The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, December 06, 1866, Image 2

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IS . Kill, tlV.Vdtl I HOPllIETOH.
r. mjokl, Pi;i!L!-..ur;i.
. lie a 6 da i, ;;(., o--, mi '.
.H ' s i a s
Even the most rn-lic-i' enemies A
r'n.-i:.i,ut Johnson can nut In ip
I ml
I:.'."- 'hat liis Message is ii c' ami can
JiJ .'guuicnt. Wo ak a cra ft!! pim
t' the portiou which we m
t i -.-.ys' fapcr. We will fiv.-!
ft' th other reports next -t.k.
.fl-.V' .r-citkrm ' lite HienaU .. iV-mxc
Priiivrntsfi'vii : .1 Lliif iutei v;.l the (t i -less of
the United Stales U.-iUieos, ls .inuiul
'. '-!tiv labors. An tM vi.-e an! nr. r
rrovMor-.e ha alived ihe (sit-
.-reo which visitol oui
as. Ici'.VII!.-,
e .'-imtous tracjs itpj-i soui.-
Di o'-ii' country. Ia-jco, !.;.(. f. Lamp:.!
itv. -,, civil authority vt- been j,n
iti'i'i! ileehrcl to ci st tliv.iuliiiiit i he
v. hoi.! tii Uuitel States. In ail of
fi: States civil authority has supersc
.i. ii i he coercion of arms, uui I In: peo
.. iy their voluntary actin.-i. a re uiiiu
tuirir.'x their govornuieiifs in lull aetivi
:y and complete operation The en
I'irwttiCiit of the laws is no l.uijcr ''oh
stnictfd iu any State hy combinations
too powerful to be suppressed by the or
t!i'! .ry course of judicial jimec'iline.-" ;"
:tnJ the animosities eiit'endereil hy the
wur are rapidly yielding to the hern li
(J. nit influences of our tree institutions,
and io the kindly t Rjf'K nl im t - ii ct i
hc-.'i:;! iiiid ecn.tiicrcial intercourse. An
e;;!.':t"! ivstoi'tt'it-tl el' frattrii.-ti '.eliirj
ti t..t i-e the earnest wish of tveiy :itri
t.ric la-art ; am! we will .have atfinmlisli
-,ti out.1 ramies;
.hen, forjtitiins;
Ha: iotil' a hi vcnei.t
tilO even's of til;
(aft. end reui .Mnneiiiiii only tneir in
, (ruc'.ivo lesions, we resume our ti.itvjr.l
earrtr as a free, oidpeivui-', aaJ united
j.i my message of the 4;h v IVeetn
her. ISO;), ConresiS was itittniued ol
tiie measures wiiich Iiad heen instituted
'iie Eseculive with a view to the
".au'il restoration of the States wiiicli
ii ? it.-MirreClinti oceuried to their nla.
t'oi .i with the (JiiiCial (ioveriimeiit.
i'i : iiif'ttal (iovi-i 1,1.1 s had boon ut-puiu
ted Convc!i.'ioris called. ( iovcruoid elec
ted. Legislatures ;i'isenil.i!e;l, and Sena
ror- and IlepreiCpfiitites chosen to the
' .'ei",'rcs3 ci the Uuitcd States. Courts
::id been epened tor the etilorci tucnt ol
! rv;s loni; in abeyance. The blockade
!:..! '.eeti renioved, custom Inmses te v..
tallit-hcd, an I the internal revenue laws
hi, in force, in order that the people
-uii-lit contribute, to the national income,
i'ctul opcraiijus h 1 1 bsen renaivel.
i.ti i the I'fl'orls were heiu ma le to r.'.s
tT.e tliem 1 1 their former condition ol
oiiieiency. 'i he State iheuis-ives
!;een a.-ked to lake part iu the hii.rh tune
ol atuet. ding the Constitution, and
rf thus sancii jiiini; the extinction ut
African slavery us one as the legitimate
lesults of our iuterur cine strule.
Fi.ivin rrti.'tssuJ thu.-i far, the Kxe
Outive i'.'pjrtia'.nt f.niiid that it ha-i
ti.teoinpli.died nearly all that was witliin
the aeope of its con.-tirulional ati'hoi itv.
One thins, however, yet. iciuim'd tj be j
(lone before t'ne woik of restora'ioii
rould ha ouip'cted, titii (h it tv is the
admission to Consrresi- of loval ."'eiiaiow j
a:l representatives from tlot State- I
v.'Loso peoide h id rehitil ; 1 a.' ti : st t iu; j
'awui authority of the ( tsovern
meat. This question rcv.ilecl u ; r:i the
respective Iloutcs, which. '', t.!u C!,.i.
titution, ara made the y Ucs nf tl:e
lections returns, and 'i u ii : iti.n.s til
icir own uitmbjr.i ; a i i it -hi 1 ;r t
.'.m at ouco cn;j;ac;il t ie attention ol
' ingress.
In the iimn'-ini-'', th !j t "o riv s Da
.rttueot no other p'au li ivoi h.:cu
op.o.sod by Cinve.--v c Hi'ii.'if ! it.-tf
: . r'.s to perfect, as lar its w , p .ict e ih!e,
. c ros'loratioa of the p ! rel-vion-i
tWv'en the. citizens of to-' i - s ;'v.j
.' ate?, th? States, otid the i-'e I rii llu'v
'timetit, cztcnuintr, Irjm :nio i- timi.
the (iu
) fC'I'Ute,
ll -ViwotllS
I ' ee an I
...o j'ldioiul, reven'i-t, nil;
the co.iutrv. With t i
..--isont of the Senate, the lu-cs-ary n!ii
:i were uppVintc 1, an 1 the iijipr iprni
. ins made by Congr iss lor the p.iyiu 'lit
:' their salaries. The prnji i-i'iou to
-iicni the Tederal Ctm-timtion, h as
. :i prevent the cxi: tenet; nf slavery
within the United Su'.ib o" ui.y p'au.t
.idijcct to their jurisdiction, .is lanii-d
; the refU'nhe iiumhtrtil S utes; nud
a the 18th day of Dct-etuher. IS:!), it
.'ii3 official ly deelnred to b bee inie
. jl'.d as a part of the Cjuisiituii m of the
United L'Ute-i. All ol tnc States in
v liieh the insufructi.iu li 1 1 t vistol
. r-u)-) umcrr.led their Constitution
j as to ni.ike them conform to the jur.i'
change- ihuj cfiected in tnc oiniuia lav
f the hill; declared u'l I an I void all
. rdinflnees au l Yxvk of ce;ioii ; repu---.i'lted
a'l piecea !cd debts ail nhiim
iboi created for ihft rcvoluti ) iaiy pur
es of the insurrection ; m 1 proceed
i , in K'KiJ faith, to tuo cuieMu !iit of
. onsurcs for the protection and niuelio
ttiou of the Condition of the c ilnrod
,.'!. Congresi", hcvever, yet hesitated
vluiit uuy of these S;utei to re teen
i : t-ii ; ani it v:as iiat until t J.s the
.jsq of th'j eighth uioiith of ihe session
4 lit ui) cjopt:oa was made in favor of
;'-iooosiiee. tv the ad.nisstoa of her Sen
ators an i i'epresentatives.
I deem it a nuhjeet of profouni r3
. ret t!:Jt Con,rtfcS hag thus lar failed
: i udurn to ii sau loyn! Senutirii aud 1'cp.
I i vcutntlvei li iia the other It 1 ut, whu e
inliahilaii's, with those of Tenmsee,
Itiid enlaced in the rcheliiofc. fen
Stales more than one fourth if the
whole number rcmui'i without repre
sentation ; these! of lilty tneuiheio in
the Heine of ltepn H. titativcs nli J ol
twenty tueiiibciu in the Senate tire yet
vueuut not by their own consent, not
hy afuihireof t lection, but by the rcfu
sal of ConiiroF.s to accept their creden
tials. Their adiuissimi, it is believed,
would have accomplished much towards,
the renewal and s-treimtheiiino of our
relations tts one people, and removed se
i :ous cause fur disc intent on the part of
the inhabitants of those States. It
would have accorded with the great
principle enunciated iu the Declaration
of American Independence, tint no pi-o
pie misiht to bear the burden of taxation,
and jet he denied the of repre..
t:iitmio'i. It would have been in cm
Motiauee with the express provisions of
the Constitution, that each State shall
have tit least one representative," and
' that no State, Without its c nisiut, sh.-if 1
he deprived of .ti cc nl suffrage in the
S';:ute." These provisions weto in ten.
led to secure t.i every State, and to the
people of every Stale the lihtof rep-rc-entation
tu each L'o:ie ol Congress;
and si i nip irtatit wis it tk'einj l by the
liaiuersof the tittion ihat the e
(iiility of the States in the Senate
should be preserved, that not even ley an
anienuuK'Ht of the Constitution can any
Slate, without its consent, be denied a
voice in that branch of the National
It is true, it has been assumed that
the existence of the States were temii
nated by the rebellious acts of their in.
habitants, and that the insurrection hav
ini; been suppressed, they were thetice
loi ward to be considere 1 merely as con
tpicred territories. The Legislative,
Kvectnive, an I Judicial Departinetits
of the ( iovernuient have, however, with
caat. d.stitu-ttiess an I utiifortu cctisis.
tcney, refused to sanciioti an assumption
so incompatible wit'.i the u.ituru of out
republic in f ystem, and with 'lie iirofess
ei objeets of the war. 'i'hroiihout
the recent legi.-latiou of Congress, the
undeniable fac-r. makes itseif appartnt.
that these ten political communities are
nothing leas than States of this Union.
At the very cjnitnnootn 'lit of the re
beilton, each Home declared, wiih a
unanimity as remarkable as it was signi
ficant, the war was not " waited,
upon our part, iu any soirit of nppres.
sum. nor lor any purpose of 3oui( lest or
.-u' j nit itiou nor purposo of overthrow
itu ' I' iutei lerinz with lite rihu of es
laid .died in-titutinm of those States,
but to defend aud in dutaiu the supteni
acy '.vf the Coustilu'io:i aud idi laws
made in pursuance thereof, aud to pre
serve the Union with all the dignity,
tfpiality, and rights of the sjvera!
States uuimjiairod ; an 1 that as soon as
tlics.! object" were '-ace it.ipli.died the
war on'ht to cease." Li souij in-tan
ces Senators wese pertained to continue
their legislative functions, while in oth
cr instances Ilepresentatives wore elec -el
and admitted to heats alter their
States bad formally declared their right
to withdraw from the Uui ,n, and were
endeavoring to maintain that right by
force of anus. Ail of 'ho States whose
people were in insurrection as States,
were included in th.i :ip; pjrtionmeut
of the direct tax ol twenty millions of
dollars annually laid upon I lie United
"states by the act approved 5th August.
IfJ'Jl. Congte.-s, by the act of March
I tii, I S )1, and by the apportionment
of representation thereunder, also rcc.
o'ii.jd their presence as States in the
Union; and they have for ju pur.
poses, been divided into distiic's, its
S a'es alone can be divik-d. The same
recogti'lion appears in the recent legis
lation iu reference to Tennessee, which
evidently rests upon the fact that the
luuctious of the State was tint destroyed
by the rebellion, b it merely susp.jn led ;
and the principles' is of c lurse applica
ble to those States which, like Tt lines-.-ee.
attempted to reuouueo their places
iu the Union.
The action of the Uxeea'ivc Depart
ment ol the Covcrnuieut upon this nub.
jeet has beeu crju illy dcli iit.e an 1 uui
lorni. and tlio purpose of the was
spee lie my state.l in loo i roel.iui it,,.oo
issued by my predewsnr on the -Jd
diyof Sodtcuiber, lSlii. It was then
soleuiuly proclaimed and declared that
hc.reatter, :is licretotorc, the wir will
be prosecute i for tiie object o.' practical,
ly lostoring the constitutional rolatiou
between the United States and each of
the States and the people thereof, in
which State that relation is or may be
sponded or disturbed."
The recognition i f the States by the
Judicial Department of the Oovcieuient
lias also b-.ien eleirand conclusive iu all
proceeding nll'seting them as States,
had in tint Supreme, Circuit and Dis
tiiet Cuiirts.
Iu the aliuissio!) of Senators an!
Ilepresentc.tivcs from any and ail of tin
States, there can be no just ground of
apprehension that persons who are dis
loyal wili iu cloihcd with the p. .'.vers ol
legislation ; for this could not happen
when the Coustit'.riou and ihe laws are
enforce I by a vigilant aud laithlul Con
;grcss. Ijaeh hoiii-e is made the 'judge
ol the ele, t ons. teturns, and cjualitica
lions of its own members," and may,
'with the c incurrence o. two.lhirds,
expel u member." Vheii a vScnatoror
Representative piescutu his e litieato of
elec ion, be may at. ones bo admitted or
rejected ; or i-hou'd there be any fpics
tiou us to his eligibility, his credentials
liny bo lelerred for investigation to the
appropriate committee. If admitted to
a seat, it in u t bo upon evidence satis,
factory to the House of which he thus
becomes a member, that te possesses
the requisite Conslilutioual dud legal
qualification-!. Jf refused admission as
a r.TJDibcr for cf !ua nilegiaoce
. . .i. . . .... j ..... i . i . I
to rue novo: tiiiieu:, uuu rcturncu to ins
constituents, they are adnionishcd that
none but poisons loyal to the United
States will he allowed a voice iu the
Legislative Councils of the iiaiion, find
the p ) itical power aud moral influence
of Congre.-s are thus effectively exerted
in the inteiest of loyalty to the Govern,
incut and fidelity to the Union. Upon
tiiis question, so vitally effecting the
lestoratioii of the Union and the per
inaiicucy of our present form of govern
ment, my convictions heretolnre expres
cd, have undergone no change ; but, on
the contrary, their correctness has been
confirmed by reflection and lime. If
the admission of loyal tuenfhfrs to seats
in the respective of Congress
was wise and expedient n year ago. it is
no lets wise and expedient now. If this
anomalous condition is right now if,
inthcexict condition of these States
at the present time, itlslawl'ul to exclude
them from representation, 1 do not see
that the question will bo changed by
the t-fll.ix of time. Ten veats hence,
if these States remain as they are, the
right of representation will bo no stronger
the right of cxclu-.iou will be no
The Constitution of (lie United States
makes it tlu duty of (ho President to
recommend to the Consideration of
Congress " such measures us he shall
judge necessary or expedient." 1 know
of no measure more impcitively de
manded by every consideration of na
tional interest, sound policy, and equal
justice, than the admission of loyal
members from the now unrepresented
States. This ould consummate the
woik of restoration, and exert a most
salutar, influence in the re. establishment
of peace, harmony, and fraternal feeling.
It would tend greatly to rcnuw the con
fidence of the Aine:ican people in the
vigor aud stability of their institutions.
It would bind us more closely together
as a tuition, and ena' le us to show to
the worid the inherent and recuperative
power of a government founded upon
the will of the people, and established
upon the principles of liberty, justice
and intelligence- Our increased strength
and enchatieed prosperity would ine
Ir.igihly demonstrate ihe lallacy of the
areumeulsacaiiist free institutions drawn
fiolu our recent national disorders by
the enemies of republican g ivcrinnent.
The Admission of loyal members from
the States now excluded fiom Congress,
by ullaving doubt ami apprehension,
would turn capital, now awaiting an
upp irtun'.ty lor t iveitni i.w, into the
channels of trade and industry It
would alleviate the picscnt condition of
those States, and, by inducing' cmigra.
tion, aid iu the settlement of fertile
legions now uncultivated, and lead to
an increased production of those s'aptes
which have added so really to t lie wealth
of the nation mid the commerce of the
wotld. New fields of enterprise would
be opened to our progressive people, and
soon the devastations of war would be
rept.iicd, and all traces ol our domestic
differences effaced from the unud of our
In our efforts to preserve the " unity
ol which constitutes m one
people," by restoring the to the
condition they held prior to the rebel
lion, we should be cautious, lost, having
rescued our tuition from perils of threat
ened disintegration, we resort to consoli
dation, aud in the cm absolute despot,
ism, as a remedy for I he recurrence of
similar troubles. The war having ter
minated, and with it till oce isioti for the
exercise of powers of doubtful constitu
tionality, we should hasten to bring leg
is'atiou within the boundaries prescribed
by the Constitution, and to let tun to
the ancient landmaiks established by
our fathers for tiie guidance of succeed
ing generations. " The Constitution
which at any time exists, until changed
by an explicit and authentic net of the
whole poop'e, is sacredly obligatory up.
on all." " 1!, in the opinion ol the peo
ple, the distrioutiou or modification of
the constitutional powtrs be, in any par
ticular wrong, let it uo coi recteu liy an
amendment iu the way in which the
Constitution designates, lint let there
be no change by usurpation, for it Ls
Jio customary weauoii by which fiee
Goveriiuieius are dcMinycd. Washing
ton ,sp::ke thcs" words to his countrymen
when, followed by their love mid grati
tule, he voluntarily retired from ihe
cares of public li le. ''To keep in all
things within the palo of ocr eoi,s:iiu
tional powers, aud cherish the
Uuiou as tho only rock of s-alcty,'' were
prescribed by Jefferson its rules of action
to endear to his ' countrymen the Hue
principle of their Constitution, and pro.
mote a union of sentiment aud action
equally au-qii jioos to I heir happiness and
salety." Jackson held that the atti.m
of the General Government should al
ways be confined to the sphere of its a p.
propriate duties, and justly and foruibly
urged that our Government is not to bo
maintained nor our Union piescrved ' by
invasions of the r ghts and puweis ol
the several Ss.ites. In thus attempting
to make our General Govoi nmeut stiou ;,
wo make it we.'k. Its i.-uu strength
cousisis in leaving individuals and
Scales as much as po-sible tu themselves;
in inakiug itscll Iclt, nor in its power,
put in its beneficence ; not iu its control,
but iu its protection ; not iu binding ihe
Stairs mort closely to the ceutie, but
leaving each lo move unobstructed in
its proper constitutional oibi .'' These
are ihe teachings of men wliisa deeds
and services ha-'e made them illustrious,
and who, king since wilhdrawu from the
scenes of life, have left to their country
the rich legacy of their example, their
wisdom, and ihcir patriotism. Drawing
fresh inspiration from their lessons, let
us emulate them in love of country utid
respect for tho Constitution aud the
i-j v 1
Cotirt Proclamation.
y 1 1 Kit:-: a.-, iitf.s. ii.tu . iiith,
V l'lesident, and ( II.MII.KS Ml-'.AI).
and K. C. ."('iitiiZK, Associn'e Judgis
of the Ct'iirl of I't iiimon I'leas, and
Justi" i f tlie Cotiil of Qtiiitcr Sea
sions iiutl Orphans' Court, and Court ol
Oyer and 'I to miner, an I (.Icncral
Delivery of ivk countv. by their pre
ccpts to mo directed, have onh'ted a
Couit of Ci.ttiliu n I'leas, a Court ol
Quarter Sessions, Orphans Court, ami
General Jail Delivery, lobe hidden at
Ui lotvay, in and tor the county of Uik
on the
being the 11th day ofihe month and to
coiitiinie the week. NO'f ICE is here
by given to the Coroner. Justices nl the
I'eace and ( 'i nstablts of llie County of
Lilk , that they are by these precepts
commanded to bo then and there in their
proper persons, at 1J o'clock A. M.. ol
said day, with their rolls, records and
inquisitions and other remembrances,
to do those tilings which then nfliees
appertain to be done, and that all Jus
tiecs -f said countv make returns of all
the lecogniz inees entered into before
theiii to the Clerk of the court as per
Act of Assembly, passed .May Sth 11)1-.
And those who are bound ly their re
cognizaiis to prosecute the ptisoners
that are or shall be in the Jail of said
eiviiiy of E;U, and lo be then and tin re
lo prosecute against them as i-hall be
just J A. M ALONE. Sheriff.
i; (If . P'iil- a;J li'M Suj.
Hi-rtji.'i'jti Boohs Pabl'i'iul.
We art! ill : most extensive publishers
iu the Ui.iied Slates. (Inivine six hous
es, i and thcicfoie can afloid to tell
In oks fin api r and pay tigenis, a mule
bin ral coiiiuiissiou than any other colu
paov. Our books do not pass through the
h n's.-t (ii-iu'tal Agents, (as nearly all
otiu-r culisL-npiion works do ) therefore
we me enabled to ivs the canva-scrs
the i x'ra per cent, wlrch is usually al
1 wed tolieiieial Agents. Exierieuced
canva-si is will see the adv.ritaies ol
ileal ii-.' d r ctly with the publishers.
Onr pciifsembiaces the most popular
wmks on all Kul'jcuts of inqiorlaiice.
and is selling; rapidly both North and
On! agents, and all others, who want
the best iiiying aca ncics, will pit-use
st'iid lor eircula's utid see our lei ins, and
coiiip.-iio i l.eni and ihe character of our
works with those of other publishers
(Id ress,
I'liiiadelphia. I'a , Ihis'on, Mass., ('in
ciuiiuli. ()hio, Chiciio, His., St. Louis.
Mo., or lliehuiuiid, Va. nov. 21). -It.
A Large 5 pp. Catalogue, leaching
how to leiiiiive Tan, Freckles, I'injples,
Blotches, ' Moth Patches, iallnwuess,
Krupiioiis ami all impurities of the skin.
How to force Whiskers, restore, curl
aud beuutilv the hair j renew l lie aot
cure Dtui kennesi, Nervous Debility,
an I other useful and valuable- informa
tion. Everybody send for it. Address?,
Chemists. 285 ltiver Street,
Nor. 20th, lSG6.1m. . Troy, N. Y.
o I
- si
Sid i .
c o
ET 2
c s
W A :
1 LlXilli.
' . Dealer in
A'o. 45, lei; l Aunnie, L'orr,, Pci v'a.
Refers to J. Powell. U. F. Ely, Hi lgwuy.
Igtiiiiiti" Guvnor, Clias. Ilaigeu." St. Marv'p.
nov 22,'tiC, 3 iipd.
J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -AVhrroiis. let-
i terstfstiim.Mitnry on the estate of Jus.
Seel, lute of I enritiper tnwm-liip, deceased,
have been gi ant U to the undersigned, i hoy
hereby given notice to till persons indcliieii
In said estate tii nniUc immediate payment,
add those having claims I'g.iinst. t tic same
vtill present theni duly authenticated lor
sutlleinciit. 0. E, SII FFI-;lt. Executor.
ed inv.-iy troin I lie pi einises of tlic cub
senlier nliuiii the lirst of l ist June, a RltlX
DLI' II I Il't'Elt, bus two l.irgo white spots
on Hillside of each hind log, small ioi us
one crooked, a few while spots on belly,
and a white star on forehead, find is two
years old. Any person giving information
of s.lid beifler, will be liberally rewarded,
Nov. 8, I8HC. St. Ueiizinger, V. 0.
j and unerpi.illed ppced. simplicity und
cciipleienoss ot operation, are qualities pe.
cnliar In tho
Nonpareil Washing Ma
chine. It is a prpieeziiig machine constructed on
Ft-ictly meeliniiieiil priin-iiles. and llie cx
periciicc del ived from five years i-xlctisive
use in feniilies. lintels and public institutions
proves it to a of lasting value to the pur
The manner of operating tho Nonpareil,
by reitiry motion acting on a crank s'nit'l
wiih ba'ntieo wheel.) which moves thtj
plungers alterin.tely. is Hie simplest, lensl
label-inns' nnd most oowciTut I hat can he tin
vised for tlio purpose, and nccnuiplishes the
work with ihe greatest rapidity and tlio
least po.siMo laiior.
The great spoed with which this mncliittc
pet foi ms work will bo understood from lie
statement thai it is geared lo give six si-okes
of ihe. plunders for one turn ol il e handle,
or, when winked leisurely, ah. ml four hun
dred sin kes u minute Safety lo the fabric
washed is insured by the cniire absence of
A girl or liny of fifteen can work Ilia nut.
chine, and do a week's washing for u fitnily
of mx or eight persons in two to three hours'
time: tind u may be relied on to cleanse the
floibing thoroughly without assistance
fiolu hand rubbing
;'cud for free Descriptive Circular and
terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right
of sale is secured.
m, Water St., N. V.
July Cfi.'OG-ly
Saves Time,
Savis ,oney,
Suvch Jjtibnr,
Saves Clothe?,
Suvrs Women,
It is used hy cutting into fimill rhavinps
.v ... -uissoiMug in not wrier, then nonk the
chillies five to len minutes, and u Utile hand
running will make them as cl nuas hours
of hard machino i-uhbing would do. with r
dinary goap. and llie most delicate 1'nbrio
receive no injury. Wo can refer lo lining,
and! of families who are using it, and wlio
could not Le persuaded lojo without
Sold by all Leading Grocers
U'lirouglwut (lie .(a!e.
J'UlLADi.H'JJlA. '
Hi no WAT,
I'EOrrt, per bbl ,
POhK do
WHEAT, per bushel..
Nov. 211,
lo 00
.27 CO
..3 W
...1 r,o
...1 L'5
.-I 2o
...4 00
,...3 (JO
. ...40
DU'J TER per pound
K(-1 iri per d.iztn
GKEh.N AI'PI Ei, par barrel..
.5 00
En ie, tv.,
FLOUR per bhl
WIlITc; i Vll)1i
WHEAT per bushel.,
EGGS per di zct
LARD per pound ....
. 7, 18C0.
..S 8 50 to ii 00
...21 On to 2-3 f it
....18 Onto til CO
9 2-" to b CO
....KMOlo 12 oO
.... 2 10 to
.... 1 to
.... 'jr.,,,
.... ISto
.... Kilo
.... '.3 to
J. i c
2 CO
TIIE Ailvet ticr. 1 nviii hern rr'trrod
to l rn th in 0 few weeks, l y a vciy
simple veniidy. nttir 1 1 ti v i n p m f'eied fcn'--niyenis
wiih a scvei o let g r. fl r c t : r n . ntd
that dread tlisen'e, Coiim li r t : t i f r.i -ioiistn
muke ktiowii to his Ullow Fi.Ci.ins
I li p means nf em e.
To all who desire it, lie will scud a copy
of the prescription used, (ficeof chniee).
with t li e diieciint.s for prerniirg the sntie,
which they will findaSuie f in e or Ci n
suniption. Asthma. Hrendots. &c. 'I he in
ly object of the advertiser iu srrdirg ll o
Prccrp'ion. is lo bmrft the rfliietid. ni-d
spread informal inn width he (ot.cehea lo
ba invaluatilo ; and ho hopes every HiiCFerT"
will tiy his renitdy, nstt will cost
nothing, at.d may (rove a blesritig.
Parlies wishing the prescription, will
plense address
P.r.v. 1 DWAr.n A. WILFOX,
WilHiimsbnrg. Kings County. Kew Veik.
Oct. Lith loCli- Iv.
' , C..-JII-, St CO.
Extei sive Miiiinl'not urei s and importers of
CCir, IIV.TID & CEEUE JEVilLRY, and Meant.
Cased b; Ourselves,
.!.nd every descripi ion of
Fancy Goons and Yankke Notion,
Especially adapted anii designed fi r Scuth
ern mid Wcslein Trade.
Circulars and full descriptive Price Lifts
sent free, Agnus wineed even-where. Ad.
dress SALlSDUl; V. PPO.'i Co.
CI Pnrrnncc street,
oct.25,'Co Jy. Prcvidtm-e. 1!. I.
rnIIE .'yconn'ng County Mutual fnsur
nnee Compnny at Jlurcey. Pn. . enn
tiniies to Insure a'.'auisl Loss or Damaie by
Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public
and private buildings, either in town or
coutiiy. Also on Mills, Tanneries.
stocks of Grain, .te , at tins lowest pnss b'o
rates, consisttnt with tal'iy tc the l isu- tr
and Insured. The Lycoming Co inly. Mu
tual Insurance Company itiv.tes an it.vesiii
pation as to its stability. Its tapitul
amounts to
8 2 8 0 0,000!
Thus assuring to every one of its pntrr.r.s
Hint their losses wi l be promptly ami snt:s
fnotorily pn;d. 1's nuiiingenieni hasu'waes
been prudent, .is its exisien;o of iw.-niy.
six years fullv derantistnites
Agent for E'.k coutiiy, at St. Maw's.
The subscriber bee leave to innnunce to
the citizens of Elk and adjoining enun.
lies thnt ho has purchased the ha-ness shop
lately occupied by .lohn Snoitz. nnd ihat I e
is prciiired to do all kinds of work in a suit,
nhle slvlo.
kept constantly on hand at prices to suit
the limes. Give me a caH shop in the sec
ond story of Hiuk's build. up
"oil ly C. LEVIS.
1)elLnetl Oil, GoodQna'iiy. by tlio
, Iiiu ikI, at GiJ eeuls per gilbm bv
oct II -If J. PoWLLl .
II' VOll "VVRnt Ur' Jiinc'f nv Dr
Ayi r's t-tlebiinid Medi"ines. ( lire, cult
upon ihe only niillmi ized tigent in itid
way. ctt. ll-tf J I'OWI.LL.
I yptl vnTlt " 'on'' "f s'1- Flour,
or Fl ed, jou can tave immey by bnjitjg
of oct 11 tf. J l'OW ELL.
Gi'ooevies ol' all ICincls.
elieiiper itniii can bo bougtit at Luc,
at wholesale or retail, by
net. ll-tf. J. rOWELLv
Twj f'team Engines
b inch bore and Ifl-inili stroke, wita n ain
shafts and line shafts. Vc.
Also. FDUU cylinder boilers thirty foe
Ling and of sullicient power to drive ill
Iwo engines. Any one desirous of pitrchnj
ingSteini Machinery will find il toihcir ml
vantage to cull upon the subscriber at Portt
laud Mills. HI HAM CA U.MAN,
Ki lgivay, Pa. oct. 4th 3m.
4 1 ?(tf.-PEU YE A 11!
tyJ.M.M. wullt Agmiis eveiywheio
to si 11 our iMi'novr.n S-0 Sewing Macliinen.
Throe new kinds. Under and upper' fend.
Sent on trial. Warranted hve years. Above
salary or large couimiisions piid. The. in i v
inachines fold in the I nilcd Slates lor less
than $10. which are .f ill. - liemse'l hi Untie.
U heeler $ U Hsntt, G. ovcr ,j H ike . Smjf.r
j Co., nnd Huc'irlilrr. All other cheap ma
chines ai e infrin;emt!t and the jf.'cr or mer
are relinb e lo urreti, fine and impr tnnuunt.
Illustrated c rculars mux free. Addi e-s, or
call upon Hiaw & Clark, at Did lcfordt
Muine, or Chicogo, 111. mny-17'oli-ly
Da. J. S. P.ORDWELL Ele-tio Physi
cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will
pinmpily answer all professional calls by
uight or day. Residence one door tast of
ihe hue residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis.
Mar.22 UO-ly.
Ridgway, Penns.
Mrs E. 0., Pvoprictrsif,
'c 1,3m