"J'niNTEnsiN Hot YVkatiieii." How true is the following, which wc clip from the Albany E.qr 'I'll ore are no persona, in nil human rol)ulility, who tiro coupcllod to work lis hard us the printer do. t is (i mat. tor of very little consojuciicc whether tho thermometer is lit zero, or a hundred nbove in the shudc. A pnrer must he issued for the jrufol of its patrons, who mayhap arc leisunly reclining from the rxveraive hent, and whose natural debil ity is a very ample apoloity (or such re. creation. The compositor must toil and perspire at hi. daily avocation, aud for very word ho composes, a drop of t-tcniniii;; perspiration, oozes from his body. In the morning ho manages to l.cep cool, at noon he is wasting in the hot and blistering atmosphere, and at evening he is dill at his case. This may seem all very easy lor the reader, but the labor is of no ordinary nature, nor the fatijruc by any meaus light. The day 'a woik over, lie retiros, perhaps to sleep, but more likely to pass a rest less night, and when the snn again peeps forth, he must up and away to his work. Day in and day out this is his usual routine. No change, uo diversion from Lis established course. They who pe ruse their morning news over a cup of coffee, think but little of this. 1'hoy often grumble it so be they do not get thoir paper, or there is a lack of news, but they forget that with the therruoine. ter varying between HO and 100, it is a matter of some labor to furnish a variety of news for tho quiet aud peaceful citi zen who looks for so much from tho printer. Think of this kind patrons, and exhibit more forbearance. Attacked uy a Snake. The fears and dangers of residing in tho mountains are not near all known to the dwellers in towns. The country people are en vied as a happy lace, living in tho world, freed from the associations of society, feeding on the pure products of the land with uouo to molest or make afraid. These suppositions are all set aside by the knowledge ol such facta as we relate iu tho following. The rustic incident occurred west of Kaston, among the rough hills, and beside a cottage seldom visiicd by Easton pedestrians. A few days since Mrs. Peter Schloppc missed her littlo boy. but supposing him to be at some place about the house the did not give herself any trouble. About noon as she went into the garden for vegetables for dinner, to her horror she discovered her littlo son, eighteen months old, enveloped in the folds of a Biiakc teu feet long. She called aloud for her husband, who was working iu a distant field, seeing her child black with strangulation. She heroically took hold of tho reptile and tore it loose. No sootier nad she accomplished this than tho snake vigorously attacked her and coiled itself about her person, attempt ing to strangle her as it did the boy. Again she tore it from her, and succee ded iu killing tho snake with an axe. The reptile was what is called tho 'bluo i accr,' which docs not bite but stran gles, and sometimes they grow to a monstrous length. Free Press. The Simi le EECRET.-Twenty clerks in a store. Twenty hands iu a printing ciflico. Twenty meu in a village. All want to get along in the world, aud all expect to do so. One of the clerks will i ho to bo a partner, and make a fortune. One of the compositors will own a news, paper, and become an influential aud prosperous citizen. One of the apprcn. i ices will become a master builder. One 1 1 the villagers will get a handsomo farm end live like a patriarch. JJut which is di-i-tincd to bo the lucky individual? J.utky ? There is no luck about it. The thing is almost as ccrtaiu as tho Pule i.f Three. Tho young fellow who will distance his competitors is ho who uia.-tcis bis business, who preserves his iiitojj'ily, who lives clearly and purely, who never gets in debt, who gains hiciiii.-' by deserviug them, aud puts his liioiH-j in tho savings bank. There are some ways to fortuuc that look shorter than this dusty old highway, Hut the staunch men of the community, the men who achieve something really worth hav ing, gioJ lortutic, good name, aud a sc. rent oi l r.gc, all go this road. Children tiro qneer customers. Whatever one don't expect them to say t'lity are pretty sure to bolt out. The h.st is a boy of six summers, who sur prise hi mother with the remark : ' I l.avo three fathers!" " Who are they ? " was tho maternal inquiry. ' My father who buys me clothes is o. (joorgo Washington tho father of i ur country, is another, and our Father vtlio art in heaven is. finotbei ." Man. ma drew a sigh of relief. (icon. " Father, what docs a prin.. Ui- live on?" W l.y child ? " " localise jou said you haven't paid hi:ii fur three years aud still take the paper." ' Wife, spank that child." Many ol the haudsome bridal pres. mis exhibited at so called fashionable V' d ling receptions iu New York, are l.iicl of a dealer, who makes quit a living out of it. If you would be known and not known, vegetate in a village ; if ynit would know aud not be known, live iu a c ity. The Chicago Time suggests that 11. i best way to get iho foul water out i ('hioago lliver is to engage Horace ri eley to hail it out. The original moaning of chignon ii i; bbagu. Heads of Cabbage-ub, ladies ! THE PLACETO BUY IS AT Tin: hi now ay KETT BY GHOVE O. MESSENGER, Dealers in Drag, Medieiee, IVnts, Oils, Whit Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per fumeries of nil Kinds, Tho purest Varnish, Brushes of every Stylo and Si zo Pyo Stuffs, rurcConfectionaries Citron, llaisins, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watshos, Jewelry, Kings, Tobaccocs & Segara Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Peitaiuiug to the Drug Business Gen erally. Fure Drugs nt Low Prices I Pure Drugs nt Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety ! American and English Watches 1 American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &o. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Kings, &e. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels 1 Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Kird-Cagcs! Albums, News, Stationery, Kird-Cagcs ! Violio, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, TJaujo and Guitar Strings! mar201800 rilUE SILVER SKIRT. T MORE DURABLE, MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its shape and retain its place better than any otter Skirt. 7 ill 1W lad fceatir ! styie of Skirt (Pat. pntcit ularcn 7, 1605.) whs awarded by the Orcnt American Institute Fair, held iu New lurk, October, 18(i5, l SILVER MEDAL, being the Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Stct-1 Springs are wound with fine plated wire in place of cotton covering which will not wear off or become soiled, mid the whole skirt may be woshed without injury or fear of rusting, aud will be as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the ordina ry .Skirt the advantages or our Silver Skirt tho bottom hoops are tho same as those us ed iu tho Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones ar covered with cotton. No lady having once worn cue of our Skirts, will bo willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of all other tin ds are soon injured and soileed. Tho oet materials arc used in (heir con struclii:n, aud, from their durability and ncattsjs hey are lostincd to become a I'avorito Skirt. Majjuri.it lied solely by tho Silver kirt and Wire Manu i cturing Company, 30 and 32, HAUChAY ST. NEW YOKK. T. S. Sr-KiiBY, Sup't. Aug 9th-ly Take Notice. riMIE UNDESIGNED WISHES TO JL say to the public generally, but more particularly to the peoplo of Elk County that be has opened a Black smith and Wagon-Shop iu St. Mary's-, where ho will be happy to execute nil orders in bis lino with promptness and neatness- I have also purchased the right for Elk County, to manufacture aud sell the F. M. Hubbard Patent Spring Wagon Seat, of which I will soon bave a good supply on band, or will make to order, auy desired style or sizo. I would further notify the people of Elk County that auy person or per sons infringing on my right in the man ufacture or sale of suid seat will bo pros ecuted to the extreme limits ol the law. 6-9-3m LEONARD WITTMANN. VALUABLE LOTS FOB SALE. The undersigned li3 laidjotit a vil. ago upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way l'epot, to be called ELK. The lota are 60 feet front by 100 feel deep front lug towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. Tor the third lot sold, $12u and so on increasing in price us lots are sold. B?U First purchasers get the choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will bo registered In the or der of their application Ten por cent of tho purchase money must be paid at the time of the application. BFJuApplicuiions will He made to J ok 0. Hull, Esq., Ridgway, l'a. J. S. HYDE. RMgway, mnr,20'60-lf. TO CONSUMPTIVES. rilllE Advertiser, having been restored I to health in a few weeks, by a very simple rcmody, after having suffered tvver ai years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption ia anx ious to make known lo his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tho prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing the sanio, which Ihcy will lindaSure Cure for Cou Miiiipiicni, Asthma, ltruiiuhits, &c. The on ly object of the advertiser in sending the I'le-icription, is lo benefit the afflicted, aud spread information which ho conceives lo be invaluable ; aud he hopes every sufferers will try his remedy, ai it will cobt them nothing, and may prove a blesriug. l'aiiies wibhing the prescription, will please uddresi Hkv. EDWARD A. WILKoN. Williamsburg, Kings County, ew Vork.d, Oct. 25th latiO-ly. TI.SIJ'ING CARDS .NEATLY EXECl'T. V ed a' this olhce. EW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKKY, Dealer in Groceries &e., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he bus gone into the Grocory busit jps, and trill open on or about the middle of M ay. H keet consta&tly on banc1 n extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUb, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by thebarrc! or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to come and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Gm. The subscriber begs leave to announce to the citiiens of Elk and adjoining coun. lies that he has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John 8mutz, and that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit, able style, SA I)JDLES,BliiDLES, HARNESS kept constantly on hand at prices to suit the times. Give me a call shop in the sec ond story of Drug Store building, ocll-ly. C. LEVIS. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 35 & 27, Broadway, N. T. Opposite Bowling Green. KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. 'PHE STEVENS HOUSE is WELL J and widely known to the travel ling public. The location is cspeoilly suitable to merchants and business men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the city is on the oighway of Southern ttnd Western travel and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat De pots. Tho Stevens House has liberal acemmo dation for over three hundred guests it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of its inmates. The rooms are spac ious and well ventilated, provided with gas and water, tho attendance iB prompt and respectful, and the table is generously pro vided with every delicacy of the season-a moderato rates. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. May Oth, 1867, Cm. Proprietors. LAJMBER. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH upon short notice the following kinds of Lumber of the best quality. FIOOMNG km SIDING, dressed in tho beet possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Also, Mill FGRP1AS1EIUNG We will put on cars when required. BtSrAll orders addsessed to us at this place promptly attended to. SOUTHER, WILLIS k CO. jun2167tf Ridgway, Pa. PHILADELPHIA &, ERIE EAILBOAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Thrrugh and Direct Route Ictwcen Philadelphia, Baltimore Harris hurg, Williamsport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, APRIL 2!)th, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.00 p. m. " 41 " Ridgway 10.47 a. m; " " arrive at Erie 4.08 p. m Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 noon. " " " Ridgway - 8 49 a. in. " " arrive at Erie 10.00 a. m. IA8TWABD. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.25 a. m. " " " Ridgway 8.47 p. m. ' " arrive at Phildclphia 7.05 a. m. Erio Exp leaves Erie 6.00 p. m. " " " Ridgway -10.41 p. in. ' " arr. at Philadelphia... 1.00 a. ra. Mail and Express train conned with all trtiitu on Warrm and franklin Railway. I'atsrngcrt leaving Philadelphia at 13. OO iW. arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 a. nt. and Oil City D.60a. m. Leavirg Philadelphia at T SO p. m. arrive at Oil City at 4.35 p. m. All trains m Warren Si Franklin Railway make close -connections at Oil City with trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALKRKD L, TYLER, General Superintendent. INSURANCE AO AINST low or DAMAGE by FIRE rTWIE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur J ance Company at Muncey, Pa., coo tiuues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public and private uildinps, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Hams, stocks of Grain, &o., at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safely to tk Insurer and Insured. Tho Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an iovestii gai ion as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 82,800,000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis, faotorily paid. Its management has always boca prudent, as its existence of twenty six years fully demonstrates JAMES BLAKELY, Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary's MEYERS NEWLY IMPROVED eiYSnf gjqle PucMr-itng pianos ! ' Acknowledged to be the best ! London Price Medal, and highest awurds in America, received 1 Melodeons, ttacoud-hand Pianos and Musio. No 72'J, Arch Street, below Eighth, PHILADELPHIA, TA. ap2!2m C OAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY! All of superioi quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, Ft. Mary's, Elk Couuty, Pa. aT Order by mail protuptlj ittend cd to. sentlS Z-U THE PLACE TO BUY IS WHERE YOU CAN BUY The Cheapest Q a n- O Q p tn CO B " c Sl. " W B 2 S' er fe'P" 2.- w iS 1 i S g s o i-"s S ? 2 2. P i- f g3 ? s. 5;-g i O 2L 2 " O 3 45 w 5 ? P O re a O o W H O 4 O a I' la's-2 ui s a o5 2 d ct 5 J 3 g-g-l ft p. M -1- a-1 0 11 B 5 3 d a o J -3 a a w S ex- CS & S. 2- a 2 5 So re " B T to a a 0Q n, g 1 3 B 5. 8- S a E D 3 try IS r re. 5 re re to B re GO o T3 1 o re cr S Ma S a W JO1 re o GO O 55 2. O Cr re O c u B . s3B WE SELL OOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN Erie City GIVE US A CALL, AND WE WILL Prove it PELOUBET ORGANS & MELODEONS. Unanimously awarded tho First Priie, A GOLD MEDAL, "AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. Inst., New Yorkf)ct. 1365. Being pronounced superior in Quality, Power and Variety of Tone, and in number of combinations. "As t fcest instruments of America were there contending, whichever won the battle would have nothing left to conquer." Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-known musical critic. They have also taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two ami three banks of keys six sizes $250 to $1,400. Without pedals, single and double bank in great variety, $05 to $450. These Organs with their smooth, pipcilikc Quality of tone, beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, unequalled pedals, and general organ-like effects, are superior for Churches, Halls, Parlors and Schools. They are put up in cases of Solid Walnut, fancy veneered Wal nut, (new and unique styles) and elegant Kesewood, of splendid deeigas and finish, and of the best workmanship 1 it being intended that each instrument shall be a model of its kind. All instruments down to a fine octave portable Molodeon, have the beautiful Tremolanto stop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our General Wholesale and Retail Ware rooms, 841, Broadway. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our new Blylcs, are now ready. Send for a circular. PELOUBET, PELTON & CO Manufacturers, No. 841, mnrl40m Broadway, N. V. City. T?1EDELIUS VOGT, Practical Clock & X Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pu. Roems next door to lliutenach's Clothing Store. All kintfs of work done done in a satisfactory munaer, and war ruutcd. Consultations in regard to work in the German, rench or English lan guages. March 14, 18o7tf. NEWSHOP. TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES 1!,! John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLESALE & KK'f AIL DEALERS. ST. MAKY'H, PA. Keeps constantly on hand and for Rale, a lare and well selected block of TIN WAKE, STOVES Ac. We have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consist in part of ANT1DUST PAIlLOlt & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be had at our shop cither riveted or proved. Spouting and boohno, done on short notice and at reasonable rates. Juue li'()0-ly. A. 11. Gkay, A. I. Wilcox, R. H. Emebson, E. F. Auasis. QUAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposite Alpine House, Elk Couuty Pa. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Kutter, Cheese, Feed, Corn, Salt, Fish, Pork, Ham, Powder, Cunned Fruits, Beef, Beans, Nails, Glass, AND STAPLE GROCERIES December 20 1860 ly. Si RIDGWAY, PINNJ WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STO II E S AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains ! CALL& SEE March 29th, 1860-ly. LARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnth and unequalled speed, simplicity and completeness of operation, are qualities pe. culiar to the Nonpareil Washing Ma chine. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived from five years extensive use io fcmilies, hotels and public institutions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by rotary motion acting on a crankshaft (with balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious and most powerful that can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from the statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes a minute Safety to the fabrio washed is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen can work the ma. chine, and do a week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to th ree hours' time; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 26,,6G-ly SOMETHING NEW ! I rilHE SUBSCRIBER respectfully desires J to announce to the citizens of Elk county that he has recently fitted up an es tablishment for the manufacture and sule of TIN, COPPER, and SHEET-IRON Ware, on Main Street, in Ridgway, where, by strict attention to business, he hopes to merit the oonfidence and patronage of the community. He will keep on hand an extensive and varied assortment of every kind of TIN WARE, and rupair in the noutest possible manner, all work coming under his super vision. He will also keep on hand a well-assorted stock of STOVES suitable for either Wood or Coal. 3 He desires especially lo call the atten tion of luiulieruieu to the fact that ho can supply I hem with RAFTlNG-STOVES made in a superior manner. Roofing and Spouting done lo order on short 1101 ice. m Bk.0ld Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead and Scrap iron taken in exchange for goods or work. h!uGive hire a call all he asks is a fair trial. Cuxtomcrs will find him at their "SERVICE." C. W. SERVICE. Ridgway, April 4, 1867-tf. JOB PRINTING NEATLY CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at lh Advocate Oflke She lk gi(lioctnte, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the Interests of the People of Elk Co is Pt Bi.isnrn evkbt thvusdat, BircvnTis ir. nmiETT, Office tn thi Court llovac. Tf RMS One D:!!ar aal Fift Cents t i t annum, invariably in aavaut.. No dun tion from these terms. JOHN G. HALL, Proprietor. Hates ol Advertising. Adm'rs and Executor's Notices, each G times f 2 (,() Auditor's Notices, each 2 CU Transient Advrlising, per square of 10 lines or less, 3 times or less 2 00 Por each subsequent insertion H.) Professional cdars, 1 year 0 CO S oecial notices per line 1ft Obituary and Marriage Notices, each 1 W Yearly Advertising, one squnrc lo (" Ysarly Advertising, two squares 10(10 Y;at'y Advcr'ing three Bqunrcs i!U 00 Y Jarly Advertising, column M 00 Yjarly Advertisng, column ;!.r) ()0 Ysarly Ad.ctising, 1 column 70 00 Advertisements displayed more than ordinarily will be charged for at the late (per column) of 00 00 J OBBING DEPARTMENT. Having lately added materially to ojr stock of Job Type, we are prepared to do all kinds of work in a manner which cim not be excelled by any establishment be tween Williamsport and Erie. Cards. Bill Heads, Programme Checks, Notes, Handbills, Blanks, Envelope?, Labels. Tags, Visiting Cards, Letter lien I3 and any other work usually djne in a coun. try office. (fillt ajmtntg girMori. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge R. G. Whito. Additional Law Judge Wtn. P. Wi'.liams. Associate Judges E. C. Scliultze, Jesso Kylcr. District Attorney L. J. Blakely. Sheriff James A. Matona. Prothonotary, &e. G. A. Riillibun Treasurer James Coyne. Co. Superintendent James 1'lakclv. Commissioners William A. lily, j. W. Taylor, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark Wiloos, Eyron J. Jonoe, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Geo. Walm.-ley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January. Last Mouday in April. First Monday in August. First Monday in November. B E A L E ' S (LATK I'OWEI.l'b) EMBROCATION! I7IOR ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO Horses, Cattlo and tho Human Mesh, requiring the use of an external application. This new Compound, prepared by :i prsii tical Chemist having a full knowledge rf all the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of the kind ye t of fered to the public as an external n ('plica tion for the diseases for which ir is recom mended. We are satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence of all who use it, and those who try it onco wilt never be without it, and therefore we rely on ex perience as the best test of its u-ii fuiness. It is pronounced by Farriers, and nil who have tried it to be the best application, ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, and il U only through the increasing demand and urgent request of my friends and the Public that I send it forth as the grand remedial aeiit for the various diseases to which that noblu and useful animal, the HORSE, is subject. Many remedies have been offered to the Public under different forms, some of these are injurious, others at best of littlo uso, and many wholly improper to answer tho purposes for which they are recommended. A judicious una really useful composition frco from those objections, has therct'oro long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are unwilling to trust them to the care of designing and pretending Furriers. Their wishes iiro at length fully gratified, by Dr. l!ta!o being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (which has proved so elMcaciou lo the various diseases) to be prepared oud brought out to the public. This embrocation was extensively used by the Government during the war. Address all orders to DR. KDMOND BEAI.E, 002, South Second St, l'liil'a. 8SrFor Sale by Bor dwell & Mes.-i-nner, Ridgway, Pa. uplioly rilHE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used I on Billiard Tables is tho CAT-GUT CUSHION, Manufactured by Kavanagh & Di i I.it, and patented Deo 18, 18(10. (Soc Scientific Am erican, voliimo 10, number 11.) It is the ONLY Cushion that M,s,jeK3?s all the qualities essential toapcrl'cet Cush ion. If is tho most eluslio and uh.si dmal! Cushion ever otl'ereJ to the biMiai 1 -playing public, as is abundantly proven by tho grout demand for it since its ii.t n -In, 'tion. Tho peculiarity which distinguishes In CAT -GUT Cushion and renders il -111 M-ior lo all others, is the lightened r"i J ul' rat gul which overlies the face and edye ol'thu rubber, and running the full lrn"li "f th ; Cushion, which prevents the ball ii innh -.l ding into the rubber and jumping from tlio table. The additiou of the rai-'jui e..id also adds much to the elasticity of the Cush ion. The CAT-GUT Cushion hasi.lrea.lv been applied to over 1IMSI tables which u-e in constant uso. It can be applied 1,1 I, .Vies of uny uiuko, for SwA per sel. KAVANAGH & DECKER'! Ka. i ry, at the corner of Centre and Can 1! N.v. is, N. Y., Is the must complete of il - I. in i in Hu world. The machinery is ol the in im proved character, the luiubei in ; room ihe largest in the Uuiled Stuns, -he mate rial used ihe best that can l.e 1 ve lved, un l the workmen thoroughly iile.1 Billiard Cloth, Balls, Cr s 1.1, I Trim mings, all of Ihe best make, c.n.-.iatnly 011 hand. Kavunagh and Decker arc the only agents in this coiiuiry for KAY'S Cl i: CKMI.NT, adjudged by competent aulluiiiies to bo the best cement ever used. Full Size Tables cut down for SiO. ? n l fur Jiiistratcd Pi i c List. KAVANAGH DECKEll. Cor of Centre and Canal ?.n., apSOly Ntw York City.