The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, August 15, 1868, Image 2

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it : 1 -1 -it. V' P lv 'V A
JnllN I. i ; il T!, Huh,
:'..-u'i.-, r in Im'i'.i.
or r. i;w viujk.
I'm!! Vli
!: fiti:
. P.
.hl-AiliCKATlt! .S'l'A'l'll
) I "ol ' mi,',, i Cm,, ,
! i.,.;;
HON. V. '.
,Snlij::t lli' .
IK.-hurt Tlrk!,
'ii ci :.! ;ni:ss,
-IMXKS, of .J. if.T-on Co,
r ('.-- a f' In: I). 'e.v,(
'mi '.,').
sv.v; ;: MKNATK,
IIUN'.W. WAi.i.ACi:, ol Co
ct Id 'lir vision a tin ih ni'ii rotic
Pi.-ti ii l ( tnitxufivn.
1HIX. T. J. M.CI I.LOCC!!,
.il Cleailield county.
S' 'y, i t t'i'i'i (i.n'oii i 'fth'. 1) 'in'jcftt ' ,
'. 'ri t ( 'rnu i iili':.n.
lh nlm-mlii' ( ' Tt'rAi t.
Ml I'ltl t'f,
J.VCOi; .Mn'AI l,i;V, of l'ox twp.
H.S'. liMI.XAr, oi llidgwaytwn.
A l MT'ill,
C. A. WILCtiX, of Norton twp.
X find in the fine I'Upatcli of Mon
lay last, a letter wiittou from lirook
ville, l'a., which for lying misrepresen
tation mid viiianous falsehood, would
entitle the writer to be classed with
the IgiakM, and monneFt liars of the
figo. We do not reply to the artielo in
ipies'.ion in onb-r to defend any of the
individuals named, for they need no de
fen: e where they are known; but we
only de.-ire Oi sho the jijoplj to what
moans the l!adio:ds will ro.'ort to cov
er up the rial issues. The writer in
t!ie first part of hi letter, refer to a
meeting ,.w!;:oh was li -1.1 in Cioai.iel.l
on t!ie l.'i'.h id AumM. 'A, and .'-rives
lis tke following relrc.ihir.g i :
" Placards bad been posted up thro'
out the county of (Mearfiell, calling ii "
on the peojiie to a-'cmbie, and a-:sen.b!u
they did, no st of ibein earrying b-mriei.;
inscribed ' not a iaa:i or a dollar f.-r tli's
unholy Wiii-.' "
Vc were proP- nt at the mooting k.
question, und 1 1 , , vv eooi'i h:iit!y iis-eil,
arid w ill swear to it if necessary, that u
Hueh banners wi-re carried, and wo will
defy Liin t-i lit'
tended thai, me
i wh.i at-
ig who will contradiet
our a.-sertion.
Again, the writer gives u,
lie, when he : avs,
"The iMvii,.,ad:.,urned with
.fir Jiff. Pa .-is.''
lie In i.o siieh cheers c. inline;
from Peue. T..'-. h I?:, Inwever, tru.i
that sniiii! boys who were hired to do so
by lb-publican -,, did (dicer for JetV. Pa
vis alter the nu i ting had broken up.
Further on wo find
another wilful
3:.'i.-enooo, ,r:u
r km ws that it
is heu In- serts it.
" Col. Cyru ; Lutler, a brave soldier,
and Lieut. I V. auvleit, two
employees (man-catchers) of the Pro
vnst Marshal, vo ro ordered to an to
Cleailield county and ariwt the dcliu
quc.nt dieted men. ()u tho night of
ilie :!1m of ( Ictobcv, Pm t, Co!om'-l Dul
ler, while atli-iiip'ing to arre-t a dratted
man, not ten mil. - IVoni the residence of
William A. Wallace, was shot dead by
one Joe LuiiiiMheny."
Now let us examine this matter. Iu
the tirst place, Col. (?) Puller was not
employed by the Provost Mar.-dial. lie
had taken the job i n hi own account,
to witch non-reporters and desoi toru br
the price paid by government of S'lO
per 1ioad, after ho bad been dislmnora..
bly di.-;iii?---cil front Company ), 11th
Ponn-ylvaiii.i lb -u vi-s.
been very kucc :.'ul in
II iving been
Oiitebiii" uo'i.
reporters iu )A- .in loea'ily, iitid bu.-i-
it ii- f.i-t-m ;,. t Vit
CloarliJ-i would bo a line liaid in which
i;;.'s- It prowess. iSo, he with 'un.
V ifl', (V'lit tllelO.
Ait.i-ii" oshr-r. who had nlccfeil to
, . i. i i
ii i'Mi, iifs nui' ,i"-rj.n ivounsiierry, a
, l;;::ti who, until he was dialled, u.
v;:y been a n.viuliluMn. Lnunshcrry
u'tcly re fusel to report, nl! Hough to tiers out. I hiiuv. 'ioih'O. monev IiihI
oHeied y; ! 'l!; .n- iUS villi
to buy a Mib.-tituie. L'ut ho remained
:d onine, pursuing his daily iivocaliont'
i- In: had always dine. Attempt had
bciti iti:.,lc to arru-t him, but lie had
suceo-'t-lully uvl.-ted them. On the
Din; u;:,;.; in . m o t U:i , UaMei, nc-fompa.
no.' t I
i.i.f !:
1 firee ncicrobiu'i ol
Ol t'l'V
made their apcenrtttve ut
who v.r.s in hi barn food,
n., ti'c!
I'rotu-U the un.'ort".:i::N; man n:i for lit-;
h'Hi: o and rc.;.i!vc.I to defend it with Li ;
life ii iiocc.f.-'.-.ry. Lutk-r uml throe of
hi-. tnc.ti gave ehao. KoaLr, think (if
the, iiluailon (if that nor man, hour: led
by Lee tucarmtte ftend-, and ho nearly
f'.l'iy yours of age. Ho ;? iinr 1 his own
rnui first, v.'i;ii Lutkr close on his heels.
Lntm.-betry m..u';tr.l tl: a stairs, ami
reaching the head of them, jrriuipod his
trusty i-ii!o, aiftl ordered JJu'.U-r to halt.
Lutler nn.swcrcd by firing his revolver,
fio hall wounding Lounsberry in the
ile.-.-hy part ct (ho arm, Louusberry
then fired, his ball. -triking Lutler ubovo
the groin, he then clubbed hi.- run, and
striking Lutler ran down to the lower
room, where three armed nioa were
awaiting him, but he ecoaped. Lutler
died on the following day. lie had tak
en his life in hi.- own hands, and tulle red
by so doing.'ocrry but acted on
the peat, principle of cur law, that " a
man's house is Iih castle," and that it is
not only his right but his duty to de
fend it.
The writer lien mentions another ca.-e
of resislaneo to the draft. Hear him,
" On the night of the 13th of Decern,
bcr while attempting to arrest a f,ranii of
thece doliiiiuent drafted men, the noto
rious Tom Adams fired ir'um an am buy h
and instantly killed a soldier. Adams,
in turn, was instantly killed by the
troops, and nineteen piisoners, drafted
men, together with fortytwo btand of
arms, wore captured."
Not. Tom Adams was not a citizen of
Clearfield county, lie lived in the nd.
joining county of Cambria, llhcn the
war broke nut he enlisted in Co. K, 1st
Pennsylvania Ilifies, and had always
been a lepubli,;an. believo he
Maid with his reuimont ubont a year,
when be returned to CletirrielJ, and was
otiijnovod byJ..ii.iM. Chase, annllter
g'iod Hepublicanj, to take out Iol'S.
!)oertr:s were at that Lime eouiiug into
Cleai field from all parts of the slate,
owinrr to tho
fact of its
place to hide. V.'hen Adams found otv:
of tf.Oi.e he would employ him, thinking
thi!'. by fo doi'tg, he would render bim
Felf tnuoh more see'ive, ii; cue of an at
tempt, heirir n-ade to arrest him.
When t'u troops were sent rAo the
r;.;:;iiy, Adams and Lis
to fenartito and le.ivo, nod inton-lod t)
do so on tho day following whieh they
were csrtnred. Some twenty of them
bad a--i. itiblcd at'' h-:-. and
were having a daoco wiien tliy were
:'urn ::':-l,';l. ;o: l all we:0 e.ii, tared ex.
o-pt Adams, who prcf. vrcd to die, as
ho ox- rer-.-cd it, ' than ng:ii his
own ism -ei:;:ec." Ho end,, a .ore, 1 to Ids t ;-..-: -.o, every pyint v.i
guat ui
ivitl'i :
Cd 1:1.
I. l:i eet; :.:i ' to t out in n
;0 V:i:
.' r t
fled upon, and then fit'.
:':n ' a v n Adatns
i lire.l I.".' -u by the whole. - iu.:d,
ko: baits eotc.itrg his bodv.
11 the other meu carlurcl, '
a cititojn tl (ilea. fiel, I eouiity.
Olif- W,
Thci'.: tire
r I. iti tl:::
pi eoiO'.is
:!-.-(. iac el
cot rc.Msui'ionl s, e.jua!
iiiid ', but is nut o::r intoiiih-n
at this time to c mtioveit them. What
wo have f.-i-erteu e-.iii be sii'istMitiaie.t by
the loo-t indubitable testimony. Ihs
gent'eman who r ::idedat the Idtii of
Augusv ote'ttng in ('.'cm it :i.l wili b"".r
us out tti tut wi have .-:i;u K.
'e rAga".l the letter in question a a
conic.-: ion of the waning Jortunes ci
Padicalisiii. The truth, they will find,
is what tho people desire, and uo tmoh
alteiiiptti as the above to avoid the real
i: : ues will be of any avail.
,m t
lTi..Goveruor Seymour's letter no.
copting the iJemocrtitie nomination for
Pre.-.ident, will bo found on tho outside
of's paper, lie a-k f.,r it an at-
i tentive perusal by every lb.pullieuu.
'i hero never wis a idaincr dwn-iicnt.
j wilae'i. P.eiil it .-nr-.-f ut:y.
(hi -iilurdiv, the Voth inM, three
men inn lin.ied io t'.n llen'iinlinli' rub
bery, named Louis V.'elJiy, (ieoi-LM) '-.Jib
liam and -lake ,-'lio-p:.rd,V( re rrrested,
and on Monday ihey were oovoved to
I'lankbn and !,,Jg,.,l i jail. VVcldlv,
and !-'lopi;ord Were secured by the ol
feers at Akron, Ohio, and '.Miller at
Saegort ovn, Crawford county mr
are yi tat largo of the live priaeipi.e
li-.toi-i in the affair, a;, 1 two or 'ip.-i;
parties wlio are snspec'ed ot having i.i l
od tlietu. 'J lie i'lltuAiie: r. -it ieulars of
what happom -1 fr-oo th.. ' time of the
rihery to the air..-t , f tbrj above nam
ed parses are Iroei persoi.s ae-p-aiined
With the Walking up (i the chhd :
I uring a lew da;, s i-evir ns to the roV
I cry, Jim S:o:;( r, ot .-.tgen.nvn, Craw
f '';' eounty.was heard l.ra;:.;io.; at Mc.d
v.oe and i-V.-'erfuwri. of ilie oei iil.iti.m
lie was goiio; into that j.romisvd t; yield
the gre-ofaek-. largely. Iie-a,i, s : :o n l
there wire tv it three otho-r parties ;,t
or near h'tv.;or:ov.n, w nn.-:
1 . C i-1! V, V, 00
d their Iritnds
ie h in a day or
t-: n-itii a
thr.t they would he
two, and s;o :-g af t!
vi -y i. air that (ivy had a bi
r- 'Ciiatioii on hand. (U' course, after
tiio pai tieular-; of tho rolibi ry lieeiiniD
known, and !lv.e jiarties were noticed
to be liu.i-i'.aily Well well supplied with
fundi:, suspicion was at mo a aroused
tiiatthey were connected in s.jioo man
ner either wiih the tal iio; or distribu
tion of ih nniio.'hoifV, money, and a
watch wa- set on their movement. iiP
gtr, V.'tddly, Miller and hoppord werj
ia c-'a:gertown during the next two or
- v.r. . .. .. ....... v.i ii.i, in ii
oe days aTter tlui robbery, spending
ey quite rceiy. and having a good
time geusraity. On the thud day
ger diappe:ad with ir'hoppord, but after
being nway some days they separated,
tho latter going to ft. Louts, and the
former to parts unknown. Shoppord
spread it around St. Louis for about a
week,spend'mg all but $S!JO of his portion
of tho JSenniiighnff iund. The SOU was
in his trunk, and one night the hotel at
which he stopped was destroyed by fire,
with tha trunk and the JftsiH). Alter
this lo?s he returned to his old hauntd.
Weldly staid at S'cegertowu for a week
or tiro, offering to loan anybody or ev
crybody sums of ni ney. He then went
to Akron, Ohio, where ho purchased a
distillery, a farm and a hotel sytc, mean
while disbursing inonev quite lavishly,
and living in very comfortable stile, lie
staid at Akron most of tho time, and
was, it is said, having a good time in his
distillery with some bomi companions,
whan the officer nppeurd with the war
nut for his arrest. Miller, it appears,
was unlike the others, content to get rid
of his money nearer home, and stayed
fjr the greater part of tho time iu and
around Mcadvillu and S.egertown.
After being arrested, Weldly and
Shoppord partially agreed, it is reported
to turn Stale's evidence, and the folio ft
details of the plan of the robbery have
been partially obtained from them by
detectives and oilier pofons iuteieMed :
Prom nil that can bo learned it would
he o;u that Jim Sioger was tin: originator
mid principle in the afiair, and that
Weldly was the first asi-tant. These
two were observed a number of times
o::i ia
with otic ol John lleniiiiiholt's hired
men. ft is surmised that they obtained
'rem the hired man such intor, nation re
garding the situation of too Ib'tinin-holf
residence, tho amount of money that, was
kcpf, in it. i.e., that induced t'.ie.n t ) a gang ana atto'npt tl: : roooerv.
Ht-wovi-r thi.i may
in Xovcmber or
le, cfr-'ain it is that
i , ccmo'T la.-o, they
Shop. , -;
tb on... ,-
ho .--.! i
vho ;,nve!
-; v.::i. tli
tell tho atl
t )
MlCer an I
!-:t part in
v date wai
: v.-; ,
:i.-d I w
to bo
1 .
tie: two h t
ti'l tlire.v i!j
ci-ily v;.'f, it
! ike Itauoiio X
s aod green
o withdrawal
ircr oieo ( o:t
s tit . v tlioit::1 t
o... i- t'tl.l
, r.iioi' t. !i.
ti;t::rho;f b.,
of ti-.e
id their c
'.'Ui ion a
i c-'cur
td lor
i l :: 0
e- 1 v, o. at'it to
- t .
oiiii-lel .hi.i. At'
' t'.oy .o . i ati '.te 1
i ii.: -.tie: and were
ritev : :i'.
not Kig in .it
br"v.k( rs who
Iietifi'olion '
A liciV vv:
iea lionet
ire iu tiio
a-tr :i il to u
p.. r ).
rrtimme i-:is arranc
,M, ano
prou ., -op.-ta
:-:'--:;-;r, '.Vet I! , atol tlire
fioer.!'i st.ifted for lite seetio
t'oti--, leavitie; th.i fc.i in
phi a on .v.-eouiit of f -mo ci -tetrtemeot
h.iving taken pta,i aitti w; tl.rui. How
sui'ee.-"f-.i!lv tli 5 robbery w.i.- pert e rated
hew '.'to l)eii:ih:;.'hi ir tamilv Were se--.ii-r-tl,
an 1 h cv .Joloi Jli ilnio; In.d' wv
Ion alley beiit'-n, the two hired lo.v.i
tl:-:oo;hly filghteuod.r.nd tho M!." 1,-nH)
or i'iiO.UOO in bonds, greenbacks ami
speein carried off are matters our read
ers are well acquainted with.
Alter the robbciy a division of tho
spoils was made, Sieger getting tho
lion's share. Wtldly was forced to be
enctcitt with something like o.tltll.) or
cdO.OOO. To 3! tiler aud Shoppord it is
though iiu'gcr gavj?l,dUO each as hush
As soon as the division was made two
of "tho professional started for Canada,
mi l the third for Neiv York. Within a
week or two alter the robbery, the man
who (ifl been consulted in Pliihidcl
lolia and who had hern I, ft tlo r i iai.i
w hat he 'on
iv ai'i'Ut tlx t.i.ii'er befor'"
hie of tho pr-dess inn a Is
i''.' ( '.i h i la was uhlaiii-
rd by inn man, and bo in company
with a deloctivc started after ihem. Af
ter somo little search they were found
in Montreal, where, while nf"niptimr to
airoM. them, one or them fired at and
wi'widod a policeman. They were loth
arrested, however, and locked up, but
subsequently one of them was released
through Finiio techneeaiity of the law
and escaped, while tl- other wns held
en tho charge of attempting to kill tic.
peheeniau, whom lie had wounded. A
requisition was obtained a Jew day
since for the surrender of the latter to
;!,e Initio i-Valo-t nutuonti :s, but it
has not transpired whether ho is Mill
be Id in Montr-en! or not. Iho v.herea-boiit-i
of S.-egor and tho throe profes
sionals is Known inly to tho detectives
and ilifi parihs moi iottceited.
Tho p:o'H;'is who have taken the
principle pr.rt in tIio;workinc tin S the
ease av... del relive J i ague, of 1 it tL:trir,
and WaL-oilioth, of Mea.lviile. 'i'ho
elu: of the robbers was obtained within
a iiW days after it nec-.ird, and the ISen-
it in v
family and (ho deieetives h-ivo
V( 1 !,'.
exerted thotn-cl
vea to
! brin
t oO J oooel'S
and theit aei-ompliee-i
cavy reward oiiered
to r.otiiv. The I
ly ;-j r. jiern.ingii'di lor Itic arrest .t tho
robbers thirty thomtand dollar', which
rumor says, was tif'tewards increa-cd to
lilty tlmusand makes this rapture a
good thing for Hague aud ethers con
cerned iu tho arrest.
At first the Iladietds hoped to inflame
ficctiuiial hatred by appeal founded on
tho mere presence of ."-'out hern men at
the North. Before Hade Hampton, of
South Carolina, had reached New York,
or opened his mouth in public, tho
Pre of this city, and other lladieal or
gans, foamed with directed rage at the
thought of his participation in tho pro.
ceedings of a political convention at the
North. To us, it seemed that h could
scarcely bo bettor employed. The only
legitimate object of th war was to re
store tho Union ; and if the attainment
ot that object tho beat proof would be
the return of Southern men to tho exor
cise of their political right. Put, tho
whole Had lea! hope lie in keeping up
tho war feeling, on which they have
traded as briskly since Lee's snrren .ler,
as before. Indeed, when the Iiadical
wireworkcrs took Grant, in keeping, tho
first word they ptut in his lnoiiih w.-.i a
declaration that his victories had not
brought peace ! That is their game ; to
deny that there is yet peace, serves their
wicked, nolfish, inhuman purpose of
Keeping alive the animosities which all
just, patriutic, Christian men arc anxious
to assuago. Hut they louud it of little
avail to shout, " there is General This
"aud there is General That, of tho late
"Confederate army:" The s:ght ol
such men going quietly to a p ditica!
convention roused uo resentment in any
body's mind ; quite tho cont'arv. Pis.
appointed in this, the Radicals have to
sorted to a plan more unsfriimihius sti'l
It is by falsa and garbled versions nf
the speeches uncle by prominent Stout h.
ein men that the fuel of Pcetional hate
is now to bo replenished. If a white
man at the Sionih doe-; not lik.:
tho I OMl-'. A
.vh,i !m I 'a: (..
, .L
rule1, and says so, his i pooch iSi garbled
so a to .-ay that ho bates she Union. If
lie ic ks all white men to unite with the
ptiliiieal party that averts their ritrht,
that he is chanted with raisin.: the ,'iag
of .oco.-.'don. ve have ot::is.'d .these
pul'ry devise before. Wo reeur to them
r.r.v, l.ecaiHo the telvginph yesterday
ir.v:;;ht t
Vft, le
v. !, ii.ii, :n'
; I..- ol
iru pj.. .
toe ll .g, f
..s a..hwer to of them :
i c.'oii oi l hi a .speeeh it!
u oi.r to a ri cent report-, d tit
his, r j r. dtu i-.i t!:e Mi.rth
iti it ier-ni-e to the tVnfodtir.
e.-:.. l : ' i'liis stfiicuc'!''. i.-. in
.'Icet (.use-.
On the. cot.Tnrv.
11 j. S-T.-JS!! ol too it.l ; o! tie t oft' o.
i- ,i.
tvte-y, I rotiiarked -hat it now was fnii
ed forever, to be buried iu tiio grave of
the l-..-t e:.i;-.-."
(In motion of Yt'ade Hampton, if wis
rc-i lived that while entering tl pro;e-t
aeait:-L Kadi.-td reeonst met ii.n aels, we
rely i-oiiliieiiily on the i-dustiiuiioual
toteiK-y, an l peaeeiul tnciisures aioiie, to
briinr us tito reli. f sought and tho rc
loiuus needed. liin Ar.
Yhc 'j'arilf uieu i,f 1'eunsy ivatiia,
having been uuiiormly wheedled into
tho support of Radical candidates, are
now alted to renew their aid to that
party, notwithstanding tho fact that, it
lois iiitroduced the whole negro element
of the Ki.uth into polities, which will
give that seetion increased repn senta.
lion in Congress and thus stro-ngtucu
the Free Trade vote.
There were never so many iusane
. i ,1... : t : n si .
..I no iiiu i nourg i i a.; o.ispnai as now,
and they continue to come at tho rate of
one a day,
Millions ol d.,lhir.i woith of prep. v.
ty have already been destroyed by the
great fires which are Mill raging in the
woo Is iihmoj the it-vrlh shore i f Lake
' iir.-i'io-.
I ''' illr-r-- TN TIIH PP.1 CM OF
'i.f,i ifX 'Vi AX)!
U i
Ahiin: corner oj Mi
.",;), P
Tho cry of" Plop Thiol 1 " is a phiy
.'1 cut li.d'..', but the Padica's have
ado; t al it for want of a belter. They
sliro-k out out " Jo'liUii 'ti'ioo, w oenevcr i
the ju.-t aud fa;r
lev l or tlin vi v-icn I
J 1 Ll I 'V "' I
of I ho l-Tlb.lC debt'o
Pemofi-.tio piatl'orin, is .rossed upon
their notice. Now, who are the " lle
pudiiitors '.' '' Ts it not those who refuse
to reconiz,i the enrreney of tho country
as lawful money ? L'A" .''.'; tin:
trrrithm-k ? Not to 3 'cm oerats, rtit.
Mr. Pendleton, nor any of the i-upport-er
of Seymour aud Illair. The Liidi
cals who deny that any of- tho govern
ment bunds arc redceiimble in green
backs, repudiate tho currency, of tho
country. ly their policy, cVen in the
shapo of Sherman's Funding Pill, they
have depreciated greenbacks, fo that
pold l.a risen, within a few days, to
81 ,i0. What is especially singular about
'-' --'
this, is, that they havo rejected their,
own ollspring They made greenback" -"
a legal tender for all debts, public aud
privat.i, except duties on import and
interest on the publio debt, and Jceco t
lie. in payment nf ., hum vimlf to
the United Statu." Iu l'lid their
representatives n tho Pennsylvania
Legislature, insisted that tho interest on
State bonds, which was specially eon
traoted to bo paid in coin, must bj paid
in greenback. Yet, now they deny
thnt five-twenties eau be. hiwlully re
deemed in the money which they thus
mode a legal tender, and demand that
tho holders of the bonds be paid in spe
cie. If this is not repudiation "of the
currency which they themselves liae
aiven the people, wo should like to bo
itifoTiiiiid what is 'I
A Swixdler ('aihiit. A young
fellow, iiaineil t tlmrlt-s Ii. liobison, well
dressed and styli.-h, accompanied by a
beautiful young lady, stopped at tho
loading hotel in Milwaukij a few days
ago, and 5sued orders iu princely fasln
ion. Leverage of the mo-a expensive
kinds by the bottle, and earriitge by the
hour, seeined mere triib s to him. f-'o
prodigal was ho that his liabilities at tile
hood during tho day reached nearly
loity dollars. In '.ho meantime the
captivating young lady, who was on the
hooka as his wife, charmed the hotel
Itiit-t'.'i" . by her exquisite )-cr;o: nniuees
on the;::
was not, v
at th-.? oiti
iti a leti.i
In loo evmttig koui.-ou
t:nd there was received
unsealed note, addressed
land to jLiob'.s oi, iit'.il e vi
iiti noed to be :-::,: :u! '.here,
'cud tho ' : :- i'ea ,- ised -. Call
in-iead of tit ton o'el eit. J on
to tiio ineaitlii.'ie, a neivsotiiiei'
W hli II
at nine
exposing liobisoti as a bwiudier was
i ao
:!e,itot:io hotel T'r'.iorietoi-. and it
was tit o'K-e ootiehi led that tho itot j was
tneie'.y a bit id to enurdde the rottco and
hi con, pinion lo pet otf to a s: ii d:s-
rtioi e beioi' Mif: imooii!ei) w.i t iti.-eov-ered.
Aet'ng on this theory the 't-'atn-er
on- Cldettgo was boar-lod ami .'.Jobi.-on
found tliere and ttrros' -d. Tim in xt
day he was tal-oi In f u-; the Muniueijial
Court, eouvleteil ci vagrancy, and sen-
ten 1 to the li 'it.-o i f t'oft-i etioii.
iloli-on i.t said to b tie' t-.ei of a weal
thy gentleman o! Angoi-?a, 2. Y.,v, ho
bus been co it". '1'e l oi di-e.v. o bith, and
is t-.buad.iii'i! ,' t.'oie to his living iti
titi houest way.
"The Ti-'ot:i-:o !i,'' rel II: licl at Konosl'.a,
A I'i.'oo Mit'ocisit. It is not often that
we say niuea in l-.vei- ef Ii.oie.t( Molieines
le;-.:u ie it i; lev. r il:s:i:ii-u;. I'.iiiL. In-i v. ein t he
lou-.ilni.r ami tho really valuaiiie in iicin .
Itut w.: po om ui uio- .-2ii : ill ei;.Oi,i i tu tav
ite'.t lion 1. v o's ( ii-oitiAN ) i r. ii s t.o
loiail.ii'.-. We i.nve t ri.-1 il aiel vo knew il
in l e itlmost'in r.i.-e i.t' i-i lives
li.oi. li-arn:ip'Di"iii o ihe l.iver, ke. It
lias cin-i' 1 n of the moto nli. tihato ca-es
nl tlie Jaua liee, iilioi-every oilier rca-O'ly
li lit ta.leil. Ami in liu Ks3 ih.'iii .'ialt .1 .to,
eu iiiaiiues, wherj we. have ree.oiiine.i.leil
il to our tVc-nils I'm- ihes.ime ili-eaJe, it l:a-i
jo-.-.veil aliliR i-t:ii-iei.-in- n'i.1 we filV, yel in
hear nt'lhe eii 'ii w herein il h. failcl.
"llnnl hinil's (.ieniiiiii lot un a" is eiilii-ely
freo fi-oiii all A lehnlie ailmixtiire.
llooi.AKiM Ukk.'Iax Tunic Is a coinliin
stiioinfall t ti o iiifrreilir-nis of tlui lliin-ars,
willi pure .Santa I'rioi iooii, nranjru, miii-e,
c, iiiiikiog a pi-cniiruthm of rai-o lae.lieai
Milne. '1'he Tim it: is for the saiai-.lis-
eiiM-s as liie UilU-r.-', eae w here sol ie Alco
holic Stimulus is new try. I'litu'ii.iil
liai-L', o:;l Anti Si.. I'liil.o'.'a. l'a. tiA-l !
every whure by Jinrj oh -i inel nthei's.
- - -
Hon. C.i'eh Cushitig b:ii i-e-n ;ned hi-.
,.j be
I the
In C
1 ),- it Street;!,
u inc. way, p;:nn'a.
'L'olu 7)CiH'i'ii?crn:i)ls. .
t-lCl'lAL XOTICK. '
We liavcfva.ia it r.ettCEtirv, in order to keep the
nn'.ncv.i ('e-partinciit of tho Advocate oa a good
n-isis, 10 aaopi inoiouowuic; rale :
J-ra'-'stent &aveit:scn'.-tii must ho paid for in ad-
-.1...... rA -.1! I..K T.r.T. l-.-J
'9 il 11 A'.l;. Hr-,trri In 1-Ar.tlff .i.mIimm
at tie tiegi unng of o.k'u e'laricr. he to Lu paid for invariably inadvanc;
n-ivil' .Ioii. I-'. Mnoiii:. I'uliliMlior
l..M(K't.Tli: CUHS l,e jMipplieil
with .i-yiiiiiii!- : r J'uljiOH iittfr
die t.'ii,! nf Aueiist. Tln-su liiulftc are
ii-:nO-l wiih Cii.,i'!o vnj;rnving of
our fiiiii'ii.i-ui's mi rial, white ami blue rib-'
him. l'l-iee 10 cents, nr 12 tor SI. Clubs
oricring h:i.lo": i-lenil'l srivo tlie nnnip of
their Clu.. A.l lress JOHN F. MOORE,'
Itiil-waj, T'a. nul t-tr.
'X IL wanli'.l hy I ho lliiljj'.vay t-'-elioul l.'nnril
le hike ehainj.- nl' ilie lii.lgway .Vehool for
Ilie fall ii-ri i, ("iiaiiH'iii-inj; Sin t'oulier 1st
l'.v in.lei- nf the Iti. aril,
An-r. loih. li'Ot!. HHorctnry.
'7".!!l'. NTl'.t ! i-fieiivi' all diiri fur
y y Tiiiaii'co. Tliii: jrreat n-rni-ilji ia an
cxi'i-llcnt appi'tizir. Il inn-ilies tlie l.hmd.
itivi:r"r.'iti--i the ly-Ociu, poHH'-ss'- pi-cit
iii'ivi'ihiio; inn! rt : cnilioniiif; imwer. ena" I he f-lioni'i.-h In lii.jcst the lionriic'Sf
I'"". I, Miahi-s sh-i-ji i-i-ri-i'sliinsr, niel
rutfiist healih. Siimlicvs ami Olicwer
fi r Sixty Vein-' Cio-cl. lnioi'. Fifty Cents,
oo-l free. A treatise nil Ilia injiirloiis cf
lVel of Tohaeoii, wiih lists of references,
testiiiaminN, Sc., sent fri-c. Atfi'tits want
ed. A.1i1ii-m Dr. T. It AIll'.OT. Jersey
City, New Jersey. Amr. loth V'w
TN tJie iiist.-ii-l ('unit nf tiic- t'niicil
for the tVusii-rn District of l'eni:
of l'ennffyWa-
n i a.
In the Afalli-rnffre-fkl T ,
;:a.Ie!, l,. l!al:r,iPt. f In anlcniptcr.
Ti AVhoin it limy Concern :
Tiic uinlcrsiynt'il liereby give notice of"
his npjuiinlini'iit an Aipnoo of Frederick
i!inliilh, of Si. Mhi-v's. in the onnty of
i;ik, ii t 1 1 Stiifc nf l't'iiii-vlvant.'i. who liny
lii-en u'ljii'liri .-I a I'aitknipt. mi his own pe
tition, by tlie Dislrii-l court if nnid District.
!!.T. TACiiF.ltT. AsHifcnec.
Aus 1"-tt. Emporium, I'enn'n.
TN tic l'isti-iei I'nuv; cT the United Slate
fur !ie WesiiVli Dlaiflct of ruilusylva-in-i.
In i'io oitter nf ('. l'. ) -.
ni Tinikfrrptcy.
II .1111.1. I
T. Ti h.nn it may ('.iiiforn : in -.!, vsiiriii'il hei-ehy ives noiica of
! ins a. p. aoi no tit us Assignee of C. K. Be-
oiiiii. nf llortnn township, county nf F.lkj
ioi'l Sia.'i of i'cniisylvan'iii, within miiil ilia
I tiii-t. who h.iM boon ii,Tjii, a ltrukrunt.
en hii own petition by fliadistrict court of'
"aid ili.'Uriet.
H. T. TAfiilAltT.Asiiignpo.
Aug lo- .i. Kiiiinriuin.
I" AMI! vs loulo et. al (iarnishees. In
S j the i nnii'inr I'lciis of Mil; County, No.
.'ij iil 'J'ei-ai, lSi'.S.
Tin- iiiiih-rsigia'.l hiviiif; been nppoinfod
Ti u-iei-s iu , lie a'Hive cause hereby firo
iciiiec ti all persons hobling properly of
tloi ili't'i-n hint, or iiiilcbteil tn him, al"
iiiiiv ! to make payncnt to tho unilerniRn.
e I mi l il-live;. the ,ai l property Iti them.
j cr-.liti.iv of ilei'eii-o'.'it n il! also present to
i.i.' o;,. -i-.-:i;iipi ; lu-ir clai.ns amy nuthen
tieateil for setlli-ii'iit..
Kit MP. srinmNivfi,
.-it, or
T AT M.M Hli, St. Mary's.
lU.AKFI.V, Vbiintitl's AHorney.
: S'h, !se.--C,t.
An :
IX AM Eli ill A !
A., (jc.
J.".2. ty years urn ler the ttflo of Ohl lo
iionoia Ituiirs. Tl.ey arc a pel feet liluod
1 in -i i.-r, an i-itTivaile l .Stomachic, ami it
eertain cure for all ili.-'uses arising from
"il l aie.-eiaeiit ui' t hi- t'a ninaeli, J.ivev or Kill-io-ys.
A sere namely I'. r .lauinliee, Chron.
:c Hiann hn a ioi.l Debility lvtulting from
any cause whatever. Ity ii. the uppe'ito
is iret.;'ilic!ie.. n ml :i heallhy lime nnil
rilfi.r impririeil to iliu whole sysiem. 4)unn
I ii ies nl' u-.-tiiuniiials, iiiul- eei-iilii-alos havo
lii-en .-eiil uv, all hpeakiug ill cimimeinlv
Hon ot'ilie benelieial ell'ei-is of our Kilters,
an.t wo have no lic-utnm-y in nsertiiig that
il'lloy are niiee i-ni.loyeil, llu-ir use wilt .
be l ee . .in in e n I e. I by every jiurchnser. ?hey
are cheap, available, pa to iin'l sure, hein
;iniiposeil el in.'ve iieiils piirenu l hrirMlesn.
Try ihem ntul be c-mvinceil of ' t"o?r virtues.
For s.,le 0;.- i.U the piiaeipul Di'iiggist-'
a 11 il Mei-ehMius.
Do not fail to cx.nniuo well tho article'
you buy in ot-ler in get 1'ie. geiiuijw.
:-i.-u tra.le i.i.-ii-.
II VVM S .i I'.OYF.!!.
flute l'nipriet.i'o.t Ttlalnif-o-lnrers,
in i v i ttai. line, l'a.