tttt; tlx advocate. TUt'RSDA I', Vi'A 5th, 18GG. JOHN 0. HALL. EPITnn rnoritiETnA. J. F. MOORE, ri'BLISIIFR. NEWS SUMMARY, " The election held in Connecticut on 2d inst., resulted in the election of llawley, Radical, over Enplisli, Demo, crat, by from COO to 900 majority. The Democrats gained eight or niue mem. hers in the Senate and thout fifteen members of the Hiiuso of Representa J tires. In 18G4, Lincoln's mnjorifylwns 2,406 In 1865, Buckingham, Repub. lican Candidate Tor Governor had 11035 majority. Democratic gain over vote of 1864 nearly, 1800, over vote of 1865, over 10,000. The radicals at last succeeded in oust ing Senator Stockton of New Jersey from his seat, against the report of the judiciary committee, consisting of seven members of whom five were Republicans. The vacanay thus caused will be filled by the Legislature of New Jersey, now in session, and which is Republican. It is not yet certain whether a Radical or conservative Republican will be elec ted. President Johnson issued a proclama tion on the 2nd, declaring the insurrec tion at an end, and virtually putting and end to martial law, millitary tribunals and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. United States Senator Foote of Ver. mont is dead. It is said that the Gov. ernor of Vermont has appointed Mr Geo. P. Edmunds, hia successor. The eleventh National Woman's Rights convention will be held in New a ore on tne lUth May. A strong effort is to be made to obain for women the ngnt ot suffrage and to hold office. .cuemon nas broken out in St Domingo against President Eae ' Mex va vuuimu me usual amount oi contradictory stories of Liberal victo nes and defeats- The Fenian excite ment in Lanada has nearlv guh,;,W Tf is almost certain that Austria and Prussia will have a war. This will probably uvjvc an Europe iiorn governments are making great preparations. Tt is aaid an order has been issued at Vienna ordering 100,000 xvuainan troops to the frontiers of Silesia, m aiso rumored that Prussia and Italy v oaa negotiations, looking to alliance gainst Austria in ease of war It is positively asserted that Head Centre Stephens of the Fenians whose arrest and subsequent escape from prison our readers will remember, has arrived in Paris. He had been working as a common laborer on a small farm in Scot land, under an assumed name, until he was able to effect his escape into France. The trial of civilians by Military Com. missions has been decided by the Su. preme Court of the United States to be illegal. This decision was made on the Sd inst., in the Indiana Conspiracy ca ses, upon the application of three of the defendants to the Circuit Court for writs of habeat corpus. The Judges be low disagreeing the cases were certified to the Supreme Court, who deoided; 1 That the writs of Aaoea corpus should have neeo granted: 2. That the defen danta should have been discharged; 3 That the Military Commission had no Jurisdiction to try them. In one mile of the cable now boing manufactured for the Atlantic telegraph here are seven miles of copper wire, four odea of guttapercha, ten miles of galvan wed wire, and fifty miles of Manilla spun SEP01 in. For the past fortnight a com pany of about one hundred soldiers have been engaged upon the battle-field of Shiloh n the work of gathering the remains of 'he dead into a cemetery upon the banks of the Tennessee. The N. York Express, has a rumor of theequipingofafleet of vessels, com- manaea By experienced officers, and that prom.nent ifenians are missing from uoir accustomed posts, i.2nSUB.frltoI Canadienne m bung fitted outat Quebeo for the fish. E?k dr"1F,r.ti3'wh0 ands tar, is to be supplied with additional marines and guos. Senators Cowan and Doolittle, both Republicans ,re announced to speak in Waahinetnn . tu j aes meeting of the t&a e - uuwrietv, oeeao at ea- wi wuv uij nil. The colliers near St. Clair Pnn..i nia, have struck for an advrnoe tceir MjrronT tub president. Why not ? Is not speedy restoration desirable f Was not that the purpose of the war! Wa not the ureal object ot the war to maintain the Union ? Has tho war been a failure? If not, what excuse for delay in consummating by complete restoration the fruita of the glorious deeds of our Army :md Navy ? That object of thj war will be leftunac. complislico by restoration ? Slavery has been abolished and the freedom of the black is guarantied forever by a con stitutional amendment ratified by more than 3-fourths of the Mates. The ordi. canccs of secession have been declared null and void by the seceding 8 totes themselves. Organized resistance to the supremacy of the General Govern- j ment has every where ceased, What more do we require? We are told by the Radicals that these who participated in the rebellion must be disfranchised, unless they were blarfs in which case they arc presumed to have been acting under compulsion, but the whites who were drafted and driven into the con federate service as Mr. Lincoln said "like bullocks to the slaughterhouse ore presumed to have gone voluntarily But the loyal blacks are to be endowed with the right of suffrage, and the loyal blacks means all the blacks of the South, notwithstanding nine tenths of them, voluntarily remained with their masters during the war, supplying by their labor the confederate armies with the means of subsistance, while the larger proportion of the other one tenth ( left their homes under the influence of such prorsuasive arguments as federal bayonets, now absurd to call loyal theNigroesof the South who knew littlo of the questions involved in the war, and cared less. But can it be, that we must entirely reverse what has heretofore been the older of society in the South, by making slaves of the whites and lords of the blacks J Let the gallant soldiers and sailors, who have periled them lives for a very different object, answer. Let the honest masses of the people everywhere answer. Keep it before the people that the only men who oppose the President's policy are those who favor the enfranchisement of the blacks and the disfranchisement of the whites. These very men who now indulge in b itterest invective against the President, were but a short time ago loudy proclaiming the sophistry that the President was the Administration, the Administration was the Government, and opposition to the Government was treason. We remember that many of these laiicals, not many years ago, were as strenously opposed to foreigners hav ing the right of suffrage, because ot their ignorance: (till later, in what glowing terms they depicted the ignor ant and degraded condition of the negro in bondage : how comes it, that these negroes have been so suddenly trans formed as to be worthy to participate id the government of a great people ? Yet these are the men who denouuee Presi dent Jonhson as inconsistent surely such a charge comes with a bad grace from them. But President J ohnson has not uttered one word or done one official act, so far as we can see, in conflic t with the platform upon which he and Mr. Lincoln were elected. His appointees are all Republicans, and when he re moves a Radical he appoints a conserva tiva Republican in his place. A large proportion of the Republican party have repeatedly said that they were opposed to thrusting negro suffrage on the South. The President stands at the head of that portion, and of eouise they will support him. TUG ISSUE. During the continuance of the war, men differed unon aueatlous iuUoot tu the war. The conflict is ended and all those matters of controversy are extin guished. The return of peace has Drought before us new subjects for dis cussion and difference. Men will deeide these new questions by different modes. The politicians will view them merely as hobbies upon which to place or keep themselves in office. The ignorant and bigoted will rally nnder their old party name and party leaders utterly regardless of the issues. The welfare of the country depends upon those who honestly deeide upon the merits of the controversy, and have independence enough to aet upon their deoision. These are not the ma jority, bat we hope they are sufficiently numerous to hold the balance of power. With soeh, the simple question to day, is, anau we sustain the President in his attempt to accomplish a speedy restore. uon or the Union r We have given our readers both the Democratic and Republican Plattorms in mis state. . Preserve them for fu ture reference. Fe expect to make com ments upon them next week. THE LOCAL ADVOCATE. JOB WORK. Eighth sliet ban j bill, 60 copies or less $2,50 Quarter sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or less $3,00 Half sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or leas $5.00 Full sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or less $8,00. BLANKS. For any quantity under five quires. $1, 50 per quire ,- on all amounts over that a reasonable reduction will he made. TERMS OF PArEH. $1.50 per year In advance $2.00 if paid within the year, and $2,50 if not paid with in that lime. B?!uOwing to the unusual length of the Treasurer's Pale notice, we are una ble to pot our paper off in time for the Clearfield mail. Wc send the Kersey package by hand. The other oQiccs on that route wtll not be reached until Monday's mail. This unavoidable delay Ua greater disappointment to us than to our readers. A Large " Varmint." Mr. Nelson Gardiner, of this township shot a wolf the other day which measured seven feet in length. He was a formidable an imal, but he met the common fate of his race when they get into Mr Gardiner's ' neck of woods " IQyThe Commissioners of Elk county will receive plans and proposals for building a Prothonotury's office, at their office in Ridgway, on Monday the 7th day of May, 1856. Size 20X30 feet to be built of stone or brick. By order, J.K. P. HALL, Cotn'rs. Cl'k. NOTICE. Hereafter the Post Offiee will be closed every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at 6 P- M. L. LUTHER, P. M. tmWe call the attention of Sohool Directors and others intciested to the notice of the County Superintendent, in another column. How Refreshing. Are the April snowers, tney nourish into lite the open ing buds, and renew all vegetation. But yet it is a time of the year when there is great danger of taking Cold from exposure to the weather- Coe's Cough Balsam is excellent for Coughs ana uoias. &ore Throat, and all Pulrno. nary Complaints. While Coe's Dvspensia Cure is invalua. ble in Dyspepsia, Iudigestion, and all disease ot the stcmach and bowels. IgUThe U. S. Service Maaazinc. ! now in iti third year, is becoming every aay more wiaeiy Known and growing more and more into public favor. This is due in no small degree to the energy and tact of Col. R. B. Irwin, the editor-in- chief, and the talent, accomplish- K 'hi v cultivated literary at tainments of Dr. Deu. JjJlUS KlMlllu. under whose immediate supervision the magazine is compiled. Dr. Martin.s connection with the artry, his long res idence abroad and his piquant style of thought and expression fit him peculiarly for the position he occupies. Among tba contributors to the Magazine are many distinguished officers and ex-officers ot the army, which makes it particularly interesting for military men, while the history it contains, presented as it is in biographies, criticisms and sketches, renders it the most readable chronicle ot war events that the civilian can have. Pnbllshed byO . B. Richardson, 540, Broadway, New York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhol ders of the Lemont Gas Coal Co. that a meeting will be held on the 14th inst. at 11 o'clock, A. M. at the office of the eompany, 237 South 4th street Philadelphia for the purpose of deoiding upon the issue of two Kinds i Btoolc, namely, General Stock aad Special Stock. P. C. BLANCAN, Sec'y Philadelphia, April 2nd, 1866. E. REMINGTON & SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Carbines, for the United States Service. Also POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolving Rifles, Rifle and Shot Oaa barrels, and gun materials sold by gun dealers and the trade generally. In these days of housebreaking and rob bdry, every house, store, bank, and office, should be supplied with one of REMINGTON'S REVOLVERS. Parties desirintr to nf the improvements in r istoig, and superior workmanship and form, will find all combind in the New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing outs and description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. . REMINGTON & SONS. Ilion, N. Y. Moobi & Nichols Agents, No. 40 CourtUnd St. New Tork. April 5tb 1866.-ly T 1ST OF LETTERS REMAINING JLi in the Poet, Office at Ridgway, iuarcn, oxst, isoo. Andrews, Peter, one ; Baily, Jas. C. one; Burton, Geo. rne; Crouse, Henry, one; Crowford, Jomes. one; Calhen Harry, one; Chapman. S. R. one; Camp- oeu, win. one; uaid well, J nomas one; Eiler, Wo. two; Fisher, Amie. B, one; Gettamaa, John, one; Hall, Rev. Ed. win. one; Hall, Thomas, one; Hagany, John, one; Hanson, B. J one Jones. Chas. one; Koms, Mrs. Maty, one; MuL quin, David, one; Neligan. Cornelius, one Newland, Jos, two; Sears, Jacob, one; Vamghn, Wm. one; H'escott, R. one; Unpaid Letters. Henry, Graybnrn, one; F. Weeks, one; Capt. H. C. Hen derson, two; N. P. Homan, two; Aus ton, C, Nillington, one; H. IFilson, one; Edward, Garry, one; Persons calling for the above letters will please aay advertised. L. LUTHER P. M. 1866 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL J. ROAD. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the lennsyha nia Hail Road Company, and is opera ed by them. Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freight business, October 17th, 1804. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train 2 15 p. m. Erie Express Train 7 58 p.m. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train 1 30 p. m. Erie Express Train 3 39 a. m Passenger cars run through without change both ways between. Philadelphia ana trie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., Arrive at Erie U.15 a. m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p. m., arrive at New York 3.40 p. m. Eleoent Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. l'or information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner 30th and Market fits. And for Freight business of the Com pany s Agents: b. d. Kingston, Jr. vJor. lath and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds Erie. W. Brown, Agent N. O. R. R. Bal timore. H. H. Houston, Gen'l. Freight Aft. PhiTa. II. W. GwtNNER, Gen'l. Ticket Agt. PAiTa. J ALFRED. Li. 1YLER, General Supt Wms't. JJRUO STORE. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. LAMP OIL, POINTS, LEAD, LUBRICAT ING OIL TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE.STUFFS CONFECTIONERIES, RAISE NS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS, VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES TOBACCO & SEGARS, PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY,' PA To the School Directors of Elk County uentiemen: la Dursuance nf th fnrtv Vi!rJ t I .. . . U(, w. tion or tne act ot May, eta ieo4, (and suoeequeni aois,; you are Hereby notL G - J A . . . , .. - ucu ij meet id convention, at tne oourl house, in Ridgwav on the first Tuesdav in May, A.D. 1866, being the first day of the month, at 2 o'clock in the after noon, and select, viva voce by a majority vi wo wuuib DumDer oi aireotors pres ent, one person of literary and soientiSo acquirements, and of skill and eznerience in the art of teaching, for county super. inienaent,iortnetnree succeeding years, determine the amount of comnensation for the same ; and certify the result to the State Superintendent Harrisburg, as required by the thirty ninth and lor uetn sections ot said act, JAMES BLAKELY, County Superintendent of Elk County. Bentinger April 3d, 1866. Changed by sot oi the Legislature at the present session from Monday to Tuesday. WHEELER & WILSON'S 8EW ING MACHINES. The nnder signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sole of Wheeler ft Wilson's 8ewinf Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machine old at Philadelphia and New York prioea. Any parties desirous of obtaining them a address J. K-JWHITMOUE, March tO'CeOy. at Ridgway, pa. 1866 GOOD NEWS: MEW &QQ.HS) AT THE New Stoiu of wei; BROTHERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pen nsylvania Successors to'Georoe Weis. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a Well selected stock of SPRING SUMMER Silks, Morenots, Poplins, Delanes, Mohairs, lonurgs, Flain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints. White Goods of every de. scription. Flannels jpt all kinds. Clog ham, Tidings & Shirting in great vati. ety. & C JADIES HILDRENS Millinery Goods : such as Bonnetts, Hats. Caps, Ribbons, Dress and Bonnet trimmings oi every aescription. Gloves and Hosiery, Spring and Summer isaimorals, uents furnishing Goods of every description, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, SatHnetts of all kinds, Hats, Caps and Clothing of better quality than any establishment in the county. Oil cloths, Glass Ware and Lamps, Boots and Shoes, a large assortment at a low figure. In Hard ware, our stock is com plete. We have Yan kee Notions, Hoop Skirts, and Mir. rors in great variety. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of Flour, Pork, Sugar, Tea. Coffee, Spices, Rice, Sugar, Salt, Lard, Oil, Whale Oil, PETROLEUM CANDLES. SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for family use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, es of all kinds. A full assort ment ot Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Bean, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. WE BUY OUR STOCK directly " from the Manufacturer and there Aawe can afford to sell cheaper tbaa wojother establishment in Elk county. THE PUBLIC are respectfully b" vited to call and examine or stock and prices 1 Wiethe tney wish to buy or not, for we elaim to have one of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE in the oounty and can sell for less profit, than any other house in the oounty. Weis B ROTHERS. St Mary's, Marck 10th, 68. RIDGWAY, PENNA. WHOLES AL & RET AtC DEALER IN DRY GOODS, ' - CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, queenswa're, . FEEDj HARDWARE,. .: LUMBER ' AND SHINGLES, . I S T OR E S AMONG THE. Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THIS COUNTRY, AND THE PLACES TO GET ood Bargains CALL& SEE 1' March 29thl86-lv. .J