: .TESSION AK7 T.V.ATO Oii AIT ASM CIIAJ'.t.aHJ. M. M. Vomeroy, t!e editor nf tlm La (.'roFC fWi.soonsiu Ptmovrr', rr'vcs tb iVlu.iv'iii; dontli-boJ Eeene. nvliicli Lo '.mui callcil to visit in a recent vi.it to 't'ic:.j:o : Tlu flcv. Henry Clnrsp.ird, nn cs ruwv c!:fli;:iin. V.r left off rxjiuumlinp t!io j:ililo and recruiting for the Savior, find Hy indjvsiiif; tlic nicr aud nuoli liniiism, became nu army chaplain in one . tif tlic Wisconsin rfgiuiptitu, passed troni Vie to n homo beyond a blessed immor tality, tlie other tiny and thus shuffled i T tf:is mnrtnl coil. A physitinn had called on him two or three limp a day for a month, doctor in;r him lor nn n:riic, brought im while ; :cu!in cotton in Arkansas', while with lien. Curtis On learning that the cx minister and cs chaplain would hardly live the night out, we called with the physician. In a little wooden-looking room not over twelve foct gijuure, in an obscure boarding house in Chicago, we 1 Mind the invalid. The room was bare ol fur l.iture except a u.t bed, a little dirty washstand, two wooden-bottom chairs, nu old trunk, a pine table, on Ttliich was spread a newspaper on which lay nn old Bible, a pair of oldsnuffers, some pill boxes and such stuff. The dying man w.ts propped up in 'bed, while n fdithlul negro woman sat on the foot of the bed. A? we entered, he rallied o a little and asked the doctor who he had brought with him. On Laing told that it wa " Brick " IVuneroy, hs sank back, closed his eyes, tlicn rallying a little, he f-;ii J, " Perhaps it is as well, lie might as well know it as any one." And he proceeded to make his dying rtatcmcnt, which was in these words, as we took them down in our memorandum book as the physician requested : " My name is Henry Claunard. I am iorty-onc yeara of age. I am a Mctho. dist minister at lcastj was once. I was once happy and contented, and loved Christ, my master, with all the zeal a ristian ever had. At last I grew cold in religion, selfish and envious of the good fortune of others. I wanted to make money uEd to have some fun. I had no particular education, bo I tho't I would be a Republican politician. 1 began by preaching politics from the pulpit, and praying for tbe negro. Jt paid me in money, but I lost influence at the Throne cf Grace. But I did not care for that if I could only have influ ence with the Republican party. I for got Christ, and became interested iu the negro. I had influence with a few members of the church, aud talked pol. itics to them. I was paid by office see hers to iufluenca C'hritians. Some timcs 1 have made as high as fifteen dollars at &n election for my influence with Christians. " At last I found politics paid better than religion, and I worked for the chaplaincy f a regiment and got it. Then I let religion go, and went to war. There I wrote letters homo, denouncing Democrats as Copperheads And I stole cotton, and silver-ware, and ic tures, and books, and dre;ses tor my wife and si.it er3, and hor.-es and mules for my brothers, and a viaiiu fir tli Governor who save me my commission and a gold wtc'a for my Ca.'tain. and a loi of household furniture to send to mv Colonel. And I robbed the soldier ot jelly and such stuff, sent to thi-'m to use while in hosniiul. aud 1 had my idiare o) good stolen from fanitary fairs, nm', made lots of money. Pleuso give me a little pleeij cl that pounded ice " Tho physician gave it to him wlien, he continued : '' !5ul I was not happy. I drank whiskey with the boys when away from home, and indulged in some excesses not worth mentioning, aud laid up quite a pile of moucy. Aud I was taken sick while out stealing cotton from a plunta. iion where a widow lady lived. I had coaxed her nigorers to run away, aud i hey arc all dead now. When the war was ended I oaiue home to Wisconsin, but could not siay there. So I came to Chicago oid grew sick. And have got io die. I have culled on Christ I have Taycd t) God, but Enraebnw I cannot gel relief for my tsoul. The door of mercy seems shut against me. I for. took religiou for politics, aud now God l as f rsken ma. I pray to my Savior 1 ut he don't hear mo. I talk to this faithful negro womau she fays " yes, nas.-a," and that is all I can get out of her. I know I cau't live long; I teel that I am dyinc;. I fel certain that I aui going to hell. Please give mo a lit. tie piece more of tho ice hr'bre I go. I want these things written down as a warniug to others who forget Christ for o!itiej. I feel that the negro can't rave that Christ won't save me, I was ii'.ifaithful to my religion, and am forgot t':u. I was (aithf'ul to tho negro ; but, rial.! tho negro can't help mo where I T aut help ho enn't case my guilty soul. 1 am going to hell, aud I know it I ex pect to meet many persons there who f irgct religion fur politics. I do uot ex Jeet to (-ee you agaiu, in this world or I lie next; but I want this confession rintcd. Pleas! give roc a small I ieco of ice ! " Aud thus died the Reverend Henry C'Januaii. 75 CENTS ! 75 CUNTS ! TIM HTfJiiAl' .Jf.'E. Tor the Campaign. Great Improvements and Great Inducements ! THE BEST FAMILY JOURNAL IN THE STATE. nillE PIT RUSHER 3 OF " THE I WEEKLY AGE" will present, their issue on Saturday. May 4th, 186ft. in a handsome and improved form. It will be in all respects A TOST CLASS FAMILY JOTTRNAX. navtieula'dy adapted to the Politician, the Fa.-mer, the Merchant, the Mcchan. ie. the Family Ciiele and tho General Header, having, iu fact, every charae. tcristic of A LIVE NEWSPAPER. At an early day will bo begun. A.N INTENSELY INTERESTING SERIAL, by one of the most popular and fascina ting authors, and it is also the intention to publish from week to week, in the course of the year, three or four of the BEST AND LATEST NOVELS. In order to place this journal within tho reach of all, it, will be furnished un til tho first Saturday after the Guberna. torial election, at the extremely low price of SEVENTY FIVE CENTS For a Single Copy. The following cede o! ; riecj have been adopted for the regular weekly U-suc : o One Copy, one year $ 2 0 Five copies 9 (ji) Ton copies... )7 00 Twenty copies 83 00 In all cases where the tr.ers nrr sent to one address, the following: de - . . ' I duction will be made : Ten eopies, one year $lfi 50 ,, . . i weniy copies go 00 One OOPV will be furnished rrratis for getting up a club of ten, to one address, for one year. The above terms will bo ritridltf ad. hercd to, and no notice will be taken of a subscription until paid in advance liio postage tor "I ho i ecklyAge, if prcprid, is five cents per -quarter, or twenty cents per annum. 430 Chestnut Street, PIIIL'A, PA. N JEW CASH GROCERY STORK. 1 JAMES McCLOSKEY, Pealer in Groceries &c., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey und vicinity, that ho h is gone into the Grocery business, and wilJ open on or about tho middle of M ay. Ho keeps constantly ou hand an extorsive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SU(J VR5, TOBACCOES, SEGARS. WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, and everything connected' with a Cist class Grocery Sti.ru. T will sell for CASH and consequtnt K ran fiord to bc II CHEAPEN than ihe CUE, PHrfr. I invito everybody to call mid siitist'v themst Ives. JAMES McCLOSKEY. Mav 3d. TiG. Cm. 1 UAUDIANS SALE. By virtue of an J order of Oi plmn'u Court of lilk roun. ty, made in pursiiMiice of a decree of the Orphan' 8 Court of NorlhiimlieiUiid county mil tiorizincr iihio raise the sum ofoiipfbott fund dollars from tule of real estate M Eft county. We the undersigned guardians of Mary Helen Marr, Win. 1'. MIrr; Allen Miut, David 11. Marr. Alfred Marr and Aunetta Man-, minor children of lMrid Marr, late of said Northumberland county dee'd, will on Saturday the 19th day of .May next at the Court House in Ridjrway at l o'clock 1'. M.. expose to sile ut public miction to l he highest and best hidder, the following described reul estate, to.wit : All the estate and intetest of buid minor children, lieiug the undivided nix sevenths of eighty teven and one half acres of land, more or loss, situate iu Jay township, Elk county l'a. Heguiiiing ut the North East coiner of land now owned by Joseph Dill und George Weis and running I hence west, one hundred und eighty seven and one hulf perches, thence south to ii corm-r, thenee eust to a comer in the line ol the aforesaid Joseph Dill und (Jcorge V. eis' ImiJ, thence north along miid line io ihe place of begin, niug. Terms CASH Wll. 1.1AM II. M.VRH, WILLIAM I'. MA lilt, April L'3d 1800. t Is. UuardianB. WHEELER & Vf!X)"S SEW ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of W heeler k iImhi f Sewing Machines for Elk couuty. (Ic keeps an asHortment consluntly on hand. Niu!. o. s sold at Philadelphia and New orl: prices. Any parties desirous cf obtaining theia ca-address J. K. Will TMOKE, March 9t.'C6-ly. at lUdgway, Pa- IXEOUTOKS NOTICE. iVHEREAS, i Ueticrs Testamentary upon the ertat bftimon Ernst lute of .SI. Mary's, Elk coun. ly dee'd. have been granted to the aubseri bers. Allpersoua mlehted to the mid estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them dulv authenticated for set tlement to JOHN WEGIMEIt and JOHN 6C1IMIDT, Executor. may.lO'flS-bw. 1UJHINESS CAltns. ' OHN G. HALL, Attorney at law. Kidg way, Elk couuty Pa. mar-illi 00 ly. I AUKIE J. BLAICELT, Attorney and i.gunspimr in law, anu u, H. Commis iosnct. linlgway or BcnzinRcr P. O., Elk oounty, Pa. mar.22'CC ly, SMJUiUi;u ami W1LLT3 Attorneys at .r, , oouniy fa., will nueuu io an proicssionai business prompt 'y- mar-22'0('-ly. I"VR. J. S. KORDWELL Electio Phr.i. A." cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional nail br night or day. ilcBidenoo one door east of me late residence ot lion. J. L. Gillis Mar-2266-ly. r H- W. B. HAHTM AN. St. Marv' Klk J county, Pa. Late of the Army of the Tl , T ' i oiomac. i arncuiar attention given to all cubvs oi Buiieui nature. L'nar-i: "O-ly. DR. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician and Surgeon,St. .Mi.-y , c'miat y l'a- mar-22'06 ly. XU. W.W. SHAAV Practices Medicine J J and Surgery, Ccntrcville, Elk county Pit rn,...oi),rn i L J DR. A. S. HILL Kersey, Elk county Pa. Will promptly answer allprnfcssional oalls by night or day. m8r-22'06-ly. JIYDE HOUSE, M. V. MOO (IE Propri. 1 etor, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'60-ly. QT. 'MARY'S HOTEL, B. E. Wellcndorf J cwi, ...... j o, bUUUIJ, xu This house is new and fitted up with espe cial care for the convenience and comfort of guests, at moderate rates. Free Hack, to and from the Depot. Good stabling nt I ached. mar-22'Go,ly. I EXCHANGE HOTEL, Ridgway, Elk J county Pa., David Thayer Proprietor. Tins house is pleasantly situated on the bank of the Clarion, in the lower end of the town, is well provided with house room and stabling, and the proprietor will spare no pams t o render t he st ay of h is guest s pleas ant and agreeable. mar'22'GG-ly. tUTAPIUXGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, V Elk county Ta., Edward Babel Pro. nrietor This house in new and fitted up with especiul care for the convenience of guests. oo'i stejblMig attaches. Mar 2'JY.uMy. "I )ORDVELL-AD MESSENGER Drug- g y gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil et articles and Stationary, llidgway. Elk county Pa. niar-22'UO-ly. f1 H. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer Jt in Lagtr Beer, opposite tho Railroad Depot, St, Mary'a, Elk county Ta. Mar-22'60-ly. HENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Mattresses, Picture Frames and Coffins, Ridgway Ta. Ware Rooms in the Metho. dist Parsonage. may-17'6G-ly. 1 PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk county Ta. Edward McBride, keeps constantly on hand and for sale. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware and Jewelry of all descriptions. UQkRepairing neatly executed, and done on short netice and reasonablo terms. Mar 29'CG-ly. TOB PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Bill Heads &c, done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and at reasonable prices. 1866 1866 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL I ROAD. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Eric. It has been leased by the I'cnntyha nia Rail Road Company, and is opera ed by them. Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freight business, October 17th, 1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS tAT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train 3 39 p. m. Erie Express Train 10 30 p.m. Leave Westward. Erio Mail Train - 1 30 p. m. Erie Express Train 3 24 a. m Passenger cars run through without change both ways between Philadelphia aud Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Eric 9.15 a. m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. m., arrive at New York 3.40 p. m. Elegent Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williaiusport and Baltimore, and Williaiusport aud Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner 30tb and Market Sts. And for Frsight business of the Com pany's Agents: S. B. Kintrston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. 5V Reynolds Erie. W.Rrown, Ageut N. 0. R. R. Bal timore. II. II. IIOUSTOJ.', Gen'l. Freight Aj't. PhiCa. II. W. G WINNER, Gen'l. Ticket Agt. rhil'a. Alfred. L. Tyler, General Supt Wms't. "VTOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS i 'I he Stockholders of the Kersey Oil and Mineral Company, are hereby notified that the annual meeting for election of Di rectors & Officers of said company for the ensuing year, will be held at their office in Rouse villo, Venango county Pa. on Friday the first day of June 18G6, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day. ISAAC MILLER, Vice Pres't. S. A. HETFIELD, 1 W. H. COFFIN, I Direc'ra. J. W. GUERNSEY. J JAS. W. GUERNSEY, See'y Protem. RouaeTille, My-8'b0-2t. It I! G S T ORE. , BORDWELL & MESSENGER, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, LAMP , OIL, POINTS, LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS, CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGE8, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. FOUTZ'8 CILIBBITID Horse Mil Cattle Powders. This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvlgorat hmkan-4uwB and low-tpiritcd horse, by itrfngthcnlng and cleansing tha stomach and Intel lines. It It a sura pre ventive of all dis eases incident In this animal, such aa LUNG FEVEJt, CLA'DERB. i E,j.LUff WA TER. HEAVES, COl)GH9, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, sic. Its use improves the wind, Increases the appetiu-gives a smooth and glossy skin and transforms the miserable skeleton horse. Into fine booking and pir.t4 To keepers of Cows this nrenirt!nn fa invinM4 It Increases the quantity and improves the quality oi me mint, it naa been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make tha butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens r- wieir nine, ana makes them thrive aucb ftutcr. la all diseases of 8 wine, such as Coughs, Clem la the Lungs, Liver, Ac, this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill ths above disease! will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a oartala preventive and cur for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cent per Paper, er S Papers for IL rBXPABIO BY S. A.. POUTZ .fc DUO., AT THBim WHOLES A LI DhTB AND MEDIflKB DEPOT, No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, lid. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through, out tha Uoited States. Sold tit Manufactures T.ripps. hv Bordwell & Messenger Ridgway, Agents for Elk county. AGENTS WANTED TOTAKEORDErV fot the best gelling book now publish- ed. Thrilling Btoriee of the Great XebelUon, Comprising licroio adventures and hair bicadih escapes of Soldiers, Scouts, Spic, and Refugees j daring exploits of Smug glers, Guerillas, Desperadoes and others j Talcs of Loviil and Tliftlnvnl AmAn . c t a riesoflhe Negro, &o., with Incidents of run anu .Merriment in Camp and Field. ltv l,iiMitrniint Pnlnnal fl n...... 1 . t . "neuc, laie VI the United States Army. Handsomely il lustrated with engravings on steel and in oil colors. Send for circular and ), terms offered. CHAS. S. GREENE & CO., Publishers No. 134 8. Third St., Philadelphia, TXECCTORS NOTICE. WHEREAS, i Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Daniel Hewitt, late of Jay township, Elk county dee'd, have been granted to the undersigued. All persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. WM. B. HEWITT, JOSIAH W. MEAD, Apr-iaeew-pei. ii.t. D mmi Hi m iiMMirri iiw n ii r NEW ARRAJiGEMENT! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE NEW 8TOIIE OP FREDERICK: SCIICEXIXG, CENTRETILLE, ELK CO.. FA, NEW GOODS DAILY ARRIVING THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO THEIR INTEREST! As manifested by the daily throng cf cus tomers exchanging " GREEN BACKS " for goods. All the Domestic Cotton Goods are high. Customers one end all exclaim HOW CHEAP YOUR DRESS GOODS ARE My stock consists of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, HARDWARE, OILS PAINTS, PUTTY, NAILS, GLASS, WOODEN WARE, PORK, FLOUR, FISH, SALT. It is useless for me to attempt, to give a full list of the stock, but invite one and all, to drop iu and see for themselves. BUTTER, EGGS, TOTATOES, GRAIN, HIDES, CALFSKINS and all country produoe taken at market price, for goods. FREDERICK SCHGJNING. CeaurevilVa, tM lM'IVIy. GliEA T EXCITEMENT Is kept up by the DAILY ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store.. Where he has on ha4 Mr) for U( MEN & BOY'S CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, 1-ADIK8 ft GENTS FCRNIflHIO J COODB, LADIES DRESS GOODS, ladiiw a suirrtr SHAWLS, SON TAGS, BREAKPA8T SniWLK, NUBIAS, COMFORTERS, SCARFS, nOODS Ac 9.. ALSO HATS & CAPS, BOOTS t SHOES, A very large and well selected STOCK ot the best made, and warranted in every respect ALSO GROCERIES, COFFEB, SUGAR, Tuj RICE, FLOUR, SALT, FORK, FISH hi, ALSO CONFECTIONARY AND YANKEE NOTIOH& IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND Ql'ALITlSA TOBACCO AND 8EGAS OF TnE BEST QUALITY, SagI say, to one and all, that my atoek is full and complete, and will be sold at small profits. Give me a call before purehaalng where. FREDERICK RUDOLPH" St. Gary's, ICot. H-ly.