THE ELK A D V 0 C A T E 57. Jllary's BOOK STORE. Just received a fresli slock of Paper, ko. Local Cap. White and Blue Laid Cap. Plain White Cap. Whi'e and Blue. Laid Post. Commercial Letter. Octavo Note Guilt Edge. Ludy's Note. Blauk Deeds. Ulauk Hooks. Tuck Pass Books. Time Books. Plotting Paper. Arnold's Writing Fluid. Steel Pens and Pcu holders. Envelopes Large and Small. Copy Books and Munelage. Books of various kinds from lOcts to $1.- SO. Scgars and Tobacco and various other Notions of the best quality. ALSO A general assortment of Confectionary. Nuts. Fruit dV d-c. FRESH CAN OYSTERS. vGnl-ly. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. BY VIRTUE of an order of the Orphan's Court of Elk County. I shall sell at the Court House, in Ridg way cn Thursday the 25th day ot Jan uary A. D., 1866. at 2 o'lock p. in., the following tract of land, situate in Benzinger township, Elk Comity Pa., containing 50 acres more or less, be ing the one half part of tract No. 5 as designated on Adam Pillers subdivis ion plan of land in eaid county. Ternig Cash, upon confirmation of sale. MARY M'KERNEY, Administratrix of Estate of P. M'Ker ncy, late of Philadelphia Co. dee'd. v6r.l-tf. wm- I IHE MOUKL PARLOR M G AZINB OF JL AMEKICA. Demorest's Monthly M-'sfizine. Combines and presents the most iiif"re. ting, useful, and attractive array of p-ovi-lar features ever offere 1 in a mii( uine, in nludine LARGER & MORE CfWTI.Y STEEL E N' G HAVINGS Than aro furnished in nnv other Original Sforir ou t Poems by the, Mont Eminent Author NEW AND VALUABLE MUSIC, Hy the most popular composers. ARCHITECTURE ,v MODEL COTTAGES. With diagrams. Fine Portraits of Eminent Per rons. THE FASHIONS. In overy department of Ladie' "nd OhiU Iron's Dreis. splendidly illu-traied with unrivalled and model Fashion I'lates and our usual FUL1. SIZE P ATTERNS. RR ID AND EMBROIDERY., Household matters and Iter!)!, iri'h Jennie June's Talks on Woman's Topics ; Turit Correspotid'iiee ; Kir., I'.tr., Together with a conolrnt suvp -wn of Urilliant Novelties. 'ill to ho fine'y and ar. tistically illustrate 1. and the Magiine to lie printed on the finest paper, and in a ptyle for binding into a hand 'omo volume for the center table at the close of the year Yearly, $3.00. with a set of Two bemri ful Pnrlor Steel Engravings, nr a Pack-uro containing Two Dollars Worih of Exti-v Full.sire Patterns, ns a Premium to each Subscriber. Each additional Suhserher. when sent in Clubs, $2.50: Three conies for $7.60; Five copies for $12: Ten copies, for $22 ; with the Premium to each sub scriber. Address W. JENNING5DEMOREST. 473 Brondwny, New York. Single copies mailed free on receipt of price. Back Numbers, as specimens, 10 cents. Splendid Premiums arc offered for dubs, consisiinp of Gold Pens, Albums, yearly subscription? to the best Magazines. Web ster's Large Dictionary, Cloihes-Wringers, Music-y?nxes, Melodeons, Sewing Ma chines, Pianos, etc., etc. Anybody can easily secure one of the above Premiums. vGnl-ly. LOVE ANDI1ARIMONY. Any Lady or G ntlemati pending me their address, will receive full directions for gainiug the affections of the oppo site mx, and which will enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, ot beauty. Add re Mbs MARIE LEMOILLE. Harlem P. O., New York city. GarcG 17,'Q5-Sbi. Itch ! Itch ! Itch ! Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch Wheaton's Oiutmeut Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures Salt Rheutr, Ulceri-. Chil tblaitis, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price ")0 cents. For sale by all drug- JfifrtS. By sending CO cents (o WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Aleuts, 170 U'a.shin-;-tou street, Boston, .Mat-s.. it will be tor warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. Sept. 18th ISti-Y (Jm. BOOK STORE, .ii'ST Received at tub St. M.iby's 1!ook trout, uirect irom ihe Publisher in .New K!urkV;;!t& for ull parts ofEUi county and portions of the adjoining counlie". Teaeheri, School Director, ud th putlio nie invited lo cull and examine my tock - Uuviug purchased I he whole Ironj I lie publishers for cash, I im enabled to eell low. A liberal discount mads on all purchases of Slu and upwards. W. J. BLAKELY. We oil nitr Improved S'-iO Srwint Madiinps. Tlireo now kinds I'mliT mi 1 iipjicr feed. War ranted live years. Above salary or large coiniiiiwsioiis paid. The ost.Y inarliiiips uold in I'niled Males for loss llian $1I wliicli are filth limited tiij Ifnwr, Wheeler ,y Wilson, (i rarer Jf linker, Singer Co., and llachelde.r. All ntlier olieap nre infringements and tlie teller or user are Halle la arrest, fine., ami impritmwient. Circulars free. Address, or cull upon Shaw & ("lark, liiddcford, Maine, nr nt No. S'J.'l P.roadwnv, New York ; ; No. : (, Carter St.. Vliiladelpiiia. l'a.; No. 1 1 Lombard's l'look, Chipapo, 111.: No. 170 "est lonrtli St.. Cincinnati. ().: or No. 8 Spaulding's Kxclinnge, Buffalo, N. V. v(inl-1y. AGLNTS WANTED! To soil pri?o Cert ideal ps for fiOU) AND PU.VKIt AVATCIIKS. Ladies Jewelry, Diamond Hineo. Pins. &c, Only $5 each. l'tr inv article drawn. Ititail Trice from All Goods Warranted Genuine l'ricn of Certificates -" cents each. Liberal Premiums and Commission allowed to Agents. Sample Certificates Sent Free- For Circular nnd Terms nddrpss, Messrs. 11AYWAKD i CO., 'JJ!1 Broadway, A'ow York. Notice. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Dnftusenlnnda Improvement Con pany." will lie held at their Office in the City f New York, on Tuesday, the fit h day of February next. An election of Officers for the year ensuing, will bp held at 10 a. in. same day. JOHN S. GRIFFITH, Sec'y. Jan. 0th W,C. tf CAUTION. Wherea". my wife Barbara Grass, has left my bed ami hoar.', w'tltout just cau.e or provocation. I hereby caution all persons from harboring or tinning her on my ac count, -is I will pay no debts of her con tracting. ANDREAS GRASS St Mary's. Jan. 3d 'Of!. QiMt A Month ! c.ETS 'wanted lor i.r rntirrh vw a.-'irtes. just mil. Address O. T. GAREY, City IJuilding, Riddelord, Maine. vOul- Iy. OrncE or the Oir, Creek a Kido.") WAY H Mb I? OA 11 ) V Philadelphia. Doc. 23d 18!i5. ) NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting, of tbe S'ockbol. dors of the Oil Crook and Ilidway Rail lioad t otnpany will lie held on Monday the eiffbtli day of January lSflO, at 1 o'clock p. m ,'at No. 'J:JS South 3d St., Phila.lelphi-i. Annual c! cti ui for President and Directors will bo hold same day and place. JOSEPH LESLEY. Secretary. TO SOLDIERS AN I) SAILORS. 'HE PITTSBURGH SAN IT AR if j SOLDIERS' HOME, under the cliarjio of Dr. Cyrus Kin-;, an cxperi. ono.-d Ann;. Surgeon, is now open tor tiu r -!.--t't i"ti of iek, wounded, maimed. lo-'i.lo .soldiers and sailors, FREE I EXPENSE. .1 jit-mnt to 1 11 receive a I'ermit, bv b. io any of the Directors, and ro (lit II uuo. provided their jH i-.s are approved by the a-iiiiti lii-vii.n LOO MIS, President. lllLLlPS, Sec'y. OR MS MY 1 Th.w BkoM-oll. N. Holmes, W.S. Haven. Win. MeiJreery, nov2'G5. C. W Batohelor, John Watt, Jno. W Challaot. G L.B Fetterman, To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health in a lew weeks, by a very .sim ple remedy, aittr having suffered bove ral years with a severe luuir affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious lo make known to his lollow sutleiers the means of cure. To all who desire it, lie will scud a copy of the prescription used (free of chui;c ) with the directions for prepar ing and usiuj; the sae, which they will fiud, a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, liron.-hitis, Coughs, Colds, iVe. The only object ol'thi! advertiser in send, inr the Prescription is to benefit the utllicted, and spread information whiidi ho conceives !-i lm invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, uud may prove a blessing. Parties wi.shiug tiie prescription will p!ea-e address. Rev. EHWARI) A. WILSON, Williatnsbtng, Iviujja County. New York. A DM1 NISTR ATOIl'S NOTIC 'i. Notice is hereby- given, that let ters of administration on tbe estate of .Tulius Voinliaiiiuon, late of Benzingcr township, Elk county, d J, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to naid estate are re quested to make immediate pajuient, and thoo having claims against the same will present the sauie duly authen ticated tor settleiuent to, HE11.VA.N KOCH. Benzinger April 13th 1SC4. EXwfuToiis wFick! ' Whereas. Letters Testamentary hav. in ,ueu ..ranted to Jno. Mockniiiu and fru,rV ! Wl11 tcstauiont ii Lorcny Stockman, : late of St. .Mary's, dee'd, all persons I kuowing themselves indebted to said est.lte) w;;i make immediate payment, ; i . . 1 and tllf 1'avn g claims against the same will presout thorn duly authentl. cated for settletueut. ft E 5(M)Per Year! v want ngents to so BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E. cor. Tenth anii Ciifstntt Sthbets, PHILADELPHIA. Tim most complete nnd thoroughly ap pointed Rusiness or Commercial College in the country. The only one in the city possessing a Lo gislalivp Chart?r, nnd thp only one in the United States authorized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diplomns awarded to graduates in the Comm voinl Course under its corpo rate seal by authority of law. Conducted by gentlemen of liberal cdu cation nnd extensive experience in business, and affording unequalled ndvi,ntnges for the thmough theoretical and practical educa tion of voung men for the various duties and employments of business life. THEORY AND 1'RAC'TICE COMBINED by a system of ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giving the student in the shortest time a complete I insight into the routine, details, customs ; nnd forms of businfcss in general, ns comlue I ted in the best-rcgulated commercial and financial establishments. Theoretical Dookkeeping I Upon a new plan, with an original exposi- lion of the science of nccoums, arranged nnd published by the proprietor of this In ; st it in ion exclusively for his own use. saving onedialflhe ordinary labor of the student, nnd giving him a complete knowledge of the prac'.ice of the licst accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE.. KM 11 HACKS. Bookkeeping, Comniercinl Arithmetic, Pen manship. Business forrespondence, Commercial Law, Lectures on busi ness Affairs, Commercial Cus toms. Forms, nnd Actual Businrss Practice. SPECIAli BRANCHES Atgehra and the Higher Mathematics, rhono ! ffrajiht. Ornamental Penmanship, the Are of Deteitinj Conn- I terfeit Homy, Engi- neerimj, Surveying j JTnviuiitinn and Telqriphini. TELEriltAl'Iir.XG. The arrangements for Tolegrnphing nre far in advance of anything of the kind ever offered to the public. A regular Telegraph Line is connected with the Institution with twenty branch offices in various pnrts of the city. , where public business is transacted, and in which the students of this Institu tion nre permitted to practice. No regular office practice can be had in any other school of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position ns n practicnl operator. oung men arc cautioned against the deceptive representations of those who without any such facilities, pretend lo teach Telegraphing VATRDXAGE. The Institution is now enjoying the lar gest pntronagc ever lieslowcd upon any commercial school in the State. Over five hundred students were in attendance the first year, ami over seven hundred during the past year. The best class of students may invariably ne tonnu Here, ami all its as-s-u-iation are ih"t class. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS, The Institution is located in the most cen tral part of the city, and its accommodations, for extent, elegance and convenience, nre unsurpassed. All Ihe rooms have been tit. ted up in the vcrv let style with BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HOUSES, TBLKG.UMI OF FICES, STATIONERY STORE, AND A B KOI'LAH BN'K OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely-engraved litographio notes used as a circulating medium in the ' Depsrt'oent of Actual l!usines. j TO YOUNG MEN. who desire the very bet facilities for a Practical Education for Business, , wo guarantee n course of instruction no where else equalled, while the reputation ' and standing of the Institution nmong liusi. I ness men make its endorsement the best pnssport to success nnd advancement. All contemplating entering any Commercial College, nre invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR & I CATALOGUE. containing complete interior views of the 1 college, nnd full particulars of the course of instruction, terms. c. . L. FAIRBANKS, A M . l'icsuli:nt. T. V. tWJRCU, Special Teacher and Rnd. Oijire Business. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuablo prescription for the cure of consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affection free of charge," by sending their address to Kev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., 3 months New York. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW NOTICE is hereby given, that one Jacob Schriffer advertising in this pi per, under the bead of Valuable Town Lots and Partus lor f ale, has no authori ty to sell the Jl town lots and 25 acres of l ind in and near St. Mary's Borough, as I am the sole owner, any sale made of the same on any part thereof without my approval will not be viliu. BONEFATIUS SCIIMOND. St. Mary's, June 22d 'G5. For Sale I Stationary and Portable Engines, wit new Patent Piston, complete for SAW MILLS OR BOltING FOR OIL. L S O- Portabe, Saw with Two llotary Saws, rigged for Saw ing any sized logs. ALSO DBIVING PIPE, Manufactured in Sandusky, Ohio, nnd delivered at any station on tbe Rail Boud, cheaper and better, than can be furnished by Eastern Manufacturers. t-jyFor further information, address by letter the subscriber at Ridgway, P. ()., Elk Co. Pa., or in persou at Spring Creek, ou the Clarion Itiver. Win. Q. SWARTS, Aernt GOLEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR iSGti. T II E , Fflsliion Matrnzlne of tlie World LITERATURE, FIN E ARTS AND FASHIONS. The most matrnifioont Stool on-raviniTs. DOIIIU.E FASH. ION PLATES. Wood enfrravinps on every siilijcot. tliat ran interest ladies. Croelict knittincr. Neltinir, Embroidery, Articles for tbe Toilet, for tbo Parlor, tlie Uondtiir, nnd tlie Kitcben. Every. tiiiop;. in fact, to make a complete Lady's Book. The Ladies Favorite For 36 Years- No Magazine lias been able to compete with it. None attempt it. C.ODEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of n household. These nlotip are worlh the price of the Book. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with dincrnins. DRAWING LESSONS FORTIIE YOUNO Another speciality with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth S3 a year. Other .Vagnzines publish old worn-out mu sic ; but tlie subscribers to Godey get it be fore the music stores. Ga'ilpnitig for Ladies. Another peculiar ity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co.. of New York, the millionaire, mer chants, appear in Godey, the only maja ?ine that lias ilieui. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them ilia year than nny other magazine. In fact the Lady's Rook enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marlon llarlnnd, Authresz if ".l.'onr," Hidden Path," "Mots Side," "Xemesis." and "Miriam," wri'es for Godey each month, nnd for no other magazine. A new novel by her will he published in ISOO. Wp have also re tained nil our old and favorite contribu tor. T V. P, MS OP G0DEY LADY'S BOOK FOR 166- Frnm irhich there ran It' no Deviation. The following nre the terms of the Lady's Book for lSli'i: One copy, one year S3 00 Two copies, one year 5 50 Three copies, one year 7 fiO Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copie s, one year, nnd an ertriv copvto the nerson cettinjr up the club. making sir copies 14 00 Eight copies one year, nnd nn ertra copy to the one getting up the club, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, nn-l an er tra copy to (be one getting up the club, making twelve copies 'Si 50 8?A11 Additions to clubs nt club rates. RPX. Godey's Lady's Rook nnd Arthur's Home Maeajine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of SI fit). pcuWe have no club with any other magazine or newspaper. Wi,Thr mnney must all le scntat one time fur ami of the chilis. tiSy Cnn-i la subscribers must 21 cents additional fo: each subscriber. 4ld osi P.. X. E. Corner Sixth Philadelphia Pa, A. GO!)?:Y. a'7 Chestnut Streets BLCKSMITHING! The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity, that bo has built a new and commodious shop on the East side of the street, loading to the P. & E. Raid Road Depot, whero he will do all kinds of work with promptness al in the best stylo. lie does not intend to be surpassed either in low prices or good work. lie trusts that considerable ex. rerionco and prompt attention to the business in person will secure a liberal share of paving patronago. SAMUEL STRICKLAND. Kidgv,ay. Oct. 28th '65. tf "jVEW ESTABLISHMENT. J0NN McCLERY & CO., TANNER AND CURRIER ' Ccntreville, Elk County Pennsylvania. Will keep constantly on hand, all kind of stock in their line. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, Joseph Windfoldcr of St. Mary's, will receive all kinds of hides aud pay cash for the same, Centircvillo, Oct. 2Cth Go.-tf. Notice. Is hereby given, that a quantity of logs were carried on my lands, on Bennets Blanch in Benezette . i.:- vw. ...... Ii.. ...a. I. lowusilip, Ulfc unuuiy 4 u-, owiuuiiiiiu in Match 1805, with the following marks, G M T O M-O T T O-R F O O-W 1) and other marks I don't know tho meaning or, the owner or owners mereoi, . A t j aro required to prove property, pay all t h'iial charges and take them away, oth. erwise they will be forfeited according to tho limitation of tho law. RALPH JOHNSON Sr. Sept. 29th '05. Consumption. A valuable treatise by a Retired Physician, ou tho nature ot consump tion aud its various stages, together with rules for self treatment, and simple pre scriptions which have cured will be sent, lree of charge, to any one applying. It will cost you nothing, and may b? tho means of saving your money and perhaps your life. Scuu uu oddres sed envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. P. M uray Street, KING'S PORT All L E L E M O N A D E j Is the only preparation of tlie kind iniide lrotn tbe fruit. An an article of eeono. ! my. purity, ar.d delicionsness, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommended by pbysioians for invalids and family use. It will keep for years in any'climate, wbile its condensed form render it e.s. pocially convenient for travelers. All wbo use lemons ore wrested to frive it atritd. Etitertainmentsat b:iino. jiartise, nnd picnics fcbould not bo witlinut it. For salo by all Dm iriiisfs and first-class Grocers. Manufactured only bv LOUIS F. ETZOER. No. 549 Pearl Street, New York. IRON IN THE BLOOD. The Peruvion Syrup supplies the blood with its Lifk Ei.kmknt. IRON, infus. ing Strength, Vigor, and New Life into the whole system. For Dyspepsia, Dropsy. Chronic Diarheea, Debility Fe male Weakness, etc., it is n specific. Thousands have been changed by the use of this medicine from weak, sickly, suffering creatures to strong, healthy, and happy men and women. A 32 page pamphlet sent Free. Price 81 per bottle, orO for 5. J. P. DINSMORE, 'M Dcy Street, New York. Sold by Druggists generally. Dr- H Ander's Iodine Water- AN IXVALUAHT.E MSCOVKUY. A Full Grain of Todine in each ounce of Water, Dissolved irithenit a Solvent ! Tbo most powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative known. Scrofula, 'Sail. Rheum, Cancers, I'lieuniatism, Con- sumption, and ninny Chronic and Here ditary Diseases, nre cured OV Its use, as ; thousands can testify. Circulars sent free. Price. SI per bottle, or G for g- I 'd. II. ANDERS & Co.. Physicians ! and Chemists, 428 Broadway, New York Sold by Druggists generally. Manliootl how Lost, how le- ii''.' :- stored. "4T.1. Just putiiiMiod new edition of Dr Culverwells Celebrated ssay of the rmicitcure (without medicine) or S P K r m a Ton R H (K A . or seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, I.MPO TEXCY, Mental and Physical Incapably Impediments to Marriage, etc. asoctp consi'mtion Ei'ii.F.psv, nnd Fits, in eiuced by self iudulgensc or sexual ex. travitgnnee. JPi ice, in a sealed envelope, only C cents. The celebrated author in this admir. ble c?sy cleurlv demonstrates, from a hirty years successful pratico, that the iiariuing eonsetjueiices of self abs uema be radically cured without the dangeroa use of internal medicine or tho applio tioo of the knife pointing out a mod of cure, at once simple, certain andeffecr ual, by mentis of which every Buffered no matter what bis condition may by may euro himself cheaply, privatela and ratliceltif. Ifr-This Lecture should be in the bands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelopt, to any address, post-piJ, on reoept of i sis cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. CIIAS J. C. KLINE CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post office bos 4580. WHISKERS ! WIITSKERS ! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian compound will forcethein to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six . ecks. Price, SI, 00. Sent by mail t.ny here, closely sealed, on leeeipt of price. Address, WARNER & CO., Box 183 Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb. 25th '65. Ivi. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relatiiif to the human svstrni. main n j . - and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of tho world ; how to marry well and a thou sand things never published before read the revised aud enlarged edition of "Medical common Sknse," a curi ous book for curious people, and a good book tor every one. 4U0 puge, 1U0 I Illustrations. Prico 81.50. (intpnts i ...bla sent free to anv address. Uo.d.- 1 . iay be had at the Book stoics, or will geut t,.. viW, post paid on receipt of . . . , . 1 1 j price. Auuicss i E 1J. I'OOTE, M. D , 1130 Broadway, N. V. - . ..... ... .. ALUAIiLK TOWN LOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE. Three town lots for salo, adjoining the Washington Hotel. Centre street, iu tho Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. Likewise 25 acres of land, of u mile south cast of the Borough. Likewise nine hundred acres of good farm land. j Three farms with good houses and barns upon them, and likewiso Coal of an ex cellent quality, tho coal veins 4J feet iu thickness, with a good prospect of oil on Pine creek, near Grceuville, Clarion Co., Pa. Likewise ouo share in a flowing well, iu Oil City, aud five interests in oil leases. Also for sale a largo uud com modious Hotel iu Grecuville, Clarion Co., Pa. For terno and other particulars apply to JACOB SCHl'FFER, at tho Hotel Administrator's Sale- V order of the Orphans Court of'ilnv eounty of Elk, in the State of Pa., L shall expose to sale, by public vendtm or out cry at the Court House in Iiidg. way, on Tuesday the 3d day of January next ot 1 o'clock p. M., as the property of Anthony Meyer, dee'd. Five lots m St. Mary's, in the said county otElkv known aslots.No. nineteen (1!)) twenty one (21) twenty-eight (28) twenty.fbur (24) and twenty-six (2(5) on ores street, in front rn cross street on hundred (100) feet cich and in depth at right: angles two hundred (200) feet-. Terms of s-ile,onc third of the pur. chase money in hnnd at, confornintia of" sale and the residue in two equal anntiaV instalments thereafter, to be secured by Judgment, Bond and Mortgage. ANTHONY M EYE Administrator of ANIEONY MEYEll uWdi QOLDIER IN THE ARMY O and our peop'e at homp Arc now opportunity whicU they ran obtain a GOOD& DIIRVBLE T1M.E-PI1 CE AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. orr wATriiKS rn WAAK I!,M1)1() Kill' TIE ONE YEA It nnd the buyer is allowed the Privilege of Kx.arnination. BEFORE PAYMEXT IS REQUIRED Imprcrc'l Duplex in fall Ruhij Actions. A first class Hunting Time-l'teiee of Silver material, over which is electro-fine plated ink. gold, most durable wrought, making the imitation so fruitless that it. cannot bo i detected from Ihe solid material by tli 1 most experienced judges : ncids will not nf- ! ect it. London made movement. Imphov .... it :.. ..... . econds, nnd is nit to h excelled in general ..if i 1 . i-i. r.. in r , iii. i i ii i a I 11.13. ii.i 3wi'c. n ppearnnce. ins is df.oiukiii.y one of ttio hhst Aimci.i:ev.-r offered for traders and speculators, .'njrineers. Emigrants, nml IXVt !" Lul":, i nffect their accuracy. Trice, parked in cood I shape and cood running order, onlv $H3, or i i-ae of (if,ir.2IHI. j SILYEll DOUBLE Tin HUNTING LEV I'll?, I 11EPT QUALITV SIEVE' CASES, over I which electro-line plated 18 k. pold, similar I i our Improved Duplex, and superior nd-fuste-1 movements wilh "Stop,"' to be usc-l i tiniinp horses, etc. : has Four Inderesp nor Wash in pt on nnd GrecnwicS time, swee second, and nil th improvements. All in nil. taking its beautiful nnd faultless ap pearance and its superior movement into consideration, we regard it ns decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in the market. Price, in rood ninn:ng order, of cas of '. forSJOO. r..j?-vVe ak no pay in advance, but will fovward either of them to responsible liar ties, to nny part of the loyal States, with bill pr.vah'.e to expressman when the pood nre delivered, giving the buyer the privil ege of examination, nnd, ifnit satisfactory tlie watch can be retii'ned nt our ripun The express companies ref-..!.e making collections on sodiers and other diiloyal J States. consefHPiitly all such orders mut be accompanied by the cash to insure nt i tention. We make n deduction of two do j lars on either watch when the paymeu n : forwarded in ndvancc. ' Money nny be sent by express at our ex j pensc. 1 THOS OAFERTY k CO.. 93 an 1 53 Uroad St., opposite City Band rrotidence, IX 1 k- NOTICE. Letters of Adniinistra- j toin have been granted to the under, signed unon the estate of Lewis Butt, 1 Into of emon. Oneida county New York and formerly of Elk county Pa., by the Register of Elk county. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to the estate are requested to make payment forthwith and any persons having claims against the estate are requested to pre. .sent them to the undersigned for settle ment. II.W.MAIIAN, Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y. Ridgway, June 22d, '05. Furniture. 0S lEOWMi; :MANF UACTURER OF ' Modern ami Antique I'iii iiI turn. MAIN STREET, BROOK V I L L E PEN N"A. Tcte-atetcs, Sofas, JJiavans, Easy Chairs, Rooking Chairs, . DRAWING-ROOM CHAIRS, And Upholstered ware of all kinds, also Cain Chairs, Cain Rocking Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs. Beadstrads, Tables, Stands, Beaures. Light Stands, What-nots, Corner Stands, Wai.h Stands, Wardrobes, Bookcases, kc. Ac. Ac. We Rpare no ptiins iu packing furni. tuie so that it can bo shipped any dis. tanco without being injured. To not forget the place. BROWN'S WARE ROOMS. Pec. 21th 1804.-tf. NOTICE. Letters of Adininistra, tiou l um Itslumruto, on the es tate of Anthony Kutitz, late of the b-.r. . ough of St. Jary's deceased, having ' been granted to tho uudeisigned. Ai. persons indebted to said is'ato aro re. quested to make payment and those having: claims to jru.-ctit thorn without delay to APOLPIf FOCHTM V 44 tbmmtm