KV; CASH GROCERY STORK. .TAMES McCI.OSKEY, Dealer in ' nice vies ic, would respectfully inform c? c citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that 1 c Ims pone into tlic Grocery business, .; iid will open on or about tho middle 'f Mny. Ho keeps constantly on hand i.n extensive slock of '.IT.AS, 1LOUR, SUG ARS, TOIJACOOKS, SEGARS. WHISKEY ly the barrel or quart, and everything connected villi a first class Grocery :toru. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly cannflbrd to Fell ClIEAl'ER than tLo CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to call and satisfv themselves. J AMES McCLOSKEY. May 3d, 't-'iO. Cm. REMINGTON & EON'f, .fAN-rFrTriu:rs of revolver. Rifle, Muskets nml Carbines, lor the United States Service. Alf" VOfKr.T ASK HK.T KKVOLVF.RS, TUjeiUinp Pistols. Rille Catic?. Revolving Hille?. liille nml Shot ','iintamls, nml gun Materials Fold by gun dealers nml I lie trade .incrally. In thepe days of housebreaking nml rob 1'ilry, every lion so, rl ore. bank, nnd ofliec, MioiiM be 'supplied with one of REMINGTON'S REVOLVERS. Parties desiring to nvail tbemselvcs of Hit bile improvements in Pistols, and enperio. Trnrkmnnship and form, will find all couibind in tbo New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts nnd description :four arms will be furnished upon api'lica 'ion. '.. REMINGTON" & PONS, Ilion. N. ;pril 5ih tfGU.-1y V'aiITarleeoIoIiIaee. The undersigned has laid out a vil. J.ipe upon his ground adjoining Ilio Ridg. way lepot, to be called ELK. Tlic lots arc 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For tlic fir?t lot sold, $100. F01 ilic second lot sold, 110. For the third -t sold, $1-0 and so on increasing in p rice as lots arc sold. Bt, First purchasers got tho choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will he registered in the. or !"! o'f their application Ten percent of 1 It 0 purchase money must bo paid at the ime of the application. .Applications will be made to John G. Hall, E.-i., Ridgway, Fa. J. S. HYDE. F.idwav, mar.2:i'0f-tf. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! io titcli ! Scrnlth ! Ssi itt li t Y7KEAT0N'S OINTMENT Cvrs 'nn: Iri'H is ) ii urs i euros ;a!.7 IUinr. T"' Ol'US. ! i.F.'-AiN . a:vi 1:! KUCi' i'l'i.NS F Sk'N. i": o 4 ,! ' .1 s '! by '.tv-V; i'v sr-M V.r. . 'J c.-n!s to i ;::.' '& r,vi';::!i. s -: A-.-atx, ito K:..'fi ' m. wilt ! for- v.i.'l I'V 1,1.-. (. lYe ci r-; :.-,'. 1 1 -j;:v part I'ulud 5 J. (,j:;!.e-7'i.'-;-ly. Iil.ACjic-iMITIIIXO ! II. S. UK I.NA!' ,1,-iM I- inform the uUi. en of llidgway i vi.;!.ity V.W. he has Vised .1. S. i':v ij'-i i;::ie;:!.'::,i:h h.p i.n Mill street, mil h:is employe 1 .in.l work men who will be ever ready to unit i:iv. ;' hing from u biitMe to an anchor I'm 'titular atteiit ion given to th ,e!i.;r iif horses. All I nk is 11 fair trial. May 17'Gii-ly. NEW SIKH'. 1 j . r 1 x iovj; ' K.-' ; : sTt)vrF' :: : John So3cnheimer & Co., viHir.BSAu: nsT.-viL ueai.kks. y, vky's, pa. e;t4 ci.isi.iii!"- .m htiml t,ad f.-r ?r!c, :-ir-.- Mid y-loeuid t -k .t"l !N V Mil:. SldVivS &u. We have i vtliniu 1'iiiM'ally kept in a Tin Simp, t Mir Slick id' STOVES consists in part . 1 A.NTl IH'ST l'.KE01l& COOKING STOVES, AESO IRON GATE fc WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE l'll'E can be had at cur -hop either riveted or proved. SrocTixo ami nooFiNii, done on iii'.i t notice and at reasonable rates. June 1 1'lili-ly. ( "1 HOYKSTFKN" Ai Co., 1TANO FOUTi: MANUFACTUUFF.S, 499 Jtioiuuny, Xi;w York. TUF.Sr PIANO.S received the Highest A ward of Merit ! at the II orW'i Fair, over 1 lie iust makers from London. Paris, (leri l imy, the cities of .New York, Philadelphia, Ualiimoic and Huston ; also tho Gold Ulal 111 tho Amtricm Institute, for FIYE succes sive yeaas! '. Our Pinnos contain the French (irniid Action, Harp Pedkt, Over i trung liass, Full Iron Frame, nnd nil Mod ern ImproTeiin.'iits. Every instrument ir r.inlnl FIVK yarn. Made . under Hie su-pi-rvision of MR. J. H. GBOVESTEEN. who js n praclical experience of over thirty. years, and is the maker of orrr .Wn 'mimiiiit piiinu fortcf. Our facilities fur oiiiuul'acluring enable us to sell those Jin Mrumcnts from $ I0II to $JU0 cheaper than miV first class piano forte. .'luly-iyilii.-ly. TOIJ WORK of nil kinds and des. ,t cripAions done nt this office. JOli l'lUNTIXU o NEATLY, ( HEAPLY& KXPEDITIOUSLY Hiecuted it the Advocate Offic. E. D BUO'S'TORB. r.OR D W ELL & M ESSENG ER, HKAI.F.riS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, LAM1' OIL, IUINTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS, CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS' VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGARS, rURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL rURFOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. r-onmvELL & messenger, RIDG WAY, PA. FOUTZ'8 CELEBRATED This preparation, Ioiik aud favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigonitfl broken-down ond low-Bpirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the etomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre rentire of all dis eases Incident in ih'u animal, such as LCX Q FEVER, GLANDERS, YELLOW WA TRR, HEAVES, COCGHS, IMS TEMP K R , KR VEK3. FOUXDKR UiAH OF APl'E T1TE AND VITAL E.VERU Y, kc. In ue improves the wind, iiicrm!tc tho appctite-givp a smootn ana transforms t h e miserable ektWtun into a Cue looking and epiriUd UOI'30. To koopors of Coirs tliis prcparntion i InraluaMe. ; iucreiuei the quautity una ImnroTea iha iitr ounemwic. 11 nu been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the butter Arm and weet. In fattening cattle, It gives them an appetite, loosena a ineir n 1 a e ana makes them thrive- much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs. Liver. " &c, this article acts as a specific. l)y putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the ahovc diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain rovcntivs und cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or S Papers for tl. PEEPABED BY H. A.. FOUTZ te 1IIJO., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRCO AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through out the United States. Sold rtt Manufactures prices, by loi'dwcll & Messenger llidwav, Agents for Klk couuty. VOKNTS WANTED 1 l'ui lie best selling eJ, TO TAKE OKDKHS book now Tmblisli- Thrilling Storks of tit) Great Hebellion Conipr'niing heroic aJsrenluvcs Jinj luiir lireaillli fiHCrtpes of HoMiorii, Scouts, Ppics ami llet'upees ; daring eilloits of Smug' pier?, (iiiorillas, i)errnilocs nnl others j Tales of Loyal and Disloyal women : Sto ries of llio Nepro, &e., with incidents of Fun and Merriment in Camp and Field, liy Lieutenant Colonel S. Greene, lute of tho United States Army. Handsomely il lustrated wi;h engravings oa steel aud in oil colors. Send for circulars aad sco the liberal terms offered. CHAS. S. C.nr.ENE & CO., Publishers No. 131 S. Third St., Philadelphia. yy IIISKEMS ! MIJSKEHS ! I Dr. L. O. MOXTEZ' Corroh'a, tlic greatest stimulator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin; never known to fail j sample for trial gent free to any one dcsirons 01 testing iu merits. Ad dre68, Reeves & Co., 78 Nassau St., New lork. yunc-e bt.-3m Horse ana cattle NEW ARRANGEMENT! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE NEW STORE OF FREDERICK SVIKENIXG, CENTHEVJLLK, ELK CO., Y. NEW GOODS D A I L Y A R RIVING THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO TIIEIU INTEREST! As manifested ly the daily throng of customers exchanging "Green Backs" for jroous. All the Domc.tic Cotton Goods nrc high. Customers one nnd all exclaim. HOW CHEAP YOl'U DRESS GOODS ARE My stocV consists of DRY GOODS, EOCERIES, NATS & CArS, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHl.NC, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, HARDWARE, OU.S TAINTS, PUTTY, NAILS, GLASS, WOODEN WARE, PORK, FLOUR, FISH, SALT. It is useless for me to attempt, to give full list of iLe stock, but invito one and all, to drop in and sec for themselves. BUTTER, EGGS, POTATOES, GRAIN", HIDES, CALFSKINS and all country produce taken at market price, for gooda. FREDERICK SCHiBSLVO. Centrcville, Jun ISC65-I7. GREAT EX CI TEMEXT Is kept up by the DAILY ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store, Where he has on hand and for sale MEN & BOY'S CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, LADIES & GENTS FURNISHIQ GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, LADIES' & GENTS' SHAWLS, SONTAGS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, NUBIAS, COMFORTERS, SCARFS, HOODS &c. ALSO HATS & CAPS, boots & snoEsi A very large and well selected STOCK of the best made, and warranted iaerery rospcet ALSO GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, RICE, FLOUR, SALT, PORK, FISH &c A LSO CONFECTION A 11 Y AND YANKEE NOTIONS IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND QUALITIES TOBACCO AND SEGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY fl-aTl say, to one and all, that my stock is full and complete, and will be sold &t small profits. Give me a call before purchasing else where. FREDERICK RUDOLPH' S. Mary's, Not. 2sV6-1y. &3 S y1, RIDGWAY, I'ENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STORES AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THK COUNTRY, -AND THE PLACES TO GET Good Bargains ! CALL& SEE! March 29th, 18CC-ly. 'GG. PltOSPEOTUS '6G. OF "THE AGE," THE OBIT DEMOCRATIC DAILY JOURNAL IS PHILADELPHIA. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND GREAT INDUCEMENTS ! Union, Restoration, and Consti- TIONAL LlBEttTY ! Tho Publishers of The Age respect fully call attention to the Daily and Weekly issues of their popular journal. The Dailt Age contains the la. TEST INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS of the world, with articles on Gov ernment, Politics, Trade, Finance, and all tho current questions of the day ; Local Intelligence, Market Reports. PRINTED & PUBLISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted) BY WELCH & ROBB. TER3IS. To City Subscribers, EIGHTEEN CENTS per week, payablo to the carri ers. To Mail Subscribers, 80 per annum ; $4.50 for six months j $2.25 for three months ; for any lesp time at the rate of one dollar per month. THE WEEKLY AGE, Published Every Saturday, AT 430, CHESTNUT STREET, PHILA. TERMS : One Copy, one year $ 2 00 Sii months qq Three uionihs CO To Clubs : Five copies, one year, SO 00; Ten copies, 17 50: Twenty copies, $30.00. Tho Money must in all cases accompany the order. no names will bo eutcred upon the books until the subscription is paid. 6Advertiscments inserted at mod. crate rates. gtafBusiness letters should be ad. dressed to THE AGE, 430 Chostnut Street, Philadelphia. TOHN IX HALL, AtlorncyVuB'Ri'dg J y, Elk tonnty r. inar 22'CC ly. TrU'liE,.J- r.LAKELY. A,torncy an(1 .1 j Counsellor at law, and C. 8 cmmi.. ioencr. Bidgw., P. 0. Elk county! 1 niar-22X0.1y. SOUTHER AND WILLisATin7f'yT Law, Ridgwny, Elk county ait end to all profcFsional Insiiicss prompt ly. mar.2i!'CC-ly. DIt. J. t. EORDWELL Elcctio Phy.i cinn. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls hy niglit or dny. Residence one door east of tlie Inte residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.22'GG-ly. DR. W. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Late of tlie Army of Potomac. Particular attention given to all enses of surgical nature. mar-22'OO-ly. DR. W. JAMES P.LAKELY Pliysicinn and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county P- mnr-22'CCly. DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centrcville. Elk county l'a- mnr-22'GC ly. "pvR. A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk county Ta. I Will nromnilv nnawni. BiitM.nrA.D:An 1 calls by night or dny. mnr-22'CG-ly. DR. EBENJ. RUS3. Physician ail Sur geon, fit. Mary's Elk county Pa. Jtine-21'CG-Iy. HYDE HOUSE, M. V. MOORE Propri. ctor, Ridgway, Elk county Ta. Mar-22-GG-ly. QT. MARY'S HOTEL, R. E. Wellendor Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa This house is new and fitted up with espe cial care for the convenience and comfort of guests, at moderate rates. Free nnck, to and from the Depot. Uood stabling at. ached. mar-22'GG.ly. I EXCHANGE HOTEL, Ridgway, Elk It county Po., David Thayer Proprietor. Tins house is pleasantly Bituated on tho bank of tho Clarion, in the lower end of the town, is well provided with house room and stabling, and the proprietor will spare no pains to render the stay of his guests pleas aat and agreeable. ' mar-22'CG-ly. WASHINGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa., Edward Bnbel Pro. prietor. This house is new and fitted up with especial care for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-29'GO ly. BORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, ct articles and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'G6-ly. CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer in Lngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'6G-ly. HENRY H. THOMAS, Dealer ia all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds anil Mattresses, Picture Frames and Coffins, Ridgway Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main and Depot St's. may-17'GG-ly. PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. AlAKY'S, Klk county l'a. Edward McBride, keeps constantly on hand nnd for sale. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware and Jewelry of all descriptions. Bgi-Rcpniring neatly executed, and dono on short notice and rcasonablo terms . Mar 29'GG.ly. JOB PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, . Hand Bills. Bill Heads 4c, done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and at reasonable prices. P W ii ii i lLJ, 180G i866 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD. This great line traverses tho Northern ana Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the rennsylva via Rail Road company, and is opera cd by them. Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freight business, October 17th, 1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Eric Mail Train 3 10 39 n ni. Erie Express Train 30 p. m Leave Westward. Eric Mail Train Erie Express Train 1 30 24 m. 3 1 assenger cars run through without chango both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Erie 9.15 a. m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. in., arrive at New York 3.40 p. in. Elehent Sr.VFPivn flana nn T,'- Trains both ways between Williamsport ana juaiumore, ana Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business arnlv at the S. V. s - - wa, UUU and Market Sts, And for Freight business of the Com- puy h igents: b. IS. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. j v . Reynolds Krie. W. Brown, Agent N. 0. R. R. Bal. timore. II. II. IIOIT8TON', Gen'l. Freight Ag't. PhiCa. II. W. GwtNNBR, Gen'l. Ticket Agl. PhiVa. Alfred. L. Tyler, General Supt Wms't. $1,500 PER YEAllTwa want Agents evervwl,...- v hi sg oseu ouriMPBOVED 520 Sewing Marl.!. Three new kinds. Under and upnlt ?C?' Sent on trial. Warranted five years ii sularv or larire machines sold in tha ITnitil ii...' re than $40, which are fully lictnttd bun Wheeler A- Wil.nn r.rJ.. t. Ho Iff, if Co., and Bachelder. All other th'J chines are infrinamtni, ...i -i T,,eaP nia. re reliable to arrett, fine and 0ri Illustrated circular. aentfr m(r,Tnm or uur tnt. m aine or vmcogo, m. Kkjif . 1