1 SOMKTIllNU NllW! KOUSE, SIGN &, CJvUAME'NTAL IWIITTTN'. fl'iii; M i:sci!iu i: i; o l I, l i; i:- onnty ilml lie 1ms iust stalled in the 1 1 . !! I ' i , . -v. i- ilHM-7, in i , 1 1 1 ijm ri y , lll.u iri-l v'.iui- 'viii iijiii 1 -- u I I1 ii i I 'i ir :i i i i. him niih thviv .,ij!,ii. Ci! WNINd. VtlX IIANGIMI ANP CAbrlMlNINrt Mm; ON NilolIT Mllh'i: ASH I Till', rao-t t":i.-Ii i rn :i 1I' utnl improved manner ami sivle. Oi-drr li-i't r th' Oilier or nt the J'uiiMr.!: IluiiT '.T Seuihev. Willis Souihcr Will bo prompily nt!"tili"l In. W. T. 1LLIAMS, M iv- IT 0 j-1 v. IT'XT TTI. S5. j !'.t. W nrr.inn Sou :t 1 1.5.-? I'TlCO. .U'!Mon. f-rr.nr., i.e., en bund and lor t;i.Ni;i:.h Ki.KCiiss 2 O C L . 3 .W . t T 1 O .V 1)r;:r.NT ;o an Act ci.-ii A.-MMhMy ot li e ('( f.t i ' ii:i 1 --;n i :i . entitled ' df the fjon iiiiiiionwcaltli An Act lie- l;i t ; t . i in llio 10 lift ii ois el Ve.il.h," ti. roved tlio L'i I Ik; ( 'uiiiinun (.lav of duly A. i . lsj.t. . J AS. A. MAI.O.Nt:. 1 1 li 1 1 Slicrill n! the Coiixty il" KiU. 1' nil- iv.'ini-i. iln hereby 1 1 1 i k t; Known nml fjiv iinti.'o tD tlio Kh elm s nf tlio r.umtv .. Klk. tlmt ii C K.N KRAI, KLKt ' I ION, nil! h- held in said coun ty. ,f 1'ik en the si-:ro.iTi:Ksi)AV, Dili linv i' (iciuLcr. '))', lit which time tlio I'hIIijw ing cfiiuers are to be One person Cur Governor rif tin,- Com itu.iiUe.iilh tit' IV uiisyK aiiia. Ono pi ix.ti ii.r ('uLji-i'.-.". to represent l lie C"trnt;o nl' Cimimtiiii, Clem Held, I. U. j'.rie. I" tircfrt, r! Llicifoii, J Keati, '.'l 'anvn. i-i r-oti fur Assembly.!' represent tie counties ul' Cieaiiieid, Klk and l'iiel. ill 1 1 . 0 Mouse ul' Kepiescli'a tivi s at 1 1 am il.uir. )i," T I'Ci-' ii lor I'lotiiunutary, &c, ol k i i limy. 1 : S ' llli! ;i t'i i li'.ty - ri I u v. i M d. r Associuti; Jud-.:cs of r County Cnnimi-isioiic-r of i- Ci uiity Auditor cf T.il; r Cuiiii'y Survey. ir cf ll'.k ' i n ; i . 1 1 s J r It i-tfus ol tlip C'i 'if, uii iu k. liiilil lluir cli'iitiuiis i i' iii.-i i ids, as I'hII'iws : i- l'iv. t'sliiii. at tin; l;ou-e iii'z ilmili Wiiislnw. !'. I' tov, llsllip, at scln:il I;., of .'I I s U.ll'.il '. Nh. I . iii ar the 1 ilk crock hi I '".'X t"un-lii;i, .-it tho lliavu Vaiil DCllii'iilHiUSf!. I i r 1 j i i J tnwiisliiji, at the liou-c of I vi I iiiiihiiipo. li'uLway town-liip. at tlio ('irl Hi u .ct. ;ty's 1 . i . 1 1: h , ut t lie l.ou-o I;: i . it pis. i .-1 r i j t ; r. .Spi:. , r- i)S t i Jx r. , vti Ii (;. 'it tilt! I. ..vim' i k iu!o, l-'i.wiii r iS: f'o. v. r . 1 1 i j j , at tho hull c "f Al.'V : '; -1 l'e." itn s tiiwnsiiii at l tie seliui.'i hijii.-e in Wi'.-.x. 1 nis i make Lr.own mid ji ro .s iu an t by the loth section :.luvi-aiil act, I am directed. nuti'.'e. ot the that f-4-i per i:. except il J u.-tics of Pence, who shall huhi any ep.i;:0 i-i" p.iini no ni t. pf' fit or t:i:-i under (iovei uihi'iit of the I'liiif"! Iia'ns or ot ! ,1 j (Ms M Me. i r ;iii oil V or i:u'i i ,rfri, ml , ."II' . ef C. . o" tl in'." I. Wli. I'M i.-" i uer a Cull' Ills;-1 u:e i in lie. I l.ii.C'T" I ."..r, ci-! 1m I u:i ; HI' -.l C"l- i a I'-. iT .i--'ai iv sobui".!; t'--.-. ! i c, .ind'e : iw l.i'V ! I! iv o: :ati'. or I. niti I ioeurpurali 1 (1 cc. So i'V niemt.er i t l.eji-1. it u:i'. . 1 1 ill" C II Si.' II I'nl.l (',', .: i!!l. i:er- "I ai.v iiieurj orated laiv !lic!i able i l hulilinj Ji I tie i ei.t 1. 1 ..e I i.t .1.. . '. llispi'i' 1 1:1 lb'.-"- I ii.- pi ciur. any sueb anv ciliee .it ', e: i i at wi.-.-i- then to b nr.. I al in ior. the full I i ell .1". n! A.-s'-Ilibly I l.li In! tool . 1 u Act r.ihi'i- if to l.!iCt.'l;S l.lnl til es." I'l l.l i Veil A pi il I'i, 1 -111, it i-.l I ha! the l-'i: ii i c;i. i). " .sln.il -ti .i as tu pr. -vetit any .V il- it i r I ..I' lili ujli.'er lli. In seiv I'l'l iC. iii.'-i i-eti r "i- ele; k at u:i ; i i.. i..l i li tf!(.ii in ( viil ID'in v. i a to. A '. 'I li.it in t.he fi 1 .- ! inn (. t.lill js i Hiif el that (- ery jieneral :.n;'. f ; eciiil i ii cliun .-hall he opened be' i cell the I' I ..nil. I :jI' r.'.'l.." illis u eljlit t,.h in 1L. ,,10 iiiui hiuiil euMtii.ui' without inter. li . r mlj "ill lilnelit. liiinl si Vl II , ii I i.e eveiiiiiu v. In o tl, i. .. si .1." 1" . i.eial. spei-i.-d. city, iiient pura vi'is and tn nshio e!eclioi:s, and i ii e ' i 1 1 . s . t..r eli eluis nl Piesit'eni ; Vice I'ic-d lciil ot l tie I'niicd States a. hail be hel l nml cui.diiel.il by the III ii i . i t . . i ecu. is aim .1 il iLtes eiecieu as aiuresai'i, nd .bv clerks ai'iiuititeil as in lu lcli:;.!. ,i i i".. nil d. ".v.i tiMii shit'l be p.f indited ti V .'. ntl l-li-i'liull, US tii'l.leSili I, but a t it Ii. e iiiui ol the iiiii! nf tweuty.oiie ",. H" iii.'U e. who shall have resided ill Hi,-, ."ate at lea-it one year, and in the at. -e -h-triet wlieri; In; ufl'.'r.s to vote VI' I. i-t !. il d.ivs iliiiii" li itely preeed :;'ih i 'i L'tinii, and uitiiiii two years i "late or ( uauiy tax, which shall lie liucii .is! esse. I at least ten (lavs I.e. i he flection. Put a citizen of the I'nlt .d Utatts who have previously Leen ;i ,-ju.iuiii u voier oi tins iMato n net re-,,i-.v d iheieliom and returned, an 1 who (hall h ivo resided in ihi; tli.etion ilis- i o t mid paid tasca as afuri-said, tihull cutiiluil to votu alter rcbi liii": in this pi ll' a' -' - .v..-. ., ... ... w'iiie freeniu,n, citizctiH of tho United 'titff ore Litwtco "ths .ijjcs cf twenty. uiv imin id I rnviilli. llu if Mm U th 1 R ..inn f is ri..u i iiui tc 1 f'lllC.li 0.1 n!i pti 'saraf oMj-.fiiio.ttj P'"' "no iilr.l in to flection district ten dnjs ns afi'iofiiid, shall not have paid taxeH. riirsuaiit to the provisions contained in the llh Section of the Act nfoiesaid, the .Indues of tho aforesaid districts shall respectively take char-io of the crtifieatos or return ol elections of their reepcetive districts, and irodiue them at a ineetinj of one .lude from each district, at the Court House in H'uliiWay on ll-.e third day after the election, lie in:: tin- the present year, on I'HI HAY, the 1! ') day of October nest, then mi l there t.i pevfiivri tlifl duties reipiired by law of said Judges , nlso where a .Tiidfre hy siekne-s or Muavoidahle accident, is unahle to attond si.id nieetins ol'.JndLtes. then the certificate or return aforesaid shall he taken in charue hy one of the Inspectors or Clerks of 1 he election of said dirtrict, who shall do ad perform the duties rerjr.ired of said JuJgc una hie to attend. W ACT recn'atinff tlio mode ol vo ' tinii at all elections, in the several coun ! ties of this t 'iimni'inwcalth : I SlTi'inv 1. if nim tril hi tlir. Krn I (7c nm! Il'iimr if rjiri';f(if'i'H nf (ho i Cnivminivriiltli i if Pnim-iilrmii'i in i Gmcnil A-'.-i ni'.li m t. inn! !( if hrrohi i itiu li il 1,1 fh- uvtiiiirifif nf (he smno. '1 ha: the qualified voter. of the several counties of this eoinmmiwrallh, tit all m -tioral township, horouiih and special I'leciiiiiis. are lu rehy, liereafier, nuthor. j ized and reijuired to vote, hy tickets, piinted or written, severally classified las fnllovvs: One ticket 'hall embrace the names i f all judges of eoiuts voted ; f,,r. and to ho labelled, outside, "judi I ei.ny ;" one ticket shall embrace tho nMiies ol all Ftate ofTicers voted for, and ; he labelled tute;" one ticket shall I embraee the names of aH county ofjeers ; voted for, including office of .senator, ! member, and members of assembly, if ! voted for. and members of congress, if voted fur. and he labelled, "county;" otir ticket shall embra?e the names of all township officers voted fur, and be. ! la! elled, " t'.vvnship ; " one ticket. Miall en. brae1 the names of all ho'0iti;h ofii. CMS voted fur. all 1 be labelled, "bur. ! i.ni.'li; " and each clus shall be deposi ' le : ::i si urate ballot, boxes. J .. ri II I 111 K M IM I.EMf.NT TO Till'. F.l.KC ! ji.i n f r Tin-, commonwhaltii. ! Win-rim. lSv the ret of the Con:ros ! of the I'nited States, etitilled "All Act It) aiiietel the several .'.cts heretofore j passed, to provide for tin; eiirollini: and . ca'.iitii out tho national inree. and for il'.ier lurposcs." and approved March 1 1 . i i.i. i i i It irii. ono tliuusand emnt tiviioreii a:in j sixtv five, al! persons who have deserted - t!.o military or naval si n ice ot' ti e Uni te I Mates, ami who have nut been (lis ' j charged, or relieved from the penalty or f ditabiiity therein provided, an; deemed. ! i ti-l taken lu have voluntarily rclin. H li ned, and forfeited their rights of eii'z. tiship, and their riubts to become cit'.zri-.s and are deprived of exercising I any riiilus of citizens Jlicreof, j .-!(. Wiurriix, Persons, not citizens j ut the I'nited States, are not, under the ci n.-tilutiun and laws ol Pennsylvania, i iUii!;iied electors of this commonwealth: SrCin.N 1. l'e it enacted by the i St u-i!e ::'id House cf Representatives j nl the Ciimmmiwenhh of Peutisvlvania j in ili ucra! Assembly wet. and it. is j hud V f r.aeted l y autherity ( f the aine. That in ail ch etiwis hereafter to he held m this ci iiitiioiiwealih, it shall l.e utiiawiu! tur t'',e ju le or in.-peetois I ', any such f lect'u ti. to receive uny bal ; hit. .ji Lall'its, Ireu nny person, or per. ! f..i,Kviifi .1 in th.e iiiuvisioiis. and sii! jf( t to the disability imposed by said I ('..o.eie.-s. iippru'ii'd March third. j uiio thoiriud il-bt hiiinlred and six'y- f. and it shall be uii'auTiil fur any , .lcIi irrscu to oiler to vote any ballot, or badnls. . ... . i. MCl luN - J Hal ii any pucii juun and ii.s i-etu ,.f i lectinii, or any one ul iheui shall lcc.uve. or consent to re ceive, any such iinlaw'ul ballut, or hal lo's. In tu anv n'ch disfpi ,ili(i"d pi rsun. be or they s.: i.flendiiii', shall be guilty nl a misd'i'tiK-iiiior. and. tl on convic tint, ihi re.il. in any cmirt of (ju irter sessions ' nf this e .mm. eieeaiul, f.e iliall. Inr eacn i i Hence, be sentcr,ced to ray a line of not l"ss than I'l.c l.in.drid f'nllars. ai d to mi bjei) an iiepiisnnuient. in the jail id the proper county b'r nut k-s-jthan sixty Vl f'i tON u. 'l i.i t if any ( ersiui de prived ol citiz-iThiti. and iliualilied as aliiiesiiil. shall, at any c'.e.riuii, liere allerto he held in this -. .n i iwi ui w:i II !i , vi te. ur tender to the ciViccrs thercut, and niter tu i le. a bsiliut, U" halluls, any i i rseii so oU'eii'liii!.'. siiiill he deemed LuillV n! n.i.-di uii iiuur, an 1 on convie. lieu ihereuf, ill tiny euiiit cf ipiarter ses siuiis ol this ceiiiinotiwealili, shall, lot each iilleiice, he ptiiiishcd in like mau iier us i- provided in tbc preceding see tii.n ut this net. ill the case ol officers nt' el-eli,,ii veeeivili" SUell Unlawful bill- h,t i.r ballots. SiciniNd. That if 'any such pet scin shall In realter persuade, or advise any .er.-en i r r-m : -i. ncpiived of citizen ship, niel disqualified iu aforesaid, to of fer any ballot ur ballots, to the officers nf any elecl:un, lurealter to he held in tnis cnii.'iir'iiwcahl:, ui shall persuade, ur advise, any vueh ufileer to receive any bailnt, cr ballots, f i'oiii any ierson de. l ived ( I' citizenship, mi l flL-iinnl'ified as aforesaid, such person so uH'ciidiiit;, shall be guilty (d a tnisdenicannr, and uiiuii eut.victiou thereof, in any court of (iiiartcr s.ssinns (.1 this commonwealth, shall lie lUtllsi.cu in iim iiiuumri io provided in the sreond Bcctiou oi this act, in th case of officers of such eke. tiou receiving such uuluwful ballot, cr ba'luls. Given under my band at uiy office, in Riiluw iy, the sixteenth day of -luguat, liUG. J AS. A. MA LONE, Sheriff of Klk County. A u l'i't'id. tae. J. PoAvcll'ta Coin mii. THE Ti ARGEST SI'OK OF 5k 5 S i,.,j "w '"I' w ' THE MOST PESTHAT5LE ASSORT MENT. rilUK UNTii:ilSTONr.D n(Ti-rs to thn pnh- lie nt liia rommmlinns Sales Booms in lliiljiwny, the lav?ost nnil Viest penprnl ns unrir.iont of Mercliiimlisc that enn be found nt any Store liptweon vni.MAMSi'onr and kuie, and nt more fnvornhlc prices than enn be homrbt at ciilipr nf these point". liis stock comprises n splendid variety of HUNTS, PE LANES, SHEETINGS, PIIESS GOODS, CLOTHS, ft E A T)Y MADE C LOT H ING, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, an oceiues .( pr o visioxs &C, I 0 1VT.T1ic proprietor, thankful for the very penorous pntronupe thus far pxlenile4 to liis potatitislinieat by the citizens of E!k nml p.'ljoininp counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance ot the same. J. rOWELTj, Aiig..lO'f.Ci.-1y. 7 A N tT:DX'Te NTS 875 to 200 V I'ER MONTH for pentlemen and S35 to 87;"i for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Maebinc. improv ed and perfected. It will beni. fell, sl:tcli. quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only S20. making the elastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay the above wanes, or a commission, from which twice that nmount can be made. Address with stamp, or call on C ROWER it CO., Salesrooms. No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All letters answered promptly, with circulars utiJ terms. May-31'6tj-ly. T THE SILVER SKI I.T. MOKE DURABLE, MORE ELA' TIC, MOKE GRACEFUL! And wi'l keep its shape and retain its place belter than any oiler Skirt. This new mid bentii'iil style of Pkirt (Pat pitted March 7. l'i'i. 1 was nwnriUd by the Cli ent American Institute Fail', held in New York, October, 180 i. n SILVER MEDAL, 1 einf ti " Highest Premium ever jfiven for a II nip .Skirt. The Steel Springs arc wound with fine p'ati'il wire in place cf fi cotton coverinjr M'lni'h will nut v.-par olt or become soiled end the whole skirt iiiny bo woshed without iiiiii -y or tear of rusting, and will bo as oo I an new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the ordina rv SI. in the advantnitPs or our Silver flirt the li.iitoiii hoox nr the s iiue as those us ed in tlio Silver Skirt, tho covering of which cannot wear oil, while the upper ones iivk covereil wiih cnttmi. No ladv having once wuiii one of oin' Skirls, will be willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds are soon injured and soilppd. Tho best innicinls are used in their con siriieiitni, and. from their durability and neatness they are destined to ncconio a Fnvorito Skirt. Munnfiictui cd solely by tiie Silver Skirt and Wire Manu factuiing Company. aO and 32. RAIU LAY ST. NEW YDIIK. T. S. Srrmtv, Puji't. Aug lull ly PIIOTOCfRAPIIIC. e. &, h. t. anthony &. co.. Mamiactureis of Photographic Materials, Vi h.ili-sale and iieliiil. f.ii, r.ltOAUWAY. X. V. In ndliiimi to our main business of riHiKKJUArillC MATbltlAI.S we are Il('itdiiiai'li rs for the following, n. STF.UKSCOI'ES & STLKESl'OlMC VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Lund- scapes, Groups, Slut nary, etc. STEl'.ESCOPIO VIEWS OFTIIK WAR, From iipcratives nindo in the various cam paigns and luriiiiiig a complete Photograph ic history of iho gieut contest. STEUESCOl'IC VIEWS OX GLASS, Adapted for cither the Magic Lantern or the Slerescupe. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stump. IMlOTOCillAI'lIIC ALIUTMS. n e manufacture iiuro largely tlian any oi her house, about i 'jp variefies from f0 cents to S'xleach. Our ilLliUMS huve the reputation of being superior m beauty and durability to nnv fullers. Card Photographs of Gonerals, Statesmen, Acton, etc. etc Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE TIRH'SAXD din'erent subjectB, including reproductions of tho must celebrated En gravings, I'uinlings, Statues, etc Lata lugues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O- I)., will please remit 25 per ceui of the amount with their oriier. Jji-Tlio prices and quality of our goods csnuot fail to sath-fy. (june 14'fi8-ly. AT THE New Stoio of WCIS UROTIIERI nt St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to Georqk Weis. Offer for sale, nl wholesale and retail, f well selected stock of Sl'JilXG SUMVJit SILKS, MORIXCES. POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and Bgured Alpncas. A large assortment of Prints, White goods of every description. Flaunels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. Ladie's & Children's M illiucry G ood. ; such as BONNETS, IA TS. CA PS, R1BB ONS, d-c. GL 0 YES it- HOSIER T. GENTS furnishing goods of every leseription, CL 0 T1IS, CA SSIMERES Ac, dc. GRO ERIES AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of FLOUR, PORK, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, WHALE OIL PETROLEUM ANDLKS. SUAr OF ALL KIXD3. Tn short, we have everything uecded for laiinl? use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every do seription. Confectiocnry, Rrush. csofall kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tirul Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large . assortment ot Sear and Tobacco. w 7ERCY OUR STOCK directly from the .Manufacturer and there fore wc can ufford to sell cheaper than any other cstubushuieut in Elk county. 'piIE PUBLIC arc respectfully in I vited to call and examine our stock and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or tiot, for we claim to havo one nf tho most complete stocks and the finest STORE in tho county and can sell for less profit, than any other bouse in tho county. AVeis Bn ROTnEES Ft MarjV Marrk lOtVCr. WARDED A GOLD MEDAL ! AT THE American Institute Fair! OCTOBER 19, 18C5. In direct competition with all tha'.oading makers in the country. 'PEI.OUI3ET ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. I'ELOUBET & SON.iManufaoturen. Respectfully invite the attention of pur. chasers, the trad and profession, to iha POLL O WING INS Tit UMEXTS Of their manufacture; Pedal liase Organs, Five sizes, FiveOotave, one to three ISnk of Keys, three to eight'setts of Reedi, Trices, $235 to $60:. School Organs, Nine styles, single and double Rosewood and Black Walnut case, Prices, $130 to $210. Read, Melodeons riano stylo and Portable. Twelve Vii- ties, from four to 'six Octaves, singl and double Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, Sou to $2 10. Every instrument is niado by competent workmen, from the best material, uneerour personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy of the name, is introi duced in them. Among these wa would call attention to the TEEMOLAXTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found only in instruments of our own manufac ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent profes-ors and organists, we give the following extracts . " The pedals I conceive to be unarnroaeh- ablo in their beautiful smooth quality." ii ui. a. mug It is a grand, goodinsirumcnt. and doee credit to the builder." If. C. Fo!i;.;r Trov New York. 'They are among the finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or a broad." Wm. lierg, J. Mosentlml, Aptomas i ney nave given universal satisfaction." W. E. Ilawley, Fon du lac. Wis. "There is a peculiarly sweet and sviuds. thetic tone which harmonizes charmingly with tho voice.-' W. II. Cooke. " I am particularly pleased jrith the ar. r.mgcment of the different registers." Win. li. liriuonry. " No other instrument so nearly ap proaches the organ." The Chorister. N". Y. ' 1 Ins instrument has a clear superiority ovci everything yet introduced among us." Independent. N. Y. ' The tones and the action are excellent." Rev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. ' The 'noi-o we use it the better we like it." J R Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Rank Organ is really s gem." J W Kinnicutt, Boston, Mass. "We have found them excellent in all point., constituting a good instrument." J U Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." SB Suxton, Troy, New iork. " The most perfect toned Melodeon I ever 6aw." Guy F No-th. "They fallback on such substantia! raer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of prioo. And we must say that in all their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. tfl"Every instmmoot is fully warranted. and bozed and shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Trice Lists, Jo , sent or. applioationto CPELOUBET&SON, UtOOMFIELD, N. J. Or J M Pelton, 841, Broadway, New .York; Conrad Meyer, 722, Arch Jtreet, Pbilad'a ; 8 Brainard 4 Sou, Cleveland, Obio ; J A Tucker & Co. Jackson, Michigan ; Werner k ftcrwd, Cinoinatti, Ohio ; Joel IT 8nnw. Mobile, AUbama, WHOLESALE AGENTS. July ly THE PICKET: Tho following will bo found to be a correct form and copy of tho Doruo. cratio ticket Please cut this colutnu out, so that if you should run abort yot could Gil the supply. Stmt OoTarnor Ilioator ClytMf Judiciary i Asiociate Judge E 0 Schultie Jesso Kyler County, Congress Win L Scott Assembly J D Hunt Prothonotary, Register and Re corder and Clerk of Courts Georjo A Rath bun County Commissioner Louis Vollmof County Auditor Ti J Jones County Surveyor G Walmiley StaU tiorernor Ilicster Clyme Judiciary, AMooiate Judge K C Schultie Jesse Kyler County, Congress Win L Scott Assembly J D Hunt Prothormtary, Register and RC corJcr and Clerk of Coart Georgis A Rathbun County Commissioner Louis Vollmer County Auditor J B Jones County Surveyor G Waluwley StaU Governor Hiostor Clyiaef Jmlieiary, Associate Judges E C Sell ulna Jesse Kyler County, Consress Wir. L Siott Assembly J 1) Hunt Prothonotar, Roister and R. carder nn I Clerk of Courts Georsro A Rathbun County Commissioner Louis Vollmor County i iit.or A .1 Jones County Surveyor 3 Walmsley Sato Guveroor Hicstor Clymor Jwliciary, Associate Judgjt E 0 Schultza Jess a Kylor County, Congress Wm L Seott Assembly J D Ilunt Prothonotary, Register k CeeoH. er and Clerk of Courts George A Rathbun Couaty Commissioner Louie rT'ir Coonty auditor --l J J County Purveyor Geo Walianiey I 1