The Mount Joy star and news. (Mount Joy, Pa.) 1878-1918, May 11, 1918, Image 3

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eads of Canada’s Western |

in every hamlet and district Is felt

capoected from a people whose love of
liberty and justice

and the generations that
greater and greater.
there will be |
no badge of mourning to indicate the |
that is dem anded for making the whole
ration and willingness
When the people look back,
( anda h 1s done

200,000 out of a popula-

vin and there is no sound of a
made upon her

roldiers, Canada was recently asked to

| being essentially an agricultural Prov-
ince at the present time, these condi:
| tions are a source of great gratification
| to our people, and no doubt will be to
Canada os a whole—taking into consid-
{ eration the fact that Alberta forms no
anall part of the granary to which the
pire at present looks as the source
of its food supply. ’-—Advertisement,

Little Cironiated His Way.
Dacon—This repert tells us that the
total circulation of money in the Unit
o| ed States last year was $£3,419,168,368.
Egbert—-Well, now 1 understand
vhat my doctor meaut when he told
me my troubles came from poor cir-
There is only one medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver
and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the

a tw a |
Sa Great
Acting Director of
"se of the Moody

tor of Practical Work Cc
Afni Bible Institute, Chicago
Bible Institute, (

smesummaIROSaTsome |
1 d
Genuine |
Always :
| Bears the =
{ Signature

How shall we escape |
It is very evident that the s
here spoken of is that which God has
| provided ar us in
AVetetable Preparal
i iy similating theFood by
ting the Smad and Ieee dn
‘he Son of Man hath
forgive sin.—Mark

ut ority on ear

ine Digestion
Cheerfulness and Rest. ’
wm, Morphine no
| iy be none : oth-
i the re never

man's deenest need.


This is one of the most dramatic,
spectacular incidents recorded in the
is a good illustration for

highest for the reason that it has proven | ~
to be just the remedy needed in thou-
| sands upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swi amp Root, a physician's 5 prescription for
special diseases, makes friends quickly be-

unday school teachers on how to te
story by imagining what one would

cholars see with thelr imagination,
cause its mild and immediate effect is bis
soon realized in most cases, It is a gen
tle, healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, mgdi
um and
However, if vou wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
| mention this paper.

Who Would Not?
Bacon—\Which do you enjoy the
most, the day or the night time?
Eghert—Well, you see, on one side
of my house is a shop where they test
boilers all day, and on the other side |
lives a man who is testing his violin
nearly all night. Come to think of it
*1 I think I enjoy the day time more.

ir affects Canad:
shown by the willir
great and noble part they
They are a unit
on making the world better.
wealth was never shown
sses great wealth in the soil, in
and courage of its men and its women

dihood and determi

r on the war, are

men, prominent in their country say, i
who may be pessimistic of the future,
the message that these gentlemen send |
Three and a half years in the war, able
to speak as they , the future should
3. Norris, Premier
“Manitoba has prospered exceed’ g-
ee —
ing, have never been in better ole.
Out of her prosperity
s giving lavishly toward the
Every appeal for |
tion to carry on.
winning of the war.
funds has met with quick and generous
The people of the Province
into the collar in
There's a spirit of deter-
willingness to
, of confidence in the certain out-
Manitoba will carry
katchewan had a prosperous and
st.ccessful year in 1917, and when Pre-
; filled with an optimism |
re is no doubt that the j
boom have not altogether passed away, | man kye Balsam
t Hoste generally,
towns are in a bois on 110( ial position
today than at any previous t

Province a mixed pop
and scientific methods are mak-

glorious future ar
a people on the peo pia ins of Cant:
a, of whi ch the whole

thus temporarily
demand for farm help and ir
arm effort to till its highi

ent is reproduced.
“The prosperity
munities is reflected in the t
increased wholesale busi
and bank clearances.
port increases from 20 per cent
per cent and their collections the best
In the history of the Province.

will quiet your cough, soothe the in-
flammation of a sore throat and lungs,
stop irritation in the bronchial tubes,
insuring a good night's rest, free from
coughing and with easy expectoration
in the morning. Made and sold in
America for fifty-two years. A won-
derfu! prescription, assisting Nature in
building up your general health and
throwing off the disease. specially
useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup,
bronchitis, ete. For sale in all civile
ized countries.—Adv.
“I didn’t much care about the way
Josh's clothes looked down to camp,”
armer Corntossel.

“Hasn't he his regular uniform?”
vet. If they're going to keep i
dressed that way in hopes of de- |

» | celving the enemy into thinking he's
just an obscure peasant or something
| what I say is that it's carrying this new
kermoofling idea too far!”
“Cold In the Head”

1e story of this lesson as though they |
vere eye-witnesses of the whole scene.
[The time was about May or June A. D.
the second year of
Consti pation. and Di
and Feverishness a
resulting therefrom -inlnf
Fac Simife Signature of



Jesus’ ministry, |
. weeks following the last lesson, |
{during which time he had Peo en Dre
and healing in

hat originates with ms
which he attempts to ex Jesus could testify |
2 home as well as before the multi- |
Indeed it was after having tes-

‘or it was not known that he was there,
s after he had been in


llness of time came
and even Je-
Jesus did his work so well |
in the home that wherever he v
world wore a path to his doorway. 1
tice verse two; when the crowd gath-
he spoke unto them “the
s in his own body

ft is always a terror to old people and a menace at some tir
It is the forerunner of m
than almost any of NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS
allowed to go unheeded. At the very first indication of
TUTT’S LIVER PILLS which for 72 years has been suc:
most prevalent of all disorders. For sale by druggists anc
r. Tuli's Liver
And Jrevenis others having the ¢
50 cents any = a
Spohn Medical Co., Massfacture; :
is also wrought out !
! x tout IY wany a successful man,
comes popular, forgets to preach the |
Gospel, the Word of Life,
Impelling Need
This man who had paralysis, i. e., dis- |
Salvation Preached. being, young or old.
Salvation which is provided t
| Is made known through preneling:

g to save them that ' yrived of his sensation but his power |
As to the cause of his difli-
his previous chart
there is no word of suggestion.
{ evidence today,
cases are the |
our own debaucheries and |
made known some
r, but this is God's way
man to have it
It has pleased him to do Stop to all
Tosub “Birsned with
preach the gospel to all | {hat pests his ease was likewise the
But what avail is it to hear
pel if one does not accept it?
spel is not sufficient to save
It must be accepted if it is to be
in one’s life the power of God unto sal-
The way to make it one’s
, believe it with

not have been a prodigal son, |
Nevertheless, he had as much suffer- |
ing as though he had been and as far |
as he himself was concerned,
helpless, a picture of all sinners.
however, had friends,

3 : 3 | coffee to have the appearance of be
Is to believe it, “real and truly,” but she ¢
a faith that acts upon it.
very enterpris- |
vr mother took her to a frien
is en acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per- | US to understand this better if we say,
sons who are subject to frequent ‘coids
in the head’ will find that the use
And £0 putting him upon the | 1
double quilt or coverlet, which could be |
i Yyolled together in a bundle of moderate |

[hat the one who really
gospel is the one who trusts himself

usually gave her own
build up the System, cleanse the Blood l to Christ to be saved by Christ and |
and reider them less liable to colds.
| Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may
| lead to Chronic Catarrh.
| en internally and acts through the Blood
| on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
All Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
8100.00 for any case of catarrh that |
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohlo.
Proper Place.
“Pop, where are they going to put
the bulls they are driving on the ship?”
“In the steerage, my son.”

Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Day
Druggists refund money if PAZO OIN'] IMENT fails |
| to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
First applisatich gives relief. b0c.
Boy, Page Hoover.
“Why did they pinch Terry Toad?”
“Oh, he simply wouldn't observe fly-
} less day.”
Coated tongue, vertigo and consti

Russia “has found herself,” but
doesn’t know what to do with the dis-
If your eyes smart or feel scalded, Ro- |
applied upon going to bed
ust the thing to relieve them. Adv.

Is J
Wherever you go keep one eye peeled

for the fire escape.
Take Care of Your Horses!
Nothing else do as much to
keep them in a as
Dr. David Roberts’
once every three months—makes a
sleek coat, prevents worms, ete.
Read the Practical Home Veterinarian
Send for free booklet on Abortion In Cows
If no dealer in your town, write
Dr. David Roberts’ Yet. Co., 100 Grand Avenue, Waukesha, Wis.

Horsemen agree
that Yager’s
Liniment is the
best and most eco-

ble use.

quick relief.
bottle contains more
150cbottle of linimen
Baltimore, Md


‘arried him into the pres-
ence of the master.
. Jesus Forgives and Defends His
Rights (vv. 5:12).
| great about the house that “they could
ot come nigh unto him for the press. »
hey were not, however,
but leaving the crowd,
| the usual outside stairs,
sick man with them
{ which “they uncovered’—Iliterally they
be- | dug through the flat roof made of
| branches and twigs and covered with |
earth, and which could be as easily re-
Travelers in eastern countries
i have often seen a similar act perform-
ed even in this
down the bed or mattress by the four

| by him alone. It is not enough to be-
| lieve tere was a Christ; that would
an historical faith;
believe that Christ is the Savior;
would be only a religious faith.
| necessary in addition to these to trust |
oneself personally to Christ as oy
sugar and milk.
tasted hers politely

asked the hostess.
rg went up “Yes, it’s sweet enough,”
| to your dome
Surely, this makes sg alvation gre 5
What It Does.
salvation is great,
cause of what it does.
those who believe the
“Through this man is preached
| unto you the forgiven
y aren't you taking it?”
“It’s too dull, " she Yoplied.

Because of it: tonic
| Bromo Quinine can
| causing nervousness
is only one “Brom
| slgnatare ison box.

forgiveness of woman the chances are that some oth- |
woman sipplisy the

ess of sins and
that believe are justified
| from all things.”
justifies those who be-
Lord Jesus Christ.

wise child that

de nmoerat Is the true :
The men on the firing line gd
the pick of our American youth. i
four of our boys at home was sick,
i because of physical
Many times the kidneys were to blame.
If we wish to prevent old age coming |
or if we want to increase | Yief.
S for a long life, Dr. _Pierce of
11 Institute, Buffalo, s
should drink plenty of “water
no cords were needed and those below |
man from the
the four upon the roof and placed him
‘when it’s in yoy
| provision God has made, if accepted, is
guiltiest sinner in the world will be
pation are relieved by Garfield Tea forgiven if he is willing to turn away

ited in all three
Not alone phys-
“their.deed” as indice
of the Sospel records.

the attr og the scribes (v.
it right, was it honest to break through
man’s house?
[blood md AC ine
gives .us power over sin.
i is, he puts his own life within us when keep him in a

glad to have had it done?
| life which is his own, we have power
That is why the drunkard
who is saved quits his cups
no longer curses, why the
lot and the libertine change their ways.
| It is not because they have resolved to
questions, but goes at once to the issue
aid to the man sick of t
nearest drug store
"Fhis An-u-ric drives the uric
out and ¢ s backache an 2 a- 3
ut and cures bac e and rheuma reputation for
by many well-k

If we wish to keep our kidneys in the
on a diet of milk and vege-
i meat once a day, |
(are) forgiven thee.
and Mark's account.
of endearment;
as strong in the cold form as the word

people are com
take Anuric three times a day |

ly entered their lives.
is meant by being born of store and ask for |
to the unhesled wound in th 1e soul,
sense of unforgiven
I stores in liquid
Is not of the judge who sentences *
soul and a salv:
that is truly great.
ter then what our ancestry ma
the human side,
ers in the Lord
| been born from above and by
birth are the only genuine aristocrats
on earth, the children of God.
put Within one’ i
A short trial will a d
, cents for trial

nnd restores one to Sonenin:
if we are true believ- Contrasting Merits.
Jesus Christ, we have

tured in the seventh aplor ¢

woman of the city, who ministers unto |
, are good illustrations of the
ter’s attitude of mind on this oc
The scribes charged blasphemy which
is to slander God and Spo

, How shall we escape |

For a disordered liver, take Gargeld
1, the Herb laxative.
icalliniment | and we do not take
| esc ape is there for us from the Ww rath
ly uttered treason.
inmost thoughts
He perceived their
answered them
to rise were both di-
vine acts; he could do either; he prov-
ed one by the use of the other.
there sa ation in any other;
i Is none other name under heaven give
whereby we must be |
This makes it very clear that
5 no other way of being save d
from Christ, and since
, Salvation is great.

up ‘his beg was a test to be proved by

co omp lete we , know, for he immediate-
was a physical
“take up his bed”
rmitted no relapse.
: When Your Eves Need Care
Try Murine Eve Remedy
t Eye Comfort. & cents ab
Write for Free Hye Book.

I n the Lord Jesus Christ and
| thou sh dit be saved, and thy house.”

Pa or mail.
2 wu
VE ————————————————————————