l'.'R TTAr.CH GI.OS3, lr iheotdy mticle used by first eh? holds Laundries, mul thpnoinds of I'linrlios. It I ivcs ft beautiful V"''8'1' mating tho Iron tus smoothly over llip cloth, saving muuh i me and labor- (ioodF done up with it keep i -on much longer, cn erpiently wilt not v ear out bo noon- It niut.es ukl linen look 1 c new. oni imperial blue is tho best lathe world. It in soluble in j 1 ard as well as soft witter. II in put "P in t o Mifost, nciilci'l. and ino.-t. convenient t.'ini ol' any offered to iho public. It, in V arranted not 4o streak the cloHns. -Acenis hauled everywhere. Id choin we oiler ea f iicrdite'rv inili.( ( lr . 1!k, Address, NEW SdUK NTAUU1 GLOSS CO. No. -18 Fulton St., New Yuk. "10HN 0. HALT., Attorney nl l.nv.-. ?,u.i f ol cred it hint and rolloctinn ollieo in St Mary'. WiMtinfv V ) Utr.cuirr.ind sto ly of .Mi-r I'W.crV 1 r.V.iVu,:', .".si.-'liij ne it McVtan'.1' More, where he eun he found during the eniire forenoon of ouch doy. This will .not -aiuiov i' e- wiili;hif .iaee-al EidgwaV, "Vi hich will C'nilni'e ns heretofore, nnd where he w ill 1. c in pel s ? each iil'ier. noon. m'o.O'u Jly J. GCRNEY ei SOX, rnoTOGHA?nic artists, 707, BROADWAY, X. Y. !N addition lo our Photographic Art Gab lervv ev,;l'.'3''ert .'in 1F4'J. we ltaZl'ur li.e last Five jcara had !!vanta;os tit i 'trior to any other et'.Lii.-hnrjnt in ob- i.iimng kst!ii::.i In in lire, of all ll.o prominent Coltl'iiuus of this tiny in t 'ard portrait', and arc now pvliliahiirg & Catalogue of over 2 50 0 SUBJECTS, America", aud Ivciiii, also a laiye li.st jF copies ol Works ol' Ait utid Kiirav. itis. ; CutalojtM SfZQl on iicnoipt ot Stamp. An order J'l'I' one duzon i e . ti r ft li om our (.'iituli'true will be filled ut SI bO, nnd tent l'V it. ail ii'te. Finale pictures 25 cents each, copies -jf cj. giit;iii( 15 eel',:. each. N. 15. We also desire to call attention to the advai'ta;e we '.uve lor reproduc Ing, or copying, old Iingucrreotypce, Atulirotypes, Caul I'kimts, i.e., of. de. eeused relative- and ' fricads, onlarpnp; thetn to any ti.e, and linisliiitii in Oil, Water t'oiers, or Imliii Ink, with tlic aid ol ten- talented tin;: !.'. J'artics de.-'irinjr ct pie.-, iliou'd tl;e:c. fure correspond with us tiireet. Send for a ealahior.e. 'J'lie tradu tupp'ied at a liberal discjnnt. G'tllcry open tbr Iree insjK-etion, tit id slva!itrs isit:ngtbc city will ibid our (iailery one of the ii'.o.-:t liirivculdo laees wl.c ie. in to.Wuiie uivuy an l'.our. J. tlUKNKY & CA tep-20 Cir. 7o7, I'roa'lw.'iy. S. Y lntTirs MC.SIC T01iE. SCO, !roadw;;y, N. f Thaddetis Firtli, Vueccesoi i'.tb, Son & Co .Miu-ic l'uldlaher, ' uiUc. turer and Importer of MUSICAL IXSlil'MKNT:', piano Fo:;ii;h:, ....UELQDYMM1, CA5M.VKT OUGAN3, And every clcsiriptia of i jiusicai, :.i::r.ciiANDi.-i:. j Sole Xi w Yorlc A;:eiiey for the relebruted C iltuore & Co's Jiand In.-:ti u. j wents. (Jm- !and departtiicnt is under j the personal supervision of Mr. 1. L. i'l'ivuin. I Wholesale and KeUil Dcpi.t forth,;! aji)h('njj S'li'i' Coiiii Ci't;.;), ! which challeti,!;s comparison as the most effective Instrument yet uficrcd to ; the public. J New and Choice Mt'.tne published ; daily. (V.'alugues rnd price lists of In. ! fciruiiients iui'iiUhcd o:i application. j lgvlUt it Musio ivom all the lead, ing publishers in America. Any piece of Music, or Mu.dc licok, eect by mail, post-paid, on receipt of retail price. Orders by mail for M'.wic or Iuatru menU rccive pvutupt at.d careful atten tion. All f;oods warranted to prove na represented at FIRTH'S MUSIC STOKF., pcp'JO.ly .. 5:radwae, N. Y rpiIF, art (SJIC, DANCI.Nti end BANJO I l'LAVINO tan; !,t by U. V. l'.ltOWX, liulgway, la. sej.l i'tt II F. ovi:ki:olti:i!, MKltCIIAN'T TAILOR, llid-way, Klk Co., Pa. j The subscriber Ueiiiics-iVfiowifnUy to in : l irui the ciliztnoF lfnV'iiy nnd vicinity . tl ni he is jnepioed to make to order in well j as it can be done any whore, anyihiiij! in the hue of his bu-iiiess. All lie asks is a lair lri.il.' " Goi d Pits (rinuunteed. JClmlis, Cassimers, Vc.-.iir.jrs and Ti imininys of the latest, and mo. t ni.i.rove.l nles hein eoiisiiiully on honJ. hivli will 1 e m.1,1 ClIliAl'KIV THAN TUB CUE A I'-i- v'i r,n...:'(i v j TTTlTiTrci "?M ? i .f ri5"''! "and ij:raoj)icAiJ rp J. 0 DAILY WKEKLY 'AFi:: will be fjr sale liei-.-a! Tiin N. R. Aiv w..i', either A iiiei'ican or'HuHlpcn'. lte'ifrius!, 'Kpiiitifi(-1 hil osopliieal, IliHluiieal, e.o., v. ill lm pro cured 011 implication as above. 'Any hi licit, iu.ibo H.a,ky iitat'u m 17 line 1 ot' iu Store, will be' (jout li r by n.ail und be received ii) a lew days U't-or-litrir.g. ' jun lMy. " tr. 1 J '.-J-, -HI, It 'jii.i. Vll 111 ''IIimiK 'Jill .mil W H r :-t,ta ! Ar'Th'i2;;: of W E I S EI SI O T II KBI at S-t. MtryV Gountj l'eiiupylvuina !i:ucci:ssr,KS to Georob Weis.j Offer for sale, at whoter.ie .in.l rplaiT, a well Hclecle J t'.oC nf Sl'JlXfj. $ L'MMlUt ' m' -uii -n( 'iju -Mji i,il SILKS, Z '1.: :,.oi,'La:s, '. r K' ' . J8 J'OI'LIXS, dllaM-s,Ii (iorjjjluiiK. Plain and Ggured Alpacas. A large ussoitment of IV.ii!) ""iVl.'.ie goods of every description. Flann.d.-i of all kind?, Gliigban fitk'lif arid yliiHrngii. great variety. I .Ar-iK's CC Vjini'fr-tK-vs MiHiuery Geeds ; feuch as' oxm:ts, II A "As. t'A 1K vm loi'h, d . CLOYKS& HOSIERY. CEXTS ill JfT (''''''' cl o itfs 0&Siixi:LJtlfdbci: G 110 Kill Ko AND IKOYISIOX; 1 i A larjc r.'.uCi of 'i it .X IOO.'l I roi'.K, .L'iiAI CtmTE, . ?'..i:ici:, SALT; ' ' I.AV.fi, . 3 'i ,Zi .0 v ' 4 .". OIL, . Vl'lI.VLK .Q;lbgr. '. ' ,, . '- -a S" T'cviw-t vr -v 'r fci 'j ' : i ft t il'!...'. c .'1 I ; 1 j I . i ; . .- : .ffl.'- (!: i,..:.-; Sij.VP Ci' ALL UlNi3. 'ui !';! Tn hbovt, v;c hive c eryib I'atui'y u-c. C'e. i.;v aa.1 Vi'il'.ow W'icv rv .;a' Kii; tinn. t t riiPcttor;;r', rsni-.'i. ..... ; . . t v es ol alJ kind i. A full, ns.-firt-leei.t (iJ-rtt it'o!i-CfCi.l',tji Fa- 4 or, I i.) r v'uriaiusi. . v n- . ii 1 'i -Sauies. . v iy 44. oOl'tillCiit.i.'i CC-UI'S " , ' . V i Y ;:J ' ' ' ' yEBL'Y-dllVTOiUv-. Erectly " ' from the Manufacturer and ther lbre wo can nfi'oi' ' q sicll,. (;!(i!aper, tb;:i ( Lhyi' eiuiti-jl.iuciii id p;ii.,coiitity, . j i ' c .1 . . i -' 1 1 I ( : . ' I rpifH ITi; FTC ;r,VK"f,ct;4iin. stock and price 1, lifter l-y wish to buy tir tint, lr wylni to have one of (ho lu't-t. i.lnpl.Hj -nUMiki- hiid--the linesl, S-TOUIMi iUe county ind'i sell for Je-s lii'.ult, tL.11 titiv other hauw !.f '' -' i'C'S )'. . .k") ' ' " i,j:o.i ' . . , . ;j .. ,e 1 .' .4 i -n m; ... i '. .-'. . w.-. 1 - ni r. si . ;. !'W,4 rj i t 1! a!, 1. " 'll Tkf t.tfb-l. Ii(iwi 1 a 11? ar, 1,4 1 jm . & . . .. .."ii" i -"1 . 4 1 1. . ..I 1 i " i i ir , - 1. Ft K.rw, MautlCtL'CC. irV'.'W rVrM-t -A v v.'- .W .7,T . LL , ,1,11 Jlilif A.UUI.H i Anisic uiiyii ft u !Fap! OCTOriEivTo, fSuTi. Indirect eomjietition with nil the leading n.iilieiH in (he cotmliy. I ,'.-- i' ,',,il.'. .. vT iS' ir :'; !.i .I'.'iS iAi O'TtXx A N'S: iNI) f'.'tTlrv!.' IIELODEONS. C. l'i:LOUET.& SON.' jMRBufncturer. 11 v'spopl fulljr Invito the atidit'oii . of pur. cluihci'H.'fiic ti'iije and pi oi'ee:on, ty ths FOLLOWJXd. "IXSTIi t'iji-V I .-.'! ,.i ; .iKt.n : ' ..- Of, their janufcturc ;,.., "IMcal Bare OiaAr'-' ' j rive"s.tzes, Pive'Oe'tnvs. one tolhreo Uauks of Keys, tliree to eig'atscltj of Heeds, Trioef, Sd33lo eOO.'' School Organs. m ..4 Nine Rlyh'i. single and double Reed' llofcwood and Iihick YVnlnat .cases, rrice, tj fJO to I.t). IVIcloueoilH rinno style and Voi-lank'; 'Twelve Varie ties, tVoin four to six Octnves. singl. and double Keed, Eosiswood und Itiaek tVulnut Cases. l'l-ief?, Sd") to S-M- - ;". . . Kveiy instrument is . wado by competent -.vurkifiun, from lhobes lunierinl,. uneer our neioiiiil stijeryision, and every modern inifiroyeiaeut worthy of I lie name, is iniro duccd in ihem, Aiiiov theso wo would cull uitu:ion to the.lELMuLANTK, which has Iieeiia4iiui:!i udiniiod, and. can he found en!ykin,iiistrvitiiciits of. cur own umnufac-lur-. , l'roia oaiong the ILUltriuK Icstimoninls ol eininfrTil? Titeifeioi's nnd orLranist'i. vn rt'wn . Jlie lJjlowinj;extriUiLi i Tl.e &U 1 oantint? b.(ttjWMlf ill il tfitii'rtmirX'c :l ijjfllj,"-p &'atlf 'Tfli'K! c!;-,".'" '"', , , VTi Js fl grar.d, goodias'.rtiaie.if, ai.d does credit to the builder." H. C. Folger, Troy, I.W -V'tl.'V ' J i "TiK.y'ni'p a'mpng the- finest IbsIouwphW .'.innnufnciili - ad c-iflief iutlita country or a-" I broad. "Win: IVrr, JMoschthnl, Aptmn'at r . ' Tlioy nave given iinl'ilersul dilisfuoiiun." W. 11. Haw ley, Fon-du-lnc. t'isi . . ;. ' There iE apeeuliioj.wn't uui Kympii. ii.eiio I'liio wiiicn l.-ii'iii'mtz'.'-i wtth tlicrolce."'U.irMI. C,jo!co. alng'y . . 41. V.UOI.O. ' t inn ..'irtieiilnr!y !. i-e l .villi the ar. runpcineqt ofulieditKiraiii registers.". Wm. ii. DiMid'iniy,, ,. ' No other in; tvument so neatly a proiic't''? the Wtfuiif'.V-The Choi-ifii., N. y. 'Thi irtsirttrt'-ti.'hn'i n ch.Mr superiority over cvervil.infr ''v!" tnirluiKl ain'tim us." ti;depiTi.l-:til.;i. Y, , i s . , j "T1h''o'ios anil t'.ic lie, ion are excellent." e Uev. W. 6. Leaviit, Hudson, ewi'Vork. j. tievooec wa u.-e ii,- tirf .'l.eiier- ,wt like I ii. " J H liiitriie, Hudsoii, New Vork. "Tlic two liaulj (trghn is re, illy a gem." J IV Kiuniettt. l!o-l. a, .Mass.! ; .' )ehavc f'UiiMl ihe.u rcoljoi)t all 1 ml., con-i'jatiii a uwid iitt : c-,.A, T'rr r.;!v. . "' ' lii'ument.. ' "iMnnls utiil 'Vl.i:n! fViidid!y.'' S B .',iton, Ti oy, Ni w Vol k. " n i t porTent toueilMelodoou I crer .y;,i;N;i!. :: . " l la.lbaek ell such -i-lnl(i!)liul inpr- , i.-) 1 i 1 iori,ui!insii;ii,, ueaui v I Ai-t. - .. 1 ,. . f : . V, -ii njiic nii'i re-nonnuteness 01 rric.?. .Ana we must suy lhal in all theiy n spoolJi hey M nrvahy jut pjit.'V,.MusicKl :l'jo- ,'1 ii'uinnuj js fully warranted., (dppvd 'iu Ni.w ' York Citv nmr notoil am! wilhoiil cliargi'. ot'ireukiv,; .Cuts,, and Price Llts ont oi;ilt:aot4t , . r. , ... tiD tn.lnrri ; '..i-.T ! I .J i. C PEL0U3ET & SOW 'i iHj;toftxirtx,''N.'"6,;i' .0 .v ..vur,.n II ii OrJ M Vcltotl,. 8il,BioldV'y, rw York i Conrad Meyer, Arvjt ttJtrf Jlii ilAd' ! 8 ENsiaiyd. .PilI))) tJevolulit, Ohio; J A TihMiev Co,' TiieLsuh Mielyiiy ; WirDC & Uer.ird, Cineinutti. OHio; Joel If Rnnw, Morril.AIUiim,'WHOlESALE AGENTS. July 25,GJ ly NEW AE'RAJSliErnl ) "kit 1 . TREMENDOUS 'KUSII TO wTlllv' NEW STORE OF FREDERICK SCnCCXlt:, CL-NTRr.VlLL'lf,'ELK CO., . in NE'iV 00003 ;" A I ARU V I N G . i -rH- 'i ... :,. i r ; p e o pl ' ; ' A1TAKE TO TIIEin INTr.llESTU': ... , , . , . . As mnnifected fcy the daily tVirofio; of ; ; ' ' ' ?' customers tschanging 'Grcfii Hacks" x ': I-, ..(..-, for rooda. ' ' ' " All the Domestic Cetfou Goods nvchigli. CuEtctucrs (lie i;r.d all exclaim. HOW CHEAP YOUIt ' . ' . , . v ' .,'. 1 . -DRESS G.OODSjA&E My stock constats of DRY GOOD? ROCilRIES,- HATS & CAPP, boots i sno::'3; CLOTHINO. CROCKERY, tin" v.vr.r, HARDWARE' OH.? 4 PAINTS, 1TTT1, NAILS, GLASS, ' '! WOUUEN WARE, ' 5 i ;i. ' L FLOUR, : i i risH, EALT. It is useless or rue to attempt, (u gnu a full list of tl.e stock, but invito one and all, ' " : " 5 " : j ' ? ' to drop lu and see fr thea's'alTfa; k" j EUTTER, . t n EGGS," POTATOES, HIDES, 1 CAE : .-n 1 1 ludall country! produce tttken at Hiurket price, for foodt. , ; . 'A . . ; c. j --' ' '' ' FREDERICK! SClliENIKQ, u I . ' '. ' 1 ' ill. . " 1 : :j .... - . ' J t ' ' " "1 - .' 1.; Cenuroville, June I t'6o-ly. I,- IQllDVv'ELLt MKS3ENGEK, . . nob (f ii '.'..' fl IjKALKSS 19 : f' " - "MEDI01NE; . -,:.ti . - ' ' ' LAMP OILj ' ! '' t i T"" . i POINTS, : k alt;- LUimiCATING OIL, TAX'NElt'S ' r.n.jif t ,0 PElU'CMEIUEir, YAHNlSH, DYE.STUFF3 confectioneries;' .. 1 It-$: 1 KA1SINS, (MTHOX WATCH Ef?, - ' JEWEL11Y, FANCY AllTICLES, AIUMS,' STATIONEKY, NEWS YIOLlN STRING S, F5IRD-C AG ES, TOUACCO ii SEGARS, PUlli: LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENT PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. . ; . liOKDWELL i.'MESSKNGE!l, - " R1DGWAY, PA. POUTZ'S S CELBBB1TXS ' Horse anfl Cat tie Powflers. pt Tli in prpparatlon, te.-ir- iuuK iiim i.ivt wftf known, will iy oufrlily roiTvij 7T bi'oken-tlown ' lnw-spiritcd li Vrt long ana lavornDiy 111 iiiur- iorat nnd spirited liorscB, by atrencthcninK nnd cleansing thtt stomach and intes tine. It in a sure pre- -sJ easts Incident to tliis untmat, inch ut LUNG FEVER, TF.R, HEAVKS, r r t: : ir inc. fMi'v."! OK Ari'E tit l' i vni'vptr knehoy.&c. in ,-sL use ImproveB the wind, increases the appetite.-givea a moo tn nuab k... Klowy ikin and SSL'fi tranaforma the 's-'4a tntHerable ekfl'jton Into a fW-lnnkimr nnil inlritd Uorse. , To keepers of Cows this preparation is invaluable. It Increiwci the quantity nnd improves the quality , V C of the milk. 1 1 lias been proven by ac Tv 'T 1 1 1 tual experiuiant to . 'V-U-'. ..-.'UW.'JS Increase the auan- TaSV iu&n tlty oft milk n4 ore-am twenty ier ce'nt. aud make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an uppetitc, loosens their li i d e , and makes them thrtv. much faster. la all diseases of Sivlnc, such as Coughs, Ulcers In the Lunirs, Liver, fee., this article acts a a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to & paper in a oarrel 01 swill the , w' lB T-' will be eradicated or entirely preveated. If given tn time, a certain preventive and core for the Hog Cholera. . Price 25 Cents per. Paper, or 5 Paperi for tL l ' tBBPABBD BY Si LA.;' FOUTZ Ac tiro., AT THBIH ' WHOIFSUE DItl't) AND MEDICINE DEPOT. ' No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Etruergists and titorckeeper. through out U10 Uaited Slates. Fold at Mauufaeturcs prioos, by Rordivell et Messenger Ridgway, Agents for. Elk county. , A GENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS V. foi lhahest nulling booli now puhliiih- ed, ' Thrilling Stciict of the Great Rebellion. Comprising heroic ndventures and liiiir breadlh ehcles of Soldiers, Scouts, Spies and Itcfupcra ! daring cxploitB of Smug filer, Uuei illus,- Desperadoes nnd others ; Tale. if Loyal and Disloyal women! Sto ries of the Negro, ke., with incident!) of Fun nnd Merriment iu Camp and Field. By J.ieuteniint Colonel S. Greene, lata of the United States Army. Handsomely it tustrnlcd with engravings on steel aud in oil color. SctitV for circulars and see the liberal termn oH'ered. H AR. H. 11 E !: N E & CO., 1'ttHlUhcrs? : ''N(r.'18'I S. Third St., l'hitdelphr; J HEELER & WTLPON'S SEW. yV ING MACHINES. Tli 6 under nigncdhuviug been appoiuWd Sole , Aiont for tho'sule 6? Wheeler ii WiIsoii'h Sereinf Mnohinys; orV Elk county..-', He keeps'su asStrrltjint oonfittintly n hun, Machines soid'nT rhiladelrhraand New Yr priees. Any parties ddsirotiS of vbtiiining them can uddresn' ' " J. K. WIIITMORE, ' March 0t-'66-ly. at Kidgway, Pa. i ,y 'Y -''' TOB' WORK of all kinds and dcs. tj criptioos dono at this office. AT" - -iT' BWr4i C0A1, t' RE 1?1 ;'1h'.- CLAY 1 Allof fiupcrtoi niirtlliv.' lor mlc bv the Tannerdale Coal Cdnipany, .-' ct. iwury's, Kilt (.Vuntyi.rn. ;; 8"Ordcrs bv limi! iiiniiu..K- nKpml-- cd to.' " :" rwi.ilft",iiitt : JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer-lu Groceries &c woUld rc?pbctlully inlorm' the citizens of Kersey ftid vleinily, that he h.fB pono into the Gro'ctwy . btminepp, und will open on or iibont' the'' middle of May. lie keeps constantly 011 ham! an extensive fctock. oF ; TEAS, T'loUlt, . t: TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, and tvcrythir connected with a first, clubH Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH nnd consequent ly c.in afford to sell CHEAPER'" ban tic CHEAPEST. 1 invite everybody to call and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY- May 3d, '06. Gm. JTEROSENE AND OAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE ROILERS, GLVE, POTS, OIL CANS, Sc., &c. t'Sy All the cooking foj- :j tM family miy l e done with Xz?H SaT Kerosene "Oil, or Gas, 'Xgm t6y with less trpiible, and at Uiija iKS" less expense, than by any "ttdfl ftSr other fuel. "; "Tfl Each Article manufactured by thin Cmnu pany ia guurunteea lo perlonu ail that claimed for it. BSySend for Circular. "Vja LIBERAL DISCOVXT TO TRADE. Till KEROSENE LAMP HEATFn't CO., 20(5 Pkajm, Street, N. Y. .Tuly-liHitj.-ly. Vr A LII ABLE LOTH FOR SA LK. V The undersiued has laid mi'. vi'.. .laje upon his ground adjoining ihc Ridx wny Depot, to be called ELK. The Ion are 50 feet front by 101) feet daep- front injr towards the railroad. Terms Fortlic first lot eold. SI 00. I'm the second lot koM, $110. For the ihird lot told, SlliO and to ou increasing ia price a lotd are sold. B( First purchasers get the choice lot at the cheapest rates. Puvchasera will be registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at the. timeof the application. Bf.Applicat ions will be neido t.i John (J. Hall, Esq., Ridg'Wiiv, Pa. J. S. H I'EE. l'id?'.eav, n::ir,20-0':-lf. TrFC:iI ! ITCH! ITCIT ! HrralchS Striata. I NrYitvj WHEA-TON'S 0 1 ft T LIE NT Will Ci re thi: Itch in IS Hot i'.s Also caves SALT r.HT;'.".t. CLfl'l CIllLELAINS. and all E.tLl'TKIN's l: THE SKIN. Price 50 eeifs. "-'or sale l-y all druggists. Pv fending 00 cents !. WEEKS ei POTTER, Sole Agents, I In Washington street, lbislon. it will be fo' warded by mail, free of postan". to any p.i of the United states. (pine-7 ' -l,v. BLACKSMITH rXG ! IT. S. HEI.NAP d.'M.'.-s to inlorm the sens of llidgwiiy nn.l vieii.ity thai h Ii .-. leased J. S. llydu's U'.:ie ..oni:!i S'lop on Mill street, and lia employe I g').d Win4k men who will be, ever ready to mal.e a'iv thing 1'rom a but tile to na anchor. Particular iitteniion given to lliii sho'.i: of hovses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'66-ly. NEWSHOP. TIX.' TLX!! TIX.'!.' STOYES ! STOVES ! ! STOVE'5 !! John Sosenheimer & Cc, "WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. st. Mary's, r.. Keeps constantlv on hand and fir s d hir-jp ami well selected stock of TIN WARE. STOYES Ac. Wo hive evcrytluno oeneraliy kept in it Tin Shop Our block of Ml) K consists in pa of AXTIl'LIs r; PARLOR, .i COOKING STOYES, ALSO I ROM GATE & 1 WHEAT SHE A K STOVES. bit ) V t, l'x I'll can bo bad at our shop either riveted or proved. Spouting and 'noon sr., done short notice and at reasonable latcs. June U'titMy.- ROYESTEEN & CO., PIANO FORTE M ANUFACTCREU3, 499 Broiulway; Xew Yorlc. THESE. PIANOS received th ITighctt Award of Merit ! hi tin) Hoi lift Fair, over the besl mXkers from London. Paris, tier, ninny, the cities of New York, Philndelnhia. lialtiniore and Eoston j also (he Gold Medal lit the .lwfnVta Tnsiiiuie, for FIVE succes sive years! ! Our Piano contain tli. French Grand Aciiou, Harp Pedal, Over strung Pass, Full Iron Frame, aud all M rE ern Improvements. Every instrument trif ranted r I V r. near-: Marie under the sir pervision of MB. J. K. CROVEbTEEN. who has a practical experience of over thirty live years, and is the maker cf over tltvtr- thoutnnU vwno tone, uuf laoiiuies i.n nianufacturing unable us to sell these h struments from $100 to $200 cheaper tha any nrnt class) pluuo forte. July-19;0o.-ly. JOB PRINTING NEATlAf CHEAPLY & EXPDTTTOnPl-l Exocutfj at tha AD-.OOATt. 'Jivi