hc ,tlvoraie. 4v JOHX 0. I1AT.I,, I'BOI'KIBTOR. . MOUBI, rtiii.tsiiiu. TiriTUSDAY: July ::::::: :"ilih, 1807. I'K.MOCUATI'J STATE TICKHT. tnn JumiK or ran si'int:Mn norm-, HON. GilO. SHAR.SWCOD, OF 1'IIII.ADKU'UlA. l.'EOBO SUFFE ACE IK THE NORTH. It is now ijuito cv"nl'iit iliatfjo llali. cals arc prepared to force sciro sufimgc upon the people i f the Ninth by Con gressional notion.' At the Inst niocUnj; of the National Ilouso of Urprescutrl. tives tlie JuJicary Committee wp.s in. dructcd tn inquire whether, under tin Oonstitutwn, Congress has power to prescribe the qualifications of voters :r. tho several States, nu-l, if deemg.1 ex pedient, to report a bill prescribing the panic. This is a movement in the same direction as that male- by Senator Wil ten, and tho adoption of tho resolution shews that the majority are wiliinp; to take this advanced ground, and hold it, if passible, by an appeal to the people. TliC iMvuetu n yiveu to the eeiuinit. tec with reUreuce to tho cohiUitutiounl power of Congress to interfere vrith'tlhe qualifications of voters in the several States is a mere cheat. No inan who has read the Constitution, or is at all ac quainted with the theory of our govern ment, will pretend that Congress has a right to My who shall and vho shall not be citizens of a State and exercise the elective franchise therein. That is aright belonging to the people of the several Stai.es. Why should the , citi zens of Maine force upon those of Penu. Bylvania or Ohio a class of vutcrd they do not desire to have a voice in public tiffairs ? The Constitution gives them no such vijiht, nor was it ever claimed, until tlielladicais came into power and openly set at defiance the plain provis ions of that instrument. Negro suffrage was forced upon the South by Congres sional action in order to build up a Radical party iu that section of the Union, and negro suffrage will be inau gurated ia the North by the same means, as a scheme for strengthening thp !mo i- 'Tiiization iu jhe North, lwllot into the hinds of any class they please within the territory of a sover eign and indepetdatit Siatc, then they havo the right to deprive of the elective fninehi.-o any o.her class that way fall under the ban of factional or partisan disple:i-jve. 11 Congress can constitutionally use- the one power they can exercise the oilier slso. If tho uc f;roci of Pennsylvania may be enfran chised by Congressional action, the whites may bo disenfranchised in the fame manner. This is a fair iuterper tation of tho position assumed by the 1'adieuls when they assert tind main tain the power of Congress under the Constitution to enter a Ktato nnd raise the negroes to the full stature of American citizenship, nnd the people must look at it iu this light. What H'ould be the practical effect if Congress should exercise the power to declare who should and who should not lo citizens of a State? Certainly the dominant party, as a means of porpetuat 1 its authority, of holding the purse ; nd directing the a void, would ostracise all who differed with them iu politic:'.' opinions and sVu'.imcut?. If negroes would suj poit their policy aud candi dates, they would be allowed to Bp (touch the bulloUbox, it white men i'ared to face tlie governing faction, and vote necnr-V.nsr to their cum '.cliuji, the i so of parti.-an bigotry would fall upon 'heir light of vo'.iug. Iu this manner tho great distinctive feature of our sys tern of government would 1)3 turned hem its Irgititiiatc cl ai.r.il and made a potent instrumcntj.iii destroying iho lie. public, and setting up iu its stead a des. potism fur more ktulorable than that of Jiuwia or Turkey. ... Negro suffrage, as sought to bo en forced iu tho Nor.h by Congressional action, is a plain it-vauui of tho great principles on which the Aioericiu elec tive sy.'teiu rests', and ul.-o a direct at tack upon tho rights df white inru. A party that, in djlianco of the plain and fvident- meaning of the Constitution, will force terrain piT.-.ou.4 into citi.i u sh'o u..a fcjlatp by Co:ii'Ca..iouul action, will t'i ." iiiehise oilicns by tho same means, when such a com so is necessary in order to perpetuate their power. It is tho intention of tho Ttadicgls to eon fe.' the b illut, uuju thu ucgro in the Northern States, and uae him lis a o lilical auxiliary. When that point is reached, the next step will be to dis. franchise white men who differ with them as to political measures. This is what will follow negro suffrage by Con gresional tuition, and whito men must prepare for the issue. " Erinr.ipiit .'oh ulu," oppose the very beginning of evil, is always sound po'iey. Let tho free men of Pennsylvania oppose in a united phalanx this attempt to f.ireo negro suf Irago upon the North as a moaeuro of selt-presorvation. If they boldly con front the question now presented, they will not be compelled to face that which iuvolvcs tho disfranchisement of white men in tho future l'hihuMjdtia Age. Shall tl'c H'iu 7 Shall we win in tho pending politi cal contest? lemoerats of Pennsylva nia, 'shall wo win a great and crowning victory at the election in October 'I Shall we elect Judj'c Shar.swood and crudi out radicalism f.a ,tho good old KrysLouo :Stutc ? Wo can do it. Wc have the power. A full poll of out vote will secure tho ics'.-cd result bo yond a peradventurc. There is not a ile.publican iu the State who doubts it. .Many of llictu already give up the con test. We have heard very intclfigcut men among them concede that wo would carry tho ."tate of Pennsylvania this fall. Khali wo do so ? What say you reader ? Arc you ready to do your full share of tho great work ? We can win, but wo can . not win without proper effort. There must be a perfect o:gmization of tho bemocrotic party iu every election district iu tlie State uo half way work, but a com. plete and systematic organization, such as will bring every vote to tho poll. Thousauds of honest Republicans are ready to turn in with us. They must bo properly approached, and every in flueucc must be brought to bear upon them. Democratic newspapers must be largely circulated ; your local paper first, and others afterwards. There must be public meetings and addresses by the best speakers who cau bo pro cured, and there will bo when the time comes ; but the great bulk of the work must bo done through other and more quiet agencies. Organization is what is needed close, perfect, aud effective organization in every election district. With that wo shall wipe out tho Ttadi. cal majority in Pennsylvania and make itcertain that tho clectorial vote of the Stato will bo cast on tho right side in the coming Presidential contest. Wc can give Judge Sharswood at least twenty thousand majority. Shall wo do it '! What say you reader ? Lan caster Lttdliymccr. The Siirrall Case. Mr. J. II. Bradley, Jr., opened the case for the defense, and said the time had at last arrived in this case when the - .-). --y -AM- " n ucu " uul only his guiltlcssucss. may bo shown, but the pure fame of his departed moth er may be vindicated. Tho difficulty of at first summoning a juiy was advert, cd to, and after complimentary remarks to the jury, Mr. Kradlty said tho attor neys for the defense camotoiho trial of this case in full confidence of the inuoconee of the prisouor. They had come to this conclusion not from sym pathy, but after a full aud caudid inves. tigation of all the circumstances sur rounding the case. All that tho pris oner asked was a fair and full trial, and ho trusted tho verdict of tho jury would set at rest all tho misunderstood circum stances of this case. Every man was pre sumei to be innoceut until proven guil. ty, and yet in this caso tho Assistant District Attorney, in his opening remar ks, spoke of the defendant ;8 a monstei of iuiquity. Obituary. JaUKS M. Wayue, one of tho judges of the tiuprcme of tho United States, died i-n Washington on tlie 6th. Judge Wayne was a native' of Savannah, G jtrgia, and a graduate of Nassau Hall, New Jersey. After the close of tiis collegiate course, he studied hivr, and was admitted to practice in his native iTT t. tovn. ncwas eicctea a member of the Ueneral Assembly of the State a? an opponent of the "' relief law," and held this position two terms, declining a reuomination for the third. lie then served ns Mayor of his native ciry, and artcrward as Judge of tho Superior Court. lie was elected toConprcps in .), holding th-.xt po-itio?) unfit lg:5( when he was appointed to a seat on the Supremo Uench by President Jackson, of whom ho had been a warm political supporter. Judge Wayne' specialty was admiralty jurisprudence, and his opinions upon these subjects wcro held in high estimation. As tho amended law provides for reducing Iho number of ju l-es, the vacancy occasioned bv the death of J udgo Wayne will not be Elled. Hon L. WY "Powell, formerly Giv irtor of Kentucky, and subsequently United States Senator, died at his i-om-donee in Henderson, Ky., on tho 3d. Mr. Powell was Lorn in Heiidcrsou Cr.un'y'c n the Cith of Out.b. r, 1812. He graduated at St. Joseph's College, Pardstown, in lS.'M ; studied law at the Transylvania University, and came to the bar in In " June, 1S3(, ho was electee! to Iho Legislature, aud from 1851 to IK;");"! ho was Governor of tho Stato. In 1359 he was chosen to tho United States Senate, iu which he served on tho Judieiiry, IVusious, aud Printing Committees.. Tlicro uro multitudes of lolks who mean well cuiitl, but how like the devil jhey aet- Washington, July G. Tho discussion in the Senate, yester day, has convinced those in favor of impeachment that they can do noth ing ut tho present Rcssion, and they now advocate a rc-asseuibling of Congress iu October, when they hopo to bo more successful. Tho President will sendo Congress, on Manday, a voluminous document on the workim; of the Reconstruction law, embracing his correspondence with tho Generals commanding tho various mili tary districts. Philadelphia, July 0. By special telegrams through the Atlantic cable, da'cd London, Liverpool, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Brussels, Berne, Rome aud Lisbon, on the 4th of July, wo learn that tho national aunivorsary was generally observed with joyous fotcs by our eountrymcn abroad. Pittsburg, July 0. Tho machine shop at the . Pennsylva nia Railroad depot caught fire yesterday from aceidential ignition ;of oil from the painters' heating apparatus. The build, ing was three stories in height, and was entirely consumed. Loss G0 to ?7l, 000. London, July 6. Minister Adams succeeded in his ef forts with tha British Government to obtain tho liberty of tho convicted Io nian, Corydon. He has been set at liberty, aud will shortly sail for Ameri ca. Breadstuff dull and unchanged. There are one million Scandiua vians, i. e. Norwegians, Swedes, and Danes, iu the United States. New York has about forty thousand, Brook lyn Gvc, Boston one, Chicago twenty, St. Louis one, San Francisco two, ard olhcr towns in tho West about twelve thousand. They ara mostly farmers in the Northwsst, vhero they havo formed large settlements. Those who settle in the cities are mechanics and merchants, and make smart business men. They havo several journals aud keep well posted up in all that occurs of interest in tho country. If UJIAS nature is the samo awl over tho world, except in New England, and thar it is according to circumstances. Rum is rather good in its place, and hell is the plac; lor it. If I had a boy who didn't lie well enough to suit me, I would set him to tending a retail dry goods store. When a fellow gets agoing down bill it docs seem as though everything "bad been greased tor the occasion. He who can wear a clean shirt for a whole week, and keep it clean, ain't fit for anything else. I never yet knew a fool who hadn't a good voice. Thieves hunt in couples, but a liar has no accomplice. General Thomas Francis Meagher, Secretary and Acting Governor of Moo. tnnn Tprritnru from.thfc jieck.of the the evening ot the 1st lust., and was drowned. At the last accounts his re mains had not been found, the darkness oi tne nu;lir, and tho rapidity of tho current prevented any rescue. ANNOUNCKMENTS. PIUNTKK'S l-'EE. Assembly and Treasu rer, !?IO each ; Commissioner, 7 ; Jury Commissioner mid District Attorney, $5 each ; Auditor and Coroner, $3 each. o notice will he taken of announcements unaccompanied with tho cash as por above rules. assembly:. WFi arc authorized to announce tho namo of JOHN LAWSIIE, Esq., of ClearUold county, s a candidate for Assembly, in the district composed of tho counties of Cloaifield, Elk aud For est, subject to the action of the Demo cratic party in said district. . COUNT Y TKHASUHER.- WE arc authorized to announce the name of HEN 111" WARXKR, Esq., of Jones township, as a candidate for tho office of County Treasurer, sub ject to the action of , tho Democratic County Convention. lciu gdccrlftriimcnls. I ONl-1 ITOfTHl-l IVHTU-A TV.v, v-" .miy a ii e iiViO lit I Bl'. MARY'S BOROUGH FOR- S AJL E. riUIK SL'I'SCKIBER offers for salo the 1. property on tlio coiner of Mvhl and A !iln ut .nutj (t. .l.-:..: i ...... ihiiiiit town 01 oi,, Mary's. The house is a good, new Iwo story frame building The oiulmildincjs ,irn nil pood, TIkto ia alpo a npleiolid spring of pure water ou (lie lot ou which tho house is e rected. For further particulars inquire of t!io subscriber on tho premises. . D ,r JOHN ItOTE. St. Mary s, july llllpd rilhefliibsoribor begs leave to announce to . tho oitizeus of Elk and adjoining coun. ties that lie 1ms purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Eiimtz, nnd that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit able stylo, SADDLESIUDLESJIAHXESS kept constantly on hand at prioe to suit (he times, (live me a oall shop in the sco oudslory of Drug Store building. ocll-ly. c. LEVIS. TyTOTICU OF DISSOLUTION. THE .y partnership heretofore existing be. I ceil Iho undersigned, under tha firm Diimo of Jloi-dwell a Messenger, isil.is day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts of the Into firm remain iu the hands of G. G. Messenger for settlement. J, K. lit) R I) W HI. I,, o, , , 4J"L M1SSSHNGKR. Juno Cd, 18l7iOt. E nvki,oi'i:h. i.aiikis thu : J ly pnuted ut Ilia Advocate Office C Alllis," HAN DRILLS, RlLTliiluS, Sic, neatly printed at this ollice, MUCK! 1UUVIC! ! MUCKS! 1 rrriK sunsoninEits I oiler for sale-a superior lot of BRICK in largo or small quantities, at. their new brickyard, ST. MARY'S, Elk county, ltUTLER A CO. St. Mary's, July 11, 1807 tf. Rogistor'i Notices. NOTICE is hereby given that ,T. IV. llrown and Charles Winslow, adirin lstratoiH of the cslnle of Hlien Winslow, do. ccasud have filed their accounts in my office, and that tho same will bo presented at Hie next term of tho Orphan's Court for confir mation. GEO. A. KATllltUN, jur.l7'C7te. Register. NOTICE is hereby given that 'J hoinaB Schluttenhott'er nnd Francis Mohlut tenhotfer, aieautors of the last will And testament of Wolfgang SuhlutlijnhoHar de ceased, have filed their accounts in my ,ef. lice, nnd that the same will be nresenlud at tho next term of the Orphan's Court for , conflrmatiim. UliU. A. HATHRUN, julylll8G7 Register. liissolution of PartnerBUin. mire I be (ley dis IIE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist- between the undersigned has been this ssotvea hy mutual consent. All per sons having unsettled accounts with said firm are requosted to make immediate pay ment to Short & Wilcox, in whose hands the books arc left for collection. JOHN iwrm. O. M.ANCUARD. june 25, 18G7 julllOtpd. M ARY' MONK1.AN, "1 In the Court of Dy her next friend I Common lMensuf vs !- Elk co. Jo. 7, j January tcmi,(i7. MICHAEL MOXIGAN, J Subp. in Divorce To Michael . Monignn : Take notice tho you are required to appear at tho term of said Court to be held ut Ridgwny on the first Monday of August next, to answer the complaint of the libellunt in this case. Sheriff's Office, 1J.A. MALONE. Ridgway, July 5,'ti7 Sheriff, j B- Y VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of Venditioni Ejponas, issued out of the Court of Coiumou Picas f' Elk county, and to mo directed, there' will be exposed to PUBLIC SALE at the Court House in Ridgway, on Mon. day, the 5th day of August, next, the following described Real Estate to wit : AH that certain lot or piece of ground situate iu the borough of St, Mary's, couu ty of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania, bouu. ded And described as follows : lieginuing at. a post on tho south side or line of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, thence south 37 30' cast 18 feat 7 in. to a post on Weis and limner's line, thenco along sititl lino north 50 15' cast O'i feet 8 inches to post, thence north 7 30' west 153 foot 0 inches to a post on the south lino of-fhe railroad aforesaid, thence along said south lino of said railroad UO feet to the plaoe of beginning, containing 8,573 square feet, exclusive of the road to the railroad dopot, upon which is erected one two-story build, ing with stouo basement calculated for a storehouse one story and a half building with stone basement occupied ns a dwell ing houso, with stone foundation for ano ther. Seized aLd token in execution, and to be sold as the properly of John Rauh. ALSO, AU that certain lot or piece of ground alt ante in the borough of St. Mary's in the county of Elk and Slaiojjni.vWajil ning ut a post ou the south sido of lino of Philadelphia & Erie railroad, thence south 87 So' cast ICS foot 7 inches to a post on Weis & Brunor's line, thence along said line north 50 15' east Oil feet 7 inches to a post, thenco north 37 80' west 163 ftiet to a pest on tho south line of the railroad aforesaid, thence, thenco nlong suth line of said railroad (10 leet to the place of .bo ginning, conlaining 8,573 squnro feet, ox clusiv e f the road to the railroad depot, upon which is erected one two story build ing with stono basemout, calculated for a storehouse one story and a half building with stone basement, occupied ns a dwell, ing houso, with stone foundation fof another house. Seiaed nnd taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of John Riiuh ALSO, AU that, certuiu lot or piece of ground situato in tho borough of St. Mary's, oouuty of Elk, aud Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows Beginning at a post on the south side of lino of thcl'hil'a. it Erie railroad thence souili 87 30' eiwt lots tect i luches to a post ou Weis & lim ner's lino, theueu along said line iiorlli.CO3 16' cast 02 feet. 3 inches to a post, thonce north 87 30' west 153 feet and (J in. lo a post on the south line of tho ruilrond ufore. said, thence along said south lino of said railroad 00 feet to tho place of boginniug, containing 8,573 square feet, exclusive u,f the road to the railroad deuot. nnou which is erected ono two story building with stone basement calculated for a storehouse one story and a half building wilh stone base- mcnt ocoupied as a dwelliue hffusc. with! stono foundation for another house. Poked and taken in execution and (o bo sold astUc' p-nnpvty of John Rauh nt the suit of Siogel I BCOtH -IAS. A. WAU?!K, HueriK. PHILADELPHIA &, ERIE RAILUOAD, SUMMER TIME TABLE. Thrrujh and Direct Uaut,' hctinwn Pliiliulitjhia, Jlittitnurc m-rin-I'tti'y, Wiliiiiimiort, and ttu O R E A T O 1 L ,' E G I 0 A of Pennsylvania. ELEQAN T "sLKKPIMJ CAES Ou nil Night Truing. ON and after MONDAY, APItlE yjtih, the trains ou tho Philudelphia & Jiric Kailroad will run us follows : WESTWAnn. Mail Train lonves Philadelphia.. 7.00 p. -n . Kidgwav . iv. ii a, " " arrive nt Erie... Erie Exp leaves Pliiladelph " " " Itiduway.. " " arrive at Erio im. 4. OK p. in. 12.00 jioaii. . 3.4!) a. an. 10.00 a. iiu. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 "5 a " Hidwny ;i.'47 p.' " " arrive at PhildelphU 7.05 a. Erio Expletives Erio f, 00 n " ltidgway 10.4 In.' " arr. at Philadelphia... 1.00 . Mail ami Arp.-tn trams tanned teith.ail tratm on Warren and Franklin Jiailwai. Faaitngert leaving I'hiladelylua at 12.00 M. arrive, at fi rineton at G.40 a. m. ami Oil Vila 9.50 a. m. Learirg 1'liUad, Iphia uf. StOp. m. arrive at Oil Cttti at 4. 85 p. m. Ail ti'iiiiu on, Warruu & Erankliii Itnilwiiy make close connections ut Oil CilywiiCh trains Ut FiMiiklin aud Petroleum Centra. HAG GAGE CHfX'KEU THKOUUIl ALKKEl) L. TVEER, -- ' . Ueneral Snpeiintendout. CHEAPEST POOL'S JN THIS COUNTRY A re Sold by WEIS DHOTIIERS f Successors to Ceo. Weis. ar.M,Eits is St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE " "OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND "SHOES! We have :no hesitation in snyi-oj that in 'this department of onr establishment, we can :givo "bargains "to our customers "with 'Which they cannot fail to be satis fied. We buy 'our -stock direct from '.the .Manufacturer, pt'ichardsons' Colo, bintfed Hoot & Shoe Manufactory, Elm'i--ra, Nck York. "We warrant all goods in this line sold from our establishment. JJE ATY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE .ARE PREPARED 'TO OTTER To our -custoniers in ;thia lino Ibargaitus which cannot be undersuld in Elk coun ty. Oar stock is large, well selected, and is especially adapted -to the wants of the community. JAPIES' DRY ec FANCY COODS, Ad Unequalled Assortment 1 Muslins, '.Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines, Moire Antiques, Chintecs, White .Goods, Cloths, Flauuels, Ucrctrea, Jjacos, Curacts, In lact wo have cvory thiu connected 4 . I T . .T witu jjauica w ear. V e are dctoriuiu- eJ .to .sell hwcv,,aheupcr and BET TEL Coods than :any other firm in the coun ty. Give us acall, we'll prove it. JLJAltlv'ELL WHAT WE SAY. Vic Sell the .Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Si-Id in JElk County. 'Our Stock of 0 1 IS IMMESSE, And we (confidently .flatter ourf!6lve3 that bettor Olothiuff AXrWlIEHE. oaunot be ibund Torsous, belore puroliasiug elfiewlicrc I would 4o -wotl to si ve ;ub a call. o trouble to show our tlooda. Ao, In Jliivlbiss Tariciy, and (CJirJWEl? ftan Hi? CHEAPEST! At 'the Stone -uT I i X 05 In St. Maiy's, Elk duality, Pa, pTPS,TC13ACCOES & 5ES AES. We lia ve now on iLaud AS EICELLEKT ASSOKTWEKT, BTLiioh ibe uid jt a i VE 32 Y & SL il U M T A li AKCE On nmt tend .tuiimiage.. j HK&" Qu.r &tn,ea urn lilkC iuoid .ktne XLaZHug Mi Main JfHtrmlt. CJJAXCE rvil A VAUGAWS 109 Acroi Timber land in Eli Count 5of 8ale at a Hargpjn '. fl-'HE ABOVE MF.M'M:n TTSACT OJ' 1 hind is situated about, one-iinb' niil from Kersey Run, in Jay ittwnship, unia well timbered with WHITE OAK and HEMLOCK, four acres ant Cleared and under good rtnte -of cultivation. Jta continuity o Xersey Run mxtOacs it one of the Jnout valuable tracts of laud Lu this part of the conutry. There are two coul ba-nkfl opened Oin tho tract, which nvc i'oiu- feel thick, anfl :fho cool of thelieft quality. 1 have also one spun of hornes jtnd nme yrtlte f oxen which will he sold wry chcap. J" or further pnrticulnvs inquire f llio the sulisor'ibRT or Oliver tSarflr.cr. ait i&ilf (Vnin Tost Ofacc, Elk -county, l'a. july!H80CBm J .US ITS WEED. T UlUl 1IOTJSK, AJ fct. Maiy's ULk Gunnty, IPa. i bis well known hnuaelian been enlLnelr rclicied and nuwly furniBhed with a deaii-b to meet t he wants of the travelling .oomniU" nitp, and to make it an A, So. 1 iiotul. Barussontters taken to and Irom eho Depot free of charge. ' GEO. HAT HOUN, - jun27vC71y. rroprietar. Divorce TIctices. IN the Court nf Coinmon TlfiaH of Elk -co., l'a., No. 7. January iterm, 1867. Mary loiii)j;un, by her next .friend, . vs. Wichucl AInnijan. Tho uudt'i-sij;iied, appointed liy the said Court, to take testimony in tlie above Di vorce ons-j, hereby fflves notice to those In tcresioil, tlmt lie will attend at. the 'house of Mrs. Elizabeth AViuslow, in itoncsett, ElK county, Ta., on Tuesday, the 2!ld day of J.uly jieu., i'or.the pei-fornianoo of said dutj-. RUEl'S LUODRE, ' . juu"7'07 te. Commissioner. IN the Count of Common Tlons of Elkico., l'a. No. 1.1, Noveinber turni, JUliQ. ,Jos. T. Ilimonld vs. Nancy M. Hanonld. .The undersigned, appointed by the aiU Court, to take testimony in the above Di vorce case, hereby gives notice to those in terested, that ho will attend to the perfori maiice of said duty, at Oyster's Hotel, in Fox townnhip, Elk county, l'a., un Monday, the !Uh d'.y of July next. jo un c. McAllister, jun27''i7-tc. Commissioner. N the Court of Common Pleas of Elk co.. l'a., No. H. Novcnibcr term. 18li(i. Harriet Mi Culloiurh, by her next friend. Jacob Fields, vs. Julius MeCtilloutfh. The uiidin-ained, appointed by tho said Court to take testimony in tho above Di vorce case, hereby p;ives notice to those in terested, that he will attend to the jierfur mnnce of said ditty, at Oyster's Hotel, in i'os township, Elk county, l'a., on Monday, the '2'Jk day of Julv ncxt. JOHN C. MoC.VLEISTEK, jun27'G7.tn. .Coimuisaioner. , 'J H'TUE -M1LL1SBRY EST ATLTf If M-EXT reountly oponod by Miss DAOLiETT ul the residence of Mrs. J. X. Ilouk, has been removed to the rooms over ;T. V. Houk's tStore, -where will be kept a nico assortment of .F-pHi'ci ;)n0 Siiiiiloci WIllli):!)). DHEvSS-TJU.MMING-ti. STAMPED .WOIUC Stuuipiu-: and Dress.nmking done. Mrs. J. V. HOCK. my231807tf IUdgwny, l'u. 8TEVENS lloCSl-:, .21, 23, 35 it: 27, Jinicuiva, 2T. Y. Oppnnito Tifiwli'icr Crern. KEPT ON TMH ECKOPEAN PLAN. MU1E iSTKVKJSS JiOCSE is WELL J. and widely known to the travt-1-n public. The lociiti-m is especially suitable lo nierchauts and bu-iinots w'- it is in close proximity lo the business pa:-t of t'.ic city ia on the ni-chwny uf .Suulhern and Wo,ievu travel aud adjacent to alt the principal Kr.ilroad and Steumboat De pots. The Stevens House has liberal acemmo d.ition for over three hundred fuofitg it is well fill-niched, ami possessor vi-.y modern improvement for the oomfoi-l ni.d untortain nicui of its . inmates. Tin; rooms arc spac ious and well ventilated, provided with g.n and water, Iho attendiiuce is prompt an-' respectful, and the table la generously pro vided with every delicacy. 0f the season-a moderate rates. GEO. K. .CHARE & CO. 3iuy 0!U,jISG7, Cm. Proprietors. LUMBER. "- -T7-E AIIE PUEPAUED TO FUKNISH f upon short notice the following kiudu of .Lumber of the best guality. FIOOniG ANB SIDING, dressed in the best possihle manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for -use. Also LATH FOB I'LASTEIilXG VTe will put on cars when rc'jiiirod. ' 15? A II oi-cIbth nddseBoed in .lia .nt It in jdaueptymptly attended to. SOUTHER, WMI.tlS &CO. .jun2107-tf Ridgway, . Mi.3JVl2 or riii.ni "llTM. M. PIXCERir AND JOSEPH y KlUKPATillOlI have tills day witlw dr:i n f;-(.in U,a $m f Short, HiiUi Co. The undfi-Kijjnod rei.iaii-.inp; eo-)iarltiiu'B wal couiMiiiie the bin.kiu.or biniius under the nld Jiijnaiame, iHOI!T, HALL CO. f'- f?HOKT, -JNO. G. UAIi, vr , .. I" V-O'IXME'I!. .--lljH'' lf' 'J- K- J- ;H(L. .13TTL,J3 TJP1 & TVIE5U lln il,u J W-N'Ci Elt linrine l!(-cn ;t-li Im sived,.ull poi-Hons iudobi.ed to said .firm are r.Kiiiosteti to -make -fnrniKdiiii-0 Htt,l(,n.B.,t wn h 'theiiindorsicnnd. in u;I..,m 1......U rfi.. Imiiks are loll fur Mmt nin-niwe Juno Gil, 1RIVMC. Aelcixwlml-rcd in lie HjUo 4uiKt :! LiuiiUiu J'i i;ie ilml;il, iujjhimi uwariht iiu Aiu-nuea, a-t(Uvod Mulc-l(nii. trieciiiiil-lliiiii.l J'iauos and ilunio. 3 .( , Ai'cii Si(Tni . lnii.iw .Kip-hi.U, i'ilU.AliEU'JJlA, a A. ajliSlitiu 0M !. oiitiK avt in-R'Erir im Atl oil' siriKM-itn .uimHiw. -a-wa1ik4. Xanacrdale Coal Com tub v 5L Mi..!. u-i...ZZ..FMtjf ' -v uu -miuiuij, g Jfea'Mirduti dro guiTill !rii-,iBj.i. i.; l ed ito. BeptIt3 i-tl