.r? P Orel's t'olnmn. mELARGEST STOCK OF TI1E MOST DESIRABLE ASSORT ME NT. rpiIE CNDRRSIOK'JD offers to the pul I lio at con-.ruodinu Sales Rooms h Ifidicwsy. (he Urgeat nnd best general M Miiinent l Merchaudiee thai can be foun Ht nny Htom between WILLI AMSl'ORr AND TRIE, and at mot? favorable prices tliun can 1 bought at cither of theso points. His stock comprises a splendid variety HUNTS, DELANES, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CLOUTS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GR 0 C FRIES PR 0 'I SI ONS &C, &C By,Tlii! proprietor, thankful for the very generous patronage tints far extended to his establishment by the citizens of E'.k utiil adjoining counties, hopes to merit and tvi'i-ivc a continuance of (lie same. J. TOWELL, Aujr.-ltl't'fi.-ly. fT it x i ttj "jTkT rNi'EJlSKJNEI) T A K E S ,uve in iiiinimncin;; to the citi llidgwiiy and adjoining towns, that - just opened a furniture Shop in .-:iy. and is prepurtd to sell all kinds umiture. at tho lowest prices. His stock :;is(s iu part of O.MMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SEEING BEDS & MATTRESSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane teat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, UN(JES, TET TETES, BEDROOM SUITS t r!.c5tnut, Mihopmy and Black Wa'nut ni.il every thing usiwlly found in a first c'.uss country Ware Iloctu. PICTURE FRAMES fill '.7cs, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, ' . -k Walnut aad Gilt MADE TO ORDER. '.SO COFFIN'S kept on hand, and made iider. of every kind ai d description. 1' lease t'ALL and examine my etucU be. ri- pui-cha-dug cli-cwliete. tor I hope by irict at lent iiii lo bu.-:ness. and keeping nil lie market demands in my line, iu merit ti,. patronage, of the public. Ai ui ei uoius .,n the corner of Ma'n and Depot streets. 11E.NUV II. THOMAS. Mny-17'uC-ly, S (J(i 1800 IlILADELPIIIA Si ERIE KAIL ROAD. This great line traverses ise N'nrthi'rn and Northwest counties of iVMiisylvania to the city of Erie, on Lata Eric. It has been leased by the 1 ennsylca .ii'ii ,'iail, Rood ompuvy, and is opera J hv theiu. Its entire length wns opened for p;is--tier and freight business, October 17th, 1804. I I ME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT ill DO WAY. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train . 3 09 p. in- Erie Express Train 11 05 p. in Leave "Westward. Erie Mail Train 1 23 p. m. Erie Express Train .3 50 a. iu. Passenger cars run through without (hune both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Erie 9.15 a. m. Leave Eric at 1.55 p. iu., arrive at New York 3.40 p. m. Ei.eoent Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Wil liamsport -. lialtimore, and Williamsport and itdelnhia. r information respecting Passenger m-ss annlv at theS. L. corner tfUtu tarket Sts. nd for l'rjight business of the Com. i'lv's Aaents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. Cor. I3th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. tV. Reynolds Erie. W.Brown, Agent N. C. R. R. Bal inoie. II. II. Houston, Gen' I. Freight Aft. PhiCa. 'i. (.V. G WINNER, Gn'L Tkkt t Ajl. J'hTa. I.IBED. L. Tvlf.r, (irnrrnj Supt Won't. jjOU 1'UINTING NEATLY vTHEAPLYl Ey.P.EDlTIOUSLy TEW CASH GROCERY STORE JAMES MoCLOSKEY. Dealer in Groceries &c, would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey tin d vicinity, that he h;is riiiio itilo tlie Grocery business, arid will open on or tibout the middle of May. He keeps coustantly ou hat an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, BUG AR3, TOBACCOES, . SEGAF.S, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grucery Store. I will sell for CASH nnd consequent ly can allord to sell CHEAPER bun the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to call and sat isf'v themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY- May 3d, 'Ofi. Gm. KEROfi KEROSENE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE liOILEBS. GLUE, POTS, OIL CANS, 4c, &c. JBti? All the cooking for a -TEA J6af family nuy be done with asa Jta Kerosene Oil, or Gas, Kja Car with less trouble, nnd at less expense, than by any a Jfeir other fuel. -TQa Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform nil thut is claimed for it. Bay Send for Circular.-Ba LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRA l)E. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 20f Pearl Strekt, N. Y. July-liVGG.-ly. T VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE.- The undersigned lias laid out n vil. l.ige upon his pround ml joining the l!idj way Dctiot, to be called ' V.LlC 1 he lots are 00 feet front by 1D0 feet deep front iii); towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold. $100. Fot the second bit sold, 110. For the third lut sold, Sl'-O nnd so on increasing in price as lots are sold. BQi, First purchasers get Ihc choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Ton percent of the purchase, money must be paid at the time of t ho application. IW,. Application? will be made to John G. Hall, Es.p, Uuigwav, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, raar,20'(3G-tf. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! "WHEA-TON'S OINTMENT Will Cit.e tiik Itch in -18 Horns Also cures SALT EIII'.i'M. ULCEUS. CHILBLAINS, and u'.l EBL'l' T10NS OF THE SKIN". Price fiO cents, '"or sale by nil druggists. Hv sending CO cents t WEEKS' & POTTEU. S.de Airmis 170 Washington street. Host on. it will be fur warded liy mail, free of postage, lo any pari of the United Males. ( june-T'tiij-ly. BLACKSMITH INO ! 11. S. PiELNAl desires to inform the citi zens of flilgwuy and vicinity that ho has leaed .1. S. Hyde's Eiacksiiiith Shop on Mill street, and lias employed good work men who -v i 1 1 be over ready to malic nny th'tig frnin a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing of horses. All I ak is a fair trial. May 17'(W-l.y. ntTirs ) MUMC .STOP E, Broadway, Thaddcus Firth, sneeessor irtli, Son & Co Music Pu!iii:,hcr, jut'ac turer and Importer t MUSI C:A L 1 NS R t ' M ENTS, PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, CABINET ORGANS, And every description of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Sole New York Agency for the celebrated Gihuore& Co's Band lnstru. tnents. Our Buud department is under the personal supervision of Mr. D. L. Dowuin?. Wholesale and Retail Depot for the 3)ilh'bqllc5 aJul-Jcit Coiinge Pi-gqi), which challenges comparison as the ino.st effective Instrument yet offered to the public. New and Choice Musio published daily. Catalogues and price lists of In. struments furnished on application. tgEatest Music from all the lead. ins publishers in America. Any piece of Music, or Music Rook, sent by mail, post. paid, on receipt of retail price. Orders by mail for Music or, Instru ments receive prompt a&d careful atten tion. All goods warranted to prove as represented at Hiii'ii s music; siuiti'i, sep20.1y 5roadvay, N. Y HF, OVERHOLTZK.li. MEKC1IAXT TAILOR, llitliway, Klk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires rcsneolfully to in form the citizen of Itidgway and vicinity that he i.s pr.-pa.ed to make to order as well an it can be done anywhere, r.u.vihing in the line of hU business. All he asks is a fair trial. Gur.d Fits guaranteed. tK-O'lothii, CaBsiiuers, Vestings and Trimming of the latest and oiot approved styles kept constantly on hand. hich will he mid OllEAfEtt THAN THE CUK.U' E5T. augHO.y uonn jt'Etrsi Tiesubcriber heps le.ive lo announce to the citizeiig of Elk uud adjoining coun. lies that he has purchased. the harhesii tlioj lately occupied by John (mull, and that In is prepared to do all kinds of work iu a suit able style, SADDLES,BRiDLES,IIARXES$ kept constantly on hand at prices loeuii the times, (live me a call shop iu the nee oo J story of Uouk'n buildiog. oolM. C LEVIS. N u u u s t iv RORDWELTj & MESSENGER, DKAM.na IN DRUGS, MEDICINE, LAMP OIL POINTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL TANNERS' OIL, PERFUMERIES VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE. STUFFS CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, SEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO ,t SEGARS. PURE LIQUORS, YOU MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. EOHDWELL & MESSENGER, , ' RIDGWAY, PA. mm! o.nltiy k it lu ti, v n) I'iiir in1 l r ii, i;oiiitrt In U ii 'l-tu :t i inl Imv lt .1 Iiihtm, l v r-L t'tiirUii niliif tlll'l c'f.tllrUMK llitt MiiliHU'll Ittlil illtcH- tini'ri 1 1 in a nuro pro. v ntivr of nil tin -:i-' H iiH'Nlt nt lo n-VUii CiLANDKUH. thi nnlinnl. pueh as 1.1'N'd YKI. I.IIW WA T K 1 1 . II K A V KM, ('(II I! IIS, urn TKMI'KK. ! K VKltS, Kol XllKlt l.osH ok a rpK- TITK VITAL LNCKiiY.iic. Its us iiut-ruvt.!, -tno wind. iiR-rensfi IfT7.. tlie :i,i.i-titi'- Kivt'ii jr . v. a it in o o t h uml .ff . (.-'rtiny skin iinJ sV;' mis-rabk- tUili'ton into a dm- Inokiiin n;ul hiiiind llOl'SL-. To kwp-.TS of Coivs t'lis iiri'iiai'iit-on is iiivnlunMe. It iucrtbses tlie ijuautity uud imi.rovrii tin- iiuuiiiy of Oil' milk. It haft lnvn iirovi'ii liy ac- fZ.": Tl vxpciiliit-nt lo linil till! lilt iweot. In fiitti'iiiiirt cultli.-, it Lives llu-m r AMll fln iii.ii..Iii.. Lini,. l&yHfri&r. i '' ' d '' n"1' mvich faster. In all diseases of Swine, f ueh as Cougtif , Ulcers la tlie Lhhi. Liver. - S"T'T7 c. thU article (rjjs? l!y imttiiiK from .ti"-'Hfc.'!ii"''W. one-half a piper .&? jV?.f to a pujiT in a "tir" 9A o.rrtn in swill (no v . 1? . above diseases "i-JyfT -s. will be eradicated 'yswrjvT v J LzZlT or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive und cure for the Hog Cl olcrn. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for SL PS.EPAEED BY S. uS.. rOIITZ Ac UKO AT THEIR ATIOIESAIE nniG AND JIF.niflNE BFTOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Kor Sale by Drutrsisls and Storekeepers through out the United States. Sold at Muuufuctures j.i Ict-s. by 15ord'tll& .Metscucr Jlidjiway, Areata for Elk county. jROVESTEEN & CO., l'lAN'O FORTE MAVL'FACTUF.ERS,' ' 499 Bromhi-uy, Xav York. THESE riAXOS rcecivcil the Highe1 Award of Merit ! at the Hr.ihft Fair, evpr the Let makers from London. Paris. Gun many, thecilies of New York, l'hibiilelphia, UiiltiiuAre nnd Hoston ; also I lie Gold Mc4al at the American Institute, for FIVE sucfcs sive years! ! Our 1'iiiiios toniniu he French Urand Action, Harp l'edal. Over strung Imihs, Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. era laiprovemeuts. Every instrument iwr ranttd FIVE year$. Made under the ftl pervisioo of KB. J. H- GRf VESTEEN, who has a practical experience of over thirty. hve years, nnuisihe maker of orer e.cvrn thounund yiuno fortn. Our facilities for manufawuring enable us to sell these in struments from $100 to S-UU cheaper thau ,iuy first class piano forte. July-ia'00.-ly. C0AI, C'KE AH 1) .IB'' CLAY! ! All of aupe.'iui Ciialny, lr Mile by the lannerdale Coal Company, St. JIary'o. Elk C uniy, l'a. tSrOr'dcra ly n,ail jjinrt' jitend. od to. geptlO i-tt I) I FOEJTE'S CI "IlKATED BK8 aid CffiPewte. Vvtt.l batter mm n .....riijir WARDED A GOLD MEDAL! t AT THE ' 1 ' - American Institute Fair! OCTOEIOI 19,' lfiC5. In direct competHlcn wltb U tteletdlrf makers ia tLc country. l'ELOUBt'T O il G A N S AND MELODEONS . C. EELOUEET & SON', Manufacturers. Eespcetfully invite the attention of pur. chasers, the trade nnd profession, to the FOLt O WJXG IXSTR LWUXTS Of their manufacture: Pedal liase Organs, Five sizes, FivcOclave. one tolhree Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Heeds, Frices, $2o to $000. School Organs. Ninf s'jle. sink's and- double r.c?d. ltu--ewiii,l and l.lrn-L Walnut ra-ics, I'rici-s, $i:;o lu ?--10. Mt'lodi'Ons, I'iutii) style and t'ortahie. Twelve V.vie lie,, from liiur to six Octaves, singl.' and ilniilile lli-i'd, Uoseunod and lilack W alnut I'll-.'.". I'l ice;;'. ?I".T. 1,1 10. Every inti iiiurnl is made by competent win I, in en, Ii mil I he best ii.hii-i ml, uncrr our pi'lwiiliiil Niipei visiun, and every modern mii 1 1 , 1 1 1 L-1 1 1 worthy iif the tiaine, ia inlro-diii-i-d ill llii-iu. A tii iiij ilirse we would call all. ii l.ni In Ihc 'I F.I-MiH. NTI.. whi.h has lu-en -mi inii'-h iidinirrd, nml c-ir be found oii'V in iiistrumeiils of our own lnuniif:u--lin I-. I roiii ainonn the Haiti i in t--n iuioniuls o emiiM-iit priilt-s-ors mul ornuisis, vve.e the I'liMnwiii); evr.acl.- .- ' The peilals I coiii-eive lo be niripproni-h-able iu their beaiilitul sinonlh ,iki hi v."- m. A. Kinj;. " Ii is u grand. ;;ood insii'iiim-nl, nnd does credit loihe builder." II. Fuller, Troy, .New York. They are anione; the finest linlrmni'iita maniif leiurcd either in this' country or n broad." Win. Iter-r. .1. Mosenl lull, Aptoina ' l hey have pven uiiiversnl K:iii.laciion." AY. E. llawli-y, Foii-du lac. AVis. " There is a peculiarly xwrol and fympa. theli.; tune which harnwnies chxrinlngly with tiie voice.'' AV. II. Cooke, " 1 iiiii particularly ploased ilh the ar. ran.Teiiieut of the dill'crent registers." AVm. II. lir idbiiry. ' No other instrument so nearly ap. proac'ii-s the orjan." The Chorisirr, X. Y. "This iiisiriiuii-n. Inn a clear superiority ovei rveryiiunj; yet inirouuccu among us." ludepenileni, N. A'. "The lone? and the action aro extellent." Uev. AV. S. I.eavitt, Hudson, New York. " The 'liore we use it the better we like it." 1 I! Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Hank Organ is really & gem.' J YY Kinnicult, boston, Mass. " AVe have found theiu excellent in all pointj constituting; a good instrument." J C Took, T J Cook. " it looks ami Bounds splendidly." S B Sasion. Troy, New York. "Th mo-t erfect toned Melodeon I erer saw." tiny V No-lh. " T'uy fall back ou such substantial mer its as tupi-rioi ity of worknmn.ship, beauty of lone an I reasonableness of price. Anil we luusl say that in all their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical l'io neer. r-j"-Every instrumeul is fully warrant d, and bocd and shipped in Nqw VorltCity wilhotit cliarge. Circulars, Cuts, aad Trice lists, o., sent pc application to CPELOUBET&SON, UtooMristP, N. J. Or J M Peltoii, W1, riroadwar, New York ; Conrad Meyer, 72, Arch Kti'lei. l'hiad'a ; S llruinni -l Son. t'ieve'.aud, Uliiot J A Tucker AJ Co, Jacksau. .Michigan : Werrer Si Gerard. Cincinalii. Ilhin:- J-e1 II imw. Mobile. Alabama, WUULPSALK A3EST3 J July W-ly JWAE! ""i Ss www I , .. AT THE . i New Stoio of XV E I S II II O T II e n s at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to GEonoE Weis. Offer for Bale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of SFUIXQ SUMMER w a 53 w 35 S wS SILKS, MORIXCES, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A largo af3ortmc-nt of Prints, White goods oi every description. Flanntds of all kindr), Gingham, Ticiings and hirtitir in great variety. LaDIK'S & CuiLDREN'is' Millinery Goods ; such as BONNETS, II ATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, d-c. GL 0 YES & HOSIERY. GENTS furnishing g3(h of entry discretion, CL O TIIS, CA S SEVERE S Ac, rfv. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Alsrc-ostock of FIVK. VPKK. il'GAK. IK A, rOFTFE, FriCES, net, SALT, LAK1 v. ii t.r oil PETROLEUM CAXPLK3 BOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for lam Uy use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de seription. Coufectioiary, Brush, cs of all kinds. A lull assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, lleau. tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ot Segars and Tobacoo. WEBUT OUR STOCK diroctly " from tho Manufacturer and there fore we can utl'orl to sell cheaper than any other establishment iu Elk county. THE PUPLIC are rPHpeeifully Jn vitcd ta call and examine our stock and prices ! AVlioilior they wish to buy or uot, for we claim to liava one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the oonnty nnd can sell for less profit, than any other house in tho county. WeIS BuOTjjERS Ska a RIDGWA1, ?iNNi , ! . i. 1 i s e : WHOLESALE &; RETAIL in DRY 0001)3, " CLOTIILNO, '"FLO LP., GROCERIE3, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find S T ORES AMONG TUB Most Complc.e AND BEST APPOINTED IN TIIE COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains I CALL& SEE i March :20th, lSOfi-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Llavy's, Elk County. JUST RECEIVED 60C PEADEE'S DIME NOVELS. lOO HARPERS NOVELS. :cC GERMAN STORY ROOKS. .4.V ASSORTMENT OF ALL nd i Stationary, Dlauk books, Time books. Pa books, and School booka till always be on hand. Purchasing' our Pmoks, Paper, Envelopes ic. direc. from the Mannfauturcrs for cash, wo are enabled tn sell at tho same rates llat they ran be purchased in AN Y OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed ou all purchases of teu dollars asd upwards. W.J.BLAKELY. June-U'0C-Iy. GENTS WANTED J. T. 1 1 CAD LEY'S HISTORY OF TIIE WAR, NOW READY- Co.rjplrte in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is admitted to be tho most .ntereslinij, popul ir, and valuable His tory of the Rebellion, which is fully at tested by the enormous sale of 200i 000 volumes, and a largo portion oi tho country still uncanvassed. We ure obliged to run our presses night and day to enabla us to supply our Agents. , Men of character and ability, who de sire a luciative employment, will find tbis a rare opportunity. .The price of the work in one volume is 40 low, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all clashes. . ' For lull particulars Bend for circular, j Address American Publishing Com'y.,. 14$ Asylum Street, II ARTJORD, CON. jpiMPXRE SEtflXO MACHINE CO. Frineipal OJiee. Qlb Brbadway, JV. T. 6BEAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewintr Ma- chines. . Empira SauWle. Crank Motion : Bowing Machine. It is thus rendered noise less in notion. Its motion being allpoeiiWd, it ii not liable to get fttt of order. It is the best Family Machine! Notioe is callH to ur jowand Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, for taUei and Boot and Shoe Fitters. Agents wanted, to whom liberal discount will V glTen. Ifo ronm'gnmenti made, v r EM? LUS 6EWL50 MACHINE CO- nur. M IE CO I