LOCAL INTELLIGENT. Vitr Time tt tirfzirirj. trie Express Knst H: I '1 p. rn do do West ::'.! a. in. do Mail Knst -Iii'.s p. in. do io West ! i ;. in. Local Freight Fust '.i; -I :i. in. dii do West -:'-'o . in. Sianocralic Sli:tc Convtntioit. Uarru;dliki. Pa.. Jan. -:. lsi--1. Tlu Peineeratie Stale lYmtiiit'co h Pennsylvania have fxtd WEDNKS PAY,.thc FOURTH (!:h) DAY OK March, i t i-j ovi... v., t. the time, find tlic Hall nl the llmeo "I Jer'Wlit!itivo, at liamsbtirg. s the place for holding il.v? !.n:.u.l ( Visvvti tion of the par'y. It is tn dcrwl i lint tli's Conven'Mi l.e composed ol' one tiiomlvr I'm' inch St ti. ntor and Lcpresctitntiv e, v.lio s-li :. I bo fleeted ill tlic usual mm.i.rr mid tiny will nii'i't nt tlic tiir.o tail place abue faiil, for the purpose o! ' ii.i:uin:i!iiiir didiitcs for tlic oflii cs nt Auditor ' en cral and Surveyor ! I'tir ral, and of lectins delegates to the X':i'ional Con vention for tlic iinmiiKition of omididatos lor President arid Vice-President. The members and committees of tlic organization and nil conservative citi zens who can unite v.itli us in tlic sup poit of ectiMitu;! iiid piiturpic- urn rc tjucstcd to proceed to tin1 tiec'ioii i f tlie delegates in tlicir respective dli-tricls. Iiy order i t the i'lriiocaiie f'ale CciLtuittic. WM. A. WALLACE, G. 0. Dkisk, .Sec' v. Ch.iinnaii. 3 i i 0 . On Jan. 80th ISi'.s. CvrnAttixv. a. v William Wood, of i'ox township, ii;r yir, !! moiiisiS and "f d.iys. L'ui0CS in XI W (. .;. I I f m! :;r, U)2aA Pneial party t.miv place at tlic Thayer 11ju.sc on Tliursday eveninj: last. It was well t'.tlcndcJ, and every thing went merry as a marring bell. VAI.KXTIXKS. A !urj:s and spleiii'.id assortiuents ut 15elr,ap's. run;4 man ii you want1 to get into tlio pvnl y races ot your ' hdc fair,' po to Urlnaj.'s. Ct5.Messcti":er, tlic l'ustiiin-tcr, wan's those persons w ho arc imiclite I tu him tor postaira on newspapers to rail and settle their accounts, uther.vi-v the news, papers will be retained !i-r the tii'.unt dao. Lit. -lon. Glcntii W. Sculi.-id. M. O. will consider us under nidi.'ati.ms fur a large quantity of I'uM'e Document.'. Senator Wallace will also accept our thanks for valu ilile Suit'; documents. New Yoiik ('uititKi'u.NiiKM k. Wo have made Lrratigemetus to have a week, ly conanutiicalioti from the Xalioi.a; Metropolis. Our corre- (indent's ! will he found interesting, and wi they will he read appti ci itivi iy ! patrons. ! c:s i ii 1 e our War-We have ncei.ed , 4 j.rt t.f the Institution for the Insti uctin i of the lilind lor the year M!7. It is full and concise, and shows that its manager- are meeting with mcccs e tii' ii.-urate with their greatest expectations. 1 he lits'i titution is located in I'hi'a'Vphia, Mid there one hundred and oLhty i!:;'ei pu pils in aUend.mco. during: t'n1 pi-t year. ld?Jl. I. Thompson, cil the li. in ol 1'. Fette, of Warren, l'a , teiid our town a visit o:i V.'cdniM.ljy hist, :in I done quite a business in selling' soui '. tit Lest cigar." it Las ever been our !m !.!: to pit fT. Those who deal with Hi. mav rest assured that ho will give, them as good an nrticlc as ho recoinmen Is. Merculio said of hi.-, ivnun 1. 'Jt van nut ox iini wi a will, cr a irn.'t As it iatfjjtt! if irvii'l i'jj." 1'i.antathis Hm Kim will not raise the dead. Hut they cure the sick, exalt the depressed, Aud render li e a lliing to be enjoyed. We believe tliere arc millions of liv ing witnesses t; this fact. Dyspepsia is a horrid disease, but I lautatioii Hitters will cure it. It is a most invigorating tonic, for weakness and moutal despon dency. Those who ara ' out of sorts" thoull try l'Kutation Hitters. Maonoma Wait.!'.. V deliuhti'ul toilet article superior to cologne and ut half the pricp. St'ItotcAI, On Th.ur-.day last a gen tlem i'i stopping Rt the Ilydu House, had the misturtUDO to meet with a severe ac cident in crushing his leg to badly by a lull iyj to render amputation ueecs-ary. No surgeon being near ut hand, Mr. T. J. Ilollis, otherwise known 119 "Mosby," the geotlemauly cleik of the abovu nam. ed liou.ie offered his services, which were accepted, and he being the only person jo the room, took clT tho injured mem. tier i) hiu'splf. I J any l'i.i'.adclphia or New York medical students want to leara surgery we would advice them to patrooiiij our friou 1 "MoiSy." p 11 1) (J W A V LIVE U Y 8 T A 15 1. E ! Tin' pubnriher would announce to tlio citizens nt' Kill gw-nv, iiinl tlio traveling pub lic tliiit ho has established is L1YKRY STATJLF, in Kidgwav, and Hint he hopes liy fair deal ing with his customers to merit a libeinl shai p of their put rotingp. Terms reasona ble ISAAC COUliV, .1.111. il-, Y.K-ly. hi: at "jiKiujcTibx X I" TUB PFIICI OF FURNITURE ! ir. I'linr!' n L. Payer desires resppclfnl ly In inform the citizens of Klk County thni lip has tuny the most complete, vlien fn't . nnd h-yt lot of Furniture in the county. !li riivnitiifp v ill! made in his own shop. 1:.' ei'ii then fore warrant it to he tie'il nml oui'iihle. Hp hm a lurjjn H"ort:iient ol Til! in.''. 1. nnnp, Snfas. (Quail s, Tnhlt111, WiiiM'.rnlip?. Cuphoni'iN. Uoiikeiior", llmik siaiili. WiishstMinls, Towel Itnclia. Hull l'.ai '.,s. Vi'hnt Xnl.i, Hcilntnulsnf Wliitpwno.l, Uainul mid t'l ervv. lineketi. l'ieliite !'tai:r", nml everything usually kept inn lir i this l iii'iiiiin'e Ware lioeai. He has eonueeliMl wilh !(:s elahKshtnerit n t :eam ttiriiirijr lathe, which will enntile him In i!n all l.iinls of I inning in 11 neat ulnl wmv1 in mlike inaiiiiev. All he ii?k:-i in a fair trial, nml if li is warps do not (jive satisfaction, lie willre luii'i i Ik: niunev. CIIARLi:? 1.. HAVKB. iiiv'J-lS'171 v St. Jlarv's, Vn. A L M.-5111NG TO IlLl OR SELL ESTATE, Slniiil'l send 1'nr the r:y..tij kht.it i: itEConn. A lirsre sixteen pajre .lournal, issued lii.iiithly, lievntnl to all inatteis, laws, fuels ami items of interest, pertaining to Ileal Lstate : containing full descriptions, with priivs. .( c., of several thausaad properties, ineliidl'i l'nrt. Tniek. Grain and drnziii"; Farms. ( nliaes and Country Si-its, Mil! 1'i op cniis. Plantations, Timber Tracts and Mineral Lands, for sale m peinifylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Va lyland, Virginia, N. Carnliua, (ieoi jria, Florida, Texas, ami oilier States, ,s foii a coitfj:j:l rowx.s:.xi) ,c- co. X. 'I'.il Sun th Si.rth Strtft, jan-i.lt l'hi'.aiieliihia, l'a. rSllUS IS I'OfilVIC NOTH'L : That on the -IHi day (if.lnnii.-ivy. A. 1) . 1 SOS. a warrant in llanknipley was issued against the Kslateof Win. 11. Johnson, i f lleiiczctt towiisjiip, in the county of Elk, and Slate of Ivmi-ylv.-itii. jrlin has been inljudged a bMikiiipt on his own pel il ion ; thai the pa yn.-eii' of any debin and delivery of any property beloiigiti,1' to such leinki-tipt, to liiin. oi for his use, and the transfer ofanv pi-npc-.-iy by him are I'm bidden by law ; thai a meeiing of the creditors of the said hatikiiipt, In prove their debts, and to cl; e nni'r.i' more Assignees of his Kstate. will I e held at a Court of I!iinkriipiey, to b1 hel-leii at llidivay, in the county of I'll:, in eni-l "listlict, at the Courl tlim-.e b,-foie S. M. Woodnill', llegister. on the l-'ih lav of .'.Iiiioii, A. H . lSiji, at ! o'eh.ek, i. ! M. TliOS. A. P.OWI.I-IY, .i.iiiJ-" It I". S. Marshal. "Sj N iTil DlSTHIt'T COU15T OF T1IK ll CM 'I II sT'Tl.S for the Western !.-' i-i-t of I'.-nn-ylvaiiia. lo ill" M i.1 1 er ol ( 'liaiin .'ev , ,, , ... ,, , , - Iii liunkriipey .'. .Moore, r.ankriipt. J 1 ' f o w iioia it may ei liev-rn : Tile upv-r.-ijcntd hereby gives notice of his appointiaeiil as a-Mg!ice of Chaam.-ey .1. M v. of lu ne:'' lt town.-liip, in I he county oi l.ik, il l t Slate of l'eiinsylv. nia, within 1 ilin-icf, who ha- been adjudged a baiikrnp1 ujioii his own ieiiiioii, by the Dis 11. e; Cuii-.-i of .-a'.d disiv'ct. II. T. TAfiO A15T, Dated at l.'eip'ii iiiin. l'a. liii'.poi-iio.i. Pa 1. nr.iary i Itli. i.siiS. janjo'lt VII ordi.-rs for Sioves and will be promptly attended id II ai d ware to as soon i eeeiveil, at I he Si. M AI1V S HAP.DWAP.E FTOKE A'l r;:.Ti. j,r.vi;i:u.vkx : 'IMIll V.r,.) TUMI! INK IV A T K II I W.Iilill., patented jtilyv.l, isi;7, is superior to uny wheel in use. The under, signed have t lo1 agency for said wheel in Hi- Slate ol Pennsylvania, and enn reeonn mi nd it us being the best luauiilactiired. I-or fur: her pa liciilars, and circulars, in iiiiro at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing. r listings tml .-.learn engines will be ma lo to order at re.i-oiiable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our woi-1; to receive, u good share of pub lic paUMiinire. J. F. rtOllKUTSON, P.. DULL. Kersey, V-.., janlO lSiiSpd. c It is Highest chance ever offered lo Agents! One or two days' timu will secure a good Sewing 'iiehiue. Watch, Silk Dress, I.e. voivi r. or some olhpr article of equal value, i'lllli: (if COST ! Agents waniel everywhere, nialo nnd female, fertile best Olio Dollar Pawnbrok ers Sa'.u in the countrv. Send for circular. S. C. THOMPSON It CO. Ill) Hanover Street. Jml -'linpd I'nston, Mass. J. S. lidKDWMLL, M. D. F.VTSC f Mll'S fVM.t.t . rMhe. word eclectic means to chouse or select medicines from all the differ-nt schools of medicine: using remedies thai arc snl'-1, and discarding from practice all medicines del have an iiiipurious effect on the system, sneii as mercury, antimony, lead, copper. Ac. 1 lay aside tho lance Ihe old blood l"iter. re lueer or depleter, nnd equalize Hie circulation and restore the system to its natural stale by alteratives and tonics. I shall hereafter give particular attention to chronic diseases, such as Pobeiimalisiii, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint. Catarrh, Neio ralgi i, diseases of liie throat, urinary or guns, and nil diseases peculiar to females, Hi: CATA1115II I treat with a new instrument of a lain iniention, which cures every rase. TI1M I'll extracted without pain. (mice and residence soiuii of the jail on Centre St. Ollice hours from 7 to S a. m ; V- lo 1 p. in : li lo 7 p. in. Dec. H UT. -ly. J. S. r-OUDWEU,.. JF YOU WANT TO 15UY CLOTMit.rc for trie .mtiion : Go to A. DL'llLACilLU, Agent, DEA I.Kit l.V CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! GENTS' FUnXtSIIING HOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOUS, Ti'. L'N'K?, TllAVl'LTXG BAf.S, &c. ST. M AT. Y'S, 3'LK COUNTY, 1'1'NN'A. .TiniLllSriSlypil Ek Lo:ige, A. V. H ?tated nipclings of I'.lk Lodge wi 1 be held Tuesday evening. u or before the full imion of each nionlli. once everv two v.e'.ks tin reaiier. .1. Iv. WlllT.M'.lili'., Sec y. VliMIXlSTRATOK'S NO 'K'l'.-- N.itiee is lieieby (iveu that letters of Admin islnUion on the estate of Albert. Willis, late of Kidgway. deceased, hifve been granted lo the iiinlersigiied, and those indebted t". or having elaiias against Hie same arc re quested to present their aeeouuls duly nil' theiiliealcd for s"itl "mi nt. CAKllli: 1. Wll.T.IS. .Vim'. 1). U. 15. DICKINSON, AJin'r. Dee. 23'(iV.-lit. ("1 UNS. PISTOLS. ItlFLMS, KMA'IIS, X pocket and table cutlery, of the best quality nml most nppioved paiiein. for sale cheap nt Hip Hardware Store on Libenrer's oM corner in .St. M nty's. (flA"' K-ATS, SPIKUS, III Ntl IIIVIITS, locks, bolls, and all kinds of builders' ma tori" Is in general can be had cheaper at the St. Mary s Hardware Store than any other place in Klk county. (n-S OTj gTcii : itch : : itch : : : IM- t-cn.vTr ! srn Mf'ti ! ! srn.Tcu 1 ! ! in from In to I'f hour. Wheatoii's : ii t tn " li Wheao li s tiiiiiteeiil cones The Itch, enres Salt Kheiiin. cures Tetter, cures Ilariiers' Itch, cares t lid Sorer, cures I-lvery kind. W he-itoii's t liiil n'eiit Wnejiton's Ointment W heal mi's I lint m nl Wheaton's Oinluiiit of Hiiuior like Magic. Pricp, o'lcenlsii bok : bv mail, 00 cents Address WI-lllKS POTTU!:, No. 17(1 Wehini;toii Street, lloston, Mass. For sale ty all druggists. Sept. lT'H" Iy. B E A L E ' S ( I.ATE COW Kl.l,'s) P. M IJ It O C A T T O N ! fi)H ALL DISFASMS INCllH'.NT TO J' Horses, Cattle and the Human Flesh, requiring the use of an external af plication. This new Compound, prepared hy a prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of nil the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its eouiposit ion, i warran ted to exceed anything of the kin l yet of fered to the public as an external applica tion for the diseases for which it is recom mended. We are satisfied that it will woik its own road into the confidence of all who use it, an 1 those who try it once will never bo without it, and I hen fore we rely on ex perience lis the b '-t lest of ils usefulness. Il is pi enounced by Fan i -rs. and all w ho have tried il to be the bi-sl npi llcalion ev er used. This Mitibroeat ion has been pu! up for over eight years, and it is only through the increasing demand and urgent rciiiei of my friends and the Public that I send it forth as the grand remedial agent for ihe various diseases lo which that noble and useful animal, the Iloi!S!l. issul.jeel. M uny remedies have been oii'ered In the Public under dillei-cnt forms, some of these are injurious, others at best of little use. and many w holly improper lo answer ihe purposes for w hich they are recommended. A judicious and really useful eoiuposli ion free from t hose objections, has therefore long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, mid are unwilling to trust them to the can1 of designing and jireiten-ling Farriers. Their wishes are a lengi h fully gratified, by Dr. lleale being prevailed upon lo allow l h is valuable Uni-l-i-oeaiiiii which lias proved so el'leaeious lo ihe various di.-iases to be prepared and hroug'il out lo the public. Tios emhroeai on was extensively used by the (Invert, moot during the war. Address all orders to IH5. F.DMOND P.F.AI.K, COD, Sooth Second St. Pliii'a. j;-V"I'or Sale by Pordwell & Me-senger, Kidgway, Pa. apiJUly insuii'axci: AO AIXST loss or PA MAG E by ITU E 'J Iin Lycoming County Mutual Insur ance Company at Muitcey, Pa., con tunics to Insure against Los-or Damage by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public and private uildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, llarns, stocks of (Irani, .tc, at the lowest possible rules, consistent with safety to the Insurer and Insured. Tim Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company invites an in vest i. gation as to its stability. lis capital amounts to 8 a. h o o, o o o! Thus assuring to every one of ils patrons iliai I heir losses will be promptly and satis, factorily paid. Its maiiagemeiil has always been prudoui, as ils exitieiiio of tweuiy sil years fully (ieiiioi,sn aies .l.WlllS lH.AKIll.Y, Agent for F.'U county, at St. Marv's . c tint FiRST PREMIUM . t Of a Kltt'rr IMrilul fy 1 VAS AWAIIOl ii in BARRETT'S HAI3 RtSTOHATIVE eVT 1I.V the X. II l-tiif I'licnlliintl fTit, at tU tail, liidiU-.i lu Ufll.uu, l. U, ltrA. II K R K T T 9 Vegetable Hair Ues!ra(Ive 11 st.Tfi (irav M:iir to it Vnturnl Color t I'ro- nu u ihf L'i'iMtii Ml Nit? ll;uri i himL'i-t llm j riiti tn (In ir tu iii -I Crtr llmi'lrutT i liur fiHin .'..nt 39 mill liiilliorn t liri'Vi-nta , , It ormtnioi no liitur-litiis iia'i i il'tf n U. -run; n m icnoi iiiokiiiu. . tint ii. r ntpi iMinninr nun rt-U- V hlilf -tii-'.' th mi i it h nut (he KiUlti. Giro S. R. DAHrtZTT & CO., Propritlort, MA.MciiEsrrn, k. ii. Per snie ly Ini'jhts generally, THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT TJIKHIDOWAY oe m STORE, KF.IT liY GROVE 0. M ESSKNfJ Elt, Dealers in lng'i Msdicirf., P;DtH, Oiln, Whita Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lnrap Oil, Ttcacr'n Oil, Per. 1'uTiinries of nil Kinds, The purest Varnish, Urushes of every Stylo and "Size Dtp St tilts, V urc Coiifectionaries Citron, I'aisins, I'ateiit Medicines, Wines, Wnkdies, Jewelry, Uings, Tohiiccoes .v Segars I'urc Eiipiors for Medieinnl pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything -Useful I'cilainjng to tho Drug Unsintss Gen erally. I'ute Drugs et Low Prices ! l'ure Pings at Low Trices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety American and English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, llincs. etc. Latest Styles of Jewelry. Mings, Ike. fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! 1'auey Articles, 1 oys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Uird-Cnges! Albums, News, Stationery. Uird-Cagcsl Violin, I'anjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Ihnijo uud (xuitar Strings! mar201S(ifi N EW CASH (JUOCEUV STOKE JAMES MeCLOSKEV, Dealer in Groceries &c., would resnectfullv inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that ho has jione into the (Iroeery hiisit ;ss. ind will open on or about the middle of May. He kecyr oourtSTtiy on banc an csti'Duivc stock ef TEAS, FLOUL, SUG RS, TOUACCOES, SEGA11S, WHISKEY by thebarrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first clusg Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH nml consequent. Iv can afford to sell (MI EAPEll than ti c C1I EAPEST. I invite everybody to come ami satisfy themselves. JAMES MeCLOKEY. May 3d, '0(5. Cm. NEW GOODS ! just i!L:cj:ivrn and MARKED CLE Ail DOWN To iha Bottom ! AT THE CHEAP CASH STORK I. V. HOUR, Muiu .Street, Kidgway, Pn. n AVISO just returned from the eastern cities where 1 have pureh.tsed a large and well selected assortment of goods, 1 invite the attention of ihe public to call and examine r.iy stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, ' Hardware II tits. Car. Boots, Shoe?, Quecoiwar PROVISIONS, kc, i. LEVERS WILL FIND MY STOC K FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the want of the community. J. V. IIOUK. Kidgway, Dec.") ly. "T ALEAHLE LOTS FOR SALE. V The undersigned has laid out a vil. age upon his ground adjoining the Hidg way Depot, to be called KLK. The low are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front iug towards the railroad. Terms For the tirsl lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, is 1-0 and so on increasing in price as lots arc sold, pli. First purchasers get tl-a choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the tr uer of their application Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid al the time of tho application. BMi.Applieations will ho made to Joli (i. Hall, Ksip, Kidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Kidgway. mnr,2'.VCU-tr. I 7INYF.LOPKS, f.AUKLS i TAOS nett- ly prnrtisiv t the AdiiiN tMh B LAHK3 ef all Un!i for rale at this ef-ttei. J OIIN O. H LL. Aitotney a' law. ISolK wny, Klk county Pa. inar.li'J'tifi 1 v IAUIUKJ. HLAKKI.Y. Attorney in law, j nnd ('. S. Cniiiiiiissioner. !idgwy Klk county, l'a. mar UTtW-ly. 7 0H WOIHC of all kinds ntidd.tr.. iJ eriptions done at this ofliee. A LP1.NR IIOUM1, St. Mary's Pa.. Her J man Krelz, Proprietor. pug''iV(V Dll. W. .T.VMUS I'.I.AKLI.Y Physicina and Surgeon. St. Mary's. 1111; county l',i. iiiar-2.' iii'i ly. Dlt. W. W. SHAW Practice Medtcinsr and Surgery. Ceiilreville. Klk enmity Pn. nmr-Ll'J'fiii Iy. TXKCUTIOXS. .fUMMOSS. St'l'.Pd' j mis. Warrants, .'ic, on hand find !o sale at this ofBee. H. YOT.K. Mnnnfactiicp!1 nnd licnld j in Lnirir Iteer. opposite iIh: Kailros'l Hetiut. St. Mary's, Klk county Pa. Miir-'J-r0-l '. SOl'TIIIlK AND WII.I.IS Aiiorneys ni Law. Ri lgwny. Klk county Pu.. wi'l attend to all professional bnsitu ss pr onpi ly. inar-'.'L''i;t;-ly. Dlt" W. It. HAItTMAN. St. Mary s. F.Ik county. Pu. Late of thf Army of Hm Potomac. Particular ullei.tion irivn tn nil cases of surgical nature. ur.r---'li(i-ly. UOYK O. MFSSl-NT.rn. Droop's' -r, f. Dealer in Drugs nnd Cliein'cnU, Paints. Oils nnd Varnish . perfumery Top, et articles and Stationary. I!'h1l'Wiv. F.Ik county Pn. mar -'J'1 li-ly. JO. IN (1. HAM .M". K. I1. I1I1L. MALL A liHO. Attoi'iii'vs - nt Law, ST. MA1JY S : BI-.NZINOKIt P.O. Ill K. CiiL'XTY, PA. September 'JO, ISM. ly. TS. Pordwell. M. D. KeVetie Phvsician. , Ollice and iesidop.ee opposite tlm Jail, on Centre St.. Pidgwav. Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all ea'ls. Ofliee hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 1 toll P. M. : nnd to 7 P. M. Mar. 2' , in; tf. mil AY Kit HOI.'Si-. L HIDHWAY. PA. DJ1.VII) Til U1115. Proprietor. The iindersipne I bavin? fitted up a largo nnd cnnimoilious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre nnd Mill she's, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friend and the p'lHic geneiollv. decDI'tlli Ij DAVID TIIAYKIl. S. SHORT. JOHN (i. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMKU. JAS. K. P. II ALL. KAN KINO-IK iUSE OF -Short, Jgall & tfo. S!..yi trj's, ItrmiiiTrr . . F.i.k Cot s-TV. Pr.vt HYDK 110USI1, RinnwAY, Ili.K Co., Pa. M. V. MixiHH, Proprietor Thrnkful for the patroing" heretofor so liberally beslowed upon him. the new prcprietor. hopes, hy paying s'rict at tention to the comfort mil eonvenii nee of gtipsts, to inirit. a ronliiiiianep of Hi.) same. O.t 1 lSCH. I.D'KNSKD AUCTIoNtUR. "yVOTD'F. is hereby given i lint I havetnk y tn out a license as nnei ioneei , an! will a. tend promptly lo tho calling of nil sales entrusted to my c u e. Any person calling sales without alien' wil be held answerable to the. sir'u-t h-nerof the law. P. W P.AKP.KTT. PoclMlSOOtf. Anelionecr. IXCIIANtillllOlF.I.. K1D0WAY, PA. J. H ALKY Proprietor. This hotel is ,leasaiilly siliivied on Ihn hanks of Hie Clarion Kivernnd Klk Creek, at the lower end of the village, Mr. Heuly will spare no pains for the coiivenie ee of his guests, e in vitos onn and all lo give him a call and try his house, Sept. 17th H7-ly. HI .A C KSM LT 1 1 1 N ! II. S. KKLNAP desires tn inform H e eiti zens of Kidgway and vicinity that he has leaspd ,1. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, and lias employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to nn anchor. Particular atieniion given ty the shoeing of horses. All I ask i a fair trial. May 17'fiH-lj. II F. OYKKIKH T.llll. , MiJP.CIIANTTAILOi:, Itidawny. r.lk'CJo.. Pit. The subscriber desires respectfully to in ferm the citizms of Kidgway and vicinity that hp is prepa.ed to make to ordo n well as it can be doneauy where, anviliit.g in ilip line of his business. All he asks is a fair Irir.l. (iooil Fits guniaiitecd. gciJCloihs, ( assioiei-s. Vesllrgs and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand. hich will bn sold ClIKAPKtl THAN Till' CIII1AP K.'f. aiigi'.'l.y so a ii rr i ii x c i n i-:w ! HOUSE, SICl'f &, ORWAMENTAL PA1NTIN0. fpilii si'Ksci: in F. ii w o f i. i) i; II- j Fpecifully inform the eiiiens of F.Ik county tlu.t he lias just started in llm above business in Kidgway, and feel eniiti dentthst he can please all w ho may favor him willi their custom. (ii'.AlNlNO, PAPIIII llANCINO AND CALCI VilMIV'l DONK ON SHOUT NoTICK AND IN Tllll no st fashionable and improved manner tin I style. Orders left nt this OHice or ut llu llniiking House of Souther. Willis i Sowjier will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, Mny-17'CII-ly. COAL. COK.C AND FIKK-CLAY ! All of superiol ipiality, for fcale by iho Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, IV " ISiOrdcrs by mail promptlr itteiid- , cd to. sp4lt '$-rt I RANK EXT.. MEnriiANT Taiioiu Ccnlreviile. Klk rounly. Pa., desira . to inform tho citizens of I Vntreville and vi cinity, that ho is at all limes prepared in do work in a neni and satiofactoiy ninimet. isdTe in a cU. i.i.v.; I