THE ELK ADVOCATE liLKjpYOGATE Kvory Saturday nv !. w. ii'iiipr-rT. Ridgway. Pa. Jan. J?0th 1866 rjL X ?r w .,ii. t v. i IhrnhnUlht Vrttt the peoplr' s right maintan I naued bv party and unlribrd hy iiain ; VUdfied hut 1,1 Truth, l.iktnii and Law, A't favor m atin vt and no tear ihittl awe." "" s7AriM-Vrf KNG F M"fe co,v APVEnTISFlNO AriENCY . lignspan St.. New York and 1 0 State St., Boston R. M. PETTENG ILL Co., are the Agents for the Ei.k Advocate and the most intiuontial and largest rirculntirmr Newspapers in the United States and the Cmwla.s- ihev arc authorized to con tract for us at our lowest rates. Terms of Advertising:. One square, one inseition, $1,00; each subsequent insertion, 50 cents. Quarter of col'n, inserted fun $12.50 Half " " " fun L'0,00 One column, " Om R5.00 Quarter of column ' lv 25.00 Half " " ly 40.00 One (Milium. ' ly 70,00 Professional unci Business Cards, not ei re'!inis e'fhl lin-s. one year. $t('0. Ex ecutor's Administrator's, find Auditors Notices, cie'i ?2.fi0. Applications for Li cense. f'K'li. 52.00, Cautions, Estrnys. Notices of Dissolution, eo, not exceeding one square, it insertions. $2. 50 each. Advertisements of Orphan's ('ui,t Pale, KxccH'or's. Administrator's and Auditor's Notices, F.stray9, Dissolution of Partner, ships. Cnuliotis, and till transient advor tisement, mi' positively he paid in advance. Fourteen lines will be computed one qua re. JOB WORK. Eighth sheet hand bill, 50 copies or lets $2.50 Quarter sheet hand. bill, 50 copies or less $3.50 Half fhect hand-bill, 60 copies or lees .5.00 Full sheet hand-bill, 50 copies or less $3,00. BLANKS. For any quantity under five quires. Si,. 50 p.jr quire . nn all amounts over that a reasonable reduction will he made. f FIRMS OF PU'EII. SI, .11 per year in advance $2.00 if paid within the ye'ir, and $2,50 if not puid with in that time. Rail Road Accidents Agaih. The week commences as usual, by the oecurrence of one of the ordinary Occi dents upon the I'. & K. R. R., but wo ore happy to say, that they arc seldom so near lioine as those we now have to record. Owing to the a'ility of the Su perintendent of the middle division. Col. J. J. Lawrence, but few casualties have happened upon it and in this case they were owing entirely to causes be yond his control. On the evening of Sunday the 21st, an extra engine going cast, was thrown from the track by the ice, about half way from Ridgway to St. Mary's and the engineer Harry Alfred, and his fireman were both badly injured, but how severely we have been unable to ascertain. Monday morning the Express freight train east, was also thrown from the track, a short distance east of Wiltnartli, by ice and the conductor Mr S. Hubbard, badly burn J ' ed about the face and hands. One of the brakemen who passed by the name of James Johnson was entirely consum. cd by the fire only a portion ot bis head and one shoulder being left. The train consisted of twenty six cars loaded with oil, of which eight were entirely destroyed. Tho Mail und Express j trains were compelled to transfer bag gage and passengers at the wreck, where the gentlemanly operator, who was formerly located here, Mr. Harry Garner, was on duty with the wreck magnet. The track was destroyed by the fire for the length ofix or seven rails. P- S. Since writing the above, the conductor Mr. S. Hubbard has died. Sudden Death. Hod. Hen. Henry Winter Davis, a prominent Baltimore politician, died in that city, on the 3!st ult , aged 43 years Mr. Davis enter, cd public lito about 1854. when he bo came the champion of Know Nothing, ism '-Plug Uglies" and "Rip Raps'" on the tide anu rulo of whieh, he rode into Congress, where he served them for six years. He was one of tho first among the men of the South, to es. pouse the dis union cause of Sumner, Steveus& Co.,aud during the Adminis tration of President Lincoln became one of the most subservient instru. went, until he was defeated for U. S. Senator, two years ago, when he turn, cd against his allies, and also, soon found himself out of office with but few friends to help hiin into place. As a statesman he was of b ut little use to tho country, ai a private citi. ren he was dignified ooial and of ur bane manners. Clearfield Repulli- l3The Democracy should not be discouraged because defeated, and ap. farently swallowed by Abolitionism. 3 ho ha!e swallowed Jonah, yet he eooa turued up all right ; while tho bla wt ncv:r heard r( iftrwtrd o c a I s Puuu. The sleighing at the present. Thanks Our thanks are due Dr. C R. Farley, II. R., for ,,ul !io docu ments si t.t to our office, and Hon. Wui. A. Wallace, for like fuvors. Sold. C. L., on the engagement question- nil light "waxy" your turn will come next. I Wanted. Those of our subscribers j knowing themselves indebted to the J Advocate office, to come forward and j settle their accounts, as we stand in j need of money. j O.v Hand. Rico & Luther arc still at their old stands, and on haod to buy Hides, 1'elts, Jurs, Venison !fce. Hun ters give them a call, they pay the highest cash priecs. Left. The Deputy Prothonotary, on a pleasure trip to York State. Wo would not be surprised to hear of him bringing back, the -'gal" he left behind him. rirHNlTi;nn Stoih Tl to buy good furniture, would do well by calling at the Furniture room of Messrs Houk & M'Vean, as they have received a lartre stock of first elnsa furniture which they will soil at reduced prices consisting in part of Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables and Stands of all descriptions. (TJ?"The editor still remaining ill. not able to attend to the office, and the largo amount of new advertisements, which will be found in this issue, and the scar, city for help, will account for the delay of the paper. Gopev'8 Lady's Book. This beau, tif'ul Magazine for February, has again been laid before us. We think it wor. thy of every ludys patronage, young or old. The engraving in this magazine, aloue is worth the subscription. Terms 83 00. 8flfc,The January thaw is a '"capital institution" forprodueing Colds, Coughs, and kindred ailments much worse than severe cold weather, and we advise our readers, particularly those predisposed to any pulmonary weakness, to t-ee to it they are well shod, and allow no change of clothing. It any one is so unfortu. nnfo Dfl in in nnnivmi VI. 1 r....1. Hoarseness, or other pulmonary disor. j tier, we Knew ot nothing so cmeicnt as I Coes Cough Balsam. Oar advice is, take little and often. To those who have been living: on the fat of the land through the holidays, and have got theirstomachsout of order, we would prescribe Toe's Dyspepsia Cure ; it hits cured some very bad tases ot Dyspepsia. Governor's Message. To lie Senate and House of Jirpresen liitiu's of the Commonwealth ol'eun. eylvunhi. Gentlemen: The toils and anxie ties of the last tour years have, from I time to time, brought on me severe at tacks of disease. From tho most se. vcre of these I am now slowly struggling towarus recovery. I una that to trive j niy coustutioii an opportunity to con. limit Ihld krill.r.i-la it iu nr.Ln nfnl.. cessary that 1 should, without delay, make, a short sea voyage and sojourn in a milJer climate. Under the pressure of this necessity I go the Island of Cu ba. It is my hope and intention to re. turn iu gooa season to welcome you on ymir arrival at the seat of Government. B it if it should bo found iudispensable that my visit to Cuba should be pro longed to tho early part of February, this message w ill serve to lay before you the cause of my absence at the com mencement ot jour session. In this case I feel sure that you will adopt such courso as shall consist with your wis dom and with the affectionate sonsider ation which I havo always, received at your hands. It would, hewever not become nie to forget that tho issues of hfo are in the hands of the One above all and that many have found deuth waiting for them on tho foreign shore to which they have been sent in seaich of health. Should such be my fate, I thall draw ray last breath with a sense of the deep. est gratitude to tho people ot the Com- ptTA'PTT'Cttttt-d n - monwealth and their representatives lor!A,Ki'J:j! U.E8q v, ,.k..r..i . i ... e -i- mo njtciiui, luuuiY, untuning support , , ., , . . n . rr. which they have given during the last fur years to the great cause of the rijjht, and to me and my efforts to main tain it, and with a prayer of thaukful. ness to Aimiguty ooa that lie strength ened nie till the end of the cruel rebel, lion, and thought rne worthy to be permitted to continue to that time as the Chief Magistrate of the people of Pennsylvania. To have my uamo con nected iD that relation with such a peo pie during such a time ought to be enough to fill the highest measures of any man's ambition. ANDREW G. CURTINT. Executive Chamber. 1 Ilarrttlurg, November 27 1S03. ) Manners What a rare gift is that of mannors 1 ho difficult to define how much more difficult to impart. Better for a man to possess them than wealth, beauty or talent ; they wil! more than supply all, No atteution is min uto, no labor too exagerated, which tend to protect them. He who enjoys their advantages in the highest degree, viz. he who can please, ptnetrate, persuade, as the object may require, possesses the subtlest Eooret of the diplomatist aud the statesman, and wants nothing but Statement of the Receipts & Ex' petidiiure of Elk county far the year 1S05. Jan. 1st 1800. Dr. To unit of taxes collected from unseated lands, $ 211 36 Ree'd from collectirs, 2757 f)8 In case of Com. vs Graham CD 46 Fine in case of Com. vs Volk 25 00 Cbapin & Wilbur Atty's for county 260 90 Fec't from" L. Volmer. 10 00 do do C. Weis 10 00 do do Souther & Willis 10 00 J. C. Chapin on unseated lands 10 26 Win. 1'. Furvin on land sold to county 27 84 L. Bitter extra Assessment 1 10 A.J. Meddock ou land sold to county 40 10 Balance 054 42 Total $4085 02 Jan. 1 18G6 Cr Cash paid to.wit : Win A Bly Comr 8 Louis Volmer " Geo D. Messeugor " Jos W Taylor " Chns Weis ' Geo. Dickinson Jno C M'Allister " elk A uditors elk County Auditors Coroners fees Stationary &o Justices fees Dist. Attorney Bounties, wolves ic J urors Road Viewers Repairs Election Expenses Constables Assessors Treasures fees Fii.tou Expenses Printing Commissioners counsel Protliy's fees Commonwealth costs Sheriffs fees Court crier and Janitor Miscellaneous Fuel Auditor ot Prothy's acet Ref unding order Treas com'n on 3430 62 Rec'd 2 Treas com'n od 3261 84 2 8 00 12 00 8 00 136 00 11 00 86 00 276 13 8 00 36 00 35 27 55 62 26 97 41 64 1024 6 89 248 63 229 174 171 232 119 00 00 38 00 24 79 80 00 0. 98 00 72 57 93 00 00 150 108 125 90 81 18 80 98 28 00 123 62 63 61 65 23 $4085 02 8 76 87 Totul Assets : Tax outstanding on unseated lands do do in hands of collectors Amt of Bounty tai outstan ding on unseated land do of Bounty tax outstan ding in hands of col. State taxes outstanding do do do on un stated lands 1844 90 25483 55 6409 45 867 32 3074 80 $15307 02 Total Liabilities. Amt of Bounty orders outstan. ding $ 23 650 do of Interest estimated 2716 18 do County orders outstanding 1524 11 do due houe of Refuge 100 84 do do State 4419 66 do Balance 12950 -3 Total $45307 02 P. W. HAYS. High Sheriff of Elk county, in account with the county for me year i?Ui). Jan 1 1806. Dr ,, To Bal ducco., atlastsetlm't 8 03 30 " Jury fees Clover vs Bryaut & Ewer " Jury fees Tudor vs Gibson " Fiue Com'th vs Smith " County orders " Bal duo Sheriff 4 4 5 125 201 00 00 ! 00 00 03 Total $402 33 Jan. 1 I860. Cr. By conveying Wm. ICiunen Jr to House of Refuge $ do Adv'r Geu'l Election do Summoning Jurors do Filling J ury wheel do Conveying John Horajk to W Penitentiary do Fees on com'tb cases do Serviug Subpo hi com'th cases do Eutry on 152 cases 120 58 3 00 75 10 00 120 00 67 68 10 00 20 80 Total $402 33 t .treasurer ot Klk Mimtit in,.t i . , , "J ! With rt. .,,. ,.t lll. 1U l. - ... I ...u vuuiiij ui mr lue year I eudiu: Jan. 1st 1866. Jau. 1st 1866. Dr. To atntcol on unsealed lauds $ 211 do do Kced from col W taxes 2757 do do Pd per J. (!. Chapin in cases of com'th vs Jas. 36 58 Gttthatii do doL J. Blakely fine of C. 11. Volk do do (J. fr W. Ally's for co. do do Kecd from L. Volmer do do do do C. Weis do do do do Souther & Willis doatut reed from J. C. Chapin on luuJs uot assessed for 1860-61-2 ti 3 do amtrecd from Wm. P. Pur viu ou land sold to co. do amt reed from Chas Ritter extra assesmeut do amt reed from A J Med dock on lands sold ;o do Bal due county fund 60 46 25 00 200 92 10 00 10 00 10 00 16 26 27 84 1 10 40 10 Total Jan. 1st 1866. Cr. By amt due Tieas at former settlement do amt county orders re do do P'H pi., Auditor $3430 62 181 58 2917 51 3? 09 do Rd funding ordcr'to Jacob Moyer 123 do Treas com'o on $3430 62 reed at. 2 perct 68 to Treas com'n on $3261 84 dish at pr ct 05 do bal due fund 34 Total $3430 Dr. BenezettRoad Fund. January 1st 1860. To bal due fund at last sot $ 241 Total Cr. Bv orders redeemed $241 231 do Treas com'n on 231 disb at 2 pr ct do balance due fund 68 Total $241 Dr. Benezette School Fund. To bal due fuud ut lastset'mt $187 Cr. By dist Treas receipt $187 Di. Benzinger Road Fund. To amt reed from unseated lands $ 62 do bal due Treasurer 4 Total $06 Cr. By bal due Treas at last set'mt $ do orders cancelled do Treas com on $62 54 col lected at 4 per ct 3 61 Total $68 90 Dr. Benzinger School Fund. To amt reed from unseated lands $ 62 54 do Refunding of dist Treas 150 52 Total $213 06 Cr. By amtdueTreasatlastset'nit$ 150 52 do Dist Treas receint do UO 4 26 do Treas comn on $213 C6 reed at 2 per ct, do Treas comn on $55 00 ditsb at 2 per ct do Bulance due fund Tolal $213 06 Dr. Fox Road Fund. To bal due fund at last set'mt 8 396 74 do Amt of tuxes reed from unseated lands 12 69 Total Cr. By order redeemed do Treas com'n on $353 2 per ct do Bullance due fund $409 43 8 340 81 50 7 61 07 55 Total $109 43 Dr. Fox School Fund. To bal due fund at last set'mt $ 99 92 do Amt reed from unseated lauds 6 42 Total $106 34 Cr. Bv district receint 99 92 do Treas com ou $!?42 2 per ct do Balance duo fund 13 29 6 Total $106 34 Dr. Fox Sehool Building Fund. To bal due fund Jan 2 '65 $ 130 do Amt reed from unseated lands 5 07 ! Tota, $135 59 $ 120 52 Cr. By dist Tteas receipt do Treas com' on $5 07 2 per cent do Ballance due fund 10 97 4 Total $135 59 91 55 Dr. Highland Road Fund, To bal due fund Jan. 2 '65 153 do Amt of tax received 7o O Total $227 46 I 125 00 Cr. I?v order redeemed do Treas com' on $125 00 2 per ct do Treus com' on $73 55 2 per ct do Balauce due fund 50 47 1 98 49 Total 8227 46 Dr. Highland School Fund. To bal due fund Jau 2 '65 8 237 do Amt of taxes received 21 50 96 46 50 50 46 Total Cr. By dist Treas receipts do Treas com' on 824 2 per cent do Balaucedue fund 262 $ 237 96 24 Tolal $262 46 Dr. Jay Road Fund. To bal due fund Jau. 2 '65 8 438 03 do J axes received do Balance due Treasurer 31 07 Total Cr. Bv orders redeemed 8409 01 $ 459 27 do Treas com' on $459 27 2 per ceut do Treus com' on $27 31 2 perct 9 19 55 Total $469 01 Dr. Jay School Fund. To bal due from Jan. 2 9 251 43 15 So do Amt of taxes reed Total $266 73 Cr. Bv orders redeemed $ 251 43 do Treas com on $15 30 2 per ct do Balance due fund SC 0( 15 Total $410 7 Dr. Jones Road Fund. To Bal due fund Jan. 2 '6(1 $ 408 6V do Amt reed from unseated lares 1 V Tfl $410 38 62 61 23 J4 Cr. My orders redeemed $ do Treat com on $227 41 (2 perct do Bnlanc da fund 225 4 180 .Total $410 Dr. Jones School Fund. To bal du fund at last settlement $ 51 do Amt of unseated taxes reed $52 Cr. 62 85 do Treas com on $50 83 (7A 2 per ct 1 .I-T1..1 J f . 85 68 Tolal ImtT Dr. Uiritrwav Tlnari r.,-,1 To balance due fund Jan. 2 'C5 $ 201 Total 63 54 $261 Cr- 231 4 25 do Treas com on $231 30 2 per ct do Balance duo fund 85 77 77 54 36 Total Dr S2R1 Dr. Rideway School Fund. lnfn,l I.n 9 T. !1CI7 To bal due fund Jan. 2 '65 Total $397 Cr. By district Treas receipt $ 397 Dr isprinp Creek Kond Fund. To bal due fund at Jan. 2 '65 $ 31 90 Total 31 25 6 Cr. Bv orders redeemed 40 0C do Treas com on $25 04 do Balance due fund 50 Total $31 Dr. Spring Creek School Fund. To bal due from Jan. 2 '65 51 51 Cr By dist treas receipt do trens com on 50 00 at 2 per ct do Balance due fund 51 24 Dr. St. Mary's Road and Corporation fund. To bal duo fund Jan. 2 '65 $ 10 do Amount of taxes rccd 25 do Bulance due Treasurer Total 830 Cr. By Boro Treas receipt do Treas com on $25 54 4 perct $ 35 1 Total $36 90 Dr. St. Marv's School Fund To bal due fund at last setm't $ 11 do Amt of taxes received 18 Total Cr. By district Treas receint 829 50 8 26 16 1 73 2 61 do lieas com on $18 34 4 per ct do Balance due fund Total Dr. Bountv Fund. 829 50 j To Amt taxes reed frotn un. seated land To Amt reed from collectors 831 B205 45 71 Total $9037 Cr. Ty nmt due Treas at last set' $1195 17 do Bountv order redeemed 7100 00 465 41 do Interest on bounty orders do Treas com on 9037 16 at J per ct 45 19 do Treas com on 8760 58 at i per ct 43 co Balance due county 187 80 59 Total 8907 16 Dr. Jay Bounty Fund, laxes received 8 81 02 To amt taxes Total $80 61 Cr. By Treas com on 81 02 at 2 per ct $ 41 do Balance due fund 80 61 Total $80 61 Dr. St. Mary's Bounty Fund. To amt of taxes received 8 2 39 Total 8. 39 Cr. By treas com on 2 39 at 2 do Balance due fuud 05 2 34 Total $2 39 Dr. M'Kean. Elk, Forest & Clarion State Road Fund. To atr.t of taxes reed Jones tp $ 1 75 do do do do doHiVhlnnd township 18 62 Total $20 37 Cr. By treas com on 20 37 at 2 per ct do Balance due fund Total j 41 19 96 $20 37 Dr. Jones Bridsre Fund. To amt of taxes received 8 1 75 Total $1 75 Cr. 1 75 at 2 By treas com on 03 1 72 per ct do balauco due fund Total SI to vuanea Junr JtiSq , treasurer in account with the Cuiuuionwealth of Pennsylvania. Dr. To balance due fund $ 731 50 do do taxes reed from m 1 1 n. cd lauds 63 1076 do do do do do col Total Cr. By state treas receipt do treas com on 1818 86 81871 CO $1818 18 84 86 19 55 do balance due fund Total $1871 60 Dr. Military Fund. ' To amt of taxes received 8 158 G7 Jo bal due at last aet'mt 2 87 Trial 161 M 60 65 12 By mt of Relief fund do tress eoro on 161 51 ''o balance due fund Total Dr. Tavern License. To amt of License granted Total f'r 33 R8 71 02 By State, treas receipts do treas com on 320 at 6 per ct 306 16 Total Dr. To Licenses 63 I 45 00 320 00 Liquor License. 69 granted 86 G3 60 Total Cr. By State treas receipt 71 3 SO lo treas com on 75 00 atSperct Total Dr. Brewers Licenses. To amt of Licenses granted $ AA 44 44 24 Total Cr. By state treas receipts $ 21 64 61 09 , do Treas com on 80 00 at 5 1 per cent do Bal due treas at former Ret' asperAudst'nitFeb.27 '65 24 24 Total 80 00 , Dr. Eating House Licenses. To amt of Licenses granted 8 90 00 24 Total 90 00 8 85 50 Cr. By state treas receipt do Treas com on 90 00 at 5 per cent 00 00 24 Total 90 00 Dr. Retailers Licenses. To amt of Licenses granted $ 233 00 90 54 46 Total 233 00 S 221 35 11 65 Cr. By state treas receipt do Treas com on per ct 90 00 J Total 233 00 We the undersigned Auditors and , Commissioners of Elk county, having met at the Commissioners office in Ridg. way on the 1st day of January, A. D. 1866 and having carefully examined the foregoing accounts, find them to be correct as stated. I In witness whereof we have hereto set our hands the day and year above 00 16 34 HENRY D. DERR, JACOB M CAULEY. CLARK A. WILCOX, Auditor. Attest: J. C. M'ALLISTER, An l. Clk. LOUIS VOLMER, J. W- TAYLOR, Commissioners' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE The subscriber has the) Agency, for the sale of N. F. STONES' Patent Saw Gummcr. Price $20 00. Recommended by the most prominent sawyers in the Western country, as the best in ue for the practical gawyer. For further particulars apply by letter to Ridgway P. O., Elk Co.. or in person D. L. SWARTS. Spriug Creek. Elk Co., Pa. NOTICE -The Commissioners of Elk county, will meet at their office in Ridgway, on Monday tho 5th day of February 1806. JAMES K. P. HALL, Clk. F U R N I T U R E STORE. A lot of furniture just received and for sale, consisting jn p.,rt 0f COMMON CHAIRS, ROUND COR NER, KNOBBED BEDSTEADS, Round Corner, Panel-end LeUteads, Cherrv Tables, WASH STANDS &o. Also Wall Paper and Muslin Tin. dow Shsdes. Anything in the line of furniture, furnished on short notice and reasonable terms. HOUK & M'VEAN. Ridgway Pa., Jan. 18th 1800. ! Notice. NOTTCE is hereby given, that OUaiititV ot Iol'S were rnrrisrl lauds, on Bennetts Branch, in Benezette township. Elk Co. Pa., some time ia ; March 1865, bearing the following ma, liS Two rings, O T T O. diamond T in centre, A (3 F, 11 F & Co., I-M X D, E 8 8, TO M, AD, S X E, and other marks, not knowing the roeuning of tliem The owner or owners Ku,.nr I are reountted to prove nrnr.pwu n .it j charges and take them away, otherwise they will be forfeited according to tb limitation of the law. 1 j. Deo. 33d, '65. pd. Itch! Itch! Jtcb! .Scratch ! "-'cratch ! . Scratch Wbeaton's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures Salt Rheoir, Ulcere, Cbil. blains, and all Eruptious of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For salo by ull drug, gists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POiTKIl. .Sole Agents, 170 Washing ton street. Boston, Mass., it will be lor warded by mail, free of postage, to an? part of the I nited States. Sept. 18th 1865. 6m. WllDDS cfe WRIGHT. Lock Haven, Clinton Cockty Pa. I aEALERS in Flour, Grain and 1 Feel near the Passenger Depot 1 62 114 t2: 161 54 820 00 320 00 00 00 75 00 00 25 75 75 00 80 00 80 00 62 25 4 00 13 75 4 50 i