The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 27, 1866, Image 2

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    i:i.'.. ki'.'tku a i -r.m-it i ctuii.
1 "I! CnvUlNolt.
1 1 ir.s' r v. . i c t a m i: it ,
or j;:-;::ks cui:.v.t.
Inn fiiNiiin.-s,
IT I P.M. rcU MY.
I'.'t .-wr.Mnr.V.
co i, .in . i. hunt,
1 K V(-Hl:M CuUMlV.
vi i! I ' A:c.
:.r.o. a t n : r n , oiPen:
f.-t: A-'-::
ji:;: i-cv
rv .it ir.:.
r st :
:. ..!' F.,r.
la.ol St. Mary's.
t a l I I .-ok.
( 'Ivmor in tin.
: ( ..(" 1 Tinsy Ian i:.
: il. I ' 1 .-'irntrr i i 1 on
i t l..;:if K'so'lltioii intro
he Senate i'!' Pciiinyiva
i ihcState I.) uiaiiiiaio in
i la ( Yii'.iii i:i"ti and the Sov
v lit ti:.- I'nUtil State. Ply
!.- ,u '. .Sec L ,Kh,t,-; AV.'
lilt r V.
t r
("'! ! ;j th f.m
wlio enter
'cs fur it.
... :
;i -
create a T,.iim i
nad Ai'i.l the :
in- r s r e k ..r
m: I'.troii nee.
su.a'ii bond- so ;.s to
o; u!ar
urn. ; pn-jr,
il.i f'i..r )..(:tter iiiih-
'. i N for the ,s-.' . i -j.
i!e v ,t,.s il;.; l!i!l. Poyr 10H2.
''. i .'! e 1 il ClyuK-r intro luces res
olutions f..r roei'i ing flans for I'onn-
pylvaiiia lleiiiment.i. Jtrf 1015.
1 iih May, 101 Clynier moves to pro- j
Cecil to the consideration of the reso-
lotion, and they pre read and passed '
finally. J' qr lotV'.
l:h .f u'v. lVid 'fbe fi-xi pto-nn d uu- ;
d , ibis i.- i)tioii icceive l by the j
St ire iiiithorities from the tivops, and J
ester Clvuier uot invited to take;
,1 Mh .lamvi
Is,',2t;,,-,)'l,iii,s for !
txpii'si-m .f Jc.-M? D. Urigbt from :
't!i.- Senate of t'lK' United States in. j
tro iir.-e I. CI) mer ve.trs aye, and1
rays "lest t n v voti- might toi.-eoi). ;
s!rue.l. not by our own p. ople but by '
t be ciiemic ; of our'.i fiiends
who for a ci.niui'Ui eouiit.-; as no
iiicntii'2 even in tin slightest (!; rec
a tb'sire ti shield one wh i m-iy lie a
traitor to the llepe.blic, 1 Vote aye."
;"' HI.
17'b February. 1 ;,,i2 Thanks t.i sol
di. T and -a'tors fir cirrving Uoin.
ok" Hand. Forts Henry and Poind. ;
s..n rod eai.turiii'' Savannah, t'lv- ,
tiier v i'es aye. '"" 2.5S.
iilbl .Imtiiary. 1 iV2 Clynier sppaks in
fnvor of joint reobstion for paying !
I'enr Ivania soldiers in Hcrviee vi' :
I'ltifi-d Stales. '..'.-? uii't !)'J. ;
ib April. 1 Ueil'y, I ' uioerat. in
t-ojiieel resolution lot AW f Hon '
or ol tivi! Coin; tmies wbu lliar.die 1
from Ilarri.'-biuv to Wai'dogton, on '
18;!i April, l"'il. speaks;
for i', and .-mjti : "It is riht and pi'op. j
or that this State should know the i n
. i
i. atnes of tle'.-e gallant li;en who,
in ; n
the Jat ki bourr. i f our dire in ees- j p
m'i.V? Y'iK.
.LY. nl St. MiiiyV.
sily. gaiii-.ned that Capital and stood j they will be heard on next Tuesday nay
there ready in protect it from dest-uc j in.' 'I'" r!e an 1 iu:i pary, "Peace" '"'' '71. " j uu s;'' " l'1'' e-very man Lo at the
.'mh.'r. Mr. Clvuier volun-1 polls c;i that day an 1 help to swell the
1 .,a p.iv
e nop my,
in Caotaiii Hun-
and marched into j
!(!)!. Knodcrer.
I ' i i'i 1, u i
1 I il. l-'i bniaiy, I'i- Ameiidiiieiits to t ticket, (live one day to your country!
the Constitution, aitwing soldiers to I to bin e laws to tbe vindication of her
vote. C! mer voti'Mi' e. yViye KiT. ! honor j Wliu Would fail to be in that
.Vh January, Hit I Senate 'net a tie ! mighty army of Corstif utioiiaf loving,
I., umm n Democrats and lb pu'olii ai'is, law abiding men, that will place Penn
i'. ;i.n-y, the Siict.ker, relu-cd to h ave ; svlrania in line mi next Tuesday. Free-
liitc'iiit the li.vaiil C iiie-tiiuti.ui 1 men who have determined to be free
r.tiivl bint i di bo. The 1 Vino- j see that the whole democratic v. 'to i i out
crtts r ir ie.l ibis "as revolutionary j ''ii tint 1 iv, this is all that is nee
an 1 re i.'e 1 it, and refu-ed to pre- j essary ;.J all will be well. We have
."! to bii.iu.'i.s iiitiil Penney would the volts mid we can have tbe votets
resist) mid a Speaker be elected. ! Iliester (,'ivmer will lie your patriotic
l .li March, Pcimcv resinned, a : llovernor and a Congressional delcga
S'peaker v-i eleoted, atid ihe Senate ; gatioii from Pennsylvania will strength,
j.roce :ded lo Lii-men. Ht-tweeu 5th j en the arms of .t atrietie tl.oub,
Jiti iiiy ao l 4 tb r.f Mureb, tbe uialiy ucd, traduced and persoeutod Kx
PetiuVicws ntteiiiittcd to force theieeutive.
T i ' . . I ' 1.. TI.!j v,.
1 'ciiioci .us io ie;;isiut. j in.- uu.-.
i.--tcd, and they Voted against pro-
,re.linl lo consider everything that
w is brought up, and iuvaribly favc as
their reason lor io doing, tb'ut the
Steiiii. w Vu hoi. 0..a!ioJ. 7'ou 3.
M r. .I.iliii'cil iiim cd to proeerl to the
vmm'ih -ration of tlio A UlCtl ilniCTJ t.1 to
do Conslit utii'ti allowing soldiers to
vote. This motion was defeated by
n tie vote, Reason given, tlio Sen
ate was not organized.
Sth March, 1801 Tlio tic was unlocked
by the election of Mr. Ft. Clair, n
t j " w Senator. Tlio Republicans took
up the Votislitnticnal Amendment
nnd passed it before Speaker Penney
resigned, C.'ymcr did tu.t vole on it?
j af a;e because, the Senatj was not
yet organized. Penney then resigned,
and was re e'.eeted Speaker; Mr. Cly
mer at onea nnked leave to record
Jiiw vote in favor of the Amendment
to the Constitution allowing soldiers
to Vole. The Republicans refused to
allow if. P:r?,.
H uh March. l'H4 Resolution intro
duced a.-kir.; ("mure-:? to pay the pri
vate 'old'er in ruin or its equivalent.
VtKjr ')). ( '1; mer ? eaks in its l.i.
vi !', an 1 ays. "it i.-i si range that tiinsj
s ho prulcss so much love, for the sol
dier t hou! 1 lin e to. day re-ist a propn
sitiuti so fair and jn.-t. Fuimiui-c
iai.-e you can give, it is in your
when III
for the ;
means wherewith to supply his wife
r.nd lit 1 1 - ones ith the bare neeesi.
lies i.if life, you turn your tack's up
on him, ami brand as i.!iMoyl every
man who advocates his cKi'ieis. If if
be disloya' to siaud by, guard, pro.
tt ct and defeiol tl
.r and humble
ngu'ii-t the rich and powcilul, to be
in favor of the soldier rather than of
the : hod ly eoiiti actor, then I am dis-
lny-it." 'r,!r-:A.
!b April. 1-Gl-Thai.k.i to Meade for
(ii -tty.-iuirg, and testimonials to Hey n.
ihiA introduce . Clynier votes aye.
l''tn March, li'i") Dill for the main
tenance :ud education of destitute
orphan children of deceased soldiers
and sailors up for consideration. Cly
nier speaks tor it. Aj'prniii.r, fi;jr
(i'J. otes fur it, f'pjvrtJi.c, prnj" 05.
At all times ami all places, H1KSTKU
Eicry nhut who volts for Gnry or
fr n Iiiitfnyl cruvh't'otefar Cnnfriv,
rotr i.s ditlii-rtly far niyrfj xiYfray nnf
vjro rqtiah'fy an if lh-y vn-f jn rht"1
v.i 0"r InVot
'Vh(; "ity I aVJiS.
As the II V.-ti. .11 Day draws ru:iirr
' tin-
v per Is '( idei'tir.u Hie: ler Cly.
i . : ' i" , :lie lii-iinT latic nomiaeo f..r (iov.
enior ..:e itues and r.mrj ce.itan. f- I at ibis writing there is seave: 'y
A doubt of his triiiiot br.t:! eh e! ;n ' :nd
ihe i.
-e p. :! arn -t. of that radicalism
iiossof.-ii:g the publw iniud, shak
ing pi. '.!:: i.iv:i'iit and rcndeiint; the
! peace and security of cery citizen of
tbe Commonwealth and of the country
abiriuiii'y iiise'rure. The time has
; come wl.-oi men I .bi':k belore actinvf, an 1
I bav dcttM mined in discard party tram,
j inels. Mti voya prejudices and Vote
..r !.rir.c:r'le
i n m every part of the
Mate, the news are tlio nio-t r.tiouurag.
ini; ; tin se that have discarded ladieal-
ism on a calm view of its consequences
may be and are counted by t hoii-ands
thronir!n ut the Ci u:iii le.weabh. 'J he
patriuiie aj .peals i! hiK'b pi.tiiut. a j
(, I'ouiittlo, l-.iair an I other
ptiiliieinj grati'yinsr effects
and the
ei:li.-ei V;:tiVe y.r.if o
li.oving f'urward lo
.iiv;i; s ;.i.t:'.i,t tire
t n y. i'be peojdo
.He lin d ol disc. rd, di-.-i iisioli and coll.
an i 11 jvc il. tei inir.i d I hat they till
and li:i:-t be heal . W
ii ire pi op'c
. n ibe lieel !e
vu t Pints tren.ble : v!
oernev tr:uii'i I s . J i.e iioo.
are lin.vii g to::rds the ; and
mighty coliiuin ef reiocrats and Con-
servalives that will east their ballots f-r
Iliester Clynier and the democratic
! - '
1. , . .11 II
!y resolution the Lrowulow
- J
Geary Convention thanked Theodore
j Tilton, Fred. Douglas, and Miss A una
t Dickinson for pecehes upon "uian'iood
j si.3r.igi ."
1 iu 1 i '. 1 A I is n i d i i iot.
It will ho rcnicniliercJ that tlio Pros
ident in one, of his speeches made an
apt illustration of tlio absurdity of the
radical argument in favnv nf the con
tinuance of the Freed men's Bureau, and
the necessity of at once conferring the
right of suffrage upon the emancipated
blacks. When defending the Bureau
they base their arguments upon the
ground that the negroes are incapable,
from the denioraliring effects of slavery
and their litter ignorance and incapacity
to make bargains for themselves, to get
along without ihe parental aid derived
from the Uurean officers. Hence the
absolute neccKsity of ('ongress voting
twelve millions of dollars to support and
maintain tbi philanthropic institution.
Then these noisy radicals argue that
the right of suffrage slvould be inuueni
ately conferred upon the blacks in con
sideration of their loyalty and manhood,
and l tint every effort must be iimde to
make them voters as soon as possibl" in
utter disregard of the wishes of the
Now, it will be seen how absurd these
two proji (sitioiiH appear. First, the no
tiroes are declared incapable of manag
ing their own tiusiiicts on account of
ignorance or incapacity. Secondly, we
must make them voters at once because
of their loyalty, llow ubsurd to con.
fer such a liiiih privilege upon a set of
ignorant negroes who are incapable of
managing their own business!
What u grand speculation this would
be. Once allowed to vote, the radicals
would claim the privilege of voting
them in droes upon the ;.lea of their
inuoranee. With such sublime absurdi
ties they are laboring to cull the jmbiic
mind. Will the people permit such
stuff to be palmed upon theni 1 We
hope no man will. Union I'rpuLlt'cau.
Ms. EuiTitti A published addiess
of flic Union League of Philadelphia"
suggestc'i to mo the other day some
thoughts for your paper, but on further
perusal of the document it seems hardly
worthy ol any particular notice When
a pKitfy tJ:atto recently, treated a word
of disrespect to the President as trea
son to the (Jovernment. because fiiac
tieally theie is no distinction between
the (lovernmcnt and the Administra
tion, speaks of President Johnson as
that ''bold -bad wan" whose en lucf may
be "passed over to the silence uf scorn ;"
we may lately' leave its pavtisan addres.
ses and the party itself to "the uudy
ing contempt of the nation."
Put the ridiculous absurdity of some
things may excite a passing suiile, not
withstanding rlie -sadness which thought
ful men must feel iu view of the possi
bid iuluro of ottr country. Two -or
throe id' tfcoae T would ask voters at the
eominjc elect iuu to notice.
1. The Radicals are insisting upon
"inalterable guarantees for the future,"
as it the proposed amendment to the
Constitution would scnirt: the country
again-1 any future rebellion! As if men
whose oath to support the Constitution
as it is, cannot be trus'ed, would have
any peculiar seruphs about violating an
amendment w'nieh was fiic. d upon
them !
The only guaranty for future peace
and union is to bo sought in the wisdom
and virtue ol the people ; and these can
not ts seeu:" I by any legislation.
2. Amendments to the Constitution
must he rahlie. I by three fourths of the
States. Now how many States do the
Kadii ils consi b r a (j 'orum ? If they
say tv.-.."ity must ratily, then the 'rjbel'
States are in the Union, id ii' course
enti'led t feiiieseiitation io Conirress.
Thai bdy has no 'right to '-siispcud"
any Mate xt pletasur.') ; nor h is o House
any right to judae ot the qualiiieatioiia
of uieuiber of the other House. Hut
if the "rebel States' were out of the
Uniou, how can thev ever come in, isut
by the same door by which other con
iplcred ten itory has ooane ill? What
it have any "htnteis m .mnca more
than any iu Europe to vote on aircnd
nic'its lo our Constitution, if they t;re
not numbered amog the Uiiit' d Stub?
This point was well put to Congress in
the Presidents ine.ssain on the "read,
mission of 'J'rjnnissec ;'' and tUey would
do well to consider it.
o. The Padicd cry was mice 'uibol's'i
Slavery, and all will be well ;" now they
say, "the North cannot stand idly by
while the lieedmeii who lavished their
blood iu one cause are reduced by peon
ago to ti statt win so than Slavery it-elf."
According to tlioin Slavery was the
woret state tney could be in; una so
they justified themselves iu persistent
Ngitation lor its abolition even ut the
risk ut' civil war. Jiatacr than firgo
their philanthropic purpose, limy would
'let the Union slide."
Now these emancipated slaves who
only wanted I reed i on iu order to asseit
their equality with the whites who are
iu every way lit to be entrusted with an
eijiial share in the government theso
freeduicu arc in danger of u worse fate
than that from which they have been
rescued at such a lenrlul coat!
Hut these, things only illustrate tho
character of tho Radical party. Tho
jt'irfy, 1 say, nut of all the nun that
have voted, and probably will vote, that
ticket ; for there are many good men in
the so called itepublicau ranks, who
ought by this tune to seo tho teiidenoy
of things, and free themselves from all
bondage to party. I say from all bond
iiin to pnrtj ; and let eiiiens vote ut
each tlectiou as preseut issues aud pres.
ent candidatcss shall seem to require,,
lu regard to tho euadufute- now bo
, ., . - . r ii -I . . T I
itiiu inu Ligujjig Ul -u i uillu, I Mavis
., ., ; r, , , ir i , ; . . .u
nn on iiinii rn olI.,r hot in rpimril in thp
questions at issue I think Ihe caso is
very plain. Congress is certainly wrong;
and wo ought lo mdtcate our sense of
tlr.t w run j by by our vote CI VIS.
Mr. Sccjtt'is ProHiKscts.
William L. Scott, our distinguished
and popular candidate for Congress, has
been over the district and nlthongh lie
docs not claim to be a public speaker,
has been and talk! to the people, aud
wherever lie lias been they aie flocking
to bis support. In Eric county, the
f riends of S :ott claim they will reduce
Mr. ScoCeld's majority to 1000. In
Warren county, tho friends of Scoficld
do not claim more thau GOO -majority .
McKcan and Cameron counties are
claimed by both paitiesas a tic. Thus
we see Mr. Scofield's majority in the
five counties muu?d, will cot exceed
1050; while in C'learGeld county, all
parties concede that Mr Scott will have
1200 niajoiity, and the more sanguine
say it will be much larger. In Elk
county we wi'l ccrtaimly give Scott 500
majority, and in Jefferson county Scott
will have 150 majority making his to.
lal majority in these three coimties 1,850
tin excess over Scoficld iu the district
of 200 votes. We have put the demo
cra tie counties down at the very lowest
fipuics, and fcelievc some of them will
far exceed our estimates ; while wo have
given the republican counties all that
c:.n be claimed for them, unless it sliould
be Eric county, where we can give Sco.
field 200 more votes, and BtilJ elect.
Scott, counting tliaincroascd democratic
votes aiiowi our estimate. Conservatives,
go to work 1 Work from now until the
day of election. See that every cons
tcrvative voter in the county is at the
polls, and victory, glorious and pcrtua
neat victory will again perc'r on the
banners of the friends of tho Union !
Our prospects are growing brighter.
We have the most cheering news from
all parts of the district and the State,
aid it is otily necessary that wo do our
duty at this election, and the noble old
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be
cdeemed from tbe curse of Radicalism
and be placed in the hands of men who
have proved themselves competent to
con-hict tbe affairs of a .State like ours.
B." inmfrsire to hare the honor of
pour country preserved, you cannot do
better than to vote the Democratic ticket.
The Torch micl Turpen
tine .farty.
Parson Hrownlow is by tho
Radicals as their evangelist. This min
ister of the gospel of peace everywhere
publishes bis piety end his statesmanship
iu these fitting terms :
I would divide your army into three
jrrand divisions. Let the first go armed
and aquipped as the laws of the army
require, with small arms and artillery.
LH them, be the largest (in-Htnn, one o r
ti' m do the kllllvo. Let the second di
vision he vrmed with pine torches and
spirit of turpentine, and let them do
the burning. Let the third and last dl
vision be nvmcd with surveyors com
passes and chains, and will survey out
the land and settle it. W e will tirst sell
it nut. to pay the expenses of the war
with the proceeds, aud then settle it
with men who will honor Ibis glorious
banner. These are my sentiments.
Gen. Butler, the warrior tif the Rad
icals, accepts tho toreti.and turpcutino
gospel. Id Lis speech at Gloucester,
Mass., lie, too, contended for the forfei.
hire of "the property, the rights, and
the lives" of the Southern people.
Forucy, tho journalist of the foreh
and turpentine party, publishes in bis
Press a prayer for those who are labor.
ing for the restoration of tho Southern
people to the right of representation,
calling upon God tu
Sweep them away as with a pestilence
that their wives may become widows and
iheir children orphans, aud that their
mimes may become a hissing, a by. word,
and a reproach thro ugh out all yiitvu.
Wendell Phillips, the crater of the
toich.and turperlino parly, calls down
upon President John-on, the Northern
advocate of his policy, aud the Southern
people, like curses ; aud Thadueus Ste.
vens, their leader in tbe Rump Con
gress, would consign them all to ''the
penitentiary or hell."
The Torch-andTurptutine party are
they not fitly named?
t&12ver o,ati who wants to serve
and save bis country will vote lor the
Democratic Ticket. Rally, then to the
Polls and vote the White Man's Ticket,
(live ouo day to your country. It may
bo the last opportunity you will have.
T70II SAia:!! - .
" Twj Fteam Engines
8 inch bore and Irt-inch stroke, with iiain
aim fm and line shafts, sc.
Also. FOUR cylinder boilers thirty feet nnd of suflicienl power (o drive th
two engines. Any one desirous of purchas
ing Steam Machinery will find it lo their d.
vantage lo call upon the subscriber at Porti
land Mills. HIRAM CARMAN,
RiJgwuy, P. oct. 4th-3in.
The Greatest inventiou of the age
Every man his own Broom Maker !
BjyTownship Rights for sale I
Addrr J. F. MOORH.
Ridgiraj, Pt.
Revolvers. Rifles, Muskets and Carbines,
for the Unitcil Slates Perrice. Also
RppctitinR Vistols, Rifle Cnnes, Revolving
Rifles, Rifle and Shot 7un barrel and pun
materials sold by gun dealers and Ibe trade
In tlicse days of houscbroakinR and tob
bdry. every house, storn, bank, and office,
sliould lio supplied witb one of
Parties desiring to avail themselves of lh
late improvements in Pistols, and mipnrio.
workmanship (uniform, will find allcombind
in the New Remington Revolvers.
Circulars containing cuts and description
of our arms will be furnished upon applica
Now Pattern.
Light, Convenient and Cheap.
Manufactured by the undersigned, and
sold, wholisalo and retail. A liberal
discount to dealers.
E. REMINGTON & SONS, Won. Jf. 1.
April 6th 1800.-1J
VEMBER. onvsii dcRorts.
Jicnextlt Tp. Abner Ober, James
Overturf, Wallace 11. Johnson, Benj.
lienzingrr Tp. Mickact F-aWler.
Fox Tp. Jacob McCauley, John
Nolf, Ifezekiah Horton, John A. Brad
ley, Tsaac ITorton, John Wonderly
J y Tp. A. W.Gray, Joseph Rob
ison. Jones Tp. Jotira Kramer.
Ridgvay Tp. Wm. C. llcaly, J. K.
Whitmore, Nathaniel Cummings, E.
Si, Mary's Boro. Charles Wels,
Michael Rruuer, Henry Fochtrnan, J,
A lies
SjH-iag CrcA- Tp John J. Robiu
son, G. W. Rhincs.
Bcnrgelt. Tp. H. R. Wilson, John
Murray, H. D. Dcrry, Edward Fletcher.
Jicnzingcr Tp. Herman Koch, C.
Hitter, Adam Jesbcrgcr, Alloys Rucli.
Fox Tp.C. R. Einlcy, K. Hyatt, J.
Mosier. G. Conner, C. A. Wileox, W.
J Leahy, John Myers, Jacob L. Taylor,
Adelpbus Kyler.
Jay 7p. Francis J. Spangler, Vitie
Penmson, John Hess.
.7o)ie Tp. John Weidert, Michael
Ridgjiay Tp. Tsaao Horton, Jr., I).
J. Cook, John Kernmerer, J. V. Honk,
Chas. McVcan. Tsaac Stephenson, T. R.
Cobb, Jerome Powell.
SV. Marys Jioro. Adolph Focht
rnan, W. J. Blakcly, Matbias Wcllen.
dorf, Geo. Weis.
spring Creek, Tp. II. P. Sultsman,
Patrick McCready.
All of superior quality, foraleliy the
Tannerdale Coal Company,
St. Mary'. Elk Ccuaty, Pa.
BfcyOrders by mail promptly attend
ed to. scptlb, Ob-tf
Ql "fA PKll YEAR !
w,ni1 Agents everywhere
to sell our impwovkii .?'.'0 Sewing Machines.
Three new kind". Under and upper feed.
Sent on trial. Warranted rive years. Above
salary or forgo eunnnissioNM paid. Thenst.T
machines sold in the I'nited States for less
than S-tO. which nre fullv lir,ifi hy Jfowe.
Wheeler ft Wilunn, (,'rorer - Jt,tl:a , Siiiger
Co., anJ Jhtehrliltr. AU othr cheap ma
chines nre infriyenimt and Ihe 'fror tuer
are rdinli'r to arrrft, fine and imprisonment.
Illustrated c:rriilars scnlref. Address, or
call upon Shaw & Clark, at Jlid tcford,
Maine, ov Ohieogo, HI. niny-WGG-ly
Tames Pryor',
vs. Iu Com. rieu.i r Elk
It. S. Wellnn 1 County, No. 15, July Term
fio. R. Wltou lStifi, iloincstw attachment
Notice is hereby given that tbe utid r
figui'd residing nlSt. Marys cnlinger Tp..
Elk i'o., have hcit Hppuiuled Truslves
nf the shore defenlauts under the above
iMiiuetiii" Altachment. All persons indebt
ed to said oX'emluiitrt, or holding properly
belonping In them, arc hereby required lo
pan and deliver nil such Mums of money nnd
propel lo due nnd belonging to such defen
dants to such trustees ; and all creditors of
said defendants nre dc-iired to preseut their
respective hcc.iiiiIm ar demands.
sept UiGo. C. II. VOLK.
Court Proclamation-
ident aud Cuablks Mkaii and E. C
Fciirr.T7.B. Associate Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas, and Justices of the Court of
Quarter Sessions nnd I Irphaus' Court, and
Court of Oyer and Terminer, aud General
Jail Delivery of Elk county, by their pre
cepls io me directed, have urdercd a Court
of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Ses
sions. Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, lo
bo holden at Ridguay, in and for the couuly
of E'.k on the
being the Eth day of Ihe month and lo con.
tinue one week. NOTICE in hereby , given
to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and
Constables of tho county of Elk, Ihst they
sre by these precepls commanded to be
then and there iu their proper persons, at
10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their
rolls, reoords and inquisitions nd other re
niembrances, to do those things which their
offices appertain to be done, and that all
Justioes of said county cake returns of all
Ihe recognizances entered into before them
to the Clerk of the court as per Act of As
sembly, passed My 8th 18iit. And those
who are bound by their recognizees to pros
out Ihe prisoners I bat are or shall be in
the Jail of said county of Elk, and lo be
then and there lo prosecute again) tbeui as
shall be ut,
1. X. MALONE, Sheriff.
Is the only nriicle Used by first cluss hoieu'
Laundries, and thoiKands nf fumiliei. It
gives n beautiful polish, making the iron
pass Btnoothly over tbe cloth, saving much
lime and labor. Goods done up with it keep
clean much longer, consequently will not
wear out so soon- It makes old linen look
like new.
is the best n the world. It Is soluble in
hard as well as soft water. It is put up in
the safest, neatest, and most convenient
form of any offered to the public. It is
warranted uot lo streak the clothes. Agents
wnnted everywhere, lo rhotn we offer ex
traordinary inducements, Address,
No. 218 Fulton St., New York.
JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at Law, baa
opened a law and collection office in St
Alnry e, (Rcniinger P O) Office in and sto
ry ol Mrs Fisher's building, opponite Coyne
4- McVeiin's store, where he can be found
during the entire forenoon of encb day.
This will not interfere with hi office t
Ridgwsy, which will continue as heretofore,
and where he will be in person each after
noon. sep'JO'COly
iore for EfiPies !
Mill Street, St. Mary Elk county, ra.
Ladies can rely on getting tbe
Latest Style ofTrirnmins
as she pets a monthly supply from tho
eastern Cities.
scp20'C(J St.
J vernier Term, 18HH, commencing on
the first .londay of said month.
Bryant & Euer vs Taylor.
Myers vs Hays
Millincar vs Sorg et. L
Leash vs Rauh ct. ol.
Pavidson vs Caman.
Rentier V3 Thomas et. al.
6cmcuts vs Arner ct. al.
McKinyowvs Ellis et. al.
Selle vs Benzinger school district.
Kenmierer v McCauk-y et. al.
Deputy I'rotlionntary.
707, BROADWAY, N. Y.
IN addition to our Photographic Art Gli
lery, established in 1810. we hnvc fur
the last Five years had advantages su
perior to any thcr establishment in ob
tsin'mjr sittings from life, of all tho
Prominent Ciikbritios of the day in
Card portraits, and aro now publishing a
Catalogue of ov-er
'2 50 0 SUBJECTS,
American and Foreign, also a largo list .
of copies f WovVs of Art and Engrav.
ings. Catalogue sent on receipt of
Stamp. An order for one dozen pic.
tures ft om our Catalogue will be filled
at ?1 80, and sent by mail free. Single,
pictures 2S cents each, copies of cn.
graving V) cents each.
N. B. We also desire to call attention
to the advautage we Lave for reproduc
ing, or copying, old Daguerreotypes,
Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, &c, of de.
ceased relatives and friends, enlarging
thorn to anv eize. and finishing in Oil,
Water Colors, or India Ink, with the
aid of ten talented artists.
Parties desiring copies, should there.
fere correspond with us direct.
Send fov a catalogue. The trado
supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery
open for free inspection, and stranger
visiting tho city will find our Gallery
one of tta most agreeable places where,
in to while away an hour.
wp -20 Ctr. 707, Broadway, N. Y
5J3, Broadway, N. Y.
Tluddeus Firth, successor to Firth,
Son & Co Music Publisher, Manufac
turer and Importer of
And every des;riptinn of
Sole New York Agency for the
celebrated GilinoreA; Co's Band Instru.
ineiits. Our Bind department is under
the personal supervitdon of Mr. 1). L.
Wholesale aud Retail Depot for tho
DiKif-'niW iJifi-tVil Coiiqcje Oi-n,
which challenges comparison as tho
most effective Instrument yet offered to
tho public.
New and Choice Music published
daily. Catalogues and price lisU of In.
struments furnished on application.
flf-Lattst Musio from all the lead,
ing publishers in America. Any
piece of Music, or Music Book, sent by
mail, post paid, on receipt of retail prico.
Orders by mail for Musio or Instru
incut receive prompt ar,d careful atten
tion. All poods warranted to prove as
represented at
sep20.1y 5roudway, N. Y.
mm: an or jiq dancing ni banjo
J PLAYING taught by G. W. BROWN,
ltidgway, Pa. .Rooma at Mr. Due
rough's, on Centre street. scpll tf
ltidgway, Klk Co., Pa.
The subscriber desires respectfully ti in
form the citizens of Ridgway and vieinitr
that he is prepa.ed lo wake to. order as well
aa it can be done anywhere, aty thing In the
hue of his business. All ha asks is a fair
trial. Good fits guaranteed.
EftCloths, Casaimers, Vesting and
Trimniings of the latest and roost approved
styles kept constantly on hand. whloH will
be i!d CUKAI'ER THAN Tiin CiiEr-EST-