4 ,y Tk Cc) Tbhectfc. JOB WORK. Ebth iLevt hand bill, 60 copies or lees Quarter aheet handbill, 60 copies or less $8.tt , j Half sheet sand-bill, 60 copies or less $.00 Full sheet band-bill, CO cople or less $S,00. BLANKS. For liny qnantlty under five quires, f0 per qnire ; on Ml amounts over that a reasonable reduction Trill he made. TERMS OF PAPER. $1 .GO per year In advance $2,00 If paid vnthin the year, and $2,50 ifnot paidwith in that time. Car Time at llldgiray Erie Express East ll:".5p tn. do do West.. :t:Wa m 3:10 p. m. 1:23 p. m. 10:00 a. m. C:0O p. m. do Mail East do do West Local Freight East., do do West.. NOTICE. Hereafter tho Post Office will be closed every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at 6 1- M. L. LUTHER, P. M. BPti,The Advoca c is this week pub lished on Monday. Tho next issue will teat our regular time. 8.For Iloliday Goods go to the Honk Sture in St Mary's. You will find an ex ccllent supply. Bugullinteiiach & Co,, have not yet disposed of all their stock. They have a large supply of neat, cheap and dura ble clothing. Good to he There. Where ? why at the store of Weis brothers in St, Mary's where they are about giving their good eaway. iTheSociable met on Friday night last at the house of Mr. Henry Souther, and was well attended. The next meet infill be at the house of Mr. Ed Souther. A good time may be expect ed. All arc invited to be present. Tho County Suprinten dents, in their convention at Harrisburg, recom. meradod the adoption of a law fixing six months, instead of four, as the minimum term in thecon:mon schools of Pennsyl vania j and also, that the school direct, ors ehonld be authorized to purchase (.chool-books and apparatus at the ex pense of their respective districts. Musical. We had the pleasure to hear and examine the Piano Forte which Mr. Ely ha recently purchased of Mr. W. Sherer, of Corry, and admire its clear, sweet and brilliant bound, ex. ccllent action and beautiful finish. We congratulate Mr. Ely in possessing such tin excellent and durable instrument, ana would sdvise those wishing to buy a trst-class instrument, to examine this piano, as we believe Mr. Sherer to be a trustworthy dealer. See his card in another column. Local Brevities -.Dancing Mrs. Clements proposes giving a Christmas ball on Christmas tiiglit. Parties who go cannot fail to enjoy themselves- Mr. Schram, of Schraiu's Hotel, at Brockwayville, is also going to give the young folks an opportunity to trip the "light fantastic" on New Years. Rrookville is to have a rare treat during the iiollidays, in the shape of a theatri. cal entertuinment, gotten up by its citi. zens. The proceeds are to be devoted to charitable purposes. We'wisb. them every success. G. C. Wilson, of the Clarion Democrat, has retired from his connection with that paper. We hope he may find some employment better suit, ed to his pocket and taste. 11. B. Brown, the editor-in-chief, still contin ves, and promises to devote bis eutire attention to the paper. Tlicj are a fast people up in Brookville. They have a gymnasium, a ' theatre, three lodges of good templars ; two base ball clubs, and about thirty taverns and ta loont where they retail lightning by the gWful. We think Brookville lives two years while any other town in the State lives one. Brigham Young's forty-fifth wife died lately. Tho ques tion now is, Is Bnghara Young a wid ower? Th Episcopal Church of Clearfield has Utely purchased a new organ. It is said to be a splendid instrument. The , sleighing in this section could not be better than it is We suppose every body is expecting to enjoy themselves in some way during the Hollidays. Well, go in. They on ly come once a year. L. will accept our thanks for the Christmas present sent us. Long may you wave.- Erie City is troubled with the 'sweeney' in its treasury. So says the Obterver, We wish our patrons a Merrie Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thoruiometer on Friday morning last, tood twelve degrees .below zero at this place. T 1ST. OF CAUSES i" I j tor trial for January term, 18B7. J rowell, adtaT Ts Rhincs' adtn'rs. MUlinger, tm Sorget. al. vs Wiodfcldor vs Carman vs Arner et. al. ts Alexander et.al. vs McCauley ct.al. ts Elliott vs Ron. sch dist. A. RATH BUN, Prothonotary. Leash Davidson Clement McKinaon Kemmerer May Sella G LIST OF JURORS dwn tor January Term, 1MU7. GRAND JURORS. Hem sett Urp Ellis Lewis, II D Johnson, James Overturt. Benzinger Urp. Jacob Nist. Fox Urp. W J Leahy, Daniel Pha Ion, J S Hyde, Deunis Eglleston, Jacob M Cauley. Andrew How. Jtiu Urp. (Jharlcs Webb, JNelson Robinson. Jours twp. Wm K Gallagher, Chris tophcr Dill. Rtdyway twp. Isaac Horton, jr., T H Cobb, Put Kilcy, jr., Randall Malon, Ki 1) Messenger. Spring Creek twp. Wm Algro, G Davidson. SV. Mary' borough. II Fochtman, Lawrence Dictz, George Smith. TRAVERSE JtTRORS. Bennett twp. B J Jones, D Johnson John Barr. lienzinger twp. Jacob Yollmer, Ml chucl Steibig, John Goetz, (windfall) Jacob Schubert, George nirner. Fox twp. Albeti Eliinger, Solomon Bochart, James K. Taylor, Adelphus Kylcr, W W Shaw, L Mohan, senior, William M'Cauley, John Taylor, E R Gresh. Highland twp. Levi Ellithorpe. Jiil Urp. A E Goff, Wm B Luce, Joseph Uhl. Jones twp. Edward Souther, Mdgwny twp. Peter Braniff, Amos Wheeler, j F Dill, John Vanorsdall. Spring (.'reck twp. Jeremiah Klliot. SV. M'iri'g borough. Joseph Wind felder, Joseph Wilhelra, Anton Ben. niugcr, Albert Weis, Charles Weis, Bernard Eckel. WNTED , AGEN'TS PER MONTH ft 875 to 8200 for gentlemen and 835 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce tho Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machiue, improv ed and perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only 820, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or call on CJ. BOWERS k CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters answered promptly, with airculars and terms. May-31'GG-ly. T 1HE SILVER, SKIRT. MORE DURABLE, MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its shape and retain its place better than any otter Skirt. This new and beatiful style of Skirt (rat er.(yl March 7, 1865,) was awarded by the (treat American Institute Fair, held in New York, October, 1865, a SILVER MEDAL, being the Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs are wound with fine plated wire in place of a cotton covering which will not wear off or become soiled, and the whole skirt may be woshed without injury or fear of rusting, and will be as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the ordina ry Skirt the advantages orourfiilver Skirt tli e bottom hoops are the same as those us ed in the Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones nrii covered with cotton. No lady having once worn one of our Skirts, will be willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds are soon injured and soileed. The best mnteeials are used in their con struction, and, from their durability and neatuess they are destined to become a Favorite Skirt. Manufactured Bolely by the Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, 30 and 32, lLlRCLY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. 6pkbet, Sup't. Aug Oth-ly PHOTOGRAPHIS. X. &. H. T. AMTH0NT &v CO., Uanulacturers of Photographic Materials, Wholesale and Retail, 60, BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Headquarters fo the following, viz. STERESCOPE3 & STERESCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, uroups. Statuary, eto. STERESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR. From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photograph jo uisiory 01 me great contest. STERESCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magio Lantern or the StereBcope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 00 varieties from 60 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card rtotograplif of Generals, Statesmen, Actorr, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSANP different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Pointings, Statues, eto. Cata logues sent op receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 26 per cent of the amount with their order. fttrThe prices and, quality of our goods naaotfa&ttfaUafy. (Juae H'flt-ly. ... , .'- 11J H11ULM GREA TEXC1TEMEN T s H O W M M O w t-1 n o rj ft S3 H W M H O W Tl C n OP H S3 CO H K o o ft o o 5R 7 Court Proclamation. 1T7 HERE AS, HON. R. G. WHITE, t V President, and Charles Mead, and E. C. Schultze, Assoeinte Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, and Justie8 of the Court of Quarter Ses sions and Orphans' Court, and Court of Uyer and Xenmncr, and General Jail Delivery of Llk county, by their pre cepts to me directed, have ordeied a Couit of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Judgway, in and for the county of Elk on the SECOND MONDAY IN JAN. 1867. being the 14th day of;the"month and to continue the week. OilLE is here by given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constublcs of tho county of fclk , that they are by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions and other remembrances, to do those thiu!s which their offices appertain to be done, and that all Jus. tices of said county make returns of all the recognizances entered into before them to the Clerk of the court as per Act of Assoinbly, passed May 8th 1804 And those who are bound by their re cognizans to prosecute the prisoners that aro or shall be in the Jail ol said county of Elk, and to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. J. A. M ALONE, Sheriff. A GENTS WANTED For the Most Popular and Best Sub scription Books J'ubltmed. We are the most extensive publishers in the United Mates, (having six Lous es,) and therefore can afford to sell books cheaper and pav agents a more liberal commission than any other com pany. Our books do not pass through th hands of General Asents, (as nearly all other subscription works do,) therefore we are enabled to give the canvassers the extra per cent, which is usually al lowed to General Agents. Experienced canvassers will see the advantages of dealing directly with the publishers. Our series embraces the most popular works on all subjects of importance and is selling rapidly both North and South. Old agents, and all others, who want tho best paying agencies, will please send for circulars and see our terms, sod compare (hem and the character of our works with those of other publishers. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mass., Cin cinnati, Ohio, Chicago, Ills., St. Louis, Mo., or Richmond, Va. nov. 29, 4t. JjIREE TO EVERYBODY! A Largo 5 pp. Catalogue, teaching how to remove Tan, Frecklos, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions and all impurities of the skin. How to force Wbiskcrs, restore, curl and beautify the hair ; renew the age, cure Drunkenness, Nervous Debility, and other useful and valuable informa tion. Everybody tend for it. Address, BERGER, SHUTTS & CO-, Chemists, 28$ River Street, Not. 29th, lb6$,lin. Troy, N. Y. 'J 1 !.l 1- I-! l'-J-.'.'JL'.' ' ! THE TLACETO BUY IS WHERE YOU CAN BUT The Cheapest. : S GO O Ci I 1 a so-n B S?."s e s ri tn O 3 1 - e cs 01 iL. K Si S Cj i - Hs,3 n T tP n . J 3 E p 5 m r1 5 O P 7. ffi 5-" . H 2 M S 0-1-3 2 3 " -w K S3 O fC f-99 c :b r- SI s - s? 11 fir r: 5 5:4 C i- c a ' l 1-3 1 t -3 0 3 H S 5 01 " f .c" -1 E P s 3 w r2 CO K a 4 5 2 i B . i fSi-:. P o 5 M - T ' e 2 T3 C5 2 K va CO 03 C C 1 g 5. GO B 5 s- a- - .b I"! Q -1 a 0 o y r j. 5 1-1 6 n ft- O 0 re ST GO O B 2. o " Oi ... WE SELL GOODf AS LOW AS THEY CAN ISE BOL'tJIIT IN i e City. GIVE US A CALL. AND :ve WILL i t . Prove T A ROE CAPACITY, GREAT Strcanth li and unequalled speed, simplicitv and completeness of operation, are qualities pc. i-Hiiiir iu ijic Nonpareil Wash in Ma' cniiie. It is a siiueeziiiff machine constructed on strictly mechniiical principles, and the ex Iicrience uenveu irom nve years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public institutions proves u to ne or lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of opevatinc the Xonnaroil. by roiary motion acting on a crank sliaft with balance 'wheel.) which mnvi ilie plungers alternately, is the simplest, least iaboriour and most powerful that, can he de vised for the purpose, nnd accomplishes the wurn wan uie greatest rapidity nud the least possible labor. 1 lie great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from tho statement that it is genrcd to give six strokes 01 ine plungers tor one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strckes a minute Safety to the faluic washed is insured by tho entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen can work tlin nm. chine, and do a week's washing for a family 01 six or eight persons in two to three hours' time ; nnd it mny bo relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 26,'60-ly WSIIEltER. Dealer in MI'S JO ROOMS: Ao. 45, Ferst Avenue, Cony, Pcr.na, Refers to J. Powell, B. F. Ely. Ridgwny. Ignatius Garner, Chas. Haigon." St. Mary's nov i!2,'GU, Smpd. TXECUTOR S NOTICE. Whereas, let ters testamentary on the estate of Jos. Seel, late of Reuzinger township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, they hereby given notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, add those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. G. F, SHAFFER, Executor. CAROLINE SEEL, Ex'x, oov220tpd. STRAY HEIFFEIt.-Stray. ed away from the premises of the sub scriber about the first of lust June, a lilt I N DLE HEIFFER, has two large white spots on outside of each hind leg, small horns one crooked, a few white spots on belly, and a white star on forehead, and is two years old. Any person giving information of Slid helffer, will be liberally rewarded. MARTI.V FRITZ, Nov. 8, I860. 8t. lienzinger, l O. ATOTICE TO CREDIT- OR3 The late firm of Rurke & Woods ef the borough of St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa., having on the 31st day of Oc tober, A. D. 18ti0, made a general assign ment for the benefit of creditor to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said firm will please make payment, and all having claims present them to CHARLES McVEAN, Assignee. St. Mary's. Benzinger P. O. December 6th, 1866. (JiOAAMONTHJ-AGENTS tP t V"n,,!ll for entirely new arlieUs, uit out. Address O. T. GAREY, City uildipg, Biddeford, Ma. may-17'tio-ly. J. GURNEY & SON, FHOTOGRAFHIC AltTiSTS, 707, BROADWAY, N. Y. IN addition to our rhotofrrnphio Art Gab lery, established in 1810. we hove for the last Pive years had advantages su perior to any other estiblishnicnt in ob taining sittings frnni life, of all the Prominent Cckbiities of the day in Card portraits, and are now publishing a Catalogue of over '2 5 0 0 S U B J E C T S , American and Foreign, also a largo list of copies of Works of Art uud Engrav. ings. Catalogue sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for one dozen pic. tuns fiom our Catalogue will be tilled at $1 80, nttd sent bv mail free. Sindo pictures 2. cents each, cupies of en. rnvings l;i cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reproduc- 1 1 T . or copying, old Dajiuerreotvros. Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, &c, of de. ceased relatives and friends, enlarging thorn to any size, and finishing in Oil, Water Colors, or India Ink, with the aid ol ten talented artists. Parties desiring copies, f-hould thcro. fore correspond with us direct. rend fur n catalogue. The trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for free inspection, and strangers visiting tho city will find our Gallery one of the most nsnvealile places where. in to while away an hour. J. UURNliY & SON. eep-20 Gtr. 707, Broadway, N. Y NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL S T 0 R E . DAILY cO WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at The Book Stoke 1 N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Any work, either American or Eurt'pen, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &c, will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Book or Stationery line nor. in Store, will be sent for by mail ami be received in a few days u'ltiir or dering, jun. 14-ly. STARCH GLOSS, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, nnd thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much liuie and labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not ear out so soon. It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best in the world. It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up in tho safest, neatest, and most convenient f.'i-m of any oil'cred to the pulilic. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Apcnts wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address NEW YORK .STARCH ULOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., New York. TO CONSUMPTIVES. riHE Advertiser, having been restored X health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having guttered sever al years with a severe lung affection, and that dread ditcase. Consumption is anx ious to make known tojliis fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free or charge), with tho directions for preparing the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, lironchits, &c. The on ly onji'ct ot the advertiser in sending the Prescription, is to benefit the afflicted, and eyreim imormaiion which ho conceives to be invaluable : and he hopes every sufferers wm uy 111s remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. 1 nines wishing the prescription, will please address Rr.v. EDWARD A. WTLSON, Williamsburg. Kings County, New York. Oct. 20th 13U6-ly. Miisi;wtr, una. n to Extensive Manufacturers and importers of GOLD-PLATED & OREIDEJJEWELRY, SOLIIJ AND JilCKKl, SILVER WARE, American, English and Swiss Watches, use d by Ourselves, And every description of Fasct Goons and Yankek Notions, Especially ndnpled ani designed for South ern and Western Trade. Circulars and lull descriptive Price Lists sent free, Agrnts wanted everywhere. Ad. dress SALISBURY, RRO. & Co. 61 Dorrancc street. Oct.: '.'00 ly. Providence, R. I. INSURANCE AGAINST loss or DAMAGE by FIRE. flMIE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur I auce Company at Muueey, Pa., con tmues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public aud private buildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Rams, stocks of Grain, &o., at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safely to tho Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an investu gation as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 8a.8oo.ooo! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis faciorily paid.. Its management has always been prudent, as its existence of twenty I I years fully demonstrates JAMES BLAKELY, Agent for Elk county, at St. Mary's. M. I i-.i.,. A M ERIC AN ARTISTS' UNION Tim AMERICAN ARTISTS' UN. ION established 1854 announce tliut in order to extend the sale of the fol. lowing well known and highly popular ST EKE PLATE EXG RAVINGS Departure of tho Pilgrim Fathers for America, 27 x liG iu Luuding of the Pilgrim Falh. trs, 27 x 30 Falstaff Mustering his Re cruits, 25 x SO Shakesoear and his Friends, 27 x 31 Ottcr s Saturday Night, 23 x 28 v illuL-o lilacksmuli, Zi x Manifest. Destiny, (Fortune Telling,) 21 x 28 The Massacre at Wyoming in 1770, 8 CO Mount Vernon in the olden time, or, Washington at SO years of ngo, 20 x 84 The escape of A luster Mac- l'Ona'.d from the Massacre of Ulencoe, 26 x 34 The Madonna, 20 x 84 They have deemed expedient to offer to their trie rids und tho public at one dollar and fifty cents each, the price heretofore having been twodoliais each, aud for the purpone of stimulating tho getting up of Clubs, they have deter mined to award premiums to the getters up of the Clubs, and in addition thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the sum of 50.000 in money and psint ings, as soou as the sale shall have reach ed 100,000 engravings. As it is our intention to advertise very extensively, and as the engravings are well known throughout the vibolc country, we havn no doubt that with the low price wo charge for them, and with the exertion which we put forth by our intu.eroun friends, the number will be reached in short time. As soon as it is reached, the subfceribers, through their Club Agents, will be notified by a circular letter from us, naming tho time and method of distribution. CLUB RATES. Single Engravings 1,50 each, by mail free. For 15 we will send 23 Eng. and 2 to the Club Ajrent. 20 25 SO ii5 .00 75 DIG 15 20 25 30 50 80 110 11 4 11 " 5 " " (5 " it 1 it " a Silver Watch. " a Silver Lever, a Huntiuir Lever. Tho Club packages will be very se curely packed nnd f orwarded by Express' ny pi in 11 my p t 1 j 1 11 't. u d forward tho amount either by Express, Mgtit. malt, J'ost Uttice (Jrder or in 11 registered letter, und in all cases thu Engravings vvill bo immediately sent, and for each engraving a numbered cir tiieiic and receipt will be enclosed in a package. O. O. D. ORDERS. Persons wish ing to send for Engravings aud pay tho Express Co. when they' are received, will bo required to send "with their order 82 to 85, according to its amount, and this will be credited on their bill. Aisf of Iremittms To be distributed. One of $10,000 in money, SIO.COO 5,000 5,000 5,000 0,1 U0 " Five of 1,000 Ten of 500 " Fifty of 100 " One hundred elegant Oil Paint, ings, richly faamed, Lands capes, at g 100 each, Two hundred elegant Oil Paint, iuys, richly framed, Interior Views, at 50 each, 5,000 10,000 10,000 S50.00O The AMERICAN ATISTS' UN. ION would add that these premiums are to be considered only in the light of a free gift to their patrons, us thu Eugravings arc furnished them below their market value, and as the cost of engravings, after the plates urc procur ed, is very trifling, they can easily afford to mate tho distribution as large as it is. We trust that our numerous friend throughout the country and Canada will uso their utmost exertions, so that if possible, the distribution may bo made soon, aud it can be done if they aro at all active. Ladies havo often maoe excellent Club Ageuts, for us. and we solicit their kind efforts, which' will not go unrewarded- Let one or more energetic persons iu every town or village in the country commence as soon as they see this, tud get up as large a Club as possible. By so doing They will be the means of introducing ele. gant engravings into families, aud"thus aid in cultivating a taste fur the beauti ful and refined. Address Orders Sec. AMERICAN ARTISTS' I'XIOX Nor. 8,1806.3m. 25 Pine St. N. V. SOMETHING NEWT HOUSE, SIGN &, ORNAMENTAL PAINTING riMlE sJL'liSCRlb E R W U U L D R E X spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business iu Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMIXINO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IX THE most fashionable nnd improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at tho Bauking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'6G-ly. ' WliKELER & WILSON'S SEW. ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county, He keeps an assortment oonstuntly on hand. Machines soid at Philadolphiaand New Yr prices. Any rnies desirous of ohi address J. K. II ITMrtHR Mara t.'-lv. at Ridgway, Pa.