The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, June 14, 1866, Image 3

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.1(1 It VOUIv7 "
Righth fi.uct liauj hi!'., f,: corics or leu
52,50 '
Quarter elicct hand bill, 50 copies or less
$V0 r
Half sheet hand bill, 60 copies or less
Pull sheet hand-bill, .10 copies, or ksa
For any quantity under five quire?,
fiO per quire ; on nil nuo.itnts over that u
reasonable reiluetion will lie made.
I SI, 60 per year in advance S-eJ.ftO if paid
within the year, nud $-,'10 if not paid wiih
in that time.
NOT I c. i: .
Hereafter t ha Post Office will he
oloscd every evpuinp: fit Ji o'clock. On
Sunday it will bo kept open from S to
10 o'clock A. M. Mail CLjed at G
P- M. L. LUTHER, 1'. M.
SGyTlic Comniiinicition of " Dem i
crat" is unavoidably crowded out this
week. Wo will publish it in our next.
An Old Pou. A dot: bel.mpintr to
Wm A. Ply, of this county died on the
Gth inst., nt the advanced tig: of L'u
years and about two months'
r-7Fec 'be Advertisement of the Ft
Mary's Hook Store in. another column
l'or a country Pools Store wc do not
know of ever having seen one better cup.
plied than that of Mr. JJlaktly. (live
liim a call.
jyjolm Sosenheiiiier & Co. St.
Mary's I'a., have on band a laro and
well selected ttoek of Stoves, Tin-warn
ttc. Persons wishinsr anything in their
lino should jiva them a call.
f.t5"Thomas Newbnhl advertises that
be lias some town la's for sale at Irvine
Pa. We believe that Irvine is the junc
tion of the Warren and Franklin road
with tlm r. it E ; therefore it would un
doubtedly be a good investment to pur
cbasers. Accidknt. A few days a;;o, Mrs.
fleorjro Keller of Fox township, while
stepping over a lo;; causing it to roll, bad
ber lo broken by it. Ilcr recovery is
oertain, notwithstanding ber suffering
and aire.
Fir.i:. On May 18th, the house o
John Murray in Benezcttc townsbip
was entirely destroyed by fire, with all
of the house-hold floods and those of
bin fon-in-law George Fiot'arock. The
loss is-;. estimated at from $1000 to
81 200
Doxatiov Visit The friends of
fho Ilev. F. A. Archibald will make a
Ponation Visit for bis benefit, at the
Fountain IIcuso Hall in Ilidgway, on
Saturday evening Juiio 10th inst. Mr.
Archibald lias labored faithfully for our
benefit during the past year, and it is
hoped bo will be generously remembered
on this occasion. All are cordially invi
ted. The Viiuun Gold Mining Com
r.VNV The merits of this Company arc
tho theme of conversation not only with
men of business bul with those not cn
gapod in com inercial pursuits ; it is we
believe acknowledged by every one that
no enterprise has ever been presented
to the attention of our citizens with such
a variety of choice property for a basis
nnd upon such fair and equitable terms.
As will be seen by advertisement
in this issue, "original interests " in
this company can now be had at 8100
each. Wo are informed that eubscrip
tionn are coming in from all quarters.
and the list is ranidlv filliacr up. As it
is expected that the Books will shortly
close, those dc-s'uing to avail themselves
of the opportunity now presented of sc
curing one or moro of theso " interests "
fchould at once send in their subscrip
MR. JtiDiTOii : 1 was interested in
Mr. Warner's quest ion about the pigeon
nnd computed that G,15-),0i)0,000,
(six billion, one hundred and fifty .five
Million states the size of Pennsylvania,
would not hold them all ; allowing each
pigeon to cover one souare irch. In
the Atrora(i! ot May. Slst you say Mr.
Y . asks another question viz : " Al
lowiug each pigeon to occupy one cubic
inch, of what length must be the .side of
cubical pit to contain 1,000,000,000
0003!) ,000,000,000,000, pigeon b?"
It in obvious that (he length of tho pit
(and the breadth and depth are equal)
must be 1,000,000,000, (one billiou)
iuchns, which is equal to 15,782 (Cltee
thousand sjvea hundred and eighty-two'
wiles-rrquite a largo pit to be du
J hid little earth. But your printer has
given here one Ortio'on instead of one
Sq tillion, multiplying by one thousand
wLilo subtracting tho 770 ! This would
hiako some difference if be were oblige
to dig tho pit; as it would require the
hide of the pit to be inly oue tenth as
long. A fcquaro of fit teen hundred
miles might possibly be described within
the domain ol Undo Sam. an J tho
II. illl'J IUU
.i,i,i',u. ii . ...!
- :e i.. i . i S. t.. '
tr ii uti niniieu a t'lilliie oi nueeu inoun,
and. it would make a diiferenco whether
he mmtdig frvon th-ian1 niihi
j. -.r
Court Proclamation.
1'rcsiclriit tin J CnAiu.r.s Mr.AD
hnii E. 0. h'ciit'MZE, Associate Judges
of the Court ol Common Pleas, nud Jus'
tii'cs of the Coin t of Quarter iessinns
and Oq liana' Court, mid Court id Over
nnd Terminer, and (lonerM Jail delive
ry of Elk count;', ly their precepts to
tnc directed, have ordered a Court ol
Common rii-af, a Couit of Quarter Ses
sions, Orphans' Court, and Court of Oy
er end Terminer nnd Cicnelal Jail deliv
ery, to lie l.o'Je'j ft l!i.';:-.v:y, iu r.r. 1
fur the county of Elk oti the
r:niT roiroAY in jcjit i:c3.
beiiij; ilio :!nd day ii t!-o u:::i ;h and to
continue one week. Notice in hereby
aivcu to the Coroner, Ju-iiets of the
Teace n:nl Coos'ab'os of the county of
Eilc, that they are by those J reecpt s
Commanded to be then and tlicre in their
proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., ol'
said, day, with their rolls, records stud
inquisitions and o;her remembrances, to
do tho.o things which their oiuees np.
pertain to bj i'.n.- tm-l that all J iisticcs
of said county make retus of all the
recognizances, entered into before them
to the Clerk of the court as per Act. ol
Assembly. j-a-d Mayfith l'-til. And
tln. se who are hound by their rec-ipni.
zuns to jroseeutj the rii-oiiers that are
or shall be in the jail of paid ci.uuly of
Eik, and to bo then and there to prose,
cute against them ;;s shall 1 e in-1
J. A. "1 ALONE, h.-:f,
I J lor trial at July Term, Tvlo, of the
Court cf Common l'lcaiof Elk county,
commencing July 2d, 1
Sbar.'raw ct. u.t.
Ilvdoit Cr.nimin
Fry a tit it Euwer
s vs.
Donezetle twp.
Earl ct. us.
.ilrvant.t Euwer
Gill ct. ul.
11a vi ct al.
llorton ct. til.
r.nt i t. ul.
et.zinper c
Thomas ct.
ct. rd.
GEO. A. llA'i'il 11UN,
Fcpu'y I'rotho'iotary.
for July lerm. lSG'J.
Fox Alncti l-l'linger, 'Joscpli Koch,
llcnry 15. Shons, 11. T. Kyh r, Horace
Little. Jos. 1!. Tavlor p. V'. Hays. John
A. Miller.
SiMUNn Cret::i. Jlirnni Carman.
-KNi:i:-Ol";i. Joseph 15. Wurner,
Yaneis Cassadv, Jacob Wist.
IlftKrzETrn J. W. Winslow, Julius
I'.idgway. V. G. Illckiuson, J. S.
Hyde, G. O. Messen'-er.
Jay. Jacob A. Spanker, A. E.
Joxr.s. fra Westeott.
Sr. MAttv'a. Philip Fisher, John
Walker, 0. H. Sexton, John Krug.
I 1ST Ob
lt Drawn
!.' T!! AWl'S!1. .tlMJnir.H
for July Term J SCO.
Fox. J. '.V. Holers, Enos Hays,
Wra. Taylor, Sr. Thomas Gross, llecs
nian Meredith, 1). C. Oyster, Jerome
L. laylor, Lawrence Mohan.
brnixri Cukkk. David G. M CNaul,
Martin l'errin, Win. G. Hunt.
Bknzingku. Lotus ( i eis, Casper
Einight, Jacob Haines, George Kcrner,
ntoii Lauer, Stephen Henry, rraticis
Keller, Baptist Bush.
LmowAY. John Smuts, Hiram S
Jav. Samuel lubiudcr, Arincl
Jours. John March, M. Weidcrt
Sr. MAit v'b. Charles Luhr, Joseph
Wilhelm, Xavicr ILibcrb'ush, Joseph
iV lnulidder, John boscnlieimor.
PitNtZExri:. John Z. Lindeniut'n
Andrew Overturf, I). 15. WinsloiV, Miles
1 1 to nr. A no. Levi Ellithorpe, Win
smnniF's s.iii:s.
! ) Y VIRTUE of sundry wriisot Yen
) ditiotii JJu ixiimx, issued out of the
Court of Common Fleas ol Elk county
and to me directed, thoie will be expos
el to PU15LIO SALE, at tho Court
House in Ridirway on Monday, the 2ud
day of July, 10(3, tho following des
cribed real esttito to wit:
All that ceti.ia tract of land siiuatc
in Siirin Creek township, toulh of the
Clarion river, known as the Lynn H'tlle
nient, bounded and described as follows
Beiiiniiing at its northeast corner a hcin
lock, thence south along warrant No,
205 1 on Luudred and eighty perches to
a hemlock, thenc.5 west eighty pe.che
to a post, thence north thirty-lour degs.
west two hundred and litteeu peiehes by
Samuel Baird warrant to a hemlock
thence east two huudred pciche.i to
place of beginning, containing one huu
ilred and lilty acres, with about three
acres improved, and an old log houie
and kj nam thereon erected, neuci!
taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Thomas Lynn
ALSO All that certain tract or par
eel of land Mtuatcd in the town of Tiidg-
way, Elk county, Pennsylvania, known
as towu lots Nos. nincty-uino (00). and
one liuudrcu (1UU) on John J. lud
way's plan of aid town,bouudcJ ou the
north by Centre street, on the cast by
town lot ?io. "f, cn the south by an a
lev. and on the cast by Mill street, con
alniii2 ball nnnerct more or less
uOon which is erected a two story frame
I ,.1.1 ,,i ,
i. ilwellui"- ioU' c ana a woousacu. u.i iui
rroved. Seized, taken in execution
i - , , , . , .
d to be sold as tho property of A. II
or I nn ?'?lal0 V, v n cm -a-
j JAS. A. MA LONE, SI; ft
r-l,e,ifl'sOfr,.v, Hidgway, Pa.
V as appraised and classified by Win.
MeOaulry, duly appointed appraiser of
mercantile taxes in and for the county
of Elk, for the year A. I). 1SIKJ.
t?T. mary's liOltOt'dll.
Name. Class.
Weis Ilrothcrs, lo
Weis F.inthers, Liiiuor
John Knur, 1 l
Coyne & M'Vean, 13
1 10 oo
7 oo
10 00
L'f 00
7 00
7 CO
'Z'i 00
7 00
1 o 00
15 00
15 00
15 Oil
15 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
J 5 (.0
7 00
6 7 00
7 t.;0
7 to
7 00
25 00
7 0.;
7 00
7 00
1 5 00
10 00
7 00
25 00
7 on
Coyne it M'Vean, Lirjuor
James ( ovnc,
Frcd'k Rudolph,
Frcd'k llti lolph, IJqtuir
Chas. Luhr it Co ,
Cl:a.. 1 . Voik, lirowcr
J. Windfe.ldcr, do
Ed war .1 Falel,
.Michael 1 lout,
diaries llaut,
tjleo. W'itnian,
(. lleiiitenach, C
Clu's'e U l..'iu'i', 1 I
J. wiihcim r.i
J. Willulm, Lupiov
Heanee Kitnt::, 1 1
1 : K N t V. KT T E T it W XSHir
X-nue. llasi.
Eia-mus Morev, 11
i: .t p. n. w inslow, 1 1
Ed. yard Fletcher, U
1 1
ea tcli.T
J. .a !
Veil iV .Veil, I I
am;. son Short. I 1
Sarah Oyster, 11
Frank llontz, Brewer
Hyde & Iieed, F!
Jas. McO!c,,key, 11
do Liqitoi
JONK-J ToWNStl!!'.
Name. Ciass.
A. il. Goo'ilieb, 11
I'.llliWAY TOWXf-'IlII'
Name. Class.
7 ol;
0 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
J. S. Hyde,
Jerome Powell,
Bordwell it Messenger,
Healv it Dill,
T. Horn'.-,
Mrs. E. O. Clements.
1 hereby certify the.
1 -!
1 1
1 1
1 I
1 1
bo a
true list ol the en dors of Merchan.
ilifo in Elk county for tlm year 1S(K,
as and classified by mo.
u i'ppci.1 wih bo lield at the Court
IIoun in Uidgway, on Tuesday the
third day e,f July iVtiG.
Mercantile Appraiser.
May GFG j-tda.
FIT RN.TT 1. Til i: !
1 pleasure iu announcing to tho chi
ns of Ilidrjvrav and iu! joinir.j' towns, tlmt
lio has just opened n Furniture Shop in
P.idjrwny, and is prepared to sell nil kinds
of fin-nil ur? At l tie lowest prices. His stock
consists in part of
tsPKIXli r.r.H.S & MA'I TUiCSr-K.V.
Cane scat I'liaiis of all kinds.
C 111 IIS,
Li:ni;no.M srrra
of Cliebiiuit, Maliuiranv and Itlaek Viiiluut
and every lliing usually found in a first
class country Ware Uoom.
of all sizes, and of Mnlio"any. Itosewood.
I'lavk Walnut and Gilt
ma in: to ouDr.rt.
ALSO Com. S kept oii l,:md, and made
to order, of every kind and description.
1 lease CALL and examine niv ttoek lie.
fore piircimsiiij; elsewhere, for I hope by
strict attention to business, and keeping all
Ilio market demands in loy line, lo merit
the patronage of the public. For the pres
ent 1 occupy Die .Methodist rarsonne for
Ware Itoonis. IliCXltY II. THOMAS.
P.evolvers, Uitles, Muskels and Carbines,
for the United Stales Service. Also
Repealing Pistole, llitleCuues, Kevolving
Pities, Kiflo and Knot Han barrels, and Run
materials sold by gun dealer nnd the trade
In these days of housebreaking and tob
b.Irv. every house, store, bank, nnd cilice,
thoiild be supplied Willi one nf
Parties desiring to avail themselves of Ihf
late improvement iu Pistol, and miperio.
woi kuianship end form, will find nllcoinbiml
in the New Kemiugtou P.evolvers.
Circulars containing cuts and description
nf our arum will be furnished upon applica
tion. K. REMINGTON & SONS, llion. X. 1.
April 6th 18tii).-ly
jint out. Address O. T. OAItKV, City
Uuildmg. nidJelord, Me. I may li
OR WORK of all Lind.i and u.
ipiionn done at tbi oflice.
YV 51 IS I t'. O T B3 V. 15 S
at St. Mary's, Kik County Penn y
S' to GixatcK Wki?
OlIVv for sale, at vlint-sale nnd retail, a well
Hclecled stock of Sl'JU.Xd SCMMKii
1 ! .iJ ...J I '' wj' v,. i
Sill;'-. MovinoM ro;il'tis. Delaines, Mohairs
Cotiiii ts, Plain and liiouv i Alpneas.
A luiic sort ae'iit of Prints
While (loo Is of every d;v
t,i'i-iii ion. 1 lunio'ls
of all kinds, (ii!-..
Iron, Tieninpsx
.S h i r t i n K ill
jjri'iil vaii
et v.
Ladies & (
MiVoiery floods : sn.-li
Ci.i: -, Kililiinis, D:-e-s a
..I I'
B 1 1 1 1 f
of every dcs'.-riiiiion.
(iloves and Itu..n-y, Serin;.; nnd .Vmsi i, (i"o:s fern';--liini.r ti:VMN
ever de.-f i-i'tion, Cto'h.--. Ca--inle!l,
Tweeds, 'aM inet Is of nil kinds, Hals
Caps nnd (.'lot i i 1 1 of I'ctl er ipialily
llinn any esl:i)iish:netit in the
county. (H cloths, Class
Ware and Lumps, Hoofs an I
Shops, ii hnye assorimeoL
at a low figure. In Hard
ware, ourstock is eom
dcte. We have Van.
l-'-e Notions, Hoop
.'''kil ls, and Mir
rors in treat,
A luri'c :loo!v of
11 li'iC,
Iu short, wc have everything needed for
family use.
Cedar and Willow Ware of every de
scription. Confectionary, Prush.
es of all kinds. A full assort
ment of Stationery, Wall Pa
per, Paper Curtains, 15-:au.
liful Oil Cloth Window
Shades. A very large
assortment of Segar.s
and Tobacco.
ERUr OUR STOCK directly
Ironi tlio CManuliieturcraud thcio
lore we can alford to tcll cheaper than
any other establishment iu Elk county
rIMIE PL'RLIO aro respectfully in
X viieu to call and examine our
stock and prices ! Whether they wh-li
to buy or uot, for we claim to have one
of the most coniplets htocks and the
finest S'l'ORE in the couuty and can
sell for less profit, than any other house
in the couuty.
Wees )rotiiers.
St. Mary's, Match 10th '00.
I PAN V OK CO '.'.: , VJ'ii: "Orici
n .1 inli'ri"-(s ' !tM r.-n-ii. nt whieli 'j. ii
nri res i v .l for AVoi kin- ('apit-i1.
SuliscriliKvs elect their ovn n'Mce, na !
themselves inaiinc (lie ntl'airs of Ih" Com
f i n v ; cnidi sulisei-i'e'r b -ini c'igi'ne n ? on
if its olV...i'1-s
is I a he cho.-en from aii'.u,5 tho lond (
Tin-: t i r ','"v
aro to li11 sie-lcl 1-y the s:ris:;rllirs f.-oej
a-ii'iii;: t iicinst'lvcs, ti the lii-sl meeiie;; tor
(i;-'i:iTi;ri!i oi.
TliK KlCCIilCTAi:'
and T;;!-.s:-i!;
nnd seh-ele I liy
is to be a
T!i- 'Vn::-.' r.'-.ti' W.:. Phi!
sol. if! 1'oitf.t.
'i'hodovc Cnvler. 1 1. --(.,
l;.,li"i t V. Coxe. V.i
ii-lean ' :ive ;ii' iv.-v'.inl f th:
c iniMi n-l'tb'i! 7- '1 v.iih v,-l.
h t.-.-y
an I
cieale in rnlcroi-i-cs ikivhi r (
t he itcvchiiiiii- iit oi' our tia'i oi il rc-
Mllir-e-'. At dlrl Ii. il' " 11 ill:- Is " .r
an "tli.-r "foil" 'l::u " f.ipp?,' " or
"Iron,'' and --. i v-' rc.'-' "O.l" have
lnvn tho all nb- irliiii;' t iii..-:;.
la all !lic-c -. veral eat e.'p! i 0 J, as will
bo ro'j'd'.Ov'ted, !ioc w!i ,.,' t'i-i ho! 1 of
them luii'le eioucy : r ime I..;-!' uaeiunts
tliiin other-i, ncenrdiup; to their inveslments.
.Miniu oi crai ions in the fel l.: of Coloru
d :i:i-l el cv.herj n r lnain'y eni'oss the
jiiilili'j attention. Considering that several
.-ui-li companies have "eeeu ii,r..':i'ly o:-t;
that they are now r.t work Ihe
ii'i'O- ls IVoai '. heir n.ines are hi;rhly fr.-or-"lile
that it is known that nt ttie -resent
I'nic thcrj a:e on ;he way f.-oa tho h 1
of Nevada and Colo- elo hhiikmih " b irs
of silver " and " b:-:.-!; i of coll.'' it is
believed that the en! h'.:shio:; already moai.
i'l'sted on i ha subject v.ii!, in a liilio liio".
tic. ?'i rrcatly incii'i'.o l on thi ri'eeipt and
exhibit of liicse " ret urn V 'i'"-'- ihiiaau-r-rf
lie coin; aTiies will : lu-:u no, wl'-i-e tt l
t'cin;; l a-id nt th" I. 'mi ;re.-itly inflated
prices of h'ib;o -, v, ;ll neees:i irily lie less du
sirnlile than lliat now lo be ha 1 1 h'uviiy
p;ivin to tho-.-" who avail tlie'nelvcs of t!i;
occasion now presented, of seearin'; "ori
pitvil iiilcre.-'is," an opportunity of n
dispi.-in-f of the laree ainonut of stock each
iiotilcr iccco.
Willi 1 1 1 1--1
lowing 1'r.os,
Th, j.
to be ortraai;
linal iiitc.i's
Lo.b'os. all s
v. at a li.indsoiue a-lvinee.
i rclieili-.ary rcm.-n l.'.-i (lie f.d
'.:':T!'i is r' pc'.'ti'.i'.'y presou-
;iy o? llie Corn. an;,' propose 1
'.e.l by (he sale of lhe.-e " ovi
!s," con.-ists of the followiiiir
ilualcd wilhia iH'inliu i of five
miles of fen! i al ( it v. (
Maneno'h Lode.
Never Kail I.ode.f
Viinderbilt. Lode,.j;
I niou Lode.
Old Oohir l.od.'.
; DisTuior.
of 10D feel,
of '.lilt! feet,
of 20') feet,
of 200 feet,
of 1 I'J feet,
of liDO feet,
cf 100 feet.
Tit A 1 1. DC
Holman Lnde.'l
lU.NNiCil DI
St. Lou's Lode,
Pensacol i Lode.
Cl'l'lill PALL IUV
Alio Lincoln Lode,
Washoe Lode,
of 100 feet,
Cil DtS'f illCT.
cf -2H') feet,
of 'JD'I i'.'"t.
Minnie, or
Kiddle. Lod.
of Ot) fcjt,
of :'e,.t
x This Lode is very well developed, wit
vein o; ore -1 icct m i I h ; ore prospects
t There is one shaft on 1 It i Ln
d' ep ami o l lect lone;, an I tin; .-
de 20 feet
;ev:ej U 8
feet iu width.
J This Lode is Well developed.
and con
lidd ed one of the best in the district ; then
is :i slcift on it In) feet in dcpili with a veil
ot sutpticrets lour 1 :et in wi !:h. Assay:
tiiade of this ore n ovo it. lo be very rich.
l I Ins is an A. I. Lade, and has a shaft
of 7 " feet iu depth vein of ore (hree feet
in wi Ith and of pood iia!ity. Ore taken
troai tins l.O'ie yiet'Hd trl-.'o per cord m
i This is really the richest Lode yet dis
covered in the district ; it is well developed.
and ore taken troai tins J.oda yieid.'d up
wards of iSstd!) per cord.
' licing a total of IW'JO feet or nearly r
half a mile in le:i;;th liorizontallv, of rich
Gold-producing tenitory, of unlimited
depth, together with all the dips, spurs and
angles, and also all the metals, ores, gold
s'lver and other metal bear'me; quart., rock.
nnd earth therein, and all the rights, priv
ileges and franchises thereto incident, np
pendant nnd nppurtenanecd, or therewith
usually had or enjoyed, under and euhjeo
to the jurisdiction of the Government of the
United States."
The titles to all of which claims have been
examined by a member cf the Bar, resident
in Colorado.
His opinion is c-: follows
This is lo certify that I have carefully
examined t. io titles to tho foreiroinr lode
or ledges, and am satisfied that they aro
THOMAS MASON, Alt y nt Law.
Centtnl City, Colorado
The f pace of a circular ii too limited to
give tho opinions of numcrouj distinguish
ed citizens nnd men ot science who have ex
aaiiucd this district; tho following e:. tract
relato thereto, nnd that ct 1'rotessor l.d
ward N. Kent, in particular, of tho New
York L. S Assay Olueeis directly in point
Our lal laininted President Mr. Lin
coin during an interview with Sneak
Colfax, relative lo the hidden wealth of Co
orad.i, Nina la, &o ,,sii l
" 1 have very large as leid of tho minevi.
wealth of our naliun ; 1 b: 1 eve it practically
Tho Hon. J. P. Upsher, fr'c.-zciary cf ti c
Interior, in the (hjicia! ileport presented to
Congress, dated December Dili, lHiil, refer,
ring to tho then pve.;ei.t condition of our
Western Territories, says. "The woahli
embedded in the rocks of that extensive ro
gion is actually iucxliausl ililo, and it will
furnish in future years, indirectly a princi
pal part of our means of liipiidatiu;; the.
debt contracted by the Government for Ilio
overthrow cf (he Urea! Rebellion."
Tho Hon. II. P. Peiiiiett, delegate in
Congress fiom Colorado, in a speech before
the tlouso of Representative.! said .-' Judg
ing from what 1 know of tho undeveloped
resources of this country ; from what I am
told by practical miners w ho nro well in
formed upon this subject, I do eay hero
to day beforo this House and before this
t'oun'iy, to bo placed upon tho records nnd
read nf all men Hint wiiiiin fivcyears' time,
and by ll.e yiav ISO'.), the gold fields of Col
orado Territory will produce "iO,()t,0,!lUO
auuiially ; and even then its full resources
of mineral wealth in gold alono remain not
wholly developed. 1 speak from tho united
testimony ot many practical miners who
have spent many years in the mines of
California, when 1 say: that the gold
ke:iring lvgiou of Color iiTo is far more ex
tensive, quilts as inexhaustible, aad the
gobi-beai i.ig quart, of a much richer umili.
ly t huu in California."
Professor ICdwarJ N. Kent, of lha ,'ttv
Vork Assay Cilice, says:
' As lo the extent of Ilio gold mine.-. f
Colnia lo, I am not prepared in yae un e Ii
mate, s 1 found tin ugh t (a'.'y ?n doy
I hoc n Ilia u radius of fire mill., of t 'intra'
City, fi t e location tf ;,;,o-,-e f.i-i., ,
bin u-i io the lichiUj.: of rntM. I have iw
i s i i'ej;. T hrlin'r ll-'in ' '"
., .r. .:',' ' Viilli ."
M'. lial "id iifPci K .'. (Vlcmd..i.
;.'.- i nt-1 in in v niiio"ii. i.i 1 1 hi or hii" ' "c'1
f ititoini a a'i'l A ii 1 in";. i. na i becouic Pi"
I-.! Ii.o a 1 . of lb.. World.''
'I he oiiiu'ioi e' t-'.-l. lined nhn id
of chi'ri's iu this district, id snonn ny li."
foil i .v'iox i ra'-t --
li:i': I l.--:i c!iiiiii!iit s Ii 1 ve piii'eliiiM'i' ' "
I I !h" ( 'olo: a l.i minicg hinds, ilfid lli.-ir
a -n: s a a 1 i mploye;'- are now in "
dc , clop t he .-nine. The clnim me -i " '
p Jl -,- i:i li;i sell and Trail districis. !' f
recent p irciiase has been flip Semon I. "I ot
iO'i'f."i c,:. which Ihcv aill ti
Ae i ! -a of tin: value ol some uhiiinx
l'c-t each may be firmed when I lit! Inci is
ci a,-', b e. d fiat it efteii ocean that tln-y
yield millions of d illars, and hare in "svenll
iu it inees bi-n sold for ?a.HK per 'cot
Mr. l-'irhls. from ;!:'.,' feet of fie llobmil
Lode ha- o.';"ti out n'lrcudy over it'JKl.llOil
in M, nad .-'i'i.t 0 I 1ms been otleied ilud
re o o'd !'.: :1 1 !ce! of this same, lotle, e'pei:
!o t;.'t'.t O ' tar a claim of nnd liiir.dreil feci
As lie' uicliae (f cither of Ihn abovn
s wi Hi I re piii J lajio nioncy man inn
;) il .- of pcr-i-ins have nt command, it
been de;eii;iined to consolidate Ihcm,
ud to divide t.ho.a hito iwclve Uutnlrc'l a.'el
'u'.i will ev-t the subscribers hereto
O-.i: M'. NtitlKll lldl.l.UIS KACII.
ins 'ittovtini- Hie man ot limitetl nterins. a
ell as I'ii' e-ipil fist, an ojiporl unity to se
ire an iiuore-t in 1 1 i re.niou of "praeli
illy ice .li itiitiblo '' weallh.
As all a --j a .vaie, the iismil plan adopted
n- the ucveiopiiicht of such a properly isi-i
.mi a enmpMiy and i"sue eertilieates of
toe1;. i tin plan Lire proposed niny Ii"
U'rod ' Un'::itrt! to Ihe fornintioii of
two or more ( ompatiies on t liese propert is,
hi di are :-: object, lo nj vocally, leases or
The ul'.-erlbei ? c-in then upon this pevd
id substantial liasis, elect, olliecrs fro. a
a one; t heuisclve each snhseriher bciny
li:-il.le lo Ihe p. is tiou of an odieer of the
In icier lieu har.'lsoaie returns may lie
pecdiiy realized, these snliscripl imif am
based upon I he proposil ion that the sidisci i
hers im: idiatcly on receipt, of thn Deeds
now r-:i lv f'-r deltverv, and which may 1"
Mamiued at tiio Otii-.-c of 'he undersigned
before s.-.ti e-ritii!!;;, ) may lease their lanl-i
on heavy rovaltiis, or at oneo organ i.v
f omp ioie.-. in the usual way for which there
s nn ample basis.
To necwiii'iiodate those of moderate, mein i
these " ln'erests " nre put nt. tyltnl i-r.c i.
in order to pi t the list tilled at once, and in
prevent any delay in the organization ofiiie
I onsidcriiig toe numerous valuao'"
' Lclg?'; '' w hich constitute the ?'. of ibis
ntc'.ii i.-:e the fair and equitable features
-the low prices nt which " interests" in it
ire ottered, ami t Hat cacti interest enures
the hol ler to his ;o ;i rti.'d tdiarc of stock in
ill tho Companies that may be orgaiii.c'i
upon them also recollecting that in nil.
there are only KI'H) interests lo bo sold nod
it would only require one liundrcl geailo
men each to take ten ( 1 )'!) lo absorb ihn
whole, it is presumed that it is hardly nece-
ury to suggest to tlioso tics, ring to sccino
iiia or wire ol tliee Ong nal interests, lo at
once send in their subscriptions.
Checi-'s or iirai'.s ruoui'i oo uniwii m n
order of the undersigned, whoso ennoi-e.
meat wilt bo a receipt, in addition lo tlm
one that will be promptly sent ou receiving
United Slates .'.-'iO's 10-10' 3 7 -tin's nn I
other Government ltouds taken nt par, and
any premium or accrued interest t hereon
illowe l. l.onds may bo scut ty registerci
mail or by express.
The books nro now open. Buuscripiiou
receive I ty
X ;. a,r. Fjurlli & Wnlniit ."'M.
His l'xeellencv.
Governor of Peiin'a
His Lxcel'eiu'v.
Governor ol N. J
e. of Sniieol l enii'a eo. of Suite m -. J
Mayor of Philadelphia.
Ceo. M. Troe.tman, Pros t Central
Hank, Phiadelplii.i.
Geo. K. Zeigler, Pres't National P.ank
Coraniereo, Philadelphia.
Robert P. King, of Ring & Raird of Phila
delphia. Renjam'm Orne, of J. F. & E.B. Orne, Thil
a lelphia.
IC lmund A. Poudcr, of R. A. Soudcr, & Co.,
L. Montgomery lloud, of llond .j Riddle,
John Welsh, ol'S. &Y. AVilsh, rhila h lohia
l-Jj'"in sending subscriptions, give un"ic
and address plain!),; in order that il may bo
cerreclly entered in tho Subscription Rook,
from which receipts nro issued, and lVnm
which Notices will be made out for the fust
meeting for organisation, may-tf tf.iJ.-0w
The undersigned has laid out a viL
lago upon his ground adjoining the llidg'
way Depot, to bo called ELK. The Ion
arc 00 feet front by too lect uccp-Mvnm
ing towards the railroad.
Terms For tho fu st lot sold, $101. I'm
the second lot sold, $110. For the third
lot sold, fyl'U and to on increasing in
price as lots avo sold.
ltu First purchasers get tho choice lots
at the cheapest rates.
Purchasers will bo registered in (he or
dcr of their application Ten per cent of
the purchase money must bo paid at the
time of the application.
t-i.Applications will ho made tu John
G. liail, ICsq., Ridgway, Pa.
R idgway. i:iar,20'G'J-tf.
Q I 1 1 u it" vi-'Ta i ii , vTe
fi,) 1 fJ V ) J hiiul- Agents cver whero
to sell our IMIMKIVKH $-0 Sewing Maehine.
Three new kinds. Under nnd upper feed.
Sent ou trial. Warranted live years.
salary or large commissions paid. Theov
machines sold in tho L'uiled Slates for b-si
tlma $ PI, which aro ."'.' lirtnscd Inj II t. .
M'A.ver .y MVAi , Uruter $ llakn. S i, i ,
V Co., nnd I'tiehtldtr. All other cheap ma
chines arc inriujemtaU and tho teller or u
aro ,-. o.'i'r In arirt, Jinc int'l imprixnn,fi:'
IdiiMratid e:reiibirs hent.Wv. Address, ni'
call noon S law .St Clark, at Itiddc .i'il,," or Chieog i, 111. may-17'tHJ ly.
5 i
Post Otlico at Iti'lgway, l'a.,"
1st IS' 6.
Di. kers. Win. M'J; livens, 1C. L. ; Gl-i .,
Mr.; (i.n-ve, H-nryJ.J Hurley. ini .
Miiohc, It. M ; Muilan, Alexander; M
Fad.b a. Slia'oion ; Paul, George ; li ill"--l
son, A .1. : Roih. John; Soiaulin, Ci.ue
l ine ; Sticahen, Miclui I.
Per. ., Hi ch'.I.ii for (he a! ovt- l.t i. : ilt
r-'i. c ad Liiii; i:d.
L. LL XII Lit r. M
hn- I 0