f fV ri-IE LARGEST N ev cash unotoitY store. T 71 V n S T O R E i A WARDED A GOLD MEDAL! 'Zi 3 'CP "a a a sa a STOCK OF Kv f&, & w '. w C .TAMES MeC'iOKKY.Y. 1 ,-:,;.; i.i AT THE Groceries Ac, would ivrjx'i ilt'ly kili-im the citizens ni Kersey mid vicinity, ti.at he Ima pone into the Grocery bunc--, nnd will open on or tibout the middle of Way. He kcop3 constantly on hauc American. InstituteaFair ! RIDGWAY, PINNA TIIK HCST DESIRABLE ASSORT MENT. an extensive ttotk of OCTOEEH10, 13G5. rpnn CNHERSTGNm o.Tera lo tho puV- lie nt his rntnumdioits iviles Rooms ).' Jlnlgwny, III? largest and host general nv bortment of Merchandise Unit can bo font1;, nt any Store between williamsport and erie, mid nt. more favorable prices ilian can 1 : bought nt either of tlu-.-e j-'nitiip. His stock comprises a t plcudid variety c : PRINTS, PELANES, SIIEETINCS, DEES3.GOODS, CLOTHS, HEADY WADE CLOT1IINII, E00T3 . AND SIIOEA, TINWARE, HARD WERE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, an o ceries d-1 vi o 1 7,s oxs tSft-The proprietor, thankful for the very generous patronage thus fur extended lo hi.s .establishment by Hie citizens of I'!k itnd adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. J. l'OWELL, 4ug.-lCCG.-Iy. F U It NITU 11 13 ! rpiIE UNDERSIGNED T A K E S JL pleasure in announcing to the titi Sicns of liidgway und adjoining towns, that lie has just oj cited a Furniture Shop in Ridgway, and is prepared to sell nil Linda of furniture nt the lowest prices. Ilia Etsek consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SmiXG REDS & MATTRESSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Can seat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, JUNGES, TETE A TETES, BEDROOM SUITS f Chestnut, Mahogany and Black Walnut nnd every thing usually found iu a iirst class country Ware Rooia. PICTURE FRAMES cf i.ll sizes, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, Black Walnut and Gilt . MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, ar.d i.ale to order, of every kind and descriptive. Please CALL and examine my t'w.k ho. fore purchasing elsewhere, for I L .pe by ttrict attention to business, und kroiiug all the market demands iu uy lite, u merit the patronage of the public. iVarorooms on the corner of Main and !-i c t streets. HENRY H.'TiIOMAS. May-17'oG-ly, TIT OT ICE IS Jl E KUI'.V C! VIA" THAT A Jji MELTING OF TIL': .Vl'OCKHOLU- vxs of the Daguscajioiidi; Improvement Company, will be held on the'lirst Tues day of February, 6th day, at tits office of tho company at No. f0, Trinity Luil diops, Bread way, New York, at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purpose of choos ing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of s uit other business as may come before the meeting. JOHN S. GRIFFITH, t'pl )tJ'J want Agents everywhere losell our tMi'iiovKii 20 Sewing Mai-hint:-. Three new kinds. Under and upper ;'., . Kentontri.il. Warranted live years-. Aloe salary or large commissions paid. TheuxtA machines sold in the United Mates for let s than $10, which are full, iuusnl I,; Jl.ju e, H7(((-irV Wilson, Oruwr .V JJalur, ,S;-'r $ Co., and Uiiclttl'lt r. All other ( heap ma chines are uifrinyemmi and i'l . tt'.li r or mtr tire Tcli'iLIp lo arrtnl, file m iito-iioi;n!t,tt. Illustrated circulars biii.-c. .rtd'iriss, ov call upon Sliaw & Ulari;, nt Piddthird, Jlaine,"or Chioogo, ill. may-17'Oi-ly anted", agT:nts sv.j to 52011 PER MONTH for jreutlemeu and S3i to for l.taic?, everywhere, to introdueo the Ce'eLruted Common Sense Eauiily Sewing Machine, unprov ed nnd perfected. It will hem, foil, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and cuibroider Ijeautifully. J'rico only ?-0, making iho clastic lock Ktitch, f.nd fully war. ranted for three years. We ay the above wages, or i: com mission, from vlticli twice that amount can be ma le. Address with t.tainp, or call on (.'. DOWERS & CO., Salesreems, No, .-. South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ht-ll letters uusweied promptly, with a'rculars fiud terms. May-ol'Uti-ly. '!' 1 FUR SALE. Too .lore. house and Lot occuj.ied hy JlurUe and Wood is offrred i.pf f-ale. A desirable location in the t hr iving borough of St. T lary'a. Apply ut C11AS. MeVEAN, lienniner P. 0. Jan. 3, C7.tf. Elk Co. Pa. 3 0B PRINTING J NEATLY ' IEAPLY& EXPEDITIOUSLY iiaeutod at th AnvcK'Aia Offio TEAS, FLOUR, SUG ARS, TOBACCOE3, SEGAES, WHISKEY by the bane! or o.iarl, and everything connected villi tt first class Grocery Stove. 1 will sell fur CASH nnd consequent ly can Milord to sell CHEAPER htm the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to call und satisfy themselves. .TAMES JIcCLCSKEY- May "d, 'CO. Gm. K "KROSLNE AND (!.S t'OVi'.S. TEA AND COVFEK liOll.liitS, CLL'E, l'UTS, OIL C'AN.S, iie., &v. tSf All the efokino: for n && fititiily ia.iy be done- villi '"O-'i ftar Kerosene Oil, or C-.iv-, "v.,i bf with less trouble, end til ".:4 tiiS" less expense, than by v.uy Ci2 other fuel. -Qtl Each Article maiaif'teluri'd liy tt.is Cinv pany is ptiarnulecd to perform nil ibut is cbiiacd for it. kO'-'Scnd for Circultir."G3 LIBERAL DJSCOVXT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 200 Peautj Stuki.t, N. Y'. July-Pl'GO.-ly. VALUAELELOTH EOll SALE. The undersigned Lnsi laid out ,'t vil. lajre upon his pround adjoining the 1'. v way Depot, to be c.tilel ELK. The lots are 00 feet front hy 1U0 feet deep front iuff towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the eecond lot sold, $110. For the third lot. sold, $120 and t-o on increasing iu price as lots arc sold. BictJU First purchasers get the choice lot at t lie chcupcst rules. Purchasers will he registered in the or der of their application. Ten percent of tbo purchase money must he paid at the Ijiue of the application. CRJUApplications will lie made to John G. Hall, L.S4., llidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, innr,20'CC-tf. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch i ScraliJi! Scratch ! WEEA.TON'3 OINTMENT Will Cuke tub Itch is iS Ilovr.s Also cures SALT RHEUM. VLCERS, C1IILT.LA1NS, and nil ERUPTIONS OF 'J HE KKi.W Price 50 cents. For sale Ly all druggists. Jiy sendin'C CO cents to Wr.KKti"& POTTER, Sole Arents, 170 V.'ashinglon street, Rosloii, it will he for warded hy wail, free or postage, to any part of the United Males. ( june-7'ijti-ly. 13 IjXc kImTt I h NC ! II. 8. DELNAP desires to iiif.ivm the citi zens of Eidgway and vicinity that he has leased J. . Hyde's Pdncksmiih chop oa Mil! street, and has eitiplyed good vwirk iner. who will he ever ready lo make any th!.. IV im a liuck'o lo an anchor. !';'r; ieu'.ar aitenlion given to the shoeing Ci" I..ics. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'Cli-ly. I7IRTHS 7 MUSIC STOKE, r03, Broadway, N. Thaddcus Firth, siicees'or irth. Son cv Co. Music Publisher, jul'ac turer and Importer tf MUST CM, TNSREMENTS, PIANO FORTES, MELODF.ON'.S, CABINET ORGANS, Aud every desi-riptien of M CSlCAIi MERC 1 1 ANDISE. Sole New York Agency for the ee'cbraled Giltuore & Co's Band Insiru. litents. Our Batid department i.s under the personal supervision of Mr. 1). L. Downing. V.'l:.jle.:ale and Retail -pot for the aJoiliicS giil'pjii Colitis Officii, which eha!let)'fe.3 comparison ;t:i the most effective lustrumeiu yet oliered to iho public. New and Choice Music published daily. Catalogue') and price lists tf In. Eirumcnts luiuislieU on uppucaliuii. rdLatcst Music- fivm till the lead. 1112; publishers 111 America. Any piece of Mu.-.ie, or Mu-ie Br.c!:, sent by mtiil, post-paid, on receipt of retail price. Orders by mail lor l'JUMCor Instru ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. All eoods warranted to prove : , represented at FIRTH'S MUSIC STORE, Hcp20.1y fjroadv.T.e, N. Y JOTICi: TO CliEDl'J'- (JltS. 'iho late fir in of LiaLe S: oods of the Jioruucdi iif St. Jlary's, l.lk coenly, Pa., having on the "1st day of lo tol.tr, A. i). 1 t';tl, made a geiit-i-al .;-.-iga-nicut for 1 he 1-ieuelit ol creditors to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to j- : I 1 iirin will please make payment, and all having claims pre. -nit ll.eni to CllAUI.l'S MeV KA.V, A.-.-ij :t.ee. St. Mary's, Ben.iiier P, O. December lilli, ISti'i. tvtotic k is i;i;ia:y;Y tnvrx that IS LETTI.liS 0T ADMlMSIl'.A'iltl.N on tho Estate of Eddy Hyatt, late of Fos township, Elk county, deceased, have been planted to the undersigned, therefore ull persons having claims against, or aro iu any way indebted to haid estate are requested to call aud nettle their accounts. J. N. HYATT, Adm'r. ORPHA HYATT, Ad'x. deo!3 Ctpd. IIORDWiLL & MESSENGER, DKALKllB IN DRUGS, MEDICINE, LAMP OIL, POINTS, LEAD, LUB RICT1NGOIL, TNNER3' OIL, I'ERFUMERIES, VARNIII, BRUSHES, DYE.STUFF3 CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY', NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGARS. PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY EORDWRLL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. J. GUENEY !c SON, PliOTOGRAPZiIG ARTi?T3, V07, BROADWAY, N. Y. IN addition to our Photographic Arl Oali lery, ct.-ih' i -hc J in li-l'i, ivc have lor the la.-t Five years had advantages su perior to any' other establishment in 0:1 tainint; sittinfrs from life, of nil the Prominent Celeb', it.es ol tho mi v in Card portiaits, pud arc now publi. hin; Catalogue of over U f0 0 SUBJECTS, American and Foreign, t-lso a lf.rjre li-'t of copies of Works of Art t.nd r.ir.-'.-av ln-;s. Catalojrues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for one ihv.ci pie. Hires hem our ( ati'I-mr.e Vol be Lileu at $1 HK aud tent by mail five. Ski.'lc pictures 'Jo cents each, copies cf cj. lavinu's lo cents caeii. N. V. Vi'e also t'.csirc tj '.a'! attcti.!oa to the advantage! we have iur rtpvr.iiac-in;-:, cr e;py'ni;r, tod i;-iurro-dyjeii, Ai!.bivityp:-;, Card J'ietvrc , o'c., of do. Cca-cl 1 oiutives arid finndf, ci.Isruin thr.-ni to any f.b.s, and iini-iiiiiu' in Till, Water CoK.rs, or Ju lia lo!;, with the aid of teu ta'.enled artists. Parth-s dc.-ii'itiv' copies, hnild there, fore correspond with us uirtct. Send for a ei.lai.'uc. The tyrdo su;p!ied at. r. liberal ui-c.nu.t. Gullery o.eu for free iie peetion, and stiaiiL'ei.s vi.itin;: iho city will find our Gallery 0110 of the most nrvoaMe places wlu-re. in to vhita av.av an hour. .1. GURNMY & SON. sep-2lJ-(itr.. 707, Bieaduay, N. Y 0 UP. .STAI.CII Cil.O.SS, Is 1 he only avl;o escd ly Hc-t el -:i liolels I. uuidrles, and thou.-.iid.s o? families. It givesa Lciuiilol jiolis'u, making ti:u iron pass sui'. ci l.ly over the cloth, saving tunc 11 ti.sw t.iel la'" i'i tiuodsdoiu ep with it keep clean itm. It longer, c-oiisi-ucntly will not v ear out to soon, it makes old lineu look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE i.- the best in the world. It i.s soluble in lut I'd r.s well its soli, water. It is put up in the sale-.!, mutest, and nio-t. convenient li I'M of any ct'.'cicd to tlio pel.-lie. It is v.:. framed not to streak the ehelu s. Ageuis wi.utcd evcrywltvrc, to v.hum we (.tier s traonliiiarv inducement s, .Ail.lrcss, NEW 'VDIIK M'AI'.Cll (M.O.-..S CO. No. 21 H 1' niton New York. G "1 ROYESTEEN & CO., PIANO FORTH MANUFACTURERS, 1',',-J Jlrottittniy, A" c York. THESE PIANOS received the Ilighes1 Award of Merit I lit the II (.rife Fair, evol' Hie l.e-l taakers it eta l.r.iiil .n. I'.-n'is, G.-r. many, the cities of New Voi-k, I'hiladcli'hia, Ij.i'.t 1 iiu.ro and llo.-ton; 1.;. tr. fi 5:cdal a; tho Amvt'n-nn Iusii;-j'., f..i FIE tucecs sivo ye-itsl! Our Pieius enniuiu the French tlrund Action, 'ia.p Pe 1 11, Over strung lia.ss, Full Iron Fr .ni... and all Mod. crn Improvements. Every iust. un.eut far- aid, it t'l VH ;.(. M.i'h- uo.l r the u. pervision of HR. J. E. CJEOVEiTEEII, who has a praclicil e.ieiieneo of uver lliirty. live years, aud is the maker of ,vcr e'd'fii thimsuad .!uito forirs. (.Inr faeilities for manufacturing enalile us to si-U theso 'in strumenls from $lui)to $200 cheaper tha.u any ttrst class piauo forte. July-10'CO.-Jy. Indirect competition villi r.'.l tho leading makers iu tho country. 'PELOUlJET ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. PELOUEET & SON, Manufacturers. Respectfully invite the attention of pur. chasers, the trade and profession, to ihe ROLL 0 VLYG IXSTR UJTEXTS Cf their manufacture; Pedal'Iiaso !Organs, Five siics, Five Octavo, one to three Banks of Keys, three to cightjsetta of Reeds, Price School Organs, Kino styles, single nnd ' double Eeed, Rosewood and Rlack Walnut cases, Prices, 130 to $210. Mclocloons, riano'stylo and Portable, Twelve Varie ties, froia four to six Octaves, single and double Reed, Rosewood and Elack Walnut Cases. Prices, $C5to $210. 3'very instrument is niado by on potent workmen, lrom the host material, 101. .r'eur personal supervis'on, tool every Jeotiei-n imp;- vemetit worthy of the natno. is intro duce 1 in them. Among these we would call ntter.-.:.iri to the TEEMOLANTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found ruly in instruments of our own manuiac tare. From among the llaltcr'tig test imocials cf eminent professors and crgrni.-ts, we give the following extract 3 : " The pedals I co'iceivcto be vnapproaclt nble in their bcautiftil smooth tp.talily.'' V.'ni. A. King. " It. is a grand, gooJiiis'runier.i, and does credit to the builder." 11. C. I'olger, Troy, New York. "They arc among the finest It; trnmeiils manufactured cither in this cnun'ty or 11 brond." Wm. Perg, J. Mosen-.hnl, Apoanas " TI.ey have given universal s itisfaeiiou." W. E.'llawley, Fon-iltt-lac, Wis. " There is a peculiarly sweet an 1 sympa. thelio tone which harmonizes cloirailagly with tliovci.-e." W. 11. Cooke. " I am particularly pljased r.lih the ar. rancrciiicm of the dill'crcat reiistei-.-." Wm. 11. Fradimry. "No other instrument so nearly rp proaches Ihe organ." The Chorislor.'N. Y. "This ins'iutiieut ha a clear niperii.rity over everything yet iatiodacid atno.ng us." Independent, N. Y. "The lone? nnd the action ate excellent." Rev. W. S. Leavitl, lltid-en, New Yotk. " The aiore wo ue it tho Letter wo like it." J 1! Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Rank Organ is really a gem.'. J W Kinnicuit, Roston, Mass. "We have found them excellent in nl! points constituting- a good instrument." J I." foul;, T J t'ooli. "It looks end sot-ti l? splendidly," S 11 iSaxton, Trov, New York. "The most effect toned Mclodeon I cier saw." Guy F No'-th. " They fall back on such substantial mer its as mperioriiy of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of price. And we must say Hint, in all their ve.-pecis they are well v.'orlliy 01 praise. Musical Pio neer. JC-J.V-Rvery instrument is fully warranted, and boJed and shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cui', aud Price. Lists, J-c, tent or. application to c.peloubet:&jsck, BtOOMI-ItLD, N. J. Or J M Telton, fill, Broadway, New York ; Conrad Meyer, 722, Arch Street, l'hihid'a ; S llrainard i; Son, Cleveland, Ohio; J A Tucker & Co, Jackson, Michigan : Werner & Gerald, Ciucintttti, Ohio ; Joel II Snow, Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENTS. July 26,C6-ly AT THE New Storo of TT E I S UROTMERS at St . Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania SuccEsaorti to Gf.orgk Weis. Offer fnr sale, nt wholosale'nnd retail, n well selected stock of Sl'IUXG SUMMEK W Wid VJ 'iill Sa "..' ,l,u.j '. -3 RILES, M OR IX (EX, POVL1XS, DELA1XES, MOnAIRS, Plain and Ggurcd Alpacaa. A large assortment of Prints, Whit gooda of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and S'hirting ia groat variety. Ladie's & Children's Millinery Goods j euoh as BOXXETS, HATS. CAPS, R!i:iiOXS,uc. GLOVES ( HOSIERY. GEXTS furnishing g"oJ$ of tvtry description, CL 0 TLTS, CA SSI MERES At., Ac GROCERIES AND PROVISION 5. A large stock of FLOUR, TOSS, SFGAH, TEA, COfYEE, 'ICE9, EICE, SALT, L.S5, OIL, W5I.YLE OIL, TETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for iannly use. Cedar and Willow Wnro of every do s.eription. Confectionary, Brush, cs of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ol Segais and Tobacco. WEEUY OUR STOCK directly from tho Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment in Elk county. THE PUBLIC tiro respectfully in vited to call and examine our stock aud prices ! "Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have one of the most complete stocks and tho finest STORE in tho county and can sell for less profit, than any other house iu the county. ROTIIERS St. Mdy's, March 10th'66. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, IIOU GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER "AND SHINGLES, Bayers wilS find S T ORES AMONG THE Most Complete AXD best appointed IS THE C 0 U N T R T , ANl THE PLACE TO GET Cood Fan CALL & SEE i March 29th,lP6G-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Mavy'ri, 131k County JUST RECEIVED GOO BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 100 HARPERS NOVELS. '2cC GERMAN STORYBOOKS. AX A SSOR TMEXT OF ALL nd-t a Stationary, Blank books,'Tinie books, Pass books, and School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Bookc, Paper, Envelopes .c. direo from the Manufacturers for ca.sh, we are enabled to ecII at tho same rates that they can be purchased inANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed on all purchases of ten dollars and upwards. W. J.BLAIIELY. Jurte-1 i'GO-ly. A G : N T S AV A N T E D J. T. EIEAD&mrs HISTORY OF 'HIE WAR, NOWREADY- Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It admitted to bo tho most ivtcrixliii;, pojnil ' ir, and vnhri'.li: His tory of the Rebellion, which is fully tit tested by the enormous pula of 200i 000 volumes, and a huge porlioa of the country still uneanvassed. We are obliged to run our presses night and day to enable us, to supply our Agents. Men of character and ability, who de sire a luciativo cmploymcut, v ill find this a rare opportunity. Tho price of the work in cue votuma is so Imc, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within tho reach of all classes. For lull particulars ECtid for circular. Address .iMirifiui f,f&ifl:s 'om,y. llxjAsyluiu Street, ilAHii'oan, Conn. I EMPIRE SElVING MACHINE CO. v 1 rlncijhil Ojtce, CIO JSreailica;, X. '. GREAT IMPROVEMENT in Bowing Ma chines. Empire Miuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It is thus rendered noise less in action. Its motion being all positive, it is not liable to get ovt of order. It is tho best Family Machine ! Notice is called to eur jtwanil Impiovcd Mauufaet urin; Ma chine, for Mi1 sirs und boot and .Shoe Fillers. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be given. No 'on-.i;nircnis made. B p EMPIRE fcEWING MACHINE CO. Juby-lOiS.-ly.