Meurer
years. He pouf:lay wioeil (4111re:random
,bloivs, or received theta himself; ' and if
limn accidentally came to her, it was affect
• initol see his earful eyes, and hear"his
whisper,—" Mamma! Ihe struck" " Hoseo
glo !" i,.
oor ebird ! lier y'oci. ife „ bpenin
3 iiiff' ''''i'ilig - - -
in d ark and narrow plaCes i ffiPtigh like the
vine in tie brokqt tea-prit, she can ht . now
and then rotrancieut*lelm of sultakme. It
would Ike well irmen-eduld . spare time from
the, din of theological disput e, and tl .* drow
slops of devotional rontirie, to redect,:iheth
-er such ought is) be: the portioo :of any ,of
God's little ones, in fhi t t broad anclAwaiiti
ful,earth, which . He er'ated for the good Of
Many, a hungry dayi mid 'Many ailight
of flinching cold, thiibrritherand sister went.
struggling through th'eiriblighted youth, till
r - W
the youngear eightlyeari'old. At that
periodi f the father died of delirium tremens, 1
and the mother: fell hm a • consumption,
qaught °Why constant hardship and unve
iling gloom;,.: The family were'reMoved to
,alms-houte v and focind it an improve-
Meat •in their condition. The coarse food
was as good - iis that to which they had been j
accustomed, there was noire air,,and a wider
scope for, theirye to ran 12-,e in. Blessed with
youthful ~impreisibilityr to the bright and
joyous, Jerry and Susan took more notice
I of the clear silvery moon and the host of
bright stars, than thqi,clid -of deformity,
paleness, and sad looks around them; The
angels watch over childhood, and fr keep; 'it
from understanding the l'evil that surrounds
3 it, or of retaining the gloom which' is its
shadow. - The poor weak mother was daily
wasting awAyi, but _ they only ,_feh that her
tones were more tender, her endearments
mare fond, ' Ppe.nighti r when they were go
ing io bed, she held tbeto by the hand longer
than' itsuat'llie rough' hireling nurse felt
theeloquetfee of her: sail countenance, and
had not‘dte , heart to hurry them away. No
one knew what deep- thiught, whit agony
'cif anxious love, was in:he soul of the dying
'orie; but she gazed ea o estly and tearfully
into their cleiir,tricing-.oyes, and said, wit h
bbObled voice, rolly -41fildren, try -to • be.
4giicid." :She-kissed , thr - in fervently, ~ -tind
liiiike no,:more. 'The:iiext day, the-nurse
ford them their =Other Wits dead. T heY saw
. li6*body laid in a ehiefliine coffin, and car
'lied awaYlin a cart id" burying grbund
v iie
Offthe poor; where: it I piled upon ahun
-died other nameless us, in a bigthole
'dug in • the34andyltill. side. She was not
Missed fro:M . olle jostlin crowd; but the.or,
titans wept bitterly, for he was all the world
- to' them.
-): in a few * , jig, stianOrscame to examine
Ahern, withjaoic*.to Mita that into service.
Jerry was humid CO a sea-captain, and Su ,
iiin to a groeer's_wife, ' who wanted' her to
4.4 a wait uponibee,hildiriti. She wasindeed
hound ; for MtaiAtidrews was entirely for
getful that anythirig.:Lilie,freedom or enjoy
4ent mighthet,necesy or useful to ser
jcauts. %/Wiley- 104 s e lugged the heavy
'baby, and often, satiiip , at night, to Paci
'Oils fretfulness: r* i could, while her
g t
hanker and mistreisi Were at balls, or the
Bowerpt , Winle.the baby was sleeping, she ;
was required to seouthnives,_ or seruhthe
,payetpent. tf4', talhed:to heriliticiiit to-
if Yeti 091 1 Y0 ..4104 35 , i','
of ngtopbxity4kbet
/Ott an-naA.btiakyoull. ,
. 11.Q;41:0 ~..; 4 , - • ',, ,1'...r,...!
_:2 4 , 9W, , P 4.0 AIN R 1 1 911 0ia?..iriltit , frOPli
WWI Ins master was iu m i.. lb was a l.„.
[44,iii4iil'%:ilifiOciiiiiii,. aiid . , longet roilthi‘
'Jiiiioe wheal he Wild' 4 a.manindirtibJeto!
, 1,
1 ,
- .i
I I .
A. D
e,bis Batistiefla ,
FAFICAP pSPTe ;.•1100,61,01110.,
4 thenu*lld-:3vilvit,ffigx Ina IW.pters of
e+ ,bey
.attwo :144s
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: 29, 1846.
6,,. M ”y9l.,op:auprt raw ' a m en .
inu sne re .
r 1
flo'oelibei to . tiettt, s hhe*g'npitli oi l ,
01 , 0'4lie; r *Iiiii liftelien'frOm -, h?ti'slia;
Ueet a ailii#l ghipaleia •
a'Ml ti litiCY
.441 f. 4:iii!iiiih4is hiid'6ciOWSOctl'oii,i
' her i'araiini .4 ,4(Aiihthite6 la 146.4i g h1-
: ~rliti. ~ tiOd
,foio.o.rtti yiii4 he ; young 'gill
i '
ai• f ply 'field eciiiiiii)ialion'.,4 - ith imfy . hlintaft
being,. eiaapi , the' eaati, ."E4 to . pittiy,
Oe'her leskii'ttiofit,e;:fif -tlien 4 cainpaliy
'd,aibein, it ~ ,t in,'lly no ni . eang',ligreiaide tit
4iis.."Aiicifeti's • tis" obietie . iiliifrilfe ' -ile s rvAtt
attracted more attention
_flfa t it, r ,'hei 2 own
(laughter. Ilet hushaqd-apetifvery little of
his time at home; and whenhltere wan : 4;1411111-
V tislag. , Btitbac ipetoer . cif .14.„fitupni,
{vas soon Conscious of if groiviag interest in
Ole orPlittn. • Maitell'ltobert, 'a older,yedr
than herself, had' been' a frett&nf i , oVer-ih-
Olged boy, and was now-a seltigh,-pleasure,
iteekiarlad. In. uvenile day he had been
ts,s , the habit of ordering the little servant to
'was hie dog, and Of scolding at her, if she
tid not black his shoes to' his liking. But:,
human Maitre developed within him, his.
manners towards her gradually softened . ;
for he began to notice-, that she was a very'
tiindsonte .girl. Having obtained from his'
inter a promise not to reveal that he had'
gaid anything, he* represented that Sbsy '1
.aught to-have better clothes, and be,allowed
io go to meeting sometimes. He said be was 1
the neighbors thought her very meanly
: Clad, and he had heard that their servnts
inade remarks about it. He was not mista
'ken in supposing that his mother would be
Influenced by -such arguments. She had
never thought of the alms-house child in any
Other light than as a machine for her.conven
puce : but if the neighbors talked about her
tneanness, It was certainly necessary to en
large Susy's privileges.
In answer to her curious enquiries, her
aughter repeated that Mrs. Jones's girl had
'said so and so, and Mrs. Smith, at the next
floor, had made a similar remark to Mrs.
Dickenson. Wbether this gossip was, or
Pwas not, invented by Robert, it had the ef
!feet he desired. Susan, now nearty 16 years
bf age, obtained a better dress than she had
e.,ver beftwe possessed, and was occasionally
bllowed to go to meeting on Suntla,y afternoon.
,BAs Mrs. Andrews belonged to a'. very gen
',teel church, she couldbot, of course take a
'servant girl with her. But the cook went
'„to a Methodist meeting, where " the poor
had the gospel preached to . them," and
4here a seat was hired for Susan also. Mas
her Robert suddenly became devotional, and
vas oftensien• at the !same meetin g . !He
ibad no deliberately bad intentions; but he
:'vas thoughtless by, nature, and selfish by
tilication. He found pleasant excitement in
iivateliing his increasing power over the
''" pi t s - ' 4 - '—' - int '
veinal , : feelinkk, end . someti s, wittn•
Ile queried within • himself whether he was
-tioingright to gain the, girls affections, and
what would come of it all, he had floating
;Visions that he he might possibly educate
;Susan and make her his wife. These vague
ideas he impressed so definitely on the mind
of the old cook, aided by occasional presents,
4bitt she promised to tell no tales. Week
hfter week, the lovers sat together in the
;Same pew, and sang out of the same hymn
i ,
Abook. .
:!, , Then enme meetings after the family had ,
=retired to rest, to 'which secrecy gave an ad- I
ilitional charm..' Susan with a conciousness
'af wrong; and he easily persuaded her it was 1
,a duty, in order to screen him from blame. i
" Was it his fault that he loved her 1" be 1
-,asked ; "He was sure he could nothelp it."
:She, on her part, could not help loving him
xieeplv and fervently, He was very hand-.
f some, and she delighted , in his beauty, as
.:paturally as she had 'dime in the flower,
;.when her heart leaped up and called it Ros- :
'englory. Since her :brother went away,
?there was no other human bosom, on which.
:she could rest her head; no other lips spoke
'lovingly to her; no other eye-beams sent'
j warinth into her soul. If the gay, the pros- I
lie roil . s,-and flattered find it pleasant to be
3oved, how much more:so must it be - to one
*hose life from infancy has been so darken-
;.:ed 1 .Society reflects by ite . own , polution
' - :on feelings which nature has made beautiful,
,!`iand does cruel injustice to youthful hearts
by the grossness ofits interpretations. . Thus
,lit fared with poor Su's,in. Late one sum-
:mer's night; she and Robert were sitting by
the open window of the breakfast room. All I
;was still in the streets ;. the light of the moon
..,shone mildly on them, and hushed their souls
•Into quiet happiness. The thoughtless head
`tf,laixteenrestsd on the impressible of!
•-eventeen, and thus they fell asleep. •
" il
1511 s. A rews had "occasion for some cam
-I,Phor, in`the f iouise of the night,anifit than- !
,eed to be in the closet of that•roota. When
'ldle entered in search of it, shettarted back
l :as if she had heard the report of a pistol.
No susp icion of the existing state of things
::ever crossed her mind ; and tor , that she
;d iscovered it,'it beimr soinitch aleeven ociscovered curred to her that she herself was much to'
;blame... Her own - example and incidental
;'remarks, not intended as education, 'but
. !which in fact were se, had "taught her son
;that" the world! was made fOr him to get as
;much pleasure in as possible, withintt refer
ence to the good of others.' She had cau
-tioneahim against the liability - of being.
:cheated in nioney maters, nhadinstruct
' l' WA' • • l5.
: ed hint to make the chqapeit biniaitts; in the
! . p arch* .of clothing a - " scampi ;. 'iut a
',pink Vie most - inevita e die . mosiinsiduous,
temptation Of this life; e' . ;had received no
twirl:44. ''' 'TIO /gernaiin he heard were
. a bout pubh j ogi r )i' and' 4ilkirisetig,' * ilici,liv'ed
~eighteen liiiored yehr,n, ngo ; none' of 'them
":met the wards'ofhis'oWn life, none Ifilitin
interpretep - keseereti:Tif his owl?
~ hetirt, or
'reVealed tiniiitionafflaWs of the'stiiilts. As
!for Sifsan, the little' fiat . , floated along by'
!the tide, was not mritf.rinorant of bydy'os-.
'es, than she Was of the socitirieiutatiOns,
ii P ll e, mida kff wbifik t
r' hejtrE4u, - , Robert's
iloYe'hicifilOonieil to.:ltor,drevionson.?Rsi
lit4,llite`itlie lifOlit - itigg . C;liiri 'in '''tiW' dnilie!
, f dienitil cents; -and' oW" , iielConi`eill iti:riiidi
!gazed into it, 4indiiejoieedin-it,:utitektofter .
il l *L-" efu l dl i' m q .: ' ,. A l • -t.... ill, ;.,,J.1:11 a, 4 t;: , :.,..
A.4 , , t .bg.4 4 :'k?fig_44l Tqcfl-AIPFP4Fsh.R4gP,'
ss: •i_s f
. - 1
Po !PRINCIrLE."-44yr#sorro..
tolbe mind of Mrs. Andrews. She judged
thelsinn i geOuple as if they had the experi
ea,ce of, 40 veers and *ere encased in her
Aitva z harli crust of-w,001,y wisdom. The di
li*maWouldlirtic been a trying one, even
for a seasible,_ anti, jadic , ious other ; arta
,tramitermentiof if req . uiiea `candor and
deft:icy itdtogOther beyead , her -shalloviVtin
derstatithag,itnd artificial iviewa. -.. , She awe
-49110 Acat.,froll4. t4eiF;dre4l4lviol a, ?nor*
cif,Apdignetion. Her exaggerated state
degreeadapted to thereal
iiismig . dottig, and instead die=
deeiiiiit humility' and. sorrow, . they reified
rOntitmOnt against • what was-felt to be an
yietett.child:tif poverty was,. tteated as-if she
liatilened depravity. No
rioted - 46'e too base:tohe bestowed on her.
-Airtho-andry mistrestit drove ler to her gar
ret, the ,concluding,mords were "You un
grateful, good-for-nothins.hussey, that I took
. spu out of the ahtisloose from charity !
creature, yotl;4lais to reward all
lay kind ness brtrying to seduce and ruin
tiny onlyr son !"
, This was reversing matters strangely.—
Susan was sorely tempted to ask for what
kindness she was expected to be grateful;
but she did not: She was ashamed of having
practised concealment, as every generous
nature is; but this feeling of self-reproach
was or - erpowered : by a,:cousciousuess that
she did not deserve the epithets bestowed
upon her, and she timidly said so. "Hold
your tongue," replied'• Mrs. Andrews.
"Leave:my house to-morrow miming, and
"never let we see you agaim . I always ex
pected you'd come to some bad end, since
that fool of a painter came here and asked
to take your likeness,sWeeptig the sidewalk.
This comes•of setting peciplO up above their
After -talking the matter over with her
-husband, Mrs. Andrews-concluded to remain
silent about Robert's adveoture, tosend him
forthiiith into the ' country, to 'his uncle the
minister, and recommend Susan to one of,
her - friends, who needed a servant and had
no sons to, be endangered. At parting she.
said, " 1 shall take away the cloak I gay • .
you last winter. The time for which you.
was hound to me isn't up by two years; and
the allowance Mr. Jenkins makes to me isti!
-enough to pay for the disappointment in lo
sing your services Susi when you are begin
ning to be useful, after all the trouble tail
:expense I have hi d with you. He -
agreed to pay you verY month enough to
;wet decent clothinW • and that's more than
-you deserve. You ought to be thankful to
me for all the care .1 have taken of you, and
for concealing • your bad character ; but
I've:dene expecting any such thing as grin-.
Irtaleitithis,Warld!" ..The poor girl wept,
but said nothing. She did nor know wimt .
to sap. .
No fault was found with the orphan in the
faknily of Mr. Jenkins, the alderman. His
wife said she was capable and industrious;
and he himself took a decided fancy to her.
He praised her cooking * he praised the neat
ness with whick she arranged the table, and'
after a kew. days began to praise her glossy
hair and glowing cheeks. e All this was very
pleasant to•the human-nature of the young
girl. She thought it was kind and fatherly,
and took it all in good part. She made her
best courtesy when he presented her with a
new calico gown ; and she be g an to think
she had fallen into the hands of realfriends.
But when he chucked her under the chin,
and said such a pretty girl ought to dress
*ell, she blushed and was confused by the
expression of his countenance, though she
was too ignorant of the world to taiderstand
his meaning.' But his ,demonstrations soon
became too open to admit of mistake. and
ended with offers of money. - She heard with
surprise and distress. ',To sell herself with
tout her affections, had never been suggested
to her by nature, and as yet she was too lit
tle acquainted with the refinement, of high
civilization, to acquire familiarity with such
an idea. Deeming it best to fly from perse- ,
cutions which she could not avoid, she told
Mrs; Jenkins that she found the work very
hard, and would like to go to another place
as soon as possible. " If you go before your
time is up, I Shall pay you no ',stages," re
plied the lady, " but lee may go' if you
choose." In vain the poor girl represented
her extreme need of. a pair of shoes.. The
lady was vexed at heartjor she secretly sus
pected the cause of 4ier departure; and
though she could not in justice blame the
girl, and willing enough that she should go,
shethad a . ntitufto punish her. But when
Susia, tadefead herself, hinted that she had
good rcasons'for wishing to leave, shl . bro't
a storm" about , her head 'at once. '." You
vain, inipertinent creature I" exclaimed Mrs.
, Jenkins ; "because my husband gave you a
new.gown, for shame of the old duds you
brofight from Mrs. Andrei's, do you pre
same to insinuate that his motives were not
honorable f And he a- gentleman of high
respectability, an, alderman of the city 1--
' Leave my house l' the sooner the better; but
don't expect a cent of wage's."
Unfortunately a purse lay on 'the table
near which Suzan was standing. She had
no: idea of stealing; but she tliought to her
self; .'" Surely .I have 'a right to a . pair of
shoes-for my three weeks hard labor." She
cetried 'off the pukka, arid- Went into the -ser
vice `of' a - rieighher -who"had
.expreSseft a
wish to . hire. ; That 'fiery '6vening she wits
'airestolced,d .roti'siiii)ki after tried aiidlient
to Blriekwell'i'lsland.' A'''very held' and
bad watrinti wai'sentenced at' the same twie
'arid they' went itt eciatpiiiy. Fitd' hefriiel
itatittifebaioiriiitionithdq*anners '006i . '48-
tin:italiiieit * ii6W 'iieri'e's 'or • lesoons iri lijar
:iiterut:coliiliiebt ethicitiOn', 'wliieli i'Claiii-i
lit& togitiffiiiitf Inid *vita the beginaitt 'ties
talked: apea her:i 'Mei i'eiiidericti on' 'e is.
'land rapidly . 'iriefeaSed 'I het. stock 1 6 'evil
Itikqwlitige. , Mit she ihad 'no . aster* ' tea- -
Aepciell'tti - vice'; 'act , tho'tigh - hei tridealf tif
'riled' 'ilia, liralik,'wete iiteVitabl,sr ' ethiftised
hy-thtl ihit jai iihirktociVintO which - , ihti'.Was l
'Wife; slieltill ' Wi WO to lead'a'aeCeni 'mid
liildittlifoliiiTtfe!":Ti`iidn: tiel4iiied' dihiri . :Ofi.,
fifikffieiit'llielridd'io' iiihe r itie,'E'iititilitia'fit
. fttr l ,: ri ....','•• I . ';Ai1 , ....•'! i r • Ilk `., ‘'. • ' '' '',.., ,
~[L f~~
, -31,
4 ,
" NO
servic4 hutiShe r irdiiir rie feience 1:4 'give ex
cept 'Airs. An , • iris - aid' lir& .lidtilj,i.!4 ,
Whet she eall • d a second' --timii:skip.,,liii
formly' heard Ili', dald'ir.4plyt fl'l - lent 4iiii
hate been on B aekwelllii•lshindircllidver !
hire `
"servants w .. have'tost their' chariteter.", it
Frenatthe ''last of theiiiinttemptit i 'iliel i riii ,'-•
itiikiWg away :hungryl and `,:diseCiast4ate; ci
do ' infarichtrot tQ obtffie i •Sheit4 t o ! . thti IV
Ili ht,Slien she Met'thesalistrittinholiiid if
seriteiked her !tl'ihe''iither*oilian. He to ' He
spiike'4o,' gli"Ve ''her'n,itittar ter of a la
dolkui and aski, ber,te!ciiil irpoelliim that hi
evening. - At•pa 'ag; 4 . prcizitisell to be a la
friendl to• her, Ind' then' murrinuO:d some- y t
thing i m a louts "tone ONoice. ' •...: ' ' . "•
' What were his idcascif the
herself hi
were doubtless iinplied hy the wllisper i ' for el
tho girl listened frith such a stile as tvas ' hi
net on et' innoeeni: face t ltiefore . 'h; /of
sent her - to imp r o ve her 'edlicatienl':en the 'ili 7 P 1
htlidj It is tru , she knew but fiery little, lx
and thought sill less,. ahout the machinery gi
of lags, and reg rations tif social ptotection ; -w
but ikpuzzled er poor head, as ii does ma- 'f'
ny a ;w iser one, ingn shotildipe in'agis- 1 . 11
trates when they praCtice the sae things •B
foil, which they nd wainen to - Bleekwell's all
14mill. She d neveli read or ll eard any- w
thing about " N emales i .ltights.,"lir it might 1
have pccured t' her thOmen mgile all .the °'
laivs,Rand elect all the 'rnagistrates. ' ri
hi l i
Thp possibli effect Of magliterial ad- w
vice_ land pro t ection. is i• unk nowa; for,. she n 1
di net acceptthe invitation to tall: ' As she l hi
walkhd away from the tempteti thinking
saill4 of Roberti Andreivs, and•ciA;per
_dear .el
brottipr Pry
er, - ishe • happened td, l meet the
young man, w 'o had'gained heit,firsilove,
urimifived with he thaijglitS of ekiL ,'With
many tears s . told.'' Ipin her fidveritures
since" they had erred ', The account kind
led lijs indignadon andleicited Ills sympa
thy to a patiful degree: Had heilived in ,a,i
true Viand rational Staid of society, the int-'
puls4tllen eveto hiS better feellngs'iniglit
raised hi nature to a nobß''finselfish
i -And. mans 'frankaess. Butlus it was,
he- fell back up o n decePtion and false pride.
iHe hired apartments tirr• Suzan, llnd'wheed- ;
led his mother put of '.,the means paying 1 '
for them. Thase who deem the i li poor girl
unpirdonahle'r'consentitigla this arrange
ment, would Darn mOcy, under ihnibir tir
initances of povertY,lscorii al utteilone
li s,k;
at i
1 • i ri • 6 { - S.
-/—Ten years ad phised sinl Jerry last •
Iparted with hi blooming sisteril i theri four- .
teeit;.years old. He had been Shipwrecked
twicii, and rev rned Nan sea iiAotal blind-
oessi caused by miEthanageniAt of - the ••
small-pox. H gained a few 4appet's by ''•
playing a cla onet ia ithe stree4i•led, by a :'
littleriragged,. . j ,,
~ ,Riverywhere he d, inquire '
Or lijNister, ut no one, could gt,re-hiin any ..'
tidings of her. One day 'two w.bilicti stop-, • 1
ped to,listen, n d
ond of them pita shilling '
into•ihe boy's l hand, I " Why iiesi, what -'
possisses yoy give , So much Mr hear that ' 4
old racked pi pe 17 said one. - "We looks-a, '
..littlel,like som4body I knew whin I was a., 1
child,?' said the other, i.and theycPassed on. '
The voices were without inflecunns, rough
and inimal in ti; t ne, indicating that the speak=
era lid merely sensual existence: The pi-, i
per did not recognize ieither of them; but /
the flame of S,usy went through his; heart
like 4 sunbeatii through woven clliudik.; then.
she (laid he lotiked like somebody she had i
khonn ' He inqiiired of the b 4 whether
... .
the woman called Susi , was-handsome. He
repl'ired, ';N0 7 1 ,--she isilcan and/I:pale ; her
cheep bones stjuld out{ and her great dark
eyes - dook crazy." The blind r4titi • hesita
ted ii moment land then said, "fet us' walk
iptick and follow their]." Theyldid so, but
lost *ight of the women at the Miming of a'
.dirty alley. or six - , Ureeks the (blind piper
liept a iratch inithe neighborhood' obviously
a very bad one, In tinny houses he inquir-; •
ed it any-one knew a woman mihred Susan
Gray, but he ways !received art answer in
the ;negative. .2,.. t lastl-an old irman said •
1 that girl ned SySua Andre vs boarded
aria her for a while; that she nits very fee- i•
Ade 4nd lived i
,a street near bj. He fol- • i
low4d the, directions 'she gave, atid stopped
befo t re •the house to pl4y. People came o
the floor and iwindow*, and inga feiv ra •
tperkt.s the boy pressed his hapd, aayi ,
t i
i . ", There -is the wiciate,:you wancito find."—
; 4e 'istopped a raptly, 4ind-exclapned, " Su
;sy VS There • 'as an Anxious nitilderness in
his tones, win I; the•hystanders.llmard with
loudlaughter.. Their /shouted, .": ,I ,,Susi , , you
are 'Oiled for. here's i a ;beau forliyou!" and
lawny a, ribald jest wept round. iißut.she in
a sadder vole than ustial * exclainiecl, "my
pooi fellow,. hat do Ypit wantgwith. me i' •
Did you giv, me. 11hilling a rifew•iweeks
OW" be as " Pies,:l did[bat surely ,
thaqwas no eat th ing." "114 d you ever
'4 , brpther ty;l44ed Jerry 1": he inqiiired. •-•" O
Aile4iven.l. telt pm if yen know o.nything of
lima!" she eltqaimed. lie into, her
arnr,l3, sobbing, "my sister!. illy poor 'sis-.
ter n' The laughter. hushed in aptly; and
1 - • . ? •
1 many ,an eyeciwas, Oiled *ith mO l .. ..,.'rhere
1 .weri human ihearts there.-‘also'and they ,
felt alt once th a t . the 'poor piper v as Susy's
Jost brother, ;Ind thit• he had clime lierie,toi
her)diud. 1
~.: 1 / : k ._ .1
1 , Aar an instant she 'Clasped h im convul-,
Sive!) , to her illeart4 • :Then th4jsting him
. liwEiy with a added -amvtmaen 41. site cried ,
Lit (lin% touch 6, Jerr y ! Donitibuch mei":
14 Nyhy not; ear sisterl"-he lisked; Bite
' heionly repl dj in is }deep horisi `. tone , o(
Selqoathitig, , ' .Don'• 'unit., pie !i 1 -ti. Not 6ii - e i
of tim,viciousOdlers isnided.ii - Stinie . 'wenral-',
!wai l ,weepingiletliertiivrith pffecti niansolic-es
"(le r? , °ff ll red ast h f 7: l tnrahno .t° th sti a bli ve rn ti V eh ft e n d -:
'', ;plindness, icould lini have iliOn the inti
-IPeenre.ltat striodibefortilltitn,: antUre'-i
co • ized;ltt #arii.ol . ll'nlliiine ' . fr- eyes, - liii
imil beloved litttle Ripipagl*. a ---- .1 ; .-:',.,'
rcolsthat'hT. l l - ti*fidli f.e.l,___fto,het
t i ith the !rid . aiiid 'lsiittepti.4.'pte'foiti
' nth* eOP ; tirlnble a; 'whin'i ~ 'o,a*.e4:'oif,
1 1
.+p - he - ,.he ''tfserilitlititit' her' I:entbi,tne:
i,vitti ' ditS iidtt;'faiiifiU 16'001 litiO''lpOlipi t
' :rutsi*lr . n_ el4esiiii4ltb4cidio.ll' /1400i!itict i
- 04 —A Iletpliiitit , 4loiiiitid i the'.haiieligit il
`; . 1 i - fol
tf .. frik
• i*OIM
• -00 •
, g. 4
1 . ,.
8 ,
1 . , .
, litriliCoisi , •
:.: • blivs''',7,sCu t•-. * . )
i ColuziOa
, 2 ,
; c o,
‘...,„ ~,,,,,,
ell , • a ;t• - . 11A
o or 7 t
ve ' rto4ten
l 'fgKEN '
, nra
,e, called the How
Ilniveiihoen- prison_
• fortn',l, can find the
went acrd besought
wed_ to coniwthe
t h eit•-• i:io.'. : a well-Vei
n Oktpanfoitai4l
wt jastreposedrati
I had only met With
... he6d*dilow diffe
e '," 'she wai,liont
ro heiltiVied her.. for
of grinnei.foelluittio
o iiiiiilt i that-yoinho
.. ,ii , e„ . day 4L Aill4 SYM
o'bunch of flowen
i ,
~ an aridefined tte
i wlien' , liii•thought ,
I .• eliiidliefad. ...v
1 aps please 'lei, ,
, .. , .;:and-saidi .cheo , .
2, ~ 4 seatitrhati hat
rtoo. Much • for 'the'. me th :
• orlecoelf on..hifu.n
Vied -to:socith hei;
is ittatiSubdited ';‘,:oit
::L think. about in
:in a gteat sinner;
a• . quiy,anc(l;:wiiii
is i wiiiiian; - ' aild'tola
P vamt-:ieetiriv livi
in iorijdidthetr; fa.
ii. ; but ; it was not
di :riot"' 'li - -:Yo be—
-3e • rned ) tii . cr late
'l' efall'Aviongte •
up I was like a w
wi i as-bleir rite abaft
ed '% .Hei'presiciller 1
he teitrilifell - iipoii it.
yo tlover'Sbe said.
a,. , loti'do notithink
fo givenefis, do yOU 7'
b i ced het; andlursif
ed ; but God, only - kit ,
n • friecteil iyoutb, our
a d bur ieth r atiotiel
w I, I a* sure tarsfil
ly as men bave'done:
He knelt 'AloAta 1)) , 1
K yer, , ziadkwith . 110'
I asleep. e drea
that pillow''fitidrkel
I 'e Oulthe'llyiliroti 1
i • 2- watelied *ith. b‘:
.ary spirit pasiedia
and , >Suffering.'
.air' alone.
hei'ittfholding t
gingionee !nom `to
ire the 4eirtlt , cover%
• rne irr to 'look at, t
`be kind and syrhp
4i. itfidetattind the
rart: , To the wtruil
she v'ein ' ed wive:
scensioa of the po
en to sir gfent a Si
e room! and :
rk aad tzinglint, a
: About. a fortnight.
Whom Jicktiono
ti.ateats,i Ants
here -14eihalimient
p peons. When Lei
h. ate '..he heard a
..00d , behind hint.:
use of.t4elloisii. he
• °lves; cOrniag , direct
eltaticc:oteseape •
i out ,as his;: only,
t etv-do*alii:guni •
• large.4rot,.ond, site
o ...the.fet'
ached taa&w.alke
.t , yee timOs,:at .arldlOr
c lance or attack bet
nt: .
:When they were
I 'yeled lids gun,,und;
i. ccession,ara two,
ly.iwountle4; the
i • s salotcd:on,thec
. low, front the ,butt e
niniaLretoYering ,
rind both fen, tel
I eadlpstcuggle,f in
; otagortis,t . seytroty i
ody. Feeling - him .
ss,ofJ)l4di the: Y 6
raw; fraat his : pock •
i ,
. erate,pltraga at the
I eiiiatelrfell,,exhi
, e fol?i-qf : the , tree,
olitiict, find -c ored
sChis•three enemies
wakene4 his wand
.be handle in the he
With pent diffie
nd alarmpti
he sp9t
e torjuetlyte,ell ,1
Byttipt (amid,
,r 1 ~ -. 1 •,;,7 • c:1
, They haFe,•a,pov
I ne attheir inws e ,
, heirgol4 And. sayer, ,
dens on , solvent ; -n 1 !,
~ .61tatidite-:WheA; 4 1
red_ t 401tPlecein
it ,
.ttnt!qii..receive. , 72 l ,
!..O:t O S;thqtPAYM ',.
udireti i n the cou ~
0 1 7;14)"PNYAIN10.0f: '
~.u., , , '
- A--paperllowii e'
Pr* 114,,t1 **o a
ife",conitgOile:o l 0 4 . j
.. - - 1144 . 14 - 11*fiktn'
iiiiiiiriiilikg l4 o l
rakChoPkt'g ra - 58 )
..h.‘ ii. , ~.: -. 3 , --
'''''i:Seciiiiiiiieha l
iiioit'li: : ,..4(4 io , i'''t
voi d d iii*T4 . 6% , .,
. a . ia . 3tisitt , l a
. t
';: e it,if- illiiitit eifiiVs 1
,-,...- O ., 1
~ c 4
t the nan,
l"'f1 -„r - . . •
A..• ••- eat i
a',.; , , , . •J'..t - "t$
. - . ..14.424.,Ce‘fit
.:'•-••,''' ; `• 0
• 4 4 .,....i , w , ,, k 4- e .l- 0
. o . I,A,:'ests 00 '
7.) oricla.:4lo, ; ,k Alf 00
.1 tht- -' l 4:lc:' t - st) 4iPt
"iitseitei3 at raitiiititlil
f',.• ,-., :,'F. i t la. lt ... ; qnt
ITk6l •
:.-, nu,m.ll4lttrll btu
L. hiliowiin, e4tivAvi
'where th • 4rotrieli
ds and sincentlWislt
ter and entiltdynienti
at; hifiti inis#Mlght
erand &et:l:e . ..P.11:
tilatedz ;;..sitan:a
Abe!.. '..• //pit.
Atrueld 4 i . s.r,f. 0;
siieVwlietit u pocir
' t ititiigh 'ailiiive
to -, ''Eay: -I Tkhp •Jblivid
ead,-and! 'Op.tido
, de114, - ;•I'' wasksat'°
BDi-fp:en3e 1: lil';111
ptithizingli aka gave
dis t
Torhis-,kiittir.:: lkilithi.
liar pad i ritrained
fin 6% 2'3lle ti llitnvoid .
• t , :thiOintatig'ht
e steOped 1 intbr the
4t. ully, 4 He' •Iltilien
• • brough. tie nri tit
obe Aliertokit i sera
r? she-Jai4andAdie
i lt,*ddditetiolentlY.
'ad afteifit.4 , hihnihe
: ; " I- arn , tilivildeted
r.: lf, : Tltitellinie
I never . . ated-ony
Robert nutrried that
ine - icget.'inietif - ,..his
t It' 4 tither , g Willi:sit
liftle'Whiioll hatt4
9ng. Deai Jett-j- I
Ae Tut ;tiler
'" 0, ' bleOt-yoif 1* •
" Poor oi*oillfisol
h 'aye sinnbir tielotth
Ferventlk: g hlo:Vtilii•
&d" lcitithlit6iinn
Fronel '1:141,444in gs '
:and; sayoliffat llie+
not juilige 00§Ottarsii;
- -1,0
he 'bedside' in sited
anti r t
ed that a!igetti , sieod
ed' iviifl :sad' Okyttig
d Olight
oTWiteit tty;lier
& c id th4lvotidlit
hi'idled loilieiAlkilfs
emancipated litind,
-ee that dear
it Toreie4 , fifyisttbi
Itorp , se:. iii6kit
3 ect 4parit:OildibetAici
with 164 ratieh l 6.6
4f . l". g ieetf64,
er. - Hr fose tb fail&
medtdy,' 4 .SWlV - di;
•paths'Of hOlife4ere
d ishe , hist her 4 04) , .? )0 4 /
Acyoungivitp adde.
in one nf-the.haek-.sett
ing • from :the moats
art of the day.ahootitig
iin about .3:2lnile:i of
ckling la I the: . udder
d turaincr,to,leara tthe
II • heict tit " reeßaorroous
y upon.him aiiLstrir
nd-Aetermined to fight
mita ?of
[ placed his bitch *last
tty. awaited lite:Aqua
ale: The, wolves !*p.
Tottod.the *roe:, two or
di.stanee f .batseeing
ad, they advanteiLicia
. ..-. .. .
, •
red the•twarb,oz . Pekin
the molves , felLinorn
ird eprang,utAinii add
end eAttunning
d of- hispieee t "•,bitr,the
zed the young:tuna/by
e ground, iogether , .: in
• 'different -ports •of 'hill
• If gyowing'weaklrotn
th:with tome:dif u
' a. knife, made one dea
-1 avage nnimal,iattdirn
sted unit , senselesszat
I wfully tnaugled
pith blobd. . ••?•f.
•$8 retivned,. the , bight
ting seriseelto:thitrreall
unotnows - , , e,scatoedt'eni
~ fciurtd.fitickingi.fitni}:to
t. lisiatestfoik Zni,
l;y.1 he Tenchell Ii we
ndsi • 6111411311't0
and blVilghttilogle the
trophia l iwbat
j,Pqr.TPOY-Alk te?regOs•
L c mpsmiroft§a'pproved
'm#B, au
. . , .1111414 11 44-44,100:31efi
-14;114. vsl.itittiiidiguent,
of Oregon territory, 444
i: ,1 4.)ffi:00'...; wiiiiit,
, trerelag o ~,,_ itivio.
. 41 4 ‘ itt - Q 14 iiiil - :IN )'"`