.lOU NOI.K. Eighth sheet hand liill, iiOcorics or 1. . s Quarter sheet hand bill, CO cot ics r.r lo 3 $:i..v Hull' sheet hand-bill, 00 cnpicj it less ffi.00 Full sheet hand-bill, GO epics cr le.-s BLANKS. For any quantity under five quires, 6l per quire : on nil amounts over that it reasonable reduction will ho made. TEltMS OF FAPF.U $1,50 por year in ndv 01 if paid within t lie year, in that time. and :r-',j'' tut raid with- NOT I (Ml. Hereafter tlu lVst OlhVe will le closed every ovenim.' at S o'clock. On Sunday it will bo kept open fVont S t.. 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Chv.'d at (5 L. HT.MF.R, 1'. M. M'c issue cur ,1 ., advance this week so as to pvc all lnals an opportunity to 1 ami fee the show. Ct-2rTlic 1'oualioii for the benefit of the Rev. Archibald was well attended. The amount of money raised. wa, we understand, ?loS (n. t ' u l ir fc5?J ho 1 rcasiirer h .'-lie-, we lielievo J I vrrro n.ljoumcl over until ths luc-lay f of Court Week. Tlirre yet reiaahis a i lare number of valuable tracts. C-'Tlie "History of Klk County' is too lute for publication in liii.s i;ue. It will hereafter be inserted on the out side pnprs of (ho paper. OCrC. yi. Dickinson has retired from tbceditorial chair of the Cameron V. .c The paper will s.till bo published as Sicretofore, by Mr. (loul-1. 83-Thc I'.rie Myth-h is out Tor of our townriiian, Mi. Henry m la ,.o..i,. er. as the nest Cutire.-Jiii.m. Weil, if wo are to bo again cursed by belli;; rep. resented by a Radi:al, our choice would be Mr. Fouther. -J-Yesterday, while Mr. 1'. '! . Brooks was enj,'a::cd at work on l'ickin eou's saw-mill, he s nnehow brought his left band in contact with the saw and cut it terribly. Dr. Hoidtvell was called, and pave it as his opinion that anipututation would have to be resorted to. 'Whereupon Dr. Hartuian, of .S't, Mary's wa? sent for and ihediaud ampu tated above tiie wrist joint. ExT.Annr.n. The Iv.ic Oosn-ccr has beca enlarged to an ciht column sheet. This is as jt should be. The OLrrr?, from the time it was Crsf staited, has been a consistent and fearle.-s advocate ot Democratic principles ; and from the lact that their business Ins required them to enlarge, we think that their pa. L'itr is gradually throwing li;.;'it into tho dnds of the people in that benighted P trona:hold ot abolitionism. Morris of the Warren hrtljcr has ad ded another column to his excellent pa per. Well, we should like to do tho gatae thine; ; perhaps we will one of these days. The Lril,;rr i-- a poo l paper, and the Democracy cf iiven should see that it is well sustained. Dy th.e way, all the Democratic papers in the district have taken an upward leap within the past few years ; and we think that if the present ?;? .s-represcntafive in Conpress gcti on the track apain, he niipht stand aa elctrant chance of bcinp defeated. (TnF. Vmois Goi.it Mining Compa ny. As will be seen by an advertise, nient of this company on third pape, the larpe r.nd valuable properties which constitute its basis are offered to the public on such conditions and accompa nied by such fair and equitable features, that the Company will at once commend itself to the confidence not only of the man of moderate means, but to the cnp. '.talist. Already a large number of subciip. ons have beeu received. The list is 3pidly filling up, and it is expected in very short time to issue notices to subscribers for their first lneotinp for organization. Thoso desiring to avail themselves of the opportunity of secur ing one or more of the remaining $100 f iiiiginal interests " iathislar.ro and Ticady powerful Company, should at JTice send ia their subscriptions. 1 The latest scheme of the partv of tirogre-1' w only faiutly hintei as yet, but will doubtless appear in their uext year's platform. It is to make an cquit- aula uivisiou oi mo uuiies oi ciiiicusuqi tietTeeu the blacks and tho whites. The blacks are to do the votinp and the whites to pay the taxes. Everybody ia thib way will have something to do with the government, mid nobody can possibly grumble. Geary likes the plan much Ayr. MAlUtlKD. On the Kith inrt., by (Iharles Mead, L"q., Capt. J. C. Luther to Miss Char. Me llorton, both ot JloJgway. i Good bye, Cal. We conpratulate tu. Thus, one byne, they go. We hpe all the iniprrtHiu you make will t,e gooL. And that ns you journey through tbi crooked world that success attend youilway. siii:rifis hat,::-. 1)Y V1IUCF. ofsundiy wrilfi'i I'm. I ) (h'!'' .'i Krjioiiti.; Issued u;t i.f (ha Court cf Common I'leas of VAk c. unity, and to tn," directed, (hern will be oNpos ol to ITRUC SALE, tit the Conn House in Rid.:way on Monday, the I? n 1 day of July, 1 lid, tho following dcs. cribod real C':;ntc lo wit : A II that colaiii tract of laud situate in Sprinr Civt k township. F.mlh of the Clarion river, known n:i tlio I.ynn sottle l ii o n t , 1 ot:!.i!o'l and described us f.ilh.ws : 1 : n ni : ' ' al no; 'locust corner a ken. lock. Illl'l scutti :ilin: wirtar.t No. it y p relic lo 'J!i "i 1 on 1 . u mil ( 1 ami c a iieiiih C v, liieitec west ci to a : o?t, lhnnce north this ! ity perches wet two hundred ami f.tlecn t nrcli f-'c mil. 1 ilaiid wan-ant to a tlienco cast two l:n:nl;i''l porches to place of hciiumm:, evtitaininj; one bun. dred aiil lilly neve., with about (hive acres improved, and an old Io;.; heu-o an 1 lo:; barn thereon ended. Seized, taken in execution, am! to !e sold as the property o! 'I 'h.unas l.vr.n. ALSO All tli.it ! t.i'n i lac I or par cel of 1 in i t-iM iU'1 in the t.'Wii ( f Rid.; wav. Elk it 'i t y . IVti::sylv;iiiia, known as "town lots N'w. ninety-nine (!''.' e,mi one hu:i bed ( i on' John J. J;i wav'.-' ' hi'i (!'.-:;i 1 I .wn. li..nii:ic'.l on the noith hv I eiiiie, i-!re. !, on the i.it l.y . .. .. , . ,, f town lot No. !, on tlio -ontH l v a:i tsl- t v (M) lr, ,., . ,.v ,. t:iuiiij;i 1::;M anaere'i, nyro or les. u' en w (Iwi'ilio; i is erected a two story frame n o and a wouil.-hcd, all im prove.!. ;- i M, t.ii.eu 1:1 execution. and to 1 ee!d r.; the ; yopcrfy ol A. II. Head and Adaliee Head. . J AS. A. M A! .ONI'., Sl.'IT. flu iliTV: Oii'.ce. Ilid.'.way, Vi. KEWsiiorr T 1 . STOVI .' T I X .' .' ! STOVI'? 1 : t i x : : : stovks ::: v & Co., Jolm Sosenlicim wiio;,::::vr.n;ir;rrAir, :::ai.i: A'.IV I'A. Keeps eomtant'y on hand and fir :a!. a kiru'e and well' selecte I -.ck of TIN WAKM, Si'DVliS &e. .o have ever, thinu generally Kept in a Tin Shop. Our'Stoel; ol'S'l'OVMS eon-Uts in part of ANTl HUST VAT. LOU h COO a I N J STOVKS, AL;v'0 IIIOX OATM k Vi'l! MAT SUM AM STOVMS. STOVM l'll'M can be had at our shop either riveted or proved. Sl ot TiNii AM it.wixu, done on short notice and at reasonable rates. J uue 1 i'tili-1 v. MXTIST.11Y! I'lvsovvoYoti:' '1 It DU. J. V.'. DAILY would re--ect fully annouiieo to tho eitieos of llidir. way and vicinity that he will l o at his looms at tlte' tivil ? i iue, tun Inst weeK in June and will stay four weeks All wishiiiir their tecih rev.iiivd vii'l do Well l. y nivine; iiim a call as Doiitb't." " r-'m: il o !-tf. od ITCH ! IT Scrti'Cii 11! ITCH ! T7HEAT0K'S 0IWTMENT AY j 1. 1. I'rr.i: i in; lieu in l!i lie us Also euros SAT.T KIM'fM. I' .( 'lil'.S. CliU.r.l. A1N r. n.l nil li I! ' l'Tll I S (li-' T11KSKIN. l'riee oO eeuts. P.ir sale hy nil .leii':ists. Ilv seicliiej: t'.O eents to WllKKs'.v rn'i'l I'.ll, Sole A-ents. 17 A ashiufiton street. It. .-ton. it will lie for wai'.le'l ly mail, free of osiae. to imv part of the I" u i to 1 Males. ( June-Tiei-1 y. PI TOT OGr 11 API IIC. E, & II. T. AXTIIOIiY & CO., llxiufactiucrg of Bhotcs;'ap!ao 3!atcria'.s, Y.'liolcsale nuJ Ilctail, fl). UUOADV.'AY, X. Y. In atOition to our main husinos of r;iOT()(i;t.'i!ii' MATLi! IA1.S we lire 1! cntl'iuartei s tor tee lolloivinj. vz. !?Ti:i,.!:s'orr..3.'i: PTrnrrcoric vikws Of A inei iean nn.l 1'oreijrn Cities mi l I.aicl eeapes, (.roups, Statuary, ote. sTL'n::scorio vuavs or the :.k, Froai iiopativca ma te in tiie various eano pni;ns ami ftiriiiii;..' a complete I'liuioor.ij.U. io history of llie great contest. sti:ui:.scoimc YIE'.VS OS CLASS, A.lapteil for either the Mayic Lnntern nr tho Stcrescope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of ;;tamp. l'iiOToortArnic ai.ih'm.'. Y.'c manufacture more largely than any other hou-ie, nliout I'm) varieties from ."tl cents to oo e.aeli. (H.f A Mil' M.S have 1 lie repututiou of heiii superior in beauty ami durability to any others. Cardrhotoj:apas of Generals, Statssmca, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue cmhracci over F1YF. THOUSAND il'tt'orent ruhjects, inolu.UtiK vepro.iiietions of the most celeluateil lln pruviiigs, l'liiiuinM, tifitues, etc. Cain. lopiu.'S sent on receipt of si imp. rhotoi'nphei'H iiinl others oclering pno.ls C. O. 1., will Jilense remit icr ceul of the amount withiheir ortlor. C ;y The pvicrs e.ii.J oiiility our pooili caiiiuit fail to HiitMy. (juno M'i;ii-ly. "woTil'iii xtixg NEATLY. CHEAPLY & EXPJiDlTIOrSLY Executed at the Adyocate OIT.cu. OA AA MONTH ! - a k x t s QyijuunitJ lor tixer.linitniw artieUt, jiint out. Adlresn O. T. GAKI'.Y. City BuiHIns, PlM leftjr.l, Me. "mny K'l'.C-ly. i r.i r ru t:.- notk k. v n nt F.A3, S i I.eiirM h t n fin ii I :i r,v U nil llie retain nl .i u'i'i !nl l iieiil .-'I. Mary's. lili roioi. ty ilce'il. lii'M" l.i'iMi piemto.l In the Miliseri lieri. All ici': ni mli'Mo'l Ci the said ruiiio, hit vr.-iie:i il t.i ma'.e iniaiciliiite payiiieu!, n". l thnf hnvin;; c'.'oie.s nuaint thr c:uao. will pre' "lit the in il'i'v n nth in I icateil l.ir-i t nienl lo .IOII.N Vi;CilMI'.il nnil .JOHN i '!','r.cciu lis. miiy.io'(:r,-w. IJLAClvSMITiriNGi II. H. r.'-'I.NAl' Jr-:rei tn iufovm the c't. ..r !li 1 v ii v n'l.l v'einity that he Inn 1 -. 1 .1. Ilyi'.e's ! I'll i U.-nii; h Simp nil M.ll MiTi't. mi. I Ii n einj'hi.ve'.l ;;r w.irk '.ie!i who will l e ever reaily Id malic nny 1 hin x i'l'oiii n I ii - hie to i; ii n 'lelinr. l'.,i'i icul.i i' a' . en! ion ti'veii to llie fjlioeiriT i !' lior c .. A'.', 1 ii-l; i- a lair trial. Mav n'i;i'.-!y. (7 o nr i V ro n I a n a I i o n . Vv 7 ii i:as, iion. h. o. wiinr. rresideiit and Ciiaut.ks Mkad mil 11. C. f"''.inizi:. Associate Jitdsie f the Court of Ceniition l'h'e.s, nnd Ju.s- tiees oi the Com t of n vti CS -10113 iiii'l Orjihi'iis' Court, r.nd Court ol Oyer and Torniiner, and Ceneral Jail Uelivo ry of Mil; coiinly, by their precopU to me .iiia cted, have ordered a Court ol Common I 'lea;, a Cuut of O r :-ioie-, Orplrin-' (h.urf. and Court of Oy. ( r and 'I'l'i'miner and 1 enrral Jail Celi v- rv, tu be holden at llidway, in and or the ('nun!;,' of Ml!; on llie ' rx.r.T :;o:;b:.y ii? july ijgg. l.-clii'.v the Jmi day of the liioii.'h and to con! inue one week. Notice is hereby o;een to il.o Coroner, Just'ei? of the d ace and ( dilutables of thi county of M'.k, that they are by those precepts commanded to be then ami there in their proper j i rt-oiis, at 1.1 o'clock, a. m., of eaid, day, v, i'.h their roll, records and iicU'..-iiio:is and other leliienibr.'ineej, to do tho--e things which their ollioes ap. pertain to bo dene, and that ail Justices of said . .1 u n ty make returns of all the recognizances entered i.ito before them to the ('Ink of the cur' as per Act ct Assembly, p.r-ed May ."'th 1st! 1. And tliosi! w ho are bound l.y their recount, t'.ans I i pro-ccu'e tic ri.-o'icrs that, are or shall Le in the jail of said county of K'.k, ami to be then and there to prose, cu'.c linsf tb.cm .is shall ho just. J. A. ."1ALONM, .S7i ". iMay-17'ij'i. j 1ST OF CAl'SMS SMT DOV.'X i for trial at July Term, lii'l, of the Court of Common I'lea ot Mil: county, commencinp J u'y 2d, ISIifj. Crowcll vs. Dciiezctte twp. Miartraw ct. lis. vs 1 I vdc& Cuil:Illill''S Vs Marl et. nx JlryaiitA Muwer Ciil ct. al. Taylor Htivs et al. Sor liauh. Horton ct. al. lb iocs 'Wilson .ai l; 1'i vaii'. k Kuwcr Mu'l's Milliliter Locseh Kly Di: wort li Hunt el. til. Ad's Same lleiizinper ct. nl. IveiniueiL'l' Ihvmier Irwin vs vs. vs. vs. VS. VS. VS. ime .Mieber.::f r et al. Nulf Thomas ct. al. Short. CMC). A. UATillU'X, Depu'y l'rotbonotary. : 1ST OM .'II' AX!") .irUOUS Drawn ! for July Term. ISthi. M'i: Albcn Kllin-rcr. Joseph Koch, Henry H. Shuns, U. T. Kyler, Horace Little. Jos. il. Tavlor, D. W. lUys, John A. Miller. Si'itiNO Curi'K. Hiram Carman. Ml v.iNi it'll. Joseph I. Warner, Francis. Ca-saily, Jacob AVist. 15!'.NKZKTXK. J. W. Wilislow, Julius Jei.d. UiniiWAY. M. G. Dickinson, J S. Tl v lo, G. fl. Me-.-en.:er. Y. Jacob A. Spanpler, A. E. J.iXKS. Ira Westcott. Sr. Maisv's. I'hilij) Fisher, John V.'alker. 0. 15. Sexton, John Krup. I 1ST OF Tit WKKSK JPUOKS J, Drawn for July Term nG(i. Pox. J. W. l!.e:ers, Euos Hays, Vi'ui. Taylor, Sr. Thomas Gross, llees iimn Alorediih, D. C. Oyster, Jerome 11. Taylor, Lawrence Mohan. SniiMi CliKt'K. David G. M'Xaul, Martin Periin, Wm. (J. Hunt. Di:NZi.io::t. Louis Gcis, Casper l'mli,'ht, Jacob Haines, George Kernel-, Anton Dauer, Stephen Henry, Francis Keller, Daptist Hush. Ml iki WAY. John Smuts, Hiram S. PcllK.p. Jay. Samuel Va-biiuler, Anocl Turlev. Jn.vns. John March, M. Weidert. Sr. Mauy's. Charles Luhr, Joseph Wilhelm, Xavier ILiberbtish, Joseph Witrllelder, John Soscnheimer. J'.r.M..rrrr. Jehu Z Linlomuth, Andrew Overturf, D. . Winslow, Miles Dent. L'miiland. Levi lllithorpe, Wm. stools. VrOTICE IS IIKUEIIY C.I YEN TIUT l i om the 4t'n inst. until the lit li of July net! we null he in ltrookville, at the nllice of Dr. Hunt, prepare. 1 to settle wilh all persons lmvinjr unsettled accounts with A. S. Ithines ilec'J of Warsaw township, Jeil'erson county 1'a. It". H. HUNT, A.lni'r. CAKOLIXE UlllNES, Adm'x. Juiic-7'fil'-ow. g O VE ' AX ir.M A T 11 1 M OXL Ladies ami ceiitlcnien, if you wi.-h to marry, address the undersigned, vho will send you, without money and with out price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and speo. dily, irrespective of no, wealth, or beauty. This iuformatiou will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters bti icily coi.lidential. I lie desired in formation Bent by return mail, and no reward asked. Addicss SARAH R LAMBERT, Grcenpoint, Kin;M Co., N. Y. '..U...I, ..U(,,t ''till -J K.mtl '-hut '(! i' li Ui at tiii: New Stou) of TV BJ I S R Si O T SI E: II S at St. Mary's, K'.k County reiir.vylvan'M ?Rsr5--its to George Weis. (Ill'er for seleeleil: sale, nt whoVale nnil retail, a well techot' Sl'XXU S I'M Ml:' It !;'-. ''iloriii'es T'ojoim, Delaines, Iuiiairs I'oh'lrurs. ria.in nii'l figure i Aiaea-. A hove assort incut of 1'i iats Vi'lii'e (loo.ls nl'every elc i'Tliplion. Fhimiels of nil kiiols (lin;;. ham, 'I'ieKinps & Shirt i n p in preat van el v. r IjALIM.S & CniL DUEXS ... o.inery Coo (.'ups, liilllllillS. s ; such ns loinnclis, Ifats l'ressiinil lJonnet (riniiiiiio of every ilescriptiim. Cloves ami Hosiery Sririnir nn.J .S'niion- ioitinora! o very il lo-nts t iii-iiiMiin.cr (.noils ot rriiilion, Cloihs, (.'ausiineres, IwceOs. ".i trin : s nfn'.l hint's, Huu t.'i'l's ami Ciot !iin;r of Petter rpiality than any c-aalilishiiient in the county. Oil chillis. Glass Wiuvaicl l.ainiis, Itoots ami Shoes, a hu ;re ussori nient lit a lo-.v ti' ore. 1 n Il.irJ. ware, oiirstoeh is com 1ete. We have A nn. lice Notions, Hoop .M.irts. nnil Mir. rors in jrieut variety. GIIOCMIUKS AXD 1T.0 VISIONS. A larpe stock of ri-ocu, ror.ic, suc.au, TI'.A, CO I' rKIjj snci:.?, r.iCE, . SALT, LAUD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM CAXDLES. SOAP OF ALL KIXI)3. In short, we have everything needed for family use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every dc beiiplion. Confectionary, !ru-h. cs of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, lieau. tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment of Segars and Tobacco. nyEIJUY OlTl STOCK directly from tho Maiuilaeturer aud there fore we tan ull'ord to Fell cheaper than any other establishment iu Elk couuty. rrilE PUBLIC! are respectfully in l vited to call and examine our stock and juices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to havo one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORM in the couuty and can sell for less profit, than any other bouse in the couutv. Weis Brothers. St. Mar, March lOili 'CO. T TL ---T.- - - "3l JUMC-r HrPS -r.T W - fpili: YT lid I.N 5tlM) MIr:ri COM- fl l'ANY '!' CO;'(!t A!''l. Il'-'iC "OrUp- j n.l interests "SIoo rneh. ot which ""-"''I lire vi" ei vi-.l fur V.'oi Uin.; Ciniii ah Snhsrei'ievs eleet their own (K'ieer'', nn.l thcimeUes iunnn(e Ihc n fairs of the Com paity ; each suhscril.er heinj eligible as one of its oilicerK. TIIK IT.r.SIDF.NT is to he elio:;..n from among tho TotirJ of Hire.-lors. THE IMr.r.CTOKS are to b ch'tetl by the Fiibweribnrs from nnioiii; thniKelve', at the first in"otiii for orf't'iiroi oi. THE SEi'ltl'.TAllY AN!) TT.F. ASi'itliir is to he a siib-criticr aiol selecie.l by lite Hircelors. r.A " Kl'.ilS. The Central reiit ioil I'.an';. I'i.ila Iclphia. SOI.Il'I i'lll'.S. Theaihire Co v l.'l'. E-'., P.tlteit !. f'.i-. Et. Americans i;'-o i.ovibial I'o. tiie nvMity and co:iiinir,tlatilii : .-.1 v:il!i which tttey I'nrti.'il'iite in f uterpi-i.-es having f.r their object tho il. veloimt'iit of our national re ourcc. At one time ltailroads " at another "Coal" then " Copner " or "von.'' nnd more recently "Oil" have been the all nhs-n bini topics. In all t ho -c ecvei'ul enterjirise'', will be re" .!!,. -1 cd, ihose wiio fii-st loo!; hold of them Heme money: some huirer amounts than others, nccovilin to their uive-tments. Minitift operations in the li 'M- of Cobira iln and eNciviiere nor i.i iinly engross the public: nttentbin. C.ui' iderinj that several sicli comoiniifs have been iilrendy organ ized itett ihev are now r.t woel; that the rcno-ts fi-ori their lciaes are highly favor "b!e l lio I it is leuani that at the present time tiiere ale on the way fruit the ledto's of Nev.a'l i antl Co'.tra.'o nio... rous ' bars of silver" and "bricks of .cold.'' it is believed that the eiithii-ia-iii already lionii. fe-ie'l on tiie sub'ect will, iu a little tine, be so preaily incic.a-etl on the receipt nnil exhibit of llieee retm'u-t," that iiiiitiiner nble eoitipauies will spring up, wlosc .'Mc;, bein;; l.a-cd nt tiie tui.i greatly inilatod prices of lede", will necessarily be less d i siriiblc than I tin t now to hi hud thereby giving to thoso who avail themselves of the occ a-ion now presented, of securing "nri pilial iniorcjis," an opportunity of iVoi ilisposiiijc of the large amount of stock each holder receive, nt a handsome adv nice. With thefo preliminary remarks the fol lowing l'i!osri:eTfs is respectfully prose n. tel. The property of llie Ooaipiiny pripo?cd to be oi'iaiii.'.'d by the sale of the-e " ovi uinal interest'," consists of the following l...il'cs. all -MCiaied wiihin a radius of live miles of Central City. Colorado, Tl'.AlL CULEK 1U8T,!1CT. Manimoih lc.de, of lne) feet. Never Fail I.o.le.t of oi f.,., Vanderbill'LoJcJ of midfeet. Union I. ode. of .0. feet. Old Ophir bo le. of 1U0 Ice!, TltAlf, UUN HISTltlCT. Ilolman Lo.lc.'l of 200 feet, liANNEK Dls'l'llICT. St. Louis I, otic, of 100 feet, Penncoh l.odo, .if o;i fuet, UPPI'!', FALL It I YE It DLSTIIICT. . Abe l.incilii I.ode, of -00 feet, W'aslioc Lode. ct 'JOO feet, Minnie, or " Lonlsa " Lode, cf "(HI feet, lliddle Lode,?, . of 200 feet, -This Lode is very weil developed, with vein of ore -J feet iu vrid h ; ore prospects well. f There h; one shaft on this Lode 20 feet dec' nnd oil feet lone;, and llio crevice is 8 feel ill width. J This Lode is well developed, and con sidered ono of the best in the district ; there is a shaft on it tiO feet in drp'h with a vein of sulpherrts four fiet in width. Assays math: of this ore prove it to be very rich. ItTliis is an A. I. Lode, nnd lias a shaft of 7 ) feet in depth vein of ore (hre,e feet in widi Ii and of good .p.ality. Ore laken from this Lodo yielded 100 per cord in gold. This is really (he richest Lode yet d'n. covered in the district ; it is well developed, and ore laken from this Lode yielded up wauls of .-s;-;iio per cord. " llein a total of L'Oof) feet or nearly a half a mile in length horizontally, of rich Cold-producing leriilory, of unlimited depth, together with all the dips, spurs and anu'es. nnil also all llie metals, ores, gold, s'ivcr find other metal bearing iiinrtz, rock, and c.artli therein, and all the rights, priv ileges and franchises (hereto incident, ap pendant and appurtenance 1, or therewith usually h id or enjoyed, under and subject to the jurisdiction of tho (ioverument of the United States." The lilies to all of which claims have been examined by a member of the Har, resideut in ( dorado. His opinion is r.s follows This is lo certify that I have cnrcfully examined tho titles lo the foregoing lodes or ledges, and urn satiric I that they are perlect. TIIOXi'AS MASON, Att'y nt Law. Cenlial City, Colorado. The space of a circular is too limited to ive the opinions of numerous distinguish ed citizens and men of science who have ex ftuiincu mis uittricl : t tic iollowni" extracts relate thereto, and that of Professor Ed ward N. Kent iu particular, of the New 101k I. S Assay Ollice is directly in point Our late lamented President Mr. Lin coln daring an interview with Speaker Lollax, relative to tiie hidden wealth ol Col ora do, Navada, &a ,,suid " I have very large as leid of (he niincri wealth ot cur nation ; 1 believe it practically inexhaustible." The lion. .1. P. Ups'icr, f-'eoretnry cf (he Interior, in the OtVciti' llepori presented lo (.impress, dated llecember oth. KSiil, refer ring to (lie then present condition of our Hestein 1 centuries, says. "The we.it'll embedded in llie rocks of that exlcn:-:ve re giou is actually iuexhnustible, and it will turr.isli in future yen is, indirectly n princi pal part of our means of liquidating tint debt contracted by the (.ovciiiinei.t l'..r (ho overthrow of the Creut l'.cbcllion." nio lion. ii. i'. jjeivnett, delegate in Congres friaj) Colin a lo, in a speech before llie House oi Jtepn -entalives said :-' Jiidir ing from what 1 know of tho undeveloped resources of this country ; from what 1 am (old liy practical miners who nio well m formed upon llns subject, I do tay here to day before this liouso and before this Country, Iu be placed upon tho records aud rcadot all men that wiihin five venrV time, and by theyoar l')!!, the gold fields of Col orado Ten it cry will produce JfjO.OUO.OOU annually ; ami even then its full resources ol mineral wealth m gold alone remain not w holly developed. I speak from iho united testimony of many practical miners who have t-peut ninny years in tho mines oi (-iilitoriiia, when 1 eay : that tho gold bearing region of Colorado is far more ex tensive, quiio as inexhaustible, ami the gold beui ing (inirtz of u much richer .puili. ty muii in i. ii 1 1 1 oi n i u. Professor Edwurd N. Kent, of the New Yoi k Assay Office, says . 'As lo the extent of tho gold mines of LOiorauo, i am ni prepared io ir v n ct: mate, as 1 found enough to fully employ niv " ' o. live nines oi central (.ny, Lir e locatiou of t lie above Ledges l.nl.Un IU iU... . . . . " . ....c.itj vi uiEJi, i nave no he-''li''.-i in SMj-'tir. t '.:! Ih'-'rr Ihrm ' t'lf r'r'iot r ..V.v Widi rnpiinl nn ihnT'aeifie 1" n i 1 vo:t .1. (.'nhi' f..1. '"' 'nc'l ill my njiiiiim. tov'i nl or sill ' "' fulifuniii nio'l .ii-traii. niel 1 ecutne L! Horado of the Worhl." Th" opitrou en'." tiiliic'l by tin ' ah of claims in ties dietriet, is shown !-y ft.PowIn extract Ilturo.-h cavilnlils have punhnse'' ' ('(III i f the Coloi ado mining lands, ni.! n'rentM t.nd emplo3'ees nre new ol '' .levc'op the snnio. The etaiuis nie .i pally in Itiisell ami Trail districts. t-'ootit pui'i'hnpo has been (he Srntnn I. f 0 i:i !'...( for which they paid C 1 00.1 u O. An id a of the value of some claims (1 O fict en.'h' niav be firmed when the fact is e utsidorcd that it often occurs thnt (hey vi'.'ld i dliions of d.ilhirs, nnil have in severs! instaner; been sold for S'Jo.fllJ'l per foot. Mr. Field i, from !MJ feet of t'le l'obtnil Lf. le Ins taken out already over !?2nn.00l in 'robl. nml S'.'i'ci (am ),nq been offered nnd rtf'i'-e 1 fir ." feet of f 1 i same lode, pqiint to ?S( K , ( id f.,r a claim of one hundred feet. As the ftirrhnsn of either of (hn nhnvrt lodes wool 1 rerpiire moro money (hnn tho in ij'ii'ity of persons have nt command, it his been iletevinined lo consolidate them, and lo divide them into Twelve Hundred and Fifty. ORIGINAL SHAKES which will cost tho subscribers hereto onb iH Nmir.i) hollars kacii. thus ationling (he man of limited means, a well ns (he cnpila'ist. nil opportunity lo se. cure an interest in thi- region of "practi cally iiicNhantihle " wealth. As all nre aware, the usunl plan adnptetl for the development of such a property is to foi in'a company and issuo certificates of stock. The plan here proposed limy bo considered pri limiii irii to the formation of two or more Companies on these properties, which are subject to no royalty, leases ct mortgage. DUNCAN M. .MITT II F.SOX, A'. J.'. cor. Fuiirih & ll'inx Sis. Philadelphia. IIEFEUEXCES. TTis Excellency. His Excellency. MAECU3 L. WAED, Governor of N. J ATCDUEW G. C UETHf, Ouvernor of Pcnn a I'CN. ELI SLITEIt, IHOILW. S. JOHNSCN Sec. ot St.ateol I'enu'n. Sec. of State of i. J Hon. mokto.n mcmiciiael, Slnyor of Philadelphia. Geo. M. Troutmnn, l'res't Central Xntioiiat Fank, 1'hiadelphia. Ceo. K. Zeigler, l'res't Naiionnl Hank Connnerce. Philadelphia. Robert 1'. King, of King ei Baird of Pliila- lelphia. P.enj iiiiin Orne, of .1. F. & E.B. Orue, Phil ulclphia. E.iiiiiind A. fonder, of F.. A. Soudcr, S; Co., Philadelphia. L. Montgomery Bond, of Bond J- Diddle, Philadelphia. John Wel-h, of S. & W. Welsh, Philadelphia f-.yin sending pubscriplions, give name ami ntldreisiaiiv, in order that it may be correctly entered in (ho Subscription Book, from which receipts are issued, and from which Notices will be made out for the first meeting for organisation. inny-ifOS.-tlw V-EXDERS OF "mERCiTaNDISK as appraised and classified by Win. McCuuley. duly appointed appraiser of mercantile taxes iu and for tho county of Elk, for tho year A. D. 1SG0. ST. MARY S BOHOUCIlI. Name. Class. License. Weis Erothcrs, 13 Weis Brothers, Lioitor eiO 0!) 25 00 7 00 10 00 2.') 00 7 00 7 00 'Jf 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 25 CO 7 00 Liceuse. 8 7 00 7 00 7 00 License. 7 00 25 00 7 o.; 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 John Kruir, 14 Coyne & M'Vean, 13 Coy no & M'Vean, Liquor James Coyne, It 1-4 14 V red k Rudolph, Frod'k Rudolph, Liquor Chas. Luhr kr Co., Chas. IL Yolk, Erewcr J. Windfelder, do I'M ward Rabel, do Michael lfontz, do Charles Ilaut, do fleo. Witmati, do (!. Ilfciuteiiach, Clothicra Christo & liuike, 14 J. Wilhelm 13 J. Wilhelm, Liquor Iterance Kuutz, 14 KE.NEZEITE TOWNSniP, Name. Class. Erasmus Morev, 14 R & lb B. Winslow, 14 Edward Fletcher, 14 rox TOWNSHIP. Name. Class. Fred Sohceuing, 14 do Liquor Jos. Koch & Sou, 1 4 Sampson Short, 14 Sarah Oyster, 14 Frank llontz, Brewer Hyde & Reed, 13 Jus. McCloskey, 14 do Liquor 25 00 JONES TOWNSHIP. Name. Claw. License. A. II. Goodrich, 14 7 00 B IDG WAY TOWNSHIP. Name. Class. Licence. J. S. Hyde, It 1 00 Jerome i'owell, 13 10 00 UordwelKt Messenger, 14 7 00 llcnly & Dill, 14 7 00 J. V. llouck, 14 7 00 Mrs. E. O. Clements, 14 7 00 I hereby certify thfc above to be a true list of tho Venders of Mcrchau. disc iu Elk county for tho year 180(3, as appraised and classified by inc. Au appeal will be held at the Court House iu Rido;way, on Tuesday tho third day cd'July 180(5. WM. McCAULEY, Mercantile Appraiser. May-31'GO-tdit. J HKELKH k WILSON'S SEW H IXU MACHINES. Tho under signed having been appointed Sole Agent tor the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewit M ichineti for Llk county. He keeps mi assortment constantly on hand. Machine sold al Philadelphia and New York prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining tin-in ea- address J. K. WHITMOIU! March Ol.'CG ly. at Ilidgway, Pa ' j Ml A (7 IlTmV A NTlTlbA .0 ! 1 Teacher wanted for the Summ r t ssion of the Ilidpway school. Liber al wages given. Malo teacher prefer, red. Eur larther particulars, aduivss J. K. WllITMORIi. Sce'y of School Ej.i i. Junc-ll'66-3t.