The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, February 08, 1868, Image 3

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Car Time al Kidpitny .
Erie Express Enst 10:10 p. tn
do do West 1:52 a in.
do Mail East !:'! p. m.
do do West 2:15 p.m.
Loral Freight F.nst 0:40 n. tii.
d, - do West 2:26 p. tn.
QrWayno Hall, Frie 1Y, was total
ly destroyed by firo on the first instant.
Loss about 8 jfl.ono.
The Twenty-Second. " llirtlunjr.
tnu's Washday " will be observed in
this place by two balls one at the Thay
er House, and one at the Hyde- (louse,
lioin, gentlemen, opposition is the lite
of trade.
, Serious Accident. Peter Hollo
lia'ughof Fox to'vuship, last Monday
morning had bis lesr crushed between
the ends of two saw-logs that were run
tiiiii; down a log slide at n rapid rate.
. Ir. Shaw is exerting every iuflueuce
to save the limb from amputation.
Valkntines. Last week when wo
epoVe of Kolnap's stock of Valentines,
wo did not imagine that it was near so
lare, or so varied. He has really a
spleudid stock, and those wanting any
thin in that line would do well to trivo
him a call.
m -V m
.. Not Postponed. HaviJ (he of the
cane), informs us that it is untruo that
bo lias postponed his ball. On the eon.
trary, ho is malting every preparation to
e:ter'.ain his guests in right good style,
aud will be happy to see them on the
evening of the 21st.
.' Fire. On last Saturday morning
ths harness shop of William MeCauley,
rif Centrcvil'c, took fire, and the flames
were not extinguished until the roof of
the building was destroyed, and after
the goods and Postoffice fixtures had
been removed. Had this building burn
ed to the ground, the whole block of
four houses could not have escaped.
Frozen to Death. On Thuisday
morning last, Feb fi, the body of Mrs.
John McCloskey, of Fox township, was
f jund dead iu the road. It appears she
hit (Jcntreville the evening previous,
and' reached wiihiu a mile of lmu;c
when sbc became iiuuhlo to proceed
jardier, aud froze to death during the
Matters and Things. .Matters
and things around town have been
dreadful scarce for the past weik. Items
are scarcer than hen teeth, and harder
to gather. Can't some fellow who is of
do use in the world, and wants to leave
it, commit suicide amid surroundings ol
tin para lie led atrocity, or do soaiethinu:
that will enable us to get a huge setisa.
tiou item.
Furniture. Mr. ll. 11. Thomas, of
the Excelsior Furniture Store, cl Is us
iliut he will defy any establishment be
tween Corry and Williamspoi t to com
pete with his stock, either us to (juality,
price. or e.xtcnt. Wo have bean tose
his estabiishnont since ho has recruited,
and must say, without disparagement to
others, that bis styles arc nrlti ixhr, and
are durable, and will be sold very cbclip.
(7Vckarn that the uuuicnf Henry
Souther, KsV., of this place, will be pro
peutcd to the next Republican Corigro--Monal
Nominating Convention as a can
didate for Congressional honors. Won.
der if there will be any 1 woul gathering '
as it was two years ago Vile South.
ei!s tatter to Erie Dinpntch, denouncing
Scolield. So mote it be.
BSfQuite a party of Saint Marians
paid our town a visit ou Tuesday even
ing last, and stopped at the Hyde House,
where they were duly provided with an
excellent supper by the Colonel and his
lady. Dancing was the chief order of
busjucss, however, and was kept up till
nn early hour on Wednesday morning,
when thq party started for home, well
pleaded with the festive occasion.
Whene'er I take my walks abroad
how many poor, miserable Dyspeptic peo
ple I see, who would bo healthy, and
happy, they took Plantation Litters,
that paragon of preparations for giving
tone for the stomach, eueigy to the tor
pid liwr, a joy to tho nervous system,1
aud strength lo the muscels. It is an
admirable regenerator of nature's wasted
Or neglected functional powers in cither
man or woman. It gently excites and
pleasantly soothes. With a bottle there
of, every uiao may be his owu physician,
Maonolia Water. A delightful
toilet ariiole superior to cjloue aDd at
lilf the price. .
.1 Card.
The Lord willing, Grace Church,
Uidgway, will be ready for occupation
on Sunday, February 1 Oth. Diviuo
Service may be expected therein, on
that day, at 10 J A. M , and 7 P. M.
To those, and to all which may thereaf
ter be held in that place, every one is
heartily and earnestly invited. Come,
not as strangers, birt as- lirrthrrn, to our
Father's house. t u comn "into His
gates with thanksgiving, and into His
courts witbraise," jnd lie will ossur.
edly bless us.. '. . ' E. C. Sutler,
X Jf glister in charge.
Leap Year. It is said that durinsr
leap year nior-. bachelors commit matri
mony th-o in thj other three, and for
this several reasons are assigned! We
notice that since the first of January
the marriage lists of our exchanges have
largely increased. May all our bachelor
friends who tic themselves to crinoline,
" for bettor or worse," bo able to exclaim
in Shakespearian language :
" Slie is mine own .-
And 1 as rich in linvine such a jewel.
As twenty boss, if all their sands were pearl.
The waters nectar, and the rocks pure gold."
CS.OTIlt.VC for the Million !
Go to A. DURLACHEB, Agcu!,
rpillS IS TO GIVE NOTICE : That on
1 I lie 4lh day of January. A. V . 1808. a
warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against
the Estate of Win. E. Johnscn, of Beneitetl
township, in. the county of Elk, and Slate
of l'ennsylviinia, irho has been adjudged a
bankrupt on his own petition : that the
pnymcn'. of any debts and delivery of any
property belonging to such bankrupt, to
him, or for his use, and the transfer of any
property by him nro I'm bidden by law :
that a meeting of the creditors of the said
hnnkiupt, In prove llieir debts, and to
choose one or more Assignees of bis F.stnlc,
will be held at a Court of Bnnkrnptcy, to
lin hidden t 1'iidgway, in the county of
Elk, in said dii-trict. nt the Court Mouse
before S. E. Woodruff, Resistor, on the llitli
day of March,' A. D . 180K. nt !l o'clock, a.
jnu25lt U. S. Marshal.
UNf El) ST.'TIS tor the Western
10'trict of Pennsylvania.
To whom it may erneern :
The under-dgncd hereby gives notice of
his appointment ns assignee of Chaiinucy J., of llcuizctt towiii-liip, in tim county
of Elk, n id State of l'eunsylvnia, within
said district, who has been adjudged n
bankrupt upon his own petition, by the Dis
trie! Court of said distr'et.
Dated at Emporium, Pa. 1 Emporium, Vrt
Jau: larv 1 till. 1 SiiS. ( iun'.'.j:!!
"tenCE OK Al'l'EAL. The Commis
si siuners of Elk County, will hoid ap
pcais. at the time and places inenti tied as
follows :
Feb. 16, for Spring Creek, nt Irwins.
for Jones, at the Wilcox House.
" J t. fur Highland, nt Charles SiuUis.
' L'o. for llorion, nt 1. (tysteis.
' L'ti, for Fox, at John Koolis.
" for Jay, at M. Spungl. r's.
" -X, for Benezrt, at A!i.a Wins'.ow's.
Mar. '. for St. Mar's a! M. Wclletidorf s.
" for lii nzingor. At J.. Windteiiler's.
" 4, for Kidcway, at Com. tlllicu.
On the fltli of March the appeal oil tin.
sealed lauds will be hel l at Hidway.
AG AIXS 1' loi-s or DA M AGE by FI R E
rpilE T.ycoming County Mutual Instir-
iince Coupni;y at. Muneey. l'a., con
tii.ues lo Insure against Loss or Batuago by
Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public
and private uildings, either iu town or
county. Also on Mills, 'J'anueries, Bams,
slocks of drain, &c, at the lowest possible
rates, consistent with snfoty to the Insurer
aud Insured. The Lycoming County. Mu
tual Insurance Company inv.tes an invotii
gation as to its stability. Its capital
amounts to
Thusassuring to every one of its patrons
that tlieir losses will be promptly and salis
faelorily paid. Its management has always
been prudent, ns iis exisieri.'e of twenty
six years fully demonstrates
Agent for E'k couutv. nt St. Mary's
CHARLES HOLES, 1'racCcnl Watehma
ker, Jeweler and Engrnver, Bidgwnv,
Elk county, Pa. The subset iber ' begs
leave to nnnounuo lo I ho citizens of Ridg
wsy and vicinity that he is prepared to do
all wot kin his line ou short notice and at
reasonable rates in the very best manner.
Shop in II. y. Beluap's Store. Special atten
tion paid lo engraving. '
He has also on hand a large assortment
of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry snd Silverware
w hich ho offers for sale on reasonable terms,
(jive him a call. ncv7'li7if.
joiner's tools for sale ' cheaper ihuu
llie cheapest " at the St. Mary's Hardware
Sloro. fnnVjKY.T I
LAJiKS of all kiudi for ule at thik of.
H : i.
O EX PENBlUREd of Elk County for the
year If-li.
By cash paid W A Bly, Com'r 75 00
By cash paid J W Taylor, Com'r 1-'i7 fid
By cn'h paid Latiis Vollnier. Com'r 1"7 51)
By cash paid Julius Jonas, Com'r 17 fit)
By cash paid J K P Hall, clerk 213 01)
By cash paid L J Blakely, Dist Atty 1"J (HI
l.y cash paid ,1 A .Malono o .) ol
By cash paid Commonwealth costs 1H 'Jij
By cash paid bnunW for wolves, jto V'i !10
Ily cash paid prison expenses ' 4 "' in
Bv cash paid Jury fees I'JO" til
By cash paid nssessitig expenses 17t oil
By ensh paid election expenses 3J0 'H
By cash paid Justices' fees H"
Cash paid Constables' fees 102 1)4
Cash paid Auditors fiis ,"(f
("ash paid Auditors' clerk oil 00
Casli paid road viewers .1 1 IK
Cash paid stationery ill lid
Cnsh raid stamps H (l
Cnsh paid repairs lo buildings, etc fl 4-'!
Cash paiil fuel 112 '.'4
Cash pni, J u Hall, counsel loo Oil
Cash paid Prolhonotary fees 107 82
Cash paid Janitor '.10 0(1
Cash paid printing 2"iO 00
Cndi paid JWeslcrn Penitentiary SX '.14
Cash paiil House of I'cfugo 17'.l -"
('ash pa'd Mercantile Appraiser 4 00
Cash paid Tipslalls 22 00
Cash iiaiil miscellaneous expenses 2 50
Cs paiil Insurance , 4" 118
Cnsh paid C Luhr, iulcrpretcr 12 IMI
$r,20'.l 7!t
To cash from unsealed lands 1"8 !i'l
To cash from collectors 22.'13 27
To cash of A Willis, redemption of
lauds sold lo county 14. 4")
To cash lor rent. K7 60
To excess of expenditures "'ill 01
To fine in Coimuouwealih cases 100 00
To jury fees 2S 00
$(i20!l 711
Atuoitiilg due by Collectors Jan. 1, 1 HUH.
Isaac Hays. Fox, lKtj:,, 14 4
J V 1'oiik. Ri Igway, 1805 a7 17
Millon Chase, Beneiet. ISCii' 81 74
W in MeCauley, Fox. 18 G!l'J 7li
Anton Benninger, St Mary's, lSljO 118 Oil
F (i Dickir, on. liidgway. ISiiti 198 (':!
T Irwin, Spn .g Creek, ISUli (iS 'J7
Ralph Johusoti, Beuccl, 18U7 118 82
Joseph Korner, Beningcr, 18U7 488 i!H
Jacob Moyer, Fox, 18U7 14:13 2!
Thomas Tosier. Jay, 1807 681 19
V alentine Miller. Jones, 1807 113 60
I hoinas Campbell, Highland, 1807 40 11
l I) Cool:, I'idgway, 1807 045 41
1) U McXaul, Spring Creek, 1807 280 O'J
- " ' . Bounty Tax.
John Koch Fox, 1804 517 09
(ieo Ed Weis, liidgway, 1801 100 It
Martin Perrin, Spring Creek, 1804 401 !i2
II !.i Dorr, lieu zet, 1801 205 80
John A Miller, Fox, 1805 285 '.'0
Annel Turley, Jay, 1805 245 !I2
B A Dill, liidgway. 1305, 305 03
James Coyne, Esq., Treasurer, in account
with Elt County for the year 1807.
To balance at last settlement. (',19 51
To tax from unseated lands 153 90
To tnx from collectors 2283 29
To cash from A Willis, redemp
tion of land sold to county 145 43
To bulanae duo Treusurei' CSS 40
$3820 59
3404 17
41 13
193 54
121 75
3820 69
274 88
80 00
1 00
193 28
Yy county orders redeemed
By refunding orders
By exoueraiion orders
By treasurer's commission
Benciel Road Fund.
To balance at hist settlement
By orders redeemed
By Treasurer's euiiim'.Ss'ou
By balance due tuud
274 88
Banozet School Fund.
By balance al last sctileincn. 148 03
Benzinger Road Fund.
To balance due at settlement 195 15
To lax unseated lands 11 21
200 30
90 27
2 72
35 CO
78 37
By district treasurer's rcoeipt
By Treasuier's coinm.ssiou
Yy oiders redeemed
Bj balance due fund
200 30
Bcniir.ger School Fund.
To liallanee duo at hirst settlement S8S 82
To lax lroui unsealed lauds 10 34
898 00
381) 6.-,
7 82
10 29
398 00
417 11
13 74
By district treasurers' receipts
By treasurer's commission
By balance duo fuud
Fox Road Fund.
To balance due at last sutilem .'nl
To tax from unseated lauds
100 88
85 00
279 111
7 55
89 11
400 88
50 10
12 21
02 31
50 00
1 24
11 07
02 31
5 08
0 97
12 05
12 62
12 05
107 06
140 16
247 22
2 80
224 42
247 ?2
' t
259 80
ii6 98
850 78
196 00
5 83
155 95
350 78
405 83
4 00
391 51
l 00
By orders redeemed
Ily treasurer's receipt
By treas rer's commission
By bolguce due fuud
Fox School Fund.
To balance nt settlement
To tax received
By district treasurer's order
By treasurer's commission
By balance due fuud
To balance al settlement
To tax received
By treasurer's commission
By balance due fund
Highland Road Fund.
To balance ut sell lenient
To tax received
By Ircnsuaer'g cnmaiUsicu
By balance due fund
. - Highland Souool
To balance due fund
To tux received
By district tryasurcr's receipt
By treasurer's commission
By balauce due iuud
Jones Road Fund.
To balauoe due fuud
To tax received
By district treasurer' receipt
By orde;S redeemed
8 01
05 31
40!) 88
To nmotint of tax received
To balauce duo treasurer
By I alanco due treas'r nt sCttLment
By treasurer's commissi'm
By treasurer's commission
By balance due fund
Tones School Fund.
1 f.:
30 03
31 09
31 03
307 02
21 50
131 27
121 OU
2 85
31 00
28'J 1:.
125 80
15 10
2 80
12 8.1
14.) 90
454 09
801 01
85 00
51 88
451 09
1 (3 20
140 89
2 89
Jay Road 'und.
To. balance elite fund
To nmounl of ux received
Py district treasurer's receipt
Hy orders redeemed
By treasurer's commijsiin
P.y balance due- fund
Jay School Fun 1.
To balance fi.nd
To tax received
By district treasurer's receipt
By balance due fund
Ridgwny Road Faud,
To balance due fund
by district treasurer's receipt
by orders redeemed
by treasurer's commission
by balance duo fund
Ridgwny School Fr.i d.
To balance duo ltm.1
by district trecsurc's receipt
by treasurer's commission
by balance due fund
1 13 20
0 38
19 98
Spring Creek Road Fund,
to tax received
to balance due trcas.irtr
20 81
by balance doe treas'r al settlement 20 18
by treasurer's commission 18
20 31
Spring Creek School Fund,
to balance due fuud 211 50
to tux reecived 4 13
215 03
211 33
4 80
by district treasurers' orders
by treasurers commission
215 08
Spring Creek School Building Fund,
to balance due fuud 243 14
by district treasurers' receipts 231 80
by trenurcr's commission 0 OS
by balance due fuud 4 18
213 14
SI. Marys' Rond Corporation Fund,
to balauce due fund 18 53
to lax receive . 80
19 43
19 48
183 44
183 41
by treasurer's commission and bal
ance due fund
M. Mary's School Fund.
To balance duo fund nnd tak ree'd
By district treasur'socccipi. treas
urer's com. and bal. due fund
Elk County Bounty Fund.
To balance due fuud aud received
from collectors 7595 21
By bonds redeemed, trcas's com.
nnd balance due fund 7595 21
day Hounty Fund.
To bal. due fund and tax ree'd 700 05
Hy dist. treas. receipt, bonds
redeemed, treasurer's com.
and balance due fund 700 05
Denezct bounty Fund.
To balance due lund 103 9!)
By dist. treas. receipt, treas'rs
coin, und balance due fund 103 P!
lionziugcr Rounty Fund.
To balauce due lund 511 50
liy dist. treas, receipt uud tr's
commission 51 1 59
Ridtrwy Lounty Fuud.
To balance due funJ 81 07
ly bulunce duo fund 81 07
8t. JInry'8 Bounty Fund.
To bal. due fund and tax ree'd 00 21
t y balance due fund GO 21
Jones Bridge Fund.
To balance. due fund 100 00
By tr's receipt and com. 100 00
McKean, F.ik, Clarion and Forest Road
To balance dt.e fuud 1831 -12
By balance due fund 1S31 42
James Coyne, Treasurer, in account
with the State uf Pennsylvania, uu
the various licenses.
To balance due State 055 S7
By balance carried forward 055 87
James Coyne, Treasurer, in account
with Cummou wealth for 1807 & 1SGS,
To bal due at last settlement 1 440 20
To balauce due on licenses 055 S7
To aui't rrce'ved from licenses 020 50
do tutc tan received 1015 53
63120 10
By Stito Treasurer's receipts,
Tr usurer's commission und
balance duo State ?3129 10
Assets aud Liabilities of Klk Couuty,
January 1st, ISOS.
Tax due on unseated lands 812,034 74
Tax due in collectors bands 4.H25 3
Bounty tas in collectors' 2,278 42
hands 3.131 00
J. A. Malone, Sheriff 20115
822,532 GO
County orders outstanding 8 2,000 24
Bounty bonds outstanding 1,027 CO
Due State 350 03
Due House of Refu-ie 143 00
Due Western Penitentiary 250 00
Due Treasurer on Co Fuud 588 40
Due J. K. P. Hall 25 00
Excess of assets 17,483 02
S22 53 B'l
James A. Malone, Sheriff of Klk county,
iu accouut witn sua .couuty lor the
Year 1S07.
To orders drawn SjJtf 12
lo fines received iu Common
wealth case and Jury fees
collected 12S 00
SC70 15
To bn!. bro't down 820 1 15
By bal. nt. last settlement, sum.
monin juries, fidinj jury
wheel, election procloma-
tion, c onveying prisoners to
Penitentiary, and bulatiee
duo county 870 1 "
Wo the Auditors if E'k County, having
met nt the Commisjinnor's office, nt Ridg
wny, or. tiie first Monday of January,
being the Oih day of die month, do certify
Hint we have carefully examined nnd audi
ted I'.e foregoing amounts, and Und t lit lit
co' rcct ns slated. I
In testimony whereof we have lineunlo
set our bauds and seals the d iy aue year1
above wrtton. C. A. WILl'OX.
Attest, G.l). LiVSSKMiKR.
J. F. 1'. H.m.l, Clerk. Auditors.
1 fl) G Vv AV I.T V E R V ST A B L E I
'i'ne subscriber would Announce tot'ie
citizens of Rid6way. and the traveling pub.
lie thai he has established a
in Ridjiwav, and that he Impes by fair deal
ing with his customers to ineril a libel al
shate of their pulronuge. Terms reasona
Jan. 25, 'Of-ly.
Gui: at nil i ucriioN
Mr. Charles L. Bayer desires respectful
ly lo inform the citizens of Klk County that
he has now 'he inosl complete, cheapest,
and best lot of Furniture in the county.
Mm Furniture 's nil made in his own shop,
he can therefore warrant it to be neat and
durable, lie has n large assortment of
Bureaus. Lounges, Sofas, Cnairs. Tables.
Wardrobes, Cupboards, Bookcases. Book
stands. Withstand. Towel Racks, Hall
Racks, What Sols, Bedstradsof Whitewood,
Wnlnul nad Cherry. Brackets, I'ielurc
Ft nines, nnd everything usually kept iu a
first class Furniture Ware-Rotm.
He has connected with his establishment
a steam lurnit.g bit lie. which wi ll enable
him lo do all kinds of turning in a neat and
workmanlike manner.
All he asks is n fair trial, nnd if his
wares do not give satisfaction, he will re
fund the money.
my2218071y St. Marv's. l'a.
upon short notice the followiug kinds
of Lumber of iho best qualiiy.
dressed in the best possible manner, from
seasoned lumber, rcudy for use. Also,
Wo w ill put on cars when required.
Cfj-All orders addsessod to us al this
place prompllv attended to.
junClOVlf Ridgny, Va.
signed having been appointed Sole Agent
for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing
Machines for Elk county. He keeps an
nssortmenl constantly on hand. Machines
sold nt rhiladelphiaand Sew Vor prices.
Any parties desirous of obtninipg lliomcan
address J. K. WII1TMOKE.
March tU-'GO-ly. nt Rblfway. l'a.
ECLECTIC PflJ'SC.M, word eclectic means to choose or
select medicines from n'l the ditlerent
schools of medicine : using remedies that
are safe, and discarding from practice all
medicines llir.t have an impurious effect on
the system, such as mercury, antimony,
lend, copper, &e.
I lay aside the lance the old blood
letter, re 'ueer or deplcter, and equalize the
circulation and restore the system to its
natural stale by alteratives nnd tonics. 1
shall hereafter give particular ai lent ton la
chronic diseases, such as l'ohcmuatism,
Dyspepsia, Liver complaint. Catarrh. Neu"
ralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary or.
gans, and all diseases peculiar lo females,
CATARRH I treat wiihnnew instrument
of n late invention, which cures every ease.
TEKl'll extracted without pain.
Ollicc and residence south of the jail on
Centre St. (llliee hours from 7 lo 8 a. ill :
12 lo 1 p. m : 0 to 7 p. in.
Bee. 2:107. -ly. J. S. RORDWL'I.T,.
WHEEL, patented oitly::o, lsr,7. ;'s
superior lo nny wheel in use. The under,
signed have the agency for said wheel in
he Stale ot I'enusylviiuiii, and can rceon.i
mend it as being tho best inn nn fact u red.
ForfurllieV pnrtlculais, and circulars, in.
quire nt our Foundry in Kersey, where
machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam
engines will be made lo order al reasonable
prices. We expect by giving saiisfaeti u
in our work lo reecho a good share of put
lie patronage.
li. BELL.
Kersey, l'a., janlO HSOSpd.
It is the best chance ever offered tn Agents!
One or two days' lime will secuie a good
Sewing Machine, Watch. Silk Dress. Re.
volver. or some ether article of equal value,
Agents wanted everywhere, male and
female, fori lie best One Dollar l'awnhrok
er's Sale in the country. Send for ci.cuUr.
S. C. TI!OMlSO & CO.
30 Hanover Si reel,
janl-Uinpd l'&slou, .Mats.
tcu : itch :: itch
BC'RATCA ! SCRATCH ! '. KOtUTCIl '. '. '.
iu from 10 lo iti ltimrs.
Wheaton's (liniment cures The Itch.
Wheaton's Ointment enres Salt Rheum.
Wheaton's Ointment cures Tetter.
Wheaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch.
W heal ou's Ointment cures Old Sorer.
W heaton's Ointment cures Every kind,
of Humor like Magic.
I'rioe, Clloenis n b"k : hv mad, 00 cents'
Address W KICKS ,t l'oi'l'KH, K.i, 170
Weshinglon Street, Boston, Mass. For ale
by all druggists. Sept. 17'07 ly.
- tj
f poikel nnd (able cutlery, of ihe best
quality and iiiom nppruvod paitein. for sale
cheap al ihe Hardware Mture ou lliherger's
fcid coruor iu 't. Mary's. U2''t74