A TTE. J l. MILL U II A7.' .' ityv. i.;u-'. TCi'.r.iM: ) ate R I Wlll-I l patented 1 "".' ls Pupe.'.or I" nny y.Ih-1 . ' V'"i 7' Klpno.ll.nv.. .hoap'm'.v ".". h tn .Slatc of lYnn-vlvai,.... :i.d on., re ',,, ,ed it m, l.Minjs tl.f 1.1 t...ti.il:-lHr;.l. i .rn.rll. -.H.l r.rculaM ... ..i V .ii'tdrv it lvr-.y. where rnei..c-Willl....i.1:..l,-1....r.l.-r..l ivm.,, 1.1,- ZU. W rXj.-'Ct Ly P"' Silt Is t :l''l I 111 in oi.r work to receive n g,"l sl'arc ot pub lie patronage, j. v. V.OF.KKTSOS, ii. r.u.i.. Kersey, l'.ik Co.. IV... jnnK, Y ANTED MiT.NTS In sell tlio chcap- ,.t. most i.rnetieal nifl durni.lo ever br.i'i'.d.t before the public Oukksk (loll.l.X PlSS. V.l'lelV tTll-llValoll l.'l'll'Ul i omul kalilo fiexihllVy mil mil i i orro.-iye properties. 'I li l- i i-i.s avo V"1 "P. bronze mid ;'.'' slide boxes, sill li.piiF.y tut, ,av :l laiee p.olil It. iheapnl. Sample vaids. will. I'm.-. torvardcd on receipt of HI cents. I irculat s tree. A-blrc'i ('HAS. 8. GREENE, 41; Chesuut Mm'1, rhililcl phiti, la. . liu. TVJAI'S, SPIKES, H'NGFs. RIVETS. L locks, bolls, mi t iiilhin: of build-tV materials in genet al can l.o had el c.ipcr nt the St. M.iry'n II irVvar.. Sturc than any other place in ElU county. '") 11 i n (i w a v l i v i: k v y t a ii 1. 1: : The sul.icvll... r would nt'iini-.tioc In the citizens of RhK-u ly. niel l!..' 1 v i-I i tijf pub lic tl.al ho lias established n LIYKHY ST.M'Li: in Ridgwav. and t lint In' hopes by fair d, .til ing will, his customers tun. el it a libi'tal idinrc of their patronage. Tcrtu ro.isnna- tip. " isaac com; v, Jan. 2", '0S-1y. J. S. F.oRDWEI i., M. 1. f.clkvth: :i v .v i v f J .v. Ahc word rcieetie means to ohn -'.' nr select Hi.'-Ii. ill'.- from a'l th" tliil'orcnl tcliocl- of nu..l..'iin' : n rcnulics 1 1 1 : uro s.-ii'o. aii'i 'I'-'-u liu;: IVoii. pr-i.-t: : all me lii'mos ih.-i h-ive mi )mpari.u' ;te-t i n : . Iil' M'sti'in, siii'li r. i-iviry, i.i.r.iii. K-a-l,"' opp.-r. 1 lay 'asi.V- tl-.o . - ;' -'-I " ' l-.-'ii'!-. ri. lio-i r of il p'o t,i. 1 " , ' i',U t':t j -ii iuil.it i.:i ! r.'-l-i.-c i '- . ,- - m t" it ! inanu:'.'. ly miviv . - ' ! ' ' I ' t-h:A l.t-n-'ifit i l'!v -' p ii 1 )'.! !' a' ' i. !.! ;" i 1 hrollio. .." '. sii.-l- :it' " .-.,v I Jly.-p. p-i.i. I.'vor !."iipla'it,:. t'i.':.i:-h. , l.lljril. 'l!s-i :' ot lii.' Ilsr..!:!. 'n ''". " ." '''- puis, an 1 ali iti.-ea.-i s p- cnliai- U. !'' u.m .-. , e. t'AT A !! I 1 1 if v j'i a i ' in t.: it a la!" it.VPtnio!! v. !.: 1. ' .!-.'. .'i'.. ' ' TKKl'It x'fH-u-l :.!:.:: p ;;". (..lie" II 11 1 l"'si 1- 11'-" s.llllll ol I il . '1 i.t: ! "ei.tic v!'. (b!i'.''-' It.iiii'.-. tr-'iu 7 In a. i.i i 2 :o 1 p. in : I' lo 7 p la. I Leo. 's.v;7. -iv. .!. s. !:;:).'. j ( HEAT ItEDfOJ ION i S ix Tilt-. paiCI O.7 FUPui'T UF'.E ' 'J 1 i'i. 1 I'1' THAN THE CHKAI' Mr. -lnrl I . liaor 'Vs -. r. s - I :i! - ! n,, it..,,.! ptitchin-r, ',y ia iit.-'M-.n i!i- ii.'.'i.s ..; i-i.. i ..n:.' I ia: J tv.j ; p;,, ! . , 0 . en .h-'-s.-s, capos, a; fe hiis n r.v ilu- I io 'i:.b-'K'. ili -ap.-st . . v -,, (i.iitfj their iiileiuu:- to Rive inn n Mi.l n .si lol ol l"ii: aMin-.' in iho c 'iiniy. I ,. j, am;:!0 lili III-, l-'iii-niliiii.. i ' a!', li.ti-'e in i.i- own -!i"p. j '1'.' .. . V .H.it!i.-.-l'.r" v.air.,!., ii to !.. i.e-.t in. 1 I f T MAI'A".-' f'J'il.Ul lANXKiil 1 .III ruble, lie h is n i.- !'t :.. u i..,i,i,,,m Sof.-i fii.iirs. Ti.bli Varlro'.i'..s. ( 'noli., nals. I'. okea I'-'i"- I f'n.lils. W.-l-!i -!:.:i I- l:-i.-ks. Vi, ,. N..'. 1: '-'.-.:, I i.e. I I i, ! . Viai.i. s. ::.-..t . v -yt-til s' !: .- I il -ii'-.". i-.e la' '...'ill, , 1, ;.'!! liil II . I.J1 i.l jinn i., i,u i , V.,r:.lll'i'l'ii:.'.l Irl .line All ho iisl.s i: .! i:a,-i;-. iia! i-..:' U hit - I Van's ,!n tl 't ! '.tl 1 toe Iiini:," IV'.' 'l i l ie' I (.'! A!';I, ; 1 1 jj-j. ;N i s I' i: vi i ' 8 l ii" ' i i aio.i M i ,i.'i-il I'niri! II, illlt.l :t .1 l-i Ii VT til" I'-'-l fh-Mj-e .iiirabie i'liiui in u-e : 'vo ,.-,,- . iii-e tl w on I 'ii ,-i Veil I. II on. iniNct with pure I.: i i. -H-. 'ill or l "i years : it is of a t:?M 1;-..i ..v tenr.tiful" elio.i'tlato e i',,r a el .-nti !" VhiliK!-l lo j'f"f. 1-tt-l, ! 'Il :b. '.;. .r. :,. I 1 1 -ll.il I I,.' I I - . O ',' I 1. ' CI! -11 HOT. Ii is valiniblo for lieu--s, I;.i; ::s IV'.-.'ts. ! t 'arria ' nii'i t 'ai'-:.i ik"i' . I' t-ti ware. Afiieiill in al 1 1 ( -ti-: ,., i V,',,..!. , ('an.,' i -. t'aiiv.i -. lioats. Ve-iseis iiiel snips .' ii; Metnl an-1 Shinirle l!on!s. I il b ;::u' I ire ini'l Water proof), I'loer Oil I'loilis. (,-ne M ,',:i. laclurci-h.ivinjr nse'l .11 It ill Ibis, 'he pas' year. ) nml as n pnii.t for nny : - i Iiiisurpasscl for boily. 'lurabiiii y, ehi.-tieity, nml inllicsivoiiess. Price ;? per Mil. of :ill(l lbs., wlilch will supi-ly n fanner fir years to coino. WarronK"! in nil cases as above. Sen I fo" a ciivular ivhiih ;ries iuU particulars. Mono freiiuinc unless l raiuleil in a tril'lo imir'.i (i. a'inn Miner il Paint. A. hire, s H AM Kb 111 DV. I.l.b. Jot pe-irl Slreei. New 1 i.r'i. Pol- salt by IK lb, (iiliis 1',,., u'. Kulg vav. AVjl. i;7.-oia. CoriM' l'KOCLA M ATION. "lrill'.l'i: AS, llie Hon. 11. W. Williams, y I'rosi leui, nml lions. U. 0. Schulizo in.l.le- e Kybr, Assoeiates. Ju-les of the I'oiitl of IJu irier Sessions, Orphans' Court, Oyertni'l Tern. liter, mi l (ii neral .'u'l liellv cry, lor the trial of capita! an. t other oll'eti. cts in the county of l.lk. by their preccpn to me direct el, have orleiv,I the afn.vsaiil Iiainc l Coiirls !o be hnhleii at P.hlnway, in nml fur the c, unity of KIU. on the last Mon day in April, it lninj the 7t!i ilay of the month, an,) lo ci, uiiniie niio week. Noiice is hereby c'.vin lo the Coroner, Jin.'lices of the Peace, an, I ('uu-tnhlcx uf the cminly of Ilk, Ilia, they me be th.-sf pre-eiils coin lliainleil to be then an.l there in their prop--r jiers'ins at t u o'el ,e':, A. M., of s-iM day, will, their rolls, i-i e.-r.ls niel iiq ui. i tions, nml ollr't retnenibr meis. i.l, hi-e tilings wliieli their i.'h -i s a; p.. -la'-u to he done, an, 1 1 hat ail.lj-iiees of i-ai.l e unity liilke rit;;rtis of all veo.rtit.;iiiee. ' enl, ie,l Into before I hi tu to tin-Cli rk ot th ' Coin-t us per At of Assembly i f May It i, Ami thn-ie v.Iinnrj b.n.:i 1 l y their recj; i lances to pi no-cut e I he pivsiu'is that are or shall be in the jil nl'ilu cmii-y u. ll'.k. Mi l to be then mi I there tj pru.-e.-uic airaill-l the. n a-, shall be Just. .I.i M1IS A. M.'.I.ON". UMifWay, niarM. .SI.e.i.l". 1 )i.cKsirni s cAiti'KTi;i; s and 1 joiner s tools lor .-a'c cue. inc.' than the. c'lCiiiK'St " a" the yt. M n v's Hanlwave ft tiro. (ir.J-'li".) Something a eaec.e stock or '.. l . i .! V. I l l Jii j.:J 'L' j' U.! luil TV. tMnTrr-H't;('l liavc on ltaml n Iffc ami vi'ty uoiralile stuck t'l (!001S, nnil wi'l iiiiilaiili.v kcc. an txtttisive a.-yiii'tnii tit, iuc'itaiii tvcryt!.iu; thai is v,-jii!cJ to i:at, wkai!,oi! n-:i-:i. tvl.iel. thry will f-'-''l !' the vcr.v l'"1'11'" ii"ttro iiinl IViiti! this thito will w vAy i", ii- CA ;'. Wc will u-u fvnry otiilcnv or to make it to the interest, nl our cits tumors tu iiJoj't lha iii.iversul CASH SYSTEM. Te hr.vc Je'eriniiieu to give tho CASH SYSTEM r. fvr !f!:i!. 1.1 -I i.l l.. t!. ! ii in..' it lo I e the infer 'i it'll! m iier. ii. . :1th. 1 ''". pc. "7 . r, ;;;;i!.ii. T;:::r!. i . :.ii-:i:t;iiANTT.lI.OP., ji7;.-v.-;;y, -:ik Co., Pa. !." mi! .-i '.'. :t -ires r "'pori ful'y tn in f -iil i ! i i.' ..i ii.. i ! l;;-l;;v.'iy ami vicinity it: i iic i- p.-.-pa, i ! :n ni-tko I n in'.icr as well ii i i.ii be ib.ne.iiiy A hero, anyihiiijr in ilu' lit " .ii h .i l.'i-ui'-.-s. Ail lie asks is ft fail' irit-1. ! I I'ii- tr'i'i'anl.-fl. ('Y.i!:-. t iniri-i. 'i.;:)i"s nii.l TH ..;..'!.;: ..f the lat.-l ...i.l no.-l cpprov.-il !-.r...i ..,!. h.in.1. -l.i-li will i J I I . T. E :'l K '. ! r - 1 : 1 1 0 ll ( 0. Tai nt ! h '.;:( i:i ;..t.!:.,i!iK;iii;.r to ihe J ul, lie I .-.r- ; -un-line: ci-unlios lh-,1 they '..z'.' ' !''. !i 1 1 1" 1 iilnl ri li':; nloil ..I I.I.I.V.Iil lill'.i-llt, lll.'l ..-ei.".- ii .it wiili liieircx- i v. itli i-r-t-i-l-.ss w,,i kn'.an. ! I .mv i "I in (-" 1 as oMi : , , ,-.l ;:n '-. here. V.'e h.lV", all 1 keep I oit.-ntt'v i ii hnii'l nil! I;in Is nt leather , h j.'. y .i.en.l ,,sa in ibis section, ia- j V.'.','-. :,., i. -;! S,'c A.-.7,.v .' , ' .-, it' I'li'ifi' Lnit.'.il- .' t:r cash I j ri!: hides. tl'v ii 1 a i -ii! an I be cmivince.l of ilie !' wh-.l Vi M.:te. niarl'iiis y ami :s i -. c lo s key, I 1 ItiWiI'lJ "v u' l : e-pe" f'll'y inS.vjn tho citizens of ii. iii ri mi !::(.' co'i,. nullity thai lie slr.l i-:i"'ii :i luiii'l ii ;.. I supply of cuch aril. e',e- as i.re .i'"ii r -' ki p. ;a il eouulry gro- u-e, mi FLOUh, Sl'G AR3, TOIIACCOiis, SEGAHS, WHISKEY il Ht i s himself he can sell ns e - can be boiijrlit itiirv.'lierc in -.vliieli he e.-eaji a- I llie i-viiii'.y. I have l-i t -1 y oreelc l a first -class shingle i.iill. w hieh is note in operation. It is an altesleil 'hat the shiiiL'les wiiieh were laii'le in tliis r.iii! ami ohl in Willtntu.-port, are a first -class nriicle, the lumber of which they ore iiin.lo bein wfll (.easnnetl. 1 il 'sire tu inlio luce the e shingle totlio in. lice of biiihters, who will cnnsuU their own interest by (iving luea cull. May ad, 'li'J. If It is t!ieb"sl chance ever olfereil tn Agents; (me or two ilays' t'n.ie will serine a good Sowing Vacliitie, Watch, Silk llrcss, lie volvir. nr some oilier article of injunl value, l'P.t:i: (;!' Cn.-T ! Agents wnntel everywhere, nude ami female, for the best One pnllar Pawnbrok er's Si'.e in th" enunlrv. S Mi l for circular. S. C. Tlln'Ml'SoN K CO. lltl Hanover St reel, jatil-;',ii:pl j.'c.-ton, Mass. Tcii rricinTiTciT: : : sntATi' ! sen rni ! ! sniA-rni ! ! ! in IV, en 10 in !'; Iioiii. Wheainn's ( Hi. I iiieni cures The Itch. Wh ...Hen's l.iiiimeiit cures S ill Khe.it... Wheatou s I luil a. cut cures Teller. Wt.eaton's Oliiieient cures Harbors' l:eh. When 's 0'.ut:ii.ii l ines (Hit Sores. ', l.eal'.n's t lint i,i"iit euros II i cry kin l. of lliiiin.r like Magic. I'r'ce. .llie. -tits a ho!; : bv i.ia'l, till cenbs- All'.', ss WCI'KS & POTTKl! N .. 170 ! Wesliinif Slnel. Puiloti, Mass. For sale by n!!.b"i:;,r'i'. Sept. 17T'7 ly. J Ikis ;lii'Oil).'l'.V Coi!ii)l). 'piiE CHEAPEST GOODS IX THE COUNTRY A rc Sol J hy w i: i s ii it o t ii i: n Successors lo Ceo. Weis. HE.M.r.na lit fol-cicjii Sohv.oiL' Jji-i) fioo?,, Ft. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. c- ALL AND EXAMINE Ol'll IMMENSE STOCK OF IJOOTS AND SIIOEK c Lave no hesitatiou in Faying ihnt in this department of our establishment, wc can give liarrains to our customer? with v liic-It they eaunot fail to he pa'is f.c.l. 'c Vtiy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Itichardsons' Ccle. inateil Poot & Shoe Manufactory, Julmi ra, New York WTc warratit all good in this line sold from our establishment. IT EAYY & SHELF HAlimVAltE. v.i; auk rr.!.p.u:i:i to ovfi:r To oi;r customers in this lino bargains which cr.nnot be undersold iu Elk coun ty. Our fitDck is largo, well selected, and is csi ccially adapted to tho wants of the community. jA DIES' DI1Y A FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins', Silka Calicoes, Satins, Delaines. Moiro Atititjuc, Cliiutzcs, White ocm-Is Cloth?, Flannels, Ecrc.'os, Laces, Corsets, In fact wc have everything connected vviui j.aciics car. n c arc uctermin- L'd to sell IKr,ilictiprr and BETTER .-, , (,OOUS tl,an an-v otllcr f"'m la tllc COttn- ' Give us a call, we'll prove it. ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. II c Sell (Its Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold iu Elk County. Our Stock of TiJ.'l) j)i0 Soijs' ti:)lt);l' qii) iljiiil' (T 1 0 1 II I :11 IS IMMENSE, And wc confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing clst'wher would do weli to give us a call. BQt.No trouble to show our Goods. p ROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c, Lo. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER titan tlte CHEAPEST! At tho Storo of In St. .Mary's, Elk County, Ta. 1)!Pi:s,TC15ACC0ES cf- SEGAKS We have now on hand an i:cki.i. i : n i a sst ii; x m i: n t, Which will he sold at a YE R Y S L I U 11 T A I) YANCL On rust nml rtirritiie. l-Jf'Our Sinre is In lite new Stone Btttliiiit on Alain Strict. July Jl, 1807 if. fMI E WOll L 1) HE N O W N E D T MORNING IG LORY! FOR SALE AT SERYIO V , EXOLUSIY.E AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand and am now receiv ing the- most complete stock of Cooking and Parlor Stoves cvfcr brought lo this section. I buy the best, believing they are the cheapest. I have the exclusive agency for the Cel ebrated Morning Glory, also, for Ppeer's Cookiug'nnd Parlor Stoves. I have some beautiful designs from Erie, PiiifTalo, Troy and Philnilelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice any stove made in the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted seventeen years cxclu sively to the sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Cupper Ware, I am satisfied that the most fasiidi ous can be; pleased at my shop, lion't fail to call before you purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS supplied with Tin-wave and Stove Pipe as low as can be bought in Eric. THIS IS NO IICMBUO. Coal Hods plain and fancy, and everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Hags, Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead, Sera Iron, Sheep Pelts and Fanneis pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. have the Agency for the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, it is tho best, 300, 0110 of them iu use. Each Wringer war. ranted lo be as good at the end of one year as when fust purchased. Call and take one home with you nnd if it does not give good satisfaction after a fair trial, it may be returned and your money will be refun ded. SAVE YOUR CLOTHES, SAVE VOCE, LABOR, PRESERVE YOUll HEALTH, SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WllllE HANDS. nnd have smiles iuBlead of frowns on Wasl Days. Oct. 01st 1807-ly. -AW jj ti? l P C? 8 ? ) i r c c i c r u JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, liblg way, Elk county l'n. n.ar''22'00 ly TAUIME J. 15LAKELY, Attorney at law, j and U. 8. Commissioner, ltiilgway tlk county. IV f mar-22 00 1y. TOR WORK of afT kinds nod dcs. J criptions done at this office. II ENUY SOUTHER, Attorney-nt-I.aw, ltidpwny, Pa. (febll.l Of) c It. EARLEY, Physcianand Sur- . ccon, Farley, Elk Coliiily, Pa. iMarcl. i, iFoo-iy. LPIXE HOUSE, St. Mnry's Pa., Iler J man Krctz, Proprietor. r.igO'UO R. W. JAMES liLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Va. niar-22'(j0 ly. DK. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ccntrcvillc, Elk county Pa. mar-22'liO ly. 1 EXECUTIONS, "SUMMONS, SURPtE. tias. Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale nt litis office. CH. YOLK, Manufacturer and llcaler . in Lngtr Peer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Ya. Mtir-22"ij-l . DR. W. 11. HARTMAN, St. Mary's. Elk county, Pn . Late of the Army of the Potnnuic. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. in.ir-22'OO-ly. CI ROVE G. MESSENGER, Druggist nnd T Dealer in Drugs nnd Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, ct articles and Stationary, Riilgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'00-ly. RANK ENTZ, MEticiiANT Tailor, Ccnlreville, Elk county, Pa., desires to inform the citizens of Ccnlreville nnd vi cinity, that he isat all times prepared to lo work in n neat and satisfactory manner, riive me a call. nov07ly JOil.V Q. ll.U.L ,1AS. K. 1'. UALh. 1TAEE & IlltO. Attori)"v - o - Law. ST. MARY'S : BEN7.INGEH P. O. U.K. COUNTY, TA. September 20, 1S00. ly. TS. Piordwell, M. D. Eclectic Physician. Office and resilience opposite the Jail, on Centre St., llidgway, Pa. Prompt attention will bo given to all calls. Office hours: 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 tn 2 P. M. ; and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, dti-tf. ri , HAYEK HOUSE, X RIDGWAY, Tk. D.A.VID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a largo nnd commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends ind tho p'll lio generally. UecloGUly DAVID TIIAiEK. :. SHORT. LOUIS VOLLMF.R, JAS. K. P. HALL. JOHN G. HALL, BANKING-HOUSE OF ghort, lull & oja. HI. Hilary's, llcnzlngcr P. O. Elk County, Pkxna HYDE HOUSE, RmowAT, Elk Co., Pa. M. V. Moore, Proprietor. ; Thr.nkful for the patronigc heretofore -o liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the cotnlort nuJ convenience of tiests, to merit a continuance of tho same. Oct 4 IMljlj. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. AT JOTICE is hereby given that 1 have tak- X i cn nut a license ns auctioneer, and will attend promptly to the calling of uii sales entrusted In iny care. Any person calling sales without a license wil be held answerable to the strict letter of the law. r. W BARRETT, Dec241SGGtf. Auctioneer. EXCI1ANGE HOTEL, RIDGWAY, PA. J. JIALE1 Troprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the banks of tho Clarion River nnd Elk Creek, it the lower end of the village, Mr. Healv will spare no pains for the convenie.co of his guests, lie invitos one andallto give him a call and try his house. Sept, 17th'07-ly. ii r, a cksm ii iiinct ! H. S. 15ELNAP desires to iuform tho citi ens of Ridgwny and vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill si reel, and lias employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any hing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular intention given Ip the shoeing if horses. All 1 nsk ijs a fair trial. May 17'Cd-l.y. SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, SIGN tu CENAIEENTAL PArNTIIJO. 'I"HE SUBSCRIBE It WOULD RI!- spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county thf.t he lias just started in the above business in Kidgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. CHAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMISING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE i-.ost fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the dunking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. V. W ILLIAMS, Mny-17'C0-ly. COAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of sitpcriui quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. JfrST Orders by mail promptly ittcinl. d to. septlG '5-tl giEEiisT: foeweeT, )J)!)dl:.-.'il; Cc;;fiioii;i-s& rriilfjl'Jlv. No. 1GI NoitTti Third Stukkt, I'HILADETPHIA. "Orders promptly itteni'cd lo. 2-3m. w TANTED ONE HUNDRED TINS i.i t. i icr innv ... 1 1. w A 1 wIjL .11 i iLf.i iiiu nunc mm i'm Simp, llitlway, lu.