r jvr: ml-, Lu i.n"'-. 5 ii r a isle, moim: va. v tic, M"i;i: (iU.M'KKI I.! if) Ci-Un$. WAHDKD A CiOJiJ MEDAL ! JSTEWS DEPOT AT Til E ANJ l'i;i!101)lCAI. And will keep its shape mill retain its place better than anv I'll cr Mi: it. H'l.lc ......... ...1 i .:r..l I, nrcl.:.,i r..i rt""d March 7. 1 wa nwar.hd liy Hu t-real unoncaii Institute l inr, held 111 New Voik, October. iM'id, n SILVER MEDAL, being the Highest l'reuiitnii ever given for 11 Hoop Skirl. The Stool Springs are wound with fine plated win1 in place of a cotton covering Wllil'll will IMt Willi' I 11" Ol lu'COIIM- Soiled, mill 1 1 1 0 whole skirl may lie wosliid without injury or li ar of lu ting, and will Ic us I' 00 1 os new. The Combination Silver Ekiit This inveni inn combines witli I In- nrdinn I'y SI; in ilie mh mil aires or our Silver Kl.irt the bottom lumps are the same as ihoso im- il ill llio Silver .Skirl, tiic covering of which cannot wo'ir nil', while the upper ones nrn covet oil w ii !i cotton. No lady havine once worn one of our Skirls, will be willing to V ear any oilier, as the lower hoops of till other kinds ni'f .itiuii injured nii'l Soileod. 'flip best tniilooiiils arp used it) tlieif con struction, iiml, IV0111 ilieir iluraliilily and lieatness Tliry are de:-t;ned to become a Fuvoiito Skirt. Manufactured solely by the Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, oU and ol, li.1116Ji.1V ST, j new vor.K. T. S. Pi'khky, Sup't. An? ?th-1y C l knAPEit yi:ai:' we C'I. want Aleuts cvctvwliere to sell our iMi novtiti JO Sowing Machines. 'J'ln co new kii: s. Cnder and upper feed. pent 011 trial, Warranted live roars. Aliovp palary or large c-'WiiN-inns paid. The ostt Inacliiiies sohl in t i.e I luteil Mates tor less limn S Ii), which are fulbi .W faj Howe, Min t hr Wilson, (Jrorrr lia'-rr, Slhgtr V Co., und 'iic.'ii. '. .1.7 oilier cheap ma chines are in ' wii'. and t lie A ;' or user nrc rd'nihh tn arrr.it, fine ami ii.ij'r.onnt lit. Illustrated e'rculars pentm'. Address, or rail urnu Saaw & Clark, at lliddcfiird, Maino, or Chieogo, 111. mriy-lT'tiu-ly WAN'JTD, AG KNTS 87;" to 6200 I'JCR MONTH for gentlemen nml ?35 to S75 for l.iilicf, cvcryv.licre, to ititioiluco the Ct'lcliialcd Conituun Senso Family Scwiiil' Machine, improv ed and perfected. It vill hem, fell,' fetiteh, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price ouly B'-O, making the clastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three year.-!. We pay the nbove wages, or a commission, Irom which twice that amount can be uiado. Address with stamp, or call on (i. J!OWJ:i!S & CO., Salesroom.?, Xo. 2")5 South rilTU Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters answered promptly, with airculars and terms. May-ol'GG-ly. TO COXSUMI'TIVLS. rjlllli Ailvenider, .liavitig licen restorod to health in a lew weeks, liy a very fcimjile reineily, niter having sull'ereil sevcr ni years with u severe luiiff ntl'cotioii, and (hat ilreinl ilisease, Consuiiiiitiou is anx ious to iiiake known lojiis fellow sulVerei'i the means of cure. To till w!iu desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing the fame, which they will find a Sure Cure for Con tittuptiou, Asthma, lironchits, &e. The ow ly ub.icit of the advertiser iu sending tho 1'ieHc.i'iptioii, is to benefit the ulllicted, and pprcad information which he conceives to he invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferers will try his remedy, as it will cost them not Ii in ir, mid may prove a Westing. l'arlies wishing the prescription, will please addres3 lli:v. EDWARD A. VILSON Williamsburg. Kings County, New Vork. Oct. 2GtU MGfi-ly. 1S(37 1SG7 PIllLAlM-lil'IITA & ERIE II AIL llO.Vl). This creat line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It bus been leafed by the Painsitva uia Had Jioci'l Comjidiij, and is opera cd by them. Its entire length was opened for pas Foujrur and freight business, October 17th, J SOI. TIME OF PAF-'SENGEU TRAINS ATlllPU WAV. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train 3 17 p.m. Erie Express Train 10 42 p.m. Leave Wcslicard. Erie Mail Train 10 -47 a.m. Erie Express Train o 60 a.m. Passenger cars run through without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW' VORK CONNECTION. Leave New Vork at 5.00 a. in., Arrive at Erie -1.08 p. in. Leave Erie at o.fiO p. ni., arrive at New York y.15 p. in. Er.K(;i:.x Slkkpixh Cahs on ICxpress Trains both ways between Williainspoit und liultimore, aud Williuui:port and l'hiladeliiliia. l'or inloi lnation re.-jiecting Pa-scnger business apply at the . Ii. corner dUtu und Market hts, Philailelpuia And for Fr'jiLtht busiucss of tho Com pany's Agents: S.B.Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. T. Reynolds Krio. W. Brown, Agent N. C. R. R. Pal tinioro. II. II. IIOI STOM, " Got I. Fn iylU Aj'l. I'hU'u. II. W. GwtN.vnn, Guiit. Ticket Ayt. LhiTa. Alfiild. Ii. 'I'l l i:n, General Supt Erie. c JI'AHTNIi USUI l. Tho iindersigne I have this dity entered into copartnership uu ler the firm nume of 11 1. A I. V ii (1I1.LIS. in the sale ot I'rovisi ions, Flour, Feed, (irains, kv., at the stand heretofore occupied by the lute linn of lieu. ly K Dill. W. C. llhAI.V, March 11, 1807-fit 0. V. tilbhlS, ifM!Vsi c iOSTAu'S K X T i: II M IX A TDK. Co.-tur's Exterminator, JvKtettnin.itor, Costar's l''x terminator, Jlxiet initiator, Co:-tar's I'i'xteriuinator, Exterminator, Cottar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's, l''.v.terinitiator, Exterminator, Cottar's Exteini'nator, J'iXtti initiator, Cos tar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Co.-tar's llxtcrminator, Exterminator, Ccslai's Exterminator, l'o. Tials, Mire, lioaehes, Anls, lied l!ug, 1'leas, Moths and Furs iu Woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. ' IS years established. in N. Y. City.' ' Only infallible remedies known.' ' Free from I'oisons.' ' Xol dangerous to the Human Family.' "Row-are"! of all worthless imitations S.-e III at " COSTAIfS " name is on each lox, Dott'.e, and Flask, before you buy. Address UKXIiy R. COSTAU, 4(1 ilroadway, N. Y. jOSTAlt'S CFLEDHATED Buckthorn Salve ! For Cuts, Hums, Ilruiscs. AVounds. Boils. Cancers, Inoken Urcasts, More Nipples,' Weeding, Wind and l'liinful Files , Scrofu lous, I'utrid mid ill conditioned Sores: L'l. cers, (ilandular Swellings, Kruption, Cut" neons Alteeliotis, Jlmgworm, Itch, liites of yj'iders, Insects, Animals, i'c. lioxes, li") cents, 60 cents, and SI siies. Sold by all Druggist, everywhere nnd by n l.A is li. tjllf) t .i u, Depot 180, Broadway, X. Y. JOSTAU S I'NIYFUSAL Corn Solvent : For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. Sold by all Di-iiggisls every w'-ere, mid by 111 MtY 11. COSTA H, Depot 1S1 Broadway, X. Y. c 1 ).STAU'S rilKPABATlOX OF JSlttcr Sired am? Orainje Blossoms, for JSeaHttjtiiijf the 1'nmjih xion, Vsed to g.iflen mid beautify tiie skin, remove Freckles, l'iniples, F.ruptions, Sic. Ladies are now using il in preference to all o'hers, Price $1 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, nnd hy JIUMIY H. COSTA K, Depot 1S1 Broadway, X. Y. OSTAU'S PIX'TOUAL J CO VG 11 21 E Jl EDY, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, SorcThroat, Cioup, tVhooping Coughs, InHiienza. Agilima, Consumption, Itroneliial Atleclioiis, i.lid nil dNo'iscs of the Throat nnd I.ung. !otile, 'J1 rents, f0 cents, and SI sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, nnd by HliXltV II. COSTA K, Depot 4S1 Broadway, X. Y. OK T A K' 3 CKI.E15K AT F. D Bishop Pills! .1 rulcrtal Dinner Pill ! ! For Xervousnes and Sick Ileadacho, Cos tiveness, Iudigestion, Dyspepsia, Bil liousuess, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, mid general derangement of the Digestive OltU ASS. Boxes, 2") cents, fill cents, and $1 si.os, and tol l by nil Dinggisis pverywhere, aud by liKM'.Y It. COSTAU. 10-1-oM Depot lbl Broad X Y American Institute Fair ! OCTOBER 10, 1805. In direct competition with nil the leading inaKcrs iu llio count ry. 'l'ELOUUET " ORGANS AND MELODEONS C. rELOCBET & SOX, Manufacturers. r.cspcctfully invite the attention of pur. chasers, tho trade and profession, to the POLL 0 WIXG 1XSTR VMENTS Of their niiiuufucture .- Pedal Base Organs, Five sizes, Five Octave, one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of llccds, . Prices i?230 to ?li00. Scliool Organs, Nine styles, s'inglo and double B-oed, Rosewood and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $240. Melodeons, Piano style and Portable, Twelve Varie ties, from four to six Octaves, single and double Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $65 to $2 If). Every instrument is made "by competent workmen, from the best material, unccr our personal supervision, aud every modern improvement worthy of the nume, is intro duced in them. Among these we would call attention to the TEEMOLANTE, which has been so much admired, nnd can be found ouly iu instruments of our wa manufuc t tiro. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent professors and organists, we give the following extracts : " The pedals I conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. King. " It is a grand, goodinsirument, and dors credit lo the builder." II. C.Folgcr, Troy, Xew York. "They tire among the finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or a broad." Wm. Berg, J. Mosenthal, Aplomas ' They have given universal satisfaction." W. E. Ilawley, Fon-du lao, Wis. 'There is a peculiarly Bwect and sympa. I li el ic tone which harmonizes charmingly with the voice." W. II. Cooke. " I am particularly plaascd rith the ar rangement of the different registers." Wm. II. Bridbury. "No other instrument so nearly np proachesthe organ." The Chorister, N. Y "This iiislrumeni has a clear superiority over everything yet iutroduced among us." Independent, N. Y. "The tones and the action are excellent." Rev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. ' The more we use it the better we like it " J B Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Bank Organ is really a gem.' J W Kinnicitti, Boston, Mass. "Wo have found them excellent in all points constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J t ook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." SB Aaxton, lroy, rew ork. " The most erfect toued Melodeon I ever saw." Guy F No-th. " They fall back on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of price. And we must say that in all their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. DfeiyEvery instrument is fully warranted, and boxed and shipped in New York City without charge. . Circulars, Cuts, aud Price Lists, jc.t seut on application to C PEL0UBET & SON, Bl.00.Mi I ELI), N. J. Or J M Pelton, 811, Broadway, New York ; Conrad Meyer, 7--, Arch Street, Philad'a ; S llrainai-d & Son, Cleveland, Ohio; JA 1 ticker A; t o, Jackson, Michigan : Werner & Gerard, Cwiciiuitti, Ohio; Joel 11 Snow, Mobile, Alutmuia, WHOLESALE AGENTS July 2U,U6-ly S T. 0 E E . DAILY t- WEEKLY PAPERS will bo for sale hereafter, regularly at TlIU 13oGK StOIIK I N ST. MARY'S. N. I. Any" work, cither American or Europcn, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &o., will bo pro cured on application as above. Any article in tho Book or Stationery line not in Store, will bo sent lor by mail and be received in a few days after or dering. ju.rj' 14-ly. PHOTOGRAPHS. E. &, H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographio Materials, Wholesale and Retail. fiOV BROADWAY, X. Y. Tn addition to our main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are ucauquartcrs lo the following, viz. STERESCOPES & STFnpsrnpiP i rrn.o Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, uroups, statuary, etc. STERESCOPIO VIEWS nPTHU to At? From necrntivpn niml in tlii. vniiniu paigns ana tormtng a complete 1 holograph iiisun v "1 me creni eoniesr. STERESCOPic views nv nr.AHd Ailanted for pitbnp tbn Arnnlf. l nnio.n AM me oierescope. uuri.'ntnlogiie will be sent to uny aiiciress on receint ot Stamn. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more Inrirelw limn nu other hntise. about Tflft vnrinrino fmm r.n CPtlts to SriOenph. Our A T.BTTATS Un il, reputation of being superior In beauty and uiiraniiuy 10 any ntners. Caid rhotograph of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., eio. Our CntalntTlin mbrnpna r.vnn 1TTVP TIIOUSAXD different subjeefs. including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, cto. Cata logues sent on receipt, of stamp. j notograptiprs ami ottiers ordering goods O. D.. "will Tilpflse remit. Ofi ner rani nf iIia amount with their order. Bgy-The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. (juno-14'OO-ly. IARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Strcgnth J and unequalled speed, simnlicilv and completeness of operation, nre qualities pc. culiar to the Nonpareil Washing Ma- ujiine. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived from fivo years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public institutions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of oporatine the Nonnareil. by rotary motion acting on a crank shaft jwttn balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately. Is the simplest, least laborious and most powerful that can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the woric witn the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from the statpmpnt that it is gpared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, nbout four hun dred strokes a minute Safety to the fabric washed is insured by the eutire nhsence of rubbing. A girl or hoy of fifteen can work the ma. chine, nnd do a week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two tothreeliours' time; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular nnd terms to dpalers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATIXO, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 2C,'CG-ly J. GU11XEY & SOX, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTiSTS, 707, BROADWAY, N. Y. IX addition to our rhotographio Art Gali lory, estab'ished in 181(1, we have for the last 1 lve years had advantages su perior to any other establishment in ob taining sittings from life, of all the Prominent Celebrities of tho day in Card portraits, and aro now publishing a Catalogue of over 2 5 0 0 SUBJECTS. American and Foreign, also a largo list of copies of Works of Art aud Engrav. injra. Catalogues sent on receint of Stamp. An order for one dozen pic. tures horn our Catalogue will be filled at f 1 80, and sent by mail free. Single pictures so cents each, copies ot en. gravings 15 cents each. N. li. We also desire to call attention, to the advantage we have for reproduc ing, or copying, old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, &.o., of de. ceased relatives aud friends, enlarging them to any sizo, and finishing in Oil, Water Colors, or Iudia Ink, with tho aid of ten ta.entcd artisls. Parties desiring copies, should there. lore correspond with us direct. Send for a catalogue. Tho trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for free inspection, and strangers visiting tho city will bud our uallcry ouo of the most agreeablo places where. in to while away an hour. J. GUIINKY & SOX, sep-20 Cin. 707, Broadway, N. Y SoAIi, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! J All of superioi quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk CouDiy, Pa. laDfOrdcrs by mail promptly ittend- cd to. septltj '3-tl JOB P1UNTIXU CHEAPLY & NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed ut the Admioatu Ollko AT THE New Stout of WEIS BROTHERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to George Weis. Offer nr sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of SI'IiLYa SUMMER w '.u,! Xj 143 W V' 'uw W ui SILKS, MORIX(ES, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A largo assortment of Prints, Whits goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. LaDIE'S & ClIILDHENW Millinery G oods ; such as DOXXETS, HATS. CAPS, RIJ3BOXS,Lc GL O VES cfc II OSIER Y. GEXTS fu rnhlilnij goads of every description, CL O TIIS, CA SSI MERES f v., d r. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A large stock of TETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything ueedod for family use. Cedar and lllow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, esof all kinds. A full assort uieut of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Wi ndow Shades. ' A very large assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. yEBUY OUR STOCK directly irom tno lUanulacturor and there fore wo can afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment iu Elk county. HprjK PUBLIC aro respectfully in- 1 vitod to call and examine onr stock and prices 1 Whether they wish to buV Or DOt. fur WA plaim n l,n.i nnn of the most cotnpleto stocks and tho uucHoiunivm tho county and can sell for less profit, than any other houso in iuu couuiy. liOTIIKl'S St. Uy', March lOth'GG. lilDOWAY, PlNKj WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IX DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find S T O RES AMONG TIIE Most Complete AXD BEST APPOINTED IN TIIE COUNTRY, ANl TIIEPLACIi TO GET Good SJargains ! CALL& SEE! March 29th,18G0-ly. BOOK STORK St. Mary's, Elk, County JUST RECEIVED 00C BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 25C GERMAN STORYBOOKS. -lAr A SS OR TMEXT OF ALL nd'i Stationary, Blank books,Timo books, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes &e. direo from the Manufacturers for cash, we are enabled to sell at tho sanio rates that they can be purchased iuANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10- pcr ccn allowed on all purchases of teu dollars ard upwards. W. J. BLAKELY. Juuo-14'GG-ly. A G E N T S W ANTED J. T. r.I4D!,i:i"3 HISTORY OF I HE WAR, no7:ready. Complete iu TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted lo be the most .itteriiitliii, pojiiif ir, and vulwible His tory of the Rebellion, which is fully at tested by tho enormous sale ol 200i 000 volumes, and a larga portion of the country still uncanvassed. We are obliged to ruu our presses night and day to euablo us to supply our Agents. Men of character and ability, who de sire a luciativc employment, will find ibis a rare opportunity. Tho price of the work in one votumo is so loir, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it withiu the reach of all classes. For lull particulars send lor circular. Address .Itncrican iithlishUig VonCy 14H Asylum Street, Hautfoiu), Conn. J Ml'lltK SU AINU MACHINE CO. Principal OJiee, CH3 JJroatlwa;, A', i'. (ill EAT :AIPK()V1:MKXT in Sewing Mu ch'ures. Kmpiie Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machino. It is thus rendered noise loss in action. Its motion being all positive, it is not liable !o get ovt of order. It is tho best Family Machine! Nuiico is culled to mil- .ic nml Improved Manufacturing Ma. chine, fur t.ii'ors and liMOtand Shop Fitters Agents wauled, to whom a liberal discount will be g'ven. No Coiisigeiiieiil:.' made, u i- .11'1UK SliWLNU MACIIINK CO. July l'JVC.-ly