1 l ( LOCAL IXTKI.LUit-rJCF.. Var Time at Stldgwitif. Erie Express Kl,!'' I m ,1 .o West !:'" n "' Jo Mail Knt -I P- ' do do West t: If. i. in- Local Freight East Jo do West ; III II. 111. Li;IH 1'. 111. rnt toJeo, a. t. m. Stated meetings of Elk bodge will be hcM Tuesday evening on or In-fore tlio lii.l moon of each month. ""'' cverv hv.i weeks thereafter. J. K. WIMTMOKh. As y. Giacs Cln:rch Protestant Episcopal. Rkv. C. I. flrn.r.n. Rector. Services will lie hcM in above church every nl teriuite Snmlny morning and oicnin-. Methodist Episcopal. Rkv. F. Yf.k.s'ox, I'aslor. Morning Ser vice, in the Court House, evoiy alio.-naie Sunday. " Frosty the atmosphere. Ditto Radical ardor for Sooftold Plenty Democr ntic meetings. Godcv's Lidv's Book, for October, v lias been received full of excellence. As usual it is brim J, V. Houk, Escp, lias retired from the mercantile business and 15. S. Oil lis, late of Washington, 1). C, is about making arrangements to .nova l.ero and take his place in the tame business. Some of our Hidgwav Radicals say tlicv are going to carry II orton townshir hn rnmin" election. We don't be- - o lieve it, ami think she will give TO Dei ocratic majority. How is it ? Fatah ArnnKNT. Last Thurs day a man named Coady, while etigagoi in coupling cars at St, Marys was coug'ut between the earn, and almost instantly killed. He Raves a wife nud scvral children. Messenger, cur rosttnaster, rc- quoeta us to say to those having letters to mail, cast or west, must have them in the office by half past two o'clock. P. 51., otIiu-wi.sc they will lie ovc una! the next day. -t Scofcld is goiug to enlighten the Radical liidgwayites next Saturday cv ening. Wonder if be will tell what ho doue with that extra pay voted to him while asleep. Won't some of our Radical friends pleas : to ask him. Itisexpecied that a goodly num ber of the Uidgway Club will attend the Petnocrutic meeting at Wilcox to mor row eveniug. Those wishing to attend can go up on the Local it 0 o'clock, and return on the Express at l.'JS in the morning. Let thero be a good turnout. Damwesi. This Magazine well deserves its great and increasing patron age. It is such a Work as a man need not be afraid of introducing into his bouse. Though fashionable, it is not frivolous On the contrary, it is full ol eouud sense, useful information, and liig'u-toned thought. There is more for the money than in any other two Magi. rioes, and the ((utility is as good as the fjuantity is generous. Surprise your wife, sister or daughter, with a year's subscription, as a I irthday, Thanksgiv ing or Christmas gift. It wiil pay well ioi the investment. W.J esninhs J)r morest, 473 IJroadway N. Y. $3;00 per year. Suicide. Last Sunday afternoon Thomas Lane, a young mau formerly from Canada, committed suicide at tl.c 51'Cauley House, in Ceotvcv illc, by shooting himself with a pistol, firing two 6hots,botb taking effect in his rilitsidc and entering the heart, lie survived but a few uiiimtcs after perpetrating the deed. More recently he bad been to work for Mr. Otto, on Siuucuiahouing, cutting logi, but had become somewhat debilitated by exposure and bard Work, which led to low spirrits and thai traiu of symptoms wbiuh usually end in iu Fanity, and for several days previous to bis death he mauifebted all its pynip torn s. We learn that our former towns man, Henry Gillis, sou of Judge Gilli?, and now commander in the United States Navy, was in command of the United States Steamer, Wateree, which was canied ashore duiiug the terrible calamity which took place ou the South American coast last mouth. The vessel is now lying over a uartcr mile from fiborc, having been can'u.d there by the . tidal wave. Other bhipsiu tlio same harbor were totally destroyed and all on board lost, while only oue of Commander Uillis' crew is missing. This is the third wreck Gillis has came safely thro', and bos always borne himself as a true American sailor when danger was uour. The account of tl.c lato dva-rr speaks lii-'lily -f b';- fv.tf!.-i, b'nwrv rn i.-.i -u-aoity. vj.,;rM7.' NEKTlXH :! ! J lion. .1. K- JH'rii' tb, ot arreti county, I , ,. ... .1 . . . f T'lt. .-.,,.... I V.I.I dllUICW l llv C.HA-, i ... vuiliuj, I ou the i-sius of the day, as follows : WILCOX, September, 'J lib. Ev ening. R1DGWAY, September 2rth.-'F.v- ciniitr. ST. MARY'S, September ilOib. Ev- etnr:g. Let (here be a full .'.urn out to, all these meetings. GEO. I. MESSENGHK, Chairman Comity " Committee. While raising thoir pole last Wed nesday, our Radical brethren, being weak-banded, were aided by two Ameri can citi.e3 of Afiicau djoccnl. Em blematical, truly. .-.-. It bus "rained on Sunday, .Monday, Tuesday, and is raining very hard a? wo go to press this morning. From these indications wo should not be surprise! to hear ofu flood in the different strcatuj by evening." ...... The Radical Frejdaian's l'.urcau arxentf firn stopping tlio rations of the negroes in the reconstructed States who will not promise to vole fur Giant and Colfas. What is the use in having a great cngiuo for fraud, corruption and intimidation in elections without making good use of it '! ici-cri.il 'i-iutf I::?v?"AVc lin'go ftani tlie ismncnof p .,1 thit Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S Implored mow style) llnr t!Ni-'- or Dressing ( in one li.-.-IIlo) is n-i-r.'m'd by every nne. Kvory Di-i'sgist Plls it. 1'ru-, Olio Uull.u. To Tilt VoTi.iis or I'.I'K Ou:tv. IImv. I 1115 Inn ii BoVi-'te 1 l.y iny f i icnils of hotli I I'ui-lios t.i '-I'.coi'ie h i l.i li'i c.i'U-iii. caii'l'.-I ilnto 'or .k'n'i-.tl' tit the ni riiii.:liins elutiim . 1 have rnmuii.l.-.l M oney t..-.-n- iujI.i", nii'i rcsin-cl 1 ill ly r-.-K tne suiipoit in nu who mn v fed iuiliiieJ 10 vole tm- me. 1). (.'. OY'iT.n. l'm-cliasei s of lands in SI. Td-irj-'s at 1 lie last Treasurer's Sales, ni-i; infoi-aicd I lint tlieir ilce.ts and lnmds eau be found at the of.iee ofislioit, Hall & Co.. m Saini Ma ry's j for oilier puns of the county nl the ottiee of sjoullier, Willis A Soutlicr, at 1'ideu ay. The, costs of salt' icust lc i-hIiI un or he fere udjoiirned sale on the "1 of Oe'.olier next or the l.-mds will be resold. A Cab;;. A Clergyman, while residing in .Stiulh America ns a'luissiouavy, diseov cied ti safe nnd simple veaie.dy for the cure of Nervous Weakness. Knrly Uceny, liscas es of the I'rilir.ry nnd Seniimil ()rg;t;s, ui'd the whole (rain of disorders brought or. l.y baneful and vicious habits, (iieat num bers have been euicdby this noble remedy, i'ruiaj.ted byn ilesire to beueiil the nlllicted aii.l ituliii-liiiiate, 1 will sell 1 the recipe for preparing nud ifing this inedio'.tie, in ti sealed envelope, to nnv one who needs it, t'UEBOFCli.lUUB. Address, .lOSl i'll T. IX. MAN, St.uion I), Itible House. SepO-Om. New York City. , Look on this pieiiu-w. and then on that.' Here you heboid the iiif-rm step, The pallid cheek. Wasting form, I'ntasteJ food and a social aliToshere I'oisi.ned with the i.iV-s of aches, j n ins, .li.-et.les.T r.:,;!:ls. and mental dcspoii.lv ncy. There, l.-icl. Jr; health. s.ai!r.ig eyes, Klaslic i.icps, c-raviti- iij.i.ctile, forgotten care.-!. Genial thought and aii.biiimi resolves Show the contrast and miok the picture. fine took the I'lants'iou Hitters the other didn'i. T.iey arc very beiieiicitil lor weak and delicate person". Maunci.ia Watkii a deiiylitl'iil loilot nr licle superl-..r lo to'.oue, uud at halfihe price. .... - . '3- .r-- - - A K-cw l.i::;i-iv in CuXsr-U'roN. A Physician who hi.': (.'oiiiueptiou lor sevm al yems, Willi f;e.i.eiit. iilor-li s of ihe lungs, eia-.-d bio,,-el!' .iih n.c.tlciiie i:n-laio-n lo Ihe i-bi'ui., when his cn-0 f.p peire 1 hope He is the only physician who lias used ii in lii-i o--n person, or who lias lUiy i:ci).'.ede of its virtues ; n-.d he can a...-i-.b.j the je.-".-l of health he now enji ys lo notiil i(t but ihe uso of his iiicd; cmio; iv.n! iiotli; ig but inter d' spnir and e-.iliru extinction of all hope of recover .', togeluir with a want of confidence in all others in lueoJ him to haiaiJ tl.a cxptr-iiii'-ut. To tlIos sull'ia-in:; with any dis ease of the lungs lie proffers a treatment ha confide!:. 1 ,- bc'.ieve-i will eraiiicito ilia hisease. i ru-o i'l.d'j per botilo. r f -8 dalf dozen, sent by e-press. fU n.l tor a circular or call on Lot. Ii. liovi.SJON Jack- son, Xo. I'-lU, No; til Tviiih gtieet, l'l.iln- dilj.hia, I'.i. mayliO.OS-ly A X0111.B AiiiJci.B. Tho tcsiimouy of in telligent men nnd womfti. in favor ol an v giv en thing, cannot be thrown nmde and rc giuded'as worthless, lir. Iloclland's Oer mau liillers have received the endorsement nnd cordial approbation in Ibis and oilier communities. Tlio human system very of ten nedsa Tonic to Btrengtheu it, nnd to aid in the performance of its functions when it heroines dcbil'iatid. The German H'.r. tei-s docs this, siiid possesses the nddiiioijal ndvanliige of bf in oon-intoxicatiBg. for the cure .if l.iver Complaint, Hysj.epsia, Nervous Debility, an I nil diseases cf mo nervous system, it is uneiiiiallcd, and is i......iiiiiiin. nl I t 11 h-'i-. iiw ... i 1 1 .1 I . - ' ii tai standing. . The wonderful sale which this lllie, 1 Ol il.--tl coo.v.v... i suri.assing excellence. Hooilaud's German Hiltcrs ' contains no Limior of any description. HoOi-lanii's Gs.r. man Tunic Is a com bination ot all liie liigrdieuls o.' ihe IHt tirs. with pure Santa Cruz Rum, orai.ge. anise, do., making a pri-puratiou of lure medic:. 1 value. The Tonic is used for the s-.i.ie d! en.-cs ns the liillers. in oases v hcie ' .'..':- fi imuhiiit is .iil.-fl- .. i-.i! e . 1 rv.i'St fl-' .t, IV. .: ...i- - '. . ! 1 1 l ij..:it .i.l Oi r.M-.!tb l'MU'T'.riN Vi'i-.'b.Ul.V-j J Tlil.i. I'uiHiaiH to Pli Act lithe iljiieial A :-.M'ii;l''v if lb" Coiuiiinnwenlth of ! in Apt ...tilirirl 1 eillisyiN in .'i. .in.....' Q to the'e'eciioiis of ihe Co-.nuioinvealili." np i rovedll.o.l ilay "f J"'V, A. 'K'l. .IAMK.S A. MAT.ttXi:. H':;li SIipvoT of (ho county of t'tW, ijtuio of .l'eliisy"ivMia, do hereby iiiiiku known una giu uotioc to (he eleelors of sai.U'dOi'y, 'but a Geneuil lil eOiioii wiU belu-M in Wlvetjulfff on tbo PECtlXD TUJ;SUAV,. X-mj tlio THtt TI'l'XTII dev ir '.Ictoliel', at wbirll lime lollowiu; ufliccrs aw t b elect '(d : One pi-i -oii fi r Harve or General ol the CeiBiiionwennli of I't nnsj ivtiniii : One person for ArMi'm- Cei.evul o" the romiiuirtwcaith of reiin-ylvn'ri i o iM.i-vmt l .i-Coiiiire'-s. to l-ei'i i:' Cli! Hi" eoniuies tji' Cameron, Cl"iii"eil, t:i ie. l'oi-Ljt. J i.Tcrson,' ' M'Kcun uud Warnri. One pe.son fer T .' Si-uif. to i-rpvcitnt the uounliei) of Came: (.a, Cl.ivion, f."c. r tiil.l, KIk nud l-'orest : . ' ' " ' - One tirvien for Assembly. o ter,"l:t,", count ic.t nl t'lenrlield, tilk and For -st; One per -on for filioriil -ol ii'.U eMiiu.y ; One. pcr-ieu, f-ir County. Coiiiudssioiier of Klk eoiinty : ' ' ' . ' '. One fernon lor County Mi.liior of Kik county ; ' ' A ml the ((iialii'.eil clei lois of the county of Lik .ill hold t..eir elecioi.J m me scvei- al lilt-iel-1. ai fo".jvs : j lieiic cue townshi;', nt t'le lim:-;e oT TIkuii- ( n Ovntarl' ; ' . ' n. In:, ei' to-.vuship, nl tlie sch'aoloou? en ioloie.l si . eu, near I lie l'.lk o-eeli bri.ljje : l'ox tinMishii), in t-lie liravry. ird sdiool- l.uu-.. ; llif.bl.iinl lownsliip. nt tliO Louie of Levi J-:'n; bn; po : Hon on t.iwiisii'.p, nt' the eci.ooViiou?c uci-.v Ile.el;ia'. l.io ion's ; . Iti.'.wny tov. l .-hip, ni the Court House : fc-t. Mary's "v. ougli, nt the house of Igna tius ti.ivnei- : Spring CieeU township, nt the house of .":':. x.Udnl-.', Downer & Company : Jny tovvnsh.p nl tlie bouse of AUVcd i'e usall : .lone-. tmn.'.i'i nt the house of 11. ft". !!vo II. 1 also make known nnd give nolice. ns in am! liy Cue 'liirteCntli' section 'ol i he afore said not , I iiiii.dircctcd, 't.that every person. eyc"i-;it!-.luHticoB of the l'oace, who shall held ,-iiiv ellico or appointment to profit or trut uii ler tlio (jOvcrnmont of ' tlie Lulled Stales or of this Slate, or.iirly city or in corporated disirict, whflihei- a oi.im:ss:oa ed oli'.eer or otherwise, n suborjiriole olll-e.-r i r auent, who is or .'..liall bo cmoloyed in:-lev i lie legislative, .iadiciary, or cxecu i i vi! d.-niirtiiient. of this Stnto, or United Siaii or any city or incorporated district : and i.l-u, that every member of Congress or Si ale I eislatnre, nu-.lthc select or common council of any city, commissioners of any incorpurnted district, is by lnw inenpabie of holding or exercising nt I lie same time, the ollicf! or appointment of Judge, lnspec- 1 tor, or i. icru, oi any eiee.mn ui "..i.. I uioiiwcVuh. nnd that no Inspector or Jn-lsc,' or oth: i-ollicei-of any such election slmtl I be eligible to nny oiiroe then to be voted for. I Al.iTo. Tliat in tlie fourth section of the I Act of Assembly entitled " nil Act relating to elections, and for oilier purposis, ' ap proved Ap-.il l'ith, lSl'.l. it is onnctcd that iho tlio thirteenth section " thill not be construed ns to prevent nny militia otlieer or borough oflicor from serving ns Judge, Inspector or Clerk, at any general or spec. i..l election in (his Commonwealth." " ALSO. That in the 01st section ofaid Act it is enacted t!.;it " every general and special election shall ho opened lictween the hours of eight and. Ion in the forenoon, nud shall coniiiuc without interruption or ad journment, until seven o'clock iu the even ing, when the polls shnll be closed." The general, special, cily, incorporated districts and. township eleotions, and all el ections, for electors oi ri-e.-iuani aim viae , President of the United States, shall bo held and conducted by the Inspectors and Sudges elected ns aforesaid, and by clerks nppoiutcd as hereinafter provided. ' " No person shall be permitted to vote nt nnv election, as afui-csaid. but a whWc free man of the oge ol ' iwenty-oac yeai s oi more, who shall have resided in ibis fs't:o at b ast one year, and in the election district where he o'l'ors lo vote, l least ten days immediately preceding such election, and wiihin 'wo" years paid a Suite or county tax, wh'ch shnll have been nssessed lit least ten days before the election. Hut a eitizon of tlie L'ui'c-d States who has previ ously been n qualified voter of this Stato nnd removed therefioui. nnd returned, and wh i shall have resided in tlio election dis-ii-'.e: nn.1 raid tuxes as aiore-nid. shall be entitled to vo'.c nue? residing in uus oia'a i six months. Provided, Tuat tho vMio frecuu'ii, ciiizens of the United S'-itci, are between thenes of twenty-one and lnonly lf!) years, and shall have resided in the elect-on district, ten days as aforc.-aiJ, siiall not have paid nixes. i'urnant to tho provisions contained in the -It a- section of the Act aforesaid, the .7ul;:cs r-f tho afore.'aid districts shall re-sr-ee'thely ta'.to charge of tlia certiiicates or rettn n of elections of their ve-peelivo dis-l.-icis, nnd produce, them nt a meeting of. one Ju lge fioui each dislrici, a tho Court House in Hidfcv.iy. en tho third day a '.t.r ler Ihe election, being for the proteni year on Friday, the Kith day of Oeiohor next, thoj nn.1 tliere I o perforin the duties re quired by law of said Judges-, nlso, whera n JuJf a by sickness or unavoidable racci dent, is nimble lo attend snid lncetine if i Judges, then the ce tific ito cr return n fore I s.;id slm'l l e taken in charge by one of ti I Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said ! iii.-'irict. who shall do and perforin the ilu- I t es roMiired oi said I ud-c, nnnlde to attend. ' AN ACT regulating i he modo rf voting at nil elections, iu the-htverul couniies of this Commonwealth. Sr.c-iio 1. Via it enacted by tho Senate and lioue of Kcprcscntativcs of the Com tnonw. alih ui l'enu-iylvauiii in General As sembly mei, and it is hereby enacted by uu tl.ority of the same. That tho imnlilieJ vo ters oi' the sever.il connikswf this Common wealth, al. U geiici-al, township, borough and siecittl leciions, are hereby hcreni'ter, authorized and required to vote, by tickets, priutcd or written, severally classiticd, as ucKCi biiuu emoracc llu names of nil Statu oiiiccrs yoUd for, and to luuuna , . ,, . .1 f ticket .shall embiuco tho names of all Slate olliccrs voted for, uud shall bo labelled, "STATU;" onelicketbhc.il cuibr.ico tho dauies of nil county olhcerg to be voted for, iuiiliuliuti oilioc.of Souaior, Jiicinber and u-.uiUii-fc of .Assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress, if voted for, nnd be labelled, -'UOl'M Y ; " one ticket shall ens bi icc the names of all township cHiears lo 1,6010 for, in .1 labelled. " TO'.VXS II IP : ' v. ' i . . ! -i.l.' c-ni !!' tb .- 'i i ! -i o; ai. I... vi...!. . ,;,! c- i .:..:. ' a d ;.h olas shall be ilero-ctei i'piiiv1t' brtlb.l boxes -G I li.X limb r my band nnd !.; ff, S -eal a'.. m,v ellicc in llidwny, this KUSST lb(y of Pfcl-l'E.M . l'-KH. in the yenr of i iir l.oi d, Oi.n Times' nnd Hinlit. Il.nul. i d nnd .Sixl,v-l'.i)ht. -' .IAMF.S A. M Al.tiXI'.. Iierilf of l'.lk County. September --ad lHtiS:taoo. The Last Succcs UtA- f A, T.Y IT! Gray ovTaJed Jl.tir is ftilcKly rostovc-d to its youth utl color nnd Wuly, ami with the first applivaliwt a bcautifal gloss r.nd Aclhilitful f.-agran-:o is jivcu bi the Il.iir. It Av'ill cansc Hair to rjrow on Y.M Spoti - It will pi-Htioto luxuiiiint jrrowtli. FAhldXa HAIR is iminediately .-'.lod.o.U Fill fJnle by nil CmcfNtH. UKl'OT amoved tioul Ciricnwii-h Si. lo ' Kor I'oing a family washing In tlio lies I nnd cheapest manner. Ouiir.intced ciiiia lo any in Hie worm : nan an uio sireiis'o of old rosin soap with the mild nnd lather ins; qualities of genuine Castile. -Try this sp'l. ndid soap. Said by Ihe AI.DKN CHr:- 51HUL W0KK3, 48 Korlli l-'ront Street, riiiladelphia. 8epfi'f,S:ly I7X15CUTOU .S NOTlCt'. Where as le -Jjters testamentary on the estate of Ueorgo lieusclier, Senior, late of Kenzing er township, Elk County, l'n.. having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons in debted to said estate, and all having claims against, it. nr reiUested to coma forward and settle immediately. GEOncK KEUSCIIEU, Aug. 2-j,'63-lit. Kxocntor. flmcthint) Ttinu. A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS 'i.l VjJ The uudersigued have on hand a large and very desirable stock of G0OI)S, and will coustautly i.eep an cxtoiinive assortment, including everything that is wauted to EAT, WEAR, Oil FEED. which they will sell at tho very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CAS If. YVo will ur-o every endeav or to make it to tho ioteict of onr cus tomers to udopt the UUiVCiul GASH 3 YSIE 1 1. Vrobi'.va c'e'crm'ncu to givj tho GASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to bo the iutcr est ol loth buyci and seller. Liuii'ay, Aug. ICth, 1CC7. 0. II. !'. OYEnilOLTZlill, iMliHCHAXT TAlLOll, 3 lids way, Flk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in fol-m the cllinns of Kidgway and vicinity that he is prepa.cd lo make to order as veil r.s it can be done any where, anything in the line of his bu-dncss. All he asks is a -fail tri.il. Good Fits a-J-uaiitecd. rrV..'!oihs, Cassiiners, Vesitncl ai..l Trinuiiiiie,? of the Intest and. most approved tty'.es kept rrjistntiMy on l.nn l, wniuli wii; biiold'HKAI'i:a THAN THE CI1EA1-. L.-T. I lies dc-siKng HeDiuiinz, Stitching F. l' ng. ilia. ling. !., on die.-s.-s. e.ip -s, .m i:;ii;i)ri;i! a i r a ?. t . y 1 IMMENSE REDUCTION IN f t.r ts '' HluNllY . Ali'H-o conti r o 2Iain July 80, 15C3. 7 NSURANCE AGAINST LOSS OU 1 DAM AG H HV FIllH ! TUB l.ycominir County Mutual Insur ance- Company in Aiuucy, rennn., con tiniics to Insure against Loss or Dmiuiire by l-'irc on nil kinds cf Merclinndise. l'ublic nnd private uiidinp-s, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, llarns, stoeks of Oram. KC, nt lie lowe-a pnssuue rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer nnd Injured. The T.ycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company invites an investli pniion ns to its stability. Its capital amounts to $2,800.0001 Thtii nsnring to every one of its patrons that their losoes w ill be promptly and satis, fnctorily paid. Its management has always been prudent, an its existeiue of twenty si s years fully demonstrates ' JAMKS DLAKlil.Y, Agent for K'k. county, tit St. Mary's Oct. 18, 1K7 ly. 1T. MAilY'S STEAM TANNHltk'! If. F. Espoii'fhaclo cj Go. . Take pleasure in nnnoiuioing to the publio of Klk and surrounding oouiuies that they have thoroughly reliited nnd reniiovaled this old and well-known establishment, and coii'.ri-tulate thviaselves that with their ex tended fuciiies, with lirst class workman. . that tliey can put out ns good work ns can bo found nny where. Via have, nnd keep constantly on hali.l nlll kinds of leather such as iii general use in this section, in cluding fynnish ami -.Country Xuh. Ltnther ! . Culfxkinx, Shivpukins, , Klpshim .' IJariH'Kx it- I j'pev I4cuthur, ! CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Give us a call and be conviuced of the truth of what we slate. mar21'tiS IAMH vs Little el. nl., Garnishees. In j the Common l'leas of lilk Comity, No. 16, April Term, 1ST.8. . The undersigned having been appointed Trustees in the ubova cause hereby give notice ti all persons holding property of tho defcnlant, or indebted to him, me ro quired to make payment to the undersign ed nnd deliver the said properly to them, creditors of defendant .will also present to the undersigned their elnims duiy nutlieu licated for settlement. FKMH. RniKENlN'tt, HOHACIS t.lTTLK, nt Kidgwnv, or I,. VI.LMKH."St. Mary's. L. J. HLAKELY, l'laiutili's Attorney. August sith, 1 sii-UI. H Ol'Sl'T" SIGN AND ORNAMUNT AL PAINTING. The undei signed Lav concluded to hnng up for a whiloin Kidgway, would r"spect fully inform its cilizens and thoie of its sttrrnunding vicinity, that they ave prepared to do all work in tlieir line !n a manner v.-nrrant.-l to rviit their customers and tit ns reasonable a price as it can be done by .my oilier man. Our mono i to Ln-carrl let live.' All orders iiroii. T-!lv n'.tendw" in. JAcui'.sni'riiiCO.; July? On. . A Liii ii. iiii to yo;;:iG men just J.JL. piibli -'ic1 in a ee.'l.-il envelope. A Lecture cn the Mature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, ."-ok-ual Hebilily, nnd Impediments to marriar.e genernll. Nervousness, t onsnmpiinn. i.p ilepsy aii'l Uiis ; alcntal and Physical Ih car.ac'ly, resulting from Rolf-Abuse, .yc, by R.-bei-t J. Cnlvei w . il, M. T., author of the "Green jiooK," etc. r.-icc in n scaieu envelope, only si cents. ' The celeliriited atttnor. in tins n imiranie essay, clearly ucmonsiraics iiom a unny years' succersful practice, thai 'lie ahirm 1. .. ..r...lr.k.. ....... h ,-nl Illg COIlellllOllvt oi bcii i.i.i.t.. .....j- ...j ically cured without tlie use of internal medicine, or the np;lic.nii n (f the knife, tiointiiifr out a mods ot oir. e ai once Minnie, certain nud cii'cctunl, by means of which every sutlerjer, no matter v-hut His eonm lion may be, may euro himielf cheaply, nrivalfc'v, nnd lailically. JjiTnis Micturo snouiu tie in me mums cf every youth and every man in lha lend. Senl under sent, in a plain euv. iopc, io any address, posiyajii, u receipt oi kik eeiits, n-two post siainps. Also, Dr. Cul ver web s ' Mi mage limdo," price s-j.'cma. Addre.-s i ho I'nbliMieri. CllAS. J.ClCLiNB . CO., 17 llov.er.Y, iew Y ork, P, O. boji J.oS 1. janld-lcOi ' 1 rtl'K.il EU. From the residence of the 9 subbcriber near the forinei- residence of Lbijuiro Lindemiith on Hie road between Caledonia nnd lienezclte, a REU AND 11 ITU Ct)V, more red on tlie sides tl an while ; nbivit ten years old : bus long lioim-., and wa ; mls.-e 1 about filteeii di.ys since. Any one bunging her home, or giving iiifornnuiou where the can be found will be buiiably rewarded. JOHN" ICUl'G. Uniezctic, Aug. 30t U, TT 0C1S 11. GAltNEU, PRACTICAL MACHINIST; Can bo found nt hU FouuJry a: St. llary's '..ho.e he ia I'wJ j In l.avo uil timp-wort in his iiue dr-tu oa short nolice. Si. Mary's, Rjuiingcr P. O., Hl'.i co. , Pa. layt'tKly irl.iMv,' i -i- ' .1 c'l uiu'n "or ia! i ,.- 1- 1 ' Vi.Li f-.t TIIF, rlUCli OF AT TlioMAS' 1 0 o i- Dr.pol Strrclt, , 1UD0WAY, TENN'A. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT Tl-IKntICVVAY S3 iB-yjSfcf KEPT 11 Y 'GLOVE G. MESSENGER, ' healers in Tr7g'i Mclie?". r?.-nts, . Oils, WLllc Lead, Lubficfafins Oil, Lamp Oi!, Tanner's Oil, Vcr. . fumeries of nil Kinds, Tiie purest Varnish, I'rushcs of every Stylo and Sizo .... Dye Stuffs, Pure Conf'ectiouaries Citron, ' llaisint, Patent Medicines, 'Vine, "Watshcs, Jewelry, HiugS) :' Tobaceoes ' Si .- Segars . l'ure Liipuors , for ,.. ., Ilcdicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pcitituilnii to tho Drug Business Gen erally. : Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Trices Notions in Endless Vuriety ! 'Notions in Endless Vuriety American and English Watches 1 American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, llins, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Kings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy- Articles, 'loyn, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Dird-Cagcs ! Albums, News, Stationery, Uird-Cagcs 1 Violiu, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings !. mar20I8GG IUILAIiELEHLA. So ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER. TIME TABLE. Thrvtjh and DiiCit Jiuule Letirrcn rhiiuiMphiii, Jiulfimsre ILtrvin hui'i, Wiftanmport, nnd the O R E A T O 1 L R E G 10 M of VeiinsylTaniu. . .- f U L K G A N T SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON nnd nficr MoNDAV, NOV. oih, the trains on the Philadelphia & Urie Railroad w ill run as follows : wvvrWAl'.o. Mail Train leaves l'liilndelphia..ll.l 'i p m.' .. " Ridgway p. in. " " nrrivont Uric S.fiO i. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia.. .l:i.f0 noon. . " Kidgway t'.U3 a m. ' i. .1 nrrivent Erie i..lt-.0-j a, ni. HASTWAUO. Mail Traiu leaves Erie 11.00 a. in. . ; " ; Kidgwiiy...... t.Hi (- ni. " " arrive nt l'hilad'n... 7.1n ii. in. Erie Express leaves Kuo. ......... 7.-40 p5 in. .i ' Ridgway... l.tTS'.a. m. " nrrat riiiladelphia 5. tit) p. in. Mail nod Express connect With Oil Greek nnd Allci-heny River Rail Roid. HAG. GA-'JE CHECKED THROI GH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. 4 DMlNtSTllATKlX'S NOTICE. i Notice is hereby f;ivcn that lettcta ot'admitiistration having hecu gi nii.ted to tho rndersifruedou the estate ot Win I Denny, bile of t. Mary's borough, uV ceased, all persons indebted lo said estate are ri-nii-sl-ed I o conic- forward and make immediate pay ment, nni Ihofo h iving .-Iniuis aj'ainbl tho s uae -will present them duly nuiheiiiyiUcd tor..cLtleuieiit. ELlSAJiETJi J. DENNY, July 2, 18iiH-tii. Adiiiiiii.-iraiiix. XJ ALUABLE LOTS 1'0H SALE. V The uiidcrsigiied has laid out a vil. igo upon his ground adjoining the l'.iilg way Hi Tiit, to bo oiulul ELK.. "J'lie lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet decp-i-lVoiit iug towards ihe railroa1'. Terms -IVr the first lot sold, If 100. 1-oi the second lot sold, f-110. For tlio third lot soil, Sl'JO and bo"'on imreasirtg in price as bus are sold. 1 IZj. First purchasers get t!r? euico lot, at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in Ihe or der ot 'tlieir application Ten per ceiu of the purchase money must be paid at the time ot the application. w7i.Aiipiicii.ton will be made" to Joh G. Ifall, Es-p, Ri.l-way, R. J. S. HYHE. Ridgway, mur-.ntf df. -VTA1LS, SrtKF.S, HlNGl'.M. KlYET't looks, bolts, and all kinds of .m'.d i s nniteris-ls in gi-m-ral can be had cheaper nt Ihe St, Mary's Hardw ire .store tliuu a:. '.'-. -::.- :t. !'" r .'."ti. Oii.t'l'iTl