The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, February 15, 1868, Image 3

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    I II
10CAI. iSTiiutir.&KCe.i .. , , ,
. ,. ... ... ... 1 ;. ord ,-ili!K,', f.wii iii'-.x1!,
Krit FxprctM Fit
do do 1V.M....
do Mail Fn-I
do do Wi
Local Freight En (....
do do Vv
!': b". l i
Cor.PKST D.V!'. i.aM F.VU;
'.IV, v-.
believe Win die c Vsi dey ilii-; yvnr.
The Mercury full to ii-d Juices tebrw
Zero, at 5 o'cb ck A. M.
A VAr.rArr.K Ci in. Wo
few days aisiee fdiovr. fat thir.f.- tu".i'..
in 1770 ihe Lirthycar "I' Amd'ctui
Independence. The. dirt i:: sin1 j r j;cr
Ijol'Mr. Jolin Mali; bant.
r,Tiio Rcxi SorJ.',- will t:.o-t
the house of lion. Oei'iyu l.'t !;::is i.i o:
ibur.s'Jnv rviiir.a: next. J lie r. 'iru :t;-
vitalion is extcinh: 1.
TSruAn :il;in:i of f:ro v.';:? civuf"d on
AVediiei-Jny cvc-nii!;: In t hi tu's vii!:i
toroMgh W. 0. Iloaly1:; f-.K-le 'io.C-o
takina Civ. Tlic lLihics w..e :-(.o:i
emothored, :;ud bat lit.!? dsiinac v:s
8Sl'r. Hall f.ay.i that for tire jipiiod
of a month before mnriin.!.-? and a inouJh
after death regard' (heir rive? n.s
nno;els. Jr. lln'.l inut bo a barbd-ir.
Two wotnou iu L'l.iea:. jj;.)t iu!o a
fiirlit beeauso one of them calltd the otlr
ec a ' pedestri
Thj in
li'.ant wo-
man declared that she bad al;y.i I.-eia
Not I'osti'oneii. !;vid f be uf tb.a
oane), informs us th:,t it is iiih:-t;i innt
be has pnlponcd bis bail. On the er-ti.
trary, be i uiak every prep-irati m to
euter'.aiu bin guests i:s right good ttyie,
and will bo happy to see tlicm on tl.c
vcniri!' cf the l.--t.
Serious A'videst. n I-Vi-b-.- ev
ening last, whiiet o.-i-i;'.: in r'i..i:i;:
eaw.lo.;s down a s'tde n r:!l.:!-;!:i.i,
lliohurd I5,nd. of Carven-ville, i'.-.
hud bis fiv.-t at.d 1-2 .'iruvli.--' i-i a b- iri.
ble tiiitnnr-r, rcndcrii-.-r ti..:j i:.ev-
iulile, viii,-b wa.-i perf,'.-rmed a.'st iiinn.
log by J 'r. Si .if '."'ji-tfovi'ie.
PSMOUEST'K MoNTi!I.V. 3'r. I.l:.
orc.sthas won !i;e l:c.a:i of. li'-c
this jesr, by rioinr tl.-sa ;.! s, i ;;: c(
nilv-.r-s-trc, siil die ;ei, and olber valu.
able tliin.'s, f'.ir .roir.:'.i'..;H. Vi'e huve
seen sn'u; ol Ibi-e ' indueeine'its," a;:-l
find them really beautiful arid viilnal !e,
like f!i 3 Ma-;iiie icif. One Lily b.i
supplied hersolf ri'li a -c.-::-.'.i:i:ij!.i;:e,
a parlor ovran, and a -i t f . ..; , ,.-rs
and forks, iu !es thati ili-v: V'o
don't woader that it i caf' t.i ?;.t vib.
ciibersto " i'ei:v.iv-!." I'm ',. - J, i.i
worth t!io inoiioy wi'lu.ut any pr."iii'i:..
J'tablieation o!7i- ' Jifoadwav, V.
Send lor ei:cu!ar.
J5?V.bfc!;c't:r I ink 3 my rulk.- abroad
?iow many'seiabli'i Pyypcpiie ; to.
pie I bco, wli ) would be b.":,!'J,y, an 1
fcappy, if they tj..k I'i -'iii:;.!-., ll-ttcr.--.
tnat parason uf pn-piirs'l-itis .'ivln.:
tone foi the i-t-miacb, oneify ii tcr
pid liver, a joy to tho K v.js -y:r : ni.
and etrott-ih to tbo c-.u:;.-e'-'. I; ;.-aa j
adtaiirabie roo-i.-iieialMi' of'.i a- tfd j
or ne-jlciiled inttcljoiial ;.-.-'.v.: . ) , r " ; In
mau or wom -n.' It L'--t'y exfiio.- and '
pliiaianSly s..othes. Willi a l;.i:ie th.ire- !
of, every ma a imy bo bis oun pl.y.-ioij:i. j
Maoxolia Wateh.A lio'.i.-hif.ii i
toilet artieia 5i'rericr to tolo-rti.i ntt.'. or i
Iialf the prioo.
I'ircTiON. At tin- e'ec'i.-!! in
tbit place en 'i'lt.-sd iv ... n, the foil. v,-;R-officers
were ch.xsea fur the!
year :
Juilw',J Charles Mead; Lm-f:.l.le,
Patrick Mal!!c; Ju-1,-t ..f Kbeiiuii,
Edward iMbyj I,'-; rebn-n, Jcinne
Powell, II. I- OveibIiz.,r; .Supervis
ors, 1). S. Luther, Ira V.'ilits j iVjeoi
Directors, G. D. Messoiie-.-r. II A !V.,r-
)aoo3, for three years; John (I. I.,1!,
wwjeare j -4 . t.ardner, one year ; i r.
urer, J. K. Vv hitmore ; Auditor, K. V.
Kfmej Clerk, fl.-L. MeJ:a.;keii ; A,.
aessor, Charles Mead.
We priuted i1,b tickets f.,r the
above election, on th3 appbeiii.m of
Borne of tfco Candida!. :., w!io r;t. they
would a5t3iW3 all the cleobd cia li 1 -ues
with Cfty ceuU, tsinco whieh we bidiove
but oue of them hm pa'd us. Com- ,
gentlema n pay the printer.
Tbo Cleveland Paper Company 'a
toil! mas burned ou the Uth. L.'..,.s
120,000. b'tcine's woollen facb.ry, at
Peru, Iiliuob-i, w.s burned on t e mco
Jay. L.'s eOO.bfil. t)n the : at..,- ,, y
a Hl,(i'i! Lie oceurcd uf Uii.u, K.
i J-
1 1 : D ' ;u!i
(..'fi'lri 1 i n , in
l'-fi'i" .: l.V. A .! libil '.' I'.
.'. tin m r rj 1 . a'.! which ma v 1 1: .-rca !
i;v, '-vi v.y or.o is
imbed. f.-n(,
rn.l eavMY
, t-.i
:i -
Vhrr's in. ;i Titi uj I'-niM l,!ii:-i 1 1 i.-!
,t.'.'. with thatil'sgivtii;:, acid iuta lli
f uib-; ..'.-.a t.Viii.-c," and IF: vi!'. :.:sur.
u !
t-'iiV I'j. t... i.',
?Jit-i--TM' in char.jjc.
nV r rv:( r; uP AFFEAi.. -" li ('mi.r.h
'j -:..jitr' of I.'k Ci.'iii.'y, will b.-'. I ;;j
i nt the lime ' phiem i n.U-i (-1 u
a? ' i'
iV. !..r :,.:.-'.'- V. i 1.
I'J. -1 . e.' :;r V:.--,
'.:, I'lj-Ji:;.:! !. t ,-i.r.H
J'"., (' ir i leu. nl. II ( ij -i
.','t, l'"f fi-x, ;il .'-tin t'i-:---v:.
1-r .lay xi i. h'' n
! -r 1 ,-..-!. r.! A-I7M V
i. for :;.-ii.:l'.i'-vi :i Wii, .;-v;..-: 's.
" 4, !ur K-il'TV-, i'! f orii. i '-;i, r..
(!n I lin ;.:!i nf JLudi i-ppc-Hl on n.
,i: vJ.lamU v. ill ' e i .-'"i r.- Ki.i.u.-.y.
jiiioposAi.s' i on
L U M V. E-It !
Jlio -Iiinihift i-i. I fo Coii.ii.'i.iiy will vc
ivo liroi-nsr.'.q, aiKli-os-i-il i G. it. I,.,!
l.ii.l l.r.c-iMit-or. (Cic- l-oim.-. '
''-'' ""d o-iippTir. Pliila.' i:m H
l-'i l i u iry 2, f,.r about.
3,S?:0 Ft-I V-'Mto i'itl(S jr.
i"-.KO"0ll l-'erj V.'liite ':.!:, ;. H!
1, !'!'() c!-u Short .!,,!.,:
To hi- 'i.'.lvcrc.l on i'e frnmiii.c .;ivn-,-.
at iln .--i-l -o in f.V.Iivp'.uu :n ' ,m-i-1, ..
foi n hj l'tiliv of An,'-- t '
Too lunib-.-r lo 1,? ! l!ic h.--t ininlili"
Ju-M-e fcatLer, .ni-1 f?-!jct l H.e iu.-
tion, nidi-in-o.iiiotit, a.i 1 is,-j-rr.v.ti of :-'ii.-li
tnav ai.'l.i-.inl. . I
Iniloii bj'l-. n.i l n, i :;i, ,i
" 1 l''''
1 ' - : J . .. lit. . S,
r -ii'i'.i ii. ;. oiiiot. i-ii:!.-..;-a
Tub. r ;
c Y' -U VV AM T j
f'i.i.'-;'.'.'-.i'; id--f.-vr .v:':;.
7o to A. ! Liii-ACiii;;;, A joi.i,
i!:.M.t:,; im
uvr run i(,-- ,,-.,- -.-
... ... .-, ..nwi..-, iiit.j..,
'pi;;'! it: tc r;
X ti.e lib d:;y
! I'-l'V. . Jl . 1
,('. 1
1 ; 1 .1 11 1 i . ;
:1. l-l' . i
.! b'.:.!.:'i:
! i.V
1 :, a. n . !
.1 ii-WI.I.V,
('. S. Jkf-i.
1 1
t i.i
I la lin- .'.Imtrr "if 1 lin.i;
.11:0 'i,i.
,'ii :
ivr-i tio! t. c .11
ill Oc' .( :i- I.-, .;.;-'i. t- , 1 ( 'ii-n.:!, (-, ,1.
- - ' . ".-.'!. !.!. ill ! ... I.u' y
n' '! i"; !" iV!.!i-y!v..:.:i. :::.;a
i l-lvt, i.i - ',( . :l r.C.. ! !;.. ! a
,: ' I'-'" ' 1 "-!! j. -'iiii.n. If ;' lli.l i-i:..
i .
T. i'ACOAli r,
el i'.ii.n.-.r .u:
1 i'ii. !'
i. i i:
- I "'
i:y. uiiANCi-:
.' t 1 .. ;-r 1 v.VI'I A ; j-I ; v 1" K II
n; v t: i
1 .'.n - ..... i I jn-tt:'
uo-e Co, ::: " ! l-.l.c-v. I'.i.. run
:;:-;.e'lo in-.-.irc .;'.'.!!i-t !... - or J' itusc by
Fi-e (mini Uini.-ii-f ;.er-!i:ui.ii...e. iv;;".,
and r.vivi.x. ),!;,. ,.,'-i. .. i
I - , vi.,:,, ii, Ot 1
coin"". Abo on Mil-. .,, ... j ! iv ;s,
-'-!: '!' it-'U. '.-'., !i' :i.o i-;v.- ; j.-.s,,:.!.-i'
.'..-, e. -ii. i 'in: villi m.I'.;;,- Iv I he Hsr.rtv
ai.d 1'i. iiri !. The i... i;..;.:-. .in-ty. Mi.
Hu.J Iii.:-.i-iii,-c- Coi. ;a-:y iii,-.i.( an Uvii,
V o-a f.i t.i i;, si..; ibiy. its c... !ia!
lilllOUIltS to
.c; o o. o o n!
Tlin ii--.ii i-- io eti-i-y nti-j of its pntrono
I.'. .it. their io-.-.-s w: 1 In- n oMijit iv and s-iiis
ltt..'t.,ri'y lid. iis ooi-.i i-.'ii.eul i.iw.iyi
l;--:i pi udi-i.i, in jis exi-tcii.0 el luu.iy
)'. yen-; f.iily i.i ol, -1 1 a'-.-i
.l.'i.M!:.; lil.AKlii.V,
Ai-oai f .i- F'. .-.i.i,t'.'. nl ;t;. M.u v's
l v c.v ;:,'
iWri'Ii!.:-!, Jii'.VFl.TiY Sif.V Fit WAKE.
Cfl! A1M.E.S iil I I.E.-'., I'raciic-il W.iiohma
kr. .kive!-i- mid I'.--, aver, lii.l-.y a-,
l lK eoi-ry, I'a. T:ib niber' be";s
l.-ivo lo a-i.i,,-.ii.;.i to:1,.. (!-.!. -'is i.t i'i .t".
w i arid vicinity t i.-.i lie- i . ;,, ,U,
iii! wi'ik :n ids line on short ii'.tico i.i.dai
reas..:ial,'i. rates in II, e very l.e.ii. l.ianiHr.
!!"-'i' H. ii. IWi.nj.'s Store, f'-eeial a'tcn
liou J,::id t,j ( ll;n-.l"io ..
i-"-r.h, li.n'i l,.r-.-e a - oi tniciil
i-n ioe' s, V.oc'i I !,- ! ' ;,,
v.'...,-li I -. otter 1.,1-taV- uu i,. :,..!,:.! V l.-rf.i.
Give1 bnilU'-.o!. i:. "I,";!'
J ? ,! J.l :.iad 1-r suU- at Hit' el'.
I I.i!.
c ren y !.:
i mai v ' ''
'r.T.';Mt:Ni oft he i.r.i-cii'i.s ash
t'.v c-t-!i ..-. I W A r.:y. (-.-...
! n-,i ): ! W :':.y": - '.'oin'r
I'v r.i-i, raid l.ini; f Wi'Ii: cr. IV;
I ' i
'Z ! 1
! t-.y i ',: .- ! .Jullu" Jt:-f , Cwi'r
"M i I-.v i- - -1 1 ! i I' Mid, ;.-;!(
I'v .-a-li tab! I, .1 libd.-ly. Uisi .ifv i '
y c-i.'li paid ,J A 61
lv i -i !i p-i'l 'oin!niiM("iuili ci-stp ix-l
' '-.)' km.'i i -in! Ii.iiinl ('.'. wnlv-i, ic !t." 1!
I i ii-ii-l l t-i - i -r!is:ies " ).'
ci:r ! I'ym-ii :ii I .lury .i K'i7
-v .:. I. j ! a-sc.'Ki:) ii-'pi-liHi-M If! ir.
!'.V Cil.'il J.ll'l rloc!:'.! t-xpt-IIMrs !i- i i'l
lyi:n-li j",M .(,... ioc.i' iA !-.,
i't-li l"i; l ,iii-i.iJ,'.,..-, fui-s 1 v CI
':; li Ail-lilfii-s li'-! ,"-
C.i-1- il l' c'cik ("i:t ('i
I' 1- ll iv.i 1 'i:ij vii kci-m C '.(
I (.'i.vll (l:l!ii,li,-vy il t;n
' ''.i ll il l sl:ii;i -t l-i (:,'l
.i:-!' : rc..4ir:j (. 1:uilijini, etc 0 i 4 ".
l.'r.: 'i fiK-1 ' 1!:! Ill
'.; !i : -:il .1 i I'ii'i. l : it :;;
!'-! J ai I I'r-i-., .unary in-j lt-7 f-J
": .'ii l-l i'l .' ' ir '. II (,:.
fit-'- :: I i.H-.r-i.ij J-.!l !.'
1 1 i ! i:n-V
' .n!i ).-(;. V;ii,mi :
i. Ji .!
,u:. I 'I'J;
,-iii ! 1,.,,
! i t;-,
U (M
f T:l
J :i'".
2 :;:', 27
1 i .i r.
:!7 -Vi
n-M I (il
in. t on
jj-l 0)
t'-i-ti j-.-.i I C I.-.
Tk c-n-li f: mil r.'ir-r. ii !.iii'i:J
T-i -r.r li iirrn i ivlcl fur-
lo in- ii i.i' , , ::;-i. v.- i. i ii,i;,.;i
lai.-N .'i' M i cciiniy
T c -:-ii !'.: rent
I'n m i.i (.,icl..!il.i:ii.i
- ! T,i !,m. in C.
- 'IV, jm . l'..-v,.
iii:ii"i. o.ii:!i ( .i-u-.-i
;!--,l I i
' i"oiii.:s duc l.v l'i,;;.vt..
!.-::;'. ibiys, Ton. !!'
I V ".-til-., K:.. vr.-v. ;,'
Mi!!..!, ( hi,.,-. i;-,,ikv. 1:
Win .M. fn I'i,:;. i .-(;;
.!:ill. J, l.-v.ji.
1 I ts
;.7 17
il 71
til-.-j Hi iiiir. v. lit .Mafy'i. 1 .-;ij 1 !
''i'-'--'' I i-lu'v. i y.
,,f ' ' l!'- .'!'. I C ' :rk,
i '. ' i
(i'i !7
1 i s :.:!
J-i.'i'! -j'.i
f,M ill
li'! fit
A; 11
.!-. -J
2 - 0 C ',1
f.17 Oil
l'.'i; n
-:M '.'2
- I
"I :i '
,ii. Ik'iK-: .-!, IS if
I ,',-'di K-rn.r. Il-iii;ijfei-, It-'OT
""" .-."ji'i', (oi,ri
i I. '..!.' - I .- ,', .J . V . J .J
' tiivi.ta.c Miiivr. 1 -.-.7
I iicin...- t'ai. li, i!;...,!.!., I. 1 -1
I' Co-..;., i i.I-.v-v. 1 v.7
in; McNaul'i-inVCre. I. 1- "7
Ibv.iiiiy Tur.. Xirli Fox, I I
ivi. I'M v.'.-:-, lii !;C,vi,y. 1
y.wlK 1 -Miii, i'j .l::u ..-eckf if
ii '.' H.-ir. :i..-.-i -:, l'-l!
:o!iii A M i!i.-i'. 1 ox, i "i
Ar,n! 1 ! ley. J..y, is-i",
ii a : ' . -.v. s :-. .
1 1
J ) : Iv.wmvr, it. ,.-.; H
ril'iv I.I -
. .i i :'. ! : .i a in- . .i : , i i . '.;
i'i: I.- x f m -.-.,:! . li.l-.;
T i i-:iili li-f-iu A Will if, i--'!,-;ij
J ., I l..i;lU;.l- "IllO J l-..-U!fli!-
j,-( -',0
v-i.t ty .)i-.iti-'. i-t 3i';:,i- d.
:;:.. -.r:iij:i tn ,l.-j 4
lV:l- i!l -,- . -ollu.ii ,..-,11
Fi .1-.-7.Ll lil..-i l-'ll!
:ilt Si I :,: : jU.f!:,wl!i
. v b-:- H- U-.-ri.-.i
'i'r '" -o. 1 ' c . 1 , 1 i .1 i " .-! 0 a
t'".l.UWi- di(- i'ii!)-i
, .
' "
U :.!
;' : i.i 1 Lii-cai,-'. i-r.-;s
I :
. 1 .,.11
i'y . . :.! - r.-io.
i'j' b:i,bl!lC-J U'.li . I'ill.d
! ':'-.) b.iil.i:..-,: ii.-.f',ii !.,,.( ,..,, ,
i o I...V J'l )Hi in. It-d ii.uiio
1 .1 : t
'' !-i
10 i'.l
a; :iW
iiy di.xl'i t I rmmrors' iir. 'i
liy I -ciisiiri i- . cuiiiii.;...,;.,!!
! biihmt-e lu-j lua.1
Fox r.oi.d Fun ;.
To !.:.;.. i,.-o dii,i ,:i It Mi-f!,
To I. ix !', imii i;i...,oiU..l lat,.;a
i t
i','1 i- '
; i.i
2T'.i J .
8'' ! I
l'y or.!-.-!- r,-1. .vi-.ed
I'y : '"" -: r. c.-ii
by h;:;.-iecd.,..- ! -od
Fox S,-',.,.d i'.n, 1.
at sciiUiavfij
t eived
To bu'-i
."(! Ui
12 2i
.it! .'.1
otl "i,
1 2!
11 l!7
,, ,. .
'v' """Ifl treasure
crdi r
1- . .
liy t.viwurer's CMinb siou
l-y bu'iii'.ce lii-.e iiind
V2 :,1
i-ex :'..i i r-iiibiiiig -'iiud.
To biihiuct: al. siii'eiuuui
To t.ix rc. eic.I
14 i;.-
Fv I i-.-.-.Mirer'i i f-nrni: -iou
liy due i'u...l
12 bi
127 ii
-0 ft,
Ilihiun.'. I'.n.'id Fund.
To !i:ib:iKi. at ,el I leiuenl
'1 o tax i-i-ceivt 1
lly tre ;sn. tor's .'oi:r!,i.,-.ii.,ti "
liy baiati. e luti i
2 .' il
217 22
'.ii bs
li'S no
r, k:
1).", !
IF; 1 b.nd Fohoui Fund.
To bi;' iliee due i. .ml
T.i lax received
Fy dislriel trvut-'.ir. r's reeeipt
I'.y tu usurer's eoniniis.-i. u
liy l-aialav due luud
J..iie Ii in 1 Fund.
1 ci b.,',i,i ,e .iuo land
To iv. re.-i-i.c'!
by iii ', :..' li ,- i-iin. 1-,-eeipi
r.'-' ord.i.- ie ic.iae I
4'i -i 82
-i 00
I f.i
I'.v In ;i - 1 1 it-. a com u'-h-jh
lly b.-.huici- ( uc In i 1
8 01
' : ' !
.'i.'iu 3 lli i! FniiJ.
To ::i:-..!!in! fu"i:.x rcv':c . 1
'I n I -.:! r. c line lr.-.i "i'.v ::'(
i!;: 1 ii!-; n. i!nc- li t i.-'r i i ac'l tiuiit :j
1'y tr-;.-K-.::r;-i' cuv i -i m
f :
.T.iy Ti..!ii 'i.n 1.
r t'll.l! C frit li'lill ;
Tj i-l' ;ji. ncc't.- (
I'y! tre-..;i!-.r.- r-.-cvij-t
I'y i'U;i-. 1'-..U-.,ip I
I'v !' afiirw's c :i:i!-.ii j.i u
l.v lj i'.i'.hcc i!ac !unj
1 .i
.".I t.i
3::y S.ilioy! Tun-J.
To Inlii.urp f:.;:-l
To l:vx l-eceiyi'tt
l ir, ;,1
.1) 10
1? K,
1.' Si I
I-JU Oil
f.'i! 0!.
; -ii I yi
;j"i Hi)
f1 :i'
i'ii 0.1
I ii ll'd
1!n :i!i
2 8! I
Py iliMiiel ( T-.-n-i; i-r-r's ic
;iy baii.iii-j ii.:;u !'un 1
Hi hrivn.v P.oml I'.iiiil,
I'ii Lr.'aiii-.!' line Juinl
' y 1 : -.i- .n .- V rec-'pt
i-y in"! i .i i-i-K ; n.cil
! t : -:l 1 t (,':.
by : ..!.i:,,:,. .'uc r,,,, J
Ili-!,:-.c ,y P-.-hi.-ul Fund.
To "v.'um-c ilno i' .ii,l
by ilisi-.-iiit lio---'Ui-i''s iv--L'it
liy n t i .-I ..' i" -i cot.tiiilMi.iou
by bilaficc due fund
H i j-.;
SjM-in; Creek Itj..-.l Fund.
i-i far rouo-vcl
to b'l'iaucc due Irci-au-er
)VI !l'i
li ill
'.1 ),., j ,.;.,):cc jIK, rf.lH r ,lt .-.-(tl!oiii;i.l 2'i Ii
y u-ca.iu: ei-'s
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.-or.ii,; (.rpi-if fc-ti'.uo
lo liiX ! n'civt-i
ii'.i !
211 fin
1 i'i
2! j O.'i
211 n.;
1 :iij
by i!;sli-t trtii'iucrs' oi-dvrs
l-y treasurers cotn'.i.issioa
21.i W
.'.rinp Cr"i-V Si liool UiiiMin Tiiad.
to b.ihiio:.: due itiiiil o j-; j.j
by -li.-i Ti.-i t i-i-ni;ii!-rs' rivcils 2il iiO
by cen'iivi-V c.-iiiiuistioa (i i;,h
by laUii'.ee due laud 4 y
!ii! 11
Mory-T F.i.iJ ( r; ci atioii Foad.
.-i n :-je .Iu.' l:uut
13 ."li
to tux r.-:--ived
j.l i'i
in ii
liy Iron t:,'r's coiaiui-ici and bal-
I'-!. M-iiy.'i f'..... -)..,! tin:ii.
'i ir:! i:i-jj .-ii.! I' u-.l i.ud ink li-c il
i-y u:4j,-i..t :; , va,r :i.-.-.c,;.j, tress
r.i'ti' .-oiu. ur,,l t.i,:. ,!,(,.. j-iii !
Ii'.i; I'oiuti.v iioiinl -. Fund.
To lmb-,a,-i dm.' !'iui.laiid l-i-c.-ivi-i
010 i-.iiiiii-tofs Tf.:!."! "1
"' V.j- boli.i.t !(..!.-( i:n-l. ir.' io'jj coi.-.
' ' tlloi b-..:..!, . .iil i'li-d
7fj!) j 21
1 1.... ! ,.. ... r 1
.-VJ..I1. , i. uill.1
-. I 1 -t'i.I. tun iund mu tas ret'd 7C0 0.1
tiis'. ii'oan. leeu-ipt, buiids
rci! ( -iii- i. t:i-,-:ii;rii's com.
1 aci fi.'an.-e ,iuf .'liad TOO 0-1
J'.'ii....l jbn.ntv Fund.
I j i ' 1 la! a'.ee .'ae Inn 1 li.;, !;;
i-i ! !;V .-t. (;-:.. recii;-?, fre-s'rfl
... ! t-i:.!. ai'd bal.-.i,.-.! .hi,- (,-i..l 1CJ ";i!l
Jt.-ii.-i:! lii.i;;.:.- !'u:;L
duo I'Ji.J ;' 1 jii
i l'.v .iii u t:. i',;i. ueeii.t :in.l fi-'s
f Ci! i.i -,: " ill t:i
i K-d,!V,-..y li.rifiJy l'ud.
I T'j l ilKdi.-n J:.:;! si f,7
i I'i bali.iice '..'iu fni .i M. J7
I-''.. :''ary'.; ji o.eiy i':;n-J.
To bi 1. d-ic imVl atid t:-s rto'd (!,! L'l
1 y lab I..':.-, in.. r
i-i , i
Uli 1
i .' tiii.-s i -i'i. j-. ; u!...
'' To b.iiaiiee dne Inn J ') (
i i : . i . ' . . ....;.. .....i i . - .
, j j - j ii n i.u-,idiiii i.m:i:, j , . i ij
j '-"-fW, .!k, t'bswu tts.i iVtl'St lloiid
Tob-i-aitee d :el ji:d , S.,l V
' 15) bubti;-; du.-i fund Isil -12
f JU"'! t'01,c"' rea.-to'cr, .in cmu:iI
With bi: f-::;:c (a J !:::-;, 1 v.ii.i.;, i ;;
I, . lb;; Villi. US lie. !.(.-.
i- r i . I .. . . j.. . . . r. - -
ju i-.aii.te i:v.e .-p-ie o.'
l!y ! al-ii.'ci etiirui! fni'tvnrd G i.'t l:i'("
Jo '.iyno, Ti'Ca.'uror, iii account
will Co n iiouwenlih fur le-oT & lbt'.pi,
I.. b..l due i t la.,t set:!, ment 1 i 10 2(
i o o.ii.'iceo .luc oti n e.iM.-i
i-'- CS.
i o eti.'t r.-ee'veu ii out iiia n,
do t-la'o t;;i lu.eivcd
tj.j,") j,"
( . , r ,
'-' -.
10 K
Wl.'t) 10
J-y St. it.t Tu"i5'aii r's rcecipbi,
'I'rt-M-iirer's itii:i:ii:i;..-.'mii and
babit.'.O due i-!lulo f--12'. 10
Ai.-seti tiiid Liiibiblies of Kik County,
January 1st. Ir-fJS.
i:i" itue on ui;..eiiteu lamia 112.1! . . 7t
Tax duo in i-.i'.'.-cti : bands
l.ouiity lax ;a filectors L'-'" -I-bin.-is
.7. A. Aiulor.e. Mhci iii 2;il 15
H,i32 C!
Cmn!y ord:-rs 'a:..t.'.!i.liij 0 2,0' Vi 2'
l-i:ny l,;--t-U(.t!;iiuil'2 1,1)7 tl
ua sii;!o :;."ij (:)
line lluu.-e id llcfue . . 111! i.ttj
Dt'.j Western, I'ci.ii'ci.tiary lifiO ((IJ
1U3 'i'r.'asiii-t i- on (,'o 1'ut.J fS8
!iu! J. K. J'. Hall of, ("i ol usfccfs 17,-1:';.') Oi A., Sheriff of j'lk'counly',
in aetvniit v.i.'u said couuly lor the
year If .17.
To iii'.l.-i'.-, drawn (oi'i 12
J'o t: tics re. H ived in Counenn
V' t;!:': iv-;', lii.d duty f.cs
C;!'iriid Jo;i CiO
e-jrc; i:-
To bal. bi.i'l .town cJlil l."
liy bal. nl l.-it sottlctncot, cum.
ninii'.nj juries, fiilitia jury
tthrcj, cleetion jirnelotna
I ion , onnryinir prisoners lo
I'i'tiiiiHiiary, and babitico
due e unity ilCt IS
Vo tlic Anditors if F.!k County, lmvinn
mrl i.t tlic ('oiiiinis-ioiior's diricc. nt llidn
wny, on Ibo fir .t Monday of .hitmnry, 18H8,
b.-imj tbr Culi day of li' inoiiili, do certify
liiol vc iirivo careful';,' rxnmtncd and nudi
!';! (lis fon-iDins accmtulo, nnd 5nl tlicra
eorreot ns si al ;!.
In I 1 iiri-'iiy wbi-rp.of ve have liircnn'o
-ct (on- Iian-ls aii-1 prals ! lio day imc yenr
(; :
I, i
f. i
a! ov.- tti-iito.i. C. A. M.l tl.v.
Aiic i. O. P. .uvSSEX(IER.
J. K. V. m.i., Clerk. Auditors.
ITi) r w a v r, f v k n v stabie:
Joe fiib.-eiilier wauld tintiouiieo totho
eiiij-ii'.- r,f and the traveling jiun.
lie bo lias estalli.-died a
in llid'.MViy, and that lie liopen by fair dcul
int' w.ih bi.'i custoiorrs to merit iv libernl
i !i m i c of their jir.l roafie. Terms renoni
Jan. 2', '(ig-ly.
vJT i "1K
Mr. rimvlcs I,. Fnyer desires respectful
ly to inform the vitixena of 111k County that
ho lias now the nior.t complete, cheapest",
(.id b.-st lot of Furniture in 1 lie county.
11m Furniture is all made in his own shop,
ii.- ean ( ln-i .-lore warrant il lo be neat Rtnl
durable. He 1ms n lnrje assort nient of
l!ur-.'.-iiis. i.r.niuiTes, Sofas, (biairs, Tableii,
V. iii- lrob.-i. C.i; Fookease", liook
stands. ViavtiilKiidx. Towel Mucks, Hull
l.a-i s, iVlnit N'oib, licdstta.Wof WhitPivood,
Wa'.nul and Cherry, Ui-aekets, Fictur
i'i hiu.'S, and everything usually kcijt ink
!:r:l (':':. Ftiitiii lire Wai e-Ito.-tii.
He 1..:- cuiinee.lcd willi Ids establishment
ai ieaoi tin .tir.g lnlhe, which will enabls
hioi to !o -ill kinds of turning in ft neat find
woi l.iir.nb ko manner.
All be nskS is ft fiiirlrikl, and if hit
wates do not give Batisfaciion, he will r
iiiud liit: money.
my2;i.o71y .St. Marv's, !'.
WE Alll-i l'ltl-il'AHEl) TO FUP.NMSII
itptin sliort notice the following kindi
of Lumber of the best quality.
di esii- l in the best possible niunner, from
fi .i.-oiiij.'i luiiiber, ready for use. Also,
We will put on cars when required.
All orders r.ddsesse I to us at thin
V'i..ce'.v attended to.
r-'jCl't.'l'.li, .t CO.
n2167;f Fi4T..y, Pk.
7 ll liKl 1 11 &' WILSON'S PKW
Vtx'; Machines. The under
sijiin-! Iiavii.p in-t ii iirj dinted Solo Afonl
for Ihe s-i'.e o! Wheeler .'i Wilson's Scwinj
Ma.:!. incs fi-r KiU comity. He keeps an
assortment cutisti.iitiy on luind. Mitehinci
o-jidat riiibid. !; !-iiiand
Any pirties desirous of obtaining Ihcincan J. K. WlllTV.Ol'.ll.
Maudi !'('"("- Iv. al Unli'way, Fo.
.i. S. U iii U WELL. M. U.
o:.l i.-V-e:
neat's to chor'.-e or
5 select in.1 lii-iiit-.i li-eai all the iliCcrml
sv'itoa: of i.ic-lii'tue : li-'ing'renictlics that
aiv i.afe, n 1 discardir.ff lror.i i.-rnctieo ail
rt..-d'cii-s t'l't have an impuriuii eflect ou
liie vst :, mic'i as mercury, tiuiii.-.ory,
le-.-i.'tcprii-. e;a.
1 lay n. i l..- the lanec the old l.lood-leti.-.-.
reliiier or d.-ple'er, and Cjiialize lint
I e:r.-i! iviid i-e-iore the t-ysl.-ui to it
li.'.'.iial .-'.ite by ait. l.itivcs find tonics. I
s'l-iil lu-ieaitei- aiv. 'articular attention to
! (in,. iii.; tiist-ises, such as Fob.-iiuiaiisni,
U,-vpeji: iu, L.vcr eomplaint, Catarrh, Neu.
i'ii!ia. ili.-'e.-isett of l:.e throat, urinary or-r;aii-.,
iin 1 ail uiteaiiej -.euiiar to fennilea,
CATAM It T I I trrat witli a new intrumcnt
of ;t la'e iii tut ion, which cures every c:e.
'J lil. I'll cxirncti'l wiiiiout pain.
o,''.!c:- liad rei-i loiico souifi ut" f lie jail oa
Cinii .-C.'.i -c hours from 7 lo 8 a. in ;
li! lo 1 p. in : (I to 7 p m.
lin.-. 2:V(i7. -ly. J. S. KOKDWEI.L.
S V.'illii-iL, patented July at, rl 807, U
fii;.('ti'H' to any wheel in use. The under.
:g ie-! have the agency for said wheel in
the f t . to of lVnnsylvania, and can reeoini
r-.i-n i it us liriu- tiie best inanufsolured.
1-ov n,r'i".-r pt.ri icubirs. and circulars, in.
.iiiie at our Foundry in Kersey, where
aoi. iiiiierv, mill ear'u.. callings und steam
1 ...;.,..J ,,'i'i i,., . .,. ,......,. . , ....o i.i.
iiL-es. c expect I'y givin; milisfacti m
in our '.vork to receive a goad siiare of pub
lie I'ii'ioaare.
U. IlEI.E.
Kersey, Ta., jaiilti ISiipd.
li is the Lett eiif.nce ever olfercd to Agonts!
Cue or two days' time! secure a good
,'.-v. in-; "''iicbii;.', V'nlc'i, ,i!k llress, ilf.
voiver. or soiiie other art;c!e of e a mil value.
it: lit; i I-' cost i
Agems I ei erywlicve, male and
f. i.uie. r-.niie !..! ;i-.o Hollar I'm abrok
e. '.- Saie in tiio country. ? -n l for circular.
S. C. TF,'Ml'.S(iN x CO.
, yu l.'unuver it'irtet,
j..i,l-3inpd Fusion, !.
tcii : itch !! itch : ! :
t Ci ATOA ! CUATC1I ! ! SCIU7CU ! I !
In IVoiii 10 to lil hours.
Wlienton's Ointmint cures The Ilcli.
Wlieaion's Ointiiient cures Salt Itheuuj.
Wbeiiloo's Otiitiiicia cures Tetter.
Wticjiton'g (liniment cures narlier' Itch.
V hcaioii's (liiuiiii ut cures !d Sorer.
V. iiealou's Ouiluient cures Every kind,
of llniuor like Magic.
Fi i.-e, ,V) cents n bok ; by mail, fiO cents
Address WEE'CS & POTT Ell No. 170
'-!tll':!ten Street, F.o: !ou, Mass.' For rale
by a!ld.i!?gists. Sept. 17'U7 ly.
jf.I'-V. l'li'Ol.S, Jtin.KS. KNIVES,
y1 p.'citet i.ti.l table cutlery, of the best
'I'.u.lby and nuwi npproved jiatiein, for sal
( ii":ipiit the Hard uu e Store on Kilierg-T'g
v! I e.r::-.-i in St. J.iry's. (n2S 67,