.mu:aj, iKTt-Mir.MNci:. 1 (tr iintrtil ftU'rirc'i. Erie Expres En-I ; lliO.Vi- in. !' do . lies!..., !. Mail I'n-t." ilo (In West , Local I'rcifclil East... do do West..., I 1 ft m . ":50 p. m. . 1:2 I p. m. .10:"0 a. til. . fjilo p. in. nutio e . Hereafter Hig IVt Office will bo oloi-cd every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will Lc kept open froro 8 to 10 o'clock A. M.' Mail Closed nt G M. L. LUTHER, P. M. j,T1ic Commissioners of Klk Co. will :ncet at their ofTicc in Ridgway, on Friday, the 2 '2d day of March. 18CG. J. K. 1'. HALL, CVk. SPECIAL OFFER TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscoibors will bo furnished with PrMonrsi's Monthly Ma;azink und The Elk Advocate for one year for ?3,MJ in advance. Subscribers w'ho nave prepaid their subscription to the Advo'catt, yili be furnished with Pi; morkst's Monthly by Bending us $2. I'ini The lime. weather at tho present The Fa k mkh's llnmsTF.ii. AYe liavo receive 1 a copy of "Tho Fanner's Register," a Monthly Magazine of 1G pacs, 8 w., devoted to those topic? which are of interest to the far mer particularly devoted to fruit crow iup;. The number bc'ore us contains Pinch u-'i ful information m to the cul ture of Berries, Grapes and small fruit jrcncrally. Wo think that .10 cts. the subscription pi ice, would bo well inves ted, by subseribinp: lor The Fid nur'x .-jisli:r. It is published by I). Ileston at. No. Sll Market St. Philadelphia. We call the a'tcntion of our readers to the Advertisement of Dkmorest's Monthly Magazine. Wo believe it to be all that is claimed for it. In point ol sie it ir- oho of the lar-st magazines published. Tn the variety of its matter il i-; excelled by none as a fashion and pattern monthly it stands at the head. Every family viight to Imee, it. The jaibsci iptiou price is S3. Wo will fur nish Demoukst's Monthly Maua zink and the Klk Advocate for ?3,r0 in advance. To those who have ulrea- ly paid their subscriptions to the A'leo nte we will send Di.mouf.st's Month ly for ?2. We ore enabled to do this under a i-poci.il arrangement with the publisher. ELECTION ITE-US- In the late State election in New Hampshire tho Pcmociatic nett gain was shout 1300. Mr. Noble the independent candidate for Mayor of tho city of Erie, l'a., was fleeted on hst Fri.lsy by a majority of S.'il over Mr. Cochran the regular Re publican candidate. The Ucmoeiats made no nomination, but supported 31 r. Noble. T.'iC Democrats carried Ilani.iburg on last Friday tho city of by 225 ma jonty. llAiiirAi. Watlrloo, On Friday, in Bloom township, Columbia county, the Conservative ticket was elected over the Radical, by from 30 to 50 majority. Lust fall (ioary had 70 majority. The Radicals made desperate efforts. They are uutcd, horse, foot and dragoon. Capt. Broekway, editol of The CjIiiiii him, was elected school diicctor by f)2 majority over the Radical pet candidate, Majiir Kuerr. The J'ariot nnd Union says that Gov. Geary offered to vote at the Mun icipal election in Ilarrisburg on lust Friday was challenged, and his ballot refused, lie was told if he had paid State or county tax within two years he could voto. He did not vote. One-third ,f tho nominations re. jectcd by the senate were "boys iu blue." Meerschaum, similar iu apperance, to that found iu Europe, has beeen discovered iu Franklin County Missouri' The James River is so high at Richmond cs to submerge the pumps of the water works, thus cutting off the water supply. There are only forty candidates for the Republican nomination for Gov ernor of Iowa, but more arc daily ex. pected. The product of the quicksilver mi nes of the world for 1SG0 was 120,0(10 flasks. A flask contains fifty pounds' It is believed that l'uliwn BroWIlt low eau not live much loDger. His present nervous disorder grows more aud more threatening. Natchez sends a saddle of Mifsis nippi leopard and rattlesnake hkins to the J'uiis Exp(.-.-ituin. -. - . . SySuU"cribe for the Advocate. FOREIGN KEWS. IRELAND' Lonpon, March IS Evening. The arrests of Fenians still continue to be made in Ireland. Head Centre Dennis .Donovan has been caught at Cork. General Burke, one of the Fenian leaders, who was recently captured, find forty others, have becu carried in irons to Clonmcl and put in jail. KNOlAnd. London, Marct 18 MiduigM . In the House of commons this evening the Derby Ministry asked formal leave to bring in their reform bill to-morrow, aud Mr. D'Israeli, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in explaining the features of the proposed lull, introduced Jooj uus statistics to support the principles on which the bill was grounded. Mr. Gladstone made a short Rpcech, iu which he said ho thought tho figures ot the government were absurd, but he would defer all debate on the question until tho bill came before tho House. London, March 10 Evening. The debate on tho rcforrr. bill is postponed to the 2oth inst. The agents of tho Russian govern . incut are said to be purchasing vessels in this country and ou tho continent to be used as transports. FRANCE. Paris, March 10. A debato took place in the Corps Legislatif last even, ing in regard to foreign affa'rs,in the course of which Representatives Thiers and Favre attacked the foreign policy of tne JMitperor, on tne ground tl:at it favored a unity in both Germany and Italy which was hostile to the interests of France. Minister Rouher and Representative Oliver defended tho course of the gov eminent. Paris, March 19 Evening. In the Corps Legislatif to day, Minister Rouher stated that tho Emperor was iu favor of the Papal debt amongst the Catholic powers, each of them assuming its share of the burtheu and guarantee. ;ng its payment. . . raussiA. Berlin, March 18. It is stated tliat Count Jjismarck lias refused to protest against the absorption ol Poland into the liussian empire. Berlin, March 10 Evening It is reported that a secret treaty was made between Prussia and Bavaria in Au. gust last, and that bj one of tho clauses or this treaty, Prussia may assume the millitary direction of the Bavarian army. AUSTMA. Vienna, March 18. An order has been sent to America recalling Admiral Tcgethoff to the country, to take com. mand ot the Adi latic fleet. Pus, March IS. The members of the newly created Hungarian Ministry to-day took their oaths of ofrtco in the presence of the Emperor of Austria and the National Diet. IIUNOAUY. Pestii, March 10 Evening. The coronation of Fraucis Joseph, as King of II angary, during his present visit to this city, is strongly urged by all par ties. Early Peas. As soon us the frost is sufficiently out of the ground to ena ble it to be dug or plowed, it is advisa. bio to prepare for sowing peas. It is not rcijuisito that the soil should be rich, but if deeply stirred and of moder ate lcitility, the crop will bo nbundant and long continued. Shallow soils and shallow planting give shallow returns, or in other words, give dwart vines, short pods, nnd but one or two pickings. Of varieties thst we havo fouud valuable, Carter's Extra Early or First Crop ma tures early and is p:oduetive. Ne Plus Ultra, Philadelphia Early, and Prince Albert, are all good until Champion of England matures, with which we are satisfied, and continue its use by having a succession of plantings to come along iu due time one after the other. How to Make flit Uest Red Ink Book-keepers and others who have use for fine brilliant Caruiifto Ink, will find the following "how to waks it" all right : To two ounc" boiled water, when cold, add ten cents worth of "40" Car mine, (none other will do) : when thor oughly dissolved add ten drops spirits ammonia. None better can b3 bought at any price or in any uiaikct. Try it. Peatii of Bishop Soule. A tele gram from Nashville, Tennessee, an. nounces the death of tho llev. Joshua Smile, 1. 1)., senior bishop of tho Meth odist Episcopal Church South, who died in that city at au early hour yes'crday morninsr. The deceased becaiuo a min. iter of tho Methodist Church before the commencement of the preseut cen tury, and of course long prior to tho memorial division in that church. He was born su Bristol, Maine, ou the 1st of August, 171, and had attained his Htith year. liidtimnre Sun of the 7th. CABLING ! CABLING ! TONS test (iuality just received, and t ) for sulo at the LOWEST inaikft price. Stud in your orders. J. POWELL rilHE AMERICAN COW-MILK1NO MA- CHINE ! The GREATEST and most successful invention of the Age '. ! Every prudent farmer Bhould have one. Secure your own territory. Apply early at the olllce. EXCHANGE BUI DDI NG, Fob. I I, 3t Ilarrisburg, Pa. 171 OR SALE The lore-house aud Lot occupied by Burke slid Wood iu ofli red lor 6ule. A desirable location in the thriving borough of St. Mary's. Apply CIIAS .McVKAN, lieozinger P. O. Jan. 3, G7.tf. Elk Co. Ij. JOHN'G. HALL, Attorney nt Inw, VMft wny, Klk comity Pn. iiuir-'J'J'CU ly. TOB WORK of nil kinds and dcs. J criptions done nt this office. "1ARVER HOUSE, Warren, Pr., Hull & Uall, Proprietors. Biig!)'(i0-y ALP INK HOUSE, St. MaYy's Tn., Ilor niah Krctz, Proprietor. piigil'tiO AI1E nrt of ,IG DANCING fnil BAN.IO PLAYING tuuRlit ly O. W. P.I'.OWN. Iliilgway, Pa. fscpU.tf ,Vx KCUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUM'IK. Dns, Wnrrnnts, &o., on hand ind for sule nt tlii office JAMES l'.LAKELT Plivsieia I and S Surgcqii, Si,. Mary's, Elk county I'n. mnr-JJ du ly. D l'ft. U. W. W. SHAW PriifilicCB Medicine nnd Surgery, Ocntrcville, Ellt county ninr-liirCG ly. d: A. S. HILL Kerney, Elk county Vn. Will promptly answer allprofessionnl calls by niglil or Jay. mnr-U'GB-ly. DR. EliEN.1. RU8S. l'Tysicinn nmt Sur genn. HI, Mnvy'sKlk county Pn. Jiinc-21'GG-ly. Tefmcd Oil, Good Quality, by the J.V barrel, at CO cents per gallon, bv oct ll if J. POW ELL. If VOil want tt la'' ot Salt, Flour, or Food, you can save money by buying of oct, 11 If. J. POWELL. AUP.IE .1. 1ILAKELY, Attorney nnd j Counsellor at law, and U. S. Coniniis- osucr. Hidgwr.y P. O. Elk eounly. Pn. mar-2J:0fl.ly. SOUTHER AND WILLIS AttorneyTa Law, Ri.lgway, Elk county Pa., wil ail end lo all professional business prompt ly. niar-22T,(l-ly. Dli. W. IL IIARTMAN, St. Mary'sT Elk county, Pn. I.nte of the Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to al) cases of surgical nature. mar-22'0G-ly.: II' VOU "WilTl t D'" Jnno'e or Dr. Aycr's celebrated Sledicines, pure, Call upon the on?y authorized agent, in Ridg way. oct. 11-tf J. POWELL. Gi'ooei'ip of all Kinds cheaper than can be bought at Erie, nt wholesale or retail, by oct. 11-tf. J. TOWELL. EIISEY TTOTEIj. r A. 11. WHEELEk, Pitoi'iiiKTon. This house is conveniently nnd pleasuut- ly located in the thriving village of Centro- ville. J-.vcvy attention paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 31 18li7tf TOR PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, rl Hand Hills. Dill Heads &c, done nt the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and nt reasonable prices fi II. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd Ueale in Lagtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. JIary 8, Llk oouuty l'a. Mnr-22'0u-ly. OU DWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals- Paints. Oils nnd Varnish. Perfumery Toil ct articles nnd Stationary, llidgwny. Elk county l'a. Lmar- uu-ly. HENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furnituio, Spring Beds nnd Mattresses, Picture Frames and Lolhus, Ridgway Pn. Ware Rooms on tho cornor of Mnin and Depot St's. niay-17'C0-Iy. R. J. S. BOB DWELL Eleclio Physi cian. I.nte of Warren county Pn., will promptly answer nil professional calls by nijrht or day. Residence one door east of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis, Mar-'Gti-ly. TASHINGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa., Edward liabel Pro. prietor. This house is new aud fitted up with especial care for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-20'tm-ly. LIVER & DAOON, Manufacturers and Wholesale .(" Retail Dealers in I-Mcmr. Food and Grain, VAA'AIj JUJLLS, J-JKJa l'A. Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar ketrates. eug SIlh-CG-ly JO. IN 0. II A LI. JAS. K. i'. HALL. & into. 1 T ATjIj Attorneys at - Law, ST. MA111S : BENZINCER P. O. ELK COCNtV, PA. September 20, 18GG. ly. R1 T. MARY'S IIOTEL.B. V.. Wellendorf Prdpr'.ctcr, St. Mary's, Elk County Pa. This house is nfctf ttud fitted up with espe. cial care for the convenience and comfort of guests, at moderate rates. Free Hack, to add from the Depot. Good stabling at tached. inar-i'J'tiU.ly. PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk county Pa. Edward Mclirido, keopB constantly dn hand and for sale, Watches, t'loeks. Silver Plated vi'nrf and Jfiwelry of all descriptions. flf fVHepairing neatly executed, f!wl done on short noliee and reasanablo tcmu' Mar l!'J 00-ly. SOMUTIIIXO NfiW! HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. f I Mitt SUJtSORlBEK WOULD HE- bpect fully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started iu the above business iu Ridgway, and feci confi dent that ho can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININO DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AN IN THE luost fashionable and improved manner and slyle. Orders left at this Otlico or at the Bunking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'C'J-ly. THAYER HOL'SE, RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. . The undersigned having tiled up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre nnd Mill slrfels, with good and i-ouveuicnt stabling attached, respect fully soliAits the patronage of histId fiimds and tho purlio geuerauy. declXUB Jj DAVID THATEU. TIlic subscriber eR3 tiave to announce to I the citizens of Elk add adjotniug coun ties that he has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Smutz, and that he is prepared to do all kinds ol work iu a sua able Btvlc. .4 D DLLS, B1UDLES,UA RNtiSS kept constantly on hand at prices to suit the limes, dive mo u cull shop iu the sec ond story of Ding ttore building, oell'-ly.j 0. LEVIS. ;8isiiK?s ,T)a'1ol't. LICENSED AUCTION L" K It. "IkJOTICE is Lcrpby given Hint 1 lmvc tnk tn nut a . Jicriuo- f,s nnclioncei, nnd will aitend promptly to lire calling of all sales entrusted to my care. Any poi son calling Miles without n license wil be held nnewernlilo to the sliict lcllcrol the law. P. W VA11! KIT, Hec211800tf. Auctioneer. "IT? IIEELEU & WTLSON'S SEW. VV I NO MACHINES. The under signed having betn ipY",in,cd .Soft A per. I for the sale of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines for lk county, f to keeps ail assortment conslr.nlly on hand. Machines sold al. Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining Ihemcaa nddress J, K. WII1TMOHE. March 9t-'00- ly. nt Kjdirwiy, Pn. Hi.ACKWMITlIIXGl H. S. liELNAP desires to inform the cili icnsof Hidgwnv and vicinity that, he has leased .1. S. Hyde's P.lacksinith Shop on Mill street, and has employed good work men who will bo ever ready to inako any thing from n buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing oi norsew. a,ii i nsn is a lair trial. May 17'00-l.y. . Hi'. OVERIIOLTZEIi, . : MERCHANT TAILOR, Ilidgwhy, Elk Co., Pa. The pnhscribcr desires respectfullv to in form the citiztns of Ridgway nnd vicinity that ho is prcpa.cd to make to order ns well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the line oi ins nusinoss. All he nsks is a lair trial. Good Kits ffiiRinntccd. HF9uC1oHib. Cassimers, Voslines and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be fold CHUAl'ER THAN THE CHEAP EST. rnue-IO.v H , , Dealer in MTS JO ROOMS' Aro. 45, i'Wst Avenue, Curry t Ver.mx Refers to J. Powell. R. P. El.v. Ri.lirwnir. Ignatius Gamer, (.'has. IfaigCh, St. Mary's. nov J.1, bo, anipd. TiTel'cqiillk RUSTIC .WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WAKKEN, TA. RUST.C WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WAR HEX, PA. RUSTI WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL ' WARREN, TA. l17tc. rVUR STARCH GLOSS, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries,, and. thousands of families. It gives a bcautitul polish, making the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much lime ami labur- doods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon- It makes eld linen look like he ft. i OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best ' in tho world. It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up in the safest-nertt est, and most convenient for'm of any offered to the public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEiT YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 21H Fulton St., New York.- KEAVSHOP. TIN! TIN! ! TIN.'! .' STOVES I STOVES I ! STOVES 11'. John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. ; ' ' ST. MARY'S, TA. ' ICceps'Oonstautly bti hand and for sale, a largo and well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES Ac. We have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists iu part xf ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE cau be hKd at our shop cither riveted or groved. SroimNciAND Rooi'iNti, done on bhort notice and at reasouablo rste. Juno 14tiG-ly.. A. II. Gbay, A. I. Wilcox, R. II. Eukkson, E. F. Adams. QUAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opporite Alpine House, Elk County Pa. DEALERS IN Flour) Peed, Butter, Cheese, Teed, ' Corn, Salt, Fish, Pork, , TJaiii, Powder, Canned Fruits, Beef, Beans, Nails, GlassJ AND STAPLE GROCERIES December 20, 18Gi ly. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT Ti n: in no way DRUG STORE. KEPT I)Y BORDWKI.L MESSENGER, PealcA's in Pnijs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumcrios of nil Kinds, The putest Vnrnh.h, Brush-os of every ' Stylo and Size Bye Stcffs, Pvirc Confectionarics Citron, Raisin'-!, Pateut Medicines, 'Vines, Watehes, Jcwthy, Rings, Tobaecoca , Segars Pure Lhjuors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Brug Business Gen erally. Pure Brugs at Low Prices I Pure Brugs at Low Trices ! Notions in Endless Variety I Notions iu Endless Variety ! American and English Watches ! American and English Watches ! Latest Styles ot Jewelry, Rings, &c. Latcr-t Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery. Bird-Cages ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo aud Guitar Strings ! iuar20lS0O CASH GROCERY STORE JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries kc, would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he has gone into the Uroecry business and will open ou or about the middle ol Way. lie keeps constantly on banc an cxten.'iivc stock of TEAS, FLOUH, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by thebarrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and 'coirserpicbt ly cau afford to sell CHEAPER Jthan the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to come and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Cm. K" EKOSENE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS. CLUE. POTS, OIL CANS, &c. fee. JUG?" All the cooking for a "cjj r?" family may bo done with "ten fiS? Kerosene Oil, or Gas, tiai E&" with less trouble, and at -33 less expense, than by any "d flisy other fuel. -ftl Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed tor it. ESy-Send for Circular. X3a LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO tllE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 20G Pearl Street, N. Y. July-10'OB.-ly. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Tho undersigned has laid out a vil lage upoii his ground adjoining tho Ridj; way Depot, to bo called KLK. The lots are 60 feet front by 100 feet deep front in e towards therailroad. Terms For the first lot sol 1, 5100. Fot (he second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, S-12U ami so on increasing m price as lots are sol J. fiizgt. First purchasers get the choice lo I at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the ol der of their application Ten percent of tho pui'cliasic money must be paid at the timcot the application. fif-SApplicaiions will ho made to John G. Hull, Es.j., Ridgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, mar.lid'flfi-if. ITCH I ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch I fir-ralch I rrutch I WHEA-TON'S OINTMENT Will Cuhk tub Itch in -If Iloeits Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS CIIII.EL.UNS, and nil ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN'. Price 50 tents. For sale by nil druggists, liv Hi-ndinir 00 cents lo. WEEKS & POTTER, Solo Apcnls, 170 Washington sireet, Rosion, it will bo for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the tnitcd states. (june-i Ou-ly. ROVESTEEN & CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 1111) Jh-ouJinii, Nuc York. THESE PIANOS received the Highest A want ot Merit : at tne iorlUi fair, evor the best milkers from London. Pat-is, (u r nuiny, Ihe cilics of New York, Philadelphia P-allimorc and ilosion ; nlso the Gold Medal al tho A titer ienn In'tttlulc, for FIVE mieccs sive ve-irs! ! Our Pianos contain tho French (Jruud Actiou, Harp Pedal, Over strung lbiss, Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. ei-n Improvements. Every instrument tear ranted FJ YE year: Mado under I he su. pervisiou of MB. J. H. GROVESTEEN, who bus a practical experience of over Ihii ly five years, ami is ihe maker of over eleven tjioiimml jiiaiw fortes. Our facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell these in struments from $100 10 i-JOO cheaper than any first i-luss piuno forte. July-10'UO.-!y. THE PLACE TO 111 Y 13 WhLi.E YOU CAM BUY The Cheapest. GO p !? X K . f- - i ill n-i ?j " 5 1'iad CO G W Ui V) : cr -4 ft P- 75 -: r -i 5- a t c. i- 5 r ' 1 t, c. r' a, . a e c tr rr S O 5 Ct J. O 3 O C .- X o u r: enj 50 7 2 s - Y-'ir'S. a , 1 3 T - G 1 C'X H Si 3 'n l3 P On a Y - S" T3 S a o P Cu 05 o 2 0 -v. a C3 ' S. - M -H 5 U- a 2 S 2 SO 3-' 2 S. S. H R. H- S 5(3 2 -2 D 0 0 0 ji 2. 5? QO a O c WE SELL JOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN HE nOUCIHT IN - E r I e City 4 GIVE US A CALL, AND ?VE WILL Prove G R E A T E X C 1 T E M EN T o o o tr a O o C 3S) o v tt W o I I H o o H H o (cms no I i I H O o W H O 5 c H CO w - O tn o H o 0Q c n ri H i W CO i Til O .O o m in INSUKANOi: AUAIN'Sr lo.-sor DAMAGE by FIRE. IIE Lj-comui;' County Mutual Insur ance Company nt M,u,,-..v. 1. tunics lo Iiimiicj aa-iinst Loss or Daiaaeo by lire on all kinds uf .MncUudisov Public and pnvuio iiihlins, tiiher in town or cnnnly. Also on Mill.s Taniieries, Hams siocks of Oram, &c, at tho lowest possible rales -.i!isiMeul will, Haf.;ly (0 the Insurer' and Insured. Tho l.youimnK County. Mil-' mill liisiiraiica Company invites an iuvestii gallon as to its Ubilily. l;s capital amounts to 8 9,ft OOf.O'OO! Tims assuring lo every one of its patrons 1 lull their losses Will be promptly aud satis actoi ily paid, lis management has always been pi ud.-nt, as its exislenae of twenty, six years fully demonstrates JAMES ELAKELY, Agent for E'k eounly, &t St. My'