.1 tt i:rios l L Mr,i:uMi;x tyv, f.uile Ti nniNi: w.ui: is .1 WHEEL. palintid .iulyUO, 18HV. is Fiipoiior to any wheel in use. The under, eigne 1 have tlic ngcnc.v lur said wheel in lie Stale Of Pennsylvania, 1111. 1 (Mill 10001111 tiK-n.l it ns being the manufactured. For fu iher pavih uhirs, n 1 1 . 1 eh culars. in. Iiiiiv nl inn- Foundry in Kersey, where ninrliiiiory. mill ;:oaring. castings , mi! steam cnplnuj wiil he u. i'l'' to eider lit reasonable prices. Wo ex) t by giving satisfaction in our work to receive n good i? li ti fc of pub lie palronu iv, J. f. rorertson, I!. HELL. Kersey, Ta., .inn 1 -l 18'i'ipl. "1 flSITING CARDS NEATLY KXECl'T. -.d :it this iiP:cc. LUMBER. :rr. A!.i:vi:i:rAiii:n 'i furnish nr.oti slim t notice tin" f.illn wing kind" of Lumber of tin' host ipiali'y. rXOOlMNTr ANiYsiDlNO, dressed in tlii'l'i"-'! possible tnnnner, from seasoned lumber, l i ii.lv fi.i' use. Also, LATH rmU'LAS'n-iilNG Ve ivill pu ..n ears when re.juircd. fv.yA!! nr.b v j.'1'ls-v-.-.fl to us ut tills .Til co prompt!'.' attended to. SOUTHER, WILMS & CO. jiin-MTtf F.il;;ay, Pa. ) I 1 G Y A V 1. 1 V i: 11 V S T Alt L E! Tup subscriber wmil.l an'.ouuoc to the ciiiv.i'ti.i 1'id.r.v.i.y. an. I ihc traveling pub lie lluit lie has cslahii- lie! a IilVKHY ST.MJU: in l'.: l,;vav. an 1 that ho !m by lair dial ing with hN customer to in. ril a lil.ptal f-Iiiii c of I heir patronage. Terms rea-ouia-1,1... ISAAC COX'. 11 Y, Jan. 'G.-!-1y. .1. S. lPiEDWELL. M. P. rA'a.r.i-'ra- v u i'x kv r.-t y. IT. r '.w.t P ol.v. .1 r.l-e. '0 n:e!!lis to ollO'sp or o r i ! ".!. ! i'.mii Kit 1 or .iiliol" 111 pjli.m'r' of hi. K ' : ti.-iv; rer i.'.'.ies that nve and .lis-ar-ling from practice nil liiclii-i'i.-s li.vt have aa raipui'loiis cl'.erl on the '.v i 'm. :.-h i'.iLr."ivy, t,:iuitiy, lead, (ii'-iii-r. i. i i;.iv nsi-i.' liie 1 i u i-f 1 1.0 old Llood ItM 'i'. re liic r or .1. ph. '."'. . an. I equalize 1 1 1 -c:r."ti!;'i i"M a".l re-lore the system to its vttiti.'i'l state by iil'.-rniivos and tonus. I shall 1 roeficr ;'ivc part icu'.ar iiiioniion to c'ir.'t.'. : ''is-asis. ; m-:!i as Rhonmat ism, Jlvsj la. I.i' .r fntnj.Viiul. Catairh. Noll, valyia. of t:ie tin-. .a", urinary nr- P'lto, ami r.l! iliiKi' ;ioouliar to fomaU'.s. CATAlilil! lM'!;i.l ',:hancv insf rtunrnl of a l-.'p iin PTi' !!i. wh'.-li i'-i'-.'s o ory oase. 'i'Siii'll i -v v. ii !...;! ahi. Oabe an', '."'-i' l."iop ;-.niili ..fiho jail on Vn ;:(. Si. v h. IV .on ; to y a. in VI !.. 1 . ;a : to V p. in. 1) . lUfur. ly. J. S. iJiliJDWl'.I.L. i.!!i:at ;:!:!ii:cTii)N i n i . 1 1: ri "iMTi in r I p;i!c .l. i'h n'..' L. I'.iyor .losiv.'s ropoctl'iil l v lo iii I'. " a ii..- as of li'h ( Vniily t ha' li- I: i . ;. v.- ii. !-i..l c-.if ;:.-.. fli-:ipM. iii.it !".tvii .i in the f.o.n'y. lli- i ar'i'inro is alt ni.iic ai hie r.i'ti shop, h.. ran i l.. r -r ir.' ..l am ii to ho noat ami lumVo. If. ii i a v.; a "i t la oil ol i!lll-.i:s. ,-..! ;,. , s.' t',1!.;., Tal.Il-s. M'nvh-oln. i-i..h.v;v.. H ...hcas.'s. liook. ol.ur!-. V. a-Vi.,, iK T-.w.-l Hacks. lial', i!a:-l:s, W.'ial Noli, I'.p.l -I. ---of Vliilcw.m.l, Wal'ial ir.ol li.-ri'v. Ill . i"!;. 'Is. I'n t tiro I'l aiv.os, ai,. 1 .".,..!. i,i' n ti .i'.y ks'ji! iu a l'.r-t i hit s i r.t i.i' nt o V.i!-"o. in. i'.' h is p ..'l.vl. 1 'vi'h i.'s . -Itlhlishtlinrit a sloatti tt'vaii..; 'a ; 'l . w h h liil cnalilp him lo ' ail ki'i'Ss ''. 1 1 i 1 1 i . in a mail aiol TvorUtr.ttiiii:.' in i'i!:.:r. . AH in ask- i. fiiv I vial, r.rolifhis xvaro. .'. n.. I j iv,' f ili l.i J. ; oi, lie ill re iU':.l !l,ei:i..:..-. cr. a;: l. i:avi;i nty..-". : .;; ! v ;-'i. .'.L'.i'v'p. Pi. ilN'l.S f..r r'MlM.iKS ai..! others. I l ' .'I . ii" mi M :".a'. I'.:i l ''o. i!'." na'.v Iilatlll'. it til ! I'.-'-t Cl.rn; p t an 1 most dnralilo l'.iiat in use: two e'.ais well pu on. inixe.l with pure Linsocl Oil, will last li) or 1 'i y earn ; it in ol a liirhl lirown or lio.mlif.il ehoc .hi!.- C'.lov a'ol ean he i;lian(;:"l to 't p.'n, l-.l, .ton... .lrah, olive or erean.. t.i sail the t,.i . of th' (ton .aoipr. It is va'ii.il.ltt !'..r ilo lis. 's, lltui.s. Fences, Carria.j.' ami Car-m.ikoiT. l' lils ami .'oo.l eii uaro. A;:i ieiiii in :.l 1 1 i :.ienn'iils, ('anal l'.oals, f't-s-,'!.- fi.t.i siiii-.s It .ii'i'ns. Canvas. Metal aa l Shiio-'c lloni's, i heintr I'ir" ami Wilier pro. if t. Floor Oil Clntli. (..no Muiiii. (ijulur r ii.r.'in' use 1 f.ihi.) Iili'.s. Ilio psl year. I an.l as a paint for any purpose is liiisiirp.isse l t..r l. i iv. .rii'.n.iuiy, eoi' iioity, .1.. i . . i..:.... 1.! la.i ...' aiol : la ,'sl. rai i i t i.-i ..i. .ii vs., wiiioh w.il supply a fanner f..r :',iiti : years to o niip. W.irr.'nli'.l in nil eases ns nhoxc. S.'ii ! fo" a eiru'.ar n hirh j-ives full purl ionhir i. N'.no jj.'iiniii ' unless l.riiii.leil iaa Ir.i.l-.- in irk (iial'i oi Mineral Faint. Ailn.s AXU'.MMliWKLl., ".".t I', ivl !-'l.ff. Vp'.v N nrl:. F. .I- sale hy liy.'.o, liillis i Co., at liiilj;- way. i .-"in. COIMIT r;;H(I!.AM.'110N. 1117!!!:;:;: s, tiie H in. 11. v. wiiiiai-is, Fre-i.i.ni, ami lions. F. ('. Sehuilzc in.. I Jesse Ky'.ir, Associa'.'-s, Jmlges of I ho Court uf (Quarter ."-'is.: ict.s. Orphans' Court, Oyer ami Terminer. iiuJ lioueral .lail Iiehv ery, for the trial of capital ami other oll'on. ees in the county of Fik, hy their precepts to uic ilireetcd, have onlcroj the uloros.ii.l iiiinie l Courls lo be liuhl-.'ii al Iti.ljway, in uml for ihc eutiii'y of liik, oa l!ie last .Mon ihiy in April, It la inr; li.e J7ih ilay of ihe nionlh, nti 1 lo v'iiiu.ie on.! week. Noiiee is herehy (riven to the Coroner, Justices of the Fence, ami I onsiahles of the county of lilk, Ilia, '.iiity arc l.y llie so presents eoui lnanile.l to In; tin n uml liters iu their prop it persons at t n o'clock, A. M., of s-'tii.l ilay, with Ihoir r.ilN. rec. ii-.ls nml in. nisi lions, atol ol!i"i v 'i.i"ia!. ran. lo do ihoso things which th.-ir oiii.-cs iijipcrtaiu lo he ilone, unl I hat all Jjsiic.s of said county mike returns of all recognizances enlcicl into licl'oro i horn lo ihc Ckrk ol Ihe Court ns per Act of Ass"tnh!y ( f .May -ltd, 1K:(1. Ami those who are liouml hy iheirreco i uiices to pios.ieiil.. the prisoicrs thai are or shall ho in the jail of ill" eouiily o. 1-1 U, iind to he ihcii ami tliereto prosecute niinsi tlu ,u a:: y ii ail l.e jn-1 . J.iMl'.S A. MALON". lt:.l;TWay, i.i.;rl.'l. rilicriT. SLCK.SMi'i'irS CAHPUNTF.H'.S AND ) joitior's loots lor sale cheaper than tii.. eheapco. " at liie.Sl. Mary's Hardware Htcv... (nov:"-'''.;.) omclhiitij leiu. A IjAUGIh stock of GOODS . '..a' -ji a. j W ief Wi The'tiinlcrsigno'l liavo on liand a large and vciy desirabln stuck (if GOODS, nml will constantly kcrp nn cxten.'ive n'snrtment, including cverjtliing tliat wanted to EAT, WEA11, 01tl''KEI. wliicli ihey will sell at. the very bottom Girure and from tliis date will poll only for CA SIf. Wo will ue every ctulcav or to Make it to the interest, ol our cu totners to adojit the universal CASH SYSTEM. Wo liavo de'ermined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, l.eliovin it to he the inter :t ol both buyci and seller. I'OWEM, & KIMR. r.id.cway, An,'. "3th. Ii'iT. ee. HF. 0VE1UIOLTZF.K. . MFllCH ANT TAILOR, HMgway, Illk Co., Pa. The sutiserihpr desires respectfully (. in-fe.-ni I he citizens of Hidjiway and vicinity ihnt he is prepn.ed to raake to oV.leras well as it can be (lone any where, anything; in the line of ljis business. All he asks is ft fair Irh.l. Oood Fits puirantced. TPOiCloths, Cassimers, Vesl'ngs and Trimniit'.ps of the latest nml most approved styles kepi roiistantlv on hand, which will h- fold CHEAFKlt i'HAN THE C11EAF E.S'i". Li Fot dosirinpt Hemming. Stilehinp;, Kelltnir, l'indtiij;. ?, on dresses, capiss, c w ill find it to their interest to give mo a ell. . nugHO 00 s IT. MARY'S STEAM TANNER i '. I r. 1 Esiicntthado tl- Co. Take pleasure in nnnouiicin"; to the public of Elk ami sui rounding counties that tliey havo thoroughly vefuied and rcnnovaled ihis old an 1 well-known estahlisliineiit, and '.'oi rctuhiie themselves that with their cs tcn l.'d facitios, wit h first class workman, that they ean put out as good work m can he louml any wuere. We havtf, and keep constantly on hand nlll kinds oflcalhev such ns in general use iu this section, in cluditig Sjxntith ami Vtitn!ry Sole JjfiitJicr .' CWrfr At--', Slfrpskin, Klfjuklns ! Iltrnas if I'ftjier Leather ! Kr CA SU PA ID FOR HIDES, (live us a cull and be convinced of 1 lie truth of what we slate. niarl'OH JAMES McCLOSKEY, J)j;i'.oir ii) Cii'O.Wo?, Set., W;u'.d respectfully inform the citizens of lha surrounding cotnmiiuiiy thai lie el ill keeps oil hand a good supply of such an1, cles as are generally kepi in a country gro cery store, including TEAS, FLOUls, .sua Aits, TOI5ACCOE3, SEGARS, WHISKEY which he flnlt'rs himself lie can sell as cheap as lliey can he bought utiywherc iu the ccunly. 1 have lately erected a first-class shingle mill, which is now in operation. It is tin attested that the shingles which were luado in this mill and sold in Williniiispnrt( arc a first-el ass article, the lumber of which they are made being will fcensoiiej. 1 d-sire to introduce the e shingle to the notice of builders, who will consult their ow n interest by giving me a call. May od, 0(J- tt' It is the best chance ever offered to Agents! One or two days' time will secure a good Sewing Vitelline, Watch. .Silk iJress. Re volver, or some oilier article uf c.iual value, I T.liF. OF COST ! Agents wanted everywhere, male and female, fur t ho best One Dollar Pawnbrok er's Sale in the country. Send for circulur. s. c. iuo.ur.sos & co. 30 Hanover Street, janl--n.:npd Fusion, Mass. TC11 : 1TC11 ! : itch : ! ! BCRATCA ! tiCIlATCH ! ! SCRATCH ! ! ! in from 1(1 lo IS hours, Whciilon's Ointment cures Tito Itch. Wheatou's Ointment cures Sail F.heuui. VYhcutou's Oinluient cures ieltor. Wiieaiou's Ointment cures Ibirhem' Itch. Wheaion's Ointment cures Old More-. Wheatou's Ointment cures Every kind, of Humor like Magic,. Trico, Gllcents a b,.W : by imiil, 60 cents Address WEEKd & FOTTEIl No. 170 Wcshingtnn Street, Eoiton, Mass. For fale by .UMrugisl!). riepi. 17'i7 ly. jJUeis 3iroll)el-8' eolt)h)if. rjIIE CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY A re Sold ly 1TEIS nitOTIIER Successors to Geo. Wcli." dkalirb tn forcing 1)1)3 Si'i) 6oo?j, St. Mary's, Elk Countj, Pa. ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF I300TS AX!) SHOES Yc linve no hesitation in saying that in this department of our cstabliMirasnt, we cue give bargains to our caetomara with which they cannot fail to be fatig ued. We buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsons' Cela. bra led Root & Shoe Manufactory, Eliiii ra, New York We warrant all good iu this line sold from our establishment H' EAYY k SHELF HARDWARE. AVE A HE mr.PAPED TO 0FFE To our customers iu this Hue bargains which cannot bo undersold iu Elk ooai- ty. Our stDck is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to th aats of the conmiuuity. JADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins. Silkn, Calicoes, Satins, Dcluneai, Moins Autiijucs, Chintzes, White Goods Cloths, Flannels, Rcrescs, Laces, Corseto, Iu fact wc have everything cenneeted with Ladies' Wear. We are dctermia cd to sell lotccr, ilicaper and BETTER Goods than any other firia ia the eeun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. "y ARK ELL Wit AT WE SAY. U'e Sell llis Best, thereore T71E CHEAPEST CLOTEiNQ Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of TJci, qiJ Soijs' i(hriT7iJr qrJ Milqkt 1 0 i It x IS IMMENSE, And wc confidently flatter ourselvti that better Clothing cannot be fouoi ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing clscwheae would do well to givo us a call. tt.No trouble to show our Goodg. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &o., 4so. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! At the Store of In St. Mary's, Elk County,ra. I )IPES; TCUACCOES 3c SEGAR8 We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a VE RY SLIGHT AD VANCh On cost and carriage. Vaf Our Store i in the new Stone Building on Main, Strtci, July II, 1887-tf. 03 6. iU. $i-blu'$ Celili)n- fVll E W OR L D R E N O W N E D MORNING GLORY! i'l-?' l!t,li'!(i.iil:-t:U . IfcVT-TT.dl-JI.-.-l.l.--" FOR SALE AT SERVIC V , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand and am now receiv ng tli o most complete slock of Cooking and i'a'rlor Siovos ever brought to this section. I buy tho best, believing lliey are tho cheapest. I have the exclusive agency for the Cel ebrated Morning (jl.n-y, also, for Specr's Cooulng and Parlor Stoves. I have sonic beautiful designs from Erie, liuffalo, Troy and Philadelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice any stove mado in the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted "'""venteen years exe'u sively to Ihe salo of Stoves and Ihe manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, I am satisfied that tho most fastidi ous can be'pleasod at. my shop. Don't fail to call before you purchase elsewhere. MKltCHANTS supplied with Tin-ware and Stove Tipe as low as can bt? bought iu Erie. THIS IS NO nUMBCO. Coal Hods plain and fancy, nnd everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Hags, Copper, F.rass, rewtcr, Lend, Sera Iron, Sheep Pelts and Farmeis pro duce generally taken in exchange for gor.ds or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. have tho Agency for tho UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, it is Ihe best, COO, 000 of them in use, Each JJ' ringer wari ranted to bo ns good at tho end of ono year 89 when first purchased. Call and lake ono homo with you am! if it dues not givo good satisfaction after ii fair trial, it may bo returned and your money will bo refun ded. SAVE YOUR CLOTHES, SAVE YOUR LAEOR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, save your Time, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, nnd have smile instead of frowns on Wash Days. 1 Oct. 31st 1867-ly. ifflK'MiiriiMi.irti.ir.iiF'T'- "S 1 :K4 ,? t i 3 i I) i ? ? ,1 i I' i i i C 1 II . TOIIN O. II ALL, Attorney at lnw, 1!M; wny, Elk county Pn. mnr--J2'G0 ly TAUIUK J. ULAKELY, Attorney nt fawT J and U, 8. Commissioner. Kidgw.iy Elk county, Pa. fmar-22'Glj-ly. J 015 WORK of nlfkindY ami deT. enptions dono at this office. II ESltY SOCTIIEU, Attorney-nt-r.nw, Ilulgway, l'a. (feh'.fCK) c R. KARLE Y, Phys.cian and Sur- . peon, F.atley, Till; Counl y, Pa. March 7, lt'.S- ly. A LP1SE IIOL'.fE, 5t. Mary's Pa., llcr- inan KretZ, l'roj.rietor. Pttg;) tio DR. W. JAMES P.LAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Flic county Pa. mar-L'J'fh; ly. DM. W. W. SUA W Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centrcville, Elk county Pa. mar-2:2'i(i ly. I7XECUTION.S, M'M.UON.S', ElT.l'oT. nas, Warranls, &c, on hand and for sale nt Ihis ollicc. CH. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd Peale . in Lajrer l.e. r.oppi.. site Ihc llailroaU Depot, Si. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-lI'liii-l . DR. W. 15. HA U'l MAN, SI. Mary's, F.Ik county, Pa. Late of the Army of tho Potomac. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. mar-Hli'liil-ly. GROA E 0. Mi:SS::N(li:i!, Druptxist and Dealer in Drugs nnd ( henn'als. Paints. Oils and Varnish . Perfumery Toil, ct articles and Stationary, lii.lgwny. Elk county Pa. mar -L'2'oii-ly. I RANK ESTZ, Mttttcii.wT T.Mi.tm, Centrcville, Elk county, Pn., desires to inform the citizens of Centrcville and vi cinity, that he isat nil times prepared til do work in n, reaf and satisfactory manner, wive me a call. novi;7ly JOilN C. HALL IAS. K. i'. ItALL. HA T.I. & MRO. Attorneys - : 1 - Ji'v- ST.-MAUYS: EENZIXGER P.O. EI It Cut'NTY, PA. September 120, 1S0G. ly. TS. Rordwell, M. D. Eclectic Physician. , (llficc nnd residenco opposite the Jail, on Centre St., KiJgwny, Pa. Prompt attention will be given lo all calls. Ol'ico linurs : 7 to $ A. M- ; 12 to 12 P. M. ; nnd 0 to 7 P. M. ' Mar. li- GO-tf. milAYEll HOUSE, J. RIDGWAY, TA. DJLVID TIT A YE P., Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a largo and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solieils the patronage of his old friends and Ihc pullio generally. decl3'UU ly DAVID THAYER. S. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, J AS. K. P. HALL. BANKING HOUSE r.p hort, Sail & (ff. Sl.JTIrtry's, ISeizht:rer V. . F.i.k Coitntv, Pk:a H YDE HOUSE, 11 Co., T.v. m. y. M'u '.if. Viet.',- Thankful fin '' ; i:v:tii;'c herct..f.,re so liberally U ;i..'i"l up. :i his i. the new proprietor, hope?, by p:,in;; Mvict m lentiuu lo the comfort an 1 convenience of guests, to merit a continuain'e of iha same. Oft I' I lK'iG. I.IC ESSE 1) A l C'i'it )N t" E it. IVfOTICE is hereby given that I have tnk en nut a license ns auctioneer, and will altond promptly to the calling of all sales entrusted lo my care. Any person calling sales without a license wil be held ntiswerub'.o to the strict letieref the law. P. W 11ARRETT, Dec'JtlSGGtf. Auctioneer. IXCHANGEIIOTEL, j 1! IDG WAY, TA. J. HALEY' Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly siiuvted on tho banks of the Clarion River and Elk Creek, at tho lower end of tho village, Mr. ilealy will spare no pains f..r the eunvutio co of his gnosis, ye in-. itos 0111 andallto givo him a call and try his house, Sept, i;th'G7-'ly. HIjACKSSHTIIING! H. S. CELNAP desires to inform the cu- zens or Hidgwny and vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde's Ehickmiith Shop ou Mill si reel, nnd lias ompli.vcl poo l work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to tin anchor. Particular attenli. in given to the shoeing of horses. All 1 ask is a fair trial. May 17G(i-ly. KOMETIIIXO XKW ! HCTJ3E, SIGN to ORNAKENTAL PAINTING. fl'UIB SUfiSOUlll E It WO U L 1) R E JL epect fully inform the citizens of Elk county ihr.t he has jut started in tho above business in Hidgwny, nnd feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with Ihoir custom. OR Al XI NO, PAPER HANGING A XT) CAL01M1XIXO DOXE OX SHORT NOTICE AND IN Till; rce.'t fashionable and improved manner an I style. Orders left at this OHi.'o or nt iho liunking House of Souiher, W illisi Souther will be promptly attended to. . P. WILLIAMS, Ma-y-17'GG-ly. COAL, All COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of superioi iiiality, fur sale by tl.S Tannerdale Coal Company, ft. Mary's, Elk County, l'a. ty Orders by mail promptly ilrVnd. cd to. sept lli 'j-tf gm;i3uiS&FOIAVKT.l No. 1G1 Noiitii TiiiitD SntKiiT, rillLADETPHIA. CSrOrders promptly attended io. 2 r,m. T7-ASTED-0E HUNliREl) TONS OLD CAST 1 HON at the Stove and Tin Shop, Ei.lgway, pa, (Icl2il 2t) 4 Kji-j.v