She John f. .-.!. i:,.,.r,a. """sA,rm:i..AY: M.ti Hi. '.M-r. : : : : :: : lt-uirt loll V!'lliF.N r IN lSti GENERAL GRE NSACKG. villi virr. rni'sMU'Nr, v-r,vr, I..UVV I MA JlEM-'i ":. V) IC , T V I K TlCIvKT. ("'urrnl. CIIAS BOYLE. V S-trmi-r Ot-ntrof, GEN W I! KXT mi: ala cam a r,:u r: in: TV.i p.n i v whose path is shown with the IraguicMs (;f broken pled ne and violat. cd oaths-, is about adding to the list of iLs Clinics n nrtv ilpod r.f mil.!, pcrlnJy. J .so Jiccoiiiructiou acts of Oongrtss, a tor providing lot i!,c erec. tiun of A'cgro Cotivciitioria to frame con stitutions, k-r t!ic Southern States direct that the thus formed should bo subedited for jH-ooptaiicc to Bitch pcrsoU6 a:, Congress permitted to vote and 1 o."-ti-t fur the purpose in any .Slate, did not cast their ballot in favor of the coin iit-jtitn submitted to them, it should tint be ml ; ted. Con. gt ess thus distinctly c nn t I and an. nontiood that every elector who did not vote iii favor ol the constitution, should bo counts. nc:,i:;.,t it. Congress invit" ou two iiiO(i,,H (t opposition to the nev c )nsi!tutioiiH, one lor the electors to co to the p lis mil vote them down, the other to absent themselves from the polls ai.d defeat the constitutions by their absence. Eoth methods were le gitimate, and Con-re. provided that they shoiihl be etpudly effective. The Negro Convention of Alabama dave birth to a uinii&ter iu the shape ol t constitution, which even .surpasses in deformity the products of the other Af rican assemblages'. It disfranchises ev ery individual who will uot ewcar to ' accept the civil and political equality of all men ; ' thus takintj the ballot out of tlie hands of every opponent of negro sitdrve iu tlie State, and disqualifying ninety-nine hundredths of its white The stau.ich Unionist who sacrificed Liu fortune for bis country, and the while soldier who shed bin blood iu its defeuce, are disfranchised because op-po.-ed to uegt j sufiYrgc. The Northern cu.i jraut wi.o jiitcti to settle on the liold of Alabama, which, bis own blind and toil may have assisted to rescue from stecssLii, i denied the ballot, if lie carries Willi him the principles of the Sute g.ivcrumeut under which be V'aS bolll. This ColililitUlieiU would dis- franehi.-.e a va.-t uujority of tne people 01 mo .orui i;y vuae servants and at I whose expense it has. been manufactured lor Alabama. A majority of the electors of the State qualified aueordiag la act of Congress, including lari'o uiiribors of the more ration -I ..-, resolved to defeat this i nd Co easiest, biinplcst, 1 J ' e lid iea,;r eXi.- i..-ivo way ot doimr so. absented theuiaelvts from the clectiou. And aiibieieh iu defiance ot our Xoith trn ideas ot fairness, the polls were kciit open Eve day-., and bands of aimed 11c f.roes and jqu,s cl' Uui'e 1 .''tales cav alry scoured the country to drive iu tho voters, the Consiitulion is defeated by a majority of thirty thousand. Now, Congress is coolly considering, and will undoubtedly pass, a bill to lasten this infamous rejected constitution upon the Statu; and i 1 1 admit members of Con grcss cbo.-en under this constitution by the minority "that attended tho polls ! l'uuie fuith is too weak au cxprtssiun to piupnly stigmatize the perfi ly of this liiovciiiUit. . It is odious, execrable, Iraudultiit tyiuntiy. Yet it was to be rij eeted from a Coiigrcbs that liii-i never kept a pledge given cither to the South 01 the Nefch, that tramples alike upon its duty and its constituents, and delib erately avows perjury, by noting outside d the Coiistitutiou its uiombers are Mvorn fo suppirt. EouPre-ddout Johnson, through his!, appeared at the bar ot tho Sou. ate to answer the sumtiioue bent him ty thut body, 011 the lulu iust. His couu sel asked forty dayu time iu which to prepare their case, which was refused, and but ten days granted. They were probably afraid a decision touching ihe oosliluiiortnlity of the Tenure of Ofliec Plil would be loathed ere folly days. 'j in-: j'A in, ox.xa po her. The fjllowin coniuiuriipation was received and should have appeared week, but f.inie to bund too late K me WAY, Mareh 12th, 1JG. J. P. Mt?. k, K.:(j , lllitor of Kik A.I- L'licuti: : I ii'-k space in your columns to inaks a 1 statement lespeetin- the p;!r don f f .arah 1 lavid.-on, lately confined in our !-'ail, ptirsn ltit, to f.enteneo of m prisotiment th.-ivi'i, of ten unnths, pas Med u. on her by the ''otirt of Quarter l-i'ssious ! : Vi!l:a;sis, presiding at Xoveml vt H-iT. It. wlillm recollected that Thomas Davidion .taJ Ivlwtinl liuhes w,:ie tried at i!uj An-fcu.-t J?i:.:.-ioi,s, l-So'7, f ir the felonious entry of lb j bouse of llci.y 1'eareo. at S!kiwihu!. in this ."'e.-i'y, and !'t the laicPr.y ol HO in " uieeiiliarks." some j;.:i!d s.'iveicins ; the tiial reHtilt-111-in Ibi ir ;,-.-.1:i;'t.i'l. Snl-equenily 1. u. aia lingoes eoiiiev-'cl liavin.' sto'. cu ilie iii.nicy as ha i been tliar.'.'.l tijiiiinst b'i'i and Itavi,!.-f.n, iinpli. ati:i tlie latter and ai.-o Mrs. far, 1:1 1 lavidnoti. Pavidson, having been acquitted, ot eou:se sal. its also 1 1 juhes. Iimui lutthcr pr.Me(!i!!i.)iw, LiU t-'arah David son, ( two oilier parties implirjiiteJ 1 were arrested, cluiru-.-.l wi'ii tlie larceny of this money ; and having received it knowing it to have been stolon. Vorv tiiiguluily the parties arr. stcl with Sa rah were a-'quitied ; but she, after a lcti'hy trial, a! !y delu.drd, was eon viutitd ti ti l 'I'ti'enee'l as above. As I propose speaking ol her pardon, I wi!! say of the eii eum.-'atiees atl. 11 hint iqm this robbery, nor the t'ro-oetttiuits wl.ieh grew out ol it trie' e v. e.l k no n to the (!!' its ol tho county the t.-U iiiu iog eicited great interest ; except ing that 01.0 ol the persons acquitted at I'.'jiCijl '.'r .'H -..!:,!;,-.. aIU.i' bidding ::0.el bye to Sarah liavidsoo, slowed to a cit izen of this place the two gold coins which had been M;I"n from I'Looe. At the January Sessions, IstJS, Jnde White presiding .Mrb. iJ's counsel re quested mo to si'ii a:i application tor her pardon, which I refused, though the petition was signed by iho beach, the officers of Court, and ninny prominent citizens. The reason given being the state of the prisoner's health. I rc.iiark cd to counsel that no notice had been given to mc as coucsol for tho prosecu". tor; 1101 had notice been uiveu to Ihe Judge who presided at the trial nor had lad notice been published in tho county iiper. In short, that not one of C-ov. Ceary'o "rules " ha' beea complied with ; to which conns A rep'ietl that lie did not think in this case that 0 strict compliance with the "rules " would be required. I replied, 1 thou-lit other wise, and that I would oppose the grant of a patdou to the iKino t. In tho latter days of January last, being in llanisi burg, I called on (iov. (!onry -being in troduced to him by a genlletn an, one ol the officer of the House in n I atom to this matter ; and having stated iny bu.;-hies.-', the l.ioveniur said he thought tho appli.i.tton haJ not bo:u receive.!, which was the fact. I told the Gover nor of the ii"u-e :mp!iai.ce with bis rules, and the lcmark of counsel en the sub jeet '1 he ( cry c)ii'mti-f',t .sij',7 lie .(; iv. t :n;.-j.iirl L :s -ic'i.-:, re. u.arlimg that hid I been m a few mo' n.etits earlier, I would have heard that 7 question gone over and decided. I theicupon told the Governor my reasons for opposing the pat den, at some length : as well as of the previous arrests, and the clrttini itanoes of the parties, an 1 tho-o att Mid-nit on the robbery. I f it ther said, if on a full e.amiiiat!on of the ease, he deemed Mrs. I), a fit subject for clemency, 1 could luve no objection; but as I, mayhap presutnptmm-ly, did Hodeem her such a subject, I claimed the right, under his rules, to be heard, and to have sitllieicct 11 vtice niveii me to prepare my reaaoijj (or reaijiist rating. To this the Governor said that ic h-Ji'lu 'if' hi al. 1 th. !'-".:rio:i arrive : that le vomIiI l.c inn ' i.'j'.jid if would send him n iviunu-t'aucc. That Ik; vi.ii'il ..-.. ci'iix-ilrr it, nud re mailed finally, " tiiat those who sought mercy should do justice." You loav lieu, Mr. Editor, jud-o of my surprise, when, on the L'L' I of l-'eb. las't, Mrs. 1). was released on li.ihcax roriits, sued out before Judge Schultzj, n-!uli tern tin; v. hj irii-': .''jf . (! nn tt.-ttt mc uf the fact that he i. ud pardoned her; and her counsel tol 1 me he. had the pardon a week previous to her release. I have 110 objection to the cx.-rei e of the at. tribute of mercy, but 1 do object, first. ; Governor Cca.y making rules, au ) tend ing them with bis " compliments" cvet tie Slate ; and secondly : to bis mak. nig special !y vioiaiint promises, ami then flagrant- llienj. i nolo are cases 111 which it is impossible to comply with our pn.tiitre;:. i uis has no tsouse. Piiuilly, I reiterate my epiuion, that this was not a case for executive elo 11 eticy. Mrs. P., b.'iug but a year or so lii-iii England, ai.d being a Woman, cer tainly can have mi voice as re-ards the next Vieo Pr.'. :dency ; she has but lit tle money, for she declared to one tf the witnesses 011 thu part of tlie C0111 moLwealth, " Devilish little good Harry Pierce's money did her, that Edward got it nearly all, and gave her but migh ty little of it, that ail sh.i had left was the bit of a hat on her bead." I am at a loss to account for the vio lation of his solemnly pledged word by Govcruoi Geary. Y( ry respectfully, LATHI I- J. ELAKLLY. OLJl :;LY YORK LKTl Kit. New Youk, Jiareh 17, 1SC3. The whili'fii' of time brings round its revenges in Wall street ns well as in other more favoreil localities. A few years au;o tho New York Gold Exchange was spoken of ns tho " Coal Hole." (!o!d brokers were slimaiisod as " Jew uioiiey chancers," " Shylocks," " Skin ners," j. Mn term of abuse was smIH cicnlly expressive ol the contempt these creatures were held in. Yet. withiu tho week just pastel no less than four of the leading journals ol this eify, and Coiijrressm.;ii and vSonntors o!' various degrees, have referred to the gold inf.r ktt as " that never failing barmnctcr of pnl'Ic (.pinion." J.'cver wvro u.v.vp.-per.-. anJ L'onrcrs'ne:i more greatly in error. 1 lie gre it battle ;t tl'.e green. t'.iek ttif.nts. now l mg waged with such relentless fury between Vandorbilt on one sid.'. and i' uiiel lrew on the other. ler the bh ie nilr-ad, with its great, trib utary eoei. 'ti ns with the west, fibsorbs the at m iiti.i.a el' our pc'.i;l.) just, at pres. cut. All Wall stre. t, ye.i.'iu laet, all Gi'tham are taking side.i in the contro. vcrsy. The two railroad kings . have suddenly become as famo-H for doriuj; dee. Is as Dhu Turpin, the high .va maii, found hisa-elf one morning on his way to Xew.j-atc, the observed of all cbiorv. trs. 'J he governing iiiotives which prompted hi.- exploits on iJ.inuie Ih'ss were, the s iuie as tie so which g'.veru the i.iove.n .mis uf cur Wall street feudal lords ot Mammon. Con. gross am! impeachment for the time be itig, are lor ; 0 ten. l!ee.R.!r:iPti.m has b. . u p. sli...m.d. II j.v is hiie is the cmi'soii saliitaiioii of lie stre; r, iu the gilded sa! :o:is, in ',,.. counting hou-e, and e" :i whi..pci-ed bitween the periods of prayer on the f 'abbnth in chitroh. l'ij'0.10 opinion, forsooth! Why voj sen it here p.-isonilij 1 d.ily, both" m Van b.'.ibilt and iJivw, baoited up by their heavy ai;il!ei-y reserve of fifty mii- boils of casii capita! each at tlioir mm. I maud. Oiij outfi.i t the othi r for the ihi'e sucbi.'.-.siou, while the stockholders sian.l npjiailed at the skill and cuiiiug displayed to throiv tluiu over board. The aiiti.impoachcrs point to the ri.-c of gold 1'r.iui Ul to 114 as proving how unpopular impeachment h with the masses. l'etitiotis have been overrunning the Bankruptcy Coi.rr. Tin eo hutidred and tbirteou have bceu presented iu three days. PriLce riiiliippe, of Saxo Cobitrg, a cousin of Queen Victoria, of England, is stopping in this city at the Urcvoort Mouse. He will remain in the country fotnc time, but declines to be made a liou of, like a sensible mail. jieautilui women, elegantly dressed, are necessary to civilization, and they cannot be beautiful and do thediudgeiy of the W il l i, nor can thy he h.:o Isoi;.". iy dressed, u they devote time an ! atlcnth.n to it. lr-.okers out for fashions b.?gin to ob serve that ladies wear their drosses l-ss gored, at'i evvii l'ulJvd iu broad flat pl.iits about the Wie.-.t O.l the fashionable avenues may be seen Montana reds, Metteruich gre-etis, with the billiotis-looking Celadon'; but, thank goodness ! no Bismarck browns. Plaok titid green arc Let cro wdins; Lis maick brown into oblivion. Pretty outdoor toilet of green are now trimmed with crosscut bands of black satin, fast en :d down at regular intervals by green gimp pultons. Park blue serge dress cs are gi ueially trimmed vith rouleaux and leaves of bl u k satin, ami black dresses tire finished with ornamentations of blaek or blue. Collector Smythe, of this city, has re. ceived ollioial information from the Slate and Treasury Pep-u tmcnts that cholera is prevalent-at Saint Thomas, in the West Indies, and also at Tangier, Morocco. The attempt to use the camel for md. ilary tmrpo:-es in the southern part of the United Stales has toe 11 finally alan. doui'd after a costly experiment of Ci te, ui years. Three of these camels are now in this city for sale. The A in. rican l'ree Trade League, of which CUllcn Pryaut is President, is increasing m numbers and influence with a rapidity which must alarm the high tarilf iro n. New Yoik city ban twenty thousand tenement houses, averaging tifty inhabi tants each. The various strecf railroads In this carried laf year over ot;e one hundred millions of iiasscsigcrs, and tho various ferries over ninety millions. An cflort is being made to concen trate the working power of the several temperance societies iu ttiis city. The arrest in this city last week were l,"")1, and the deaths were 17e. Funds i.rn being collect. id by the pi inter:; of this city foa a monument to AiMiiii. Wa;J. This has been tie severest winter on record for Sound navigation. Five thousand Mormons aro sojourn, ing in this city, temporarily. No won. der elopements are so frequent of lute. Pusincsa h brightening up all over New York with the beautiful sunny da that aru now g.nilitig down upou us. P is graatly feared that fro.11 the late seveio weather, many marine disasters will be reported as having occurred ou the cvust. Jpjro auon, A Pi I EL. MI.SCKU LXATOX. The Unloril (!a;:rtc Kays : Jcnncr township, Somerset county, polls about yi.'O il.11lto.1l to bd lciniicratie votes, usually giving about 2fnj Kudical ma-' jnrity. In this hotbed of fanaticism the doctrine of miscegenation has taken root. Some time sinco the daughter 01 a prominent citizeti of that township, eloped with a negro, and now wo learn from the Somerset Drnvcritt, that " Solomon Uoyer, white, was married the other day, to widow MclCelvy, col ored, aud iavid Peels, colored, tol'olly Thomas, white." Such are the Datura! consequences of the teaching of Uadi- ealism. ('an it be pos-Jlle that tlie tu o . . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . . . pie in mis country,- wnu sucti evidctices of the tendencies of liadicalism before their eyes, will still continue to give couutcnance and support to 11 thing so vile and puim-trot;-.. Hon. Pavii! Wilm'ot, of "Proviso" notoriety, did :n. lis home, in Towamla, Hradiord county, this State, on Thurs day la.-1. (Ill till! I '1 ll ill -'I'll. I, in lou ,,f.(. I! . Wi!'.- nl I. f. 11,11, 1 !,,,, 'ii'i''!) ,.i r ' . m 1:1 i. I, 1-- . ID . I r 1 ,' .hip 1-:. Wo hav.'foa-iit it rvoMr?, :n oi,f-r to V-..-.1 tl. fia a- hnoni '.1 e A tv-vrste oa .1 'o-wd basis, to a to'it t!i t.ii' a-r? i- Atlvtnijriiio; -s revi; he paid! in p.A- v.nica ; a-.'! all J iti Ws: 1: at join ,u comslaitd Si 1 M'1.f'it ar.-t eics-.tcl te ytw.'.j mlvortisTB at l'ie !;(!c;;..;n:v.r; of au''iquarir. Cursc.-Fti 1- to K jv-i.1 tor i-i-11 iaily it sflvaace. o)Wt' ,I..iin f. Mmii!-:, I'ii!ilis;,-r I:T.r'"1EI ll!I(M.T.Kj. MKlti'liAN'r TAII.Or Kii;gv; y, 121k Co., P;. The sii!.:-'U-ih:o 'li'.-ites ri'Sju-.M !'-ii!v t.i ia f. .Ti li,- cllt.ns 1 li;.ig-.rny lied 'vlcuiltv tll.V U is .r,! 11, Ur.i'.w i'o oi -It :,; ,vi-it in it can lie d .ni' anvwliei c. imytliinrr in line of Jus l.ii-iiM;-s. ,j auks is :. fair ll-isl. 0,ru 1-iis gnariiittvol. f-r',t::u,'lM. ('.-i:u,.ru. Vc!lici mil Tiiiiimiiiss of iho iali-.-f ::n.! t,-,lyi ..i,i,i...v 1 kipt omtrir.tiy no l.t,...i. ,v n i.-ii will iv. a id cm-Aid;:; tilvn Tin: ctif.Ai'. J-V'i'. I.iidiiii ilcsii'ing Ifeietidnfr. St t c I: in p-, FoHinif. tliti.liliR. .'-0 , on diessc-s, capes, i-i will find it to thn iniercst to pivc me a cll laii-.-JiMii; C1 T- MAHY 'S SXliAM'TANNEfll ! O II. F. Eponsha-do & Co. Tulip j.K.asui e in minouiiciii to ilu iulilie of ilik and surrounding eiooities that i,ev iiavB luoioiiplily retiticd and reiiiiufatcd iliis old anil t-Kimwii -ta!i isliaiei-.t. aed iiongrntiiiutn tluoie-idves lliat with their ex teudrd t'liuilicit, with first n'.asi wnikniMii that they can put oat. 11s good work as can ho i' I an w'iim-p. Wo liave. uml Wi. consiai.tly ou hand nlll kinds il leather s.icj . -is in general tine iu iUU .se-.'iina, i. - cmuiiig Sjmiii-'Ji anil Cum try Snh- Lruth-r Cni:.-is, Slir.-j,, JC,)'d::,- .' Jlii-iuss t(- I'jnif.r Li-;i!!:rr .' XrCASlI FA JU FOR RiDRS. Give us a call and he convinced .-f tl Iruih uf wliat Wi statu. riail'iis. JAM KS Mi'CLOSKEY, Qi'Ur jil Cn'iVii'i'.';!, ti., V 11'd resii.-c -fully ii.f n-ni tlie citi.e'i:s r.( h-.' 3t;!ro:iti.lin;r r-.ninmni! r tl at he still keeps, on Imnd a gnivl H:.;j.y of such ant. cles us uru (reiiei Ally kepi :n a country gro cery store, iiielu liiw TEAS, FLO UK. SUGAESI, TOBACCOES, SEGA11S, WHISKEY which lie flatters himself ho can sell as cacap ns tiiey can bj bought anywhere in the cciiin y. I have l.-itnly erected a first -class shinlo mill, v.hioh is noiv in opeiatiun. Ii is on itteled thai the shinplm which w.-re made in this mill and sold in Wiil,iu!::s;i,,rt, art a lirst-ulaf.s tirtielo, the lumber tit" which they hi-.; icado buin well cc.soiivd. I d f ire I.) iuti'ii'litcelhe esl.iuih: (,. j! tiutij.. ol hmidcrs, vh-j will euiisult their own inter - t-y -tv:.i-; ;a;a c ill. May 3 I, 'ti;; tf ('OCPf' 1'liUJ.AM.vTlUN. rnr.i;!-:s, the m.,:,. u. v. v,M!i ,,s- jj ' " 1, iii'-i li I.. I , McllUltU m.d JiMf Kylcr, A-..n-iaKs. Ju ljri s .il iiu (.'ourt tL'i..ii tm- tv-si, ns. (li-ph.ins' Coiih, Oyer mid i'ermia.-r, an J tlem raMail li-liv-ny, lur the trial of eatdta! and (Oher c'leu ecs in tho ecii.ity of li!U. by tl.e.r piee,-j;ia to me diieeted, have ur.b-ied ilr: iit'ure,.ti l named Cuuris to ho holder, at Kidfr-.vay, iu and lor the county of Dtk. 0.1 the hut j.lun. day iu April, it bed ne; lha LTlh day of the niiiiitli, and to cjiitiuiij 0:10 week. Notice is hereby given to ihe Coroner, Jusliaes ef the l'cace, and Constables eftho county of Elk, lha. they are by thesa presents co:.i nii'.i. lid lo be ihtn mid il.t-ie in (heir jr -p-or persons at t 11 o'ol.ick, A. M., ef :i. 1 day, v.iih i.'ieir rolls. reird.-i mi l inpuis: lions, 11 lid cthei leiirjiiibiiinees, to do thoso l'iug which their oilicys tippc.-laiii to ho done, and that all Justice of said county uuike ruturns of all recognizance-u entered into beioio them to the Clerk el I ho Court us per Act of Asuembly cf May -lib, let! 1. And those who are Luutid by their reeoi' .i- 7.ances 1.) piosrcute lae prisoaers that are or shall be in Ihe jail of the county 0 Id!;, and to ba I he 11 and there 1 0 prosecute ugaiust theai as shall be just. J.iMES A. MALI) XV, Ki.lgway, mar "1. .Sheiitl'. LIST OK CAl'SKS set djwn for Aptil Term, lNin. U Millingor vs F X Porget al. 0 Hell vs J. sopa Werner et al, V Umbuer v j C Scott. W M Singcily vs K Leash. Jienzinger 4 llschbiieh vs Conrad Funk. J J Lawrence et nl. vs U Lidir et ul V Wilhi lm ot ul, vs Frank Wois. W. U. I:n. Co. vs E C fchu'.tie ct al. A King vs li llabtl. 1 iliu vs (,'erry. THE FLACETO BUY IS AT X 1 i i' Jtl I G WAY mm sides KF.rr by GROVE 0. Ml'SSENGEn, Dottier in lrus''ii Med;Jpp, I'vonts, (i!a, Wt.ife Load, Lnbrieating (Jii, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumnrinr. of all Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style and Size Pye SttifTs, Pure Coid'cclionaries Citron, Paisins, Patitnt Medicinri, Wines, A alc-h'-?, Jewdry,, Tolaecocs it Scear.i l'uvc Liquors fur Medicine pur s on 'v. A LAP.Qri ASSOnTWEiSST Of Everything Useful i'i.:laioii,g to ;!:c prt.g Eu-:,..m Gen erally. I'ute Drugs at Low Price? ! Pure Drugs at Low Trices Xi-tions in lindle'-i Yariefy ! Nutions iu Endless Variety American and Watches ! American and Lng'.l.h Watches I-afest Styles of Jewe.lrv, Elnns, Ac L-.-Al . st Slyies of Jewelry. Pitigs, Ac. Fancy Ar'.i.les. Toys. Latest Novels ! 1 j .nuns, 03 - 1.:. ,e-1 .Novels Albums, News. Stationery, Eir-l-Cage ! Album, New;-, Stationery, Eird-Cagos ! Violin, Ea::j.-i and Cut far Sfrliitts ! Vi'dtii. llif j ) a:.d G uiti.r Stritt'js ! ilsi;.; 1 r j v f f T i a 1 ; k t n 1 : c j : ived a x i maiie::p cleah down To thu Bottom ! AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE f. V. JIOUK, ?da!n 5t!rcf, Rid j way, p TX-WINfijust lftuivK d from the rnstern (P c;r;?. viu-i-e I have pan-lMsm a larfio and welT polo-jied 11 , , ?-; ., , .-;j f f jjoods, I invito Hip ii'.'tiun ooi el 1 ii .. public to call and aiiiitio toy Hutu, consisting of 1 j iry Good.', I V cottons Clothinc, Hard ware fta Car, u e c-;. r v'a r e pnovi.noNs, k:-.., Ac PI'YKliG WILL FIND T i-V ti. to FULL AND COMPLETE, and well to 'j low . uuis eu tne CMur.iumty. j" V. HOUK. Kidgway, Dec") ly. If ALUAHLitJ LOTS Ft It IS ALE. V The undersigned has laid out a vil. age ii, on his ground adji.inir.g llieltidg way l' p.,l, to bo culled IIMv. 'J ho loin are oO fe.'t fi nit by lo) foot deep froul ing toward the raiir .-ad. T. .1 ins For t!,e. fusi 1,,! sold, SlOO. Fol the see.Ti 1 lot s. '.d, :?llt). For tllc lliir.1 lot :--,,!d, f. J')--and so 011 increasing in p i-' -s h.tsnrj sold. ! First ;.;rliaser3 got tho choice lot tit In : ehv'i'j.i-sr r..ti'S. I-ui i.-i rs w.'.l l.c registered in the or tier 1 f ih.-ir api Ki .-.tii.-a Ten percent of lh pavehni.; te.oi.ey jaust be paid ut the lit.e fO. -i.-p't-tation. . 1 V, .fioi-i n-illbs ma-la to Job 0. Hall, li; j , Jiilway, l'a. J. S. HYDE. It; law.iv, no.r '".t't.i t-tf. yi' you v, ant to duy VS.OT3IZ.Va f.rlht .liillion I Co to A. Ul IlIWCililK, Agent, lL'Al,l.It IN CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! GLNTH' rUItXISIIING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, B')'.T.s, H0S3, TRCSKS, TEAYKLlXtj ?AGS, Ac riT. MA'.IV':?, LJ.iC CO'JNTY, 1'KXN'A. Jau-ll-itvpd J-V'f ;1!KE". HiMil-X KIVKT8, 1 h.--ks, bo'is. :,il ul! kinds of builders' iaat.-r.nK in .,.., C:,n j,e ,.,, i.jlellper at lae .'(. Mary's) liar Iwaro S-'lorc than any other). lace iu rill; county. (uJti'G?) fll K I II-K ii .V'w'i LSON'S SEW )V 1XG M AGiiiXFS. The under- 'j'tiol hiiviee bu 11 iippoin li'd t'olo Agent far the sule of Whe.t'er Witeou's Sewing .Machines for K'.k county, lie keeps an assoriment consti.iilly en hand. Machines sjid at l'hiia li Ipl.ia and .New Yor prices. Any parties desirous c f obtaining Iheincan 'l'li'i-ss J. K. W1IITM0HK, Mareh Ht.'O'My. at llidfway, l'a. 3