J. D. B. DE BOW. , Tlio editor of 11 -it's Review died' 0( hi res'uL nco in Ehcaheih, New Jer rrvtim the 27ih. Mr Pe Row was I vn b Chaii-foii, South Curoliuii, in 1810. Alter receiving a thoiuiiuh cd t catii'ti, be Mudied Ihw. was admitted to ll.e b.ir. und iwoh h quired u hir-e prac tice. Hw however, led liim to. vraids literary pursuits, and in 1X45 ho established Ins AVwiu- in New Orleans. ln184S he became Prolesser of Politi cal Economy and Commercial Statistics in the University ut Louisiana, and in 1853 urermu'iident of tlio United Hate Ccnm: About ihi time he co'ii- m ed li-Miii liiH U'ffi-ic three volume in. tier 1 1.'-title,, ol the Southwest 'Industrial llcsotirecs ' which remains a vV.- iv v it I kin 1 1 li' niuk. t'tiice the war Sii.rp thn war Mr. 1 ll. w hud tfi Vi.ted his 'time and tal ent liuhe iui iels ot the Sunt hern stc ti..n nl the imi'iiti, and I. is labors hud i.ul leeu hunrti ut 1'iuiln A close stil- uenf. u clear thinker mid an industrious in. hi it is tin wonder that Mr. DelJow has hit liib nmk iijoii many of the in btitu'ii'ii!' nf the. eountiy. Viii.miimstiiM line u 1 11 Kit s Pome editors have jirnwn o licli and lbeul thai they ni.w hire mbseribe'is to takt th.-ir paper. An Eastern editor takes the lea t iu liberal iuduceuuuts, as fol ic wes : iili'cr'bei s for one copy of the Cancrr will he presented With one but of petrol cum hhiukiuir. This lii a very superior atticle ; it will black boots or stoves, and muv ho uel us a hair dye; (For tcsti nii.hiais tr.uu leading cletjivnieri. states men Miid bootblacks, Bee advertising co'umns id the Com er. utisuribnr lor two copies will receive , 0 hiiX of Fntd'lics. , . . SuiiciiVrs lor five eopies will be presented with a pair ol iron-clad spec tiielis. with jilasstycs. wairanted to suit !' oi e uue as well us another. iibc-iil evs lor fen copies will be en 1 it 1 d to a pitent adjustable bootjack, v Inch caii uh-obe ustd as a corkscrew, ' Ci flee null or inkstand. !iih.-criheis lor twentw-tve copies will nce'we a marble buieau with a niulioiiny top. Subscribers for fifty copies will re ccive u seven octavo sewing machiue villi the AyrifFe a tuohment. ,.vulis-:rihers for seveuty five copies ... . i i i : . .1' wi receive a lasi-wooa parior auu oi fjru'turiV Subi-eiibers for one hundred copies will ii crive ; uuiii.l nh't with au order (era tiuiibstmio dolivcitd wlieu requir id. . Subscriber lor five hundred copies W.II nc'ive a nomination tor i unurrrB ' t-'uhsctibers lor a thousand copies wii! be pif-ented with a faun iu New Jersey, fenced in and lui.rtyaueil. . Tvi'onKAimcAL UoitttOKo A New York letter writer thus sketches a few typographical errors : tjnu day la.st year Mr. Oreely wrote an editorial entitled William li! Cew aid." I:unine his rajre when it came to him in proof headed "Richard the Third !" Yet anybody familiar with ,. chirograph)', it hi inky jerks can be so designed, will readily ee not only how tMich a niisiake could he made, but how it tirohuhlv would he. Attain he wrote about "three men iu buckram," and the pro-a'c type-setter got it ' three men in a back mum." And this, notwithstanding tlio fa t that two coiiiHisers ol sagacity and ex perience arc hired at an extra salary, hi caiite they can read his &.py. Hut Geo. Ripley has beeu the victim of the in ssest outrages iu that line. In one of his hook notices he took the liberty to iiu .te Irom Shakespear : Tis true, 'tis i'y, and the wretched lumpier pot it "' I is I wo. 'tis fifty ; 'tis fi!ty two !" That is some worse than James F. Bap cock's tiiuityrd.im. when he wrote, "Is there no balm in (Jilead ?" and read in X' iiioruiiiL;. to his consternation, "Is there no ' ham in Uuilt'ord 1" Mr. Crawford, a member of parliament, re cently sent to India lie niessaue, "The ik-ws iroiii America tnvors the holders." an I it arrived iheie with ho information li.it "News from America savors of boldicrs !"' Aneouitk O' iitS. I,KE. 'I he cdi tor ol the (i.tlveston Civilinn has from (Ion Ijiuastreet ( who proni unces G"n. U-tt ''the best man in the world") the . itillowlnur anecdote 'f the. great Coulcd i r.ite (Miiettuin ; "Dnono occu."ion Gen. T.ce called fid. L, one of his staff ofHeers, into his -ut, an I ciiu n-'ncol dictating while Co'. I wr.ite. t!ol. L. had in his mouth a pipe, and was smoking.' The General nhaled the iioiious vapor until his pi i ie iiue beeaiiie exhausted, and then said: ('ol. vou can retire and send me Col. ; he does not smoke." V.iA I,, retired, at.d in a lew moments Col eriteied, to whom the Generul l oiiiiioiiiced dictatinj; j but after inhaling i ho atmosphere of the tent awhile, he dis" covered it to be considerably impregna ted, not with tho perfume of roses, but the olioiis smell of villainous whiskey, wh:ch ho ciuld Dot stand." "Uetire, Col. . and send nie. an offioer who riiher drii.ts nor smokes; I would lather endure the snioke-of tob3oothari t iie smell of whiskey." " In Cittmr. -"Madam" the Lawyer .h-nxiiUl uhat so-t it conduct hae u nurnied through lift that idiould Mil.ji.ft you tu the wr--pipion uf this '. -v ilium the i-laniitfi'" uut- he unf-wereil : "luinudence. which . Ins been thc'uja'kiii 'ol vou, has caued ii y luiu !" .v . covrespondent from Lnuisiaoa utiles that a reat uiany id the water irivt!e?i' a lvertici is that region, are Mut V'Ji'lL a dam. VSTARS EXTERMINATOR. , '- i Costar'a Exterminator, Kiteriaiujtor, -Costar'a Exterminator, - Kxt'etmiiiator, ' Costar'a Exterminator, Exterminator, . ., Costar's Kxtertninator, " . . Exteruiinator, Costar'a Exterminator, " Extenninator, . Costar'a Exteruiinator, Exterminator, .. Costar'a Exterminator, Extermiutor, Costar'a Exterminator, Eiteriuinator, Costar'a Exterminator, Fo. Tuts. Mice, Roaches, Aotn, Ded Hut, ilea. Moths and rurs in Wooleus, , lascots on IMnnts, Fowls, Anioials, etc. ' lft years established in N. Y. City.' ' Onij infallible remedies known.' i pree fronl poisons.' ' Not dangerous to the Human Family, !.' Beware... of all worthless imitations See that-" COSTAlt'S " name is on each Box, Bott'e, and Flask,. belore you buy. Address 1IESRY R. COSTAR. 4S4 Broadway, N. T. OSTAK'S CELEBRATED Buckthorn - Salve ! For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds. Boils, Cancers, bioken -Breasts. Sore Nipples. Bleeiliug. Blind and Painful Piles ; Scrofu lous, t'ui riil and ill conditioned Sorts; Ul. cers. Glnnduiitr Sw.'llinirs. Eruption. Cutr- ueous A Heel ions, Ringworm, Itch, Bites of fepitlers. lnsecis. Animals. c. Boxes, 2-5 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sites. Sold by all Druggists, everywhere and by HKNUf 11. ( OSTAR. Depot 485, Broadway, N. T. lOSTAR'S UNIVERSAL Corn Solvent ! For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. nozes. z i cents. 50 cents, and SI fuses. Sold b all Druggists everywhere, and by HtiSnV K. UO!TAM. Depot 484 Broadway, N. V. JOSTAU'S PREPARATION OF Bitter Sweet atid' Orange Bfotsoms, fur lhuutt 'fying the Complexion. Used to soften and beautify the skin. remove Freckles. Pimples, . Eruptions, He. Ladies are now using it in preference to all oiliers, t'nee 91 per bottle. Sold by all Druggii-ta everywhere, nd by IIK.NKV U. t'OSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. V lOSTAR'S PECTORAL COUGH I! E MED Y, For Coughs; Cofds. Hoarsenass. SorTliroat, Lioup IV hooping Coughs, llifluema. Agihma. Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, 25 cents. SO cents, aud $1 sites, Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by llfc.NKY K. COSTA K, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. QOSTAR S CELEBRATED Bishop Fills! A . Utuvermt Dinner Pill ! ! For Nervouine and Sick Headache, Cot- tiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bil- liousness, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, aud general derangement of the Digestive ORGANS. Boxes. 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 siioi, and ! told by all Druggist ? where, and by HENRY R COSTAR. 101-fc Dpo 4S4 IWJwa V. T, WARDED A OOJ.D MEDAL I AT TBI Lmerickn Intitute TtSt I OCTOBER 10, 1K6. In direct eornpelilion with all the leading makers m Uia country. 'PELOUDET" O RG A N.S AND MELODEONS. C. PELOUBET k SON', Manufacturers. Respectfully invite the attention' of pur.' chasers, the trad and profession, to ilie FOLL 0 WING IX S Tit CM EXT S Of tbeir manufacture . Pedal Base Organs, Five sizes. FiTeOctave. one tothree Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Reeds, Prices $235 to 000. School Organs. Nine styles, sinjrle and double Reed, Rosewood and Black walnut oases, Prices, $130 to $210. Molodeonp, Piano style and Poriahle. Twelve Varie ties, from four to six Onaves. single and double lieed, l'.Odewood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $ti5 to 210. Every instrument is niiuie bv competent workmen, from the bst material, inieoroiir personal supervitiion. and every uodi-rn improvement worttiv ot the nsruo. is inlro dueed iu them. Ami.g these we would call ailen-ion lot lie Th'tMoLANTK. which lias been so much admired, and ci' be found on'y iu instruments of our own uiuuufac lure. , . . -, From among the fluttering testimonials of emincrit prol's--ors aud orgauists, we give the following eiirwsts : The pedals I eotieeiveto he unnpfroach able in their beautiful smooth quuaiy." Wm. A. King. " It is a grand, good i-.'sirument, and does credit to the builder." if. C. Folger, Troy, New I ork. Thev are among the finest Instruments inanufactured either in this country or a broad." Wm. Berg, J. Mosenihal, Aptoiuas They have giveu universal satisfaction. W. E. Hawley, Kon du lac. Wis. There is a peculiarly sweet and sympa thelio tone which harmonites charmingly with the voice. W. II. Cooke. " I am particularly plaased with the ar rangement ol thediSerent registers. nni 11. Brdbnry. 11 tio other instrument an nearly ap proac'ies the orgar." Thi: Chonsli r, N. 1 " This insiruiuen. lias a clear superiority UTTI cr CI J iiiiiij J tilt a uuuvv4 iuiwui u Independent, N. Y. 1 he tones and the action are excellent. Rev. W. a. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. " The "nore we use ii the better we like it." J It Hague, Hudson. New York. , " The two U.mk Organ j really a gem.' J W Kinniculi, IIomIi.o. .Ms. We have found them excellent in all pomtj constituting a good lustriiniem. J C Conk. T J Cook. " It looks aud Rounds splendidly," S B .Vmiou. Troy, iew l uric. " The most erlect toned Melodeon I erer saw. tjuy r nu'lli. ' They tall hack mi eueh substantial mer its as superiority of wurkmanHbip. beauty of tone aud reasonableness of prioe. And we must say that in all their respeots they are well worthy of praise. Musical fio neer. 1 fOjrEvery Instrtiroeut is fully-warranted. and bored aud shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and rrlce Lists, Ac sent oc application to C PL0UBET& SON, JkooMritLD, N. J. Or J M Pelton. 841, Broadway. New York Cenrad Meyer, 7:i2, Arch Street, Philad'a ; S Brainard 4 Hon, t'leveland, Ohio; J A Tucker ji Ca, Jackson, Michigan s Herder k Gerard. Ciuoinatii. Ohio: Joel II Snow, Mobile. Alaratca, WHOLESALE AdEST. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODIC At i m n D i? j. v n u . DAILY WEEKLY PAPERS will be for 'aale hereafter, regularly at The ST. Book Stoiii2 MARYS. N.'B. Any Work, either American or.Eufofon, Religious, Scientific, Phil osopLiual, Historical, &c, will bp pro- cared on application as1 above. - Any article in the Bonk or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent for by mail and be received in a few days ult.ir or dering. rjun- U-ly. " ' PHOTOOUAPIIS.'- t. i. H. T. ANTHONY 4, CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, Wholesale and itetail, . COi BUOADWAY. N. V. In addition to oiir main business of PI10TOGUA1MI1C MATERIALS we are Headquarters fo the following, vi. 8TEUESCOPE3 & STF.KESCoriC V IEW S Of Amerionn and Forpitrn Cities and Land sonps. Groups. Siatnai-y. tc. STEKKSVOPIi; VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cvn paigns and forming a complete Photograph ic history of the great onnlest. . 8TEHEt0()lMC VIEWS OX C.r.AsS, . Adapted for either tho Mngfc Lnniern or the Steresoope. OiirCiinloguc will be sent to any address on receipt of Stnmp. HIOTOGIUHIIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely limn any other house, about TOO varieties from- f0 cents to $50ench. Our A LBCMS have the reputation nf being superior in beauty and durability to any others.. ... Card Photographs of Generals, Stateimen,"Actorj etc.,- etc ' Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, -including reproductions of the most, celebrated En gravings, famiings; eta'ties, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. rhotographers ami others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their order. fThe prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy,... (june 14"CC-ly. I - ARO E OA P A. IT V, . GREAT .St rognt h j and unequalled speed, simplicity and completeness of operation, are qualities pe. culiar to the - Nonpareil "NValxiug.- JIa- uiite. It is a Bnuecr.i'u' machine constructed on etrictly mechani - " prineiples. and tho ex perience derived irom hve years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public iustilurons proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by roiary motion acting on a clank s'inft with ba'ance wheel.) which moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious and most powerful 111 fit can lie de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity ami the least possible labor. I he gre.it speed with which this machine performs work will be understood trom .be statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one ti:rn ol the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred sin kes a minute Safely lo the fabric wa-hed ts insured by too entire absence of rubbing. . ; Agirlorbny of flneen can "work the ma. chine, and du a week s washing for a f imi'y of six or eight persons in two to three hours time: and if mny be relied on locloansethe clothing thoroughly, without assistance from band rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKI.KY iv KK VTING, 181, Water St., N. Y. July 20,'CC ly . J. GURNEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTiSTS, 707, HKOADWAY. N. Y. TS ndilition to our Phoioai-aphio Art Gali I lery, estub'ished in 184l, we Ie ve frjr me l.i.-t Five years had ailvantais su ptriur tu any uther f.-t'ihlislniictit iu oh. tuiiuii Mttinus :roiu lile, ot till the Prominent V'cltbiitius of the day iu Curd portrait-, and arc now pulli.-diiug a LataloL'uo or over i50l SUBJECTS, American and Foruijjii, also a laive lisl ot copies ol Winks of Art und Enurav. ins. Catalogues petit ou receipt ot Stamp. Au older for tine ' dozen pic. Hires 1 1 our onr I atiilogue will' he tilled at 1 bU, and soul ly mail Ireu. Single pictures 25 cents each, copies of va. graving 15 cents each. . ii. o uIm desire to call uttentiou to the udvapiae tve Lave lor reproduc ing, or copying, old lhigueriei-typnH, Anihruiypes. card I let tut , vc , ut do ceased relatives and fneiids, oiil.ir'ii.' tti'-in to anv fizf. und tin isli inr 1 1 Oil Water Colors, or India luk, with the aid ol toil la'.i tiled ai huts. . , 'i.'ii.i funics aesiriiig copies. bnou'U mere fore correspond with us direct. scud lor a cutnhuue. J lie trade supplied at a liberal discount. Cillery opeu for free luspectum, aud stranger visiting the city will bud our tjalli ry one of the must ugr.-eablo places where in to while away an hour. J. GLllNKY & SON. acD-20 Gu. 7u7. Hroadwny. N. Y t .. .. .... - j , All of supcrioi quality, for salt by the Tannerdale Coal Company St. Mary 'a, K!k Ccuoty, Pa. giOrders by mail prompth ittend cd to. . .8e't,', lOH PP 'NTING 9 NEATLY CUEAPLY& .. . A " e . : ErPKDlTIOUSLV KxMut! at tit Asocati Offiea' . . mew mm AT TI1B New Ston? of W.CIS BROTH Hill at St. Mary's, Ulk County PcoDsylvania Successors to Geoeqk Weis.' Offer for sale, at wbolesale and retail, a well selected slock of Sl'tA'G,SUMMU Mi. j -mt -utt 'w W m Aionixais, SILKS, roriJxs, DELAIXES, MOIIAIKS, Tluin and figured Alpacas. A large ': ; ' ' 1 . -. r assortment of Prints, 'Whits goods ;ol every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. ... Ladih's & Children's Millinery Goods ; such as BOXXETS, HATS. CAPS, HIBBOXS, d-c. CLOVES L- HOSIERY. (jL.XiiS furnishing g'3th of tttry description, CL O THS, CA SSI MERES etc., dc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of ' PETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for lamily use. ,. . Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Coufectioi.ary, Jlrush. esolull kinds. A lull assort uieut of Stationery, Wall Pu , per, Paper Curtains, Itrau. tiful Oil Cloth Window" Shades. ' A very large ' assortment ot Segars aud Tobacco. yEIiUY OUR STOCK directly from the Munuluciururund there- re we etui uHord tu hell ch"aper than any other establishment iu Elk cuuuty, PIIE PURLTO vited to call are reepcctfully in nn rxirnun our Mock and' prices ! Whether, thev wish to buy or not, for we claim to hav one of ihc most complete stocks and the tlpesr !s I Dlvl'j in the eountv und cau sell for less profit, than any oilier house. hi tne county vAVVi'Sji Brothers St. X - t'i, MwlOiu'CO. IUDQWA1, P5Si WHOLESALE ft'HEtAlL DElALftttlJ! K i (fir oi,0 Ci'j DRY GOODS, i- . , ,M v. ; . . CLOTHING, . FLOL'R GROCERIES, . . QUEENSWARE, ' FEED. HARDWARE, , LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STOKES : AMONG THE Most Complete 1 i AXD BEST-APPOINTED . ' ; in inE COUNTRY, ANi THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains ! C ALL& SEE i March 20th, 1860-ly. BOOK STORE. St. lax-y'&, Elk County JUST RECEIVED 6 DC BEADLES DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 2EC GERMAN STORYBOOKS. ASSORTMENT OF ALL nd' ( Stationary, Blank books, Time books, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Rooks, Paper, Envelopes ic. dirco from the Manufacturers for cash, we are enabled to sell at the same rates tfrt they can be purchased inANY OF HIE LARGE 'CITIES, 10 per cen Ullo wed on all purchases of tcu dollars upwards. W. J. RLAKELY. June 14'C(-'y. A O E NT S WAN TED J. T. IIKAUI.EY'8 HISTORY OF 7 HE WAR, NOW READY- Co.uplote in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be tho most ntvresting, pi.pul ir, and rnfuuble His tory of tho Kehellion, which is fullv at. lected by the enormous sale -of 200. 000 volumes, and a lare portion of the country mill uncuuvassed. We are obliged to run our presses niyht und day to enable us to supply our Aden's. Men of charae'erand ability, who de sire a luciative etuploymeut, will find this a rare opportunity. .'1 he price of the work in w'ttme i to low. (compared with our Histories) us to bring it within the reach of all eludes. For lull particulars send for circular. Addrens i . tmtrltnn PuhUnttlntr Com'y 14H Asylum Street, Hartford, Con. E IPlltp SE -VIXQ MACIIIN'E CO. i'r.'nrtpal OjKce, 616 Brtadway, JV. 1". CHEAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing Ma-ohii-fi. ' Kinpira Shuttle. Crank Motion Bewinn M lobine. It is thus rondered noise. Iea in hoi ion. lis motion being all positive, it is not liable o get ovl of order. It is tha best Family Machine! Notice ia eallrd to ur ,iew and Improved Manufacturing; Ma ohine, for ui; rs and Boot and Shoe Fitters. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal d'.aoouut will be (iven. No ConniaBmeBls made. up . EUFIBB 6EWLNQ MACHINE CO.