l' l.':nlor t!u-C'iii'.v!ii:r.t c?o.i! rf A , the unvl U!,p-r;i;v.:, .I fnmJs were '"'-'-I ' y iri-.,I, i R.v'V-i .(;;. ia!. Uaviuir tho h.lo unhappy civil war. H the itn.'ortur.r.t.? vict:;;:.-? complained of the ( uii.nuc; l!;;t wrro t! u ! pcrpe. rate. I. thov were iun-idi"-!..! i....t.-. ",', .'. .or I ,v."J!'e i i smilrii- rlnrtict "hod 1 y t!io nnr.'iv.i eh iiV;vl villi idii- ial ileiilHUeney to t!:e men v. !ri H 0 1 ; ! 1 1 ir;h'i-(i for ;k !;m.-, ;o ! 1 wr.-n..', wore MifSclctit to picvcr.t examination aiiI ftiilenil inquiry, and in many ca.--es they actually secured the 5 execution of I ha lUUOCCnt llh-tvM.l r.f tin; pU!'.'.-hll!C!lt oi l the yni.ty. The l-ovot Marshall Do. I'tittnicut rociiia t liae. been a haibur f'T tliis class of ravenous official.'', fVum which they directed thoir piratical ex. editions upon filth as -resented suui lient means to arouse their cupidity. Now that the w.t is over, (hero is reason to hope that at bast s-.nuo of the uovo flagrant cms ef'cfueial cprrnpiioti will Lc exposed, in order that the public may hcc how the eice.'.fi.-c'y l-yr.l were com. pcnsulcd for denouncing and persr.cu j.-'. ting thee who wished t- preserve the i v.... ... t .t t- vimim miuu aim tiio l won. l'ae Cougrr.ss!ot:;;l Cc-niaiit'ee apH.iu fed So invc.:'.i0',ita the charges made by Genera! Fry in re'a.ien to tho bounty "vlii-I'c? iii wes.'.ni aa-l cvntral New Voik, is an cniee".',- wcil.o ::i the rro;er iKA-.tt:.. a.-:.; ishouhl bo uriv sn to the hoi-l. ;-:-:i.-iV.i Fry, who wr.s at the l.-a-l i f J jr.iish.ii':; olnce oi" tho i'nitol c-:r..i, c'rrc: Mr. (Vnluiui,-, sa:,-.-.1.;' cf '.;:ic.rcr t Xcw Yt.i k, c;; I J:;;a , '0 Advocate fur the wo-::ii pr.;t cf that L:Li'.c, wiih havin::. in ili.vct viola:! .;i la-.r, ra (e'v. 1 fro; i ih.j l'.,::.-.; j Tr.-.asr.ry a i .-ofthice lhf.u.-T.r.il tlcilarj i,.,v r:cr. Vices ari Iiiil-.i .lvfii1. , l rcnJcrcu while ho was alo tl ;.-" in" member of (',i!vj--.. 'n;:;f) ::l 0-;;er wor-.l.-, ho rc-ecire 1 .s;,0.')0 for acting as JuJ'c A '.he oea.'o (luring the year that he receive 1 $:r,:h) rs nxmbc r cf Con. prcs.s, whc-iea.- ;l.e lav.i cf tho Vv.Uol States (leclnro that " no perpc-n hwl.iing any office unJer the ;1,veinment cf the L nilcil State, wIkvo salary cr annual compensation, thail amount to twe.ti'v. five UuuurcJ -loilar.-., shall receive com. sensation 1 1 1 lUO UU''CS o t V u"'c '.-.iw. .'ir. onunn 1.5 also chargcJ with a ilircot ami cornn-t vio- .lc. lation of the Jaw hi usin- his facial p.,. ition to screen ouiei.il eri:ue j from cc rosure, ai.d with attaekir,- other ef.ieia!.-, from a desiro to j-ralily hb own rer.;on al rescD'e.-.cn!.-'. The ether side r,f tliij pichii-o cf Radical uiaiin-tcniciit ,e.-cn;.i counter-char-es by which the Provost .M:irahaii Department, heado.l by i.'er.e-al Fry tind put in opera:!, n by "h;3 of.ioJalsi in astern Xow Yli.'c, is ;.,t0a to ha.o been " one oarnira! of corrupt clisoider, and that a flood of corruption v.-ont un thallenScd, month after momh, all over the wcbtc-in part of tho .c;ta!e.'' To sub Hautiute thi.ic.v of tho matter, one case that of Haddock is mentioned, where a so-called investigation was mado under the direction of the JuJ-o Advo cate. In that instance it is boldly as serted that tho whole truth was not made known, and to this is added that there are other parlies who had suflieicut influence with the men in authority in that department to prevent their own exposure and punishment. If tho investigation committee date rise above party influence and give tho naked facts in this cae the country il no doubt bo rstoiiishoJ. Tho Piovo.t Marshal's Department opened a wido and peculiar Held, and it was well bar. vested. No wonder that tho PuJh al party arc willing to accept" aud put i"a operation any plan to retain power in the national Legislature. fjr tho day that opens the doors of Coii-rcss to the representatives from all the Slates in the Union will surely witness tho coi -dign punL-hmctit of some of tho promi. cent acton in tho pro-cut revolutionary proceedings at Wa.,ainqt..i!. Tic J r. A fJ.vi.LAXT officer in one of the Iowa rcg.mcnts. who never railed before rebel lalle. ts, fell an easy victim to a pwmf brif.ht eyes wh.vw owner wore a Lfautifulaprou, bearing tlio emblem cf cur country's flag, aud who was wait iu? cn the Iowa boys at a festival lately given on their return homo. The Colo nel, wishing to make tho lady'j acr(uain lance, remarked, ' That in a pretty apron that you wear, -Ulss, ' Yes,' said the Lir Uiaiden, this is my flag.' ' I have fought many a hard battle under that flag,' rejoined tho Colonel. ' Not under this' flag indignantly ex. claimed tho beauty, as she swept away, caving the galhmt son of Mars perfectly tlajibfodudcd. ;r c j nx 'i s i -i n c : mnts i lr tho Cnn-.r .tign. Great I m p r o v c-merits and Great Inducements ! Tin; best family journal IN THE STATU. - - - he puismsherm ox the li'i: EK'LY AGE" will present ii.'-nr i.vuo on Satm-uny, May Ith, 1800, ir. a h;n Noiii.-' and improved form. It j will bo in all rc.5pcct.-4 a rmsr class rAini.7 journal. particularly mlnp'od to tho Politician, tlir- Farmer, tho Merchant, tho .Median, ie, tho Family Circle mil tho General Render, having, in fact, every charac. terktie of A LIVE NEWSPAPER. At an early day will be begun. ax t:;ti:n.sj.i.y ixtkuestini.; serial, by one of the most popular ami faseina tin:; authors, ami it is also tho intention l.iv.i. r i. i .. i. :.. .i. . JtlU.l.-ll I l U I! i 1CC:. III III IUU course of the year, three or four of the u I'liST AND LATEST NOVELS. In orilor to pliicu thi.-f jcurual within the reaeli of'ail, it, will ho furnished un til the f'uvt Saturday after tho Gubcrna. to;'::! r'.-.'etlj:i, at tho citremely low prioo e f KiTY PI7S CENT 3 Fi-r a Singl.3 Copy. .'.M'T'i:,.' se:i:o of j.ricf have been a h.-:ie : te.l l. regular AvetLiy O110 1 op-.-, ouo year J 2 (0 i . y qi., ii 9 !)) '' a cr,in 17 (x) 'I'.vea'y c eic- 83 00 In ell cases wlicrn t!io r.arcr3 nro rent ono atldrcrs, tho following do- duction will be made : 'iYn eo:io.i. ono voar 60 Twenty coj.ies bo 00 One copy will be furnkhej. gnstis for :.-'"(. ::ie,- up a o.uo of ten, to cue addrce, fb" r.jia vear. Thoah(o ternn will he ri-iiilv hcrc-1 !-, and no r.otico will bo taken of a inscription until p-nd m advance. Tho pnshi-o for "Tho U'ceklyAge," ii picpr;J, is five cent:! per quarter, cr tv.'.-uiy cents per anirjm. 'f.Sr d- 110 TIB, '1;'.0 Chestnut Street, PiflL'A, PA. ?, . ; i:w c vsu umockuy stouk. L'i JAMES MeCLOSXl'Y, Dealer in C eocenes ftc, w.mlii re-pectfully inform the citizoi.s of Kersey and vicinity, that ho 1'.;. gone into the lroeery business, and will open ou or rdiout the mi .lule of May. 1 lo keeps cimtautly oil bund :.ii extensive L.toek of FI.OFR, TOiJACCOES, SEflARS. WHISKEY by the barrel or rjuait, and everything connected with a firut class (jiocerv fit ore. 1 will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afTord to sell CHEAPER than tho CHEAPEST. I invito everybody to call and saticfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSXEy. May Sd, 'Gil tjui. f ' UAitDIANS SALE. liy virtue of an JC order of Oiplian'a Court of Elk coun. ty, made in pursuance of a decreo of th Orphan' a Court of Northumberland, county amliorizing usto raise tho sum of one thou sand dollars from sala of real estate in Elk county. We the undersigned guardians of Mary Helen Marr, Win. P. Mr.vr, A Hon M.u-r, E.ivid ft. M arr, Alfred Marr and An-iotta .Marr, minor children of David Marr, bite-cf said Northumberland county dee'd, vill on Saturday tho lUih day if May next at the Court lluuie in KiJgway at 1 o'clock P. M., expose li) Jilo at public iiiojtion to the hilicst nnd boat bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit: All the estate and interest of said minor children, being the undivided six sevenths of eighty seven ami ono half acres of land, more or less, situate in Jay township, Elk county l'.i. l'.-inuinj at tho North Ea?t corner of land now owned by Joseph Dill and ieor;ro Weis anil miming thenco west, cno hundred ar.d eighty seven and ono half perches, thence south t i a corner, thence east to a corner in the lino of tho nfoi'C9aid Joseph hill and (ieoi-g-) WciV land, thenco in. rib along said lino 10 the place of begin iiiag. Ttruii CASH. Wlf.I.TAM II. .MAltR, WILLIAM P. M A It It, April 'Od lji.l. tdr. Guardians. WHEEL Ell k WILSON'S SEW INll MACHINES. Tho under sijjjned having been appointed Solo Agant lor the said of Wheeler ii Wilson's Sowing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New York prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining thoin ca- ad.lie.,i J. K. WIIITMOKE, March iU-'CO-ly. at IlidgvKiy, Ta. 1, X ECU ToltS N OTICE. WHEREAS, J betters Testamentary upon the estate of Simon Ernst bile of St. Mary's, Elk coun ty deii'd, have been granted to tlio subscri bers. All nersoiw 'lidebled lo Hip uni.l ui..i .w.. ... vfliniii! arc renue-i-ted lo nniko iinmediato payment, nun ui'i!ii uiiving claims against, ine same, will present them duly authenticated for tot llerncnt to JOHN WEOIMER snil JOIIV SCHMIDT, Executors. may lO'eG-6w. --lUm-A uns." TOitN C. Tl .f MtZnynlh''vM7 y wny. Illk miinly I'ii. mp.i-liJT l l I l:lll .1. lit.AKtfl V. Aiiornry mi.l 1 J ( 1.1111 e;Un- i.t. law, ami U, ( (,;,im;.J. losr.i-r. !til-vajr or Uciuinyor V. () o.iuiili-. I'a. iniu- 'J-rO-i'ly.' OOKTilKlf A 17W I'l.U.-l " ".' 1 1 Vvnoyii nl kj I.-uv, Iti Ijtwuy, rounty I'a., will uitea.l lu all j i-ijll-j -iuii-il business pi-iUMpt. 'j- iinr-J'0('.-ly, ,11. !. S. 1 )HI)U i;i,r, 1 -,; 1 cian. I.hIo tit' W an en connu- V ' lil -i-oni.ily mis if ci- n'.l proffusioniil culli tv . : 1 1 I. : 1 Illg.ll or , lrsmi'lie-C ono Uoor Cait ol tlm lutn resi(l-ncc of lion. .1. I,. Cillis Mar-'J-rCi'-Iy. I!. W. T.. If AH T.MAN', St. Mm-y-s, t-lk county, Tiv. I, ate of 1 lie Armv of the rotiiiimo. I'ai-t icului attention given lo all omes of sui-gieal nature. tmal'--2'iii-ly. Dll. V. JAMES llLVKELY'rilysie-ian anil Sargcou.Si. Jl.ivy's, Elk count, y t'.i. mai--22'(;(l ly. Bit. V,'. W. SHAW l'raetices Mclieino nuJ .Surgery, Cenlvcville, Elk county '.. lnar-L'J'Olily. Dtt. A. K. illt.f. Kersey. Elk county I'a. Will pvomjitly nnswer allprofefsional culls by niglit or day. inar-2U'lHS-ly. nVl'E HOUSE, M. V. MOOIIK rropri-i-tni-. Uiilgway, Elk county I'a. Mir-2J'tW-ly. Q'r.'MAUV.S IIOTI.I., 1J. E. WcllcmloiT Eroprictor, St. Mary's, Elk county 1'n. Tais limoe is now nr.d fitted up wiih cepo. ci.il cure for tlio convenienco nrol comfort of guests, ni niniierntc ray?1. Free Hack, to iin l from the Depot. ' Good stabling at. taxied. inar-'f!0-ly. I j.CIIAN(;i: 1IOTEE. Kidjjway. Elk ij e.iunty I'a., David Tlmycr l'roprictoi-. Tliis bou.se is pleasantly situated on tlio bank of 1 ho ( l.irion, in the lower end of tho town. 13 well provided with house room nnl sfiiblin;.', nod tlio proprietor will spare no painjtn render tho stay of his prnesia pleas n:it ami agreeable. mar-22'liO-ly. SlilM.iTON lldt'SE, St. .Mary's, Elk c.iuntv l'.i., r.il.vard I'.abel I'ro. pi'etor. This house ii new an. I filed up wiih especial civo for the Ronvenicnic of gnosis, (ioo'l siabling nUaehoil. Mar-'i'li'O'jly. I )f)!U)YYKI.i,ANl MUSSESdEll I'rug 4) Ciis. Oenb-13 in Onii anil Chemicals' l'aints. Oils and Viirn'h . 1'cvfuiiiury Toil, ct r.rtielcs and Stationary, Eiiljrwny. Elk county r.i. iuar-22'iit;-ly. (1 It. YOLK, Manufacturer nnd Dealer j in Eagir lieer. opposite the Eailroa-1 Iicpot. St. Mary's, Elk county I'a. Mar-i-Gii-ly. ENHY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all hinds of Furniture, Spring Ueds nnd Maiire-se--. Pidure Franici and Collins, RiiJjrw.iy Pa. Wine llooms in the Metho. disl Puraonago. m ly-lTTio-ly. ii n-Tii 1 r. I'l.rii'iv ami V ATCIt A ' ..v.... V LI-.- - rf l I I.' I." 1 t-'P ? I IDV'I rll- WMititv JH.lUlill. Ol. .'l.oi l -t i... x. ..... Pn. Edward McErido, keeps constantly on linn 1 and for sale, Watches, Clocks, Silver I'iuleU ware an-t Jewelry 01 aiiucseripuoii-. B".5Litvpiiirin ; r.e illy executed, and dona on snort nrun c ami rciuonauiu icnus. Mar 20'uo.1y. "ti ll'.l I'UlS'TIN'i;. Kii.ihus Cards. Posters I Hiiml Kills. I'.ill Heads Sc.. done at tho ADVOCATE OFFICE on shorty notice and at reasonable prices. lSGu 18GG it i-rt ii"ii-?l' -1 i "-e -l. il tV-V-iiV'-tV J PHILADELPHIA ERIE HAIL lit) A 11. Tfii front, linn (rni-nrses tlio Northern and North we; t counties cf 1 eniisvlvanu to tho ci'y of Eric, on Lake Erie. It has been leased lc tho I'rnntiIva- niii liuil lload comnaiw. and is opera cd by thcin . lis entire length was opened for p:s senger and freight business, October 17th. 18(U. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT ItlDGWAY. Leave JCasticard. Eric Mail Train 2 15 p.m. J'.ne express I rain 7oup.ni. Leave Wtstitai-tl. Erie Mail Train 1 30 p.m. Erio Exnress Train S S9 a. m lusenrp.r nnr run tlii-nnorli wiibAiif V , ....w-n ........uv change both ways between Philadelphia flnil lirin NEW YORK COVFflTrOV. Lcnvo New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at x-ne u.ia a. m. Leave Erio at 1.55 p. m., arrive at Ntiw ions o.iu n. ni. Eli'jent Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport auu ijuitimore, anu Williamsport and Philadelphia. For intormation respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner SUth 1 11 1 .... unu iuarKei c-ts. And forFr;ight business of tho Coin nany's Airents: S. JJ. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th aud iuaricct c-ts. I'liiiadelphia. J . W. Reynolds Erie. W. Brown, Agent N. C. R. R. Rul tiuioro. H. II. Houston, Gen'l. Freight Ag't. FhU'a. II. W. (JwiSNKR, Gen'l. Tlchcl Ayt. PhtTa. Alfred. L. Ti'i.er, General Supt Wms't. "VTOT1CE TO STOCKHOLDER y The Sloekholders of tho Kersey Oil and Mineral ( ompany, are hereby notified that tho annual meeting for election of Di reotors & Officers of said company for the ensuing year, will beheld at their oflics in Uouscville, Venango county Pa. on Friday the tirstday of June 18(50, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. JI 0f I he same day. ISAAC MILLER, Vice PreVt. S. A. IIETF1ELD, W. II. COFFIN, I Dirco'ra J.W.OL'ERNSEY. jUllCor3' JAS. W. GUERNSEY, Sec'y Protein. Uouscville, May-8'GO-t't, n U G S T O It E . 110 III.' WELL & MESSENGER, pr.AI.LUS 1 DIUGS, MEDICINES, LAMP OIL, JINTS, LE AD, LUEUICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE.STUFFS, CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, A LRU MS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, III RD-C AGES, TOR A CCO & SEGARS. n.'RE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS ec IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. IiOR DWELL k MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. .... FOUTZ'S Horse aM Cattle Fswffers. Thij prpparntion, lonK anu liivuralily known, will tlini-- nuulily rcinviuorata broken tlown and low-spirited liorneii, by trenKthcning and cleaniiing tlio Btomacb und intt-s- tinea. It ill A RUI-A Tim. vrntive of all dif- 1 iiwea iiiciuent 10 tins nnimal, such as LUNi; ii-V LK, CLA.SUEKS, r. 1. u ' M n A- TKR, H EA V KS, CO IT Oil 8, PIS TEMP E It , FE VERS, FOLNPKR LOSS OK APPE TITE A N'D VITAL KNKHUY.ic. lis um improves tlie wind, increases the appctite-.gives a s m o 0 1 a and icloasy skin and triLiivfnrmv t. h a miserable skeleton into a ane-looking and spirittd To kecnem at fnvi iht'a n..n,Hi:.. 1 . . 1 r . i.iinuij 13 iiivaiuaiuo. U increttaei the riuautity and improves the quality 01 cue milk, itbas been proven by ac tual experiment to increase tho quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make tha butter firm and weet. In fattening cattle, it idves Uiein an appetite, loosens a uieir 11 1 a e , and :r makes them thrlva much faster. In atl diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, lie., this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a paper barrel of swill the r.'l-. J, will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain ....ulna miu cure ior tuo nog .noiera. Price 86 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for 11. PREPAEED BY , S. A.. rOUTZ Sc. IJIJO., AT THEIR WnOlESVlE DRIO AN! MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklia St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale hy IiruggisH and Storekeepers throuita out the United States. Sold at Manufactures prices, by Rordwe!l& Messenger Ridgway, Agents for Elk county. AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE OI1DEUS foi tho best selling booli now publish ed, Thrilling Glories of tho Croat Eebellioa. Compi-isin heroic mlveiitures and liair- uieauiii escapes or Soldiers, Scouts, Spies and Eefugees ; daring exploits of Smug piers, Cuerillas, Desperadoes and others ; Tales of Lovul and Dislnv ill wrinion St riesoftho Negro, &c, with incidents of run anu .Merriment in Camp and Field. Pv Lioutenant Colonel S r:, print lnta rf tho United Slates Arniy. Handsomely ib lusirnieu wim engravings on eteel anu in oil colors. Send for cireulfLi-s nn sen Oia 1iV.Ai.n1 terms offered. C1IAS.S. GREENE & CO., Publishers No. m S. Third St., Philadelphia. TTtXECETORS NOTICE. wiip.uk s JL'J Let I.ntlr.1.Q 'I'lialnniaiiliiiitr urtAfi Hia Pdl.ila - - . . .. . "l . .. of Danil'l llowitl. lnt A nf . Inv InwnKhin Vltr county deo'd, havo been granted to the undorslgned. All persons indebtod to the said estate, are requested to make imruedi alo payuiont, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for teltlement. Vt.M. IS. HEWITT, JOSIAIl W. MEAD, Apr--)S'C00t-pd. Eiocutors D igHT. jlgtrs NEW ARRANGEMENT! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE NEW STOKE OF FKEDKIUCK XCJKKXIXC, 1 'EN THE VILLI'., ELK Co., P.. N E W 0 0 O 1) S HAIL Y A R II I V I N G THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO THEIR. 1NTEHEST ! As manifested hy the daily throng of cus tomers exchanging "CEEEN HACKS " for goods. All (he Domestic Cotton floods are high. Customers one mid nil cxclniiu IIOW CHEAP YOUR DKESSflOtniS AUK My Block consists of PHY GOODS, GKOCERIES, HATS & CAPS, EOOTS Si SHOES, CLOTHING, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, HARD WARE OILS ,j- PAINTS, PUTTY, NAILS, GLASS, WOODEN WARE, rORK, FLOUR, FISH, SALT. It 13 useless for me to attempt, to give a full list of tLc stock, but invito one and all, to drop in and see for themselves. BUTTER, EGGS, TOTATOES, GRAIN, HIDES, CALFSKINS and all country produce taken at market price, for goods. FREDERICK SCIKENINO, Ceitrcrillo, June lit'60-ly. G I! E A T 1: X C 1 T F M E jv t Is kept up by the DAILY ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS . AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store, Wharo he has on hand and for cale MEN A BOY'S CLOTHING, DRY COOPS, LADIES k OEXTS FUHNISinCr GOODS, LAMES DUES GOODS." LADIES k (tENTS SHAWLS, SONTAGS, P.REAKFAST SHAWLS, NUBIAS, COMFORTERS, HCARFS, HOODS &0. ALSO HATS k CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, A very largo and well selected STOCK of the best made, aud warranted in every respect ALSOGROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TflAj RICE, FLOUR, SALT, PORK, FISH 4c,' A LSO CONFECTIONARY I AND YANKEE NOTIONS IN GREAT QUANTITIES I ) AND QUALITIES ' 1 TOBACCO AND SEGARS OF THE BEST QUALITT, tx3l say, to one and all, that my stock is full and complete, and will be sold at small profits. Give me call before purohejslng alee where. FREDERICK RUDOLPH. Kt. Mary's, Not. 26'6C-ly, X