1 1H .'. 1A ', f h 1 , 2irt, I SO(i. 1 . . r" ii ?e n. ham.. rniTnii ninwiii.Tun. i. smonr, lTiu.isiint. I-Vs at Home. Don't V nl'miJ of ' ti!i fun Ht. home, lhm't Mint your ) . rsr, lest tlit Min should fmlo your ear y i-N and your hearts, Jr.st a hourly liinjrh ' I iP down SOlliC of tliC tlltt.Jf V old cob- il there! If yon want t. niin your -ii. li t tluin tliink that nil mi ill. and iv'ul riijojnirnt tiini-t be k'H tin tin' ! r'sbliolil wiiliotit, wl en tlu'y come ! mo n! n'jj.t. Wlu 11 oi.jo a lumic is uiUilcil is n plm.'o to cut, ih ink, mill Yip in, tbc work if bq.vn that ends in iniblini: l.ousiR Mid dc-rcdalioli. Yourg people niust lnwe fun and relax : !;m fohu where ; if (V.ty 1 ml find i nt fhrir own lie:irlh:-l;iies it v.i'.l bo rmobt nt other find h-- t liiblc plu- Therefore, lot tlio lire burn Lri-ht-!v rt nicht. and nitike (he hoivutead de 1 ulif till with all those little arts that t irents o perfectly uu'let star.d. 1'on't repress the buoyant spirits of ynnr cbil. hen ; half nn hour's merriment round I'd lamp and firelight of home blots i nt the remembrance of many a care Mid annoyance during the day, and the 1 Pit safeguard they can take with iheni into the world in the influence of n ) rinht little di niostic sanctum. The Late Election. In explana tion of the delay in publishing the ofli- ial rcturne entire of the Ptatc, at the l ite election, it is due to the Secretary of the Commonwealth to explain that several counties have not made their ivturns, because the lleturn Judges i hereof have adjourned over to the 2(ith inst., the period fixed for receiving the ii turns of the vote :n the army. Such J'.eturn Judges have been instructed by he proper officers here, that they cau n i;ke ft return of the home vote before they receive the ro'.d;t.Va' vote, which 1 itier return can be made as provided by i , separately and afterwards. There arc hundreds, if not thousands, rf soldiers, citizens of Pennsylvania, in the militacy service of the gov i nrjent, whose xoies may pive a dif U rent aspect to close results in localities, t.t-d uft'ect the decision of many wagers mi the election, involving larc sums of money. Radicalism and Rkvoiajtion. We have good reason to believe, our au thority bcin one of the fust men in 'onni'eticut. that rornoy, Secretary of itio Knifed Mates Senate, and editor of ihe Washington Chronicle nnd l'hiln i:i Iphia Press, is writing to the Radical ioveinors of ti c States to be ready to l .:ueh Ftnto troops into Maryland, and i. ut down Governor Swnnn by force of i.-ni.s, In case he should thin proper, i fter hearing and trial, to remove the r artisan Police Commissioners of Ralti inoro, for violation of the law. Such a letter, we mv assured, has been ent to (jovernor llaw'ey, of Connecti cut. We should be glad to know that i lie statement is not true, nnd still more vratified to believe, on authority, there would be no response to a call so uncal led for, illegal, and rsvnlutionary in its , ,irr.0sc but these vile men, who nave ived and thriven upon the horrors of war, and who are ready to sacrifice liuht, ronson, and liberty, uid every, body's property but their own, to the anions of the hour, are ripe nnd ready for the worst that can be contemplated, i.inl it. becomes nil Conservative men to 1 e on the watch for this threatened d n.oiietratiou. .V. Y. P.rj-css, Oct 20, - ... .i-.s - Is A Ill'RKY. A curious wedding is l "ported to have taken place some days ii nee near Ray City, Michigan, which i -ads like this": If seems that a farmer h.H his wife bv death, nnd that said wife .'led pnrlv in themornini:. The fanner i'M not ipnrcciate bcuig lelt alone in l e world, and ere Lis Kile's eyes had 1 rd!y closed in the sleep that knows no r -ikin". lie determined to marry again Hitching up his team, he takes his scr ant crirl and coos to Ray City to buy :irnients for the dead. While there he ii nrried the girl nnd returned to his Mue the fame night with Lis second t ifp so that I V ae'ual count he was not ivMower twelve hours. The new wife i i.peared at the funeral the next day in ,.n black, and was one of the princi- I al mourners over the body of the first PE..11FU1. Catastrophe. A Dutch n. a- thus describes an accident : "Vonco i long while n;n, I vent intos my abide orchard, to climb a bear.trec to got some 1 caches to make vrow a bluui-budding ..ir. nnd von I nets on the tobcrmost 1 lanch, I vail from tho lowermost limb l .it von les? on bo'h sides of the fence, . . . ' 1 ! ... II i ud l-Ae to stove mine ouisuio nr An Knr-ENTRic Traveler A man lu.in Kansas, fifty five years old, nrrivr it 'Mobile, Ala., iu a small skiff, last v i ek, after a trip dowu the river of one I'tiii und ei"'it hundred oulos. noon iter nachinz there he fell into the riv i r bv aceilent aud was rescued by the j oliee, who, tinding mat no was euuiy 1. 1 k him to the hospital. The hkiff coo I; ined ordinary cooking utensils, a rifle, W. j.un, pistol, and rlso a little dog, Ji!drcss of the Mfemocratic State Committee. Democratic State Committer Rooms Phila.,Oct. 17, 1860. j To the Democracy of PcutinjIvnnui : In the poll of more than six hundred nnd (en thousand votes, you are beaten loss than three percent, on the whole. A change of one and hnlf per cent, would have given you the State. You have reduced tho majority of your op. poncnts, and polled ucarly twenty thou sand more votes than ever beforo. lip. on the aggregate of the Congressional vote, still greater force is shown. In this contest you have proven your devotion to principle, have demonstra te 1 the strength of your organization, and yield to your enemy a dearly.bought victory. You ore "defeated, but not dismay ed." Ruoyancy and hopo everywhere pervade your ranks, whilst chagrin and dismay mark the visages of your oppo. neuts. They judge you rightly ; for, in the light of this exhibition of your stern devotiou to the doctrines of the Consti tution, to the perpetuity of your Union, and to the supremacy of your race, they read their coming defeat. For the first time since tho final dis. baiiilment of our armies, you have met the furces of the Republican organiza tion. They loiifjht for tho life of their larlv; they concentrated against you the influence of almost every manufac turer, corporation and bank; they had it their command a largo preponder ance of the public press of the State, peakcrs without number, nil the money that a dynasty of contractors to whom the public trensury has been a mine of weaith- could furnish ; memories of the war still fresh enough to be the means of exciting hatred j laws enacted with a lew to the their own political ascen- ancy ; a well-Jieip.incd organization, nd all the advantages that the posses on of municipal and otate power could bring them ; and yet, unaided and self. dependent, you have combated this powerful combination, and almost carried the State. All honor nnd praise to tho Demo cracy of tho Keystone, for this most al la u t h;ht. A band of men, who, in 1861, can poll for their caudidatc 254.000 votes ; in 1X134, 27S),000 votes, and in 180G, 205,000 votes ; who plant themselves upon principles that are eternal; who it' not despair of the Republic, nnu who possess the physical power and the moral courage to maintain their opin ions and preserve their liberties, must eventually be the ruling power iu the State. Implicit belief in the justice and truth of the great doctrines that lie at the base of our form of government, i version to its centralization, and con. fiihnce iu the cificieney of tho Consti tution for the preservation of your liber, ties, have ever dUiinguished you. These are the magnets mound which you have gathered in many a harU- fuujibt contest, and to them you will be true as the needlo of the pole. Opinions of individuals may change ; but, in ihe future as iu the past, come victory or defeat, as a party you will ever be found rallying to these princi ples as the leading tenets of your po litical faith." Hope, confidence and courage should be gathered from the i emembraiice, that two thirds of the white freeuieu of tho Republic think as you do upon these subjects, and that, on every held on which they are staked, your united action will overcome all opposiu for ces. We ask you to persevere in the work so auspiciously begun. Prom this hour, let us determine to go forward. Let us have done villi spasmodic efforts, aud move onward with uufbigging en. ergy. J he thorough and effectual dissemi nation of trutli, is tho proper mens to your eventual triumph ; and organiza tion, discipline, systematic effort and individual exertion, are the avenues that lead to victory. Will jou pursue thrui? Cnited, dic'i)lined and deter mined, you will be ii resistible. J.y older ol Hie JJeniocia'iu Ma'e Commit tee. WILLIAM A. WALLACK, t 'Imii mnji. THE MARKETS. J'ltiriWAY. Oct '25, IXti'V FI.OIT., pet hid , 8u on,v i no SO I'O PORK 1. Vt II EAT, per liii.shcl. a oo , l no Ulli , CORN l 2 OATS 05 -1 23 4 00 BUCKWHEAT DRIED APPLES BEANS 3 00 BUTTER per pound 4- LARD 30 CHEESE r,o MACK EKE 1 12 WHITE FISH 10 EGGS per dozen 30 Euie, I'A., Oct. 25, 18GG. FLOUR per bbl $ 8 50 to 14 00 PORK 83 00 to 85 60 BEli F 22 00 to 2:) 00 WHITE FISH J bbl 9 25 to 9 r0 MACKEREL 10 00tol2 50 WHEAT per bushel 2 00 to 2 75 BEANS 1 75 to 2 00 EGGS perduzen 23 lo 23 LARD per pound 24to 25 CHEESE 10 to 17 BUTTER 23 to 25 ltn aiVl'iwhlJirJ?. toleti rrr The undersigned will let his Bouse, Barn, stabling, Sc., situate on Ceo lie street in ST. MA NY'S ELK CO., PA. and formerly Known as the Washiugton iotel, for the term of .three or nve years For further particulars, address JUSKt'tl L,L1IK. oct. 25 2t. Beniinger P. 0. Pa. JJOHHES FOR SALE! One flpan of Gray Hortc on of tJiem 9 and the other 10 years old ; oe 4 year old mare ; two 3 year old marer; two 2 year old coltt one. yearling colt f one $uckng colt, and one mare, Calculated for taddle or harness, and cannot be beat in the county. The above gtock is to be sold on the pro mises within two wcnis, at private anle, and if not ioM by that timo will be Bold to the highest, bidder at publio outcry. oct 23, 2t. AMOS FOX, Fox tp., Klk county. . TO CONSUMPTIVES. IIIE Advertiser, hnviiitf been restored to health in a few weeks, by a vory (simple remedy, afterjliavinj! suffered sever al years with a severe hniR affection, and that drtutddisease, Consumption is anx ious to make known to Ids fellow sufferers the moans of cure. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with tho directions for pi-cparing the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Bronohits, &o. The on ly object of the advertiser in sending the l'recription, is to benefit tho afflicted, and reail information which ho conceives to be invaluable : and he hopes evi ry suffeie.-s will try his remedy. sit will cost them nothing, and may prove -a blesping. l'arties wishing the prescription, will please address ItEV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamslmrp. Kings County, New Vork. Oct. l!5th l;J0U-ly. S.1LIS!IVR1 It HO. ff CO. Extensive Manufacturers and importers of GOLD.JPLATED,; 0HEIBE JEWELBY, SOLID AND NICK EI. SIL.VEII WARE, American, Enumsii and Swiss Watches, Cased by Ourselves, And every description of Fancy Goons and Yankee Notions, Especially adapted ani designed for South ern and Western Trade.' Circulars nnd full descriptive Trice Lists sent free, Agrnts wanted everywhere. Ad. dress 8ALISBUHV, BKO. Co. ul Dorrnnce street, oct.23,'GG y- Providence, K. I. PUBETO S EE ! AT LAKE CITY, Llk County, I'a. On Tuesday, November 13ih, 1800, there will be exposed to tne the following : 1 sett of Blacksmith Tools, complete ; sett cf Csrpenter Tools; Chains, Cables. KaftiiiR Tools of all kinds; Bedsteads and Bedding; Two Barrels Molasses, Groceries, Hub-Sleds, Leg-Sleds, Stoves ; 1 yoke of Ox. en, nnd virions other articles too numerous to mention. Pale to commence at 10 o'clock m. of said day. Five months credit will be given for nil sums over ten dollnrs. Ap proved security required, it. is hum, U. Itlll.M'.S, Oct. 18th, 1800 4t. Adm'rs. R dined Oil, Good yu.nny, by the barrel, at 00 cents per gallon, by oct 1 l-U J. run ni.li. II" von wiint i! Jnnc1 or Vr Ayer's celebrated Medioines, pure, call upon the only authorized agent in Ridgway.- oct. 11 tf J. POWELL. If VOI1 Want a '0IK' of Salt, Flour, of Feed, you can save monev by .buying ot oct, 11 If. J. POWELL. i vooorios ot mi jvinus JT cheaper thuu can be bought ut Lric, at wholesale or retail, by oct. 11-tt. J. POWELL. INSURANCE AGAINST hsor DAMAGE by FIRE. JT1IIE Lycoming County Mutual Insuc- mice Conipnny nt Muncey, Ph., con tiiuics to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on nil kinds ef Merchandise. Public and private buildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, stocks of Grain, do., at tho lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company invites an investii gat ion as to its stability. Its capital amounts to $9,800,0001 Thus assuring to every ono of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis factorily paid. Its management has always boon prudent, ns its existcnie of twenty six years fully demonstrates. JAMES BLAKELY, Agent for Elk county, at St. Mary's. GOttYilvElt'Sl fXThe subscriber hogs leave to announce to I the citizens of Elk and adjoining conn. ties that he has nnrchased the harness shop lutelv occupied bv John Burnt, and that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit able stylo. kept constantly onliand nt price.' losuil the times. Give me a call shop in the sec ond story of llouk s building. ocll-ly. (J. LEVIS. S A1 .1." ' I ' Twj Fteam Engines b-inch bore nnd IC-inch stroke, with u am shafts and line shafts. &'C. Also, FOUR cylinder boilers thirty feet ljng nnd of sufficient power lo drive th two engines. Any one desirous or purchas. lhgSteu-u .Machinery will nnd it to their ail. vantage lo call upon ihe subscriber at Porti land Mills. Ill RAM LA KM AM, Ridgway, Ta. oct. 4th I'm. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIOIUCAE s 'O.il DAILY it- WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at H T) O IHE JJOOK OTOUE 1 N ST. MARY'S. N. I'. Anv work, either American or Europen, lteh'iouH, Scientifio, 1'hil osophiual, Historical, &0., will be pro cured oo application as - above. Any article in the Hook or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent for by mail and be received in a few days alter or BUSINESS ' CARDS. XOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law Uidg- If way, bin county I'a niar.l!i!'C0 ly. TAURIE J. BLAKELT, Attorney and j Counsellor at law, and U. 8. Cominis iosner. Ridgway P. O. Elk county. Pa. tmar-22'60.y. SOUTHER AND AVILLI3 AtTorncyT a Law, Ridgway, Elk county Ta., wilt attend to all professional business prompt ly. mar-22,C0-ly. DR. J. S. BORDWELL Electio Physi cian. Late of Warren county Ta., will pronij'y answer all professional calls by nighPlh- day. Residence one door oast of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.21!'00-ly. TVt W. B. HART.MAN, St. Mary's, Elk If county, I'o Late ol the Army ot the Potomac. Particular attention eiven to all cases of surgical nature mar-22'OG-ly. TTVR. W. .TAMES BLAKELY Physician fand burgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa, mar-22'G0 ly. D R. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine nnd Surgery, Ccntreville, Elk county mar-22'Od.ly. i'a. DR. A. S. HILL Kersey, Elk county Pa. Will promptly answer allprofcssional calls by night or day. mar-2200-ly. DR. EBEN J. KPSS. Physician nnd Sur geon, St. Mary's Elk county Pa. June-21'00-ly. KERSEY HOTEL, Ccutreville, Elk ooun ty, Pa., C. II. Hyatt, Pr. augd'tiO CARVER HOUSE, Warren, Ta., Hull & Hall, Proprietors. aug'J'06-ly ALriXE HOUSE, St. Mary s Ta., Her man Kreta, Proprietor. rugO'CO ST. MARY'S HOTEL, B. E. Wcllendorf Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk county Ta. This house is new and fitted up with espe. cial care for the convenience nnd eomfort of guests, nt moderate rates. Free Hack, to and from the Depot. Good stabling at. t ached. mnr-22'C0.1y. "Y7"ASHIXGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, f Elk county Pa., Edward Babel Pro. priclor This house is new and fitted up with especial care for Ihe convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-20'06 ly. ORDWKLL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs nnd Chemicals. Paints, Oils nnd Vnrnish. Perfumery Toil. elnrticles and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mnr-22'0G-y. H. YOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer I in Lngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22 00-ly. OA A A ATOTSTTFT ! AGENTS fj VJwanled lor nix entirely new urliclit, ut out. Address O. T. GAREY, City tuilding, liidduford. Me. mny-17 Ofi-ly, H' ENRY II. THOMAS, Denier in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Mattresses, Picture Frames and Coffins, Ridirwny Ta. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main nnd Depot St's. may-17'tili-ly. TACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH E MAKER. ST. MARY'S. E k conntv Pa. Edward McBriile, keeps constantly on hand and for sale, Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware nnd Jewelry ot all descriptions, KeS Kepainng neatly executed, nnd done on short notice nnd reasonable terms. Mnr 2!-00.j. J' OB PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, Hand ISills, Bill Heads &c., done nt the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and al reasonable prices. HO. McCONNELL, House, Sign and . Ornamental Painter. All orders promptly attended lo with neatness aud despatch. Inquire at this office, or of the subscriber nt Kane Station. nugu'i'ily T W. BAILEY, Surreon Dentist, Saint I Mary's, Elk county, Pennsylvania, of fers his professional services to the citizens of Elk county Office opposite OoynoAi Mo Vean s store: (July 21-, 00-1 y "VL1VER & BACON, Manufacturers and j Wholesale 4" Rolwil Dealers in l'Uour, lVed anl Grain, VAAAIj MIIjIjIS, Alilb, I A. Orders solicited and promptly filled nt mnr ket rules. aug 'Jth-ti'i-ly 1 ARGE CAPACITY, GUEAT Htrezntli aud uneouulled tpced, simiilicii v and completeness ot operation, tire ipialuies pe c nl i nr to the Nonpareil Washing Ma- en mi. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perieuce derived trom five veai-s extensive use in fcmilies, hotels nnd public instiii'.lions proves it to bd of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating tho Nonpnt oil bv romrv moiion acting on a cionk s inlt with balance wheel.) which moves Ihe lungers alternately, is the simplest, least alinnoiis mill most powerful that can oo uo vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work wilh the e rial est inpiuity and the least possible labor. 1 he great speed with which tins mnchine performs work will be understood I'm in 'lie stnteinent that it is geared to give six btrokes of t lie plungers tor one turn ot Hie handle, or, when worked leisurely, about lour hun dred strokes a minute Safety to the fabric washed is insured by Ihe entire absence ot rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen can work the ma chine, and do a week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours lime ; aud H may be relied on to oleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance from Imnd rubbing Send for free Descriptive Circulur and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right Ol sale is secured. OAKLKY & KEATING, 181, Water St., N. Y. July 2C,'C6-ly SOMETHING NEwT HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PATNTTNO r I wlE SLUSCK1BER WOULD UE spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgwav, and feel coon dent that he can please all who may favor mm with I heir custom. GKAIMMJ, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMINING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at Ihe Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, - May-17'CG-ly. TXECUTIONS; ' SUMMONS, SUB 12i nast Warrants, &o., on hnd aud for G RE A T EXCITEMENT Is kept up by tb DAILY ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store, Where he has on hand and for sale MET & BOY'S CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, LADIES & GENTS FURNISniQ GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, LADIES' & GENTS SHAWLS, SONTAGS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ALSO HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SIIOEB, NUBIAS, COMFORTERS, SCARFS, HOODS &o, ALSO- GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA A very large aud well selected STOCK of the best made, aud warranted in every respect RK.'h, LOUR, SALT, PORK, FISH Sr. ALSO CONFECTIOXA UY AND YANKEE NOTIONS IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND QUALITIES TOBACCO AND SEGAR8 OF THE BEST QUALITY CSyl eay, to one and all, that my gtook is full and complete, and will be sold al small profits. Give bia a call before purchasing else where. FREDERICK RUDOLPH It- Mry'i4 Nov. 25'6-ly. J. Power's Co ruxnn. THE LARGEST STOCK OF fc S S THE MOST DESIRABLE ASSOItT. MENT. mHE UNDERSIGNED offers to tho pub I lio at his commodious Sales Rooms iu Ridgway, tiie largest and best general as sortment of Merchandise that oan be fount! at any Store between WILLIAMSPORT AND ERIE, and at more favorable prices than can be bought at either of these points. His stock comprises a splendid variety of PRINTS, DELANES, SHEETINGS, DRESSGOODS, CLOTns, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GR OGERIES fc rR O VISIONS &C, kV,. tThe. proprietor, thankful for the very generous patronage thus far extended to hiBrestablishnient by the citizens of Elk' and adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. J. POWELL, Aug.-16'GG.-ly. FURNITURE I rpiIE UNDERSIGNED T A K E S X pleanure in announcing to tho citi zens of Ridgway and adjoining towns, that he has just opened a Furniture Shop in Ridgway, and is prepared to sell all kinds of furniture at t lie lowest prices. His stock consists in part of COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS & MATTRESSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane seat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, TETE A TETF.S, BEDROOM SUITS of Chestnut, Mahognny and Black Walnut aud every thing usually fouad in a fi:"it class country Ware Room. TICTURE FRAMES of nil sizes, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, lilacK Walnut and Gilt MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, nnd made to order, of every kind uud desm-iption. 1 lease CALL and exatmue my stock b e fore purchasing elsewhere, fur 1 hope fy strict attention lo business, and ki.uping nil tho market demands in my hue, lo merit the patronage of the public. Wnrcroums on tho corner of Ma'n and Depot streets. If EiN Hi II. THOMAS. May-17'GG-ly, m 18G6 )I1ILADELPHIA ti ERIE RAIL ROAD. This great line traverse the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to- the city of Erie, on Lake Eric. It has been lcasod by the Pennsylva nia Nad Road Company, and is opera ed by them . Its entire length w:s opened for pas- scnjjyr and Height business, Uctober 17til, 18(54. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eusttcard. Erie Mail Train 3 30 p. ia. Erie Express Train 10 30 p. m Leave Westicard. Erie Mail Train 1 30 p. in. Erie Express Train 3 24 a.m. Passenger cars run through without ohunge both ways between Philadelphia and Eric. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.0$ a. m., Arrive at Erie 9.15 a. m. HI irc. I860 Leave Erie at 1.55 p. m., arrive at Ne York 8.40 p. in. Eleciknt Slkepino Cars on Express Traius both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport r.tid Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner iJOtli and Market Sts. And for Fraight business of the Com pany's Agents: S. R. Kington, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. SV. Reynolds Erie. W. Rrown, Agent N. 0. R. R. Bal timore. II. II. Houston, Gen'l. Freight AgU. iTo. II. W. G WINNER, Gen'l. Ticket Agt. PhiVa. Alfred. L. Ttler, 9t'.'dl Svpt Wm't. dering. jun. ! i uul lavonte. sale at this oaice.