.! ' ) I ! N r. iiidi,i;. T'lniiP. SATl'lM AY: ' ' 1 .Jll'.'.JJ : : : ; ; , 1 i'1 it i ,:;; t: GEN ERAL GREENBACKS. if',; iri: rui:si!i'.vr, iNEPAL LOW TAXES. dkmoi i.'atk; .tatk tkkkt. CI' I AS K BOYLE. V r'lr. ( 'mil, y. (,', GEN W ii ENT or .1 7VO.VJ i LUILS. Tliis tr. nt, fire nnd glorious Jpnlilie 1-1 curs i.- j 1 1 -1 now I it mi.ding en tlif very Iirinl; (if (be destruction of its laws Lamed ly our f.vtvia'herrs fur (lio good gnvernm-.nt ( !' its jvr.t.!. It is no time to g) L -k to nrg v, v. l.at pivty caused this state oi things. Tim icT amy is with tho lla licjl party, and an outraged people will hold it:- loailcrs responsible us sure tn tic sun ttii! illutsuaatc Iloav en's blue arch to morrow. Never wore iiii'ii more iiiifaUen tlian are the Radi cals at Y.'a-Linijlo.i in thinking they will evade givinir an tioe.iii.it of their piev. ardr hip tothiii' masters the l'KO n.t:. An intet m im war between our people, would be :t lamentable occur return ; yet these lladie1 law makers, by tiieir enactments of unjust and in i jiutous. laws, a.id the total disregard oi' those statutes which stand in the way of tiieir progress to anarchy, seen to be inviting it. Let, them beware I The last leather may break the camel's back. Tliicr erowniiiu' act the impeachment oCPiesidcnt Johnson on Iho charges lor which be now stands indicted if the American pimple arc true to them selves, and if they have a spark of the patriotism which actuated ourpatiiot fathers to ''do or die" for unix.TY, they will sweep down urou these traitors with a power which cannot be repelled, though they were backed by ten Grand A i iiiios of the Republic. Tnese fanatical traitors (and to the fl-.amc of liberty bo it said) have time at.d again beaten back majorities iu the pimps of ballots, but they may iu a. month's time find something more po tent to deal with. Wo ask, in all fiu eerity, is it not time lor the v.'iiiTf: men of this country to arise and assert those God. given rights without which our government is a fraud u:i the name oi liberty ? Timid Democrats will say that such a rtop wu'd lie impolitic. We say to Hades with policy. Is it not better to throttle the minuter while at. your feet than wait till he reaches your throat ? Was Patrick llr.XKY too hasty when his tmiuo gave utterance to that famous and sou! Stirling speech which kindled the dormant spark of pol icy resistance into a flr.uc of revolution which shook proud Albion from centre to circumference ? Was. John Han cock, with his fellow-signers of the Declaration of Independence too hasty when they inscribed their names on tin precious document, which, if enforced to day wculd com-igu the Jludicals iu (Juu grcss to felons' cells '! Wc tell you, freemen cf America, you are being bcuud hand and foot, and unless there is homething done ssrsn, wo will not Lave power to escape Loin the embrace of the serpent which is entwining its folds about us. Yju can evade it. One hundred tliou.and freemen, good and true, would rake the Kadio-.I eiaft with the G. A. 11. included, from stem to stern. Then go to work ! Clear decks for action ! Awake ! arise 1 or be forever tallen ! Freemen cf America, shall it be written on our National toiubtoue, as nu au epitaph, thus : Here lie the lleuuins of a Republic, Ouco Great and Powerful, But which, in vainly endeavoring to give Liberty to the Negro Ilace, lust its own Freedom and Life. Such would bo but a fitting epitaph. May the mighty lluler of the I'civerse put wisdom enough in the heads of our people to rise to a sen.-o of the wrongs which arc bjing ibficted upon us, and avert the horrors of anarchy which the traitorous horde of thieves, murderers, ficouudrcls Mid hypocrites ut Washing ton, assuming to the dignity of Lw makcrs, aro plunging the country into with a floudLluws that Las nu parallel. IN liS, I th e impeachment. President Johnson's counsel appear ed in the Fcnato Chamber on Monday last to defend the bxecutive officer of the 1'nited States against the charges for which he stands indicted. Benjamin F. Butler, the spoon-thief, murdeier, and assailant, cf virtue, who voted f fly. seven times for Jefferson Davis for President iu the Charleston Convention of lSfj'), led off with a ppceeh of five hours' duration for the prosecution. After ho had poured lot tli all the venom in his composition, that other beauty, John A. Bingham, of Ohio, who made it a point of " profess ional pndo " to hang an iunoeent wo man, arose, and in the name of the man. agers on the part jl' tho House, said they were ready to make pood their charges ngalnt President Johnson. The people ol tho country may just is well make up their minds to the fact that President Johnson will be deposed, as far ns the action ol the Semite is con cerned. The majority of that body have already prejudged him. Why, if the Blessed Saviour himself, was on earth, and a Democrat, on trial before these worthies, they would vote him guilty. The trial which Mr. Johnson is now undergoing U but a mockery. A white man might ns well expect mercy from a band of Coma.iche Indians ns justice from such charlatans as Sum ner, Wade & Co. 0, for one d iy of Andy Jackson's firmness. Wo think that the citizens ol Washington could gratify thoir ctes by the-spectacle of a lladical Iaw nnkcr suspended to lamp-posts from Capitol Hill to tho White House, ere tho old hero went back to his tomb. ANCIENT FINE ARTS. To the Editor of tho N. Y. Herald : Inspecting the relics of poreelai.i ware found iu the late exhumations at Hcrcukencuni, which have been ior w.inhd to the Society of Antiquities iu Louden, whereof your eoriespondcnt says the bottle resembling Drake's Plantation Bitters was undoubtedly placed among tho ruins by the agent of Dr. Drake, we desire to state he is in correct in every respect. If a bottle was found there bearing our lettering, the language of the Ancient llomans was different from the accepted litera ture ol that day. Our Agent has other business than this in Europe, and has not been in Italy at all. 'o doubt Am. ic.Mis cairy Plantation Bitters to ltouio ; but trying to impose upon a society ol Antiquarians in this way, seems quite useless, and wo do uot appreciate the joke. Tt is unnecessary for us to fpend money in Europe, w hile wc arc unable to supply the demand for these celebrat. ed Bitters here. Kespectlully, P. II. DRAKE & CO. Mac noma Watku. A. delightful toilet article superior to cologue and at half the price. TIILI Dl'Sl'El'Tia. The trials and sufferings of the Dys peptic can only be realized by those so unfortunate as to be afllicted by this disease, and yet how many of them sut ler, and continue to suiter ! Why they do this so patiently it is impossible to tell. It m ay be from ignorance of any ciriiiiii rim-hi, or, it may bo 1 ro in pre. judiee against tho uso of any patent medicine, lloolland's German Bitters has cured thousands of the worst-eases of Dyspepsia, and each day adds ucw names to the record ol its uselulncss. Give tho Bitters a trial, llooflland's Bitters mntaiiis no I'nuor in (inu form. Iloefland's German Tonic is a combi nation of all the ingredients of the Bit ters, with pure Santu Cruz Hum, anise, orange, etc., making a preparation of rare medicinal value, iho Ionic is us ed for the same diseases 03 tho Bitters, in cases where some Alcoholic Stimulus is necessary. Principal office, 0-11 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by druggists, and others, everywhere. fisjrln a certain family not long since a pair of twins made their appearauce, and as a matter of course were shown to their little sister ol four years.. Now it so happened wheuever a prolific eat of the household had kittens, one of them, of course the prettiest, wa s ived, and the rest drowned. When the tv, ins were bhown tho child by their happy father, little Mary looked at them long ar.d earnestly, and at length, putting her little linger tip on the cheek of one ot them looked up, aud said, with all the seriousness possible " Papa, 1 thiuk we'll savo this one." JC37Mr. Seward has been telling tho story of a boy who, w hen setting out in life, was told by his tathcr there were two ways lor him to follow. One was tho right way and the other was tho wrong way, the young man concluded, in view of the whole matter, not to .'ako either, and fell back on tho old gcutleniau for support.' fl-uSMJullor is closely watching Gen. Grant's cour.-e. The course is a crooked one, and Butler lias a crooked eyo to wutch it with. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Car Time at llidgu ay. Erie Express East 10:1fi p. m do ilo West rtoi'a in. do Mail East;.. 4:3R p. in. do do Wpst.iiiui.. ...... .i 2:4") p. tn. Local Freight East .0:40 n. m. do do West 0:12 p. m. EJk lodge, A. Y. M Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held Tuesday evening, on or before (he full inonn of eaeh month, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WHITMORE, Sec'y. Written for the Advocate MUSIC AT A LEATU-UED. BY JULIET II. LEWIS. 0. sing to me, sweet sister, sing 'J'lie song I loved to hear, And when I'm gone, Osiug it still, And think I'm ling'ring near. 0, let tno hear before I leave This world for yonder skies, The trembling tono of thy rich voice, On sighing zephyrs rise. Oft while we've watcVd the weary tun Behind t he mountains hide, Canting its soft mid parting light On Siisiiuehamiali's tide. And stnuding by our mother's side, Or by our father's knee, That song has risen on the breeze ; O, sing it new for inc. In fancy then will rise the scenes Of my loved childhood's home i Again I'll pluck my fav'rite flowers, Aud through uiy loved haunts roam The forms of those in childhood dear liefore nio I shall see, And present grief will be forgot; Then sing that song for nie. The deep, rich tones so sweetly raise Upon the evening air : They eecm'dto stay tho hand of death, And angels lingered there, Tho song now ceasid the wail of grief bticceeitcu that sweet lay ; Fur with the loved and dying strains Jler spirit passed away. Growing Old. How stealthily the years creep upon us, one by one, until some day we are startled to find oui selves grown old ! It is curious to see what different estimates put on old age at different periods of their own lives.' To the youth in his teens the man ol middle age seems quite antiquated, but when he himself arrives at forty yeais ho can scarce believe he is no longer young, and is astonished to see so many who were but infants the other day, now jostling him as full groirn men in the race ol life. Said one gentleman to an other in our hearing : "What has be. come of all the old men ' When you and I were boys there were many old men about, but they seem to be all gone." " Ah," said his friend with a tMiiilc, ' ask theso youngsters where the old .uen are. They'll tell you and you will find yourself among them ! " Miut tub Door. 1 tie failure to close the door after passing out or in is peculiarly an American neglect. It is a delect of proper training or detective education, and during the cold months it is peculiarly annoying and dangerous Colds are not taken in the opcu air, but are the result of a sudden letting in of a cold current in a warm room, or while the body is heated from exeicise or any local causes. Persons should charge their memories so that in all cases, as they pass iu or out of a room, they gent ty pun ine door ana tasten it. A slam or jerk docs uot always elosj a dooi Too many peoplo learn their manners in a saw-mill, aud never take time to cor icct their early education. Ilcnco, the reprehensible practice of leaving the door open, A Good Sign. According to tl experience of old men, who drawthei knowledge from the great book of Xa ture, backed by experience, it is evident that the coining season will be a fruitful one. According to immoiuorablo tradi tion, if the suows of March cluster to the boughs of trees, it is a sure sigi that the fruit trees will yield a bountiful harvest. We suppose the late frosts have something to do with it, but ii is more than probable that tho March sign governs tho May frosts. Oaf When parties get married aud the groom is paying tho parson his fee, ii he should lorget to haui him a dollar to pay for setting up the notieo of the event iu the paper, the bride ought tointerfere immediately and do tho first great duty of her married life by iusistiug that they commence their career honorably aod justly by paying the first bill of oxpense. fc2f"Tho proceedings of the lladical State Convention give the following se lection for the 19th Congressional Dis trict : Delegates, lion. Henry Southc, Gen. Harrison Allen- Alternates Cant. A. B. McClaio, D. T. Moore Elector, James Sill. B.Tlie Commissiouers will meet at their office iu P.idgway, on the 1st Mou day iu April, 18U8. P.O. Dickinson, Chtk. WANTED AGENTS to soil Ilic cheap est, most practical and durable pens ever brought before tho public CIiu'.i.nk's Goi.dkk 1'bns, widely celebrated fur tiieir reniarlinblo flexibility nnd anti-corrosive properties Tliego pens aro rut lip in bronze nnd pill, slido boxes, sell rnpidly and pay a largo piotit to tho agent. Sample cauls, Willi Tens, loiwaiiled on receipt of 10 cents, t.'ircul.-irs free. Address CIIAS. S. GREENE, il i Clifsimt Street, riiiUdel- pliui, 1 n. Apllm F OltEIG.N ATTACH M IC.NT. 1 L. Foster, C'lms J'. roster, k h. N. Fnsbie, I In the Court of Administrator!) of A".i ! C.nmi:nn 1 lens of L. Foster, deceise l, I'.lk Co. No. lift, versus Ar.ril Term, William Iteel. ELK COUNT 1', SS : The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (o the SheVllV of said coun ty, GREETING : c coiimiiiiid you that you attach WIIj. LIAM IlKEI), I'ne of your county, by ail and singular, his goods mid ehallels, 1-Vii'l" and tenements, in whnu hau ls or possess ion sjever the same m y be, so that lie be and appear beliire our Court t f Common t leas, to be lioldcn r.t . lCswav, m and for snid county, on the last .Monday of April next, there to answer T. L. l'o ter, Charles L. Foster nfl. I K.N. I'l i .hie, Administrators of Asa L. Foster, dee'd, in a plea nf debt. And also that, you summon .to-eph ,s. Hyde, rnd any oilier persons in whoso hands or possession the t.i-operiy nmv bp. so that tlicy be and appear befuio o.iv said Court on the hist. Monday ol April n t, to answer what shall be objected agitiuu. him, and abide the judgment of tiie Court therein. And have you then and there this writ. R'lTNEsS the lion. it. G. WiltTIi', Presi dent Judge of our snid Com t, at Kidgwav, tills 24fu day of .Maivh. lSiiij. GEO. A. EATIIi'.UV. Prolh'v. jB il reiiuired in the sum of $70,000. i eMientl will a t.ieli a;l the goods nn I chattels, binds nnd tenements of the defen dant, in the hand- and possession of Joseph S. II dj. or in the hands or io'soss'oii of :iny othe' p- -n wba o ;ver, un 1 summon th m n gnrnislieos. oucriiKn Ai.iititoiiT, l'hiilitiHV Attorneys. April ith, 1808-fiw. D' tofore existing between tho under, signed in (lie salo in businc s, was dissolv ed on t!:e tiOth instant, by muina! consent. I he books and papers are with John .Mali pliant for settlement. S. JACKSON, mnr28.3t JOHN MALI Pit ANT. FOR SALE. -X ACRES OF TIMIJKtt LAND ON i ) t tie Eidgway and l'rookville Itoml, near Itooljaek, Horton township. Elk Co. Wairant No. -1375. Also Two Town Lots on Erin Street, borough of St. JlaryV, t;!k county, rrica low terms easy tide irood. For particulars apply to VliAUI.T'SLl'HR, Deiizingcr, Elk county, Pa. March 2Sih, 1SC.K, .'it. L1CEN3H NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho following limited per sons have tiled their applications for li cense in my ofticc, to April Sessions, 1H7, according to law. 8. nsbinder, Penc-iet, Tavern. Elizabeth Wiuslow, Eenezet, Tavern. A. Gerg, Fox, Tavern. W. Annum, Fox, Tavern. Homer II. Leech, Fox, Tavern. A- thony O'Chase, Eating Hons-1, Fox. M. Wellendorf, St. .Mary s, Tavern. G. 11. Shriller, St. Mary's. Tavern. John Thompson, St. Mary's, Tavern. H. KreU, St. Mary's, Tivcrn. Henry I.argy. Hi. Mary's. Tavern. Margaret Kennedy. ?t Mary's, T.iverr. J. Naehtel, St, Mary's. Fating House. P. Qiiinn. St. Mary's, Ivitin; House. John Ernliaut, Jones, Tavern, martin Sow eis. Jones, Ealing IIoue. Jan Patterson, Itidgwuy. Ealing House. S. Jackson, Uidwnr, Eatirib-ILmse. GEO. A. llATili'.L'N, Mar28tc Prothonotaiy. NiiirTifsurt"!;. i : ur ip" "tTie United States for the iVe-torn toslrlct ol Pennsylvania John C'dih, a Eankntpt miller the Act of ('. r.pross of Marehnd, 18li", having a) p'ied tor a il':-i.!i.u ;;o from all his tlebts, mid other claims provable under said Act, Ey oi dor t' the Cuiii t. no tice is hereby giv.m, to all persons who have provee their debts, nn I oilier p. i s. .as interested; tsiipp-.'iir on the Hist day nf April, ltSOH, at 111 o'clock, A. 'A., tctere S. E. Woodrulf, Esq., Register, at hi cftiee in Warren, Pa., to show e.iu. e, if any they have, why a l)icliar22 sliould not he grant ed to the said liaukivipt. And further, notice is hereby iriven, that the seend i.n.l third meetings of creditors of th - snid liankrupt. reiiiired by the '!7th and 1" ;h sec'ioos cd' said Act, will be had before tho said Register, at the same time and place. S. C McCANL'LliSS, Cl'k of IT. S. Histriet Court for mid Hist. March 8, 1SH8, Uw IT. S. Tax Appeals. C. S. Assbssok's OiFii'K, l'.lth Hist., Pa , Oflicc, Curwensville, Clearlieid c ouiny. i NOTiCK is hereby gii.cn that tl.e n-.i's.-o meut lists, viilnations an 1 eniimei-i lions r:adc v.it hiu tho N'iiv. . etita Collee. tion Distiici, Pa., by tho Assistant nsnx or under the laws of tho Enited Suites, will remain cpen to nil persons concernad for examination for tho space often dya from the l Ol It day of April, A 1., ISiiH, at the Assessor's Otliee, in tho Eoroiigh of Cur wtnsvillc. At the time stated abovo the Assessor will receive, hear and determine all appeals rolauvo to any erroneous or excessive valu ations or enumerations by iho Assistant Assessors. In regard to appeals, tho law provides, " That the question to bo de'erinined by " the Assessor, on an appeal respecting the valuation or enumeration of property, or objects liable to duty or laxution, shall be whether the valuation complained of be or be not in a just relation or proportion to other valuations tn- the same assessment district, and whether the enumeration be or be not correct. And all appeals to the assessor as aforesaid, phall be made in writing, o.id shall ppocify the particular cause, matter. orthii,g, respecting hioh a decision is requested ; nml shall, moreover state the ground or principle of iiuouaiiiy or error complained of." DANIEL LIVINGSTON, Assessor l'.uh Collection District. March 'M, 18t;y, ,y I-NVELOr-KS,- LAltELS & TAGS neil J ly piiutedk t the A-lvocatu Ofli e THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THEItlDOWAY Ki'.rr iiY OUOVKO. MKSSUXGEIV Deuhtrs in Drag, Kcuicitee, Pviafy, Oils, W hite Lend, Lubricating Oil, Lnnsp Oii, Tntucr'a Oil, Per. funieri.::! of all Kimhi, Thn purest Varnish, Lrushcs of every Stylo aud Sizo Dye Stuffs, Pure Confectionaries Citron, Itaisinn, Patent Medicines, Wines, Wllt2l Jewelry, Pings, Tobaccncs & Segars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful P. rl:ti:i:ng to tho Drug Ilusintss Gen crally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drug? at Low Trices Notions in Endless Variety 1 Notions in Endless Variety American and English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Kings, kc. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Pings, kc. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Taney Articles, 'leys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Pird-Cnges ! Albums, News, Stationery. Dird-Cages I Violin, ISanjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, l'atijo and Guilur Strings! mar2018G(i NEW GOODS ! just iikcj:ivet and' MAIli:.:!) C'LEAIl DOWN To ihu Boiiom ! AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE I. V. HOCK, Main Street. P.idway, P HAVING just return : from llio eastern cities where I h ive purchased a birirn and well selucied assort aicnt of goods. 1. invite the attention of the public to call aud examine r.iy stock, consisting of Dry Ge Notions, Clot 11!1;T, ilaruwara lints, Cm lie t' liyeti, ( u 2 e ii art PUG VISIONS, &o.', kc' ' purur.s will find MY STOCK. PULL AND COMPLLTi:, and well adapted to the wants of the commuiiitv. j! v. no ux. Ridgway, Dceo ly. If ALUAlihM LOTH FOll iSALK. T 1 1 o undersigned lias laid out a vil. age upon his ground adjoining the Ridir, way Depot, to be called K!..K. The lots are 50 feet front by I'll) fcjt deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot soi l, ?100. Foi the second lot sol, 1, $110. For the third lot s-old, i-l'JO an. I so on increasing iu price a lots iiro sold. E?Vl First purchasers get the choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will bo registered in the or der of thoir application Ten percent, of the purchase money must bo paid at thj time of tho application. p;-.Applieations will be made to Job G. Hull, Emo, ltidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Eidgway, mar,23'C0-t F. "TFYOU IV ANT TO EL'Y " ' CJ.OTHI.YG for the jasitllon f Go to A. DL'llLACilER, Agent, IiEALKll IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! GKNTS' P CIIXISIIING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, LOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TKAVKLING HAGS, &c. ST. M.VRV'S, ELkl COUNTY, I'ENN'A. Jan21SGSlypd TTJ KIlKl.I L'S V()(iT, Practical Clock .Si lj Aulchiiiakei St. Mary's, Elk couiily. Pa, Rooms next door to I! intcnai h's Clothing Store. All kiiu.'s of well; dono done iu u satisfactory manner, and war ranted. Consultations ill regard to work in tho Geruiar, reach or J'.iigli.-h lan guages. March 11, K-o7l!'. Vli orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly ulleuded to us soon us received, at I lie 'tl7 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. (NUNS, PIrTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, X pocket and table cutlery, ( f Use lot iiiiility and most aj prov, I j . , n-, very cheap at the IUid.s.nv loloou Liteifcer's eld curutr ju it. Maiy'j.