The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 16, 1868, Image 3

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l fa t.. ij-.1 ti viwnr9i i-m
far Time til ilUlgtrnti.
Erie Express Kast m
do do West , 0:! a- '"
do Mail Fast -J:"- '
do tin West ":1'" p. in"
Local Freight East i):40a. m.
li) do Wct 0:00 T' "
Elk lodge, A. T. M.
Plated meetings of Elk Lodge will be
held Tuesday evening,, on or before tlio full
moon nf each month, once overv two weeks
thereafter. J. K. WIUTMOKE. Sec'y.
Oiaco Chiuxa--Protestant Episcopal.
Tlr.v. ('. K. Hi'tmir, Hector. .Servicrq
will he held In the nliove cliiirch every al
ternate Sunday morning nnd evening
Commencing with Mundny, llio lOlh inst
Method ist Episcopal.
Bkv. F. VerNoS, Pastor. Morning Ser
vice, in the Court House, every alternate
Sunday, commencing with the 17th iuslant.
Gono up--tue Republican pole.
-Ditto the Republican party.
Also that majority of 23 which
Uio Rads count on in RiJgway.
The rather has been rather vct
for the past two or threo weeks.
-W. C. Ilealy has commenced tho
erection of a residence on the western
end of Center Street.
Rather flhy tho b'hoys who rob
bed Judge Dickiusou'a melon patch.
Wonder if they " htolehoin the enemy."
Gianni W. Scofield passed through
here on Monday lafit to visit the " trooly
loil" out in tho county of Jefferson.
Our Radicals in this place look ra
ther down in the rjouth over tholr pros
tccW of victory in the coining election.
Don't fi.rgct that the Democratic
Club will meet in their hnll to morrow
night. JiCt every member be present.
Tho Radicals bad better not let
Ben. Butler seo tho gold ball on their
liberty pole, or ho would steal it off.
Judge Messenger hat commenced
work on his new ttore house, on tho
site of the old Fountain House. It will
bo completed this full.
Our Democratic Voters throughout
the county must not neglect to attend
to tho assessments. Let cvrry LY inn
era, be assessed. You will then know
your strength, and on whut to rely.
A Pemoetatic meeting mil pole
raising will bo held at Brock way villc on
the U.Vb instant. Hon. William J'.
Ji-iiks, and other tiblo speakers, will be
present and nddress the meeting.
'The (,'atholics of this place are
no'ttatiug the (jui-sii-in of erecting a
Church on the ii:p';r end of Main ?tn.c!,
aud wo leant have secured a lot and
quito an amount of money. Success to
Attention is directed to the ndver.
tisouiont of John Waplc, of the Centre
villc Tinshnp. John is a gJ fellow,
and will do as ho says. Our (Yrdreville
lriunds will not lose anything by giving
him their patronage
Gen. W. IT. Pitt, our caudi'tato fur
Purveyor (iencral, passed through here
Monday last on bis way to Bronkvillc to
attend tho Democratic Muss Meeting
hell there yesterday, lie reports Dem
ocratic prospects as cxccllout.
We learn that there is a valiant
Loynl Leaguer up in Brookville who
nays lie is going to 6lioot us as eoou as
ho lays eyes On us, Tor publishing some
truth about Col. (?) Butler some weeks
ago, Como on, you skulking ooward,
1'uke you at best., you're a pitiful liruto,
Too moan to live, too cowardly to shoot.
Givo U3 time to uiako our will.
Tile Democratic tiokets for the Oc
tober election will to printed by tho last
of noxt week. The candidates should
eoe that they aro properly distributed in
tho different districts. Wo will placo
in tho hands of our Chairman, Judge
Messenger, tho Dumber of tickets ro
juirod for each township, aud candidates
may call on him and got them.
It will be sceo. by refarence to ano.
thcr column that the Hon. J. K. Hor
nish, of Warren county, has been se
cured to speak nt Wilcox, Ridgway, and
Bt. Mary's, on the 21th, 25th aud 2Gth
8ays of the present month. Mr. Ilor
nish is epoken of as an excellent ppcak
er, and we hopo to sec a large turn out
to hear hira on the issues of tho day.
Suualiinc & Sh(tilotr$ in Alio Turk.
We have received the advanced sheets
of this interesting work. Wc Bellom say
auythingin praise of a book until we have
read tho whole of it, but from what we
have seen of this should judgo that it
will be veryjiutercstiiig to the general
reader. Tho Publishers want an agent.
Address J. B. Burr & Co., Asylum IS;.,
Hartford, Conn.
lion. J. K. llomish, of Warren county,
will address the citizens of Klk county,
on the issues of the day, ns follows :
WILCOX, September, 2-1 th.
RIDGWAY, September 25th
ST. MARY'S, September 20th. Ev
ening. Let thcro bo a full turn out to ull
these meetings.
Chairman County Committee.
A dubscriber tells us of a certain
plan of keeping bcd.bugs off the beds.
Hero it is : Placo an carthcin bowl un
der each post of your bedstead, and not
a bug will get on tho bed. Our infor
mant says ho lias seen this' tried, and
that it is a euro remedy. Try it.
Our young friend, " Hank " Thny.
er has purchased tho good will, stock
Rnd fixtures of Hi. Belnnp, in tho mer
cantile business. Thayer is a clever
young man, and deserves a share of the
public patronage. Success to him.
Wc ask pardon of our readers for
tho miserable condition in which part
of our outside appears this week. The
cauao af it was that our inking appara
tus got terribly out of order. All right
next week, however.
Seymour, Blair nnd Ur.ion.
Special Notices.
C5?"Vt"o judge from the immense. Palis
that Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'.S Improved (new
style) Hair I'eslorer or Droning (in one
bottle) is preferred hy every ('no. lively
Pruggitt Bells it. 1'rice, One Dollar.
To tiic Vorr.p.s of Kt.k Cor:."TY. Ilav.
ing '.".'en solicited ly my friends rf both
parties to become an Independent candi
date for .Siiei ill ut the approaching election
1 have concluded to obey their wishes, nnd
respectfully ask the support of nil who
uiuy fuel inclined to vote for me.
jKT.f Purchasers of binds in St. Mary's
at the lasi 'i rcuM'iver's Sales, are informed
that their deeds and bonds can be found at
tho oliicc of .Short, Hall A: Co.. at Paint Ma
ry's ; for other pavts of the county at the
oOieo of Souther, Willi:! Souther, nt
The costs of sale must be paid on er be
fore adjourned tale on the od of October
next or the lands will be resold.
A Carp. A Clergyman, while rciding
in iSoutii America nn a missionary, divcov
eied a safe and simple remedy fur tho cure
of Nerv"u WeUne.. llar'y 1'ecay, iJj.-eus-es
nf tiie Urinr.ry and Seminal Oifr-ms, and
the wl.olo (nun of disorders brouitht on ly
baneful nnd vieimi huldts. (iieat nuui-
b'-r.- leave ben cured by this noble remedy.
I'roiiP led by a iltirttre to benolH t!ie aidicicd
and unfertiiui'.te. I will rend the recipe, for
ivepai't:i raid using thin medicine, in a
-caied enve'ope. to u:iy mio viio needs it,
i''i:i;:-: or ciiAUOr:. A.i-ives?,
Station , I'.ildo House,
FcpO .1m. New York City.
" Look on this picture, and then on that.'
Here you behold the infirm step,
The pallid check, wattling form.
Untamed food ami a social atneoshcro
I'oi.' oned with t he talcs of aches, pains,
Sleepless niidils. and mental despondency.
There, laujiliiur health, Fparkliu-; eyes,
Elastic steps, craving ui petite, fuigotlcli
c are".
Genial thought anil ambition?, resolve
Show the contrast and mat it the
One took the l'lantation Dittvis the
other d'nbi't. They are very l etielicial for
weak nnd delicate peraon.s.
Magnolia Wati.ii a delightful toilet at-'
tide superior to cologue, and at half the
A ?ikw r.i:it:iv is CoNsi'M rrtos. A
riiysieian who had Consumption for Fc-vt-r.
itl years, with ficiiicut lileodiiifis of the
lutips, cured himself wiih medicine un
known to the profcsKion, when his case ap
peared hopo'os. He is the only physician
who has used it in his own person, or who
litis uuy knowledjjo of its virtues ; and he
c.m ascribe the degree of health he now
enjoys to nM bin p: but the use of his medi
cine; and nothing but utter despair and
entire extinction of all hnpe of recovery,
together with a want of confidence in all
others induced him to hazard the exper
iment. To those pulfering with any dis
easooftho lunjrs he proffers a treatment
ho conDdcntly believes will cradicato tho
iicHic. l'rice Si. CO per bottle, orlJHa
Julf dozen, sent by express. Send for a
circular or call on l)it. K. ISoylston Jack
son, Mo. W, fo)'tn iciiin corcei, i iuia
delphia, Ta. may3a0H-ly
A Nuule Auticlc. The testimony of in
tclliyent incu uud favorof any giv
en lhin?, cannot bo thrown usido uud re
garded as worthless. Dr. HooCan l's Ger
uian llittcr3 have received the endorsement
and cordial approbation iu this und other
communities. The human system very of
ten ntcd.i a Tonic to strengthen it, nnd to
aid iu the performance ofits functions when
it becomes debilitated. The ticrman Kit.
tors docs this, and possesses the additional
advantage of being non-intoxicating, l'or
lie euro of I.ivcr Complaint, Dyspepsia,
Nervous Debility, and ail diseases of t It c
nervous Fystem, it is iiucijualled, aud is
recommended by physicians of the highest
standing. The wonderful mlu w hich this
lias, is of itself a bul'.icient guarantee of its
surpasMtip; excellence.
"lloolUnd's German IJillcis'' contains no
Liciior of any description.
Ilooi lasii'h Gkhman Tonic. Is a com
bination ol all t lie ingredients o the ltil
tcr.s, with pure Simla ( ruz Hum, orange,
anise, Kc, making a preparation of rare
medical value. Tho Tonic is used for the
mine diseases as the Kilters, incases where
Home Alchoholic Stimulant is reiiuired
l'lineipal tlllice ti -1 An li St., l'liil a, l'u.
S il l ceiywheie l.y ltu?fh:s auJ otlvts.
j TK'N. l'ursnant. to tm Ael of the
!eneral Assembly of the I'omtnonweall h of
l'eniipylv.iniii. entitled " An Act relating
to the elections of tho Commonwealth." ap
proved ll.c 2d dav of July, A. 1., I,
.IAMI-:d A. M Al.oNl'., High Shcrilf of the
county of 111U, Slate of I'ennylvanin, do
hereby make known nnd give nolieo to I lie
electors of paid county, that a General El
ection will beheld in Klk comity on the
Si:ctlN"l) TUESDAY, beintr the Tlllli
Tl'.LNTH day of Jctohcr, IH't, at which
lime the following nllicers are to be eleclod:
One person for Surveyor General of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania j
One person for Auditor General of the
Cotumnnwcalth of l'enmylvanin ;
One fcrsou for Cot grcn, to represent the
counties of Car.nrjn, Clearfield, Klk,
Eric, Forest, Jefferson, M'Kean and
One person for Slale Fenato, to reprcFcnl
the counties of Cameron, Clarion, Clear
field, Klk and Forest ;
One person for Assembly, to represent the
counties ol Clearfield, Klk and Forest;
One person for Sheriif of Klk county ,
One person for County Commissioner of
Klk county ;
One person for County Auditor of Elk
county ;
And (he qualified electors of the county
of I'll: w ill hold their elections in the sever
al districts, as follows :
UcnezcWo township, at the house of Thom
as Overturf ;
Ilcnzinger township, nt the pohoolhousc on
Michael street, near the Klk creek bridge ;
Fox town, hip, at tho Graveyard tchool
hodsc :
Highland township, at the house of Levi
KUithorpo ;
Ilorton township, at the tchoolhoupc near
Ilczekiuh llorton's ;
Uidgwny township, at the Court IIoue ;
St. .Mary's l'urough, nt the house ol Igna
tius Garner ;
Spring Creek township, nf Hie house of
Stockdale, Downer & Company ;
Jay township at the house of Alfred
l'caisall ;
Jones township, nt the house of It. W.
I also make known and give notice, ns in
and by the thirteenth section of the afore
said act, 1 am directed, "that every person,
excepting Justices of tho l'cace, who shall
hold any otliee or appointment to profit or
trust under the Government of tho United
States or of this Stale, or any city or in
corporated district, whether a commission
ed olliecr or otherwise, a snborjinote otll
cer or agent, who is or chall bo employed
under Hie legislative, judiciary, or execu
tive department of this State, or United
States, or tiny city or incorporated district :
and also, that every member of Congress or
State Kegis'.atur", nnd the select or common
council of any ci'y, commissioners of any
incorporated district, is bylaw incapable
of holding or exercising at the same time,
the oiiice or appointment of Judge, Inspec
tor, or Clerk, of any election of this Com
monwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge,
or otic r oliicer of any such election shall
be eligible to any otliee then to he voted for.
ALSO, That in the fourth section of the
Act of Assembly entitled " an Act relating
to elections, and brother purposes,'' ap
proved April Hit!), lSl'J, it is enacted that
the the thirteenth section " Flmll not be
construed ns to prevent tiny militia olaocr
or boroiudi of!icir from serving on J;i Ige,
Inspect;.! or Clerk, at any general or spec,
iui election in this Commonwealth."
ALSO, Thai in the tils! section of said
Act it is enacted thai " every general and
special election slia'.l 1 c opened between tic:
hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and
shall without interruption or ad
journment, unti1 seven o'clock in the even
ing, when the polls shall be closed."
The general, special, city, incorporated
district's and township elections, and all el
ections, i'ur electors of President and Yice
President of the United Slates, shall be
held nnd conducted by the Inspectors and
Sudges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks
appointed as hereinafter provided.
No person shall be permitted to vole nt
any election, us aforesaid, but a wdtite free
man of the oge of twenty-one years or more,
v.ho shall have voided in this Staio at
least otic year, nnd in the election di trict
vkcro he oilers to vole, in least ten days
Immediately preceding such election, and
wiiliin two paid a State or county
tax, vdih-i, bhall have Veen a:--es.:ed a!
least ten days before the election. Kill a
citizen of the United S'atcs who l.-i; previ
ously been a .jualiue.l voter of this Slate
and removed therefrom, and returned, and
who shall have resided in the election dis
trict and paid tn:;es as aforesaid, shall be
entitled to vote after residing in this Stale
sis months. Provided, That the white
fi eeniin, citizens ol the. L't.itcd Stntcti, are
between the ages of twenty-one nnd twenty
two years, nnd shall have resided in the el
ection district ten days as aforesaid, shall
Cot have paid taxes.
Pursuant to the provisions conlaincl iu
the 4tn section of the Act aforesaid, the
Judges of the nforctnid districts shall re
spectively take charge of tho certificates or
return of elections of their respective dis
tricts, nnd produce them nt a meeting of
one Judge from each district, nt the Court
House in Kidgway on the third day alter
tcrlhc election, being for tho present year
on Friday, (ho Kith day of October next,
thon and there to perform the duties re
quired by law of said Judges , also, where
ti Judge by sickness or unavoidable ucci
dent, is unable to attend said meeting of
Judges, then tho certificate or return afore
said shall be taken in charge by one of the
Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said
fiislrict, who shall do and perform the dit
ties required of said Judge, unable to attend.
AN ACT regulating tiie mode of voting at
all elections, in the several counties of this
Suction 1. P-c il enacted l y the Senate
nnd HouBeof Representatives of tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania iu Geneial As
sembly mi t, and it is hereby enacted by au
thority of the same, Thai the qualified vo
ters of the sever. it counties of this Common
wealth, at ull general, township, borough
and special elections, are hereby hercat'ter,
authorized anil required to vote, by tickets,
printed or written, tcveially classified, as
follows: One ticket shall embrace the
names of nil Siata oaiccrs voted for, nnd to
be labelled outside, " J UD1CI A H V ; " one
ticket fchull embrace the names of all Slate
ollicers voted for, and Khali be labelled,
"STATE;" one ticket shall embrace (he
d..mes of all county ollicel s to be voted for,
ineladiiili oliicc of Senator, member and
Members of Atscinhly, if ruled for, and
members of Congress, if volt J lor, and be
labelled, "COl M'Y; " one ticket i-hall em
brace the names of all tow nship oilicers to
be vole t lor, and labelled, " TO WN.-..H . P ; "
out ticket hli'dl mibiaee the names ol all
K'lUUf'l olKci.v voliJ K-i, i.nJ be Ul'.!'-.d.
liniturtill : " and eac h class ; hall bo
deposited in separate ballot boxes.
-y C I V LN' under ny hand nnd
f-.VI.lfj J-eal a', mv otliee in K' ''.'v,
V . SthU l'll!;-T .lay of SDl'I'li.M
Kbit, in the year of ettv Lord, One Thous
and Kb hi Hundred nnd Sixty Pight.
.IA.MK". A . M A L"NK,
Shei'ill' or Klk County.
Feplet.iber Cn,l, lfti;s:iinip.
1 l - '
ThcdfeMj Slices
Gray or Faded ITttir is qnici;Iy
restored to its youthful color and beauty,
and with the first application a
beautiful gloss and delightful frajranco
is given to the Hair.
It will cause Hair to grow on raid Spoti
It will promote luxuriant growth.
FALLING HAIR is immodiah ly-cliecl;eil.
For Hiile by nil DruSKiitn.
DEPOT removed from Gruftnwii h St. to
G5 Btucliiy at. ii JO l'ari i'laco.
'?i;iivA'':;;;-;v. ij J
For doing a family washing in tho best
and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal
to any in the world ! Has nil tho strength
of old rosin soap with the mild and Lather
ing qualities of genuine Castile. Try this
splendid soap. Said bv (ho A LL'liN CHE
MICAL WOilKS, 43 K'orth Front Street,
Philadelphia. Scpt'2 'OSily
7XKCUT0K"S NOTICE. Where- as let
jters testamentary on the estate of
( l!eusclier, Senior, late ot l.enzmg
cr township, Klk County, Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate, and all having claims
against il, nri requested to come forwurd
and settle inuif 'tetelv.
Aug. 2','t'-tit. Executor.
'-.' 'uj ''sjif 'itluii W VliiJ
The uiiilcr-ij' ltavc on lir.nd a large
and very dc-iraLhi flock of 0001)',
aud will constantly keep an extensive
assortment, including everything that
is wanted to
which they will toll at tho very bottom
figure and from this date will sell only
fur CASH. Wc will use every endeav rcaiLC it to the interest ol our cus
tomers to adopt the universal
Wchnvc de'crmincu to give tho
a fair trial, believing it to ho the inter
est oi Loth buyei and teller.
1 0 il
Kidgwr.y, Acj.'. ISih, 1SC7. &a.
lid-way, Elk Co., la.
The subscriber desires respectfully lo in.
form the eiliaens of P.idgway and vicinity
that he is prcpaie 1 to make 10 order ns well
lis it can be doncany where, anything in the
line of Ids business. All he asks is a fait
trial. Good Pita guaranteed.
D ..Cloths, CasMibers, Vc ,.'ng'; and
Trimmings of the late I ni..l ! iippi-vod
styles kept eonslatillv on hand, which will
be stdd Cill"Al i:;t THAN TliH CllilM'
1..VT. La lies desiring'i'g. !'!ilehing.
Ftdliug, P.ind'u.g, ac., on dres .1 s, e p", ii
will lii.d it tj li.eii iii en...! t gi.e in"
ejl. I (' t
;i .iiva'Siii tier'
Td ft 7
ftj '
Jlewfiyk in oncBolf
Ahovc corner of Alain (, Dqtot V'ra:)t,
July SO, 18G8.
DAM AG 11 i!Y 1'IHH !
TITP. I.ycnmii;g County Mutunl Insur
ance Company at Muncy, Peiina., con
tinues to Insure against Loss or Paninge by
l ire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public
and private uildings, either in town or
county. Also ou Mills, Tanneries, liarns,
stocks of Chain, Sc., nt the lowest possible
rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer
and Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu
tual Insurance Company invites nn investii
gation as to its stability. Its capital
amounts to
Thus assuring to ovcry one of tta patrons
that their losses will be promptly and satis,
faetorily paid. Its management has always
been prudent, ns its existence of twenty
six years fully demon si rates
Agent for F.'k county, at St. Mary's
Oct. is, isi;7-1y.
J I. F. Espcnphadc & Co.
Take pleasure in announcing to the public
of Klk aud surrounding counties that they
have thoroughly refuted nnd rcnnovalcd
this old and well-known establishment, and
congretulate themselves that with their ex
tended facities, with first-class workman,
that they can put out as good work as can
lie found anywhere. We have, and keep
constantly on hand alll kinds of leather
such ns iu general use in this section, in
cluding SjH'Hi'xh cwl Country Sole Leather '
Citlfsl. bif,, iJluejiKliuis, Kipskiits !
Jfitntcss C' Vppcr Lcatlur !
Give- us a call and be convinced of the
truth of what we state. mariiPUS
AMI! vs Little ct. al., Garnishees. In
j the i.ouimon fleas of i.iU County, JNo.
l-.. April Term, im.
'Hie itr.'Vriiltfno -X Imving been appointed
Trustees in the above cause hereby give
notice, to all persons holding property of
the defen lur.t, or indebted to liiui, are re
ipiircd to make payment to tho undersign,
ed and deliver the property to the:;'.,
creditors of defendant will also present to
the undersigned their claims duty authen
ticated for settlement.
at Ili.lgway, or
L. V0LLM1H1, St. Mary's.
L. J. P-LAKELV, Plaintilf'a Attorney.
August Bth, 18G2-bt.
PAINTING. The undersigned liav
concluded to hangup for a while in Kidgway,
would respectfully inform its citizens und
those of its surrounding vicinity, that they
are prepared to do all vork in their line in. a
manner warranted lo suit their customers
nnd at as reasonable a price us ii can bo done
by oi:y other mr.u.
Ou,-iao::oist. ' Live and let live.'
All oriiL'-:j protiititlv attended to.
J AC KT. Kill' TEA CO;
Ju.2 :'::a.
ZJ&. pnllis'ied in a sealed envelope.
A Lecture en the Nafure, Treaiai-. nt and
r.adics.l cure of .Spermatoi rheea, or Semi
nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex
ual Debiliiy, nnd Impediments lo marriage
generall. Nervousness, Consumption. Ep
ilepsy nnd Pits ; Mental and Physical In
capacity, resulting from .Sclf-Abu-c, j-c,
by Uobert J. Culverwell, M. I)., author of
the "Green Hook," etc. Price in a scaled
envelope, ouly six cents.
The celebrated author, in this admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty
years' succersful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of silf abuse may be rad
ically cured without tho use of internal
medicine, or tho application of the knife,
pointing out a mode of cure at once simple,
certain and etl'ectual, by means of which
every sitii'erer, no matter w hat, his condb
lion may be, may cure himself cheaply,
privately, mi l radically.
VCi-'i'his Lecture should be in the hands
of every youth and every man in the hind.
Sent undir seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, postpaid, en receipt of six
cents, or two post stump.'. Also, Pr. Cub
vol well's " Marriage Guide," price - jjents.
Addre.-s the Publishers.
1 1:7 Bowery, New York, P.O. Eo. 4,-IFG.
STKAYKI). Froai the reshhnce of the
subscriber near liio former residence
nf l's iiire Lindemuth ou the road between
Caledonia and P.ene.ettc, a 11EI) ANP
WHITE CttW, more red on the sides than
white ; about ten years old : has long
horns, and was leis.-ed about fifteen days
since. Any one bringing her homo, or
giving iiil'01'matioii where she can be found
will be suitably rewarded.
Hcnezotle, Aug. COth, 1 Si,:-::t.
4 PlItST-CLASS M ALU Tl'.Al'll I'll 1st
J wanted by the Ei-l.tvay K-!k..,1 Ei-aid
io i: ke charge of ihe lih'.gway .Vchool t'er
the Fall ten. i, roinmeiieiii'; Sept einl-. r Lt
Py ei ii i ol the P.oaid,
Aug. 15th. lSt'-S. t- ci-etiivv.
)LNh: ef nil kiud, f or su'.e al. l'..i.
. tie -.
kkit ijy
Penlers in I-'rug?, Hediejn??, Taint?,
C)i!s, Yt'Litc Lead, Lubricating Oil,
Lanp Oil, Tanner's Oil, l'cr
fumerios of all Kinds,
The purest Yarnisli,
Lru.-.lics of every
Style tinil
Dye FUufiH, Pure Confeclionarics Citron ;
Kai.-.ins, Patent McJitincs, '.Vines,
Watolies, Jewelry, King",
Tcbaccocs & Ffgnw
Pure Liquors I'm'
Medicinal pur
poses only.
Of Everything Useful
Pertaining to flic Drug Pusincsa Gen
erally. Puie Drugt3 at Low Prices !
Puro Drugs at Low Prices
Notions in Endless Variety !
Notions in Endless Variety
American and English Watches !
American and English Vutchcs
Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, occ.
Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, e.
Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels !
Fancy Articles, 1 try .s, Latest Novel:;
Albums, News, Stationery, P.ird-Cages !
Albums, News, Stationery, Lird-Oages !
Violin, Panjo and Guitar Strings!
Violin, Panjo Guitar String !
Thrtvjli and J)iret Tioulu hctirttn
l'hiLihhih!t, Jtiiltimorc Harris
burr, Vt'tl'iamnport, tnn the
a it e a t o i l R i: a 1 o a-
of Pennsylvania.
On all Night Trains.
ON nrd after Mi (N DA V, NOV. 2-lt-i,
l.e train-' mPt he i "hi Itn lol i .liia i Pi 10
llailroad will run at- fillows :
.Mail Train leaves l'liilaiiclthia.,n.iri r- '''
" " " llid .'way Ii. ID i. if.
" " arrive at Prie S.."o p. hi.
EiioTsp leaves Philadelphia... IJ. (HI noon.
" " " lli tgway ! (Id ii. iu.
' " arrive at J l ie 10.03 a. in.
Mail Train leaves Erie 11.00 n. m.
" " itidgway -Lliip. in.
" " arrive at Philad'a... 7.10 a. m.
Prio Eiircsa leaves Pile 7. 10 p. in.
" " " Piiigv.ny ... l.ti a. in.
" " r.rvfit Phiia -lelji'iia fi.tnl ji. in.
Mail ami 1'.v:t-o?s connect v ith Oil Creek
and Allegheny Kiver Kail Hold. PAU
(I eneral jsujierintendciit.
X Notice is lien-hy given that lottets
of adininitlration liaviug been granted to the
undersigned on I he.e.,-tatt. ot VV in P Penny,
late of St. Mary's borough, Uoa.-?d, all
)ier"on.- hid 'b-e ! to said e-iule are refines!
e l toeeuic-forward and make immediate pay
ment, nnd those having claims ngaint tl.c
same will jirosent thein duly au;li?riicr.ted'it.
p.lt3ap.i:tii j. dennv,
July 2, ISCMii. Adininitratiix.
The und jrsigtied has luid"out a vil.
nge mtou hi" ground adjoining the Kid;;
way Depot, to be ca'led ELK. Tho loU
are" G1) feet front by It'll feet d-.ep j'rout
iug towards the railroa-l.
Terms l'or the first l"t sold, fr-lOD. Foi
the second lot sold, plltl. For t . o third
lot sold, !-l-.i) and bo on inciasii.r iu
price as lots are E.d-1.
r-'-Kirst purchasers get the chuicc lot,
at the. cheapest rates.
Purchasers will be registered in the or
der of ihur application. Ten percent of
the pnreha"e monev mitt be paid nt the
I line ..f t h.i tivplieitl ion.
!fv -pplie.i. bins v ill! ' 't-tde to Joh
0. Hall, fc.--.-i., P-dgwav, Pa.
Kidgw.y, nin-j'J'i'i'.1! -t f.
RvJAILS, !S'lki:S. IIIMii'.x, IilVP'l"?
XS loehs. belts, null till Uill.'n of builder
i eiterials in general can be bad cheaper nt
I he St. Matv'u Hardware f'toie ilmu an.v
oth jv!.uo i'.t LI!, c .mil y. (nJVt, )