MEWS IT.. MS. Taxation without representation nscd to bo thought had enough, but in th Southern Lcpistuirs wo now have represctatiou without Nxaliotu Tlie patriotic modesty of tl.o carpot bag members of Con tjress was exempli, fied iu thoir claiming pay for (ho wholo term from March lust, when they had eerved only a few days. Miles O'lliclly says it is no wender that ic has been hot for somo time past. "The gentleman down stairs" bts been firing up to givo the Radical party Warm reception. Wilson says that the Radical party stands on the "Itock of Ages." Where at the Cincinnati Ewpiitrrr remarks "its Very clear thac Grant dont stand there lie can't even stand on quarts." Thcro ore two pints to tliat joke. By order of General Howard, the Frecdman's Bureau is soon to ha with drawn from Maryland, whero it is ol no use to tne party nt all. 'iuo iotro will ce employed in a rnoio proluaclc pohti cal field. The State election in Kentucky takes place on Monday next. Acting Gov ernor Stephenson is a canuidato lor re election, and tbo question is only how iiiuuu majority will be given lor the ticket. Kentucky is democratic to the core, and so are nil the border and Southern States, when once the band of military force is lifted from the people. That will be done by tho election of 8eymour and Blair, and heneo their popularity with the real friends of the Union in all parts of the nation. now tite Devil Lost. Tho follow ing is to good to be lost. We clip it from exchange paper, and respectfully call the attention to it of certain persons who feci disposed to spread in tho newspa per line. A young man who ardently desired wealth, was visited by his Satanic maj. ety, who tempted him to promise his soul for cteruity.if he could bo supplied on thii earth with all tho money he could uso : " Tho bargain was conclu ded tho devil was to supply tho moo. cy, and was at last to have tho soul, un less tho young man could spend inoro luoney than tho devil could furnish. 1 cars passed away tho man married, Was extravagant in his living built pal aces, speculated wildly lost and gave away fortunes, and yet his coffers were 5lw'J? u11- lle tned politioiuu, and bribed his way into powerand fame, with out reducing his "pile" of gold. He be came a "fillibuster," and fitted out ships and armies, but his banker honored all hit drafts. He went to St. Paul to live, and paid the usial rates of iutcrest for all u ?0I?ey he conld borrow, but though the devil mado wry faces when ho came to pay the bills, yet they were all paid. One expedimont aftar another failed; tha devil counted the time, only two years, that he must wait for the soul and mocked the efforts of the desparing man. One more trial was resolved upon The man started a newspaper! The devil growled at he bill at the end of the first quarter, was savage at the end of bix months, melancholy in nine, and brok, "dead broke," at tho end of the year, feo the uowspaper went down, but the soul wa saved. Slit (Bllt g(lroi;;itc, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the Intcrcsu of the People zi Elk Co IS riBLISHED EVEItY SATURDAY, BY JOHN F. MOOHE, Office m the Court House. Tkems One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum, invariably iu advaucs. No devia tion from these terms. Bates of Advertising. Transient Advcrtisemenients pcrs qnrc of 10 lines or less, a times or less $2 GO For each subscipunt in-evt ion 12.5 Administrators' and Es'rs notices... 2 f0 Auditors' notices , 00 Dissolutions, Cautions and Estrnys... 2 00 Local and Obituary notices pm Hue.. 15 Professional cards, 1 year 6 00 Yt.UlLY AUVKRTISKMIIItTS. 1 square $ 7 00 column $20 00 2 squares 12 00;.J column 25 00 3 squares 15 00-1 column CO 00 The above rates will be strictly adhered to iu all advertising l'roru this date. ULARRs. Single quire $2 5(VG quire 11 qr..$l 75 8 quires $1 qr... 2 oOlOver li, i qr.. 1 60 IIANPI1ILLS. i sheet, 25 or less 2 (to, J sheet, 25 or less 5 00 sheet, 25orless3 0u,l sheet, 21 or loss OUO Nov. 28, 13G7. JOHN F MOOHE, Editor nnd Proprietor. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge 11. G. White. Additiouul Lav JuJ-c 11. W, Williams. Associato Jud-ei E. C. Schultze, Jesse Kylcr. District Attorney J. K. p. XTnll. Sheriff James A; Malono. Prothonotary, Ac . A. Itathbun. Treasurer Claudius V. Gillis. Co. Superintendent James Elakcly. Commissioners 11. Warner, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollnmr. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Uyron J. Jones, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Geo. Wuliusley. TI.MI?0F HOLDING COUUT. Second Monday iu January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August, ifirst Monday in November, JJijfc, aillia k t'o's., t'oitil,)!). jyj EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS 1 ! NEW GOODS 1 JUST KECEIVIN3 AT THE STORE OF HYDE, CILLIS & CO. IIArvDWARE, QUEENSWAEE, CANDIES, NUTS, &c. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE UEST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND EE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. H oods, Nubias, and all Kinds of Woolen Goods lit t!in MiPfin ntnri nf 12 07 II VDE, GILLIS & CO. D .0 you want to purchase a silver watch ' Amerioan or Fornio-n ? if sn an in 12'CX HYDE, CILLIS & CO. F reah Oysters constantly on hand at the store of 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. N: otious of alPkinda iu extensive variety at the store of ll'C7 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. ii oxtonsive assortment isf CLOTHING at tho store of 12-07 HYDE, GILLIS CO. B 0OTS. SHOES nnd f, AITERSt kiud, style nnd variety at the store of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. A larco and complete stock of lTni-Jwnre and cullerv at the stiro of 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. rOEACCO The finest brands for smok ing and chewinp, at the tn-re of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS ei CO, QUEENSWARE an extensive assort, meat, at the ptoro of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. N ewc-st Styles of Balmoral Skirts at the cheap store of 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. r i odieH' Dress Good Intent and nios I j fashiouublu figures, nktho store of HYDE, GILLIS i CO. IT 'nfq Puns nnrl furs, in frrnnf vnitr.t,icJ X '"in ui me lowebMirice, hi inesioreo i'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. ens woolen and enssimor Shirt a sensation r.riccs i it, 1 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Undershirt and drawers, cheaper tha he chtapesi, at the nto-o of JX7 HYDE, GILLIS C; CO. Ovl wlct, lMi7-ly. g. 311. SMiVa Golnh)!)' FOR PRESIDENT OF XnE.UKIXEJJ STATES IN SOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD LE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO EUY STOVES. li I H m m & $ HOUSE. FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO R IDG WAY, CALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS, And you will lo supplied, ted well salidCcd with tho cull. STOVES, Of all Dcsiiahlo Kinds, always on hand. .3 Of tho Latest and Most Approved Style and Workmanship on hand, and Mado to Order, (a Speciality mado of this Branch.) All Goods warranted. Dealers supplied at tho Very Lowest Prices. Price List furnished on ap plication. TOILET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS ! SPICE-BOXES, And all and every novolty in tho Japan ned Tiawaro Line ! tViro Goods, Toys, French Tiuuod Ware, English Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yankee Low's, Sad Irons, Coal Hods, Japanned, Galvanized And Fancy. Iron Hollow Waro by the Sett or Singlo Piece ! FISIILVG TACKLE, Reds, Baskets, Flics, IIooLs &c., e. Jolitiu in all its branches. I havo tie ncccy for tho Celebrated Oriental Ei-sc Euruiu" Furnaco. The best iu the world portable cr brick sut. If they fail to givo tatLfaction no pay will bo ntLcd. HOOFING, Flat or Standing Groove, Eavo Trough, Spouting, and Huuso work generally. JC"Order3 by mail promp,ly attend. cd to, and work guaranteed, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! If your are fjoiug to build a Houso, Store, Church or Burn, call before you odor your Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron Work. A OU, Lilit ISCT-ly. TJcl'Cpnillc, JlEW HARDWARE STORE ! The subscribers have just opened in G T. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shoif "5 tl II 9 ITS J S -ff J A And will keep ounstantly on hand a great vanciy ol COOS AND IIEATIXG STO YES Bar lion, Strcl Anrih, JJcUohs, AVfr, JJ'trsi: SJioM, Springs, Hu! til ing llnrdwi'i-Cf Sates awl Filcg of Evaj Description ! GUNS, riSTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, l'latcd Ware and House Furnishing Goods. AU kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! TINWARE Of every ilcucription, -which will he sold at the LOWEST CASli VARICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for tho IMPROVER ORIENTAL DA8U.BUBNINO COAL STOVES AND PARLOR fUENACES 1 Which have received Four First Class Tro. rniunis at the New York State nnd oth. cr Fair ; Also, tho Great Silver Mcd.-.l at the Fair of the Ann crictiii Institute, held in New York City, 1K05. They aro Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required tot he mado during iho season. M. BEECIIER, Jr. WM. II. COl' ELAND. nov2S'G7 ly PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. THE subset ihers having completed their New Grist Mill Iu iiidgway are now prepared to furnish the people of tho sur rounding country with Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and othtrB is called to our lacililies for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than It can be bought any other place in the county. fcjjrCAsH Paid fob Gbain-j. J. S. HYDE, J. V. IIOUK. J: K. WHITMORF. Nevcniber 7, I807(f " Took here i WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. CHARLES HOLES, Pr-ict-eal Watchma ker, Je.vcl v .111.1 Eni'rt'vci', RiJgway, Elk county, Pa. The "au'jseriber bi gs leave to announce to ' lio Citizens of l.i.l;;. way and vicitily that ho ic prer.urcd to do all work iu his lino on tliorl nulice and at reasonable rates iu tho very best manner. Shop iii II. S. Heluap's Store. Special atten tion paid to eugraviiiff. Ho has also uu hand a Hrpe n?sortnei;t of Clocks, Wulohus, Jewelry end Silverware which he oilers for salo unreasonable terms. Give lu'macall. novT'CTtf. GCNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, pocket and table cuiloiy, of tlie be -it iimlity and most approved patterns, very cheep at the Hardware Store on liibergcr's old corner iu Si. Mary's. SHOP IN ST. MAIiY'3. OU1S II . GARNER hr u j the nllenli'in of ihn fii!-... ,.r pn, i inijiiMiijirr counucs to inn laci that he has puruliii-ed the f.iut.ilry, fovuie-ly known A McOill's Foundry, aud that ho has rcliticd tho estahlii-hiiii iil'i new nnd improved machinery, which will ennlJo hiin to turn out all work in his line in a mnuner such as will compare favorably with any work in tho country. He manufactures 8TKAM ENGINES, JIILL-GATES AND CASTINGS, PLOUGH-JOINTS, WATEll-WHEELS of all KINDS, W1NDOW-VEIGI1TS, STOVE-CASTINGS OF ANY PATTERN, Ho is also n;;eut for Henry Jarecki's Brass Foundry, nt Prio, and can furnish from that establishment Evnss Custiugs of uy desired pattern ou short notice Particular utlentuu paid to the wauts of coal operators. Chilled car-wheels, axles uud pulleys lurnislied and mado to order. Sleam-t u.ffine boilers revahed in a dura caud neat manner. A varied ausoi tment of rubber and leuth beliing kepi coustaiitly ou hand. He expects through steady application to olisiuess, to deserve tho puttoiiage of all who may call on him. TEUMS CASH. FOUNDRY ON MILL STREET, ST. MAItY'S, I)?iziA-oEa P. O., Elk County, Pa. lis-1, 'j);juv- i.Nwyj-e:l;i uaiuMVJUlHJi rjlIIE CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY A ro Sold ly XV E I S I3ROT IK U Successors to Geo. Wcis. xiEAtr.ns ix roivuji) Scj.j'ij 3)i'!J Goof?, St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Wc have no hesitation in saying that iu this department of our cslaulishmcut, we can give bargains to our customers wi.L which they canuot full to be satis fied. We buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, RichardLcns' Cola, biatcd Loot & Shoe Manufactory, Eluii-. ra, New York V,'c waiiuut all goods in this line sold from oar cstabliahuiCTit. JJEAVY & SHELF IIAHDYAllE. AVE ARE rr.UP.vr.ED TO OFFER To our customers ia this Jino bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our ttDck is largo, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. JADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslin?, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Di.laiucs. Moiro Antiques, Chiotzcs. White Goods Cloths, Flanncl.1, BcrcL'os. i3 Laces, Corsets, In fact wo havo everything connected with Ladies' Wear. Wo are determin ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTER Gooda than any other firm in tho coun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it JA11K WELL WHAT V.'E SAY. We Sill the Best, iltenfure THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING Sold iu Elk Couuly. Our Stock of U- !)ilt Soys' iiyiki' I 0 1 1 i a 0 13 IMMENSE, And wo cuuiidontly fiatter ourselves that better Clothiut; cannot be found ANYWHERE. '. Persons, K-Ioro paix-haruug cLcwlicrc' would do well to lvc us a cull. . CCi-No troubla to show our Goods. Q liOCEHIES, NOTIONS, ,&c, &e. Iu Eudloas A'uritty, and . CHEAPER thuii tlc CHEAPEST! At tbo Store of i l Is $ !li la St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. piPES,TCDACCOE3 & 3EGAPS 'Wc havo now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will bo sold at a VE Ji Y SLIGHT A D VANCE 0,i cost uud carriage. tSrOur Store is in the new S;ote Budding oil, Na'ui Siil. July U, iv'J7-u. JOHN 0. HALL, Attorney nt law. Hidg. way, Elk couuly Pa. juiar.i;il't;ti ly TAUHI B J. P. LA KELY, Aitoi-uey nt Iniv, j aud V. S. Cwnmlsrner. l!i'l;way Elk county, Pn. f i!inr-'"JfJ-ly. J (.) VlUJv of all kinds and lx. evijitions done at this office. HFNRY SOUTHER, Atlorncv-nt-Ln, Ki.isv,ry, p.-,. (febllJ'O, A LPIXE HOUSE. .Vt. J!firv' Pn.. Hnr. limn Kreti!, Proprietor. rujfO'Oti DR. W. JAMES ;LAK1:lY Physician and Sui-eon, t;t. Mary's. Elk comity 1' :.iar-J'0G ly. Dll. W. W. .SHAW Pi-nelkrs Medicinrt a:il traicry, Cenuevlllo, Elk county !'a- , iriar-2J'00-ly. J I AU.L l IO.N.S', .VU.MMON.V, SUHPtE, Si D.1S, ,niT!lUiS, &C,, Gi on hand and fot1 sale at t!iis dice. CH. VOL1C, Mniiur-ictiirer an. I Dealer . in Lnmr Deer, opposite the Railroad D'put, ill. Mary's, Elk vvuuly Iu. Mar-aj'i;ij-l . Dli. W. Ii. ilAUTATAN, St. iVIarv's, Elk couufy, Pa. Lu'.o of the Army of tin) Potominj. Particular iitlunlion givLH to all cases oi'suriric.'il natiiie. luur-U'OO-ly. i;OVE G. ! SSSKNOEK, DrtttttfiTt nni m I'ejiler lo 1) u nnl 'i :..i.. - ...... VIlVITIK.lIff, , . , , ' 1 ' 1 "tilt I V JUII elarneles ntid Stuliotiary, Ridftwnv. Elk counyPa. mar-'.iii-ly, 17 is a N x i:Nr-ri77olo",r. J. teiitrcviile, El! cjiintv, Pa., desires to inform the citizens of Cuntroville and vi cuiiiy, ilmt he j.snl nil times prepared to do work i;i a neat and satisfactory manner, five lnc u caii. hovti7Jy Jo.tsu. K.ll7tZ . 1 & JJliC). BEN7.INf!!:;. P. (. y.L& COUNTY, PA. September l.'n'JJ. y. T S. Por.hvcll. M. orKelKtiTphic'm'n t) , t'liieo n-l leiideueo i-.'-i.i te u ,. la... on Ce.:ue ,;t.. Pi.l;ovay, V.. 1Vo.m atleiitionwi.l l.e piven to n'l ea'l.. or.ce ooms: 7 8 A. M:;lsSto2 1. M. ; and i JLli -22, Cii-tr. rAIIAYER HOUSE, -8- B IDG WAV, PA. DAVID TTIAYEii, Proprietor. Theundersiftiel having fitted up a lar"" and. commodioiis hotel ou tho southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling Attached, respect fully solicits I he patronage of his old friends aud tne p-tHio generally. jUcjia'UuJ DAVID THAYER. S. SHOUT. t(UTISVOLLMEi! JOHN 0. HALL, JAS. K. P. HALl! BANXINcj-noUSE OF Sfhorf, gall & ao. St. .Wfwy'i', 2c. iu Te i' (p JJ.K C'.u m y. f j;xj("A HYDE HOUSE, RtmiWAY. Ei.k Co t. JL "r. Moore, Proprietor. Thniikful for tbn , ..... i 1'berally be.-lowed upon him, ti10 new proprietor, bonpa K ....... : ' j i"v"i onei. ni tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of thu same. lRANKT.TN . Ji OUSE, J br. Maiiv s. I'a. " LATtOEY fit. Mliovn t ,. Jhe proprietors rcspecifiilly ask the atten tion o. men, i , ,e,s ,.,! ,,0 ,,,,,;,. ; on. i.' . ". t commouioiis hotel. -.j auvuiiuu in to the convenience of wy;;0-lS08.1y J,A. .liALOXK. IXCHANOEHOTEr., " Zi iili VAV. pa. T. HA LEY Proiirietnr. This h, it.-.' i : i,, ui ,., ... banks ol ih? i . A Am ;;,.., ,.,i i.-,,, at the lower en I of the v.ila,-e. Mi- ii,...?' will simre no : lins r,,.. (.., ... ' .. I,:, - , ',, . niiiBiiio.tu Ol i;.-. t-ls. '.mvilonono uud all to nlvo him a ca ' ,'v, i --. Mo i. ... . t cepi. l , in 0, - v. --- -- - .,.3 IIUU..-U, SOMETHIXQ NEW! HOVSI:, CIC & 0JaAM22?AI, PARTING, fiHi: t;l'!!."lll P P ivoirr ii t.- . specially irioi-M the citizens of Elk comity tV.t ,n i, hisi. n, 1 :,. aiiovo hiiMress i;i lli-isiav im.l i-.-.i ...... uent tliai lie cm plea-e ull v. nomnv favoi h.'.i with liieir eu..iuia. GRAIM "-."iJ l'll'l::; IIANtilNO ACt) iMtnuivivn done on shoct notice 'and in thi, lajrtt ialii,-r:'10e and iianr ived mmm,.,. el Vie. Cvilel'.l 1. fl :it. ll.iu l.ii',.... ., ... .... Liiiikuij; Hou-eof Souihor, Willis i Souther win ue proiupuy aiieuue-1 to. J - WILLIAMS, Maj'-li'O'j-ly. f-iO.U COKE AND I'lRK-CLAY! J All of superior i, inililv. for stil., h,. .I. Tanncrdalc Ccal Cornpanv. St. Mary's, Elk. County, l'a. w"OrUcK by mall promptly jttoud. id to. rw....ili: .! ,i II, S. L'ELNAP ,t CO., JiLACKSJlITIIIN't"!. completed our new o itablishnient, and located . oeiem, we still hope l,y cou' slant idlentioi, to business. Knd turning oat hrs.. class work, to no'i it. n e,m,i..i,auce oi slie ti.ttroiinx, heroin!'..,.,. , tls Ao-I ( ;,il t or new shoii, at tl.o cal ei n f-ii,i i.i f ., ..- . 1 V. . I, -1 c ei, luuj way, i-.i. 1 articular attemi,.,, ;...... . , .i... i.,,otn Of horses. All we ask is a fair trial. iway 1 OU-ly. TI'ACKSMITirs CAUPENTEIl'S AND l joiner's tools for sale " cheiipor than the cheapest" ul the Si. Mary's Hardware Store (uovilo'GT.) VII orders for Stoves nnd Hardware will bo promptly ulteudcd to a. son us received, at ttic ..2.7 i.iRYX IIAr.IAV'ADE STORE.