3LQCAL INTELLIGENCE. Car Time at llldgicay. Erie Express East 10:10 p. m do do West 3:5-a.m. do Mail East 4:33 p. m. do do West 2:45 p.m. Loral freight Enst 0:40 a. m. do do West 2:25 p. m. .Our next paper will be issued on Monday, the 23d instant. ORIGINAL, VaTTIIAL COLOR is what you wnt and get by the uso of " Barrett's Hair Restorative," which took tho Silver Medal. BQfThe entctprisiDg managers of the Eiie Dhpatch, for some weeks have ltd a correspondent engaged in explor ing the coal and lumber regions of this section of thtftnte. His letters are truthful and to the point, and the Lis patch may congratulate itself on secur. ing tho services of so faithful a delinea tor and perfect gentleman as Mr. Per kins proves himself. Look Here. Any person living on the line of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, between Emporium, in Camer on county, and Warren, in Warren county, coming to Ridgway, and pur. chasing a stove of me, I hereby agree to pay their railroad fare to and from Ridgway. This offer is open till the First of January, 1 8G8. C. W. SERVICE. Ridgway, Pa., December 5, 1807. A Biter Bitten. One day last week, one of our citizens, who is wclU known to his neighbors as an inveterate goker, finding himself in need of a coal hod, placed some money in the hands of the Brookville stage-driver, and direct ed him to buy the desired article, and fcaid something about " not wishing to patronize a one-horse blacksrrith shop." Tn nmririntnr of ! Vi-wM " vuw- horse blacksmith shop " by Borne means got wind of the arrangement, and be tween himself and the driver, sent a coal-hod along with the stage to Brock, wayville, and returned with it tho same vening, the carriage of it both wayt oosting forty.five ceuts more than it ho had went to the " one-horse blacksmith shop," and bought one We advise our readers to say nothing to the " little streams " about coal. hods. Grace Church. This edifice is about being completed, and we as a journalist, take it upon ourselves to give our readers a brief description of it. Sinoe the village of Ridgway was first started, we believe, in 1S22 its deni zens, until now, havo bad no place to return thanks to the Omnipotent for his couutless blessirjn-s, except tho Court House or the old school house at the lower end of the village. But we are now clad to chronicle that we have, at latt, a church which will reflect no dig. credit on our beautiful town. The building is located on Centre street at the head ot Mill street. The architecture is Gothic ; on the northeast corner is a Epire 90 feet in he'ght, with a compartment for a belfry, in which we understand, it is the intention to put a bell during tho present winter. The epire is surmounted by a beautiful gild ed cross. The main building is 24x57, and a chancel in the rear 14x15, with a vestry room attached. The auditory is provided with thirty-two pews, sufficient to comfortably seat 250 persons, and is finished to 'the ridge, each side of the arch from the plates to the comb bein calcimined in a blue color, and tho part from the plates to the wainscotting cal ciaiinod in imitation of stone. The chancel is raised sixteen inches from the main floor. The windows of the church are to be made of stained gloss, one or two of which will probably be memorial. The arrangement for heating is admira ble ; being heated by a portable base burning furnace a new patent put in by Mr. C. W. Service, which so far has given entire satisfaction. The painting, graining and calciniiu" ing was done under the personal super vision of Mr. Wm. P. Williams, and is a master piece of workmanship. The architect and builder, Mr. Mars, ton, certainly deserves praise for the prompt and efficient manner in which he has done his work. The ground for the foundation was broken on the 25th of July last, and the carpenter work rommenoed on the 27th of August, and dow, on the 19th of December, we have a church. Our community owo a debt of grati tude to the ladies of Ridgway for their effort in raising funds in various ways to go towards its completion and erection. We learn the dedicatory services will take plaee on Cbrigtmaj, The U. 8. Musical Review. This pop ular musical monthly for the cm-rent month is on our table. It contains a largo amount musio miscellany, besides some splendid pieces of musio arranged for the piano, flute and fruitar. Address J. L. Pe ters, No. 200, Broadway, New York. The Gem or the Monthlies. The Jan. uary number of Demorest, now entering its sixth year, redeems the promises of the publisher for 18G8. It Is the most attrac tire of the fashion periodicals, and deserves the bucccss which it has achieved. Its aim is to combine the useful with the beautiful, and it does it ia the best manner. It sup plies to ladies a fount of inspiration, which none who have once tasted could live, keep house, and dress nicely without : and saves more dollars in a year than its cost. It is a marvol how valuable premiums can be afi forded with a magazine so costly in its get-ting-up. $3 per year. W. Jennings De morest, 473 Broadway, New York. Bend 13 cents for a specimen, with directions for getting up clubs and making money. m m m BSf The good work undertaken by the Washington Library Company of Philadel phia, for the endowment of the Riverside Institute as a National Homo and College for the orphans of those soldiers at the Na tional Refreshment Saloon of thatoity goes bravely on. That their noble object may bo most surely accomplished, they have is' sued Dve scries of Steel Plate Engravings, one of which fs given with every share of stock sold, at prices much below their re tail value. In connection with this superb inducement, every shareholder is guaran teed a present in the great distribution of $300,000. Many of them are quite for tunes of themselves. We notice that one is worth as high as $40,000, another twenty, another eighteen, one ten thousand, one fire, two $2,500 each, and a largo number ranging trom tiny to one thousand each. Head advertisement. "To be, or not to be that't the question." Whether to suffer with mental anguish, Feverish lips, cracking pains, dyspeptio ftg onies. And nameless bodily suffering ; Or whether, with sudden dasli, Seize a bottle of Plantation Bitters, And, as Gunther swears, be myself a man aguiH, Gun'.lier said my eves were sallow. My visage haggard, my breath tremendous Daa, My disposition troullesome in fact, Ho geutly hinted I was fast becomming Quite a nuisance. Four bottles now beneath my vest have dis appeared, My food has relish, my appetite is keen, My step elasio. mvrnind brilliant, and Nine pounds, avoirpupeis, is added to my weight. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article superior to cologne and at Tiuff the pnoe. THE PLACE TO BUY ISAT THE RIDGWAY KEPT BY GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers in Drags, Medieicec, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per fumeries of all Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style and Size Dye Stuffs, Pure Confectionaries Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccoes & Segars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety I Notions in Endless Variety American and English Watches 1 American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &o. Latest Styles of Jewelry. Rings, &o. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cagej ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo and G uitar Strings I mar201866 BC. BOWMAN et. al. vs. John Finton. . In Elk county Common Pleas. No. 27 of April term, 1807. Foreign Attachment, for money paid for and goods sold to defendant by plaintiffs. Notice is hereby given that the plaintiffs in the al ove entitled action have entered a rule to have the damages assessed by the prothon itary, and that the damages will be assessed iu accordance with said rule, by the prothonotary at his office in Ridgway, on Saturday, the 4ihday of January next, at 2 o'clock p. M. H. SOUTHER, nov27'C7-Ct riaintiff'i Attorney. TAMES PRYOR vs George R. Welton and R. B. Welton. In the Elk county Court of Common Pleas. Domestio Attachment. Notice is hereby given that the report of trustees in above ease has been duly filed in my office, and no objeotion appearing, the tame will be confirmed at next term. GEO. A. RATHUUN, wtmt Protkcnotwy. 1 ALWAYS Til 15 I FURNITURE, COFFINS, PIC ? TURK-FRAMES, &c. The undersigned having sold his interest in the wagon shop, now intends devoting his time exclusively to the Furniture trade. Ho has just received a large stock of the BEST FURNITURE MADE which he offers at prices that cannot fail to please. His stock consists of Bedroom Suits, Upholstered Goods, Bureaus, Washstands, Commodes, Lounges, Bedsteads of Maple, Oak, Whitewood and lilacK Walnut, Spring Ueus nnd Slat trasses, Extension, Pining, Break fist, Tea Party and Quartette Tables. Chairs of every kind aad description. The largest assortment of Cane Seated Chairs ever brought into this section of the country, Farmer's Secreta ries, What Nots, Brackets, and everything usually found in a First Class FURNITURE WARE ROOM Ticture Frames of ev kind. size or Quaiity, kept on hand and made to order, Looking Glasses, Looking Olass Plate and Pictures. We would call at tention to our large stock of Coffins, con sisting ot Fine, Wbitewood, Cherry, Chestnut and Black Walnut, any one of which we can furnish in three hours time, trimmed in any style to suit. Metallio cases of any kind procured in inree nours time. Feeling confident that with 'a liberal pat ronage, we shall be ab le to keep up a First Class establishment, we appeal to the peo ple of EH county, to say if it is not better to keep their money in circulation at home than to send it off to the cities where if they buy but little they are sure to get cheated and pay agood round sum into tho bargain Then let your motto be, nevsr buy away from home what can be had just as cheap at uome, nna the cheapest place to buy Furni ture in Western Pennsylvania is at H. H Thomas' Ware.Rooms, Excelsior Building, corner of Main and Depot streets, Ridgway, JMk county Fa. Oct. 31, 18G7-ly. H. II. THOMAS. TfALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE V The undersigned has laid out a vil age upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be called ELK. The lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi tho second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. S First purchasers get the Choice lo I at tne cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the nr. der of their application. Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid at the lime oi me application. ftAApplioations will be mado to Job. 0. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Kidgway, mar,29'C6-tf. INSURANCE AGAINST loss or DAMAGE by FIRE THE Lycoming County Mutual Insur ance Company at Muncey, Pa., con tnues to Insure acrainst I. una nr T)amu,. K i ire on all kinds cf Merchandise. Publio and private uildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, 'tanneries, Barns, Stocks of Grain. .. at. tlio lnwoct nnmlM. rates, consistent, with safety to the Insurer 1 r , n., . auu iDsureu. j ne Lycoming county. Mu tual Insurance Comnanv invit gation as to its stability. Its capital auiuuuia iu S3.800.000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis, factorily paid. Its management has always six years fully demonstrates JAMES liLAKZLY, Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary's FURNITURE AT ST- MAKY'S, PA- ASII, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! The subsorihai- Irepna nnnu.1. mlv nn tin.l all sizes cf 2j.sk aad Doors, al.) Wardrobes, Bureaus, Wajjhsiands, Bookcases. Dcks. Lounjea, Bedsteads, Sofas, &c. Picturo Fr-xej, Sash Painted aud Glazed, All work warranted to be of the best mai lerial and workmanship. Cull and examine my work and prices as I feel confident toy work will give satisfac tion and my prices are as iow, if not lowar than they are in any other market. CUAS. L. BAYER, my2SdC7tf. St. Mary's. P. LUMBER. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISII upon short notice the following kinds of Lumber of the best quality. FLOORING AND SIDING, di essed in the best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Also, LATH FOR PLASTERING We will put on oars when required. tej5All orders addsessed to us at this place promptly attended to. SOUTHER, WILLIS & CO. ftamrt liaffwar.P. : JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'60 ly TAUR1E J. BLAKELY, Attorney at law, j and U. S. Commissioner. Kidgway Elk county, Ta. f mar-22'titf-ly. J OB WORK of all kinds and Jes. criptions done at this office. A LP1XE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa., Hor- man Kretst, rroprtolor. etigi) 00 DR. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Ta. rnar-22'OfJ-ly. DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centrevillo, Elk county Pa. lniar-22'OUly. vrntTininu m ... c MTnmn j nas, Warrants, &.O., on hand and for salo at tins otlico. II. VOLK, Manufacturer ami Dcalo j . in Lagtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, Bt. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'GG-l . SOUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys nt Law, Ridgway, Elk county Pa., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. (mar-22'uH-ly "pvR. W. B. H.VRTMAN. St. Mary's, Elk I ; county, ra. Jate ot tne Army ot the 1. i .1, :' ,i a uiiMureu. i ni ubuini uiLClll lull fCIVUIl lu KU cases ot surgical nature. mar-22 btj-jy, GROVE O. MESSENGER, Druggist an.l Dealer in Drugs and Chemicals, Taints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary, Ridgwny, Elk county ra. mar-22'bli-ly. JOiI.NO. HALL .TAS. K. V. HALL. TTALL, & 33RO. Attorn nvs - at - Law. oi. itiaui a : BENZINGER P. O. ELK COUNTY, PA September 20, 18CG. ly. "DATLROAD TrOTTST1.. XV WHEELEK & COBB, PnoruiETons. This house is conveniently nnd pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Brock wayville. Every attention paid to the con venience of guests. Aug. 15. 1807tf THAYER HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER. Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends ana tne puclio generally. decl3'GS ly DAVID THAYER, S. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL, BANKING-HOUSE OF horf, St. vUary's, Uenxlnger P. O, Elk Coitkty, Pinna TTVDE HOUSE, JLl RinowAT, Elk Co., Pa M. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comtort and convenience of guests, to went a continuance of the samo. Oct 2i 1800. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. NOTICE is hereby given that I have tak en out a liconse as anctioneer, and will attend promptly to the calling of all sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling sales without a license wil be held answerable to the strict letter of the law. P, W BARRETT, Dcc2418CGtf. Auctioneer. E XCH AN GE HOTEL. KIDGWAY, PA. J. 11 A LEY l'roprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the nanus or me uiariou Jtiver and Elk Creek, at the lower end of the villaze. Mr. llealv will spare no pains for the convenie.ee! of 1.:. . rr ; 1 t, , ma KucBia, jiv juviiue) one anuauio ffive U 1. ,. . uiui & cuii ami try ms nouse. Sept, 17th'C7-ly. BLACKSMITHING! II. S. UKLNAP rloairpa In it.r.m iu ,t; lens of Ridgway and vicinity that, he has ltiftRfrfl J. S. HvrlA'a Ttlanlrarr,;! K Q 1, Mill street, and has employed good work- uieu who win De ever reaay to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention civan !.- ilm aU.;nn -i . "-"6 ii nurses, ah i asa is a lair trial. liay 17'66-ly. H. F. OVERHOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, I tideway. Elk Co., Pa. Tfae Subscriber (lfaira flQnAtfiillw (a form tho citizens of Hi do- that he is prepared to make to order as well ns it l-uu uu uoaeanywoere, anything in the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. I$$tCloths. Cassimera. VeaMnira tn.1 Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHE APE K THAN THE CHEAP- tar. raue30.v SOMETHING NEW! H0U8E. SIGN So OBHAMEKTAT. PATSTTVO fpilE SUBSCRIBER WOULD R E J spec) fully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has iust otnrto,! i ik. above business in Ridew&v. and fool ifi. dent that he can please all who may favor uiui wnn ineir custom. UttAlMNU PATER HANGING AND CALCIMININO DONE ON SHORT NOTICK A KT IV TUB most fashionable and improved manner and mjuu. uruers leu at this umce or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. V. WILLIAMS, May-17'66-ly. TAKE NOTICE ! ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEM, selves indebted to the undersigned are hereby requested to call and sett le their accounts at their earliest possible conven ience. JOSEPH 8. IIYDJi. Ridgway, August 1, 1867. COAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY I All of superior quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, ot. juaryg, ii.it County, ft. HifOrdere bv mail nromntlr tttend. cd to. fsentie W-tf ATET Allftl VAL ! 1 FALL AND WINTER GOODS!!! C HEAP EST GOODS I N ltlhtfVVAY I AT THK STORE OF Cor. of Main 4" Water, end of Hyde House, Where he has on hand an extensive assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Boot and Shoes, Underclothes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mus. lins and Cult, ooeil Balmoral Skirts, Blankets and Counter panes, Ladies' Dress Triwoiings, Genfs' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Paints, Glass and Putty ! ! ! Call and see my stock before purchasing clsewhero ! Dec. 5,'G7 ly. NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED AND MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom ! AT THE CI1EAP CASH STORE I. V. IIOUK, Main Street, Ridgway, P. HAVING just returned from the eastern cities where I have purchased a large and well selected assortment of goods, I invite the attention of the publio to call and examine my stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hardware Hats, Caps, Boottt, , Shoes, Quoenswara PROVISIONS, io., &o. BUYERS WILL FIND MY STOCK FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the wants of the community. J. V. HOUK. Ridgway, Dec5 ly. All orders for Stoves and Hardwar will be promptly attended to as soon as received, at the 12 07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. RPIIAN'S C0URTSALEiITln"pur8u ance of an order of the (imhnri'i Pnn.i of Elk county, grented on the petition of Peter Chaniberlin and John Chamberlin, guardians of the heirs of A S. Rhines, de ceased, late of Warsaw township, Jefferson county, said euardiana will i nnn in pk. lio Sale on the premises at 1 o'clocl; P. M., on BAiuKUAi, veceroner Zl, 1HU7, all the interest of A. S. Rhines, deceased, being the third interest in all thai certain traot, piece or parcel of land, Bituate in Spring Creek township, Elk county, Pa known as the " Oregon " tract, surveyed upon warrant No. 2956. bounded nn the north hs fCn 90i; and tract known as Carr's tract, on the east Dy no. z'Jio. on tne soutn by No. 2914, on the south irest by Jefferson county line, and on the west bv No. 2811. Al HO AnA HtMm saw-mill in good running order. 'I'tK.uff. uue-thiru or the purchase nionev in hnnd. and thn hiilfini.A In . equal, annuel payments, with interest from interest from the date of confirmation of sale, to be secured by judgment bonds with approved security. 1'Ll tit CHAMBERLIN, JOHN CHAM BKRI.IV Guardians of Heirs of A. S. Rhines, dee'd. novliltds-pd NAILS, SPIKES, HINGEs, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds of builders' materials in general can be had cheaper at the St. Mary's Hardware Store than any other place in Elk county. (n28'U7) IRANK ENTZ, Mebcbant Tailob, Centreviile, Elk county. Pa., desires to inform the citizens of Centreviile and vi- einity, that he is at all times prepared to uo work in a neat ana gatislactory manner, oive me a call. novG'ly LOOK HERE ! WATCHES, JEWELRY it SILVERWARE. riHARLES HOLES, Practical Watchma. I ker. Jeweler and Engraver. Riilrwv Elk county, Pa. The subscriber begs leave to announce to the eitiiens of Ridg. way and vicinity that h U nrmJ i An all work in his lino on short notice and at reasonable rates in the very best manner. Shop in H. S, Bolnap's Stove. Speoial alien, tion paid to engraviug. Jie nas also on baud a large assortment Of Clocks. Watchan. .1 nwnlrv ami Cil - which ho offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give hiio a call. no7T.7if GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, pocket and table cutler, nt w. quality and most aiDrovd !&. r. ..i. cheap at the Hardware Store on Biberger'a eld cornar la BU Mary's. (a29,BT) L