Mini: jm.vvt .1 . ' - .vi.'i; 'i '.:.i:t.r, m.ii;;- flvtw.', V. '"'11 K ' il U'iTl'L ' And will Vv.-p its ' nn I vita In ilsplncc HMU-r I u aiiy o;i i-v ii-t. , Tills m'W iiii'.l li-n' style, iif Wvl (Pat-t-r!d Mtttvli 7. l-v;"i.l xc awnr-M ly ll.f (irt-tit Ai.ivi'lcnu Jii'--!'illc Fair, lifl.l in Xw Voi 1v, (li lul'i p, li-'ifi, a . ' SILVER MEDAL, Vein? lf:;-l:est .Premium ever (riven fir u 1 1 o-i !Mr'. Tin1 Hloi'l S pt ini. - arc wound villi fine .Intel wive in 1 lace colion cuvfiinir which will not wenr nil cr livome roiled, mill l!io n '.;( '.' ill liny !c worhed without injury or of vtistin,-, and will lie ns gllO'l V.H I1CW. TIio Ccnii'bir.r.ticii Silver Skirt Tl'.i-i in vo ri t i ;si combines with the ordinri vy Pk'.rf tin' mlvpiiip j s orr.nv Silver Shirt the bottom lice;.;! rue llie sime ns those us ed iu the Silver Skirl, the cuci iiiL' of which cannot vvp-1v :., while the i'i' '-'i' one :iif. covtml with cotton. Xo Vuly h'i.inft once worn one oi' our Shots, will he willing to wear tiny other, r..i the lower hoops of nil other sire toon in.'i'ii ed and so'tlccd. The hti;l mi .; c t i are used in their con struction, ninl, funn their durability nnd ucatne? ihey tiro destined lo V'.Ton.e a Favorite kiri. Mmr:n.uU-a the Silver Skirt and Who Kanu factUiii Company, o'J mid ',., B.IRC'L-IY ST. NEW YORK. T. 8. SiTnr.Y, Sup' I. Aug Oth-ly PVjv want Apuiti ivoiywhcre to sell nuviiTUiVMi !-;."0 i?ewii! Machines. Three new hir.'U I'le.'.er nr. 1 uri'!r f-'t"1-Sent en trial. Wnvrr.tiicd five years. Above salary orla.yo commissions yah!. TIicom.y iiincVmcssoldiiitlic I'liltcd .Stales for less than 10, which are f-iih H.W h; llvirc, 17-,v.'.'c MWir. (i.-c-tr ." .V.t, ,S(,,',t .V Co., .Dn.' l:,-1:. !:,: AH other cheap ma chines are ,.-ei'. -.? ami i he s, 7 r or iw.-r lire reli'M' .-.', ;;.' .Vmo'i;.w?. Illustrated c'lvuVrs . e-itrv. Address, or call ni'oii Si. aw oi i'lr.vk, Ki'Mefoi'l, Maine," ov riiicrpo. 111. finr.y-17'iiij-ly Take Notice. rpiIK I'.VliEi'IGNFiD WISHES TO J t-ay to tlic jiuMio poiicmliy, but more iiivticulary to the pooplo of lilk County that lie has opened a Ulack smith "and Wngou-Shop iu St. Mary's, where he will be happy to csocntc nil orders iu his line with promptness and neatness- I have-also purchased the light for Elk County, to manufacture and sell the P. M. Hubbard 1'atflot Spring Wagon Seat, of which I will coon have a good supply on hand, or will make !o ovjcr, any desired style or X II ....!. ... .(If.. t. nnnnl.. Size. 1 wouiii laruier uuinjf iuu iicun, of Elk County that any person or per sons iitfiingin;; on uiy rijjht in the nian ufaeture or Fale of raid sent will be pros ecuted to the extreme limits ot the law. o-y-Um LKOXAUU WITTMAXX. 18G7 ISO. 7 IIIILAPELIMIIA k ERIE KAIL JL KOAI). This jrreat line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of lVniiH.vlvania to the city of Erie, ou Lake Erie. It has been leased by the I'mustlva via Had iiouil comjMni, and is opera cd by them . Its entire length wps opened for pas Fencer and freight ljusiuess, Uetobsr rtii, istii. TLJIE OF I'APSEXGEli TUA1NS AT11IIH3 WAY. Leave Knstucaril. Erie Mail Train 3 -17 p.m. Erie Express Truiu 10 42 p.m. . Leave West ward. Erie Mail Train 10 -17 a. m Kric Express Train o GO a. in. . J'asscn'cr cars run through without I'litmiiO both ways between l'hiladelpha mid Erie.- NEW YORK CONNECTION. Lfrave New York tit 'J JO n. m., Arrive it Erie 10.00 r. m. J.onvc at fj.OO p. m., arrive at New Vork 3.15 p. in. ELEiiENX FLEEitxaCAns on Esprcse Trains both ways between I'hiladelphia hne. ''or infiiniiKlion resnoelina Fassenyei 1 ns'incss at the S. B. corner oOth uud Market Sts. i'luladelrilua And for Fr-M'lit busiueds of the Cou- A fronts: 2. V,. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th aud i farkct .c;ts. i'liiladelphia. J. licynoht.i Jirio. W. liruwu, A-eiit N. C. R. 11. Bui -:ioie. II. II. 1Ioi:.sto.v, Ceii'l Fi!tjU Aj't. PhtTa. U. W.'Gwiskuu, Gm'l. Tided A.jt. niCa. Alfred. L. Tvi.r-K, GvHfntl S"it T.i i'e. ATOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. i The Htoeklmlders i f t.ho Kersey Oil atid Mineral Company, are hereby notified that the l.nuu u iiu etinq for tho tlctija of l)ireclors and Oili'jeis of said company for the ensuing year, will be held at tin ir of!i.-c, in Kou.scvii'.u, Ye. I. atigo county, l'a., on Saturday, the lt dav of June, 1S'.'7. betweeu tlie bonis of '10 u'eloA-, A. M., ai.d 2 o'clock '. II. , of the said djy- J, W. ll-'ifiel l, Jus. W. (JiiLia.ey, Actin;; .Si-erelary. Prc.'i.leii. Jtuttscvillo, l'a , May 0thf ISO". Sampson Short, John O. Hall, Jfoi. KirkpatrKk, I.o .us Vo'.hnor, Wra. M. SiiiRerly Jai. K. P. Hall. .,, '.i aUXKlXU-JIOL'S OF iort, ';inll ft (ft. M.JIurtj'ii, lit u sin Kir J . i,U'M:.Mi,l'isii WAlll'El) A COLD MEDAL! AT THE merican Institute Fair ! 4t ocxonnn 10, mz. la iliiect eompetilion vrilli nil the leading l.iakoi3 in the country. T.ELOU1JHT " O R G A N S AND MELODEONS. C. 1TLOUBET & SOX, Manufacturers. Respectfully invito the atlrnlion of pur. chasers, 1 lie triule and profession, to the FOLLO WXG JXS TH UMEXTR Of (heir manufacture Pedal 15rf?c Organ?!, Five sizes, FiveOclnvc, one lothrcc Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of llecds, Prices to ?t;U0. School Organs, Nine filvles. sintrlo and ilouhl Tienil UoscwooJ and lilaok Walnut cases, Prices, ? 1C0 to f-J-tO. Arelodeoiif!, Tiaiio style end Tort nlilc, Tjjelve -Varieties, from lour toix Ocluves, single anil double ltecd, Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $;." to $2-10. Kvcry instrument, is made by competent Yorkmon, from the best mnHsrinl, unecr our personal Buporvision, nnd every modern improvement worthy of the name, is intro duced in them. Arming these wo would call attention to the TKUMOLAXTJ3, which lias been so much admired, and can bo found only in instruments of our own manufac ture. From among the nattering testimonials ol eminent profes-ors and organists, we give the lollowmg extracts . " TIio pedals I ooncciveto be unapproach able in their beautiful sruootu quality." vi m. A. Kincr. " It is a grand, good insiriimcnt, and does ereuit to the builder. II. t . Folgcr, Troy, New Vork. "They arc among the finest Instruments manulaeturcu cither in tins country or a broad." Wm. l'.crp, .1. Moscnthal, Aptomas iney navo given universal satisfaction." . J'., llawlcy, Fon-du lac, Wia. "There is a peculiarly sweet and svmna thetio tune which harmonizes charmingly in.: vuiiu. i . ii. L UVliU. " I am particularly planscd with the nr raugcinent of the ditl'orent registers." Win. 1 J t 'o otner instrument fo nearly aj the organ." Tlie Chorister, N. V "Thisiustruuien. has a clear fuperioiily ovei everything ycl introduced among us." Independent, X. V. "The tones nnd the action are excellent." Rev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New . York. " Tho -iioro we uso it the better we like il " J B Ilnjiue, Hudson, Xc York. '"The two Bank Organ is really a gem.' J W Kiuuicutt, Boston, Muss. ' 1iYe have found them excellent in all point j constituting a good iusu-uuieut." J C Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds sjilendidly," SB Anion, Troy, New York. " l lie most eiTcct toucd Molodeon I ci-or saw. Oily t Nonli. They fall back ou such suhstantiul mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tono and reasonableness of price. And we must say that iu all their respects t hoy arc well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. E- JT-rvery instrument is fully warranted, ami beared and shipped iu Xew York City wiihout charge. Circuliirs, Cuts, and Prico Lists, J-c., scut or. application to C-FELOUBET&SON, Dloo.mjfield, N. J. 0- J M 1'ilton, 811, iirondway, New Vork ; Conrad Meyer, 722, Arch S'rect, Philud'a ; S ISi-viiiai'd & .Sun, Cleveland, Ohio ; J A Tucker & Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner A: (lerar l. Ciiieimilli. Ohio ; .1 .,-! II Knnw. I .Mol.iU'. Ahih.iin.1, WHULKisALL' AUEXTS. I July L'ti.tti ly . A NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL S T 0 RE . DAILY WEEKLY l'APEllS will bo for sale hereafter, regularly at Tl-IK 13oOT StOIIE IN ST. MARY'S. N. 11. -Any work, either American or Europcn, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &c, will bo pro-' cured on application as above. Any article in the Rook or Stationery Hue not in Store, will be sent for by mail and bo received in a few days niter or dering, jun. 14-ly. """"pi i o t o a i i ap h a . E. tt, H. T. ANIilOJfY &, CO.. Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, Wholesale nnd Mot nil, 60i BltOADWAV, N. V. Tn addition to our main busmena of VIIOTOfiKAPIIIC MATERIALS we are llcad.iunrtes fo the following, viz. STERF.scorna sterercopic iews Of Aniericnn nnd Foreign Cities and Land scapes, flroups. Plntunry, etc. HTERF.SCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the vnrious cam paigns nnd forming a complete Photograph ic history of the great contest. STEHESCOPIC VIEWS OX GLASS, Adnplcd for cither the Mneic Lantern or the Slereseope. Our Cntalogue will bo sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more lnreely than nnv other house, nbout 00 vnriefios from 60 cents to $30 each. Our A LBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and dural ility to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue- embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions oi uie most cctcnraieu l.n cravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers nnd others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 2d per cent of the amount, with their order. fl!yS'The prices nnd -quality of our eoods ennnot fail to sntisty. (june l4'60-ly. TAROE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnth J and unequalled speed, simplicity and completeness of operation, are qualities po. cunnr 10 me Nonpareil "Washing Ma It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived from five years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels nnd public institutions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur. cnaser Tho manner of operating the Nonpareil. by roinry motion acting on a crank shaft witli, balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious nnd most powerful that, can ho tie vised for the purpose, nnd accomplishes tho work with the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. J he great speed with winch this machine performs work will bo understood from 'ho statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of tho handle, or, when worked leisurely, nbout four hun dred strokes a minute Safety to the fabric wnslied is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen enn worli Hie ma. clime, -and do a week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time; nnd it may bo relied on toclcnnsMhe clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular nnd terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale ts secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 26,'CC-ly SOAL, C 0 K E AX DF I R E -C LA Y! J All of superioi quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, l'a. JfcSy Qrdcrs by mail promptly intend ed to. septlG '3-tf JOB PRINTING CIIEAPLY& NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at theAD: ocate Office TO CONSUMPTIVE-!. fjIIE Advertiser, having been restorod I to lieahh in a few weeks, by n very simple reincly, alter litmus sutlercd sever ui yesrs with a severe lung affection, aud that drca 1 disease, Consumption is anx ious to make known to las fellow suH'ercrs the means of cure. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of tho prescription uucil, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing the same, which they will tiudnSure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, lironchits, &c. The i n ly object of the advertiser iu tending the Prescription, is to bcnetU the tilllieted, and spread iTortation which ho conceives to be iuvaluable ? aud ho hopes every sufferers will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blcstiiig. Partios wishing the prescription, will please address Rev. EIHVARD A- WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, cw York. Oct. 25tli iaOG-ly. WANTED, AC ENTS 875 to $200 PER MONTH for gentlemen and 35 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Senso Family Sewing Machine, improv ed auuerfcetcd. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, biud, braid aud embroider beautifully. Prico ouly 820, making tho elustio lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. Wo pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made, Address with stamp, or call on C. ROWERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters answered promptly, with airculars and terms. May-31'(J0-ly. i'V flSlTIXO CARDS XEATLY EXECL'T- vd a i vis omcc. mm HEW MS! AT TOE New Stoiu of WE IS It II OTHERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pcnusylvnuia Successors to George AVeis. Offer for sale, at wholesale and rctnil, a well selected stock of SPJlA'G SUMMER SILKS, JUOHIX02S, P0PL1XS, DELAINES, JUO HAIRS, Plain aud figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, WLila goods of every description. Flannnla of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. L'ADIE'S & C IIILDREN'S Millinery Goodn ; such as BONNETS, JJATS. CAPS, HiliBONS,dc. GEO 'ES A HOSIER Y. GENTS furnish uitj g-iJt of every ihscr tuition, CL 0 TIIS, C-1 SSLVERES dr., dc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A large stock of CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KIX'DS. In short, we have every thing needed for -aniiij use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every do eeription. Confcctiopary, Rrush. esofall kinds. A full assort ment of'Stationcry, Wall Pa per, Fapcr Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment of Segars and Tobacco. WE BUT OUR STOCK directly - - rum LliO ivianuinntiirnr nm hAM. fore we caa nfiortl tc rpII rlmur,0. viivHirvi limU ! 1 . .... uuy ouier estaiausumcnt io Jiillc county, THE PUBLIC are respectfully IU our Rtock onri nrirAa ! Wliiitlm. i1lrt nLK w uujr ur uui, lur wo cmim io nave r i. . a. i a , t i ui mo uiuM, complete siocKS aou u...-v w . . 1 J ii, ill. VUUULJ U14 VUU sell for less profit, than any other house . i. ... iu iiiu county. ROTIIERS St. M.-.Vs, Matx-h 10th'66. THE PLACE TO BUY IS WHERE YOU CAN lilJV The ChcapesL i 2-1- S3 S 0 3 i EH g- i Cj-a y MJ -i F3 y m a, O 3 - c 3 I 2 rt n r r- x K w 5 - O IT- " S - 2 OS", e go S 3 o o 1 n- p a1 5- 2 C- $ O Kn -f M 7" a s. a !? O M o 0 -si! cu t 1 1 3 S3 ? 54 b a. W2'? O - -"N O T3 CD W " f tS 3 B ' rr eft 5-5 o o g 1 3 & B ? - ti . rt- B o o s5 o 3 5 o i i s. o a o 5 a"? at-- N 3 3 W o s. s" w XC5 -j .. K r?3 TO g W s pb; S' H a 01 T3 5 O rt C3 C . I" O - w ri 0 o i i-i- CD ft 55. o WE SELL OOODi! AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN Er ie City . GIVE USA CALL, AND WE WILL Prove it GREAT EX CI TEA! EN 7 Hi o o o tJ ro O W o o w M o tr1 O ft 3 H O W ft O iacj&3 w a o 22 H ft c-t- H t3 O yj fcj C O H Co ! 2 o ts o i-t r3 a o rm OS o ft 1- O M oi t O H O O i ! f f W i i GO w CO 5 (e ft o o INSUItANCT-1 AGAINST loss or DAM AG E by FIRE. ri'tHE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur- ance Company at Muucoy, Ph., con to Insure Kaint-t Lossi or Dnnmjo by Fire ou all Winds ef Morcliandiso. Public tnd private uiltlios, eillier iu town or county. Also ou Mills, launeries, liarns, stocks of Gram, &c, at the lowest possible rates, consistcut with safely to the insurer and Insured. 1 he Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Couipany invites an investii ga .'on as to its stability. . Its oupilal amounts to 89.800,000! Thus assuring to every ono of its patrons luat their losses will be promptly and nil is factorily paid. Its manageuieul, has always been prudent, as its existence of twuuty six years fully demonstrates JAMES I1LAKEI.Y, Agcut for E'W county, at St. Mary's I1IDGWA1, TINNJ WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOOD.'-!, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER i jTND SHINGLES, Btiycrs will find STO EES AMONG Tllfi Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANI THE PLACE TO GET Cood Bargains ! C.A L L & S E E ! March 29th,18GG-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Kaiy's, Elk Countv JUST RECEIVED 60C BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 25C GERMAN STORY BOOKS. AN ASSORTMENT OF ALL nl". itationary, Bl.iok books,Tims books, Puss books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes &c. dirco from the Manufacturers for cash, wo are enabled to soli at the same rates that they can bo purchased in ANY OF TflE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cen allowed ou all purchases of ten dollars and upwards. W.J.BLAKELY. Juno-lF06-ly. A G 13 N T S WANTED J. t. rn:Aizxr, HISTORY OF' I If E WAR, NOW READY- Co.npluto iu TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be the most )itcrefiiij,poj)uln; aud taluuLle His torj of tho Rebellion, which is fully at tested by the enormous sale of 200 COO volumes, aud a largo portion of tho country stiil uncanvasscd. We are obliged to run our presses night and day to enable us to supply our Agents. , Men of character and ability, who de sire a luetativo employ mcut, will find this a raro opportunity. Tho prico of the work in ow vohimo is so Imv, (compared with our Histories) as to briug it within tho reach of all classes. For lull particulars send for oircular. Address i .lvturiruti I'nbiishiuff C'om'y lis Asylum Street, Hautford, Conn. JMPIIIE SE-VIXfl MACHINE CO. i I'riitapal OjJ:o, Cld Broalway, A". I'. G T.EAT IMPROVEMENT in Pewint; Ma chii:es. Empire bliuttlo. Crank Motion Hewing M.icliiue. ' 1 1 is thus rendered noise less iu action. Its motion being all positive, it is not. liable to get ovt of order. It is tho best Family Machine! Notice is called to eur .icw and Improved Manufacturing Ma. chiue, for t.ii1 sirs aud liootand Shoo Fitters: A?ei:ts wanted, to whom a liberal discouat will be fWt n. No Consignment,! malo. u p EMPIRE SEWIXG MACltIXE CO. Ju!-l'JXb.-ly