Mili S1LYEU .' KlHT. JIOKE LHjll.U'.I.E, - . J10UE ELASTIC, . M011E UHACEI-TL! Anil will rep its phnpe nnil rotnin ils place boiler n any ol I cr .Skirl. This tiewnnd lio.atiful style of Skirl (Tnt ruled Mnrvli 7, IHiio. ) was nwnrdid by tlio ircat Anioricnn Institute l-'uir, held in .'ew York, Wctohcr, lH'f, a SILVER MEDAL, lieinp the Highest Premium ever given for ii ll'inp SUiit. The Stcrl Spring are wound willi fine plnud wire in place ef n entleil covering which wilt nut wear oil er become Piiilcd, nnd the whlo skirl tuny be woshod without injury ur fear of rusting, and will lie n.s good us Bow. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the ordinn Ty Skin The ndvrvnlnpe? or our Silver Skirt the bottom hoop nro the tame ns tlio;-e us ed in the Sihi i Skii U the covering of w hich cannot wear t If, while the u per ones urn covered with cotton. No lady having once wurn euc ol our Skirls', will be. willing to wcr any Mh'er, in the lower hoops of nil other kinds are soon injured and Miileed. TJiq best inntccinls are used in their Con ptruttion, nnd, from their durability and neatness they are destined to become a 1'nvorito Skirt. Manufactured solely by t tic Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, . SO and 32, lURC-lu-lY ST, NEW YORK. T. S. Si'KEnv, Sup't. Aug fllh-ly sl AAPKlt YEAH! I tJJJ want Agents everywhere to icll our iMPitnvKi) $-0 Sewing Machines. Threo new kinds. Under nnd upper feed. Sent on .trial, W arranted five years. Above pnlary or large commissions paid. The only machines Bold in the United States for less than $40, which are fully liemxed fly Iotce, Wheeler .j" Wihon, (rarer ,y liaker. Singer Sc Co., and Hnchclikr. All other cheap lua chines are infrhiy-tnmt and the teller or user are reliable to arrest, fine ami hnprhnnmnit. illustrated circulars ecnth-e. Address, ot call upon Sliuw & Clark, at Uiddeford, Maine, or Chicogo, 111. may-17'00-ly Take Notioc. 1 ''HE UNDESIGNED WISHES TO say to the public generally, Lot more particularly to the people of Elk County that he has orrened a Black smith ami Wnon-Shop in St. MaryV, where lie will bo happy to execute all orders in his lino with promptness nnd neatness- I have also purchased the )ij;ht for Elk County, to manufacture and sell the V. M. Hubbard Patent Spring Wagon Scat, of which I will soon have a good supply on hand, or will ruako to order, any desired style or hzo. I would further notify the people of Elk Couuty that any person or per sons infringing od my right in the man ufacture or sale of said scat will be pros ecuted to the extreme limits ot the law. o-y-3iu LEONARD WTTTMAXN. 1SG7 180" 1 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE HAIL 1IOAP. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, on Lake Eric. It has been leased by the 1'innxylvu via Rail Road company, aud is opcra ed by 'them . Its entire length was opened for pas scnger auJ freight business, October 17th, 1301. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT III I 'G WAY. Leave Eastward. Erio Mail Train 8 47 p.m. Erie Express Train 10 12 p.m. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train 10 -17 a. in Uric Express Train 8 60 a.m. Passenger cats run through without ihuijjo boih ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave. New York at IUJ0 a. ui., Arrive it Erie 1U.0U p. m. l.i'uvo Erie at 5.00 p. m., arrive at New Yuri; l!.l b p. m. Ei.Ki.r.MT Si.KKt'!X; Cars on Express Tr..'ii4 buth ways bctweoa Philadelphia anl Erie. Far information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. curlier U'Jlh an d, Market Sts, Philadelphia Ai:d for Fi-jight business of tho Com pany's Agents: S. B. Kington, Jr. Cor. 18th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J . W. Reynolds Erie. W. Brown, Agent N. C. R. R. Bal tiiiioi'0(. . II. II. IIuTSTON, .' Gen'l. Freight Aj't. PhiPu. V. WGWTNNKR, ' Gnu' I. Talel A'jl. PuTu. Al.VRED. L. Ti'I.KR, G literal Supt Erie. I iVMl'IUE BEA'IXG MACHINE CO. i'riuajtal OJiee, CM Jlroailicay, X. Y. tl U EAT IM I'ltOVEM KNT in Sewing Ma Euipiro Miultle. Crank Motion Nrtfing Machine. It is thus rendered noise less in actiuu. Its motion being all positive, it is not liable lo pet ovt of order. It ia the b ist Kaniily Muthine ! Notice is callrd to .r jewund Improved Manufaclurlns Ma. chine, lor t.ii1 tin and iiool and Shoe lilt era Agents wanted, to whom a liberal dlseouut will bo Kiven. No Consignments inaile. hp , LMl'llii: (JLWl.NU MACHINE CO. July -l'J'oG.-ly S. SIIOItT. JOHN G. HALL, I.Ol'Irt VOLLMKR, JAS. K. 1'. HALL. BAXKIKG-llol'SEOF hort, gait & (Co. Sl.tVary'8, llenztngtr I', ft, L'l.K CulXTV, I't.N.N.V 'I WARDED A GOLD MEDAL! AT THE American . Institute Fair ! ocTor-En in, isc5. In direct competition with till the leading iiiuKcrs iu uio coiimry. TKLOUHKT " ORGANS AND MELODEONS, C. l'ELOUBET & SON, Manufacturers. llcspccl fully invite the altention of pnr. clinacrs, the trade and profession, to the FOLL O W1XG INSTR UMEXT8 Of their manufacture . Pedal liaso Organs?, I'ive sizes. FivoOetnvn. nnn tn IJirnn Ttnnlra of Keys, three to fight setts of Ucods, Prices to $000. School Organs, Nine styles, single and doulilc Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut cases, Trices,' ?I30 to $-M0. SIclodcoriH, Piuno style auJ Portnhlc, Twelve Varie ties, from four to six Octaves, singl nnd double Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut Caes. Prices, Slio to $240. , Every instrument is made by competent workmen, from the hest material," uneer our personal supervision, and every modern improvement .worthy of the name, is intro duced in them. Amonft these wo would call attention to the TEEMOLANTE, which lias been so much admired, and can bo found only iu instruments of our own nianufacJ hire. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent proles'-ors nnd organists, we give tlio following extracts : " The pedals I conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. King. ' It is a ;jraiid, pood irisirumcnt, and does credit to the builder." II. C. l'olirer, Trov New York. ; : "They arc among the finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or n. bioad." Wm. l'.eig, J. Mosenthal. Apioiuai They have given universal satisfaction." W. K. Ilnwley, Fon-du-lac, Wis. "There isa peculiarly sweet and sympa. tlietic tone which harmonizes clurmlngly with tlie voice." W. H. Cooko. " 1 am particularly ploaced with the nr. raiifrcnieut of the ditl'ereut registers." Win. II. l'.ridbury. ' No otlier insfrument so nearly "p proao'iisj the organ." The Cherisier,- N: V 'This iiiMrunien. has a clear superiority over everything yet introduced among us." Independent, N. V. ' The tone and the action are excellent." Rev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. " The iioro we use it the belter wo liko it. "J 11 Hague, Hudson, NcwY'jrk. "The two Bank Organ is really a gem.' J W Kinnioutt, Boston, Muss. " We have found them excellent iu nil points constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. "Hlooksnnd sounds splendidly," SB Sitxtnn, Troy, New Y'ork. " The most erfect toned Melodcon I eter Haw." Guy K No-ih. . "They lull back on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of price. And we must say that in all their respects they aro woll worthy of praiBo." Musical Iio uear. . B'Sf'Every instrument is fully warranted, and boied and shipped in New Y'ork City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, nnd Price Lists, c., scut or. application to C FELOUBET&'SON, i litOOMFIKLD, N. J. Or J M Peltun, 811, Broadway, New York ; Conrad Meyer, Tl'i, Arch Street, l'hilud j 5 lirainnrd & Son, Cleveland, Ohio ; J A Tucker & Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner 6 Gerard, Cincinalti, Ohio Joel II Know, Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENTS. July H'jitj-ly NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL store : DAILY i0 WEEKLY PAPERS will bo for sale hereafter, regularly at rn ot Una JDook OToitE I N ST. MARY'S: N. B. Any work, cither American or Europcn, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical Historical, &c, will bo pro cured on application ns above. Any article in the Hook or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent lor by mail anu be received in a few days alter or doting. jun, 14-ly. PiioroauAPiis. E. & H. T. ANTHONY &. CO., Manufacturers of Photographio Materials,. Wholesale and Retail, COi ItltOADWAY, N. Y, In addition to our main business of I'lIOfOC-KAHIIC MATERIALS we arc Headquarters fo the following, viz.- STEUEWf'Ol'ES ASSTEBEPCOriC VIEWS Ot American and Foreign Cities nnd Land scapes, Groups. Stntnsry, etc. rMtitr.oom'lt; V1C.WH OF THE WAR, FrOm norrftlivpfl tnndn In tlm vnviniu i. n m . paigns nnd forming a complete Photograph io history of the great contest. KTE KESCOr C VIEWS OX flT.Afia Adanted for cither the M the Stcrecope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt, of Stamp. ITIlTiwin ...... . V ....... 1 11U llMtli:ll 1111. A l.ltr .MM We manufaclurft mnrn lnrplv limn nm. other bouse, about TOO variefies from 50 cents tn ?'iOeneli. Our 4T ltlTMst !,,,. reputation of boing superior in beauty and uiiiiii'iiiijr to any uiuers. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, cio., eic Our Calaloirne embraces ,vr-r FIVE THOUSAND ditrnrnnl. Riihinr-ta inl.,,i; reprouiicunns ot me mosi cclehrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, eto. Cnta lotrilPH nPTlt AH 1nf-ainl nf otnmr. I'hotographcrs and others orderine goods i-t l v 1, 1 1 . 1 ., - - . ,. v. v.. Will n P.IHn rn I L 'Z I npi- f-An nriliA amount, with their order. Bf"The prices nnd quality of our goods cannot fail to Bntisfy. (juno 14'GC-ly. T AUGE CAPACITY, GREAT Streirnth 1 i and unequalled speed, simplicity and completeness ol operation, are qualities pe culiar to the Nonpareil Washing Ma- cjimo. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, nnd the ex- pcrienoo derived from five years extensive 8C in fcmilies, hotels nnd public institutions proves it to oe of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of oneratine the Nonnareil. by rolnry motion acting on a crank shaft 'with balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious and most powerful flint, can be de vised forJhc purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. '1 he great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from the statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes n minute Safety to the fabric washed is insured by the entire absence of runt)ini. A girl or boy of fifteen can work the ma. cliine, and do n week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time; nnd it may bo relied on tocleansethe clothing thoroughly, without nssistanco from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular nnd terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale t's secured. OAKLEY & KEATINtr, 1SL Water St., N. Y. July 20,'CG-ly COA L.TOKE A.N DFI RE-CLAY! ' . All of superior quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. .Mary's, Elk Couuty, Pa. Sy"Orders by mail prouiptlj ttend cd to. sept I G "3-11 f OD PRINTING . NEATLY CHEAPLY & 11 KCTBDITIOTTSLY Executed at IhcAm ocate Office TO CONSUMPTIVES. HE Advcriisur, having boen restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung nlfection, nnd tliat dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to innko known fo his follow sufferers the means of cure. To nil who desire it, ho will scud a copy of the prescript ion need, (free of charge), with the directiors for preparing the samo, which they will find n Sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, lironcbits, &o. Tha on ly object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription, is io benefit the otllieted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; nnd be hopes every sufferers will try his remedy, as it w ill cost them nothing, aud may prove a blem-ing. Parlies wishing the prescription, will please address lltv. EDWARD A- WILSON, Williamsburg, King!) County, ew York. Oct. l!5th latiO-ly. ANTED, AG KXTS $75 to $200 PER MONTH for ircnllemen and $33 to $75 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv ed and perfected. It will heuj, full, stitch, quilt, bind, bruid and embroider beautifully. Price only $20, making tlio clastic lock stitcli, and fully war. ranted for three ycara. We pay the above wages, or a commission, irotn which twice that amount can bo made. Address with stump, - or call on C. JiOWERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters auswered promptly, with airculars and terms. May Ul'OG-ly. AISITINQ CARDS NEATLYEXKCUT cd at this oflico. tv rv rv w " "vr? r. -mum -w vumt mi 'Ui u,W '4mJ MH '1 'fT"1!? SrirS (r t if- nrS ri , 4 . .M M U M -i i. AT THE New Stoio of weis nnoTiiEns at St. Mary's, Elk Coudty Pennsylvania Successors to George Weis. Offer for sale, at. wltolesaln'and retail, o well seiccicusiooKot SUMMEU SILKS, JlORIXaZS, . POPLINS, DELAIXES, ' JUOUAUIS, Plaiii and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, Whits goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. ' i L'ADIFS & CniLDREN'5 ' Millinery Goods ; such as ' BONNETS, HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, dc. G LOVES & HOSIERY. GENTS fitnu'slu'iiy yods of cvsry description, .' CL O T1L C 1 SS1MERES ., rfr. ft GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A large stock1 of TETROLliUM CANDLES '; SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for ianiiiy use. Cedar and Willow Waro of every de scription. Confcctiocary, Prush. esof all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall IV per, Paper Curtuins, Rcau. tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assort m en t of Scgars and Tobacco. yEBUY OUR STOCK directly T from the Manufacturer and there. fore we can afford to sell cheaper , than any other establishment in Elk county. THE PUBLIC are respectfully in vited to call and examine onr stock and prices ! 'Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in the couuty. r, Wkis Brothers St. Mtfv's, March lOth'66. THE PLACE TO LTY IS WIlF.llE YOU CAM11UY The Cheapest. Tl sa a Si. 3 Ci D6 i . 5. Si (i VI a 2 f 2" a n C Vj Ci 2 1 c-. E r o- i Vi t- g t-1 a g ct c- c po "2 a o t tL 5 ci 3 . n S. ' 3 i9 ffi s B - e w M Oi M, P ZL S a -y.t s.2h, .9" 3 Bo1 I ci . c- 2- " P t3 S" a i so - 6 Ca his' s m C5 3 B m o a s- : a i s a si g a 5. a S a. CO M. 5: s . je cq R rx) -I T3 4 3 -I O 21" X 93d S S en "i . cH CD a -j 0 o 5S" GO 2. o es Ci Ci s w WE SELL OOODi AS LOW AS TIIEY . can uk nouanT in Brie) City. GIVE US A CALL, AND WE WILL If r or v "e - i G R EAT EX CI T E M EN 2 S3 Ci o o . t) o O o - S3 ' M to ft '.S5. ft O ss ai o s o tl S3 f w o C?3; i S3 H O w S3 O W C . c H . W tn a o w . V. o H fcl O ' co o a to o cn H w -t,n m O o ty H H a S3 ft o c I tH' SJ Til INSURAvnr,'. AGAINST loss or DAMAGE by TIRK. fpiIE I.yoomins County Muluol lnsur- j auuD company at JIuncey, P., con liuuo to Insure tatnst Loss or Dnmapo liy Fire on all kinds ef merchandise, iviili aud private uildinps, either in town or county, llso on Mills,- Tanneriesi, Darns, stocks of Grain, &o., nt the lowest possible rules, consilient willi safety to the Insurer nnd Insured. The Lyooming County, Mu tual luauianie Company invites an investi, gnlion as t its stability. Its capital amounts to 89.'800,000t Thusasurinii t every one of its potrons that Ihuir lu.nestv ill be promptly aud satis fnctoiily paid. Its niaimpeniciil liasalways tieen prudenl, n ils eiisti-njo of twenty six years fully doivinstrales - 4AMES 11LAKELY', Agent for E,',k (ounty, at St. Mary's iUI . W 'III! RIDGWAl, PINNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DE ALER IN DRY GOODS, . . CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, ' , QUEENSWARE, : FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find S T O II E S AMONG THE Most Complete AXD BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANi THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains ! CALL& S EE i March 20tL, TSGO-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Mary, Iilk Countv JUST RECEIVED 60C BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 25C GERMAN STORV I300ICS. AN- ASSORTMENT OF ALL nd- i Stationary, Blank books, Time books, Pass books, aud School books nil! always bo on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes &e. dirco from the Manufacturers for cash, wo are enabled to sell at the same rates ttat they can ba purchased inAfY OP THE LARGE CITIES, 1) per ceu allowed ou all purchases of ten dollars ar.j upward. W. J. BLAKELY. June-lFGG-ly. SOMETHING NEW ! ! 'PHE SCESCnilJl-.n lespoetrully desires I to announce to tlio citizens of Elk euuiity that ho has recently lilted up an cs tulilisuiuetit for tlio lnuouruutiire and sale Of TIN, COl'l'KR, aud Nil EET-lltON Ware, on M.iin Street, in Jlidcwny, where, by strict attention to btisinesn, ho hopes to merit tlio confidence and patronoce of tlio community. He wnl koep on hand on extunsivo ami varied assortment of every kind of Tl. -WARE, and repair in the neatest poesiblo iniinuer, all work coininj under his super vision. Ho will also keep on hand a well-assorted stock ot S T Oil . S '9 suitable for cither Wood or Conl. .. Ho desires eHlMeittllv t.fl pnll tha all.n. tion of liimbei nieu to the fact that lie can supply them with RAFTlNfi-RTnVr.Q made in a superior niaiuier. lloofini? ftnd ftnoulinor dniiA in nntpr nn short notice. - . P-Old Conner. Brass. Pewter. Lend nnd Scrap iron taken in exchange for goods r work. a,Oive him k call all he asks ii a fnir trial. Customers will lind hi NIOUVK'E." c. W. SEHVICE. lti-Ignay, April 4, 1807-tf. MKYEIIS . KEWLY IMntOVEl) 'lino innna 1 Acknowledtfod lo be the hest ! London i-ixo .Modal, and highest awards . lu -iiueiiea, reueiveJ ! Mo odenns, Second-hand Pianos and Music. o 72-', Arch Street, lelow Eighth. P213m rillLAIlELrillA, PA.