. LOAL INTKLLir.K.NCK. tU;r Thncnt Itiifirintrt. Flic l'.H:3 l ii.-l 1 :c: p. m. do ilo West 3: 17 a in' do Mail East 3:MI p. in. ' do do West 1:1! I p. m. Local Freight East 10: SO n. m. , do do West 6;15p. in. " NOTICE, Hereafter the Post Office will lo closed every evening nt 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed fit 6 P- M. , L. LUTHER, 1 M. Mre call tho a'tention of our readers to tlic Advertisement of PemoiiEst's Monthly Magazine. We believe it to be nil that is claimed for it. In point of sizo it is ono of the largest magazines published. In the variety of its matter it is excelled by nonc.'as a fashion and pattern monthly it stands at the head. Evert family ought to hare it. The subscription price is S3. Wo will fur nish Demouf.st's Monthly Mao a, ZINE and' the Elk Advocate for $:,.r)0 in advance. To those who have ahca dy paid their subscriptions to the Arfvo 'catu wo will send Iemorest's Month ly for 82. AVe nro enabled to do this under a special arrangement with the publisher. J&2?The Comrjissiunors of Elk coun ty will meet at their offioe in Kidgway, on Friday, the 10th day of April next. Jas. K. P. Hall, Cl'k. m SSyTho Dime Society meets at the house of A. II. Head, to-morrow even iug. A general invitation is extended to everybody. ff7Ve have for sale at this office a scholarship in Rryant & Strattnn's In ternational Chain of Commercial Col legos. For Sale Cheap. Ap.IS-tf. High Water. The rain of Monday last raised the water in the different streams to such a height as to submerge the srflcwalks in the lower part of town. TVe have not learned whetherany dam ngo was snstaiued from it by our lumber men, , E3k.The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Catamouut Ease Hull Club, will be held in the Court House on Saturday evening next. II. II. THOMAS, Prcs't. J. F. Moore, Scc'y. IMMIGBATION TO THE SOtlTH. Tho New York Tiling, in noticing the inland destination of immigrants to this country landed at that port, says : 'Out of tliirtoou thousand arrivals at this port during tho last month, less thau .two hundred announced their intention of settling .in the South, while on tho oth er hand the westward tide continues as great as ever. We have no doubt that this may, in a slight degree, be attribu ted to the small effort mado by the Southern States, iu comparison with tho AVestcru, to attract immigration ; but it is owing in a much larger measure to the unsettled condition of affairs in the South. Free political institutions, or der, the chance for acquiring land, and tho opportunities of labor, are the great attractions to immigration, aid until tho South can offer these ns tho West offers them, immigrants will prefer tho lat ter.". 1 The South has made efforts to turn the stream of immigration in that di rection, as we learn from the Tinvn, which announces that tho statesmen of the South, "represented by Governor Oir, of South Carolina, are addressing themselves to tho people of Europe, in the hope of seem ing something from tho tide of emigration which annually sets in from Ireland and Germany. ' Virgin ia has an accredited agent in London for this purpose. Tennessee is about sending ono there, sundry parties are laboring in tho interests of Louisiana in that market, ami South Carolina has within tho month sjnt a special eommis. fiioner abroad, charged with this verj important duty. So far as we are in formed, South Carolina, urged and aid ed by Governor Orr, is in tho van of this movement, and is preparing to make systematic endeavors in tho lino of settlements." Tho trouble in this matter is that the leaders of tho Radical party will not allow tho Southern States to become a portion of the Union, and that deters immigrants from locating in that seo tiou. The men who leave the military governments of Europe, whore the iron heel of despotism crushes liberty und labor to the earth, will not chooso a home where the same kind of authority is dominant, and hence they ovoid the 'n,Ut'1 u,"'tr present circumstances. Then aguin, the Radical papers teem with accounts of outrages in tho South, anj convey the impression that neither life nor property is safe iu any one of the now unrepresented States, and this also has tho effect of filling tho West with foreign luhorers. to tho injury ot the South. If tho Radical party will take tho hand of military rule off from the Southern Stutes, they can and will offer sufficient inducements to obtain a fair share of the foreign immigrants who land upon our shores. This is all that is needed to give tho South a start in tho matter of obtaining laboicrs, and until that is duuo they cannot compete with the West. Pryiujj Up The loadb. SPECIAL OFFER TO SUBSCRIBERS. J Subscribers av'.II be furnished with Dt.moki si's Monthly M ah azi e an ! The Elk Advocate for ono year for ?3,.r0 in advance. Subscribers who have prepaid their subscription to the Advocate, will be furnished with De morest's Monthly by sending us $2. New York, April 14. A man named John G. Myers, stop ping at Lovcjoy's Hotel, was found dead in his room this morning. Tho cause assigned for his death is a beating which he received last night in the saloon of Louis Schwartz, No. 16!) Eroadway. One of tho parties supposed to bo im plicated in tho affair, named James G. Galway, has been arrested. Georgia has filed her complaint in the Supreme Court against the military despotism bill, llight. Tho matter should be hurried up as rapidly as pos sible, and the Court given no lest until it shall make a decision against tho con stitutionality of the bill as of course it mu.t, sooner or later. In Paris there are 80 free schools, employing :M0 female teachers and edu cating annually 15,000 poor girls. A man in Chicago' advertises a half interest in a well regulated laying-hen for sale, assigning as a reason his utter inability to spend all tho profits. pOCHT P II O C L AMATION. V ' Whereas the Honorable Thomas W. Williams, President and Hon. E. C. Schuitze and Hon. Jesse- Kylcr, Asso. ciate Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other offences iu the county of Elk, by their precepts to me directed, have oidered the aforesaid earned courts to bo holder nt Eidgway, in slid for the county of Elk, on the LAS T MON DAY IN APRIL, it being the 2'Jth PAY of the mouth, and o continue one week. Notice is hereby gioen to tho Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the county of Elk, that they are by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their prober persens, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, with their rolls, records aud inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things which their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all the recognizances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court as per Act of Assembly, passed May 4, 1834. And those who sre boui.d by their recognizances to prose cute the prisoners that tire -or shall bo in the jail of said couuty of Elk, and to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. J. A. MALONE, April 11, 1S67. Sheriff DIVORCE NOTICE. Tohn. C. MoConncll ) Klk'Co. Com. Tlcss ft versus y .No. 10 151, November Charlotte MeConnell. I Term, 180, To Charlotte MeConnoll :. Take notice that you nrc required to ap pear at. the next term of said Court to be held on the last Monday in April next to answer the complaint of the Liballynt in ihis case. .(AMI'S A. MA .ONE. Sh'ffs Office, April 1 Sheriff. A DM IX I.STH.V TOIS'S NOTICE. Notice J- is hereby given 'lint Letters of Ad ministration, with will annexed, on the es tate ofTllhW JOHNSON, late of Ilcnezett township. Elk county, deceased, have been grunted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to call and Betilo, and those having claims against the same will present them duly nuthenlicatcd for actt'emeut. J. O. JOHNSON, mail 101. Administrator. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! CLOTHING f CLOTHING ! CLOTH WG for the SMliion I A Well Dressed Man liUYS HIS CLOTHING AT THE STORE OF GEO. P. MNTENACII, IN ST. MARY'S. BEST ALWAYS THE ' v irrv tfv 1. i-'a t P. HINTEN.VClt having taken en Xr tire control of the ctflublibhnicut formerly occupied by G. P. Hint couch & Co., would respectfully inform tho citizens of Elk county that he is prepared to furnish them with tho Best Kind of Clothing ut rales which defy competition. , lie has ou hand a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTS COATS, which he has lately purchased iu the East, and which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His flentlcmon'; Furnising .Apartment is specially adapted to the wants of his customer. He has also a large and extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VEST INUS of the latest style und pattern, which he will maAe to order iu a neat and durable manner, and us CHEAP as it can be done any place ii the country. C1VE II I M A CALL. Satisfaction guar anteed, and goods warranted. All ho asks is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it. St. Mary's Pa., Feb. 11. 1W. l:lsiijss iiliiwlcl'jt. OMN (!. II ALL, Aitorn.'V nt law. Ili'lj; .iy. KiU enmity Pa. im-U2 P(i ly. J J Oil WORK of all kinds and dcs. criptioDa done at this office. CARVER HOUSE, Warren, Pa., Hull & llall Proprietors. nugO'GG-ly ALPINE HOUSE, St. Mary'g Pa., ITot mnn Krctz, Proprietor. pug!)'G0 mm: art or jig dancing fnd II AN JO I ' PLAYING taught by O. W. BROWN, lUiigwny, i'a. rsepi4.tr TJVVECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUliPO nas, Warrants, &o., on hand and for sale nt this ofaco. T) It. W. JAMES RLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county i'a. niar-22'G(i ly. D Pa. R. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Cenlreville, Elk county mar-22'GG ly. . A. S. HILL Kersoy, Klk county Pa. Will promptly answer nllprofessional calls by night or day. mar-22'G(i-ly. r It. EBEN J. RUSS. Physician and Sur geon, fit. Mary's Elk county Pa. June-21'(ili-ly. TAIT.IE J. BLAKELV. Attorney nnd j Counsellor at law, and U. 8. Commis osuer. Kidgway P. O. Elk county, Pa. mar-22'GG-ly. SOUTHER AND WILLIS ATt"orTcy7"nt Lnw, Uidgway, Elk county Pa., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. mar-22'60-ly. R. W. 1!. II.VliT.MAN, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Late of the Army of the 1 olonmc. 1 articular nttent ion given to all cases of surgical nature. mar-22'GG-ly. EltHKY If OTP, r,. A. U. WHEELriv, Puui-uiETon. This house is conveniently mid pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Cenlre ville. Every attention paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 31 18ti7tf JOB PR1 Hand RIXTING. such ns Cards, Posters, Bills, Bill Heads &o., done nt ho ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice nnd nt reasonable prices. CIl. VOLK, Manufacturer nud Denier . in Lngtr Beer, opposite tho Railroa J Depot, St. Mary's, Elk couuty Pa. Mar-22'GG-ly. , , T-)ORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug- gisly. Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals. Paints, Oils nnd Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et nrticles and Stntionary, Bidgwny, Elk county Pa. mar-22'GG-ly.' HENRY II. THOMAS, Denier in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds nnd Mattresses. Picture Frames nnd Collins, Kidgway Pa. Ware Rooms on tho corner of Muiu nnd Depot St's. may-17'G6-ly. '3. S. BORlJWEI.L Eleclio Physi cian. Lato of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by night or day. Residence one door east of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar-22'GG-ly. VSTASHINGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's. t Elk county Pa., Edward Babel Pro. prielor. J his house la new and fitted up with especial care for tho convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-20'GGly. iVLIVEIt & BACON, Manufacturers and V Wholesale ,! Retail Dealers in i'lonp. Feed and Qrain, CAXA L MILLS, ERIK. PA. Orders solicited nnd promptly filled at mar- ket rates. autr Oth-UO'-l v JO, IN U. HALL T IAT.T, .IAS. K. P. 1 1 . V k rf v Attorneys - at - Law, o . iimnx o; BENZINGER P. O. EI.K COUNTY. September 20, 18GG. ly. ST. MARY'S IIOTEL.B. E. Wellcndorf Proprietor, St, Mary's. Elk county Pa. This house is new and fitted un with esne. cial care for the convenienco and comfort of guests, nt moderate rates. Free Hack, to nnd from the Depot. Good stnhlinir at 111 O - ncucu. Lmar-22'GG.ly. T)RACTICAL CI.OCK AND WATCH I JlMvKlt.- ST. MARY'S. Elk ceuntv Pa. Edward MeBa-ido. keens oonstnnilv on mum nnu lor snle, Mntclics, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware and Jewelry ot all descriptions. BfRepainng neatly executed, nnd done on short not ice and rcasonablo terms Mar 2'J'GU-l3 SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, SIGN So ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. T Alilj SUIISCKIUER WOULD UK. spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county lhi;t he has just started in tho ahovo business in Ridgwny, nnd feel confi dent that he can please ull whoniny favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCI.MINING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rv.ost fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this OHieo or ut the Ilankiug House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'GG-ly. milAYER HOUSE, X It IDG WAY, FA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the pul lio generally. declil'GG ly DAVID THAYER. riho subscriber begs leave lp announce to f the citizens of Elk nnd adjoining coun. ties that he has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Emulz, and that he is prepared to do ull kiudit of work in a suit able slyle, SA 1) I) LES,lii:iDLES,UA RKESS kept constantly on baud at price to suit the times. Give me a call shop in the sec ond story of Drug Ktoro buildiug. oell-ly. 0. LEVIS. . Tlie Glrurd JAfe Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co. OF PHILAD'A. CH.IHTEltEit I.V 1S36 CASH CAPITAL $ 800,0110,00. ASSETS $2,4.-i.i,y",5,&G. Mutual Insurance combined with tho ce. curity of capital. For insurance apply to JOHN G. HALL, ftbl2G7tf Kidgwuy, P. THE PLACE TO BUY IS Mil ERE vi u: can huv The Cheapest. O (6 P rt i ."3 72 t0; - y o- cr td n a 3 t O cs - S 2 S s c S 'i .- p t J) ;! w W " ft I8 5 . r rf, - c S m S ttVS 12.2 i t WW O S ,tn '3 h " w, 3 M i " n 3 ff g n a s Pec 3 5 C5-2 o p ri -?cH r-r - K . -T- o o 4 ft 73 "3- "r 53 o :i H C O "8 O t o 5 v i 4 in ST a ?' 2 i-t I I 54 cr a P a U2 05 - CO - IT. a 3 O c1 ft- 2 B - n a a 0 0 0 7J GO I O c "ii i.Lb OOUDS AS LOW AS THEY CAN HE BOUGHT IN Erie City. GIVE US A rt CALL, AND :VE WILL ii r o v e i t G R t S3 o o o ro O W O. O M zn O J, A T EXC1 TEM EN 7. in ft H C 'O 1 1 !4 tri M n o d x H in w H O w H i O rH V! O 1 1 '4 rn H O H 5 era H 10 to 03 w c o H CO a o O if) m too (m&m tn (iODtj O "3d IT1 tM S H o U3 o ! O 03 O 1 H H 5 ft c o INSUItANGJJ AGAINST loss or DAMAGE byTIRK. riHE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur- I anee t ompauy at Muncev. Pa., con linues to Insure ajrainnt Loss or Dnmnco by Fire oil all kinds ef Merchandise. Public and private uildings, either iu town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, liurns, stocks of (Jiuiu, ic, at the lowest possible rales, consistent with taf'.-ly to the Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company inv.ies an invesli, gution as to its stability. Its cupital amounts to 8 a. 8 00,000! Thus assuring to every One of Its patfoils that their losses will be promptly and satis factorily paid. Its management has always been prudent, as its existence of twenty six years fully demon straies JAMt.S ELAKt l-T, Agent for E'V county, at St. Mary' - THE PLACE TO BUY ISAT Till: 151 DO WAY DRUG STORE. KEPT BY BORDWELL & MKSSKNGER, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Taints, Oils, Whito Leatl, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, I'cr. Tumerics of nil Kinds, Tho purest Vartiish, Druslies of every . Style and Sizo Dye Stuffs, PureOonfoctionarics Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, 'Vines, Wattlics,' Jewelry, Rin;s, Toboccocs & Pegars l'uic Litjuors for Medicinal p ur poscs only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to li Drug Business Gen erally, Turo Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Notions iti Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety 1 American and English Watches ! American and English Watches ! Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! 1'ancy Articles, loys, Latest Novels ! Albums, News, Stationery, Rird Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery. Rird-Cages ! Violin, Runjo and Guitar Strings Violin, Ranjo aud Guitar Strings mar2018GG KW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries Sc., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he has gone iuto tho Grocery business, and will open on or about the middlr of May. lie keeps constantly 011 hanc an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUR. SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by thcbarrel or quart, and evervthint? connected with a fit'st class .Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consennpnt ly can afford to sell CHEAPER 'than the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to colne and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Cm. JEROSEXE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE TOILERS, POTS, OIL CANS, &o. &c. GLUE, s3 All the cooking fur a -a family may bo doDO with -a Kerosene Oil, or Cas, ""tBn BS5" with less trouble, hnd Ut -a BUtF less expense, thau by any tBa fe-if other fuel. tea Each Art iuto manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to Perform all that is claimed for it. j&ST'Scud for Circular. 5a LIBERAL L1 SCO UXT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 20G Pearl Stueet, N. Y. July-l'J'CG.-ly. Valu; The ui LUA15LE LOTS I'OR SALE.- undersigticd lias laid out a vil. Inge upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be called ELK. The lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet doep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, 100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot gold, J 120 and so on increasing in price a's lots are sulJ. BFJL. first purchasers get the choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will bo registered in tho or der of their npplicat ion Tftt percent of the purchase money must bo paid at the tjinc of the application. B3jApiucations will ne mado to John G. Hall, Esq., Kidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Kidgway, ni(ir,29'C)-tf. ITCII ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch t Scratch I Scratch I WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Crnn.Tnr. Itch is 43 Horns Also curea SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHILBLAIN'S, aud all ERUPTIO.VS OF TUB SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by nit druggists, liy sumlinii CO coins to WEEKS & POTTER, Sold Agents, 170 Washington street, Host on, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part ofthe United Mates. ( iune-7'llti-ly. ri ROVESTEEN & CO., T PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 409 Piruatlicai, Kcw Yuilc. THESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit ! nt the Hortift fair, evor the best makors from London. Pal is, tier many, Ihecilies of New York, Philadidphia, ltnliimore and Boston; nlso the Geld Kcdal nt the Amrriean Iimlilutt, for FIVE succes sive vears! ! Our Pianos contain the French Grand Aolion, Harp Pedal, Over strung Bass, Full Iron Frame, aud all Mod. em Improvements. Every instrument u-ar- rUHted Hi r. veart. Jlaile under the su pervision of MB. J. H. GE0VESTEEII, who 111 a practical experience of over Ihirly- tive yenrs, and is the maker of oivr tlevtn thuuiau l pinno furtn. Our faoililiei for manufacturing enable us to sell iIi.mo in struiiieulH from $100 to J '20(1 cheaper thai any first rings piano forte. July-l'J OU.-ly. Oil S A 1, I I .The entire Hlock and fi nt -es of iln- C.,tifvillo Tannery formerly owned l,y .l,,,n Met lea, y & Co., are offereil for ibI(,. Apply to JOSEPH WISFKLDKK. Si. MARY'S, or W A. II LY. or F. SCIIOENING, March 14, 1807-tf. Centreville. JISSOLUTION- The copartnership heretofore oxh!in be tween William O. Healy nnd II. A. Dil i,n. ler the firm of Healy At Dill. j this Jny ,. solved. The busineos of tho firm will bo settled by William C. Healy. W. C. HEALY, March 14, 18(;7-fit It. A. DILL. I'TIKBKLM'.S V()(iT. lViiTienrteiT& " Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, I'a. P.ooms next door to lliiitcn.ich's Clothing Store. All kins or work dvuo dono in a satisfactory manner, nnd war ranted. Consultations in riy.ud to work in the German, rench or English .m. gunges. March 1 1, lli7tf. DIVORCE NOTICE. HAnHIET MeCPLLOLII, "l In the Court by her next friend of Com. Pleas JAC0I5 FIELDS, - -of Elk county. No. II. Nov. .U'LIUS MeCULLOUGIT J Term, 1S00. To .IE LIl'S McCl LLOl GH : Take notice that you are required to ap pear at the term of said Court to be held on the last Monday of April next, to an swer the Libellatit in this rum. -SheritV'H Olliee, 1 J. A. MALONE, March Uih, ISnii. Sheriff PAY UP1 PAY UP! All put sons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of John MeCh nry & Co. nro requested to call and settle their nceounlM immediiitcly, nud those linvinn plnim ngainst the snmc nre requested lo prcnent them duly authenticated for settlement, to W. A. ELY, and F. SnOENINli, of Centreville. JOSEPH W1NFELDEU, surviving partner of mnr. 14, 'C7-3t John McCleary,& Co. DIVORCE JOS. T. II ANON LD, NOTICE. In the Court of Com. Pi's of Elk NANCY M. IIANONLD. J co.No 15, Nov.T. To NANCY M. IIANONLD: Take notice that you Arc required 14 tfp penr nt the next term of said Court to bo held on the last Monday of April next to answer the complaint of the Libellant iu this case. JAMES A. MALONE, Sh'ff's Office, marl 4. Sheriff. PELOUBET ORGANS & MELODEONS. Unanimously awarded the First Prize, A GOLD MEDAL, "AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. Inst., Now York, Oct. l.'itio. Being pronounced superior in yunlity, Power nnd Variety of Tone, and in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won tho battle would have nothing left to conquer." Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-known musical critic; They have nlso taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two and throe bnnks of keys six sizes Sli-jO to $1,)00. Without pedals, single and double bank in great variety, S?fi5 to $ l")0. These Organs with their smooth, pipedike quality of tune, beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, unequalled pedals, nnd general organ-like effects, are superior for Churches, Hallsi Parlors and Schools. They are put up in. enses of Solid Walnut, fancy veneered Wal nut, (new and unique styles) and elegant iioscwnou, ot spleinliu designs and finish, and of the best workmanship! it being intended that each instrument shall be a niodtdofits kind. . AH instruments down to a fine octavo portnblo Melodeon, have the beautiful Trcinolaute stop, without extra charge. A large assortment, constantly on hand nt our Geneial Wholesale and Retail Ware rooms, 841, Broadway. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our new styles, are now ready. Send for a oircuiar. PELOUBET, PELTON & CO Manufacturers, ',1. 841. marl4Gm Broadway, N. Y. City. A1NES BRO S PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA ! Theso Pianos ore universally acknowl edged by competent judges equal to tho best Piano made. For references, they have many thousand city and country resi dents, including larg-j number:) of tho High Schools, (Seminaries, &o. These Pianos have not only stood tho continued use und heavy practice of on year, but have beeu used the last Fftoen years to the utmost satisfaction of thoso Using them. They have taken premiums and med il-i wherever exhibited. Such has been th deninnd for tlu-se Pianos, that Messrs. Haines Bio's have been compelled to en large their works to the extent of 21 to M) Pianos a week. Having now ono of tho most extensive and complete Factories in the United Stales, Factories alone covering ovr three fourth of an acre of gi oiiud, comprising a frontage of 2P.I feet 011 S.'eohd Avenue. They nre undoubtedly the cheapest fir.it elnss Pianos in market. Fully guaranteed for five years. Send for lU'us"iiu6d Circu lar. 11 A1XES UIUVS. oou, 3-3S, SliO, o(i. Mil, at;3,:!70,37-', Sjeini'l Avenue, iuar71S0S3iuos New York City. T?XECUToirS NOTICE. Not ice : ; here Tesiaiiieutar v I w bv given that Letters on the estate of JOSEPH Ellltlii, ate of Beimnger towu.-hip, deceased, have been granted to tho undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, nud tiiose hav ing ulainu against the same will present tkciu duly authenticated for sotilemi.iit. ADAM JESUERGER, fiifer7Gt Executor. Sampson Short, John G. Hall, Jo. Kirkpatrick, Louis Vollmer, Wm. M. SiRije.ly Jcs. K. P. II?.!!. BASKING-HOUS OF hort, H Ofo. t St. TJrtrj's, Eettxtng-er i. O. El.K Cdl NTV, Pfsna. "I70R SALE. 1 'lie St'H'e.house w L, 1." oecupieil by Burke and uod ii ,,:!, lor sale. A desiialue ,H-titiuu Ill 1 thriving boroiuh ol St. Marv'n. A p. CHAS 'JeVI-lW, T'i.zi.it er V O Jan. 3, 67.tf. ElLCo. P4 V