The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, April 19, 1868, Image 2

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    JOHN K. .icii.lll-:. Ilnnn.t.
, il isi,. :::::: : ISCM,
loll I'll KM M.N T I.N 1 HIS,
l ull VICT. 1 Itl'.SIHKNT,
'! All 'i"f (.'( l")lil,
Oj liy lit ( .ui'ly.
(J (.h::,tl',i C,,!g.
FnlstulT Via:; noted or ! . is dishonest
find viiUmovs expedient.--, but tho Radi
cals Iii 11 all !i ' 1 -,v . They tire
t.lVaid il 1 1 i o i ui c ('unit afraid (i!
fair and live i-lections, n-id every tribu
i n! Yi re j ustico is admin;.- (cred.
No nigue o'er foit I'." liallcr draw
j.cicj.1 i.piui; n ill' the law."
In I'i :ilis 1 aiiiu, one sthenic after
: I h ; n-l' is devbed by the iladicals to
ii"liat the will o! the people, by prc-
i i.'in bdr elections.
First, she Statu v;:i '1 ferry mander
i:, lie r.ppi rti. moral, thai tht: Jia.hc lis
i-in lave a majority of iho Legislature;
: illn'il;.'!) the IVnncrals l:;iy ("any t'iC
-;ato l.y a liiaj.ii'uy ! thousands.
'I'his lis a hand mi tho people, lot what
I :. : I V ii;.:v Ic L'uiliv of it.
siaturc in
lop! fiic expedient
; !t; i.imthtr to (vi'tiol the election.-.
ihiii'iij the war the. soldier vote was
J::iudult:nt!y polled and counted under
j'i;i.-:!;.tivo t t;';ctn;et,ts, in order to keep
up the Radical inajoii'y.
Vhcn the war was over, and the sol.
("ieij came honu', and could co longer
be lontrollcd, a deserter law was passed
ior the urpo.-e of kiepinj; men away
in, nt the J oils. This w.i- declared un
constitutional niter h baa soivej its
purpose fur a year or two. The latt
('.oiliiD Inwards deflating the wiil of the
epic, is the new 1 'rit iy Law passed
at the lute session of the Legislature,
and signed by the Governor, and is mow
law. It changes the system of holding
lections, or wore particularly the rpial
ificalii'DH of voter?, and adds now and
iiniiTCFS .1 i y troul l jsome 1 c--ts. It!
i -jly clji'ct is to prevent the laboring
nun and naturalized citizen from voting
-kr.owirjr that a large number of ihem
support the .Democratic ticket. l!ut
the people are getting tired of such
dishonesty and deception, and next fall
will place the seal of condemnation orei
the whole Eudirul paity.
White men in the North are hecotn
insr heartily tired of supporting; in idle
ness thousand of negroes in the South,
and hence they demand that the Freed
men's Rureau shall bo aholhhod. What
that Radical conti ivance has cost it 1
l aid even to estimate. No report has
ever b:cn made of the vast amount of
ijiiartermitsler nnd medical steles turned
over to that l'tircau, or of tho vuluc of
triitispot tation furnished. The nearest
we can come to a knowledge of the ex
pense is by the estimate of Gen. How
ard, who asked, in S(it, for a million
and thrie-fjuai lers to tlothi lreedmcn.
hall a milium to buy them j hysie, and
neatly two millions for transportation.
Resides this, there was (in irregular
I I r. -Mi i i ii i
iiinu oi one minion ana a halt which
disappeared in the same way. To these
sums must be added the loss Iho coun
try occasioned by tho withdrawal of la
bor in ten Stales by tampering with tho
negro. Field hands; have been tnrned
into politicians, and laborers, needed to,
raise cotton, rice, tobacco, corn and oth.
er products of the South, have laid
down ,: the thovel and the hoc," and
taken up the ballot and the carpet-bag.
In this manner the resources of the
South have been curtailed, the revenue
of that section diminished, and a heav
ier burden has been imposed upon the
c lpital, labor, and industiy of the North.
Fcr each ufgro supported in idleness
south of Mason nnd Dixon's line, some
white man has to toil an additional
number o! hour noiib of that boundary.
For each pound of bacon or ilour dis.
tiibuted to the Radical pets in the un
represented Sta'is, the wives and chil
dren of w hite men in the N jrth have to
! uller. One reason for the continuation
of high taxes in the country taxes
unprecedejkd in.thc history of nations ;
taxes which arc eating, cancer like,
ink) the very lifo of trade, commerce,
andcuMiicssj taxes raising rents upon
poor pcopb, and, at the sani3 time, ren
deling real estate comparatively unpro
ductive is the fact that the Radicals
have withdrawn tho ueirrocs from the
pursuits of industry iu tho South, and
thus deprived tho North of the benefits
of full productiveness from that section.
This position is incontrovertible. The
facta Hated cannot be disproved, and
yet the Radicals insist upon continuing
t'n j Fieednien's Bureau, the agency by
which all the mischief has been con
suinmateJ. White men who carry on
their shoulders the industrial fabric, of
the naiiou, are opposed to the present
system of feeding negroes iu tho South
and neglecting toilers of a lighter com.
plexion iu the North, and the receLt
elections have demonstrated this fact in
most unmistakable manner.
Car Time at llUlgtvatj.
Erie F.xnrcss Knst . 10:10 p. m
lo do West 8:oJ n m.
ilo Mail Kast 4;lS p. m.
do do Wept Zil p. m.
I.fiml Freight Kust !l:4()a. m.
do do AVcsl (!:4 J p. m.
Elk Loago, A. Y. M
Slated meetings of Klk l,0'lc will lie
held Tuesday evening, on orlicforc (lie full
moon of each month, onee ovorv two weeks
thereafter. J. K. Vt IIIT.MOHi:. Brc'v.
MAONOLIA WatKII. A delightful
toilet article superior to cologne and at
half the price.
KfjX-Thc I'cnnsylvania Legislature
adjourned on the 1 4 ih inst., after a
session of eighty. fvc das.
C5Lumber is bringing only 10 to 15
cents in Pittsburgh. Money scarce.
Provisions and taxes high, f'o it will
go, as long as the Radicals and Roud-
holders niifrulc the country.
C(SyThe flood has come at last. The
pleasant weather of Monday last, fol
lowed by the rain of Tuesday and Wed
nesday, raised the streams to a suitable
rafting bight. Most, if not all of the
lumber from (his tiection. has reached
the mouth ci the Clarion ere this.
A R.l H AL AllLSEsj Tllli lllllsIlMCN
Anp Catholics. While the Registry
bill was being discussed, John Hick-
u m, a Radical member of the Houpc,
from Chester county, in a speech, as-t-cikd
that " An intelligent negro is
huporior to an ignoraut Irish Catholic,
and i.hou!d have the preference to vote."
Irishmen and Catholics fdiould make
ti uo'e of this, and resent it at the polls
next fall.
2f The RuJh have determined to
let President Jed li.vis go without a
trial, but President Johnson they wiil
depose. Davis tiied to destroy the
government, but J.ihnson upholds the
Constitution. The Rids arcc with
" the great rebel."
-'v"Coiigros is preparing a new fys
tem of Internal Revenue. Ibtter abol
ish Federal taxatijii altogether. Most
( f the money collected is spent by the
revenue ofi';eer, and the balance is giv
en to the negroes or stolen by Radical
Cong esuHcn.
The great trial came to a sudden halt
on Tuesday last, w hich was occasioned
through the illurss of Mr. Stauberry,
one of the President's counsel. The
' court ' very magnanimously agreed to
adjouru twenty-four hours to let Mr,
Stanbery recover. The ca 'O is now go
ing forward with the same speed that
bus eharaeteiizei the movement from
its first jr.ccptieu, and the probabilities
of a speedy termination are good.
The witnesses for the President who
have been called, among whom are Gen
Sbcunan and General Thomas, testify
that'Mr. Johnson, iu conversations with
! them, had said that it was no iuteniou
his to use toice in getting Stanton out
of the War Office j that it was bis in
tention to bring the tenure of o!5ce bill
before the courts, where, he said " it
would not stand an hour."
If the President sboulJ have a fair
show of justice, he would without
doabt bo acquitted; but judging ny
the past Actions of the bold, bad men,
who arc bis judges as well as jurors, an
aeijiiittal can scarce be expected.
t,Service, the enterprising proprie
tor of the Ridgway Stove an I Tin
Store, has lately returned from Ruflalo,
where ho has bought s large aud varied
assortment of goods in the Tinware line,
consisting of Toilet Sett-, and other
Fancy Goods. lie is prepared to fur
nish sportsmen with all kinds of fishing
tackle of the improved styles
Give him a call soon, as his stock is go
ing oil like hot cakes.
Grace Cliuucti At a meeting of
the congregation held in the Church on
the J-jIIi instant, pursuant to t.otice
given on Faster Sunday, tiie following
named gentlemen were elected Vestry
men for the ensuing year : Ldwaid
Perby, Geo. A. Rathbun, James II
Mayo, 1$. F. Ely, George 1). Messenger
Johu G. Hall, and Henry Souther
Edward Derby was appointed Seuior
Warden by tho Rector, and Henry
Souther was elected Junior Wardeu.
83i,Easler Sunday is a great festival
in the Catholic Church. Last Sabball
the day was grandly and appropriately
celebrated r.t St. Mary's. Graud High
Mass was celebrated at 10 A. M. The
Rev. M. J. Decker preached a very elo
queii t sermon upon the resurrection
which was delivered with much pathos,
and was received with marked attention
by the vast concrcjration. ltie ninsic
is said to have far surpassed nnythin
ever produced even at St. Mary's.
Six P'h. I'outs I'uiuters Preach lm's
Players Printers and Politicians nil snf
fcr from Lyspepsia, Nervousness, Los3 of
Appetite, Liver Complaints, and all diseas
es wliiuh they may ceiiK or rnEVBNr by
t II o use of Plantation Hitters. If those
sufferers took these Milters, the Poetry
would be purer, the Paintings grander, the
Sermons livelier, iho Acting truer, the
Printing neuter, nnd tho poli'ics honest er
This spledid tonic invigorates the system,
nnd enables the bruin to woik Jif-allhily
Perhaps no article was never so well en
dorsed by nil who have used it.
We hav found it necrsary, Jn or.ler to keep the
nnancuu aeparrmcm ot the Advocate on a good
baaii, to adopt the fdllowina rale :
Transient Advertisements must be paid for in ad
vance ; and all Job Work u soon aa complettdi
Bttll made oat and prelected to yearly advertisers
at the beginning of each quarter.
Subscripti ns to be paid for invariably in advance.
novtl John iVIoont:, Publisher
lirANTEl).- A fioon. si:n-
person owning fftt'i A h'irse, weighing
about 1 -IHO pounds, nnd desiring to sell,
enn find a buyer, by applying to
At the liiilguuy Stove & Tin Store.
Dissolution ok r.vnTNi:rtPiiir.
The liftrtm rsliip heretofore existing
under the mane f II. V. I'spcnsliado & Co.,
in the Tantiing LitstmSs, is this d iv dis
solved by the withdrawal of J. 1'.- Coryell
nnd W. 0. Schullze. All persons laving
aims against said company will plenpe
present llieui for payment, and those know
ing themselves indebted come forward and
ettlc. .1. 11. COI!i:i,L.
St. Vinry's, Dec. 13, 1807. apll
will nii'cl at their ollicc in Hidgway on
MONDAY, the 7ih dn.v of April next.
1 i order,
rnill.3 IS TO GlVi: NOTICE, That oil
1 the ::tlih dnv of March. A. D., 1SHS, a
Warrant in 1'iinkruptcy was issued against
lie estate of V, . Jturrelf, of Itnlirnav, in
the county of Elk, nnd Stale of Pennsylva
nia, who Las been adjudged a linn a upt on
Irs own petition ; that the payment of'any
debts and delivery or n y l roperl v belong.
ing to Eueh llankriipt, to him, or for his
use, nnd the transfer of any property by
It i it are forhnMen by law ; that n meeting
of the ci editors of the said Eankrept, to
rove their (l?bts, and to choose one or
n. ore a signees el his estate., will ee hc.Iu
at a Court i;f DaiiKri.ptev. to l.r holden at
the Ilvde House in liidirwav, Pa., before
i'.. WoodruiV, liei'ister, on the I'M dav
;f ,,'une, A. V., 11-irs at '.I o'clock. A. M.
V. S. Marshal, Messenger.
fiv O. 1'. DAVIS, Deputy T'niied Mates
Marsha'. apll im'. It
y Villi TK OK AW HIT OK Venditioni
1 l.. issued out ol Hit ( (Mil l ol
Common Pleas of Elk county, in the State
of Peniisvlvnnia, nnd to me directed, 1 " ill
by virtue of said writ, on the -1th Monday,
being t lie -7th day of April, expose to
Public Sale, nt the Court House in- liolg
way, the following described property, to
wit, viz :
Ml that certntn town lot in the Borougl
of St, Mary's, in the county of Elk, an J
Slnte of Peiinsvlvanin, on St. Mary sstreet
containing in front on St. .Vary's strict
on bundled feet by two hundred feet deer
nt right angl s, being No. d, on John 1, U.
Cnrtuyvel s plan, bounded on the west by
street ; on the south hv wash
ington street ; on th; east by Lafayette
street : on the north by bit of MaiLia
Hack : w hereon is creeled one two story
frame building, 28 feot by 40 feet, calculat
ed for a store rooai nnd duelling. house.
one small stable, an 1 has als i one smal
orchard thereon. Seized nnd taken in ex
cctition, nnd to be sold as the properly o
I'rederick Kiidolpli.
JAMES A. MALONE. Siikeiff.
SuEnirr's OmcE, liidgwuy, Pa., ", ...
April 11th, I Siit. j "I""
-pvKSTAL NOTICE. D.. C. W. Sii:h
I hiss, of Iiiookville, Pa., will be a
hidgway during the A pril term of Court t
ope ate in the line of his profession, for the
insertion ot artihcial teeth, or the preset va
lion oi the natural organs, l'.ooms nt the
residence of Mr. (f'ebJ'.i-Vw.
l "AVhen the 1 i inoeracy ruled the
country, 82.100 was sufiicient to pay for
ii n.cuibcr of Congress. Fince lludical.
i tn eauie. in the pay has been increased
t S10,'.'i.".b This makes an additional
tiliuual cxpelidilurj of about S2,I7'J,00U
'e hear no HaJical talk of ecoiiouiizlug
in this diieetijii.
riyVi'liCii tlu President was ' swing
ing round the circle' in l'Hi, wo were
iold by ill 3 Jia 1'eal pre-s tliat General
( J rant got ' disgmtea ' Cleveland and
swung round on the l;:e to Fctroi! ''V
himself. It turns out r.' w, to fut it in
jdtin language, that the lieneiul was on
" big crunk-"
Ciu" Ulodgett, one td' lu ll, liutlei's
witness-;.-! ngaia t the l'le.-idcut, is un
' de:' au itibetiiKUt lot- injury.
Tritium. k Accident.
Another terrible railroad accident, al.
most equalling the Angola horror, ocs
furred near l'ort .Jarvis, on tho lcla
ware divi.-ion ol the N. V. & H. It. 11.
The train cousistcd of un engine, ten.
der, three sleeping cars, two Orst-class
passenger cars, one second class passen
ger lar, one baggage ear, aud one postal
tar. About three o'clock iu the morn
ing the conductor discovered that be
bad lost the four rear ears, and on look
ing out discovered thein rolling down a
iLcipiee 100 feet high. The sleeping
cars wcie i"';ccd to a-dics, and fjuito a
number ol persons cou.-'cd with them.
It is supposed that, fifty persoti? were
killed, and one hundred wounlod . 'I be
aceideut is said to have resulted from a
1 broken rail.
Demokest's Paulou MAfJAZIN'E.
This excellent Magazine is constantly
growing iu popularity, and the secret o!
its success is the conscietiousuess with
which it is conducted. It gives all,
and more than all, that it promises. It
strives to meet the wants of American
women, and tells them what they want
to know. Its departments ol necdle-
wotk, braiding, patterns, music, etc..
are cither one worth the price of sub
scription, which is only ?.'5.00 p ;r year,
wi'h a handsome and valuable premium.
Oliiee, 47il Hroadway, New Yolk.
Daring Oitracjk. Lat Monday
night, as Mr. Louis II. Volliner, ol St.
Mary's, son of one of our wo-thy com
missioners, was ou Ins road home about
11 o'clock, he was attacked by some
villains, who struck him on the held
with a " handy billy " on the back part
of the head, which knocked him down
and rendered him unconscious ; they
then proceeded to rifla bis pockets ot
about $100 in money und a watch, after
accomplishing which they departed
Tho parties who committed this daring
robbery have not beeu appreheuded
Every excrtiou (should be made to dis
cover these scoundrels and bring them
to justice, us it will be Betting a lad cx
ample, and , iu a manner license others
to commit eveu worse t ficuces, if these
villains ere uot caught. Mr. Vollmcr
ivjuiies were uffiist thought to be dau,
gerous, but an examination proved that
they were uot eeviomj.
KM'T 11Y
"j.-nlu-rf id l'rog?, Medici!-w, Tsints,
Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil,
Lamp Oil, Tacner'a Oil, Per.
funieries nf all Kinds,
The purest Varnish,
IJrushcs of every i
Style and
Dye Staffs, Pure Confectionaries Citron,
llaisins, Patent Medicines, Wines,
Watshes, Jewelry, Kings,
Tobaccocs & Segara
Pure Liquors for
Medicinal pur
poses only.
Of Everything Useful
Pi ilaining to the Drug Business Gen
Putc Drugs at Low Prices !
Pure Drugs at Low Trices
Notions in Endless Variety !
.Notions in Endless nrtcty
American and English Watches !
American and English W atehes
Latest Styles of Jewelry, Tiings, &c.
Latest Styles ot Jewelry, Kings, ice.
Fanny Articles, Toys, Latest Novels !
l-'aucv Articles, 'I oys, Latest Novels
Albums, News, Stationery, Eird-Cagosl
lbums, News, Stationery, liird-cages I
Violin, Uanjo and Guitar Strincs!
lolin, llanjo and Guitar Strings i
jitst iu:ci:ivi:t and
r Hie lioUom !
J. V. HOCK. Main Street, Kidgwny, Pa
HAVIXO just returned from .he caste. :
cities where 1 have pnrciiAseda liniio
and well selected assortment of goods. 1
invite the attention oftbe public to call aui
examine ny stuck, cohsisaihg of
Dry Goods,
L. Foster, C linn E. "1
Foster, & E. N. Frisbie, In the Court
Administrators of Asa ( .iininon Pleas o
L. Foster, deceased. I Elk Co. No. "0
versus I April l'erui, IK!
V. illiani liceil. J
J. lie ( onin-.oinvcalth
of Pennvlv:inia to the Sheriff of baid coun-
v, G UEETlNtr :
','c eoiiiniand you that yon attach WIL
LIAM 111 i;!', late of your count v, by nil
lid singular, his goods and chattels, binds
'id tenements, in ulione bands or possess
ion s jevcr the same may be, so that he be
tnd appear before our Court of Common
l'leas, lo be holden nt i'iiijrwav, in and for
id county, on the last Moudav of April
next lliere to nti'wer T. L. Foster, Charles
Ii. Foster and L.N. r risbie, Administrators
of Asa L, Foster, dee'd, in a plea of debt.
And also that voit summon Joseph S.
Hyde., rnd any other persons in whose
hands or possession the property may bo.
o that I hoy be nnd appear before our said
( nil on the last Motnlay ot April next, lo
answer whut shall be objected a''iiioi him.
and abide tho judgment of tho Court
And have von then nnd there this writ.
tYITNFS the lion. It. 0. AMI IT P. Prcsi
lent Judge of our said Court, at liidgwuy,
Ihis i lib "lay of Marcli. IHCH.
CEO. A. UATIlliUN, rroth'y.
Hail reiiuired in the turn of $70,000.
The Sheriff will ii'tach all the goods nnd
chai lets, lands and tenements of the defen
dant, in the bauds nnd possession of Joseph
ti, Hyde, or in the hands or possession of
any otuer persona whatsoever, ami suaimon
them us garuisaees.
fcocTi ei .t Ai.nmour,
Plaint ill's' Attorneys.
April 4th, 18(18 fiw.
lCKNili NOTICE. Notice is hereby
riven that tl e f llowiug named per
sons Live tileit llieir np; l e.ill ms l ir li
cense iu my oliiee, to April Sessions,
according to law.
S. asbinder, Heiic?ct, Tavern.
Elizabeth Winslow, llenezet, Tavern,
A. Cicrg, Fox, Tavern.
W. Auniau, Fox, Tavern.
Homer IS. Leech, Fox, Tavern.
Anthony O'Chase, Eating House, Fox.
M. Wellcndorf, t. Mary's, Tavern.
Ci. I'. Sl.rinor, St. Mary's. Tavern.
John Thompsou, St. Mary's, Tavern.
II Kiel., M. Mary's, Tavern.
Henry J.argy, St. Mary's, Tavern.
Margaret Kennedy, St Mary's, Tavern.
J. Vaehlel, St. Mary's, Eating House.
P. (J ilnn, St. Mary's, Eating House.
John F.rnhaiit, Jones, Tavern,
iiiiu-iin Sowers, Ji lies, Eating House.
Jas 1 'allerson, Ilidgway, Eating House,
fc'. J.i -ktoa, Ilidgway, Eating House.
Mai-tS o Prothouo ary.
PUOVISIONS, etc., &c.
and well adapted to the wants of the
Uidgway, Deco ly.
The undersigned has laid out a vil.
age upon his ground adjoining the Hide
way 1'epot, to be called ELK.. The lots
are 50 feet front by 100 feel deep fro
ing towards the railroad.
Terms -For the first lot sold, $100. Fot
the second lot sold, $110. For the third
lot sold, S-I'.'O nnd so on increasing in
price as lots nre sold.
8M)u rust purchasers get the choice lot
at the cheapest rates.
Purchasers will be registered in the or
der of their application Ten percent of
the purchase money must be paid at tho
tjnicof tho application.
Itv.Applications will he made to Job.
G. Hull, Esip, Ilidgway, Ta.
r.idgwny. ruar,20'6G-tf.
I I ft. I
CLOTIMLYG for the Million t
Go to A. DUItLACIIEll, Agent,
TlEDEI.irS VOC.T, Practical Clock k
2 Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county.
lit. Kooins next door to llintenneh s
Clothing Store. All kiurfs of work done
done in a satisfactory manner, and war
ranted. Consultations in regard to work
in the Gcrmar, reneh or English lan
guages. Mareh 14, 1807tf.
Vll orders for Sloves and Hardware
will be promptly attended to as goon
us received, nt the
"JT pocket and luble rulli-ry. i f t!e be-t
quality and nin-t apin.. vo l nrtleins. v .-
cheap at the llardwure More on Uifcergei'
bid cui'Bcr IB Si. Mary s.