The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 8

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6 arseeeracto.okelw(terasoneses, no 05...(--r-` Izesto en
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The: Town!
f Lg 0:0 4N4V
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1 .
e - -
C ;t
Office in the
, . -,.
A General Insurance Business is Transact
ing . Life, Health, Accident and Plate Glass I
I represent s u ch leading Fie Insurance Companies as. he Aetna.
Hartford, Philadelphia Underwriters and fifteen others o, .'j the same
high standard. Alpo the Traveer; L i fe.i Health, Ac dent and
Lloyd's. Plate Glass: .A,gencies at--- f
' • Hallstead, Great Bend:and Starruc j
1 • ._ ; ~
--- - . -
i 1 i - I
Desirable Realty for r=l-
l ent. '
~ . _
' Grand opportunities . tor new enterprises in Susquehan i County,
Acre' propeity,‘suitable for manufacturing purpos6. 'for ' Sae, lease
or rent. Full 'information as to power, shipping fac I ties, etc.
. .
• ' l ll
. -
. -
saaud 144eikoi 4.1_1 jire7n
in S h C
usque anna ouhty.),,
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Carbonated . - Beverages,- including
Agent for the Celebrate
11 , 1
Pabst Milwaukee B
i 1. , • ,:
. r :,
-,i:s6scfpel -'o,- Pei 'a
ell ( - 1
Z .', :I
i ..,,
Soda, = Gin,
Me, Etc.
If Here, It's Right.
-r -
If Rig,* It's Here,.
Vrominent Businessland Profession
„41 Men are
9 4 9 4 6 00NADAtigaGanaGerieSTWOOSIG4010916' rOaCEL4-16MON
A, PA.
f 1r
, ~, .9
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, . . . .
. .
:,,, - . :C 185,i Susquehanna Depot bor... grjw , to iluch an. amount as will ccine
• ough wasincorporated. Prior to ,in very. handy in . : time of need
t......;.- that date it had been a strug
• • so much; bet•er in , every wayfor the.
wage . LcOner to open a savings account
It is lawyer and an eicellent citiz n, he is ib
trusted with business of a large
clientelle in yarn us parts of the &arm y.
He.has entire charge of the-business of,
the l.rie Cumi.a . ny for this . county.
filing liatnlet and notso very lonisbefore instead Cif wasting' his money in un-
So .119 pul ar, indeed, is this brilliant
ceung 'attorney that - - hundreds of his
the woodman's ax -resounded throti7,ll neceessi4iy expenditures or in hoardin g '
friendS and admirers at the countSr -
- the' hills upOn which the town is shit- it w. hertOt accumalates no interest anti
and elsewhere are already c Arpling his
ated. . From the early so's, howevei, is liable to loss In numerous ways. The
a . mewith that of dis riot attorney; and
. officials of the City National are: . A. J.
indications - pointed -to a destiny which Schlager l 4 president :. Raphael Kessler,
it is entirety within the range of prob
embraced stores, hotels, manufactories . , vice president and LeGrand Benson, .
ability,that -Mr. Skinner's numerous
handsome homes, etc , and those inch_ cashier .:,: Directors :
i friends among the members of the bar
cations have been realized. A J Schlager,
nhaeliKessler, LeGrand
..Benson, M.,
. public generallywill at the next
. . J Ryan;' M. L Mißer.-4, Teilry Arnelp-,'
election p t . nsistentliurge his nomination .
. The land upon which Susquehanna is A. L. Kessler and N. T. Schlagen, • .-
• - . and election LI A hat prominent judicial
built was a part of the Drinker tract.
- ' • , •
Drinker creek flows through the town, James E. pave. Office.
His marked power of iniiatiVe in the
with precipitous hills on either side: -One Of the largest and mist impor-
.iniprovement of the chances of acquit-,
'al in s tine • notable criminal cases in
Owing to thedeep chasm through which tant buOness institutions in Susqueha n
the creek flows, one principal street in- na count.‘. dealing largely with our farm. which-ht. his appeared-
evidence and
for the defense
tersects the town.from eaSt to west, and ers anCelairvirieff: isicarried nn in the .
by pros mite .
vocable to his
this . crosses the - creek near its mouth. enterpriing townof Sutquehanna. We g
In the sidewalks of some of the streets- - It fer - trithe well-known establishmentsearching 4 ut decisions
are - flights.of stairs with rests at inter- tot nedand operated by Mr. James -R.. eonteritionsshow what is possible .for to accomplish if he should be se.:.
vals. These serve to lighten the fatigue • Pac--rin institute -n that has adthd lee-ted as the commonwealth's pro- ecut
of footmen who, but for these stairs, touch t'O.. Su , queha , na's prestige as a or--accO•nplishments which would go.
toivard making him ,n ideal district at
would findlirt.igress exceedingly dillicuit. distril utng center , !or :. large area or
counts}-,in every direction. Mr.' Pa ye
tomer Nevertheless. Mr. Skinnerls
• -fjgvough. Officials. . .-* 'k
- a larpe dealer in - tgag r - ms, carriages.- ru.t seeking, the- office; and .if he is. ever
The boroug h Officials at the time this harness;ihorses and fa t rming implementa di st' iiit'alfOrnif, the office will have to
.is writtt n were as follows: -Mayor. P. nf all kinds, and -it is - ii truism among iteek him. . ~
J.Connera; treasurer; William Ahpaugh; the fanners of that section that if you .-. „. . .
attorney, Thomas A Doherty; collect- ate I 'iolirg for a bargain -in any of-the . H otel Lansifor . d. ... .
: • ,
or of taxes;..Thomas Lannon; ju.stiees, above lines you will surely find that it The Langford is unquestionably one
Joseph NI, Williams and \V 11. Lang- pays to'4eal with Page., in the line of of- the best hotels not only ip•the town
ford;.-chief of police, Thomas j. Me- tatinwiW:ric rindTai riaces only the best and. county of Susquehanna, hut the
Mahon; councilmen ; E.. W. ja:kson, and rno . -t ‘ .. ulNstantial makes are handl( d.: sate of Pennsylvania. It; cuisitte will
president; D. J, trCi - innor. H. ti.'Bru..ll, and the pri , e:s will appeal to the cui• favorably with some of the
M. J. Ryan, Frank Cuiran, W. B Main,
.._. - .. . .
A. j. Ryan. R. J. McCarthy and p,l. -
Lynch, -secretary of council.
- ' Erie Shaps.
The Eric shops at Susquehanna are '
the mainstay of the town. Theses:hops
are, 'next •to the :PennsylVania's at Al
toona:-the largestand perhaps the most
pretentious in the st rte. Thousands of
dollars are paid out in , wages'each
month among numerous artisans who
are mos liberal spenders, hundreds of
whom wn their own houses in Sus
qUelta na and with their families t.on
stitu.tlno. inconsiderable proportion .4
the towns population.
It is a wen industrial plant, devoted
to mainten.ance and equipment for a
large mileage,on the Erie. with several
large buildings. thoroughly equipped
with modern machinery and appliances.
divided among different autonomous
bureaus or departments. but compct
and of easy access one-t..the other
This pl'i/nt i•; made up of machine,-
shor foandries: pant
them in c , •<1.1- and substa• ;al
unt c are- I.
wareliousesio - ti:taining thousands of 001-
ortlr! -, 1 iriateriaLaltd.LonS ef metal
aiid acre,: of' timlhcr are piled up ro i l? e
A co-nmanity that c.,ntains Such a
gi.zantic phut as threse shops surely ‘.l
- adequate facniliei for numerous
mantitticturinz, establishments operated
by privateeindividu 4.11 a lesser scale,
but if located in the viciai• y would add
imtnenselylo the xveluire and wealth - ‘,f
the town.
The deti:.rtnining factor n seciiring.ncw
manuflcttiting •enterprises for Susqu&
hanna, acid other t• .% - n, in the cOunzy
having .natural advantages, is for thc.-
leading.and intiuent . al citizens —men 4
affairs-to get together, to organize,
and make•known what they have ID of
ferby way of advantages, superior in
Many instances to those. of other . com
munities constantly on -the alert and
"doing things" toward moving •the car
of progress. Spending money' in print- .
et's ink and a fair quota of "hustle
will accomplish wonders in this progreS-
save age. •
What is needed in such cu,ttimunitis
as ,usqueharina is effectual organiza
tion into a board of trade or commer
cial exchange, and once organized the
next great want is, not the thost some
individual or combination of a few in
dividuals can get cut of it, but what
will accomplish the greatest good for
the greatest number. This is seed sown
broadcast for what it is.woyth-7-mere
suggestion based upon close observa
tionsi of what other communities have
accoFnplished by pursuing identUia!ty
the flarne methods.
Joe RyarCee Co. . •
JoSeph Al Ryan, head of the fivular
clothing firm of Joe Ryan and Co.. is
not only one of sufiquehanna's ad ing
citizens,but no one in that thriving town
has more personal friend:. He is a na
tive 1 of Susquehanna and his been
prominently indentified with the best,
int.:rests of the tcwn all of his life. He
was the Democratic nominee fur county
commissioner last Novembe-, and the
the flattering vote be received at Sus
quehanna and wherever known was
proof of his popularity. and if will not
be Ptirprising if his party calls for him
at sine future time.
The establishment conducted by him
is perhaps the largest exclusively cloth.
ing and furnishing store in the county.
The a nd
are agents tor the celebrated
Kirschbaum clothing. made in Phil Adel
phia'r—tpe largest clbthing manufactur
er Yn the? United States
City National Bank
A town is judged largely by the char
acter and standirig . of ;ts banking 4llsti
tutions In this respect Susquehanna
enjoys re wide reputation for its many
re liable bu`siness concerns and none
:rand higher for integrity,: solidity and
conservative business methods than the
City National Bank. 1124 'popular fi
n.encial institution is on a solid . and safe
fourdatidn. It includes A t inong its
customers a large number of:rnerchants,
manu!'actuNrs, mechanics and farmers,
many of whom keep their surplus
on. deposit there, assured a's the eeee
that, all the safeguards knoWn iL ,
denti banking methods are 'provided.
Its officials. directors and many of its
stozkholders are ! , `.known throughout
this section as competent,careful and
thothughlprellable businessmen who
can 1)e depended upon to conduct its
affaiks in a manner, entirely satisfactory
to its customers.
The savings dep'artment is very popu.
lar ‘ l ,:ith the 'wage-earners of,' the town
and !vicinity. Three per cent interest
is paid on savings deposits ; Working.
menicould have no better fr . o:.d than
sate 4 sound and trus , w thy savings
-bank, such as C.a. City.. National; for
their earnings can t•e deposited, a little
at a time, and that little will eventually
tt ,
... . . 6 . : . NM=
, • .
' . • ;.
ti,,,,e. ever:: :Hie, a , Mr ha , e i , an 3:x- higher p: . ice hot,- l-i In the 'large • ciCes .=
perien -. 0 and car-14.:.1 ~:.wi huyer a , ' •hruughout.the ha: , while the rooms = -
gives his pair 11!- 11 . 'i t (tits aria , .- ~, efir , t-class:And;war t.ii e ll e., in fiiti, gs
there:l6ln Tile 044 ck ~ i h trness 1. ... and turni-hillgt, t 6. ho•els usually- fu t ii.d .= . •
dltd . emprazes the tiut4 ut o' •‘• ..s IN :4 town of the ' siie Of Susquehanna •-=`—'-
rnatufaeturt.r- o: tile eoiint• , ir in I! , :rolveoience. t-i - o, is. a zeatiire, as it's =..
irigle 'o.:1- double while . the :.ees are I. c'iited near the.Eiie pas_senger station
right.ln the , dirie LI a;;xicutittral jut; and only a short giskance from the busi- . E.
rltiments.Nlr. I' ye Seriseverythirg us: d ness houses of the teywn The rates are =
liy, the f . i. -, • rogfesldve . farmer, from very reasonable ($2 per .day) whtn.:the
a scythe to
'2l •
rs„.. )
, f
.. , . -
, •' '-
i lie . harve,ter or threshi-Ig superior accomnindallons are_considrr. =
machine-. Ir [Jaye is one of the most ed. Mr. F. 'F. Laneford. o titer and =
1 -
4 , .....,
sut)stantiai c;tizens,of Susquehanna and manager. is ; anflitscr hotel man. Thor-= .
the handsome, p eturesque residence olighly afire id_ the c0m1 . ...a land wet= --, 11- "L ... .
which he owns and resides in is a credit fare of his guesjs, he is withal a-genial . L ....
- .
to the Community and' one of the show pleasant gentle'man, and his personality = '
Plazes of the to`ti . -n. • We present here- isno small fatoor in makingof the house = 1 -
Favorite Stopping Place for-the Traveling Plitlic E
witi an'engraving of thii beautiful res- a leader in .its line in N ,rtheastern =\- 1 , ' . ._ _ . • ,
idence. ;, Mr. Paye bas at all times taken Pennsylvania.
- • . F. - G. Oakley. •
- 22 Excellent Cuisine -ew- , Good Service . ..
an active interest in the advancement
. •••••
of Suseptehanne and in a business way
\o business institution in the town = . .
Comblete in All Its Abipointments;
has doae much to advertise its advent-,I
, .
or - county of Susquehanna has been .....•••••,,...........,..,„„.„,„„, , '
ages at a trading er. ,
W. cent Akinner. 'more prominent in furthering-the in. ElllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllll. IIIIHIIIMMIIIIIIIM11111111111111111111111:10
' • , terests of the county than-that oil? G. ~-„ -,
The :bar of Susquehanna county en-
Oakley's general insurance and real es- ri! • • • ,17- -
- .
joys wide fame ; constituted as it is of tate agency. located in the Brandt
- .
men of:erudition. many of whom have block, Susquehanne.• Mr. Oakley is a
stamped the im . presa of their distinguish-
yo g man fully deserving the great
ed personality upon the annals of the success that has crowned his efforts in - . . .
• ,
- .
state They are as a class a likeable lot, his chosen profession. He was born
degeified, refined learned and progres- and raised in Susquenanna ' and for a ' , • . .
.• • .
sive /Ole practice of their profession. couple of years has conducted his busi-
No member of our bar stands higher in ness with signal ability until . today he . .
• ,stands in the front rinks of. li-iness
the esteem of his fellow man than W.• . .
A. Skinier of Susquehanna. He main - circles The agency to which he sue-... .
ceeded was - carried on for more than a ' - .
quarter of a century by J. H Cook
& Son. C. J. Fhhcr "&: Co.. and 3, L. • . .
Curtis & Co.. in, the ot der nam'ed, and - . .
its prestige and reputation int - provid- -
ing ins"rance that inures is sustained '
at the hands of its presi nt proprietor. :
Mr. 0 skley does avt ty large real, es. . .
tate business as well as insurance and •
is prepared 'to give reliable information
tri those seeking netV locations forman- '
ufa•cturi rig and other en•terprises. ,
- Tratisitopt and Ledger. , •
Susquehanna boasts of the only daily
newspaper in the county. The" Trans--
script " wa.4 founded Augur'. -22, 1886.
by Joseph Clark.- " Later it was merged
with the " Ledger " Th • " Transcript"
.Publohing Company assumed charge of
the plant 'in 1 oe3, with George V. Larra
bee as busine,s manager and Thompson
Bean is editor. The company is com
posed of •seyeral of the prominent busi
ness men of the town and 'consequently
the paper has fine backing. .
s ,
• First National Bank .a ,
One of the most important features .
in Susquehanna's bto,inesstjtefor 4 long
. . _ .
' series of years. through "good tiines" •
tams an office there and spends the
and "bad times". and •all the times',',has ~
ereater port of his time in looking after
his large practice in hiS home town, but been the First National Bank of Sus
as he practices, in all the courts he is quehanna, which wasorganized in 1865,
with a capital of :1 4 50.ei00. a( terwands
frequently seen and .heard in Montrose ,
increased to stoo 000.
lts steady growth in its voluide Of
the rtountv seat, at other points in
the ati : in which the higher courts are .
held. ''.
business. its importance with the com b
a m lm un o i s t. t y tx through till these 3, , ears, is\
beyond belief ;•witli a capital of \ -
Way .Ccunty. in • 187 5. Of pleasing
Sic:o.000 and' undivided profits up; \
` l4 _Skinner was born in Starrucca.
per. •ali:ty and breadth of character.
wards $40,c00, this.fine record of growth .. \
he i . - ery popular with the people all
.• .
.. 0 .
over the; county; and' as he is an able (CONTINI.J.D N PAGE TWENTY:SEN"EX.)
-'.I).FNi 4., OP TItSIS E. PAYE
s and
Enterpi l
a .3'.
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= Susquehanna, . - - - Pennsylvania•
••••M I =NM
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I •
g ett,,,Aase
ises. Who Its
Fire- In
With" a Fir
Companies any
years'„ experience in the bus 7,,
Mess, - we. are prepared to
take care of our patrons' in
terests at all , times, esPeciid
ly after the fire has consum
ed their property. Telephone.
C. t. Titsworth,
First Natipnal- Bank Buildink,
„ ,- 1 -:- , : s , ' - •-••••1 - - - --‘..,',-: •: , :--r, , -- .-''
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Susquehamp.; _Pa.
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