r .111!! vir. K. VVIuh t-1: c c t l.ai.d 'i';t, of copies dr luas S '..'.II (narter sheet liana-bill, 50 copies or Ices fil.. Half fIiccI hniid-Kll, i0 re-pics or lcs ". Full slicet linn l-T'ill. Ml covins or lops CS.dO. l'.I.AXKS. Trr nry i;iinnlily under five quire?. $1, oP rr initio : on nil nmninili nvrf (tint ii reasonable vri'm iHiii v. ill It noido. Tr.ItUSOF VMM:!!. e-l.r.fl peroral' in tu'vaneo ?2.0fl if paid willrti i lip year, and t; -'-id jfiuit paid iviili in Ihat lime. On 1'r'e ltxp-.c itttca! lilt's ir:tt). Fnif 1 1:1-" p. m. . .4- a til do Mail 1-Vt ,!n ,1.. V,'.... J.m-al I'l-iiht'las:. do do West. ... ":"i1 p. m. ... 1:'.M p. m. ...ii:n n. in. ... o:lop. m. (i t i c v, . Hereafter tl-o Post OITioo v. ill be Cio'Cu every 0 r nf 8 o'clnci:. On it open from S to Sunday it will be bo 1U n clwl p- m. L Ik . 1. i'litii " i i (in ii. lutj! !:;;, r. m. j:;--Vc are, retjucslcd t i t.nmmncc flint 1 . o tuoptinjr r.f ( lie next Sociable vili i c at 1 lip louse (if Mr, U. V. Kime. A!! are respectfully ir.vit'vl to attend. 'I l.c Ctimmift-tiini-w r( Kik Co.. wiil meet ;it th'-ir ol'ieo in Uiih:vay, on Monday, il-.o ISili of lYb., l-'OT. An anj e;il vii be held ilio fnllov.'iii;; day. 'pynder J. K. P. MALI,.' Com. Clerk. tyAll persons hi whom Licenses to fell lirj'inr weVe grant oil at tins lute term oi' Court are rcjnirrJ by law to lift their lifelines within fiiteon days iVom the time at which thev were: '.muted. Pillit : On the lUin day of January, lH", ;:t i'ii! residence of Jeremiah J'uriimr unc, in Lake city, Minneso ta, Cr.AHiss.v Ji:.M:J, xvifj ( I Thomas 15 ; mi, dm.li'er if I'e:ry Warner of Jones township, this count'.'. JV"! lie annua! settlement appears in our milium' I.) Jay. As w ill ho seen, it is (pile lengthy. W'e think it may oe re. Lei iijon as Ltii' correct, an ! is' pot up in hii-!i:i f'iriii s,i that any tuu who ran ri-:.'l i'-i;' u;i-li-r!:!i::i it. 'i' :;.:.ALX iv a.ms. ,') 'J'uofday an-l W c lav ev.M.iirj i l tilis vi i k our citizen.- hud an uppoi't unify (o wit Pe-s a -ei'ii s nf the-'o fiitortainitj"; per. f oil -in. i s. ,,tt,-n uj, piven by the !.Ji" "f !;: l4-v.1v, a.si,,!f...i l,y the k. d.-.-s id . riTiii. 'flu; pr.icc i-.;..; ;o 00 t.o.v.:r i;iv ii-'aiii thi propascd Kpis. eipil Church. Jluvin both evenings ihe I'li'i-t House vas c: iv.vJcd to over. Hi Wll l-e a d laa'.ioti visit for the lieTieii: of t!ie lit v. 1!,o-,.r v W. ,!,if, ,! iV eveniiur next at. the Ifydo 1 1. ;:.-:. roiit: ibu;ions of money, eata bles, c1.., i!iii:.r jr., ilrickfuHy received. All are inviied to be present. ihero wiil be an informal meeting to make arrangements fur the above do nation, at the l.r;:seof Mr. 15. 1' Jily. this Thur.-dav tve.iln. Jly e.rdi r of the Committee. A li.xii;:t;oi.s Cm. nt!:kfi:it Xotf,. A new twenty doliar counterfeit note I'ourlh Nalionil Rank of Philadel phia wc.s ciiptmed in Washington on A'e.!i:e.-day. "'ho cnravin and paper are r.nd. The note is well calculated t o deceive. National bank notes of all dcuominiti up' .'.lould be carefully es. amino 1, as tliero appears to bo a plenti. ful supply of the spuiiou- trash. The .'IO"V: In C. lied llo!e w i.l nrnbnbK' ,n I 'J ' I 01 i.luio-t every part (f the coun-e.-:e. .:in' i:i I'liihid .bihia. tiv 'in.: i'if!:sj:.r. Some people are al ways vi!,i!i;f ll.rinse'ves souiewhern but i' do t they are. or tli'nkiip,' of sometliin? r '-e Ii hat 1 hey n; e i!o!n; or of snme 1 win m ihey aio sjieaLin. This -s V.'av to ri-iov ,i..tt,T... ft.d to ideas,. m..llv It is letter fo bo iu'ircs.,,1 Wi., ,iaisl- A ril.lllehn can ;e 0! -.his indiuereiiee is the adoption ol other people;! tastes to the cuhivaton of our o.ri. tho. pursuit after that f- w.rc'i wa nr.. not life,, and to which, coi'i -.aj iioitlv, we are not in reality in c'ir.e 1. Tl.ts !o'!y p-rvades more or less all e' u.-., -ill i.-N.n, fmi tho error of b'lil lin,' ur en lynient on the filsj found.it ion of tho world's opinion, in K'ca 1 nf beiiio;, with due regard to others, cich on.1 f.irn world. 'I he New Vork Tribune says it is the CTieral t.,'1; of Rilicl Connres-tnen t i it a .-".iMniuble period will be yiven to the .Sonilioni S:.,P) a,p,pt t10 (. Kii'iri'.u.il Amen lumnt, w.n, if they fail 10 do so, they will Le le-isluteJ iJr as J errifori. s. A Wiil ha- v.uh sai l t!1;lt if bo,c. men could c mie .en ..I" t!,..i,- c-uftiua and read the iii-i ii.t,,.M ,, t li-ir toiuL fo,, they w.iii! 1 mi,, they Lad tut juto thj Wiou grave. Jknr $Si'r : In n ply to A. U'k. i'or rc,'poiHli t.cf iinf jeeil in tho Inst ArV'iC(t; 1 pivo ll e J llliiwini Miswrrs (o his two csatnuU-.i. To tho fnft, the iiuiiihers arc TO, tiS find .r'5. !eoii'1, A. J5. nml 0. liavr rpspeetively 80,107, S710, fi"i iiml $77u.7ul. WILL. KnxiWAV, Jan. 10, lf-C". Ostrtuitlor Jisccilaiieo7is. NO. -IS. I vms pmploycil liy a gentleman to tal.p ihc iiiincnsiuns ot a certain piitcrn. When I Piiiiiinrnei'il the joh. (it licing in thp nfti rnii'jri") tho time iat from noun was eiiial to livc.tiiiitecn'.ir. of the time to miilr.i.uht; mnl when I liad fin ished the job the time past, from tmnn was (iual tn seven e'cveiitiis (f the time to ii:iiini;.!i;. I found the cistern to be in the following iropi)-,-tion, a diagonal line diawn f:om t he bottom on one side in (lie top en the other, bnro mk h pro portion in inches to the time I had been I't'.iphiyeii in minnie?, p.s the .staves hove to iho top, diameter the top, diameter v,-."..; !v, iee the !eiu;th of the bottom, and the staves the length cf both diameters. ! f d'.-niai.d ihe eipendieu!ur height of (he l isti i n, the time cf Jay I commenc ed the job, and ho lmia 1 had been ciiijloyed. OSTHAXDOIi. Hon. Kn;.u Chwan. Corrupt n9 are the Iladieal memliers of tho Kuinp Seinrethev will .sraieely attach much wei-ht to tho (ifii'jiou-i re.s.-liitinns o in striU'tiens in regard to Mr. Co'.van from the majority of a Leiiis! ature venal cn ouj;li to elect Pinion Cameron as their H'i i a man over whose head yet han.s tiio imexiiui'u'i ut censnro ol a previous Coiiu'rens. Mr. ('mvaii jmispsscs, at leat, the iispect of the ltailieals ol the yen ate. They know full well that he Inn lejt violated his faith to the Republican party having f:.i;hiuly stoml Ly the plattonn of !v), iijniii which lie was elected to the United t-'tatcs Senate, whilst t'aey veered the party around into tier channels and u'ave tj it a hew pane find measures never contemplated by its founder, Mr. Sewaivi, or it pro looter, Mr. R.olnlle. Mr. Cowan's char ae:u personally and juiitically i above H'l roach. He is not a Kadienl nor is he a lienmcra!,. lie is a llepub lieao, if unyihinu', and as near tho Lin coln model as any man now Kvin lameren has veered with those who c.-s pi .i.cipals aside ainl made power and pliinihr t I-. Ir eljcct. He has been "everything: at times mid noihiny; lon" Ho has passed throir h all the 'parties I i.ml Sim.'. i.C , j ...,.i :.. .1... 1... - "ii Hi'-, duo, 111 nil; lllll- su:ie of V.'iiliaui J. Kelly, Jtadii-a! memln r r.f the I'lesont. Jiiiiup House, "ho has Ji-riaeed them all." it is im possible, therefore, that Sumner, Wade, aud their Irieuds, will attach much im poi tai.ei: to instructions in regard to their duty coiuin"; hoin a body under his Con trol a b i'iy whose corruption and ve nality are the talk nf every man, w,i:nia end child, and the subject cf denuncia tion Irom every respectable journal of the ua. lied party in Pennsylvania Mr. Cowan should esteem it an "honor to be iJenounu 'd by the majori y that fleeted Simon Cameron, but the Pump Senate should consider it a duty nninto de cency and honesty to reject the instrue. tions ol the creatures who violated their pledges to their party in beeoiniii"; Cameron's too!.-. I'x'i-in'l nn l L'ni-jii? Cor.oiiAiin Pollowins protest of the Colorado House of Representatives, against fbrcin a State jioveviimcnt upon the people of that Territory a;:ain.-t their wiil, routes a dispatch from '; ha colored I ll!-' of Colorado. -W. J. Hearden.L. H. louii.'lass, ( Fred's son, ) and two hun dred other colored citizens,' to Sumner and Ashley, o couie, asking (he Rump Comrress to make Colorado a State witli ne-ro Milfra-e. Jcd-iny; from the uni. form di.-re-a il of the popular desire and will displayed Py the Rump, tho demand of the dai keys will bn hearkened to and the voice of tho people f popularly sup posed to l e tlio voice of tiod) will be treafel with the same contempt as it was in the pa-sa-eofthe District ol Columbia negroMifi'ra-e bill. Punch offers as a sentiment: May the tear of sensibility be wiped by the l.aiidkcrcliicf of common sense. The Maryland I,evrislaturo had a joii't ballot for I'. S, Senator yesterday, but without any result. This is the third iued'-etu il ballot. SLTTLK TJL! LL persons kuowin llieufsidves in debled to Jo-'"fdi Wiiheir.i of St. Mary's, urn leipusted to call and settle their aeeounts lud'ore the 1st of Februa. r.V, or they will be put in tho hands of proper pe'sons f.,r collection. He stiil carries on busi.ic.'s at ho old stand, where he will bo happy to sea nil his old customers, and as many new oucsas may favor bin. JOS. WILIIFLM. S-t. Mary s Jan. IO1I1 s;;c,. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. I)y virliid of tin order of Iho Oi-plmn's ) Court of III 1: county, i'a. 1 w ill sell in llie Court lions? in Itiil.vay, l'a., 'I'liurs'l iy, tins Till day of Fein imrv. A. 1). 1117, at 1 wo mi l oiie-li.-ilf o'clock," 1', M., that crt.iin tract of Intel in J ay lown-hip ill s ai l J 1 1 k county, coiitainiii' U) nci-cs, iieoc or 1 'ss, bcinir tlio one-half pint of tract No. .1, in ilcsientoJ ill Adam lliilcr's suli division p!,in of land in said County. T.-i'iii3 cjiU, on confirmation of s.ilc. MA II V MeKEItM-T. Admx. of estate of 1'. Mclu-nicv. ilcc'd. l. J. Ulakoljr, Atty. Htju. "l7tb d-5t. JIllVlCAN A 1) T S 1" sr N ION The AMK RIOAX ARTISTS' t'N JON established 1S.")I imiiounec that in order to extend tho fale of the fob lowinj: well known and Iiiulily popnhir. STEAL J LA TE EXGRA Y1XGS. Depnrtiire of the Tibi'm Fiiibcio for America, 27 x o0 in Landing of (he Pilgrim Path. -7 x SG Tal.-tafT Musleiiii'.; Lis Re- CTIIllS, x .10 .Shnkespear and his Friends, 27 x III Cotter's Saturday Niht, x2S illaito Iilacksmilh, Mauilest Destiny, (Fortune Telling.) The MnsNacre at Wyoinim; in 177li, Mount Vernon in the olden -7 x ',)2 '21 x 2S 2S x CG -G x 31 time, or, Washington at .'10 jeat s of a::'', The t seniic of A taster Mae- J'onald from the Massacre of (ilencoe, (5 s "4 The Madonna, 2lj x " I They have deemed expedient to offer to their Irii nds and the public at one dollar and fifty cents each, the. price heretofore havintr been two doll.ns each, and tor the purpiwo. of slimiilatiu; the .'etlini; up of Clubs', they have deter mined to award premiums to the getters up of the Clubs, and in addition thereto to (tistribute amongst the s;uiscnbi i the sum of SoO.di.lit in .nnney and paint intS". s soon as tbc sale shall' have reach ed I0il,(ii0 ciifiraviiinK. As it is our intention to advert i.-e very extensively, and as the entrravius are well known throughout the whole country, we have no doubt that with the loiv price we chai'ire for them, and with the exertion which we put forth by our nun. emus friends, the number will be reached in short time. As soon as it is leached, the subscribers, throii-h their Cinb A-ents, will be notified by a circular letter from us, naming the time and method of distribution. CI AJ 11 KATES. Simile Knu'iavm-s SI, HI each, by mail free. For CI") wo wiil send 23 En;, aud 2 to the Club Atretif. 20 :;o ;i5 50 73 100 I.) 20 4 " 2o " :;o 50 ' 80 " 110 0 " a Silver Watch. " a Silver Lever, a Huntine- Lever. 1 lie tint) packages will be very se curely packed and forwarded by PxprcsA py ) ( iM n Ji 1 ( 1 1 j '( 1 1 f and forward the amount, either by Kxprcss, Si-ht Draft. P(jst Ollieo Order or in a registered letter, and in all cases the Fii'.:ravine.s will be immediately sent, ami for each enuravinsr a immlrfctt rir lijirntr and leceipt will bo enclosed in a package. C. O: ). OR niinS. Persons wisb im; to send for Mpgravings and pay the lixpress Co. when they are received, will be reijuired to send with their order i?2 to 83,' according to its amount, and this will be credited on their bill, if.vf of S'remiums To be distributed. One of 810,000 i money, S10.C00 5,(100 5,000 5.00C " .), 00 " Five of l,i iOi) Ten of 500 " Fifty of IfjiJ One hundred tdejrant Oil Paint. 5,000 in;.'.-, richly f.i.inied, Lands eapes, at fclOO each. 10,000 Two liuudied elegant Oil Paint, ins, richly framed, Interior Views, at S5U each, 10,000 630,000 The AMERICAN ATISTS UN. ION would add that these premiums are to be considered only in the lidit of a free if t to their patrons, m the 'Intriavins arc furnished them b-luw their market value, and as tho co.-t of ci;ra'ins. after the plates are procur ed, is very trilling, they can ,-a-iiy ali'ord to make the distiibution aslarc 'as it is. Welru-t that our numerous friends throughout tho country and Camillas will use their utmost, exertions, so that il possible, the distribution may be name soon, ami it can lie done it Ihey aro at all active. Ladies have often m-.i..ie excellent Club Agents, for us. and we solicit their kind efforts, which will not fro unrewarded- Let 0110 or more eiicroetie persons in every town or village in the country eommcneo - tn.-.i. as they sec this, and get up 113 Jar-o a Club as possible. Ry so u'oiiifr they will be the means ol introducim; cle. vant Piifrrnvins into . families, and'thus a;d in cultivating u taste for the beauti ful and refined. Address Orders i-'ec. AMi:i!IC. ARTISTS' L'MON', Nov. s, lsiitj-ain. 25 Pine St. N. V. TOST Strayed awny on Tliiirsdny. 27th J nit,, a small black mule, both shoul dors sore from Collar trulls. Any person returniiifr him to the Alpine House, or leaving information, where the inulo cau be found, will bo smitably rewarded. St. Marys, Jan. ii, 107, C0AL, t'KE AJli tiae CLAY11 All of supcnoi rpaiilily, for rule by (lie Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Flk County, Pa. rSj-Ordcrs by mail promptly ittcnd- cd to. .septio ti IJLACKSMITITTVr. t II. S. liFIA'AI desires to inform il.o cili icnsof Hiilfrwny ,) vid,,!,, ,lt )ie j,,,, li-iised J. S. llydo s Uhiclisiniil, P,p Mill street, and !, employed good work men who will bo ever ready to make any tlniiR I10111 buckle to an nnclior. Particular intention given to iho fchoeic" of horses. All 1 dk ig fuir UiaL My 17'60-Jj. i$m$mmm JtoUis.i.is.y.'-. ;r'iii-ii..;., IAb&l c r ' s T . 11 s 1: x t !: n : i :; a t r. r. . Coslar's Pxtermii. n!or, Lxti i i.mu itor, Coslar's Fxtcru.iiiatni, Fxlcil liiii:a'(.r, Costar's Lxtcnpinaior, lixfeito'iialor, Costar's Pxtcriiiimitiu-. Ilxti-ruiiiiiitor, Ccptar's lixt.-i uiinaior, Mxtci ii.iiiiiior, Costar's l''.:tei-oii:ii,tia-, F.xtermiiiiitnr, Co.'tar's i",.!rllliioatii', Fxiei niiii.-oi , Costar's I'ixlciiiiiii.ii.ii', I'.xtei uiii atm-, Costar's L'xt. rmioal. r. Fo. lints, Mice. Itnaeheu. Alps. TirA Itu;;, Fleas. Moths mnl I'to-.i in U'rniii.-ioi, Insects nti l'l.att!-, i'uv.is, Aniaials, e:e. ' lycnrs esinld-s'i.-l -a ;;. y. i'ii-.- ' ' duly inf.-iliili'c rc'Mi'.i,.;- kn-iw 11. ' l-'l'CC. )'-OMl !'lii-lil-.' ' Not ilatigei'olH lit t he .'iiiinan Family.'' !!!Reware!!! of a1! wo::hles imitation-. ( See that " C.'IS'!'.!;'S " iin,:i i ,. ,..iai, Kux, Uoltie, mnl Flask, l.ctyre jon l,uv. Address Ji i;n" r. v ". copta ". -i -1 liro-divay, N. Y. )1STA11'S CKLKliliATLD Euckthora Salvo ! ForCuls, liin-ns, T!ru!ses, Cancers, lirokcn linnsis. V.'uniiils. I'lroliinr. I.liml ntnl I'.-iiiePl Pn...- 'I'll .WI'P'l" lllllS, I'litlill mill ill C.illii;;,,li,.,t -i i,";; I I. cers. (ilmiiliil.il- S-.v -llin-rs. Ki ni-ii;,;,. Cm,-.. neons Ati'i-cliiins, Uinu-.n-nt, ic, :iics of .Spiders, Insects, Animals, ,'v c I'.nxes, 1 cents, oil cents, nti'l ?1 sizei. Sold hy all l)liitr'ins. I'Vcrvwio-i-c mnl liy IliiNltV !!."( os'I ',';;. Depoi liieajn.ay, X V, QOS'l'ALl'iS L'MVlill.SAI, Ccrn Solvent ! For Corns, llmiioiis, Wnrln, Uc. Pioa-es, 'JI cents. .r,0 cents, niul ?1 .-izes. Sold by all Dr.! 2;risls ( vervivi et-e, ntnl by II I'M; V Ii. CliSTA!!. ' Depot 41 Fi-oaJ'iviiy, X. O.STAK'S I'UFI'AKATIOX OF Ui'Her Srcct ami Onuujr, Bios.; ::)). 7, for raiH(iji;!n'j the Cuiiijif'xiuii. Used to sofien and lieaip'fy ri,o s!:;:i, remove Freckles, l'ltnpl,.-, F.riii loins. ,;e. I.adii'S are now its'ina it in jnereicaci- la all others, l'l ieeSl per boll le. Sold Ly all Dnep.'i-is every where, nnj by UKXliV Ii. Ci IS l'.- li. Depot 481 lii'otidwny, X. V. )STAll'S l'UCTOr.AL COUGH HE ME I) Y, FnrCauglm, Colds, Hoarseness. SntVI'hroat, Cionp, tVhnnpin, dujrlis, lufluen 11, Apihnia, Coiisunij.lion, lirinn'liial AfTeetioiis, mid all discn-esof Iho Throat and l.unys. r.ntiles, '2 cents, o0 cents, nnd .?1 si?". Sold by all Drupiists everywhere, nnd by ilEXKV It. COSTA It. Depot 481 Uroudwny, X. V. QOSTAli'S CELFril'.ATED Bishop Pills! A Universal Dinner Fill ! ForXervousnesT nnd Siclc Head ache. Cos liveliest,. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, liil liousness, Consi ipatinn," Di an hucn, Colics, Chills, Fevers. nuJ general .tt i-iinseineut of tho Di"esiivo OlitiAXS. Hnxes, D-j cents, 5u ecu t, nnd $1 sizos, and told fcy oil Diupisn everywliei o, nnd by ilt.NHV K. Cos TAIL I0I-ai Depot 484 Ereadwa N. Y. NEWS DEPOT AND PKRIOIJICAL. P.ILY,(' WKFKLV J'APERS will bo for rale hereafter, regularly at i ni: Boor: Stoke 1 1? a T?-re -Ar nvwe;!;, rither Ainrrien or Liiioi. en. I:, t; . i.- cii-ni-r;,. ii,:i. 0S(i.!i:caI. 1 !is!.n ir-n! .'i-r. .. ;il l. ,1 , "i .' 1 in- eureil nt, uppHoati,.,, llS above. Ar.-y tiiliciein the l!,,k or Stationery line on. 111 .-lore, will ,e sent tor ,u t.,-, -o reccivcu in a del ip.". w davs alter or- jnn. I l ly. NEVJSHOPT Tlx: t 1 .y : : t i x-' s'im'.;s ; stovls: : stovls::: John Ccscr.hcimor &Co.,'" V. ,li.)Ll..s lio, ,v i.l.i.,;!, )o.:;;;,-:" f-T. MA'.lY'.s. i-A. k'ceps eonstaioly on band and for pi!", a !.-,i-e and w,. ,.:lc, fc-;.J(,k llfT;N' Ail!.. SIOVKS t-c. ,0 I,,,-,, even lii;p- -no-iallv kept in Tin Pl.r, Our Stock ..fKTOVKSpps,s;! hM a' t of AXTIDl-sr I'AliLOIU'v COOKWd STOVFS, ALSO IKON' CATC k WUF. VT SMIIAF STtiVKS t-'-l-ClTI." lill l' . . . 1. i 11 1, can no i:vd at our iii.. niii,,... ... 1 !io'i either Jivcfed or n-nv.-l 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i . ci; Sl ot t:m; am) prKH-iMi. dono short notice and at rea-rnmbl r.,t. dono en .June l-FC'J-P T '!:':;; CAl'ACITV, OI5KAT S:i-iiili JLJ a"d p.ip' :::- I r; -eo,l. sin-plicttv' "and i-.i.' i I'lienn-s ot'oiic-'.-.iti.oi, mo (.'tialiti'cs pe. ciiom- Pi (lip ' Nonpareil M'tishin:; Icv clnr,' . Tl o, :.. I y 1. cjiii, laiicioe.p con:i!iaieteil on i..i,ncai p 1 i iii'i j i : cs, mnl ,',c ex- l-oi-ieiici- ili't'ivi-1 Croai five vc.ai s extensive ipkmr leeiiti-.-s. !ioic!niin.l pul.lie inriiiiii'ons lT"ves it to he ol' ia: tin- value to the pur. ciia-i'i- -'ic Planner cf oprval ipn t ho Ne.pparci', t'liiiin- iiintioa net iiiT mi ,1 ,.,..,!.. ',.,.i 'with halnnce who,.! 1 v.l.;..l. ..,.. .J .1... j pilltlL'IU' n.ti'i'ii-iti is lili- I latiioniiiy to: I i.,t ,.nVl.-ni! tio.t caai.e-i,- niple- 1 u n piii-.-e. nti'l necinnilishes the ',..-!; w.:!i preuict ra.iiiJi, a!ll U.c lea-t po-sil.le lalmi-. 'i'l.e it c.ii speed with which this machine prrtorins wor!: will )1U 11 m l. i -1 01 ul jVcia 'l.e statement that it ispiaire.l In give six M-.-h,.:1 of lliephin.'i-s f.,1- -tie T-.-.111 ol t, hainiip, or. when wiit-keil lei-nreiv. nl,,;t t'mir I001 i!i.'.istn.l:cs a m-nnt Safety to the falnic v.'.-is.i(,l is ins-mea ,y ih0 tu:;lc ...i)oCm;c of I'lio'iin-r. A Kii-l'orltey of f,rie,-.n enn work the ran. cuius and ,! a week's washing I',,-.-a fiiinly ot si:; or eprht person, in lwo to ihr.-e hours' ton-: mi ni tuaybeuliclin, lacieaitseihe cli.l.oa- Ihori.n.;!.! wiiliout iisoisiaiu-j ti'otn iiim-1 riililiin f-'end for ti-cs descriptive Circular and lu.ns 10 iieaiirs. to wlaaa cxeliiMve ri ol sale secured. OAKLLT il- KKATIXO. Pvl, Water St., .. r Jaly CiVM-ly ht L.t'f.ik'ss .ijiivdch!. f VOU want a load of Sail. I'lmir, or In t. you c.-ui save inniiev bv bitvin. ' 11 If- J. T'OVll'I.L i.:c::x.si:d auction' n:"!!. N TOT ICE is hereby given thai 1 have lal- cn nut a license m nn.'iinmu.r wni a.teiiii promptly to tha calling of nil sales eiitrii-lc.1 to my cure. Any person cailin;; sales wiihnut alieens, wil be licl.1 aiKwcrable to the slriet letierof "uV'nv- 1". V.' ilAiiitCTV Pec'ilsGG.f. Auctioneer. 1 ii!:!:bi;ii k wilson-s-phw U !N(i MACHL-:s.-The under' s:-n..d Lavm-r been appoint e.l Sole A"cnt bo-He sale of Wheeler f-'Avin-' Maclones Mr ,-ilk eounly. Uo keeps n ;; "':;;'-r;'i";"ily""!'n"'' Machines s'odal Plula, clploium.i N,.w y01. prices Ai.V pn-u.-s ilesirous (,t uUnmine ihe.neaa A.iireh Pt.-oii-ly. nt lIM-ny, fa. Hi' ovt:i;r,(,i 7,:";r .MEKCII l'TTIltnn - -..v., Jtklirway, i:ic Co., Pa. f,,ltiC-''-'l't'r,U:si,M rc?l,ccl r,ll!.v ia .1 he Is C;il",,sfl' Ki'S'y nnd vicinity n'. he ,.s prcpa.e.l ,0 make to or-leras well ' ' ti",.,' '"'-' n".vwi:eie.niiyihin? in the '"l!!"""- A asks is a fair ir..i . (,, i As (.natantecd. '.U'lotlM. Cassimcrs. Ves,;ns ,, iiiiominp-sof thohitesl and most improved Hyies kept con-tnntlv on hand, nl.ic'l, will ;e voidc;ii;.vi'i;n than tut chf-m'. ':.V auO.y r SIIKIli:j;. ' - - , , Uealerin ii) ttsL. MUSIC ROOMS: Ao. 4u, I'a-xt Areiiitt; Cyz-yy, Puma. llcfors to J. Powell. 1!. F. T.W, Pid-wav A. If. fltuv. A. I. Wilcox, I;. II. riKnsox, li. F. An.VMS. QUAY, WILCOX & Co. YnOLEGALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposiio Alpino House. Fit; County T. UK.VLKUS IX Flour, pccji .utterj Qhccse, Feed. Com, " Salt, Fish, Pork, H8II1) powder, Canned Frnils, hecf, Peans, ya f,, AXD STAPLE GROCERIhS. " ' December 20, 1SGQ ly. v)t4loqij1i'L'. 'iULjl'l.AtL 10 ilti 4ij Zuid toe cav nzr The Cheapest t. - 1,- -i C: t-"-s h- rt u K if! ri y r tS : 6 GO Ft?: S CP s j,. O r. -1 c- " W nft.; - c. u 2 n 1- 0 W k o 5 r. P rrr '" . .-J r si " o 2. f. -4 " SO x ten Zt 5 -.is & O - - 1. ... f , '' " "I r. -tj ii'3 s 1 ; .-. .'. i si i- i , 2' i- -j ri r .6r : r.t - I--' u; 4 ' 13. i. o 7. 1 1 Hi rr. r 5 5 -5" 0 c QO V,;; SLL !f)OD.A8 LOW A3 THEY CAX r-E IKiL'CIIT 1 E r i e City . CIVS US A CALL. AXD ITS WILL, Jr rove t GREAT rx CJ TEM EX T C 555 n c $3 H v i i H C 6 c c H O-J -Wol. C Trt H to o 50 o t) rn O hi o H o o 1 K rj H H o o ! 05 INSUItANCE AG AINST loss or I) AM AG E by FIRE.. r?-i;m T.ycon.in?; Countv Mii'.aal 1jt ,B. nnce (.onipiny nt illnct.v Pa , cn toons i Insure a- iinst Lsor Dama?o ht lire on all kinds if m,. .... i:.. .... i . . . .... .iniuuii'i;. J nous. ant -,va e budding, ei;Ur j ,own comity. Also un .MiVlS, j'auneries, Cams. Mocks of ,, &c, , lhe lowest posslblo raics c(,,s,Meutw,,h',ty ,o the Insurer .mil nsiiivd. 1 ll8 Lyeoiiiinpr County. Mu ...al Insumuce fonny inv.ies a ii.vesti. pi'ion us tc, s stability. It capital iiinuunts tn ' viw tiiJ.800.000! 1 .ill. :,ssuriii.; to every one of its patrani J"!''-".','"' hisses will be promptly nod 6ati i.'iority paid. Its maiingcmcu't has ulw.iyi btn inuiUtii. in its exiten:t of iWs-uty. kisi years fully demon m rales JAMES ULAuTrLY. ifmt (r SUt uu.r, Hf m